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 Aleph “The Bull”-Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’. JESUS is Alpha and Omega ‘Beginning and End’ DAILY BLOG

  • Earth is 5997years old Creation, 2nd Coming 6000years, 7000years; Tav-Aleph=Golden Bull is the replacement for Alpha-Omega=Jesus ‘Purim’ ‘Cast Lots for Marduk’ ‘Bull’ Abomination: “horror, repugnance, disgust, loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile “to deprecate as an ill omen” or “to detest” +  Desolation ‘to abandon’; “Eclipse” means “abandonment.
  • ‘Jews’ are Canaanites, Phoenicians, Medeans
  • Rabbis are Chaldeans and Arabs
  • Aliens ‘Belonging to another’=Satan
  • Kali Yuga the Global Age of Sin and Decay, reaches its zenith in 2025 Kamala Devi is named after the avatar of Kali. Theosophical Society book Externalization of the Hierarchy published in 1957 predicts the physical manifestation of the Age of Aquarius, Inauguration Day 2025 the Year of the Chinese Green Wood Snake. This is iniquity!

The New Covenant is a personal Birthright contract with JESUS (JEHOVAH Ex 6:3KJV JAH Ps 68:4 JESUS Mat 1:25KJV) KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS entered into voluntarily via the Holy Ghost; no Covenant? Expect to hear “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” Mat 7:23

“Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one” Jews might recognize this as the Sh’ma prayer, which is found in the Torah (Deuteronomy 6:4). One problem, Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD” Deut 6:4KJV The capital letters is the Holy Ghost, and you need it to have your Sins forgiven. The Northern 10 Tribes of Israel were replaced by Babylonian, Chaldean, Sabean, Canaanite, Medean (2 Ki 17:30) aka Jews:  Six Pointed Star, Talmud, Torah, Kabbalah, Rabbis (Rba “great one”, from Chaldean-Sabean) Noahide Law. Islam: Medean-Aryan-Iranian; Shariah Law. Both sides are controlled by the same people! Noahide and Shariah Law require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the Unforgiveable Sin Jew ie Chaldean-Sabaean-Babylonian “Rba”Medean Aryan-Iranian ie Sariah Law; Trump a Jew played the Fiddle as Nero did to start the persecutions. Putin is WEF Chabad Lubavitch Jew (7 Noahide Laws)Wagner aka Orchestra. What do suppose the Ultimate Goal is? Ashkenazi: Of Japheth (the elder)Gomer (Germans). Arphaxad-Shem-Eber “Hebrews” How anyone gets Jew from this is beyond me; Jew is a name for those without the Holy Ghost. Iranians (Elam), Asshur (Assyrians), Arphaxad (father of Joktan and Peleg), Lud (Lydians/Turkey).  Joktan, Ophir and Sheba dwelling from Mesha-Sheba (Sephavites-Anammelech-Adrammelech) The Christmas-Easter myth originates from this The Rabbit “Ring of Silvianus” is the ring to rule them all; the ring without the Holy Ghost

Jews and Shia-Sunni are both Arabs! In other words Rabbis and Imams are both Arabs! Both groups want you to blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Arab #6148 “to take on pledge, give in pledge, exchange” “But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne” Matt 5:43

Hamas #2555 chamas: violence, wrong  or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)? “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with chamas-violence.” Gen 6:11 Sabeans are Arabs “Rba” Rabbis are Chaldean “Rba”; Which one? Shem-Eber-Arphaxad (Eber, Kesed=Chesed Gen 22:22)=Chabad Lubavitch “Rebbes”, but JESUS also is from Judah; He said “But be not ye called Rabbi…” Matt 23:8 Why? Rev 7KJV Juda, the “h” is missing, “h” means “God is with me” when JESUS gives it to you!

Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin. Yuval Noah Harari advise Klaus Schwab at the WEF (Hebrew: הררי) Harari is a Jewish surname that can be translated from Hebrew as ‘mountainous’ or as ‘mountain dweller’; Shia Muslims worship “The Old man of the Mountain”. Noahide Law (“Jewish” and “Christian”) and Shariah Law (Muslim) require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only Unforgivable Sin. BabylON, BabyEl, BabIlu are all the same “Green Man” the Pale Horse and “Allah” Arabic al-Ilāh, “the God.” The name’s origin can be traced to the earliest Semitic writings in which the word for god was il, El, or eloah; Elohim, the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ‎ Ĕlōah, is a Hebrew word meaning “gods”. Eloh “God” is cognate with Allah “God”  or El “God”=Molech=Saturn worshipped yearly at Christmas and in the end at the Age of Aquarius. Saturn is Sol Invictus. Note: Mormons are Elohim “Gods”, it’s why they use the title Melchisedek

Jews, Arabs, Christians, or Islam; all require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the Unforgivable Sin. There are 2 Balances! BabEl ‘YHWH’ and BabIlu ‘Allah’ OR JESUS “For he testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.” Heb 7:17 JESUS is Melchisedek ‘King of Jerusalem’ ‘Priest of the Most High’ This the only way to Heaven

Prophecy or Prophesy? 1 Cor 12-13KJV “The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.” Lk 16:16 Prophecy is over by 96ad; Prophets are not receiving God’s word, they are Liars and Charlatans.  Prophesy is the God given ability to understand scripture. It comes via the Holy Ghost after Charity “Love of God” is not “Love”; the #1 Commandment in both Old and New Covenant. Christmas and Easter have nothing to do with God; I suggest starting there.

Jesus was not and is not a “Jew” or “Christian”; he was Judean. Jews killed Jesus, their own prophets, persecute followers of JESUS, do not please God, are contrary to everyone (1 Thess 2:15) and in control of most every world leader. Judaism is Pharisaism; Rabbinical Judaism is the driving force behind world events. Jesus was not a Rabbi; “Rba” is a Chaldean-Sabean title “My Great One” Jesus is not Yahweh “YHWH”; this entered via the Masoretes 1000 years ago Jews are Babylonian Radhanites; Canaanites, Chaldeans, Sabeans, Medeans 2 Ki 17:30  They use Sophistry


“I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago…such a one caught up to the third heaven.” 2 Cor 12:2  The First Heaven is the one God created when He created “the heaven and the earth.” The Second Heaven is the firmament that God put “in the midst of the waters” (the deep), with water above and below it.  It is the celestial heaven in which are the planets, galaxies, and stars. The Bible suggests this is a dwelling place of demons (Eph 6:12) and a place of great spiritual warfare (Dan 10:12-14). Third Heaven is the eternal dwelling place of God and His heavenly hosts. Ur of Chaldeans built the Tower of Babel, and conducted initiation rituals “Sacred Marriage”.and “Divine Union”; today URI (United Religion Initiative) aims to unite Zionism and Islam. Sabean “rba” a person meaning “My Great One” seen in Rabbi. Demons and Spiritual Warfare occur in Second Heaven; Arabic root bʾ (‘to turn to’), meaning ‘converts’. Hebrew ṣābā, “[heavenly] host“, implying star worshippersAnother widely cited hypothesis is that it is derived from an Aramaic root meaning ‘to dip’ or ‘to baptize’; hence Baptism by Water as a replacement for Fire and the Holy Ghost; Sun=Molech, Shamash; Moon=Sin, Allah, Rabbit (Adrammelech, Anammelech);, Constellations, Eclipses etc “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Rev 1:1 In new bible versions heavens is used; from 1008ad GOD is change to Yahweh, YHWH, G-D

Shariah Law V Noahide Law; Holy means “Separate” Just say No!

Shariah Law V Noahide Law Both require rejecting the Holy Ghost which is the only Unforgivable Sin. Why else would they have 800 converted facilities is the US alone, Smart Guillotines, UN rail cars with shackles, Bio-waste disposal all run by Vivek Murthy and 1000 oath sworn doctors in an operation called Garden Plot. And a Lucis Trust (Lucifer’s Publishing)No person will progress into the New Age unless they are willing to take a Luciferian Initiation”, relieving them of all Debt (Except Sin), with the Khazarian Tamga, and Viking (6 Kings) Rurikids (Eze 38:2 Rus added), the position altered by moving the Prime Meridian to Greenwich (at the same time? As the ‘little Satan,’ Israel is clearly in the crosshairs; Christian: Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish. But Saudi Arabia, the leader of the Sunni world, is also an enemy of the Iranian Shiite regime.
  • Zionism versus Islam: WWIII. Zionism V Sharia Both sides have the same source, both sides controlled by Holy Ghost; acceptance of Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost 1 John 5:7. A second choice just don’t play; the Holy Ghost will be intact, even without your head.
    “a pair of balances in his hand”
    Shariah Law (Iran) V Noahide Law (Israel). The first pair of balances leads to Death and Hell by eliminating the Holy Ghost; Death is swallowed up in victory (1 Cor 15:52-54) the second set of balances is Heaven. Death represents the physical body; Hell your residence. Jesus essentially blot out your Name 1 Cor 15:52; 2 Thess 4:17; the bow and crown effectively replace Jesus with Satan (G-D, YHWH, Yahweh, El); Peace is worldwide; the strong delusion, worldwide; the Wicked (Satan) revealed; and the Six Pointed Star (666; Qos, YHWH, Sukkoth, Chemosh, Chuin, Sikkuth, Milcom, Molech, El, Saturn) universal. The second set of balances has 1 destination,  represents decapitation, death from the world, and Heaven for eternity.

Sariah Law or Noahide Law both end up Blaspheming the Holy Ghost (the only Unforgivable Sin) on the one hand, but there are 2 balances “And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand” Rev 6:5KJV. “And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come. And I saw, and behold, a black horse; and he that sat thereon had a balance in his hand.” Rev 6:5ASV Let JESUS do the talking, and just keep your mouth shut!

“a pair of balances” Rev 6:5KJV “had a balance scale” Aramaic, International Version, American Standard, American Standard, Geneva Bible,Catholic Public Domaine Version. (covers most Protestant and Catholic Churches) The Aramaic Version (Syriac)has precisely one phase “Eli, Eli lama sabachthani” meaning “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Wheat (human) and barley (animal), ...see hurt the oil and wine. The oil/wine are for the anointing. 4th Horsemen (ashen green) will receive the Shariah/Noahide law dead, which requires Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, hence Death and Hell await, there is simply no way for Forgiveness of Sin.

The First Heaven is the heaven (reality) we see with our natural eyes. The Second Heaven is where Satan has his throne and the fallen angels dwell (unholy dark realm). The Third Heaven is where God has His throne (celestial kingdom) and rules and reigns over the universe; we can’t get to the 3rd Heaven because God is is Spirit form; it will be restored in Dan 7:13-14 We need the Holy Ghost to get the the Third Heaven! Deut 10:13-14; 2 Cor 12:2

All the Worlds a Stage

COVID Virus, Vaccinations, NUCS (SATAN-SARMAT), Aliens, Evolution, Gravity History Vaccines Dinosaurs, 1993 Trade Center Bombing, 9/11/2001, Time Climate Change  Energy CERN Flat Earth Geo-engineering (Earthquakes) Light 3-Mile Island, Chernobyl, Moon-Mars Landing, Earthquake in Japan, Exxon-Valdez, Moore OK Tornado, Deep Water Horizon, MH-370 MH-17 Space Shuttle Columbia and Challenger, Thresher Submarine, Gun Control, CA Wildfires, Global Climate Change, Iran, Russia, N Korea, Afghanistan, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Crisis Actors, Ohio Train Derailment, Christmas Sandy Hook etc all fake! When everything people believe is false, our dis-information campaign will be complete” CIA Director Bill Casey “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” H.L. Mencken The love of money is the root of all evil” Jesus Michelle/Michael Obama Kamala Harris/Kamal Aroush  are just 2 examples

Authorized Bible versus New Bible versions

Rabbi and Masters

“But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. “Matt 23:8 Rabbi means “MyGreat One”; “rba” was the title used by Chaldees and Sabeans
The Ginza Rba or Ginza Rabba (literally “The Great Treasure”) or Siddra Rabba, “The Great Book” (rabba means great”) is the largest of the many holy scriptures of the Mandaean religion, which reveres John the Baptist but rejects Jesus of Nazareth. It is also referred to as The Book of Adam

Abram versus Abraham

Abram was changed to Abraham, the meaning changed from “exalted father” to “father of a multitude”.
Abraham only fathered the son of promise after he received the name change of adding the “heh” to his name. The “heh” represents the Spirit of God, and is 2 parts of the tetragrammaton of God.
So in effect, before Abraham received the Spirit of God, the child he produced through Hagar was an effort of his flesh, not the effort of grace. The child of grace was the child of promise, Isaac.
Hagar becomes Agar Gal 4:22-30; Ishmael becomes Ismail; Esau becomes Edom after marrying Canaanite women in violation of the Covenant with Abraham, Ishmael, and Esau “seeing the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac” Gen 28:8-9
Edom is “at war with Amalek from generation to generation” Ex 17:16; hated by God “Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated” Rom 9:13; Mal 1:2-3 Eventually destroying all of them Oba 18


The Ginza Rba or Ginza Rabba (literally “The Great Treasure”) or Siddra Rabba, “The Great Book” (rabba means “great”); God is  Hayyi Rabbi meaning The Great Life or The Great Living (God), is the largest of the many holy scriptures of the Mandaean religion, which reveres John the Baptist but rejects Jesus of Nazareth. It is also referred to as The Book of Adam). Billionaires (“The Love of money is the root of all evil”) WEF YGL Grads Biden is controlled as well Mandaean religion is Zoroastrian “Undiluted Star” Christmas (Saturnalia), Easter and Fast of John the Baptist Zoroastrians believe in one God, called Ahura Mazda, meaning ‘Wise Lord’; Satan; Zoroastrians as a People of the Book and whose name was historically claimed by the Mandaeans Mandaeism sometimes also known as Nasoraeanism or Sabianism, is a Gnostic, monotheistic and … The name ‘Mandaean‘ comes from the Aramaic manda, meaning “Knowledge”; the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil!


“There is no peace for Jerusalem”; The peace is false. Jerusalem is “spiritually Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8
band, fillet, covered amulets, false phylacteries
a. used by false prophetesses in Israel to support their demonic fortune-telling schemes”pillows to all armholes”=Magic charms on their sleeves; be ruined. God forbid that I should be sewing pillows under armholes that
you may rest comfortably in your sins. Sinner!
Kamala/Kamal, a Crossdresser, is a Priest of Qetesh, as Cleopatra was; a Prostitute “Secrets obtained from scented pillows”; Lull them with comforts, to put person at ease and in a tranquil state as they lull them with the sweet and soothing lies.
“prophesy” comes after “charity” 1Cor 13; a gift of God; it means the power to understand God’s truth for education, exhortation “Despise not prophesying” 1 Thess 5:21
The ULTIMATE GAME of the Boule Society is “Capturing Human Souls” The person has been robbed of his Soul

Coronavirus is not a “Virus”; it is a War over ownership of our Souls. Rev 18:23 For by thy sorceries (Pharmakeia) were all the nations deceived”  Specifically, deceived by the Devil, Satan, dragon, serpent of Rev 12:9. No coincidence a new star was discovered Mar 30, 2022 by the Hubble Telescope named Earendel “Morning Star/Rising Light” aka Lucifer 12.9Billion Light Years distant. Lucifer has arrived folks! Jesus comes for His Bride when Creation is 6000 years old (1 Pet 3:8) Trans-humanism is Babylonian Sorcery; Pharmakos “Ritual Sacrifice”.; Pharmacist “Poisoner” The Crowned White Horse (Rev 6:2) conquers with a Bow (Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison). Why now? There are 1656 years recorded in scripture from Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries-Pisces + 2160 years Pisces-Aquarius=4976 years. Sargon the Great aka Canaan was crowned “Legitimate King” at/after 21 when the equinox sun rose in Aries; Rabbis know this. In 164bc Maccabees “Hammer of God” cleansed the 2nd Temple as Aries transitioned to Pisces; do the math folks! Rabbis are planning the arrival of the False Messiah right after the 7th and final Shemitah Year which ends Sept 26, 2022.There will be “Birth Pains” beforehand! Pestilence, Earthquakes and Famine; Shemitah Year will see Famine.

Jehovah-nissi or the Phoenix Shield of Cain are the only choices; one leads to Heaven, one to Hell. Satan’s War for Souls began nearly 6000 years ago Eve followed the “Cursed” Serpent and gave birth to Enoch with her son Cain “Acquired; Battlefield; Spear”, the Spear of Destiny whose Curse was “Acquired” and passed to the post-Flood world by Tubal-cain’s sister, Noah’s wife Naamah and once again, incest with her 1st born son Ham “Black” gave birth to the “Cursed” son Canaan who came to be called Sargon the Great “Legitimate King” of the World, a world without God “Wilderness” headed by Sargon III, followers of JESUS know this will not be the true KING OF KINGS. The 4th Industrial Revolution is Trans-humanism of the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7); Superman if you will, a world population whose DNA is not longer that of the Creator, but a patented and owned product of the Serpent “Satan” via the Coronavirus/Flu “Vaccines”. Chaldeans (Culdees) are the world’s most prolific Snake Oil Salesmen, the Synagogue of Satan. Coronavirus means Crowned Snake Venom; today, if there was one man that has accomplished this goal better than anyone else it would arguably be John D Rockefeller whose control over the medical industry has finally Crowned the Snake.

