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Jew Klaus Schwab Mother Gisela Tekelius Schwab, nee
Kilian “church, bright-headed, war, contention, strife”=Jew. Mordecai=Marduk Chief god of Babylon=Bauer “Farmer”=Cain=Rothschild “Red Shield”; a relative of Karl Mordecai Marx

Top Gun: Maverick; mission was the 1 in a Million miracle shot on the Death Star It was replayed in Top Gun Maverick Klaus Schwab dresses as Darth Vader for a reason; Top Gun Maverick debuts as WEF (Black Horse) 2022 ends and the G-7 (77=Dan 7:7 4th Industrial Revolution; 4th Beast of Iron; 4th Horseman “Death”) begins. Maverick’s mission to fly in a canyon and drop ordinance in a reactor vent came straight from the original Star Wars mission to destroy the Death Star. Luke Skywalker, son of Darth Vader, born in Libya (Synagogue of the Libertines who killed Stephen the 1st “Martyr” also means “Crown” as in Coronavirus and Corona Borealis atop Serpens caput “Serpent’s Head” encircling the Dragon “Draco”.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger, 33 deg Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit, Crypto Jew, Vietnam War architect, Klaus Schwab mentor. The WEF (Black Horse Rev 6:6) controls the world’s Billionaires, Corporations and Governments founded by Schwab a Suebian (Giant Idol of the goddess wearing a Suebian War Knot in Jersey City faces Wall St) aka Briton, advised by Yuval Noah Harari, a Himyarite,(Gold miners of Ophir=India) both branches of Sepharvites (Gen 9:29-30; 2 Ki 17:30); false converts “Crypto”; Suebis to Orthodox (Chaldean, Russian, Greek, Coptic); Himyarites converted to Judaism to become the Sudducees-Pharisees who crucified Jesus, praise “Lord of Heaven and Earth” as the “God of Israel” and “Lord of the Jews” with Shalom” (Canaanite god of Jerusalem and title of Lucifer) and Amen” (Egyptian god Amen/Amun means “Hidden”); used with Amen-Ra; the Hidden Sun being the Black Sun.

GreatGameIndia on Twitter: "NSSM 200 concluded that United States was threatened by population growth in former British colonies. It paid special attention to 13 “key countries” in which US had “special political

WEF (World Economic Forum) is likely the Black Horse (Rev 6:6) Founder Klaus Schwab’s advisor Yuval Noah Hariri  “Covid is critical, because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance.... The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.... We are really acquiring divine powers…the decision we must make is what to do with billions of useless eaters ”  4th Industrial Revolution is the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7) and 4th Horseman, the Pale Horse “Death”

Klaus Schwab’s spiritual adviser Sadhguru (Ref Himyrites of Ophir Gen 9:29) says “Earth is dying, soil can no longer grow food…we need less people…its easy to control population just not people’s aspirations” Schwab’s advisor Yuri Noah Harari “The problem we have to consider is what to do with all the surplus people” Schwab’s mentor Henry Kissinger “The number one priority for 3rd world nations is population reduction” WEF financier and vaccine promoter Bill Gates “if we do a really good job with vaccines, we could reduce world population by 15%”

CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), Biometric ID (Vaccine records), Doconomy carbon calculator= total surveillance and control of the IOB’s (Internet of Bodies) all connected to the IOT (Internet of Things); Yuri Noah Hariri calls his husband “My IOT”; Hariri=Mari the center of the Amorites “Bitter, Rebel, Babbler” at Abu Kamal (Purim Synagogue) where Kings of the East will cross the Euphrates dry shod to Armageddon (Rev 16:12) America is named after the Amorites, worshippers of the moon god Sin aka Allah and Amurru “Shepherd and Serpent God” of the Canaanites. Hariri means “Of the Sea; Bitterness; Rebelliousness. Biden-Harris bombed Abu Kamal on Purim 2021 to prepare the way to Armageddon. Yuval=Jubal (Gen 4:21) a Cainite and father of all who handle the harp and organ; Noah “Rest” Hariri=Mari “Middle Men” ie Priests. Make no mistake the WEF is waging war on the Soul; Zimri-Lim the Amorite King of Mari; Amor=Love, Cathar “Church of Amor” style (Agape/Bachanalias/sacrifices/passing children through fires etc)Amorite “Bitter, Rebel, Babbler” Pretty coincidental the last Cathar Perfecti was burned alive 700 years ago proclaiming Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again” Laurel is the “Crown of Bacchus”; Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom”

Ever wonder how 190 Governments could operate in “Lockstep” enforcing Lockdowns, Social Distancing, Mask Mandates, Vaccine Mandates over a 99.9% survivable “Virus” nobody has a genetic sample of? Their leaders may be one of 4000 who graduated from Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School. Schwab was mentored by Bohemian Grove, 33 deg Freemason, Jesuit, Vietnam War architect Henry Kissinger. The WEF convenes 3000 leaders annually directed by the WEF Board. They in turn control 4000 Young Global Leaders. 117 nations, 53 heads of state, Religious leaders (eg Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew, Hashemite Queen Rania of Idumea ie Edom, Ammon, Moab, the 3 nations which working with Antichrist aka God of Forces (Dan 11:38), Climate Change (Al Gore) CERN (God Particle, Dark Matter Fabiola Gionotti), United Nations (Antonio Guterres)  Banking (Bank of England turned Climate Change Ambassador Mark Carney), Vaccines (GAVI Global Vaccine Alliance), War Profiteers/Money Launderers/Terrorist Financiers (Carlyle Goup Crypto Jew David Rubenstein; Bain Capital Orit Gadeish; Iran-Contra financier Mitt Romney), Property (Black Rock CEO, Crypto Jew Larry Fink), Computing aka IOT (Internet of Things) and IOB (Internet of Bodies; Microsoft; Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer), Food (Farmland/Seeds; Bill Gates), Vaccines (mRNA Trans-humanism=no Rights), Governments (including Ukraine, Russia, NATO, France, Britain, Germany, Hungary, Finland, Canada ); Search Engines, Social Media, International Banking, Media, NASA (Musk/Bezos/Branson), CERN are all controlled by the WEF. A few examples.

