3/11 Purim Mega Ritual

3/11 Purim Mega Ritual  Coronavirus ‘Crowned Serpent Venom’ is the 3/11/2020 Mega Ritual. 3/13-14, 2025=Purim https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/purim/ ‘Cast lots for Marduk’, the Bull=Golden Calf https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/313.html Passover Apr 12-20, 2025; Dan 11-12KJV warns 1290days (Dan 12:11) until the end. Jesus entered the East Gate’ (Rising Sun) riding on a donkey; Antichrist (YHWH=Allah) may enter on the same date; … Continue reading 3/11 Purim Mega Ritual