Cain Family Crest is the Black and White Phoenix “Pa Hanok” (House of Enoch) and Helmet. Cain: Qayin; Qyn; Qana eg Q:Anon WWG1WGA or Qos the Edomite National God meaning Bow “Poison” “Simplest Fabric”. Cain means “Acquired” in Hebrew; Cain acquired the “Curse” of the Serpent by killing Abel, thus Cain is synonymous with “Murderer” Cainites use the Snake/Serpent Logo symbolizing “Re-Birth” seen In the Caduceus (AMA Logo) and Rod of Aesculapius (WHO), the god of plagues and healing. Pharmakeia “Drug induced Sorcery” Pharmakos “Ritual Sacrifice”. eg the Theosophical Society Ouroboros Serpent eating its own tail symbolized Cainite Re-Birth; the Alpha Romeo Logo depicts a Snake eating a man symbolizing Cain killing Abel. In Scottish Cain means “Rent paid in kind” ie Farm produce; Cain the first “Farmer” offered sacrifices to God which were unacceptable so he killed his brother and was “Cursed”; his offspring killed during the Flood transferred the “Curse” to Canaan via Ham “Black” and his Cainite mother, Tubal-cain’s sister Naamah (Earth Mother; Nanna, Ishtar, Easter) . The Black and White Masonic Floor originates with Cain.Cain means “Political Leader”, thus Canaan came to be known as Sargon the Great “Legitimate King”. Dan 4:17 states God puts the Basest of men in charge; this is why world leaders are Morally Corrupt. Cain means “To Forge; Spear, Smith”; Tubal-cain in Masonic Lodges is Vulcan (Hephaestos) the Blacksmith forging the chains to enslave humanity.  Freemasons fashion Stones; altars to the LORD made with unseen stone; thus Temples, Mosques and Cathedrals are of Cainite origin. In Scottish Cain means “Rent paid in kind”; the Temple Mount is the Canaanite ie Jebusite Threshing Floor where Chaff/Tares are separated from Wheat using a Sickle (Fauci). Wealth comes from the Earth, thus Cainites are the Elite aka Black Nobility. Eg Renaissance “Re-Birth” Venetian Merchants and Bankers Coronavirus Vaccines contain Graphene, a Hexagonal shaped mono-atomic lattice “Tikto” Strongs #5088, the root of Toxon means “Simplest Fabric” is a Neurotransmitter inhibitor controllable via 5G sewn via a Needle; Qos “Eye of Needle” is the Edomite National God meaning Bow; Toxon Strongs #5115=Poison delivered via Needle. Cain means “Battlefield”, thus Cainites set up both sides of all Wars Cain means “Fashioner”, thus Cainites use phrases like Build Back Better or Tikkun Olam “Repair the Earth” Pa Hanok (House of the Consecrated) refers to the Phoenix destroying and rebuilding from the Holocaust; eg INRI (Nature is renewed by Fire) or Kennites (Cainites) like the Kenyan born Obama whose Foundation MBK means “My Brother’s Keeper Cain and Khan mean “Lord; Prince”; thus Cainites use titles of Nobility eg Genghis Khan Cain means “Reddish Purple” the Crimson/Purple Dyes used to clothe Royalty is of Phoenician “Men of Purple” origin; Quetzalcoatl for example is the Reddish-Purple feathered Serpent god of Cainite origin. Cain “Qyn” means “Fit together”; God flooded the Earth; the United Nations is Cain’s attempt to fit the nations together again seen in BabEl Cain uses Cattle as a unit of wealth; non Cainite “Human Cattle” led by Scapegoats to slaughter, accounted for their worth as Slaves, or sold for parts Cain means “Branch” seen in “Branch of the Terrible Ones” Is 25:5 or Arthur “Once and future king” refers to Sargon III

Tartary: Transvestigation into Hell on Earth

Chaldean-Sabean-Himyarite Article in Progress


The Black Nobility Rule The World The Roman Empire Never Died

SUPREME COURT RULING 2012 “Modified DNA” is not “Human” m=1  mRNA and mDNA Vaccines are regarded as “Gene Therapy”, permanently altering a person’s DNA creates a “Trans-human” product patentable goods, a category that does not exist under the Law, and therefore offers no “Rights or Protections” under the Law.

This may explain why Pharmaceutical Corps were held Legally Immune from prosecution, and why the Domestic Terrorism Law was able to be passed, removing “Rights” of “Citizens” deemed a “Threat”.
BioNTech was able to create this “Gene Therapy” in 3 hours on Jan 11, 2020 a month before Covid 19 or SARS CoV-2 was even identified on Feb 11, 2020 and 2 months before the WHO “Classified” Covid 19 a “Pandemic” on Mar 11, 2020.
It also may explain why WITS was able to send out PCR Test Kits in 2017 to most every nation, well ahead of the now obvious “Plandemic”; it has nothing to do with Covid 19.
mRNA is fragile, not a permanent DNA altering Therapy; if you’ve taken a dose or 2, it may be wise to avoid further injections and build up anti-oxidants in the immune system with NAC N-Acetly L-Cysteine, Glutathione, Zinc, Vit D etc.
mDNA Therapies such as INOVIO Ino-4800 or Cadila Pharmaceutical ZyCov-D may be an entirely different and permanent alteration as the man-made DNA package is administered Intra-dermally into eukaryotic cells via electroporation of the cell wall and division of the nucleus where DNA is manufactured.
 INOVIO mDNA INO-4800 used with Cellectra 3psp intra-dermal electroporation might permanently alter the human genome; INOVIO means “Innovate and present as new”. God creates Man in His own image and likeness; Man alters God’s creation to that of a Beast with no Rights under the Law.

The Teutonic Brotherhood of Death “Society 322” aka Skull & Bones, Melchisedekians eg Mormon Church or Cult of Fire and Ice originates in Gen 3:22. Aries, the astrological sign of the Ram associated with Spring Equinox; the Serpent descends the steps of El Castillo for this reason. The 4 Horsemen usher in the Beast Kingdom; the Crowned White Horse aka Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” conquers with a Bow=Strongs #5115 Poison and #5088 Tikto “Simplest Fabric”  Strong Delusion:  Graphene is a Toxin (Pharmakon) used in Chemtrails, Water Supplies and Vaccines as a 5G controllable  Neural Interface (Middle Man similar the way Priests, Pastors, Rabbis, Imams become “Middle Men”) designed to conquer the laity (Nico=Conquer + Laitane=Laity); Jesus hates Nicolaitanes and Edomites (Heb 9:13; Rev 2:6;15) is Diamagnetic, inert until activated by 5G Global Broadband to control what the WEF (World Economy Forum) calls the IOB (Internet of Bodies) Graphene as the Simplest Fabric “Tikto”  the weapon of Qos (Bow) the Edomite National God (Star of Molech is the Hexagram in Graphene and logo used by the WEF Cyber Polygon) achieves Dominion as the 3rd Beast; Tikto means Give Birth, Beget, Bring Forth he 4th Beast Kingdom of Antichrist, the WEF 4th Industrial Revolution is the 4th Horseman “Death”.

For Gnostics the end will be as the beginning “Beresheet”  symbolized by the Crowned Orobourus Serpent eating its own tail; Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent”, the end of the Age of Grace ends with the banner Jehovah-nissi or the Six Pointed Star, the Banner of the Serpent Eve means “Even, Serpent” the Darkness, Abyss before Daylight 666Thz;  Cain kills his brother Abel and lies to God about it; Cursed and banished from Eden; Eve and her son Cain have their own children to replace the child provided by God; Hex means Curse, the Mark of Cain is the Six Pointed Chaldean STUR (666) the banner of Israel today is the Way of Cain. Ares, Mars, Nergal (2 Ki 17:30) is the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus (Acts 17:23) accessed by the Way of Cain warned against in Jude 11; placed in scripture just before Revelation. JESUS’ Testimony via the Holy Ghost is the account of the final 1260 Day “Great Tribulation”. The Cursed bloodline of Cain crossed the Flood through incest between Ham (Black; Ham’s son Mizraim=Egypt=Aegyptios) and his Cainite mother; the Curse (Hex) came to Canaan whom history records as the Akkadian Priest-King Sargon the Great, pronounced “Legitimate King” at the Biblical age of accountability and adulthood of 21. There are 1656 years recorded in scripture from Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries-Pisces + 2160 years Pisces-Aquarius aka Golden Age of Saturn; Creation is thus approaching 5996 years of age; when? my guess would be Feast of Tabernacles 2021 (9/20-27); if so the 1260 day Great Tribulation could begin Passover 2022 (Just a guess)  Read Heb 9:20-27 for the overall perspective; it’s no coincidence; Cain spills the blood of Abel; Gnostics spill the blood of all of God’s followers. “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.” Gen 9:27 Pretty coincidental the 8th Day of Tabernacles, the day Jesus was Circumcised, aligns with this scripture eh? Japheth is the father of Gomer (German=Teutonic), Ashkenaz (German fake Jews) and the rest of the nations aligning for the fake Gog and Magog War There may be serious shedding of blood coming when the Serpent (Coronavirus means Crowned Serpent) descends the steps of El Castillo Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl 3/22/22; Society 322 is the Teutonic Brotherhood of Death/Cain Jesus returns when creation is 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8) Jesus will require everyone on Earth to worship Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Ingathering) during the 1000 year Millennium (Zech 14:18); today His real Birthday is celebrated as Sukkoth-benoth “Booths/Tents of Daughters” aka Incest (2 Ki 17:30); a celebration of Ham and his mother in Noah’s Tent.  Jesus is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV; Jn 1:1; 14),the “Light” created on Day 1 is the Holy Ghost; not the “Lights” created on Day #4; this is why Jesus is Alpha “Beginning” and Omega “End” (Rev 22:13), the Light of Day #1 “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” Gen 1:3 is the Light of New Jerusalem “And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Holy means “To Separate” as does the Greek version Ekklesia. Scripture (KJV) and the Holy Ghost are the only tools needed. God’s Name is Jesus/JESUS; not YHWH, Heavenly Father, Yehoshua, Adonnai or Christ. The Etymology of the word God  “Supreme Being, Image of God, Godlike Person; That which is invoked; To call; NUMEN (Divine Spirit; Presiding Divinity); Divine Entity summoned to a Sacrifice; Pour a Libation; Poured Earth aka Spirit Immanent in a Burial Mound. Scripture leaves no doubt as to the identity of God; Alpha, I AM, JEHOVAH and JESUS the Greek rendering of JEHOVAH (without getting into the quagmire of no J in english which doesn’t alter anything) First Commandment “Have no other Gods before me” 2nd “Make no Graven Image or Likeness” The bearded image of Jesus is Zeus, the origin of most every false God eg Indra, Jupiter, Dushares, Qos. Domestic Terrorists are those in Covenant with JESUS; one of His epithets “Shiloh” (Gen 49:10) means “Owner/Master of the House”; Domestic means “House/Household”. This is why Jesus warned “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:35-36 ie a Domestic Terrorist.  Jesus warned We will be hated by all men for His Name; this is precisely why everyone needs to use His Name. Creditors make Slaves of Debtors: World Debt $277Trillion or 365% GDP. US Debt $481,000/citizen Mortgage means “Death Note”. Who are the World’s Creditors? Edomites How? Usury Vaccines: Our “House” is our body; all Vaccines cause illness immediately after birth through Ischemic (Ischaemia “Stop, curb, restrain blood) Stroke; increasing Mass via mercury/aluminum adjuvants (Adjuvant means “To Help”; ie Help Stop the Blood); the CDC is a for profit Disease Mgt Corporation listed on Dunn&Bradstreet; the CDC recommends some 75 Vaccinations from Birth to Death. Germ Theory is nonsense; we destroy our own bodies by introducing Toxins.

Coronavirus “Crowned Snake Venom”; Anthony Fauci (Sickle) is leading the world into the Abys of Hell Satanists use the matriarchal line rather than patriarchal used by God; Eve, Cain, Naamah + Ham=Canaan. Fauci’s mother is Pharmacy owner Eugenia (Nobility of Birth) Lillian (My God is a Vow; Note James 5:12 warns “Swear Not” referring to taking Vows) Marta (The Lady; Pearl; Pearl of Great Price is JESUS, Holy Ghost; Canaanites call the Lady Asherah) Lucrezia (Profit, Wealth; Edomite men married Canaanite women and achieve Dominion by accruing Wealth/Mammon)  Abys (Abyss=Hell, Bottomless Pit, Unfathomable, underworld); symbolized by the Crowned Serpent eating a man)   Mark of Cain (Gen 4:15), 4 Horsemen (Rev 6), Strong Delusion (1 Thess 2:11) Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16; 14:14), Abomination of Desolation (Dan 11:31; Mat 24:15) and Edomite Dominion (Gen 27:39-41; Dan 7:6)  Mark of the Beast: Beast means Wild or Lower Animal; God created Adam a “Corpus animatum” from the Earth and “Quickened” him with the Holy Ghost to become a “Living Soul” (Gen 2:7) Pharmakeia is “Witchcraft/Sorcery”. FunVax (Fun means Cheat, Trick or Hoax) The Coronavirus “Hoax” is meant to “Trick” you into selling your “Birthright” exactly as Esau did, “Cheating” you out of Eternal Salvation. Coronavirus Vaccines and likely the upcoming Universal Flu Vaccine are Experimental Medical Devices made of Graphene (Strongs #5088 Tikto=Toxon=Poison=Strongs #5115 Bow, the weapon used by the Crowned White Horse (Gen 6:2) They are not “Vaccines” Pharmakeia (Strongs G#5331) “Magic, drug related sorcery, enchantment, practice of magical arts, spells, sorceries”; Pharmakon “Ritual Sacrifice” COVID=DYBBUK “Possession by evil spirit or demon” in Yiddish. Coronavirus and 5G is Magic: Pledge, Turn, Prestige, a “Trick” as plain to see as a MAGA (Sorcerer) Hat. Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” is not a “Virus” because nobody in Earth has ever isolated a “Virus”. Crowned White Horse conquers with a Bow; Strongs G#5115 Toxon=Poison; Strongs G#5088 Tikto means Bow, To Beget, Bring Forth; What? The Pale Horse “Death” Tikto is the Simplest Fabric, Graphene the para-magnetic nano-material in the Covid 19 and likely Universal Flu Vaccines provides for monitoring and control over the “Internet of Bodies” The Idumean National God Qos also means Bow; Edomites, Ammonites, and Moabites escape Antichrist, 4th Beast of Iron/4th Horseman “Death” Dan 11:41 during the Great Tribulation. Pharmaceutical Corps are legally immune from their non-FDA approved Experimental Injections; Pfizer/BioNTech produced their serum in 3 hours on Jan 11, 2020; ingredient list is proprietary; SARS CoV-2 genome is unavailable; animal trials halted because animals were dying of auto-immune reactions and Prions Doctors; Hospitals are paid $13K to diagnose Covid and $39K for Ventilator prescriptions, often a death sentence; VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reactions) posts an estimated 1% of ADR’s; Covid 19 is age dependent but above 99.6% survivable; Seasonal Flu goes low as Covid rises. Covid and Cubit mean “To Measure”; Cubit the unit of measurement of New Jerusalem a Cube of Saturn arriving 1000 years before JESUS brings down the real New Jerusalem. Coronavirus is a Con folks!

SPION: Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticle drug delivery SPION was coined by Paracelsus “Equal to Celsus” a Swabian Gnostic alchemist, toxicologist named after the Greek Gnostic Celsus, an opponent of early Christian follows of JESUS. SPION means “Spy, Watch Stealthily, Telltale; eg Espionage” British Spy “007” had a “License to Kill”; an example is .007 is 1/137 the Fine Structure Constant in Physics and odds an atom will absorb a photon; Opsins “Light activated Ion channels” are not only SPIONS but an anagram of SPION used in Optogenetics to light activate drug delivery in cells. SPION’s are the 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:7; Hematin is the 77 atom oxygen carrying molecule in Red Blood Cells which have an affinity for SPIONS; 5G @60 GHz disrupts RBC’s from carrying Oxygen resulting in targetable and instant death. Coronavirus mRNA Vaccines program cells to produce SARS COv-2 Spike Protein Antigens; the immune system responds by producing Antibodies which have an affinity to SPION containing Iron-Oxide; the body becomes magnetically observable (eg ESPIONage) with an On-Off death switch.

Prions Disease mRNA Vaccines cause cells to produce SARS COV-2 Antigens; SARS COV-2 Spike Proteins have Prion like regions; cells reproduce which lead to 100% fatal Creutzfeld-Jacob’s aka Prions Disease. Dr. J. Bart Classen authored a paper in Microbiology &Infectious Diseases: Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease” Prions (Protein + Infection)attack Brain Neurons
leading to Stroke, Confusion, Personality changes, difficulty speaking, loss of cognitive function and over time is irreversible and 100% fatal.Prion means “Saw” an Abnormal form of a normally harmless protein aka “Proteinacious Infectious Particle” Pretty big risk to take for a 99.9%survivable “Disease” isn’t it? mRNA vaccines may unleash a wave of prion disease deaths, known as “Mad Cow Disease” in humans, Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

The Serpent convinced Cain to kill Abel; the Cainite “Cursed” bloodline crossed the Flood with Ham and his mother’s incest giving birth to the “Cursed” Canaanite bloodline; Sargon the Great was Canaan; Sargon III will be Antichrist; ushered in via SARS Covid. Coronavirus Vaccine “Crowned Serpent Venom” is the Crowned White Horse (Rev 6:6) conquering “Living Souls” with a Bow (Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison=Edomite National god Qos) Edom obtains “Dominion” Gen 27:39-41KJV) using the Poison Needle SARS was patented in 2003 SARS Coronavirus-2 was patented  in 2015 the SARS CoV-2 “Vaccine” is not a “Vaccine”; it is a non-FDA Approved, man-made, experimental injectable medical gene therapy. Jesuit Anthony Fauci (Sickle) is the world’s most deadly Snake Oil salesman The Strong Delusion you from making a Covenant with JESUS after accepting the Coronavirus Vaccine; FunVax suppresses knowledge of God through Spirit and Soul by injection of a medical device.  Pharmakos: “Ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a Scapegoat or Victim” Coronavirus is managed by the Pharmaceutical ie Pharmakos Industry; Pharmacist “Druggist, Poisoner”; Pharmakeia (Strongs G#5331) “Magic, drug related sorcery, enchantment, practice of magical arts, spells, sorceries” Coronavirus and 5G Global Broadband are the greatest sorcery in human history Coronavirus PCR Swab Tests approved by the FDA EMU (Emergency Use Authorization) were not designed for Diagnosis; they were created for Manufacturing. Intranasal Swabs can deliver Nano-particles, Smart Dust, Theragrippers and Bio-sensing Hydrogels to measure GPS, Temp, antibody response etc; magnetically responsive/controllable via the 5G IOT.  PCR Swabs damage the Hematoencephalic Barrier protecting the Brain and Pituitary Gland from Bacteria, Heavy Metals, Neurotoxins and Pathogens. PCR Tests at Cycle Thresholds above 30 are useless (45 Cycles are common), recording positive Covid 19 positive results for remnants of the Common Cold. PCR Tests yield positive results for Coronaviruses: HJKUL, NL 63, OC43 and 229E all Common Cold “Viruses” ie cellular debris. Jesus warned “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” Mat 10:36 Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”; an anagram of Carnivorous, taught by Chaldean Priests Kahn-Baals or “Cannibals”. God creates Man (DNA); Man modifies and patents DNA to eliminate God. 