Mrs Schwab Nicole Schwab, Bill Gates (Microsoft), Rockefeller Foundation CEO Rajiv Shah, Angela Merkel (Hitler’s daughter), Rhodes Scholars Tony Blair (Knight Noble Order of the Garter) and Pete Buttigieg, Nicolas Sarkozy, Emanuel Macron, Viktor Orban (Hungarian PM), Sebastian Kurz (Austrian Chancellor), Jeff “Burning Man” Bezos (Amazon), Jack Ma (Alibaba; CCP Alipay), Richard Branson (Virgin), Peter Thiel (PayPal, Palantir), Leonardo DiCaprio (Global Climate Change Actor), Anderson Cooper, Bono, Steffi Graf, Tony Hawk, Meghan Rapino, Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Sergei Brin and Larry Page (Google), Elon Musk (Tesla, Space X, StarLink), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), Ashton Kucher, Charlize Theron, Maria Bartiromo (Money Honey), Jacinda (Jason) Ardern, Kirill Dmitriev (Russian Direct Investment Funding of Gamaleya Sputnik V) Gavin Newsome (CA Fires), Chelsea Clinton, Bobby Jindal (Geo-engineered Hurricane Katrina), Tulsi Gabbard. Mentors: Christine Lagarde, Edomite Queen Rania of Jordan, BlackRock Group CEO Crypto Jew Larry Fink, Carlyle Group War Profiteer David Rubenstein, Inconvenient Liar Al Gore, Bain & Company Israeli money launderer Orit Gadeish (took over from Mitt Romney), Turkish Sultan for life Reccip Tayyip Erdogan. Network: Druid Collective (Druid: Dru=Tree of Knowledge) Purpose: “Shape the Future” by collapsing global economies and “Building Back Better” to effect the “Great Reset” through GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act)

Elon Musk a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader School aka Summer Davos gets to use taxpayer financed NASA facilities to launch 20,000+ Starlink satellites, because?

Amazon Phallus shaped rocket is also used in the Amazon Logo connecting A to Z or Oz, seen in Aleister Crowley’s book Liber Oz: Book 77. Blue 666THz is Day or “Zeus” Dyeus Pater. Austin “Great, Magnificent, Majestic, Venerable” Power “Be able, supply with power”; Force X Time; Gnostics call the “Great Work” Bezos’ CGI Hoax of Apollo 11, a hoax originally made possible by Stanley Kubrick on the British set of Dr Strangelove; same Cowboy Hat too 52 years later; 52 years is an Aztec Century and Gematria of Elohim “Sons of El/Saturn”. Jeffery “God of Peace” Bezos “Kiss” 52 (really 51 deg 50 min 40 sec) degrees is the angle of the Great Pyramid and Kings Chamber Shaft which tracks the 51.86 (364 day) week Stellar Year by the circumpolar passage of Thuban (Alpha Draco). Fat Bastard even portrayed Donald Trump whose Space Force logo is the Star Trek Logo. 333 is the Rite of Mars the UNKNOWN God of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” (Acts 17:23) Zeus the son of Saturn is Baal seen in the Obelisk “Baal’s Shaft”, Blue Origin Rocket; like Elon Musk “Oak Scrotum” Space X (X=Chi=Christ) CGI Space program to Mars, were getting the Shaft.

Facebook new Logo and Name: Infinity Logo and Meta. Meta is a feminine Greek prefix meaning After, Beyond referring to Change or Alteration in Greek and “Death” in Hebrew. “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” Rev 6:8 The Alteration meant here is to the human genome creating a Trans-human product having no Rights on Earth nor in Heaven. The ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) uses the same Logo and is the International Kangaroo Court Jesus warned of in Mat 10. COP 26 “Conference of Parties” Global Climate Change Summit Nov 1 “Day of the Dead”-Nov 12, 2021 immediately followed the G20 Summit on Samhein. The WHO uses the Rod of Aesculapius Logo, the Serpent wrapped pole is also on the $ONE; WHO’s Marxist leader Tedros Ghebreyesus is proposing a legally binding Global Health Threats Financing Board to combat the next “Virus” predicted to be uncontainable.

Climate Change promoter Leo DiCaprio starred in Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgeralds story about a hustler with a made up history, unlimited money, throwing wild parties until it all stopped and nobody came to his funeral. The story is about the United States, a nation imploding from Debt; the Scapegoat for Economic Babylon (Rev 18) has printed $6.2 Trillion in new Debt since Coronavirus shut down the Economy; a plan known as HR #748 introduced in Congress 1/24/ 2019 by 535 Government Traitors