Own nothing and be Happy the WEF plan for rebuilding the world economy following Covid-19 aka Black Horse (Rev 6:6). Control of the world’s “Assets” including human bodies is centered in the City of London Corp and facilitated by COVID 19 Pandemic Bonds The WEF rehearsed Covid-19 Oct 18, 2019 in Event 201. The Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) and Coronavirus “Crowned Snake Venom” and Great Fire of London 1666 put the plan in plain sight. Great Reset is tied to UN Agenda 2030: Humanity will own nothing, be in need of nothing and everyone will be happy. Atlantis, Plato’s Utopia, Karl Marx’ Utopia is nothing more than Global Communism. Jesus is Shiloh “Owner of the House” (Gen 49:10); nobody in the world owns anything; Baal “Owner, Master, Lord” makes false promises. Esau sold his Birthright and obtains Dominion (Gen 27:39-41KJV) by the Sword (Force), the dew of heaven (“Blessings” from Rabbis, Imams, Priests), and living off the fatness of the earth (Wealth/Mammon/Usury). Our only birthright is the right to a one on one personal relationship with God through the Holy Ghost aka JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) aka JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) When Jesus returns, everyone joining the House of Esau aka Great Reset/Agenda 2030 will die (Ref Obadiah)

Abomination of Desolation (Dan 11:31) is the Six Pointed Star of Molech aka Mark of Cain. Our bodies are the Sanctuary of God; Vaccines Pollute the Sanctuary; Desolation means “Void of God”. There is a battle for the human soul going in in plain sight Lipid nano-particles coating mRNA in the Vaccines is proprietary; what’s in them? Why Lipid? Nano-lipids slip passed the Immune System and trick the body to produce Spike Proteins; ADE Antibody Dependent Enhancement results in Non-neutralizing Antibodies and further Viral (Antigen) replication. mRNA by itself degrades quickly thus must be kept cryogenic; what’s different with Moderna which needs just normal freezer temps and stays viable for 6 months and will go to rural areas. Inovio funded by DARPA and the US Dept of Defense will come out soon with their VAX which uses full strand DNA and CELLECTRA electroporation devices to get synthetic  DNA material into the Cell walls and nucleus; that’s DNA altering. BiondVax and FluGen are 2 Israeli companies offering a Universal Flu Vax in 2021 by Intranasal or Oral delivery, just like Cattle Vaccinations; Rabbis literally teach their flocks Gentiles are “Human Cattle”

Spanish Flu was neither Flu or Spanish it resulted from Rockefeller Inst Meningitis Vaccines given soldiers at Ft Riley KS It had nothing to do with Flu; Bacterial Pneumonia resulted from trench warfare and mask wearing in combination with the poison in the VAX. Likewise HIV is not a Virus either; Hepatitis B Vax contaminated with Bovine Leukemia and Sheep Lymph cancer in Africa, SF and NYC started the AIDS epidemic; the Gay community simply were used as Scapegoats.
The Coronavirus Vaccine produces HIV positive test results and causes Auto-immune disorders such as AIDS, Sterility and Cancer.   FunVax is a CIA driven (all nations have their own version of the CIA and NSA) program to vaccinate out knowledge of God; the idea began 100 years ago Bill Gates promoted the technology is available to do it in 2005. Prions; Are they in the lipid coatings of the VAX? They are slow killers by auto-immunity causing all sorts of maladies; they don’t have nucleic acid and do not degrade, not even in our digestive systems; they wreak havoc indefinitely and are transferrable by fluids person to person; as I understand them; they can even be put in the water system or HVAC system. UN Agenda 2020 and 2030 call for getting people into cities and stack and pack apartments; 5G radiation at 60 GHz is the Holy Grail; immediate death from disruption of blood oxygen.
Coronavirus was patented July 2015 / patent/ US10130701B2/ en
The CDC lists 2.7 co-morbidity causes with Covid, yet Covid is listed as COD which inflate Covid numbers.
$13K Payments are made to hospitals that diagnose Covid and $39K for Ventilators. 20% bonus paid to Medicare patients which account for 80+% of COVID Deaths.
PCR tests used at high cycle thresholds generate positive results.
PCR tests positive for the Common Cold and Flu
PCR inventor Kari Mullis called Fauci a Liar and warned against the use of PCR to diagnose or be used at high cycle thresholds; Mullis refused to declare HIV caused AIDS He died Aug 2019 in Newport Beach CA. Covid vaccines use malignant cancer cells because they are essentially immortal and propagate rapidly  BioNTech joined Pfizer a month after Mullis died, Pfizer, led by a Greek Jew forked over the largest fraud payout in history of $4.5Billion and was first to be approved by the FDA; the day Pfizer was selected CEO Albert Bourla sold 62% of Pfizer stock. In 2012 the FDA authorized the use of aborted fetal cells and adult cancer cells in vaccines. 
HIV positive test results from the Covid VAX
Sophistry=Bullshit Sophia is the root of Sophistry aka Bullshit and Philosophy, the well crafted lies of the Serpent seen in its final iteration as the Crowned Serpent “Coronavirus”.  Greek Sophia  means “skill, knowledge of, acquaintance with; sound judgment, practical wisdom; cunning, shrewdness; philosophy,” also “wisdom personified,” as Sophia seen in the Eye of Sophia in the Blue Mosque (Blue is 666THz) in Bulgaria (named after the Gnostic Bogomils; Bog=God + Dear to) who became synonymous with Buggery (Sodomy=CeDom “To burn in lust”); Gnostic women priests (Paul warned against this in 1 Cor 14) teaching God had 2 sons, Satan and Jesus led to the Duality seen in Zoroastrian (Undiluted Star or Black Star) religion, Mormonism (Mormo means God of the Living Dead) Freemasonry (Compass at 47 deg + Square=90 deg 47+90=137 the 33rd Prime number, Fine Structure Constant 1/137=.007 (the origination of British Agent 007 was in reality the Court Magician/Astrologer/father of secret ciphers John Dee seen in movies as Gandolf or Professor Dumbledore) 1/137 represents “Light Vessel”(Light at the end of the tunnel ring a Baal? How about Merkabah or Ezekiel’s Wheel?) in physics odds an atom will absorb all light would have an Atomic Number of 137, the Gnostic Primal Material or Black Matter. 137 is the Gematria of Kabbalah “Enclosure” seen in the Islamic “Kaaba” (Cube) and Cubit the measurement of New Jerusalem and God’s Temple, a Cube having the same meaning as Covid. Embryo (Transmigrating) Souls reborn from Saturn were  in Arthur C Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey   sophos “wise” A Sophist is a wise man who teaches (using Sophistry ie Bullshit) for pay; seen in PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), Doctor (Teacher), Rabbi (Great One), Professors, Pastors, Priests, Imams, all titles of people Jesus warned against bestowing on anyone on earth.

Sophistry is using double meaning words, cunning, trickery eg Newton (Newt=Salamander) merely declared Gravity (Gravity is the Pale Horse “Death” Rev 6:8 68kg X 9.8m/s2=666Newtons, a Force rather than an Acceleration in the equation F=MA (Daniel 11:38 warns A/C will be the “god of Forces” having no regard for any God; 11+38=49=7×7; some Jubilee eh?)  Sophist comes from Greek sophistēs, meaning “wise man” or “expert”, but in reality  “a captious or fallacious reasoner.” Fallacious is the root of Fallacy: Deceptive reasoning eg a mandated experimental injection for a “Disease” 99.99% survivable. Captius is derived from Caput (Head)  seen in the Rabbis Head of the Year “Rosh Hashanah” also means Head Bandage; eg Serpens Caput (Serpent’s Head) is topped by Corona in astrology; the bandage replacing the Temple Veil Jesus tore is a Hat, Fedora, Keffiyeh, Turban, Yarmulke, Zuchetti, Kippah, Skull Cap or Mitre Mitres of Dagan, Oannes aka Persian Mithras is the Chaldean god of wisdom in the form of a fish-man; also seen in Bullshit Evolution Theory heavily promoted by Jesuits like Pierre Tielhard du Chardin and Louis Leakey; the Skull Cap is open rejection of the Holy Ghost aka Cap of Cybele “Magna Mater” (Great Mother) a veiled reference to Ein Soph. eg Shaman gathered Psilocybin Mushrooms growing asexually from dew under pine trees forming the Obelisk, Communion Wafer/Table, Grail Cup became the fallacious reasoning of the Holy Grail and Groves, the “High Places” seen in the Tower of Babel “Magdala” (Tower) where Mary Magdalene became the quintessential prostitute/wife/mother of God of the Sophists; sounds plausible, but it isn’t true.

Sophistry is reasoning that seems plausible on a superficial level but is actually unsound, or reasoning that is used to deceive. Sophistry is is thus equivalent with Science “To Know”; fallacious propositions that sound plausible like Gravity, Evolution, Big Bang, Dark Matter, Aliens, Global Warming, Vaccinations etc. but are based on unsound reasoning; Jesus warned against building foundations on sand which is why Science is always changing. To Know (Gnosis/Sophia) also refers to Sodomy seen in Gen 13:13; 19 taught by dozens of Gnostic (Gnosis=Sophia) sects. eg Knossos on Crete was home to Satan’s Seat aka Isis “Throne” and King Minos, the root of the Minotaur, Apis Bull, Wall St Bull and Bullshit; Europa the root of Europe is the Cretan Whore riding the Bull in front of the EU Parliament gave birth to Zeus (Dyeus=Daylight=666THz) as a Bull; Jesuits managing Coronavirus for example are the Militia of Zeus.  Philosophy is the “Love of Sophistry” aka Bullshit Artist or Con Man like Plato who taught the Atlantis myth and Pederasty in the form of the Zeus-Ganymede myth or Rapture promoter and Con Man Cyrus (Cyrus=Koreish=Alternative Priesthood of Korah) Scofield whose Study Bible Notes on Dani 9:23-27 “70 Weeks” ie  Dispensatanolism, 7 yr Tribulation and Rapture have turned the Word of God into a well crafted lie for many; or Global Warming liars promoting a reduction in CO2 when this fallacious reasoning actually creates a desert.
Catholic means “Universal” seen in Cathar the sect identical with the Bogomils whose root is Bugggery (Sodomy) taught the Sophist argument of “Indestructibility of the Soul” which was adopted as “Transmigration of Souls”, the basis of Eastern Religions teaching the fallacious reasoning of endless Reincarnation seen in Buddhist, Taoist religions; Jesus warned no flesh would be saved unless “Those Days” were shortened; Coronavirus is “Those Days”
eg  Boule (Noble Caste ie Aryan) Society “Sacred Prostitute of Qetesh” Kamala (Kama=Sickle; Kamal=Perfection; Kamala=Flower), a Hindu Aryan Priestess by birth; Qetesh means “Holy Cow”; in Egypt Hathor means “Mansion of Horus” the son of Saturn the Primeval Sun. The point here is Coronavirus is the end game of Sophistry which began in the Garden of Eden when Eve became the first “Philosopher” falling for the fallacious reasoning of eternal life. Her “Seed” crossed the Flood through Incest with Ham (Black) and Naamah (according to Rabbis aka Innana) to produce Canaan.

Sophia is the 1st Citizen of NEOM, being built in Arabia over the Wilderness of Sin and Mt Sinai; an AI Robot learning the sum of all Wisdom capable of writing its own history and scripture  Ein Soph is the Talmudic Rabbis “Endless Knowledge” of the Kabbalah (Kaaba as well) Tree of Life the “Ancient of Days” Dan 7:14 (There are in reality 1000 years time between Dan 7:7 (Liber Oz:Book 77 ring a Baal?) and Dan 7:14; Rabbis just don’t believe JESUS will return as Messiah) they call YHWH the Tetragammaton of Saturn aka Yahweh, Rising Sun, Black Star, Primeval Sun, Dark Matter or Primeval Matter. Examples of Sophistry

   “Democracy” The US nor any other nation but Ancient Greece has ever been or tried “People Rule”; how can we be one nation under God and a Democracy? Democracy is a Wilderness void of God; they are mutually exclusive. Plato’s Utopia is simply a rehash of Atlantis, as is Karl Marx form of Utopia; in a Utopia, God is Dead. Clinton Foundation is Global and called the Delian Project; a return to Greek Democracy on a global scale is a world where God has no function, and guess what? This is what scripture warns will happen when the 3rd Beast obtains “Dominion” in Dan 7:6 Dominion means “Sovereign Authority to Rule” pretty brazen to use Dominion Voting Systems for Global Elections eh? or SCYTL (Scuttle means “Serving Platter”)
    “Covid 19 Pandemic” all that means is whatever CV is affects “All People” just like “Democracy”; WHO Dr Tedros is not a doctor of anything but a Marxist Terrorist, merely “Classified” Covid 19 as a Pandemic” on 3/11 “Purim”
   “Science Experts” Science is “Chaldean Language” Dan 1:4 and Vain, Profane Babblings” Neil DeGrasse Tyson readily admits he does not believe in God and says “Coronavirus is a global science experiment” Greta Thunberg is a Gates/Soros funded child spouting CO2 increases will cause irreversible Global Warming; total garbage science. Commercial Greenhouses like the pre-flood world had 10x current CO2 levels; Plants grow; Animals eat the plants and make plant food; easy for grade schoolers to grasp yet the UN is calling on all nations right now to declare a Global Climate Emergency and get to Net Zero Carbon Emissions; that’s a sure fire recipe for creating a Desert and justifying the killing of billions of carbon producing people which scripture also warns of in Jn 16:2. NIH Dir Francis Collins and BioLogos use 2700+ Evangelical leaders to unite Science (Evolution) and Religion, promoting Coronavirus Vaccines, Masks and Distancing; Anthony Fauci (Sickle) is his Jesuit mouthpiece.
What sort of weapon prevents all flesh from being saved? (Mat 24:22) Every cell in our bodies must be made not worthy of God’s Salvation ie turned into a Beast. The only one I can think of is a DNA altering injection. Not a Barcode, QR Code or Tattoo, but a removal of VMAT Gene expression and that is only possible through CRISPR Gene editing of Chromosome 8 and 10, the location of VMAT 1&2 Genes. Further, it must affect every person on Earth whether rich, poor, bond or free (Rev 13:16) and that is only possible as I can see it through CRISPR Gene Editing Gene Drive works with CRISPR to alter the Genome of an entire species by promoting a specific Allele to be inherited by future offspring. Gates funded Oxitec used GM Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes for this purpose now. DREADD is a process of controlling behavior in an entire population given the “Designer Drug” (Vaccine)
Pharmaceutical is derived from Pharmakos “Ritual sacrifice of a Scapegoat or Victim”; Pharmakeos means “Drug related Sorcery” Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”, the Crowned White Horse (Gen 6) conquering with a Bow (Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison/Venom). People are divided over the Coronavirus Vaccine and will see people refusing the vaccine as dangerous to their health (Red Horse removes peace from the world). Coronavirus is a global economic wrecking ball (Black Horse). Soon the Coronavirus Vaccine will be required for “Societal Inclusion” such as Transportation, Shopping etc and to access Digital Currency. The Pale Horse “Death” represents the end of your personal Name; Hell follows if JESUS does not know you.  After the 4 Horsemen, Martyrs accrue in Heaven, those who have refused the Vaccine whether it be the Coronavirus Vaccine or a Universal Flu Vaccine matters little; those who refuse to be a part of the system will soon die or be killed in quarantine.

Coronavirus: The biggest lie ever sold  Kary Mullis (d Aug 2019) won the Nobel Prize in 1993 for inventing the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Test. PCR is not a diagnostic tool and is not appropriate for Viral detection; PCR it is a manufacturing technique to rapidly reproduce DNA sequences. High PCR Cycle Thresholds above approx 30 Cycles, result in false positive results; India, UK and the US use 40-45 Cycles.  Chromosome 8 is common to every cell in the human body and includes VMAT 1 (Vesicular monoamine transporter 1; VMAT 2 on Chromosome 10 is called the “God Gene”); a Vaccine recognizing Chromosome 8 will alter every cell ie all flesh; Jesus warned no flesh would be saved unless He shortened “Those Days” Mat 24:22. Covid-19 vaccines cause Infertility; the body produces antibodies against Syncytin-1 (Enverin; ERVW-1 Gene) the gene necessary for placenta development, preventing miscarriage. FunVax is a decades old Bio-weapon program affecting our perception of Soul and Spirit through Neurotransmitters such as Dopamine, Serotonin, Adrenaline, Histamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine is under attack.  Positive Coronavirus Test results result from Flu and the Common Cold.  COVID (Certificate of Vaccine ID) verification by Trust Stamp and MasterCard are required for “Financial and Societal Inclusion” aka the right to “Buy and Sell” is dependent on Vaccination.

Universal Flu Vaccine:  BiondVax and FluGen are 2 Israeli companies producing an Intranasal delivered Universal Flu Vaccine DARPA (Defense Advanced Researched Projects) Hydrogel: Nanoparticles attached to Cas Phi Macrophages for Intranasal Drug/Vaccine delivery. Humans treated like Cattle! Swabs place Cas Phi carrying Hydrogel at the Brain Stem, next to the Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Olfactory Bulb and Optic Nerve. CSQ (Chitosan encapsulated Quantum Dots) Micro-needle Platform Vaccine Delivery carry Foreign Genes (Cow, Swine, Bird, Bat, Frog) and Luciferase into Cells providing Visual ID and Vaccine verification in the forehead or in the hand.  FluGen Intranasal “live” Vaccine and Israeli BiondVax may be here early 2021.

Secret Society and Witchcraft Initiations eventually require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost “A future vaccine to prevent knowledge of Soul and Spirit” Theosophist Rudolph Steiner outlined the plan in 1917; It’s called Trump’s Deal of the Century. The deadly 2nd wave of Spanish Flu (Bacterial Pneumonia caused by Meningitis Vaccines) came in1920; Coronavirus came in 2020. The Coronavirus Vaccine (Crowned Serpent Venom) will permanently alter human DNA using Beast DNA (Cow, Pig, Bird, Bat, Frog)  Programmable Cas9 and Cas Phi Macrophages, dubbed the Trojan Horse (original Trojan Horse was full of disease and willingly admitted inside the gates; the human body is the New Covenant Temple of God)  and Slinky Assassin (Assassin is derived from Hashashin the Entheogen “Become God” Hashish) the Arab drug similar to Psilocybin Amenita Muscaria used in the Christmas delusion. Cas9,  Cas Phi and CRISPR Gene Editing, is effectively a Scissor removing Genes such as VMAT Genes, called “God Genes” which regulate Neuro-transmitters such as Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and Acetylcholine. Luciferase Bio-Luminescent proteins used in Quantum Dot Vaccine Delivery, presumably in the right hand or forehead are a Smart Phone readable Vaccine Verification, used with Trust Stamp and MasterCard for “Financial and Societal Inclusion”. Universal Basic Income programs require Vaccine Verification and forfeiture of Private Property in exchange for Debt Forgiveness and Societal Inclusion (Buy, Sell, Travel, Shelter, Health Care); non-compliance results in Isolation (FEMA Camps) and forfeiture of all personal assets (pre-planned by Presidential Executive Orders)  At this point still a guess, but Phoenix Blockchain Digital Currency is a possibility for the one world currency. Bio-Luminiscent Opsins (LMO’s), controllable by Artemis (Butcher; same name used in the Space Force Hoax), 5G Global Broadband and AI (Artificial Intelligence) now writing its own history and religion, used with DREADD (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs) provide “Precise control of Neural Circuits” target neural circuitry to control behavior, perceptions, emotions, innate drives and motor functions. Acoustically targeted chemo-genetics and Optogenetics (light control) breach the Blood-Brain barrier providing millisecond targeted control of specific locations of the brain using Viral Vectors in Vaccines. The Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11) and Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16-18) is here.

Rights Nobody on Earth has any Rightssave a personal Covenant with the Creator (JEHOVAH/JESUS).The Covenant can be made in minutes inside your Prayer Closet (Anywhere you can be alone with JESUS, the Holy Ghost) The Old Covenant, was a physical contract made with JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) written by Holy Men moved by the Holy Ghost which ended with the Crucifixion of the Testator, nailed to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The New Covenant is the last offer of Covenant between God and Man; a SPIRITUAL Contract made with JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV), the same Testator JEHOVAH, made possible via the Holy Ghost. The offer will only be on the table a short time longer. Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” has the hallmarks of the 4 Horsemen; the Coronavirus Vaccine has all the hallmarks of the Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11) and Mark of the Beast; a one way ticket to Hell. A One on One Marriage Proposal made in your Prayer Closet to be invited to the Wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) is all that is required; no Religion, Priest, Rabbi or Imam can help with that. “I never knew you: depart from me…” Mat 7:23 will be the last words anyone will hear. 6 of 7 Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement  of the LORD have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ, born on  Feast of Tabernacles and required to be celebrated during the Millennium (Zech 14:18) remains unfulfilled after His rejection. Oct 2-9, 2020? Time will soon tell. Feast of Tabernacles “Feast of Ingathering”; Sukkot means “Saturn”; the SPIRITUAL Ingathering in JESUS has nothing to do with Sukkot, the physical Ingathering in Jerusalem around Saturn, the 3rd Temple and Satan’s Seat; there is no middle ground; If you can’t hear the Silver Trumpets yet; ask Jesus for help!; Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 Rabbi Jonathan Cahn will lead The Return Sept 26, 2020 at the Capitol “Womb of Zeus”; I suggest being in a personal Covenant with JESUS by then.  Holy Days like Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Purim, Ramadan, Holi are Pagan as are Trees (Jer 10). Adhering to Old Covenant Law? Receiving absolution from a Priest, Imam, Rabbi? Privately Interpreting Scripture? Believing Prosperity Gospel? Pre-chosen for Salvation? Lying? Oath Swearing? Believing Science (Chaldean Language; Vain, Profane Babbling Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Tim 6:20KJV You’re fooling yourself and will likely never understand the True Saving Grace of JESUS.

Time: “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Pet 3:8-9 JESUS promised to return at a specific day and time, the 120th Jubilee ie 6000 years. He brings a sword to divide His followers destined for Salvation from those destined for His Wrath and Hell for eternity. The time of the False Messiah is here folks! Jesus warned of “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. Jn 5:43 Maccabees instituted Hanukkah in 163BC exactly 2183 years ago. 1656 + 2160 +2183=5999 years. Jesus warned never call any man Rabbi for this reason (Mat 23:8); Rabbi Jonathan Cahn leads The Return at the Capitol Sept 26, 2020; this is not JESUS folks! The Crowned Chaldean Messiah will arrive on a White Horse 3 1/2 years before Jesus arrives wearing a Crown on a White Horse. Whether you accept the Mark of the Beast or not depends on whether JESUS has your Name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Rev 13:18

Hypocrisy: “Practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which ones own behavior does not conform; pretense” Mat 23 is can be summed up as “Woe unto you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!” Today Chaldean Rabbis are still illegally sitting in Moses’ Seat and Samaritans illegally serve as Levite Priests; Catholic Priests are called Father, and Masters of all types lead their flocks to slaughter. Scribes continue to alter the Word of God; Pastors teach from false scripture and illegally collect Tithings; Politicians lay heavy burdens (Tax) they themselves do not pay and claim the moral “High Ground” while attending Bohemian Grove, Freemason and Jesuit Sodomy Initiations.  Holy means “To Separate” Time to give it a try!

4 Horsemen aka Quadriga of Apollo: Pre-Tribulation Rapture; 7 yr Tribulation; 2nd Dispensation for Israel are not in Scripture; they are Jesuit lies; Jesuits are managing Coronavirus The Great Tribulation (1260 Days) starts with the release of the 4 Horsemen: Crowned White Horse kills with a Bow; Strong’s G#5115 Bow is Toxon “Poison”. Astrologically: Corona “Crown” sits atop Serpens caput “Serpents Head”;  Corona and Apollo are the parents of Aesculapius “God of Plagues”, the logo of The WHO and $ONE. Red Horse (Peace removed; Assymptomatic Covid carriers; Esau=Edom=Red), Black Horse (Coronavirus is a Global Economic Wrecking Ball; US CV Czar Mike Pence=Denarius; World Currency; GESARA is the Global Economic Reset), Pale Horse “Death” (Saturn worship; Dan 7:7; Hab 2:5; Job 18:13; Tekhelet Blue, the Canaanite Priestly color used on the UN and WHO Logo is Israel’s Ensign=666THz; the Pale Horse is described in Rev 6:8; 68kg X 9.8m/s2 “Gravity”=666Newtons); 7 Trumpet Warnings (final 3 are Woes! lasting 18 months, 1 week, 1 day) and 7 Vials of Wrath (Body Resurrection of believers Jesus is God are taken just ahead of the final day) 12 Tribes are gathered after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ aka Shiloh “Owner of the House” Gen 49:10; this is the Wedding of the Lamb; Rev 19:7 Gog and Magog is the final war against God at the end of the Millennium; 1000 years in the future.“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand”. Eze 33:6 I’m sounding the Trumpet! Nobody in their right mind would willingly accept the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:18) knowing Hell for Eternity awaits. Only a person who is not in their right mind ie a person having Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11). Covid is a Global Intelligence Agency created PsyOp, a literal Black Ops (Saturn “Black Star” + Ops=Jupiter/Zeus/Horus) and Strong Delusion designed to end at the Mark of the Beast, the CV Vaccine; a Global United Nations backed Luciferian Initiation written decades ago in the UN Planetary Initiative.

Pharmakos: “Ritualistic sacrifice  or exile of a Scapegoat or Victim” Coronavirus managed by Pharmaceutical Lobbyists: Moderna (mRNA=messenger or modified RNA) and Inovio are producing mRNA Vaccines changing the DNA Blueprint of the human body; funded by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and HHS which controls BARDA (US Biomedical Advance Research & Development Authority). HHS Sec Alex Azar a Jesuit educated Pharmaceutical lobbyist/lawyer; Coronavirus Czar Moncef Slaoui also a Pharmaceutical lobbyist. Moderna began Phase 1 candidate selection Mar 1 with 1st injections of mRNA 1273 Vaccine Mar 16; obviously pre-planned. PCR Covid 19 (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Test copies sequences a strand of Chromosome 8, common to everyone, thus the reason why Covid is appears as one of the causes in 94% of death certificates; Everyone has Covid! Hospitals are paid $13K to diagnose Covid; a guaranteed payday. Trust Stamp and MasterCard Vaccine verification and digital currency will provide the Mark of the Beast using “Quantum Dot” micro-needle vaccination delivery system (666) and Luciferase, smart phone readable bio-luninescence; together with Trust Stamp and MasterCard, they provide DNA altered Vaccine Verification and the ability to Buy and Sell aka “Societal and Financial Inclusion” A plan hatched in Hell and literally the Gate of Hell “BabEl” carried out mostly by oath sworn Jesuits. Moderna expects Vaccine delivery late 2020. In a personal covenant with JESUS yet? Time is running out fast!

Hear the Trumpet yet? There are 2 Trumpets in the Word of God; a Ram’s Horn Shofar in times of War and Silver Trumpet (Chatsotser) blown at Feast of Trumpets to usher in Feast of Ingathering aka Feast of Tabernacles. Rabbis celebrate Sukkot a name of Saturn not Tabernacles as God requires.1 Tishrei is Feast of Trumpets (Sept 20, 2020) NASA and FEMA held an “Exercise” Oct 25, 2016 highlighting Rosh Hashanah 2020 as the date of an asteroid impact Donald Trump also highlighted Feast of Trumpets signing an Executive Order Aug 6, 2020 requiring Tik Tok to sell to Microsoft, now Oracle or be banned in 45 Days; Aug 6 + 45 days=Sept 20, 2020; this is 3 years after the Christ Angle formed in 2017. DHS is warning of an EMP attack on the US before the election; Jesus warned “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6. Uncle Sam makes his own EMP’s! Rabbi Jonathan Cahn leads The Return Sept 26, 2020 at the Capitol Mall; this is not the return of JESUS folks! Tishrei is Akkadian/Assyrian for Beginning. Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”; CV is not a Virus, it is our own DNA! WHO PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Covid Test sequences are found in all human DNA  PCR Test Swabs target the Cribriform Plate a delicate sieve protecting the Olfactory Bulb affecting sense of Smell and Episodic (time and place) Memory. “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” Heb 10:17 Jesus will forget our sins, just make sure He knows you. Human Chromosome #8 has an 18 character primer sequence identical to the “Positive” Covid test sequence. The New Covenant is the 8th and final Covenant between God (JESUS) and Man made solely via the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV) and ends with acceptance of the Mark of the Beast. Jesus warned unless He shortened “Those Days” no flesh should be “Saved” (Mat 24:22)  Covid/SARS 2.0 testing will be the justification to Vaccinate the entire global population and eradicate all flesh even thought the CDC admits 96% of Covid Deaths have underLYING causes such as Old Age.  Trust Stamp and MasterCard to provide “Vaccine verification and Digital ID for Financial and Societal inclusion” ie the ability to “Buy and Sell”. This mass destruction of human flesh made possible via 5G Millimeter Wave “Electroporation” of human cells with Beast DNA (Cow, Pig, Bird, Bat, Frog) and Cas Phi Macrophages, the “Trojan Horse” and “Slinky Assassin” of CRISPR Gene editing.; 5G Millimeter Waves are necessary for Electroporation (Wavelength must be smaller than a Cell) of Cell Walls, incorporating self replicating foreign DNA changing God given human DNA to that of a Beast. Gen 1:24-5; Lev 19:19; 1 Cor 15:38-39 and others warn Beast DNA is not compatible with Human DNA; Liger, Zebroid, Cama are examples of cross-breeding producing infertile freaks of nature. Hybrids (Animal egg fertilized by human sperm); Cybrids (Human nucleus implanted into animal cells) and Chimeras (Human cells mixed with animal embryos) were likely being produced in the pre-Flood world “Giants” (Gen 6) before and after the Flood are recorded in scripture; today Joint Chief of Staff Gen Mark Miller refers to the next war with “Hybrid Soldiers”. Self replicating Frog DNA and designer RNA in a Vaccine will turn a Human Being into an infertile Beast destroying all Flesh in the process. How can anyone not expect Hell for Eternity as a result? Solomon’s Temple was dedicated on Feast of Trumpets; today the Temples of Flesh in the New Covenant will be destroyed by the Coronavirus Vaccine and replaced by the 3rd Temple, Samaritan Priests, Satan’s Seat and the Abomination of Desolation. Gather yourselves to JESUS folks! Time is just about up!

Noble, Political or Big Lie: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” NAZI SS (Black Sun=Saturn) propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, trained by Edward Bernays, adapted by Jesuit Bernhard Staempfle, author of Mein Kampf, itself adapted from Plato in Republic. The Political Lie is used by Elite to advance an agenda. “The aim of practical politics is to constantly menace the population with an endless array of hobgoblins, all of which are imaginary” HL Menken Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom”; Covid in Hebrew “God’s Door”; COVID “Certificate Of Vaccination ID” Pandemic is derived from Pandeimos “All People” Masks are used in Initiation Rituals; CV is a Global Initiation. Social Distancing is the CIA “Social Isolation Torture Program”, developed in 1951 as “The Ideal way to break a prisoner…as effective as torture” Isolation crushes spirit, destroys learning, causes depression and anxiety, decreases cardiovascular health and immunity. Hand Washing: Nobody on Earth will escape the Coronavirus (Crowned Serpent/Satan) Pandeimos Ritual Initiation. Pontius Pilate washed his hands as a public show of innocence to God concerning the offering of Jesus Christ as the Scapegoat, that takes upon Himself the Sins fo the congregation.  New bible versions change Scapegoat to Azazel in Lev 16:8-10 for a reason; Azazel is Satan, the personification of evil, leader of the fallen angels and spiritual wickedness; like God’s Calendar, everything Satan does is inverted and mirror imaged.  Romans like Jews washed their hands before receiving a Levite Priest Blessing. The New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL; No Priest on Earth has the right to give any “Blessings”; only the true Chief Priest JESUS aka Melchesidek (Righteous Priest of the Most High). Mt Ebal (Mountain of Curses) or Mt Gerizem (Mountain of Samaritan Priest Blessings) is the decision Pandeimos (Everyone on Earth) need to make fast ones hands of the Sin associated with the Crucifixion of God is no more possible or worthwhile than receiving a Priest Blessing on Kol Nidre/Feast of Atonement. We are all “Cursed” (Deut 21:22-23); all guilty of a Sin worthy of death. The world is hanging on the same Tree Jesus was nailed to! Coronavirus is a Saturnian Cult Pandemic.  “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 Jesuits (Militia of Zeus) invented Vaccines “Of the Cow” just like every other Bullshit theory under the Big Lie “Science” aka Chaldean Vain, Profane Babbling (Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Ti 6:12KJV)

WHO Dir Dr Tedros Adhanom on Purim (Puru “Cast lots for Marduk” aka Golden Calf) “Coronavirus can be characterized as a Pandemic”—11-march-2020 Neil DeGrasse Tyson “Coronavirus is a worldwide experiment to see how far people will listen to scientists” Coronavirus is the “Infectious Myth Foreign DNA (Beast Flesh) is warned against in scripture “All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds”1 Cor 15:39  Cas Phi (Cassiopeia + Ratio of Life) Cas Phi is dubbed “Biggiephage” or “Macrophage”, an Adenovirus also known as the “Slinky Assassin” and “Trojan Horse” of CRISPR Gene Editing… Cas Phi: Cas=Cassiopeia; Phi=Ratio of Life 13/8 permanently alters God given DNA. It’s no wonder Rev 13:8 declares everyone whose name is not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will worship this Beast .  DARPA (Defense Advanced Researched Projects) Hydrogel: Nanoparticles attached to Macrophages for Intranasal Drug/Vaccine delivery. Swabs place Cas Phi carrying Hydrogel at the Brain Stem, next to the Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Olfactory Nerve and Optic Nerve. CSQ (Chitosan encapsulated Quantum Dots) Micro-needle Platform Vaccine Delivery carry Foreign Genes (Cow, Swine, Bird, Bat, Frog) and Luciferase into Cells providing Visual ID and Vaccine verification in the forehead or in the hand. 5G Cellular Electroporation uses Millimeter Waves to introduce self-replicating foreign pathogens into cell walls.   “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places” Mat 24:7; Lk 21:11. Pestilence: “Deadly, infectious, contagious disease; fatal epidemic; unwholesome atmosphere” Most people seem unwilling to accept a “Warp Speed” untested CV Vaccine yet are willing to line up for CV Testing. Trojan Horse was filled with “Pathogens” (diseased flesh of soldiers and animals) willingly brought inside the Gates of Troy just as Cas Phi the “Trojan Horse” of CRISPR Gene Editing full of Cow, Pig, Bird, Bat, self replicating Frog DNA, synthetic mRNA,  alter God given DNA to that of a Beast and 5G opens the Gates to the NucleusMasks create an “Unwholesome atmosphere”, decreasing Oxygen (21%-17%), increasing CO2, recycling waste. Obvious enough? Mark of the Beast? No, the Mark is placed “In” the right hand or “In” the forehead. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” Rev 13:16; Not coincidentally, God’s Wrath is poured out on the Desolate who have this Mark in Rev 16:13, the Mirror Image. Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11)? Nasal Pharyngeal Hydrogel Swabs and Hydrogel Micro-needle Vaccines with Cas Phi Macrophages may qualify for the Strong Delusion and Mark of the Beast

Laodicea “Luke Warm”
8 people were saved in Noah’s Ark out of a world population likely far larger than today and given 120 years notice to prepare. 120 years ago Zionism began the movement to form the Jewish nation state in Palestine centered on the Canaanite Hill Fortress in Jerusalem, the city Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV. How many are saved this time is up to you! The Ark is a personal SPIRITUAL Covenant with JESUS through the Holy Ghost. Laodicea (Rev 7:14-22) is the 7th and final Church Warning and means “Luke Warm”. We are either All In or All Out; try to walk the fence, rest on Works, Water Baptism, a Priest/Pastor or a Church and you will hear “Depart from me, I never knew you”.

“For the love of money is the root of all evil” 1 Tim 6:10 Edomites control Money (Mammon) through Usury (Money loaned at Interest) warned against in Deut 23:19; Ps 69:22; Rom 11:9 “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” Prov 22:7 There are 2 sets of Books; the published World Debt of $253T and the hidden Mirror Accounts called CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports; Kafir means Infidel)  Esau is the Whore; the Roman Catholic Church is NOT  Rev 17 MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The Jesuit/Freemasonic pre-planned collapse of the United States will NOT fulfill Rev18 “Babylon the great is fallen…” Jesuits are NOT  Roman Catholic; Freemasons are NOT Protestant and Chaldean-Sabean-Chasidic-Chabad “Jews” are NOT of Jacob much less Israel. The same situation exists in Islam with Messianic Shias, Wahhabist-Qutibist (Hagarenes) and Sufis; all work together toward the goal of ushering in WWIII “Zionism versus Islam”  All are Satanic Oath driven cancers in their respective religions. Jesuit Pope Francis and Jesuit educated Donald Trump are figureheads placed in their respective seats of power, pre-planned to usher in the 4 Horsemen via the Coronavirus Vaccine.

Coronavirus is a Chaldean ie Chabad Lubavitch, Jesuit, Freemasonic managed Lie hundreds of years in the making. Google Doodle Jan 1, 2020 Froggy facing the rising Sun between a Vaccine Needle and Sword. The Monument in London commissioned by Rosicrucian/Freemason Sir Christopher Wren has Coronavirus atop its 311 steps; Coronavirus was declared by WHO Director Ethiopian Marxist fake Doctor; Dr Tedros Adhanom as having “Characteristics of a Global Pandemic” on Purim (3/11/2020) the day also aligned with the Hindu Holi Festival of Krishna; Purim is an Assyrian Holy Day meaning “Cast lots for Marduk” aka “Golden Calf”; Vaccine means “Of the Cow”; Hathor the “Holy Cow” and “Golden Calf” in Scripture means “Mansion of Horus”. The same day Trump handed the US Presidency over to FEMA fulfilling Ops Plan Rex 84. George Orwell’s 1984 may ring a Baal.

WHO Logo is the Rod of Aesculapius, the Chaldean god of Plagues. Theraputae of Pergamon maintain “Satan’s Seat” (Throne of Zeus; Throne of Pergamon Rev 2:13) and worship this god of Plagues; in mythology, the son of Corona “Crown” and “Apollo” (Destroyer “Apollyon” Rev 9:11). “Dr Tedros” uses the Global Mantra “Test, Test Test”; the SARS-2.0 Test is administered via “Virus Carrying Media”, producing the Antibodies for a “Positive Test” for Coronavirus, ie the Test may be the Vaccine. The swab places the foreign pathogen at the base of the brain stem near the Optic NervePituitary and Hypothalamus.  Coronavirus Vaccine is a Chimera “She-goat” made of Cow, Pig, Bird, Bat, Camel, self replicating Frog DNA, Cas Phi proteins dubbed “Slinky Assassin” and “Trojan Horse” of CRISPR Gene editing plus synthetic mRNA. CV (3 22) Brotherhood of Death is the 4 Horsemen seen ride from St John Divine Cathedral representing the Mark of the Beast the Selling one’s Soul. COVIPASS, Trust Stamp and MasterCard provide Global “Financial and Societal Inclusion” ie the ability to “Buy and Sell”;  Black Horse (Rev 6:6) collapses the world economy and ushers in the Pale Horse and (Rev 6:8)  Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16) GESARA provides “Global Forgiveness of Debt” is the “Great Reset”.
        Pharmaceutical means “Druggist; Poisoner” Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom” is a Jesuit managed global PsyOp given legal immunity via the PREP Act pre-planned with elements required for the Mark of the Beast. CV is a Jesuit Stage Show brought to you by Jesuit educated Hollywood Actor Donald Trump, Closet Sodomite Zionist Mike Pence, Eugenicist college drop out Bill Gates (also finances Greta Inc Global Climate Change alarmist), Jesuit Anthony Fauci (Sickle), his wife Jesuit Christine Grady (NAID Head of Human Drug/Disease Experimentation), Jesuit CDC Dir Robert Redfield, WH CV Director Jesuit Deborah Birx,(Global AIDS Coordinator; another manufactured “Virus”) FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn (Seal Team 6 bin Laden hoax raid Gen William McRaven hand picked) WHO fake Dr Ethiopian Communist Tedros Adhanom, Jesuit UN Sec Gen  Moroccan born British Vaccine Czar GSK Executive Moncef Slaoui, HHS Sec Vaccine Lobbyist Alex Azar. The Congressional PREP Act gives Vaccine makers legal immunity.

Worldwide Debt is $257Trillion; The US CORPORATE Debt is near $1Quadrillion, offset by Trillions of Bbls of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico, ANWR and Bakken Oil Fields. Those assets and investments are accounted on CAFR (Comprehensive Annual financial Reports) made known to Government leaders, not citizens.  The Organic Act of 1871 created the US CORPORATION and CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES illegally by Skull & Bones (Brotherhood of Death aka Society 322; CV=322) US Chief Justice Morrison “Mot” (Canaanite/Phoenician God of Death) Waite. 2020 GDP dropped 33% in 6 months due to the Coronavirus Hoax as the Treasury began printing Money to collapse the $, the same logo used by the WHO. US Debt as of Aug 2020: $25.6Trillion Cash + $153.5 Trillion Unfunded Liabilities such as Social Security, Medicare, Gov’t backed Pensions + $690Trillion in Credit Derivatives (Insurance). Like the Titanic, the US is leveraged, insured for catastrophic loss and will be intentional scuttled as the Phoenix of the New Age. “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender” Prov 22:7. CV is an Economic Wrecking Ball.

 CV is the Crowned Serpent and an Economic Wrecking Ball.  Crowned White Horse; Like the Bowman, CV is anonymous, deaths due to respiratory distress or Flu are attributed to CV.  Red Horse removes peace; Covid Mask/Vaccine divide and isolate humanity.  The Black Horse is the Controlled Demolition of the Worldwide Economic Wrecking Ball while the wealthiest Billionaires reap $Trillion windfalls from 7 Billion Vaccines. The Pale Horse “Death” is the CV Vaccine which also is the Mark of the Beast, Strong Delusion; following the Pale Horse is Hell. Rev 6:8; 68kg X 9.8m/s2=666Newtons, the God Particle, represented in Science is the “god of Forces” (Dan 11:38) Hematin (Blood + Iron + Oxygen) has 77 atoms; Dan 7:7 is the Beast of Iron, a Jubilee reverses Debtor and Creditor, Slave and Master; this is Jacob and Esau reversing roles

4th Horsemen is the Pale (Chloro=Chlorophyll) Horse; the 4th Beast of Iron 5G disrupts Hematin a 77 (Jubilee=77) atom molecule seen in Dan 7:7 and Aleister Crowley’s Liber Oz: Book 77, from carrying Oxygen as well as the ability for Chlorophyll in plants to produce Oxygen, thus destruction of all life on Earth through 5G Global Broadband is possible.  CV is the “Social Cataclysm” in Albert Pike’s plan for 3 World Wars written in 1871. Dean Koontz book Eyes of Darkness 1981 (Adrenochrone Harvesting; “Wuhan 400”); May 5, 2009 “Good Club” MTG; Event 201 Oct 18, 2019; Wuhan Military Games Oct 17-27, 2019. Coronavirus was advertised to the world in the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony Covid means “God’s Door” 19 is the 8th Prime Number (Holy Ghost is the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man; 8 Saved on the Ark), reducible to 9 the number associated with Divine Judgment and 10, code for SaTen. CV (3:22=Brotherhood of Death) is  brought to the world by Jesuits (Society of Gesu=Earth Pig) during the Chinese year of the Earth Pig. Jesuits have been kicked out of 83 (Ps 83 lists the “Confederacy” against God) nations for treason and deception. Jesuit misdeeds: Coronavirus, Dispensationalism, Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Communism, Nazism, Atomic Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Evolution Theory, Gravity Theory, Big Bang Theory, Vaccinations and the Gunpowder Plot. Jesuit snake oil salesman Dr Anthony Fauci (Saturn’s Sickle) claims Coronavirus lives on surfaces and in the air; Bullshit! Coronavirus cannot “Live” on surfaces or in the air because Viruses are not “Living” organisms, Viruses need host cells to multiply. 5G “Electroporation” facilitates Virus genes incorporation into cells; 5G 60GHz causes CV symptoms preventing Oxygen uptake by Blood and Oxygen production in Plants disrupting Photosynthesis; 5G @95Ghz is called “Pain Rays” used in Active Denial/Crowd Control Weapons. 5G Transmitters 60 GHz WiGig is called the Holy Grail of the Information Age; Routers have COV 19 on the Chipsets. CV is a Global Lie: Hospitals receive $13K Government (Taxpayer) funding to diagnose CV, $39K for placing patients on Ventilators and more for listing Covid on the Death Certificates. British Vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline CEO Moncef Slaoui is Vaccine Czar; Pharmaceutical Lobbyist Alex Azar is HHS Sec; Ethiopian Communist-Terrorist non-doctor Tedros Adhanom is WHO Director  (Level 6 Pandemic Protocol require force vaccination of quarantine; CV was declared a Pandemic on 3/11/2020 “Purim”  CV Vaccine will be made of Foreign DNA (Cow, Pig, Bird, Bat, Frog, Aborted Fetal DNA, Synthetic mRNA and Cas Phi (Cassiopeia + Phi=Ratio of Life) proteins. 2020 US Quarter has a Bat; Frog DNA self replicates so this is a permanent resident. CRISPR Gene Editing incorporating the synthesized and foreign DNA into specific cells; the Iron-Clay Toes of the Abomination of Desolation (Dan 2). NTAG 216 RF Microchip (216=6x6x6; 216 x sayTEN=2160 years/astrological house=Time=Saturn; Patent #060606 Digital Interface) Luciferase (Lucifer’s Race) Enzyme provides readable Bio-Luminescence in Quantum Dots subcutaneous Vaccines. ID 2020 Digital ID and Bio-Luminescence Vaccine verification (Luciferase enzyme catalyst for Luciferins) is the  Mark of the Beast, a Luciferian Initiation required by the United Nations Planetary Inititiative. Hell for eternity awaits everyone who accepts this Mark and by default are not in a personal Covenant with JESUS. Bilderberg Initiates Mike Pompeo, Jared Kushner, Jesuit educated Donald Trump, Bill Gates from Hell, Jesuit Anthony Fauci (Sickle) are leading the world to slaughter eternally; I suggest not joining them. Things get very different even for seasoned liars with they put their left hand on a Bible and Swear to God to tell the truth Kobe  “God’s Door” in Japanese (Japan means Rising Sun aka Saturn) was called “Black Mamba”; Kobe and Covid both mean “God’s Door”; 19 is the 7th Prime Number, the number of Completion. Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent” was Simulated and Rehearsed in China and NYC during Event 201  ID2020 + NTAG 216 RFID (216=666 and Time) + Aadhaar (Foundation) 12 Digit Digital ID and Vaccine verification plus Xenobots  (Programmable, Self-replicating Frog DNA means its permanent in our DNA) seen in the Jan 1 2020 Google Doodle with Froggy celebrating the Rising Sun between a Sword and Vaccine needle is as obvious as its going to get this will be the Mark of the Beast

Coronavirus (Crowned Snake Venom) is the 4 Horsemen (Rev 6) White Horse (Rev 6:2) has the Crown; Jesus is the real White Horse of Rev 19. CV (C=3; V=22=322; Gen 3:22=Society 322 “Brotherhood of Death”) Symptoms are generated by 5G Global Broadband; 60 GHz is the “Holy Grail” Oxygen inhibiting “Kill Zone” Frequency used in WiGig; antennas are being installed in Stadiums, Universities, Churches, Hospitals during Quarantine. 5G will run the  IOT (Internet OF Things) and control ID 2020 the Global Vaccine Passport, Digital ID and Smart Phone proximity via Bluetooth providing access to Blockchain Digital Currency. KL-03 RF Hardware Chips and ID 2020 controlled by AI (Artificial Intelligence), Trust Stamp (“Health Verification for Financial and Societal Inclusion”) represents Total Spectrum Dominion (Dan 7:6). Geo-engineering Project Blue Beam, Boeing CHAMP (5G, AI controlled Microwave EMP Drones/Missiles);  Libra Crypto Currency (Libra is the Scales of Justice; Crypto Currencies on Blockchains require electricity, computing and Internet access; the Tracing Board of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows shows the Sword aimed at the Globe and Lamb for a reason.)  Boeing CHAMP will eliminate the US Electrical Grid. Edomite “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV) is easy to see; you just need 2020 vision to see the Writing on the Wall. White Horse has a Crown and a Bow to Kill anonymously; Red Horse removes Peace from the World; Contact Tracing Apps for CV do just that; Phone Apps encourage everyone to report infractions. Black Horse collapses the Economy (Libra Cryptocurrency is the Scales of Justice and uses the Aquarius symbol for a reason) CV does just that. Pale Horse “Death” brings “Hell” for eternity; CV Vaccine will do just that. Only a one on one Personal relationship with JESUS will provide the Eyes to See.

Time: TimesUp folks!
Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” is the Crowned White Horse leading the way into the Great Tribulation; the 4 Horsemen can be seen in the entrance pillars of the St John Divine Cathedral in NYC next to the Peace Fountain highlighting the Solar Eclipse of June 21, 2020 “St John’s Day”. Froggy in the Jan 1, 2020 Google Doodle represents the Spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13) and injectible Xenobots; the Iron and Clay Feet (Foundation) of the Abomination of Desolation Daniel warned of.  Froggy is wearing a Party Hat celebrating the Rising Sun (Satan) between a Vaccine Needle and Sword representing our choice to accept the Mark of the Beast or death; I choose death. Acceptance of the False Christ aka Pale Horse “Death” results in Jesus erasing your Name from the Book of Life and Hell surely follows. (Rev 6:6) Time is not relative; it is measured by observing Axis precession with respect to the Stars, which began with Noah’s Flood: 1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 years for the astrological age of Aries and 2160 years for Pisces to the start of Aquarius yields 5976Years. The Maccabees instituted Hanukkah in 163BC exactly 2183 years ago. 1656 + 2160 +2183=5999 years. The Gnostic telling of time is thus 5999 years as of Jan 1, 2020. Sargon the Great was pronounced Legitimate King, likely at 21 the Age of Accountability and Adulthood in Scripture; thus the Age of Aquarius begins at 1656 + 2160 + 2160 + 21=5997 years. The Time between the 2 is the Great Tribulation.
1 Cor 15:52, 1 Thess 4:17 and Rev 10:7 is the 7th and final Trumpet Warning the  3rd and final Woe !; the “Little Book” in Rev 10 is the Lamb’s Book of Life;  this Narrow Gate to Salvation will be closed for Eternity the day before God’s Wrath; you are either In or Out. Jesus returns when Creation is exactly 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8); Antichrist arrives 1260 days before that; Gnostics call the return to the pre-Flood world the “Golden Age of Saturn”. Saturn is called Chronos “Time”; TimesUp folks!

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” Eph 6:12
Followers of JESUS (Holy Ghost; 1 Jn 5:7KJV) wage a constant SPIRITUAL Battle against Chaldeans “Church of the East” or “Rising Sun”, whose false doctrine has infected every religion on Earth, most visibly with Christmas/Hanukkah (Tree=Grove=Asherah) celebrations representing the Death of Jesus Christ. Followers of JESUS (JEHOVAH) are regarded as “Sheep for the Slaughter” in the New Testament/Covenant (Rom 8:36) as they were in the Old Testament (Ps 44:22) by the same Chaldean Traitors in their own “House” (Mic 7:6; Mat 10:36) Ever wonder why Christmas (Christ=Messiah/Savior + Mass=Death Sacrifice) celebrations are celebrated by “Christian”, Atheist, Agnostic, “Jew” (Hanukkah Trees; Jesus was Nailed to the Tree for living the Law He wrote; Rabbis open Synagogue with the Sign of Shin “Nail”; the Talmud claims Jesus is the son of a Whore in Hell boiling in His own excrement; think Rabbis or the Talmud have anything to do with God? Guess again), Hindu (Krishna), Shinto, Buddha (Shintos and Buddhists in Japan “Land of the Rising Sun” even celebrate Christmas), Krishna, KRST (Osiris of Egypt) Tammuz (Eze 8) When you understand your enemy, only then can you fight the battle. Holy means “To Separate” not “Congregate”; the first thing any follower of JESUS (JEHOVAH Ex 6:3) should do is dump Christmas, Easter and Hanukkah.

False Teaching
Spotting False Teachers and Religions is easy, they are everywhere. If it’s not written explicitly in the KJV, the only bible based on Texts Receptus, the Inspired Word of God, it’s a lie. (Rev 2:6;15) Conquer the Laity by Elevating Clergy in Congregations, Mosques and Synagogues. Apostle (Jesus creates Apostles through the laying of hands; all including the Roman Catholic Pope and Mormon Apostles are Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes) Anyone using the title Father, Master, Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10) Reverend (Jesus’ title is “Reverend”; Ps 111:9). Female Clergy (1 Cor 14:34-35) Anyone acting as a Priest or Confessor (Jesus is the only path to Heaven as Melchisedek “Priest of the Most High” Gen 14:18). Study Bible Notes; Private Interpretation of Scripture (2 Pet 1:20). Anyone celebrating Easter and Christmas or Tree worship (Jer 4&10). Anyone advocating Temples including the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. Anyone supporting Israel (Jesus refers to “Jerusalem as Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV; Jesus gathers the 12 Tribes Gen 49:10; modern Israel is of Chaldean origin). Display of the Cross (Jesus was hung on a tree; Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 2 Pet 2:24; Jn 19:31); display of the Chaldean Six Pointed Star (Amos 5:26; Habakkuk “Wrestler”) or Crescent (Hilal means Lucifer). Any Cult (Adherence to teachings of a man eg Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, John Wesley, Joseph Smith, Martin Armstrong (Worldwide Church of God or its Satanic offshoot Church of the Great God) Lutheran (Christmas Trees; Catholic and “Jew” bashing; Note “Jew” in reality means Chaldean/Saturnian, having nothing to do with the 12 Tribes of Jacob) Calvinist Doctrine (TULIP Total Depravity, Unconditional Election to Salvation, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace). Anyone teaching Water Baptism for Remission of Sin (Jesus Baptizes with Fire and the Holy Ghost). Prosperity preachers (Esau sold his Birthright and achieves Dominion via Wealth, War and as Priests Ref Gen 27:39-41KJV; Jesus is Shiloh Gen 49:10 “He whose it is”; No person on Earth has any Ownership Rights to anything) Holy Spirit versus Holy Ghost teachers (Holy Ghost is JESUS/JEHOVAH Ref Mat 1:25KJV; Ex 6:3; Holy Spirit can refer to many “Spirits”) New Bible Version teachers (Jesus is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word; Jesus is the Word made Flesh; JESUS is the Word delivered via the Holy Ghost; Ref Jn 1:1;14; 1 Jn 5:7KJV)

Word of God
There is and only can be 1 Word of God; the Testament of God. Covenant between God and Man. The Authorized Bible (KJV) uses Holy Ghost 90 times; new bible versions omit Holy Ghost and replace this formal pronoun equivalent with JESUS with Holy Spirit which are not the same. The Unforgivable Sin is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; all new bibles commit this Sin as do readers of new bibles. The KJV is the only bible based on Inspired Texts deemed by the early church as Divinely Inspired; Holy men wrote both Old and New Testaments as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, thus it is in no need of alteration or Interpretation; Study Bible notes commit the Unforgivable Sin.
The Old Covenant ended with the Crucifixion of the Testator; the New Covenant is made possible only through the Holy Ghost. The KJV is the only Bible retaining “Holy Ghost”

Holy Ghost
Holy Ghost is used 90 times in the Authorized Bible aka King James Bible; in all instances Holy Ghost is changed to Holy Spirit in New Bible versions. Holy Ghost is a proper noun and name of the living essence of a person; Holy Spirit is not. Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin (Mat 12:31; Mk 3:29; Lk 12:10) Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost At death, Jesus was raised to Heaven and exists as JESUS (1 Jn 5:7KJV). The authors of all new bible versions (1881 Bible Revision Committee) committed the Unforgivable Sin. JESUS (Mat 1:25 and JAH (Ps 68:4KJV)
Holy (Greek Ekklesia) means Called Out; To Separate, not Congregate, a word that is not part of the New Covenant.
The Holy Ghost is the only way for one to be “Called Out”. The first commandment in the Old Covenant “Have no other gods before me” is the same in the New Covenant ”Love God with all your heart, mind and soul”. Loving God is called “Charity”, the greatest virtue (1 Cor 13). After Charity comes “Prophesy” (1 Cor 14), not Prophecy, but the ability to understand the Word of God. Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the only way to be “Called Out” and the only source of Salvation in the New Covenant; JESUS is the Holy Ghost and Word made Flesh; the Word of God (Authorized Bible aka KJV) is the written Contract/Covenant (Jn 1:1;14;1 Jn 5:7KJV) written at Creation and unchanged at the End. JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) and JAH (Ps 68:4KJV), the only Covenant Name of God in the Old and New Covenants.

Covenant Name
There is and only can be 1 Covenant Name of God and that is JESUS. God is Alpha, Omega (Begin and End), I AM, Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem” “Priest of the Most High”, Shiloh “He whose is it” “Owner of the House”, JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) and I Am He (God in Flesh). The Creator, King, Master of the House, the only Covenant Name between God and Man and Word (Covenant/Contract) made Flesh and put in a legally binding, error free (Authorized Bible) a written contract. Sovereignty is Freedom from God and will result in Hell for Eternity. Rabbis await HaShem aka YHWH, the Tetragammaton of Saturn (aka Molech, Chiun, Milcom, Sikkuth (Sukkot is the Tabernacle of Saturn not God) Chemosh, El. Chaldean Priests of Ur and Chaldean-Sabian Priests of Haran use the title Rba “Great One” because they are today’s Rabbis.

New Covenant
The Old Covenant ended with the death of the Testator; Jesus Christ aka JEHOVAH. The New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL, Conditional Contract entered via the Holy Ghost in your “Prayer Closet” not a Congregation, Temple, Shrine, Mosque or Synagogue. Conditions? Love God and Love our Neighbor. The Covenant Name of God is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) and JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) The SPIRITUAL Battle being waged is Gnosticism versus God; Gnosticism (Chaldean, Sabian, Mandaean etc) has infiltrated most every religion. Rabbi is derived from the Mandaean Priest Rba; Priest Ordination, Tithing, Water Baptism, Signation, Laying of Hands (Apostleship), New Testament Prophets, White Vestments, Handshakes, Sunday worship are all Gnostic Rites derived from the Manichaeans. Sabaeans, Essenes, Yezidis, Nicolaitanes (Jesus hates this Doctrine of elevating clergy; Conquer+Laity; Throne of Pergamum “Satan’s Seat”; Temple of Ephesus=Supreme House of Freemasonry), Valentinians, Mandaeans, Manichaeism, Simonism (Simon Magus), Barbelites, Cainites, Sethites, Ophites, Bogomils, Albigens, Cathars, Unitarians, Sufis, Theosophy, Kabbalists are all of Gnostic origin. Holy Days such as Hanukkah, Christmas, and Easter have nothing to do with God.

Curse versus Blessing
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Gen 12:3 Blaming Jews for Usury, Blood Libel, Wars, Hollywood etc brings upon us a Curse. Blaming Arab Muslims for Terrorism also brings a Curse; Jesus warned “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36 Mic 7:6 Christmas and Hanukkah celebrate the Tree upon which Jesus was Nailed; He took upon Himself the Sins of the world to be made a Curse (Deut 21:23); the only way out of that Curse is to accept His payment. Mt Gerizem, the fertile mount of Blessings of the Samaritans is a ticket to Hell; Mt Ebal, the barren mount of Curses is where Jesus is.

Religion is derived from Religare “To Bind, Yoke or Hold Back”. Every Religion created by Man is a Sheep Pen leading to Slaughter.
The Whore of Babylon(Rev 17) with 7 heads is the “Great City” (Rev 11:8KJV) Jerusalem; the City sitting on “Many Waters” is the Beast rising from the Sea (Rev 13:1) aka Rising Sun (Eze 8) having 7 heads sitting on 7 Mountains in the only City Jesus refers to as the “Great City”, the only City holding the Kings of the Earth in bondage under the Law through Fornication (Gal 4:25); Mt Sinai (Agar or Hagar) in Arabia is in bondage to Jerusalem and named after the Arab moon god “Sin” aka Allah; Mecca means “Adultery” this is why JESUS uses capitalized words “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” and refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8KJV); the New Covenant is purely SPIRITUAL, the Temple and Ark of the New Covenant are in Heaven (Rev 11:19). Jerusalem is the future seat of Antichrist, the Abomination of Desolation and Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamon), the original home of Theraputes who will “Repair the Earth” (Tukkun Olam) by building Heaven on Earth without Jesus Christ, the only Tree of Life. The Alternative Messiah will rule from the 3rd Temple enforcing Noahide and Shariah Law, both requiring Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only “Unforgivable Sin” (Mat 12:31; Mk 3:29).
The False Prophet aka Beast from the Earth (QAnon: The Great Awakening is seen in “The Awakening”, an idol of the Beast in Washington National Harbor) will be seated at the Jesuit Arch-basilica of St John Lateran in Rome, the other City on 7 Hills. John is the Chaldean Oannes; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs” the unclean spirits of the Devil/Satan/Dragon (Rev 12:9), Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13). Jesuit Pope Francis I signed a Universal Peace through Brotherhood document Mar 8, 2019 aligning the Vatican, Mormon Church and Sunni Islam; until Antichrist if revealed, Pope Francis is the most visible Nicolaitane. Nicolaitanes (Conquer + Laity) are Elevated Clergy. Gnostics lead every religion on Earth; False Pastors, Priests, Imams and Rabbis (Chaldeans in disguise) are Middlemen whose sole purpose is to Bind/Yoke and Conquer the Laity.

Tithing is not part of the New Covenant; Jesus does not authorize His collection of Tithes or anyone else collecting Tithes. Tithing was ordained by God for Levites whose job was writing the Old Testament as legitimate Scribes moved by the Holy Ghost, and to preside over Tabernacle and Temple sacrifices. No person in the New Covenant is authorized by God to collect Tithings.

Jesus is Shiloh “He whose it is” or “Owner of the House”; Jesus gave nobody legal Title to anything; the only title anyone on Earth has is Allodial Title meaning “Appearance of Title” or “Title which can be defended”. 3 Sovereign Nations control all Property for Satan. The City of London Corp lays claim to all physical assets in the world through Usury and War profiteering as well as the Courts. The world is currently $77Trillion in Debt to the same Bankers Jesus turned the tables on. British means “B’Rith” or Birthright Covenant, that being Esau, the brother of Jacob who sold his rights to the Holy Ghost; Esau is Edom=Red and will achieve “Dominion” through War, Property and as Priests (Gen 27:39-41KJV) Vatican City made Sovereign by the Lateran Treaty of 1929 and Genovese MAFIA controls the Souls of everyone as well as the Temple Mount which will soon be home to Satan’s Seat and the Abomination of Desolation. Vatican City is headed by the Jesuit General Arturo Sosa and his visible subordinate Pope Francis I. The Mother of all Churches worldwide is the St John Lateran Archbasilica just outside Vatican City; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the unclean spirits of the Dragon aka (Devil, Satan, Serpent); Antichrist and False Prophet. There is no relief from Debt except accepting the Mark of the Beast or a personal Covenant with JESUS. The former results in Hell for Eternity. Washington DC is the Military Arm of the Black Nobility; the Pentagon was fashioned after the Farnese Villa Caparola; the Jesuit Order was born by Papal Bull under Alessandro Farnese aka Pope Paul III and controls the Pentagon.

Debt As of Jan 1, 2020 the world is in Debt $250 Trillion some 3X the World Economy. Mortgage means “Death Note”. The US is in Debt $23 Trillion cash + $140Trillion unfunded liabilities + $700Trillion Derivatives; destroying America will relieve world debt. Edomites are the Creditors making slaves of Debtors; this is why Esau was prophesied in Gen 27:39-41KJV to obtain Dominion, the Sovereign Authority to Rule the Earth.

Once again, Jesus is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) meaning “He whose it is” or “Master of the House”; the only Rights anyone has is a relationship with the Creator and Master of the House via the Holy Ghost. Morrison “Mott” Waite, a Skull & Bones (Brotherhood of Death) Supreme Court Chief Justice took all rights from US Citizens and gave them to CORPORATE AMERICA; Mott, his S&B Name is the Canaanite/Phoenican/Nabattean God of Death; America is the Phoenix of the New Age. Mott is the son of El (Saturn) whose Six Pointed Star is the Ensign of Israel. The 400 year old plan calls for the US collapse the World Economy as the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”; Antichrist rises as a Phoenix from the ashes. The Constitution of the United States was changed illegally to the CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES a CORPORATION offering no Rights to Citizens.
Ownership All land and everything made from the Earth is owned by Jesus Christ, the Creator never granted legal title to anyone. Allod Title is only an appearance of legal Title. There is no Real Estate.

There is no modern Apostolic succession. The Catholic Church relies on Papal Apostolic Papal succession from Peter as the Vicar of Christ. The Mormon Church claims Apostolic succession from Jesus physically laying hands on Joseph Smith; A Lie. Peter was never in Rome and is not the Rock of the Christian Church, the Divinity of Jesus is the Rock (Mat 16:18); there is no Apostolic succession from Peter to the 1st Roman Catholic Pope; Peter was never in Rome. Jesus needs no Vicar on Earth; He warns never call any man Father, Master or Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10)
Protestant Churches largely rely on Calvinism; John Calvin was Cohen, a Samaritan “Priest”; TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election to Salvation, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Fixed Pre-Destination) are Lies. Jesus stands at the Door but will not open it unless you invite Him in. Once a SPIRITUAL Baptism of the Holy Ghost takes place, a Conditional Covenant (Contract) begins requiring Love of God and Love of our Neighbors (Jesus is the Holy Ghost; 1 Jn 5:7KJV), the only “Record” in Heaven is called the “Book of Life”, and Jesus has the 7 Seals; the only path to Salvation is through JESUS.

Jesus’ Birth
John the Baptist was conceived immediately after the 8th Temple Service of Abia in June (Lk 1:23); Mary conceived JESUS, the Saviour via the Holy Ghost during Elizabeth’s 6th month of pregnancy during Feast of Dedication “Hanukkah” (Lk 1:26;31;36;47; Mat 1:18); John the Baptist was born during Passover; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei) 6 months later afterward and Circumcised in accordance with Old Covenant Law on the 8th Day of Tabernacles (22 Tishrei=7th month 22/7=Pi seen again in Rev 22:7 “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book” Jesus was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 (Mat 2:8,9,13) when the Magi arrived, in Egypt with Mary and Joseph; the Nativity Scene used in Churches and homes is Natalis Solis Invicti.

Christmas-Hanukkah-Kwanzaa Birth of Sol Invictus Santa Claus is a 3400 year old Hittite god depicted hanging presents on pine trees traveling in a chariot draw by deer. The birth of the False Messiah “Solis Invicti” is celebrated at Solar Solstice aka Christmas/Hanukkah; Horus “KRST”, the God of the Horites ignorantly worshipped by the Nation of Islam as “Shabazz” is born on Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the Nativity of the Unconquered Sun or Rising Sun (Eze 8).The false god known by dozens of names is conceived on Easter and born on Christmas. Christmas Trees and Hanukkah Bushes are nothing but “Groves” (Trees; Asherah Poles; Baals) warned against in Jer 10. Nicolaitane Rabbis (Gnostics in disguise) celebrate Hanukkah, replacing the Messiah with the Babylonian sun god “Shamash” and setting up a Hanukkah Bush; Nicolaitane Imams (Gnostics in disguise) celebrate the Arab god “Sin” as “Allah”, claiming Jesus was born under a Palm Tree, and await the false Messiah “al Mahdi”, but you don’t have to. Together, these and other celebrations of New Light such as Nowruz or Holi (Krishna=Black) or Diwali represent the Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11). Ignorant or not, worshippers of Solis Invicti are the Whore of Babylon “Gate of Osiris” aka “Rising Sun”. JESUS is JEHOVAH, the only Covenant Name of God. Worship of the Rising Sun is the religion of Satan. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas. Lk 1: Zacharias and Elizabeth conceive after the 8th Temple service “Abia” (Lk 1:5) in mid June; Mary conceives JESUS during her visit to Elizabeth during her 6th month of pregnancy at Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” (Lk 10:36); 9 months later, God in Flesh is born on Feast of Tabernacles and fulfills the required Circumcision on the 8th day of Tabernacles, beginning the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man. Simple eh?

“Undo reverence for a person”; Judaism has nothing to do with the Old Testament religion of Israel, it is religion derived from Babylonian-Medean-Cuthite-Canaanite paganism. Catholic-Constantine the Great and a succession of Popes resulted in worshipping Easter and Christmas; Lutheran-Martin Luther resulted in Christmas Trees; Protestant-John Calvin resulted in TULIP, the false doctrine God chose His Elect in advance; Presbyterian-John Knox resulted in worship of the Assyrian Army commander Tartan; others include Methodist-John Wesley; Mormon-Joseph Smith; Worldwide Church of God-Herbert Armstrong; Islam-Muhammad; Nation of Islam-Elijah Muhammad; Buddhism-Sidhartha Guatama. Jesus Christ is God in Flesh, the Word, and Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV; Jn 1:1;14), thus Reverence for God is Reverence for JESUS, the 1st Commandment in both Old and New Covenants.

Sovereignty means “No higher authority”; Switzerland is the only Sovereign Nation; home of the Knights Templar and Knights of St John (John=Oannes, the Chaldean Sea Beast) aka Hospitallers, the world’s International Bankers, Worldwide Intelligence Services (CIA) and CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One “Little Horn”, the oldest name of Satan), built over an ancient grotto of Apollo “Destroyer” (Rev 9:11). Gnomes of Zurich are the Secret Chiefs, Great White Brotherhood, Aryans or Hidden Directorate, in control of the Vatican (Souls) and City of London Corp (Physical Assets), enforced by Washington DC and the US Military; all Sovereign Territories free from their respective National Laws. Freedom from God, Liberty from God and Equality with God are Gnostic hallmarks used to instigate Wars and Revolutions. The Bank of International Settlements in Basel controls all Central Banks including the US FED. Libra Crypto-currency is will be controlled by Elites based in Switzerland who have the authority to Issue and Destroy Libra Crypto-currency. Libra is the Weigh Scales of Justice sacred to the Babylonian Sun Lion and God of Justice Shamash, currently replacing Jesus as the center candle of the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah; Shamash is the Golden Calf of the Sun worshipped by Israel since the Exodus. National Intelligence Services including the US CIA report to Switzerland, the Holy Cross=X=4 Quartered Earth “1441” or “IXXI”=9/11, the familiar motto “One 4 All; All 4 One”; 41 the Calling Code for Switzerland and location in Basel of the 1st Zionist Congress in 1897 precisely 120 years in advance of implementation of the Zionist “New World Order”. God warned the pre-Flood world 120 years in advance of the Flood; Methuselah, the 8th patriarch died just ahead of the Flood; the New Covenant is the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man and will end with acceptance of Antichrist, Mark of the Beast and the Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11). The Essenes planned this event over 2000 years ago in 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll”; 10 Jubilees after 1517 was 2017; the False Messiah will come soon after.

Chaldean/Sabian Religion
Chaldean religion is Gnosticism, worship of Creation (Sun, Moon Stars, Planets) rather than the Creator. God chose Jonah to minister to Nineveh, the seat of the Assyrian King; Israel was replaced by the Assyrians with Babylonians, Canaanites, Medeans and Cuthites (2 Ki 17:30) Guess what? They are still there! Choose your Saviour wisely!
Constantine the Great brought Gnosticism into the early Christian Church; X (Greek Chi=Messiah) is the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus aka Mars’ Hill; IHS “By this Sign Conquer” used to Conquer the Laity is also used by the Jesuits today. Chaldean/Sabian Gnostics regard the Holy Ghost as the “Mother of Devils”; the Holy Ghost is the only source of Salvation in the New Covenant.
Chaldean religion is Ubiquitous and part of every religion on Earth. Rabbis, Priests, Imams, Sunday Worship, Sabbath Keeping, Oath Swearing, Shariah and Noahide Laws, Old Testament Law keeping, Astrology/Horoscopes, Star and Planet Worship, Science, Water Baptism, Repetitive Baptisms, Rituals, Tree “Grove” Worship eg Hanukkah Bush, Christmas Tree, Tu b’ Shebat; Easter, Islamic prayers 5X/Day, Prayers for the Dead, Extreme Unction, Priest Confession, Magic, Secret Society Initiations, Greek Philosophy, Hermetic Wisdom, Theosophy, Human Sacrifice, Months of the Year, Days of the Week, Code of Hammurabi-Magna Carta-Bill of Rights, Universal Rights of Man, Hasidic Judaism, Kaballah, Obelisks, Idol Worship, Symbols all have their origin in Chaldean Gnosticism.
Chaldeans of Ur became Sabians of Harran, Priests of On in Egypt and Platonic Philosophers of Greece. During the time of the Assyrian King Sargon II, Tartan, the Assyrian Military Commander was from Harran and made a treasonous pact with Ephraim to take Israel captive and replace them with Babylonians, Medeans, and Cuthites. During the Inter-Testament period, Chaldeans became the Essenes of Qumran, Samaritans, Nabatteans of Petra, Maccabees, Hasmoneans, Sadducees and Pharisees illegally forming the Sanhedrin; today we find Chaldeans in Universities, Pulpits of every Religion including Islam, Judaism and Christian, as well as Government leadership.

“Tongue of the Chaldees” Dan 1:4 “Vain and profane babbling” 1 Tim 6:20KJV.

Godspeed Van Allen Probes

Free Energy
Unlimited, Free Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) energy is kept from humanity; Solar Radiation (Gamma and X-Ray) pass through Petroleum, Solar, Hydro-electric, Atomic energy production is controlled, inferior and destroys the Earth.

Star Worship
Astrology is Zoroastrian; Zoroaster means “Undiluted Star”. Planet means “Wandering Star”; Saturn the Black Star is the Undiluted Star. The Six Pointed Star of Israel is the Chaldean STUR “Zoroaster”; hence there is no difference between Iran and Israel for all intent and purpose. Idol worship, Planet Worship, Neo-Platonic Philosophy and Kabbalah are all of Zoroastrian-Chaldean-Sabian origin. The Shepherd Kings in Ur became the Foreign Shepherd Kings of Egypt “Hyksos”, today seen in the United Nations Religious Initiative and UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” Chaldeans descend from Chesed, Abram’s brother; today known as Chasidic “Crypto” Jews, the spiritual descendants of the Essenes worship Saturn not God. The Mesopotamian Ur was led by Priests of the Torriod Konn-Torrs, the Electro-Magnetic shell providing Free Energy to the world is now in the hands of the Elite “Earth Destroyers” (Rev 11:18KJV) controlling Oil. Jesus returns to destroy them. Language of Oil (Old French) or Oui (Yes), Green, Oc (Ocular=Sight/Illumination) or Bird Language is the Hidden Language of the Chaldeans who reject God. God’s “Free Energy” replaced by Oil=Petroleum=Rock under. Green=Green Man aka Osiris (Saturn) “On”, Arab al Khidr “Green One”, Bacchus, Dionysus “Green Man”, all seen in BabylON “Gate of Saturn”; Dec 25 “Going forth of the Wadjet”=Saturnalia. Oui=Yes; Yes We Can in reverse speech means “Thank You Satan”. Bird= the Eagle of Lagash used in dozens of national symbols is Nisroch, the Assyrian Eagle which is also a symbol of Esau exalting himself as the Eagle (Obadiah) and Zeus, the son of Saturn the supreme god of the Chaldeans. Oc=Ocular=Sight; 3rd Eye, Pineal Gland, Illumination symbolized by Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms and other psychotropic drugs called “Entheogens” (Become God) which replace the real SPIRITUAL Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Chaldeans of Ur in Haran is where Jacob “Wrestled with God” and the Aramaean Laban, regarded as Pure Soul in Kaballah, swindled him; each made a Covenant and Altar as a “Heap of Witness” Jacob made Galeed, while Laban and Esau chose the Chaldean covenant with Saturn Jegar-sahadutha as their Witness. Saba means Sunrise; the Rising Sun is Saturn, the Black Sun. Sabaeans of Haran are Planetary Astrologers who worship the Sun as Shamash/Adramellech, the Moon as Sin, Allah, Anamellech, Mercury as Nabu/Nebo, Venus as Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Easter and Arab al Uzza “Mighty”, Earth as Gaia, Mars as Nergal/Ares, Saturn as Kewan/Chiun/Molech, and Jupiter as Bel or Baal, the son of Saturn. Chaldeans built the Beehive structures of Gobelke Tepe in Turkey; Bee means Word in Chaldee; Saturn is the Supreme Chaldean Deity called in scripture the “Rising Sun” (Eze 8) Best Sun, Primal Sun, Black Star or Black Sun. Their Witness is Astrology called the Mazzaroth. In Egypt, worship of the Chaldean Apis (Bee) Bull is seen in the Wall St Bull Hyksos (Foreign Shepherd Kings of Egypt), Shemsu Hor (Worshippers of the son of Osiris, Horus, god of the Christmas Nativity), Priests of On “Heliopolis” (Osiris/Saturn aka Rising Sun seen in BabylON, BabEl or BabIlu “Allah”) and well crafted Lies Bull Shit are Ubiquitous In Persia the Chaldean Magi whose Nativity of the Unconquered Sun came to be the center piece of most false Christian Churches. In Greece Philosophers and Stoics. In Turkey, Galli Eunuch Priests of Cybele who later became Druids (Knowers of Trees).
Chaldeans are 5th Column Traitors, called Zoroastrians, Culdees, Essenes, Sabians, Mandeans, Theraputae, Cathars etc(Nag Hamadi Library; Theraputes founded the United States May 1, 1776 and chose July 4, 1776 via Planetary Astrology), Johnitters (John=Oannes the Chaldean fish god worshipped by Roman Catholic and Orthodox Clergy), Kabbalists (Chesed is one of 10 Sephirot in Kaballah), Chabad Lubavitch (Chaldean Sun Lion Shamash is the center of the Hanukkah Menorah) and Chasidic Crypto Jews (Chesed=Chasidic) who open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of Shin, 6=Saturn and Nails used in the Crucifixion.
Chaldeans are Cryptos, Marranos and Moriscos, Freemasons, Jesuits, Kabbalists and Sufis Blood Oath sworn Satanists who bring Saturnian Religion into Jewish, Protestant/Orthodox/Catholic, and Islam for the purpose of their destruction.
Chaldean symbols Celtic or Circled Cross “Bulls Eye”, Tau, Ankh or Swastika is the basis of Christian Cross. Hexagram Six Pointed Star of Saturn aka El, On, Ilu (Allah) is the falsely named Star of David. Crescent Hilal is Lucifer, the symbol of Islam

Israel means “One who wrestles with God”; the nation of Israel (Isis Ra El) is not Jewish, nor the Lion of Judah nor God’s gathering of Jacob to the Promised Land; Israel is Germanic (Ashkenazi), Canaanite/Babylonian/Medean (Sephardic) and Samaritan (Kohen). Shamash the Assyrian “sun god” is the “Rising Sun” (Eze 8) is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah; Shamash is the Sun Lion and Six Pointed Star of Saturn, the Primeval Sun and Black Star of the Chaldeans. The Six Pointed Star is not Jewish nor the Star of David, it is the Chaldean STUR aka Phoenician Seal of Solomon.

The Dispensation of Israel (physical nation) ended (Amos 5:2) due to Saturn worship (Amos 5:26) Jacob shall no more rise (Amos 7:2-3;6-7KJV); Baptized-Born Again of the Holy Spirit followers of JESUS are the New Dispensation. There is no 7 Yr Tribulation (Daniel’s 70th Week is the last 7 days before the 2nd Coming), no Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Christian Church nor New Dispensation for Israel.

Time is not relative; it is measured by observing Axis precession with respect to the Stars, which began with Noah’s Flood: 1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 years for the astrological age of Aries and 2160 years for Pisces to the start of Aquarius yields 5976Years. The Maccabees instituted Hanukkah in 163BC exactly 2183 years ago. 1656 + 2160 +2183=5999 years. The Gnostic telling of time is thus 5999 years as of 2020; What date precisely? During the Millennium Jesus will reign in Jerusalem and require everyone on Earth to celebrate Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14:18); this event will be 3 1/2 years (1260 Days) after the Great Tribulation begins.
Time by another method. Sargon the Great was pronounced Legitimate King, likely at 21 the Age of Accountability and Adulthood in Scripture. The Age of Aquarius begins at 1656 (Creation to Flood) + 2160 (Aries to Pisces) + 2160 (Pisces to Aquarius) + 21 (Age of Adulthood/Legitimacy for Sargon the Great) =5997 years. The Time between the 2 is the Great Tribulation. Jesus returns when Creation is exactly 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8) at Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14:18); Antichrist arrives 1260 days before that; Gnostics call the return to the pre-Flood world the “Golden Age of Saturn”. Saturn is called Chronos “Time”; TimesUp folks!

Terror That which causes Fear or Dread
Jesus said “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” Mat 10:28 Jesus’ Divinity is the Foundation of the New Covenant; the only Judge of our Soul. (Mat 16:18) Acts of Terror are manufactured in house “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36 Micah 7:6 “The aim of practical politics is to menace the people with an endless array of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary” HL Mencken Terror Events like Pearl Harbor or 9/11, the New Pearl Harbor are nothing new. al Qaida means “Foundation”, the title identical with Karl Marx’ book “Grundrisse” or Isaac Asimov’s book “Foundation” which is the al Qaida playbook.

Image from page 133 of "Stories from the Hebrew" (1903)

Why 2020? Signs of the Times
Tau means Sign or Mark; God placed a Mark on Cain when He cast him to the East from the Garden of Eden; Talmudic Rabbis use the phrase “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth) for returning the world to pre-flood conditions of the Garden without the Tree of Life; only the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, symbolized by the Tau, the Cross of Tammuz. This may indeed be the Mark of the Beast yet one Christians may flock to receive.
God warned the world through Noah 120 years in advance of the Flood; Methuselah (When he dies Death will come) died the year before the Flood (2348BC 1656AM); the 1897 Zionist Congress in Basel Switzerland, the Sovereign home of the Creditors (Bank of International Settlements) is the same warning TimesUp folks!
2019 is the same warning today Chinese Earth Pig Year; Jesuits are the Society of Gesu; Ge=Earth + Sus=Pig; Society of Jesus? Not on your life! Their HQ St John Lateran Arch-basilica is considered the “Mother of all Churches in the World” and contains Sede-vacant (Vacant Seat), of who? Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the unclean spirits of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9;16:13). China is Cathay; Cath=Heth Land of the Hittites; the Hittite god of the West? Santa, a difficult to see anagram for Satan; their national symbol? Red Dragon.
Lunar Eclipse over the Americas Jan 21, 2019 coincides with Tu’b Shebat “Festival of Trees” and the annual start of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Saturn. Jesus, the Tree of Life was Crucified; the Saturnian fake Jew Tree of Life is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil symbolized by the Kaballah Tree of Life. The Tree Covenant is Ubiquitous Baal-tamar the Palm Tree Covenant; Baal-berith the Fir Tree Covenant celebrated at Christmas/Hanukkah has nothing to do with Jesus Christ
Purim “Cast lots for Marduk” the original Golden Calf
Mar 21, 2019 Purim aligns with the Persian Nowruz “New Light” Festival Hindu Holi Festival. Purim Mar 11, 2020 Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” was declared a Global Pandemic kicking in WHO Level 6 Pandemic Protocols Nowruz Rooster Idols “Sanjaks” are the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus, Nergal, Mars or Ares, the Cock heralding the Rising Sun. Holi Festival; Krishna means “Black”; Saturn is the Black Sun; mix colors to form Black. Purim: Assyrian Puru means “Cast Lots” for Marduk, the Solar calf of the Sun god Utu or Shamash. Purim also means “Crush, Bring to Naught”. Israel worships Shamash (Sun), the Sun Lion and god of Justice; Project 911 is a radiation hardened bunker at Best Shemesh “House of the Sun” with the Mezuzah over every door, a rewrite of Deut 6:4 rejecting Jesus as LORD in favor of Shamash, the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah. Gulf War 1 “Shock and Awe” Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack, Highway of Death Slaughter, Libyan “Shock and Awe” Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack are examples of Purim celebrations. Call of Duty Black Ops 4 “Absolute Zero” EMP specialist Zero uses EMP in Black Out War. Zero means “Bring to Naught”; Purim is derived from Assyrian-Akkadian Puru “Bring to Naught” Purim 2019 aligns with Persian Nowruz “New Light”; the Rooster is the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus aka Mars, Nergal or Ares. On Mar 21 Spring Equinox, the Sun will contact the Altar on the Brass Line “Rose Line” at St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris, the site of the Paris “Zero” Meridian. At Chitzen Itza, the serpent descends the 91 steps (1…13=91; 13 the number of Rebellion against God, seen in Gen 13:13 “Sins of Sodom” and Start of the Great Tribulation in Rev 13
Nisan 1, 2019 on April 6 God’s New Year aligns with the Assyrian New Year and Presbyterian Kirkin O’ Tartan. Tartan Day is a celebration of the Assyrian military commander Tartan replacing Israel with Babylonians, Medeans, Canaanites (2 Ki 17:30) during the reign of Sargon II “Legitimate King”; Sargon III will be Antichrist. The Mormon Church was founded April 6 claiming to be a Restoration of Jesus’ Gospel; A Lie. They claim Jesus was born April 6, and dedicated their 1st 3 Temples on April 6. Assyrian Akitu Festival on April 6 celebrates the triumphant return of Marduk, the Bull Calf of the Sun in victory. Nisan 1, 2020 is Mar 26; 2 Nisan is Red Heifer Day; Rabbis claim Coronavirus is God sent and will not go away until the 3rd Temple is built; the Red Heifer will be sacrificed to purify the Cornerstone. 2020? Time will tell.
Dec 25-26, 2019 Saturnian fake Jewish Wedding Ceremony in the Heavens: Question: Whose the Bride and Groom? Christmas 2019 will feature an Annular Solar Eclipse (Anus is Anubis the god of the Underworld and Eye of Horus) forming a Solar Halo (Corona) around the Moon (Arab moon god is Sin). Coronavirus was born on Dec 26, 2019 the center of Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” Dec 22-28; Shamash the Babylonian Sun Lion is the center candle. Jupiter is regarded by Saturnian fake Jews as the Scepter aka Tzedek, Melchisedek, King Star and son of Saturn is behind the Sun at the end of Hanukkah Dec 28. Gen 49:10 tells us Shiloh (He whose it is ie Master of the House) aka Jesus (Alpha), returns with the Scepter as the Lion of Judah; Jupiter is not Jesus folks! Saturn is behind the Sun Jan 13-14, 2020; Saturnian fake Jews call Saturn “Ring Bearer” and Chiun (Kewan, Kaiwan) aka Queen of Heaven “Asherah” whom Jeremiah warned against (Jer 7:18) worshipping; Jupiter and Saturn become the 2 Witnesses of the fake Jewish Wedding Ring given to the Bride. 7 Blessings symbolic of the Jesuit made up 7 Yr Tribulation and New Dispensation for Israel, neither of which are in Scripture (Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3; 6-7KJV) because Jacob is not longer called Israel and Israel is still worshipping the Six Pointed Star of Saturn aka Chiun, their Queen of Heaven. After the wedding, the groom breaks a Glass symbolizing the Broken Sun Wheel (Swastika) symbolizing the Earth, broken at the Flood; the Saturnian goal is Tikkun Olam (Repair the Earth) to pre-Flood conditions ruled by Saturn (Satan, Serpent, Devil Rev 12:9) in the Garden of Eden, minus the real Tree of Life Jesus Christ of course! The Best Man traditionally blasts the Trumpet to signal the Wedding is complete; the final Trumpet in scripture heralds the Jesuit made up “Rapture” and return of the KING of KINGS.
A once in several thousand year alignment of planets will form the Kabbalah Tree of Life over Hanukkah/Christmas 2019; Rabbis eagerly await their Messiah; for followers of Jesus Christ, the King already came and was Crucified and Nailed to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; Talmudic/Kabbalist Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of Shin celebrating the Nails and their apparent victory over Jesus. Don’t follow them to Hell!
Aug 11, 2019 Tisha B’ Av aligns with the, the begin date of the Mayan Calendar on Aug 11, 3114 BC. Tisha b’ Av 2020 is July 29-30 9 Av commemorates the 12 Spies Report Solomon’s Temple destruction, 2nd Temple destruction, Bar Kochba Revolt, Battle of Betar, Temple Mount ploughed, Bankers expelled from England, Alhambra Decree (Ejection of Cryptos like Columbus from Spain), WWI and WWII start, Gulf War I Slaughter on Hwy 80 aka Hwy of Death, Libyan War start (Destroyed GMMR “Great Man Made River” project and ended the African Dinar Petro Currency).
Israel has a Chief Priest “Kohannim”, 2 yr old Red Heifer, Cornerstone of the 3rd Temple, Altar built and will sacrifice a Passover Lamb April 16, 2020 for the first time in 2000 years.
A radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah rejecting Jesus Christ written over every door called Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shemesh” (Shamash, the Babylonian Sun Lion is the center candle of the Chabad Hanukkah Menorah) is built. Why? Satan is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11, 5th Trumpet Warning/1st Woe ! (5 months) is followed by the 6th Trumpet Warning/2nd Woe ! (13 months, 1 week, 1 day) and 7th Trumpet/3rd Woe! aka Body Resurrection of those in Christ. The last day is the “Day of Wrath”. The last Week? “And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make mercy, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half, the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them…And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither: And they ascended upon to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies behold them” Rev 11:10-12 Midweek 2019 is Christmas (Mass=Sacrifice + Christ). Think Jesus was born on Christmas? Guess again.

A Watchman Report – Ezekiel 38 & 39 The Battle of Gog and Magog

Gog and Magog (Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8) aka Jacob’s Trouble (Jer 30:7) is a gathering of nations around Jerusalem, King David, Jesus Christ and the 12 Tribes of Jacob at the End of the Millennium; Gog and Magog is over 1000 Years from now. Jacob (12 Tribes of Israel) are not in Jerusalem (Amos 7:2-3; 5-6KJV); they are gathered by Jesus aka Shiloh “He whose it is” (Gen 49:10) at the 2nd Coming. Worship of the “Rising Sun” caused the Glory of the LORD (Holy Ghost) to depart twice already; the third time will be the last time, called the “Strong Delusion” (2 Th 2:11).

The Rising Sun is Saturn/Osiris/Allah, seen in BabEl and BabyON or BabIlu (Allah), rising between the Sycamore Trees (Hathor/Isis) aka “Lady of the Sycamores”; impregnated by a beam of Light at Dawn on Easter Sunday (Dies Solis); the “Heavenly Cow” gives birth to the Solar Calf (Golden Calf of the Golden Age) who becomes the sacred “Apis Bull” (Apis means Bee=Word in Chaldean; Hexagon is the Star of Saturn aka Chaldean STUR “666”) at Saturnalia (Christmas/Hanukkah). Osiris (Saturn) is called “Green Man”; his “Going forth of the Wadjet” celebrated on Dec 25.
The Rising Sun aka Calf of the Sun is called Marduk, Molech, Merodach, Milcom, Zeus, Jupiter, Horus, Tammuz, Dionysus, Apollo, Balder, Adonis, Azazel (Num 16:8-10), Mithras, Attis, the Aztec Huitzilopochli, Sol, Shamash (Israel’s Hanukkah “Helper”), Priapus, Hercules, Remphan, Chiun, Serapis, Shaddai, Hu, Thor, Helios, Sol, Kronos, Ahura Mazda (Ormaizd), Ra, Osiris, Shiva, Sabazius, Orion, Pluto, Adoni, Apollo, Aesclepius, Prometheus, Unconquered Sun “Solis Invictus” (Invictus I AM Games may ring a Baal), Shabatai and Earth Star.
Saturn is the god of Cain and the Canaanites; Saturn introduced agriculture, hence the Sickle/Scythe symbol; Cain the “Farmer” offered to God what was His as Creator which is why his sacrifice was rejected. Control over the Earth through Usury (Compound Interest) by International Military Bankers “Templars” was adopted by Rothschilds (Red Shield=Edom) whose name was Bauer “Farmer” and symbol the Red Six Pointed Star of Saturn; not Jewish in any sense.

Jesus warned never call any man Rabbi (Mat 23:8) Rabbis are the “Cult of Saturn” or “Melchisedekians” claim 2018-19/5778 is the year following the 10th Jubilee planned in the 11Q13 Prince Melshisedek Scroll as the return of Melchisedek; they also claim 2024 is the 120th Jubilee and 6000th Year from Adam with the intervening 7 Yr period the 7 Yr Tribulation and New Dispensation for Israel. These are Satanic Lies. Jesus said never call anyone Rabbi for this reason. No 7 Yr Tribulation, no pre-Tribulation Rapture and no Dispensation for Israel as Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3; 5-6KJV state.
“Strong Delusion to believe a Lie” (2 Thess 2:11).

Science “Tongue of the Chaldeans”; “Vain, profane babblings” in opposition to the Word of God (1 Tim 6:12KJV; Dan 1:4) Gravity, Dark Matter, Space-Time, Evolution, Big Bang, Heliocentrism, Aliens, Racism, Anthropogenic Climate Change are Lies. Earth approaching 6000 years of age and is fixed at the center of creation (Ps 93:1; 96:10; 104:5; Job 26:7)

Allodial Title “Ownership of real property independent of a superior landlord” Jesus is Alpha and Omega (Creator and Landlord) He returns as Shiloh “He whose it is” (Gen 49:10) to reclaim His property including His followers “Bride of the Lamb”. No person on Earth has any ownership rights apart from those held “in Allodium” which can be occupied and defended. Defending real property against its Creator and Owner is a “Fool’s Errand”

The Grim Reaper

Time Saturn is called Father Time aka Chronos, the “Grim Reaper”. Jesus returns when Creation is 6000 years old (Ref 2 Pet 3:8). His Birth was on Feast of Tabernacles not Christmas (Lk 1). During the Millennium, worship of Feast of Tabernacles is the only requirement (Zech 14:18) Esau obtains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) Ref Gen 27:40KJV; Dan 2:39; Dan 7:6. “Kingdom of Brass”. Lucifer as Alternative Messiah is the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 2:40; Dan 7:7) Assuming the original zodiac was referenced to a prominent star on the ecliptic (the path of the sun and moon across the sky) the two most popular candidates would be Spica in Virgo and Regulus in Leo. Spica (Ear of Grain refers to Cain, the first Farmer; the Temple Mount is the Canaanite “Threshing Floor”. Recall, Leo symbolically impregnated Virgo who gave birth to Jupiter (Zeus) on Sept 23, 2017 These two prominent stars have always been associated with their respective constellations and are now about 54 degrees apart and since the zodiac is divided into 12 units of 30 degrees and leo and virgo are adjacent constellations, Spica must have always been in the eastern part of Virgo and Regulus in the western part of Leo.
Regulus is closest to the ecliptic path of the sun; Regulus is Rex “King” , or “Law Giver”. Regulus is interpreted by many astrologers as the starting place of the zodiac. The Sphinx is associated with Leo and the Equinoxes; it was used to track the Tropical (Solar) Year. Regulus would have been at the zero point of ecliptic longitude in 8884 BC at the end of the age of Leo (the Sphinx faces east, greeting Regulus and its reflection at sunrise on spring equinox). The beginning of the age of Leo would have been about 2160 years earlier. The Egyptian “Great Year” of 25,990 Years is the time it would take the Earth’s Azis to precess full circle, the Age of Aquarius, the Age ruled by Saturn is opposite, seen in “As Above, So Below”; Heaven built on Earth ie “Squaring the Circle” seen in the Masonic Square and Compass; Jesus is the Stone the Builders reject.
Regulus is the western boundary and Heart of Leo, the eastern boundary of Aquarius would be 150 degrees of ecliptic longitude west of Regulus. The beginning of the Age of Aquarius begins when Regulus is at 150 degrees of ecliptic longitude, which is right now.
There are 1656 years from Creation to Flood, the Time recorded as Axis Precession began. 1656 + 2160 years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius + 21 years for Sargon the Great to be declared “Legitimate King”=5996 Years.

Babel Tower, Babylon.

MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS UPON THE EARTH “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition”. Rev 17:11 The New Covenant is the 8th Contract between God and Man, made possible only through the Holy Ghost (JESUS); Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost ends the 8th Covenant/Contract and all hope of Salvation. The “Eighth Beast” is “Freedom and Liberty” from God made possible by accepting the Mark of the Beast; he is “Of the Seven” meaning the 7th Covenant “Law” in the Old Testament of which John the Baptist was the greatest, but less than everyone in the 8th Covenant. Jesus fulfilled every “Jot and Tittle” of the Law and was rejected; the Law of the New Age are the 7 Zionist “Noahide Laws” which require rejection of Jesus Christ; on the Islamic side Shariah Law requires the exact same rejection of Jesus Christ. WWIII will pit Zionism against Islam in order for the world to accept the Freedom and Liberty promised by Lucifer summed up as “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law” Rev 17:5 MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS UPON THE EARTH is the Whore whose deception ends with the 7th Trumpet 1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17; Rev 10:7 and 3rd Woe !, Body Resuccrection of followers of Jesus Christ and God’s Wrath for everyone else. The Strong Delusion is about here and with it a one way ticket to Hell for Eternity.

Rembrandt - Belshazzar's Feast [c.1636-38]

Writing on the Wall
Tzaddiq Baal Shem Tov (Israel ben Eliezer d 1760) prophesied Mosiach would be revealed following Hebrew year 5778 which began Sept 20, 2017 “Rosh Hashanah” coincident with the Christ Angle forming over the Great Pyramid. The founder of Hassidism (Pious Ones) was called the “Light of Israel” but remember, “The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise, there is none to raise her up” Amos 5:2KJV This Tzaddiq=Righteous Baal was raised up by Satan to bring the “Leaven” of the Sabbatteans (Crypto Satanist Shabatai Zvi) into the Christian Churches and Synagogues of Satan; his progeny don the Cap of Cybele (Yarmulke) in open rejection of Jesus Christ tearing the Temple Veil and have spiritual intercourse with Shekinah (Feminine presence of God) at Herod’s Wailing Wall today, in preparation for the 3rd Temple of Antichrist aka “Moshiach”.
Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel predicted Mosiach arrives after the 10th Jubilee The Satanic plan written in the Rabbi declared Jubilee Year of 1217 “Ottomans will rule Jerusalem 8 Jubilees”; Ottomans controlled Jerusalem from 1517 until Gen John Allenby entered Jersusalem on Hanukkah 1917 to assume control. “Jerusalem will become a no-man’s land in the 9th Jubilee”; this happened according to plan in 1917 until the 6th Tetrad signaled the 1967 6-Day War to take control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. “Jerusalem will be controlled by Israel in the 10th Jubilee”. Well folks, the 10th Jubilee is 2017 and the only Feast left o the calendar is Feast of Tabernacles.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll “After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek”. Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be the Alternative Messiah “Antichrist” and completion of the Tower of Bab El; BabylON; Bab Ilu (Allah=Arab god “Sin”) aka Lucifer “Man of Sin” 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the 5th Lateran Council of 1517 proclaiming the Gnostic/Saturnian doctrine of “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Universal Church Doctrine; critical because Black Nobility (Saturnian Nobility) Jesuits (Militia of Zeus, the son of Saturn) wrote this Lie, the first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation of Black Cloistered ie Saturnian Monk Martin Luther on All Hallows Eve 1517. Pope Francis healed the Protestant-Catholic Schism Oct 31, 2017; the “Deadly Wound of the Beast in Rev 13:3. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the Spirits of Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan. Hatshepsut, the Cross Dressing Female Pharaoh of the Exodus built the 2 largest Obelisks in the world, one broke in pieces, the other stands in front of the Archbasilica of the “Christ”, a combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called St John Lateran or St John the Divine (NYC Cathedral of St John the Divine echoes the UN Bldg theme). Black Nobility (Saturnian/Khazar/Sarmation/Sepharvite) Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason.
Hasidic Rabbi Yehudah Halevi Ashlag predicted 66 years ago Moshiach would return after Hebrew Year #5778 (2018-19); thus Hebrew Year #5779 (2019-20) would be the “Year of Moshiach”. 2018 corresponds to the Rabbinical Year 5778; 5778K is the temperature of the Sun, called “Shamash”, the Akkadian Sun Lion and “Son; Heir” of the Hanukkah Menorah; the Messiah Jesus warned would come in his own name and be accepted. Rav Ashlag is called the “Author of the Ladder”, using Kabbalistic numerology he predicted Geula “Final Redemption” would arrive in 5778. 5778 ended on 9/11/2018 “Rosh Hashanah”; Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shamash” (Shamash is the Sumerian Sun Lion) is a radiation hardened bunker awaiting the arrival of Satan, cast to Earth at Rev 9:11.
Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman aka Vilna Gaon “When you hear Russians have captured Crimea, the times of Messiah have started” Crimea is the home of exiled Sarmation “Priest Kings”; Sargon III will be Antichrist.
Talmud 97a,b “Messiah will come the year after the Sabbatical Cycle is completed” Sabbatical or Chrono-messianism is “Chiliasm”, the restoration of the Kingship and Redemption of Israel. The Tabernacle of David fell in Amos 9:11 The Talmud says Jesus is writing in His own boiling excrement in Hell; this Messiah is not Jesus. The Sabbatical Cycle of 10 Jubilees started in 1517, the year the 5th Lateran Council declared “Immortality of the Soul” as Catholic Dogma under Black Nobility Pope Leo X.
Maimonides “10th Red Heifer will be accompanied by the King Messiah” Maimonides ca 1217AD Rabbis claim the 10th Red Heifer was born in Israel Aug 28, 2018
Rabbi Vilna Gaon aka Elijah of Gaon Messiah Countdown Clock 200 years ago the Talmudic Rabbi wrote Hebrew Year 6000 will be 2239AD and Messiah would arrive before then. News flash, Earth is approaching 6000 years of age. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 Years Pisces to Aquarius (Aquarius is the Age of Saturn and is beginning now) The equinox Sunrise moved from Taurus to Aries soon after the Flood; Sargon the Great was declared “Legitimate King”, in all liklihood at 21, God’s age of adulthood and accountability. By my count, we have roughly 3 1/2 Years until Creation is 6000 Years old; Read 2 Pet 3:8 before then.
Edgar Cayce “Sleeping Prophet” used Scrying to channel a demon predicting “Russia will die and be re-born to become the hope of the world” This is a repeat of the plan revealed by Baal Shem Tov (Israel ben Eliezer) in the 1750’s “Russians will come with the sons of Ishmael before Armageddon and the arrival of Messiah”
Vilna Gaon (Elijah ben Shlomo Zalman) in the 1790’s said “When Russians capture Crimea, the end times of Messiah will have started and when Russians reach Constantinople (Istanbul) put on your Shabbat clothes, the arrival of Messiah is imminent” The Sochi Olympic Logo was a Bear Cub; the Re-birth of the Russian Bear; 2nd Beast of Dan 7:5 Tobolsk (Tobol River) has nothing to do with Tubal and Meshech (sons of Japheth) in Eze 38:2; the battle of Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7) not now! Baphomet means “Union of Logos and Sophia”; the Tobolsk Kremlin and Sophia-Assumption Cathedral in Tobolsk were made for the “Prestige” the 3rd and final act of the “Great Work” of Lucifer. Cayce is part of the fake Gog and Magog Liars club; the real Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ (Eze 38:2; Rev 20:7-8)
Prophecy of St Malachy (Malachy=Molech=Saturn) declared Rome will burn and Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II will lead the flock through Tribulation. Pope Benedict is #111 and resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013 after releasing 2 White Doves on “Peace Day”; they were attacked by a Seagull. Francis had the same thing happen on the same day in 2014 by a Crow and Seagull. There was no person St Malachy; Malachy is Baal-Moloch, Chiun, Remphan, Milcom, Saturn. The prophecy was written by Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16)
Cathar Prophecy In 1244, 700 years before the Normandy invasion of WWII Norman Cathars wrote “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called “Licet Pridem” Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313 and Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military Banker was executed in Paris 3/18/1314. 700 years later the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses began. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr=Saturn/Satan “Green Man”. French President Francois Hollande is honorary Canon of the “Mother and Mistress Church of Rome and the earth” Basilica of St John Lateran is the Teaching Seat of the Dragon, Antichrist, False Prophet
al-Mahdi prophecy al-Mahdi arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad” Sheikh Nazim abdul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014. al-Khidr is “Green Man” aka Bacchus/Dionysus/Hermes/St George/Osiris/Saturn.
Mormon “White Horse” aka “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution as daughter rises against mother, son against father, neighbor against neighbor and blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain” Mormons are the Cult of Saturn in America
Yezidi “Al-Quds” Prophecy “When Blue Star Al-Qud (Pole Star “Polaris”) appears in the Heavens encircled by a Rainbow, the 5th Age will commence the days of purification; War and Distress as Melek-Taus (Peacock Angel=Molech) returns as a Rainbow around the Sun or a Peacock” al Quds is Jerusalem, the city Jesus calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” where His final 2 Witnesses are killed Rev 11:7-8KJV.
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy “The 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star and Red Kachina; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro” Prophecy Rock in AZ puts the Hopi plan in stone. “After Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina, the Purifier will remove his mask in the plaza before the Uninitiated and White Brother Pahana is revealed”. White Brother is Lucifer; You will want to be “Uninitiated”; Stay on the Porch! Ref Eze 37:16; Rev 11:1-2


Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day”. “MABUS then will soon die, there will comeOf people and beasts a horrible rout:Then suddenly one will see vengeance,Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.” China’s EAST Space-borne Nuclear Tokamak Reactor is a 2nd Sun scheduled to be operational by 2020. Comet Atlas (Atlantis) will be prominent in May during Passover and Ramadan. People will send gifts one to another when God’s 2 Witnesses are killed in Jerusalem the City Jesus calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:7-8 ; that would likely be Hanukkah/Christmas/Saturnalia, the day the world celebrates the birth of the False Messiah, the day gifts are sent one to another (Rev 11:10) The 2 Suns are the visible Sun and Black Sun “Saturn” aka Sol Invictus the day in Egypt called the “Going forth of Wadjet” Wadj=Green One Osiris/Saturn.
C Alan Martin 12 House Prophecy published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be the 44th President and #12 from Harry Truman. Trump is the 44th person selected US President for the same reason Zedekiah was the 44th and final King of Israel; non-consequetive terms by Grover Cleveland and King David. Mormons will step in when the Constitution is hanging by a thread.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy “500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age” Jesus says “…where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”. Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is a Jesuit, “Operation Condor” operative. The Gulf Wars began 500 Years after Columbus arrived in America.
Mother Shipton aka Ursula Southhill, a medium/witch burned at the stake in 1641 predicted “Wars, airplanes, TV, earthquakes, fires and 1/2 the world dying just before the return of the Golden Age” The Golden Age is the Age of Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, a return ot the pre-flood world of corruption, sodomy, pedophilia, child sacrifice etc The last Prophecy is a real hoot!
Bahai Prophecy of Bab and Baha’u’llah “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times” Same source as Edgar Cayce’s lies. Russia is not Gog (Rev Eze 38:1; 20:7) America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is not MYSTERY, BABYLON…(Rev 17).
Mar 20, 2019 Shas Moetzet Chachmei Ha torah “Council of Wise Sages” Rav Eliezer Berland “Moshiach is coming straight after Seder Night 5779” The Rav is considered the ultimate authority of Israeli Ultra-Orthodox, Sephardic and Mizrahi communities. What better day for the False Messiah “Antichrist” to arrive than on the anniversary of the Crucifixion?

Recent Signs of the Times

Iranian False Flag Alleged rocket attack on K1 Airbase in Kirkuk prompts US retaliation against Iran on targets in Syria; demonstrations in Baghdad at the Swastika shaped US embassy prompt assassination of Gen Qassem Soleimani identified by his conveniently severed hand still wearing a ruby ring; Wrong Ring! Samy day Hollywood releases the 10 part Messiah series about eh rise of al Mahdi, the Shia Iranian Messiah.

Comet 21/Borisov makes closest approach to the Sun on Dec 8, 2019 and to Earth on Dec 28; 2019 in time for Saturnalia/Hanukkah/Christmas! On Dec 26, 2019 an Annular Solar Eclipse will begin at Sunrise over Idumea (Moab, Ammon, Edom) at Sunrise progressing across Madras, India, home of the Theosophical Society which initiated Adolph Hitler and Joseph Hitler and across Malaysia, the Edomite Kingdom of Sabah and Sulu
God’s 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah will be killed mid-week and be taken to Heaven 3 days later in Jerusalem as people are sending gifts from one to another; Hanukkah? Rev 11:1-12 Gnostics don’t believe anything God wrote and certainly not Revelation, which Jesus delivered via the Holy Ghost 66 years after His Crucifixion. During this Eclipse, Saturn and Jupiter symbolically serve as the 2 Witnesses, a Chaldean-Sabian Wedding in the Heavens initiated by the Divine Union of the Sun and Moon on St Stephen’s Day (Stephen the first Christian Martyr means Crown and Martyr).

Sept 23, 2017 Jupiter born of Virgo The first comet Borisov (named after Crimean amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov) symbolically impregnated Virgo in Nov (Egyptian month of Aythyr=Hathor “Mansion of Horus”) 2016, giving birth to Jupiter 9 months later on Sept 23, 2017.
Oumuamua (Scout/Messenger in Hawaiian) an alleged interstellar asteroid passed by Earth coincident with the Sept 23, 2017 event; Hawaii means “Water and Breath of Life”.
Comet 67p was conjunct with the Moon as Jupiter exited the womb of Virgo; on 9/11/2014 the Rosetta Mission allegedly landed on Comet 67p; Rosetta is the name of the Hashemite (Descendants of the Korahite Priests in Lev 16:8-10; Num 16:32-33; 26:10) al Rashid Dynasty. Rabbis await their Moshiach HaShem.

Aug 21, 2017 On the Cusp of Leo and Virgo the Great American Eclipse passed over 7 towns named Salem. Shalim the Canaanite god of the West is the source name of Jerusalem, the Great City Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV

Sept 20, 2017 Christ Angle,_2017_quot;Christ_Anglequot; Orion “Heaven’s Light” at meridian over the Pyramids in Egypt built to reflect Orion on Earth, on Rosh Hashanah (Chaldean Rabbi “Head of the Year” aka “Primordial Hanukkah”) with Regulus (Alpha Leo “Law Giver”) 26.3 deg above the horizon and Al Nitak “Wounded One” (Antichrist is the “Wounded One”; reflected as the Great Pyramid) The angle 26.3 deg of the Ascending and Descending passages of the Great Pyramid connects Bethlehem and Mt Sinai by the same angle. Osiris was called KRST in Egypt; the Going forth of the Wadjet on Dec 25 was the celebration of Osiris (Saturn). The odds of this happening by chance is Nil.

Red Heifer A 2 yr old Red Heifer must be sacrificed to purify the Chief Priest following a Holocaust sacrifice in order to build the 3rd Temple. Israel currently has 2 unblemished Red Heifers ready, one born Aug 28, 2018 and the other Mar 21, 2019.

Lucent Technologies

AT&T created Lucent (Lucifer’s Intel) uses the Red Dragon eating its tail “Ouroborus” as its logo and HQ at 666 5th Av. AT&T released the documentary “The Sign” on Sept 14, 2017; the trailer pictured an Annular Solar Eclipse; Great American Solar Eclipse? No, that was a Total Solar Eclipse; Dec 26, 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse? That’s my guess. with a host of false teachers/prophets and Planet X and Planet 9 “Niburu” pseudo-Scientists. Sites like Unsealed World News and Rev 12 Blogspot interpreted as the Rapture of the Christian Church, a Jesuit invented Lie; what will this Borisov portend?
The speed/trajectory of the 21/Borisov Comet is claimed to have originated outside the Solar System; the 2nd such Visitor since Oumuamua “Scout/Messenger” was discovered, roughly coincident with the Sept 23, 2017 Comet Borisov and symbolic birth of Jupiter from Virgo.
23 years ago AT&T formed Bell Labs and Lucent Tech; Rev 23 is written to Revelation right after Jesus’ warnings against adding or subtracting from scripture; Dragon and Blasphemy occur 23 times in Scripture. Bel/Belus is the Phoenician form of the Canaanite Baal, the son of El (Saturn) and Asherah (Grove); Plan 9 (Planet 9 is Nibiru, pure undiluted Bullshit!) developed Inferno (Hell) operating language using Styx (River in Hell) protocol and the Dis (Pluto, god of underworld wealth and riches ie Diamonds, Gold, Silver, all of which Antichrist will control in the Great Tribulation Ref Dan 11:38) virtual machine language. It may be hard to believe so many people worship Satan, but remember, Jesus represents the Narrow Gate to Salvation; 666 represents the Wide Gate.
2018 had more strange Signs of the Times Tisha b’ Av 2018 (Exodus, 1st and 2nd Temple destructions, Bar Kochba Revolt, WWI&II, Gulf Wars 1&II, Libyan War) A Stone fell from the Western Wall just after Tisha b’Av July 24, 2018
Sukkot 2017 Blue Mist rose from the Temple Mount on the last day of Sukkot; Rabbis turn the day Jesus was Circumcised into the Great Day of Sikkuth (Saturn) Why blue? Blue is the color of Zeus, the son of Saturn.
Nov 1 “All Saints Day” A Viper crawled out of the Western Wall to attacked a Pigeon; doves and pigeons are the only acceptable sacrificial birds in the Old Testament.
So what would make this more obvious folks?