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Jamie Foxx: Live Forever? Jamie ‘One who supplants’; A Fox tail is the badge of a Fool! Foxx (F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6)666′Went To Hell & Back’, Blind and Paralyzed from a Stroke, he had to drop out of Beat Shazam’ (derived from 6 immortal characters Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury), he “Sold his Soul” and played the ‘Ferryman’ in ‘God is  Bullet‘ then They Cloned Tyrone then Back in Action’ and returned to Beat Shazam. Tyrone Celtic tir “land”=Earth. Selling Souls is required BabEl ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’, both require ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost’ in essence they ‘Supplant’ JESUS ‘Holy Ghost’ with Edom who achieves ‘Dominion’.

Pepe ‘God Will Increase; Joseph’ the Frog=Kek Kek isthe deification of the concept of primordial darkness.  ‘Woe to them who put Evil for Good’ ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.’ Gen 1:1-4KJV ‘As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ John 9:5KJV ‘Light’=’glory, presence, of God ie ‘He’ is the Holy Ghost’. Kek is Lucifer. JESUS=Day; Evil=Night; the sun wasn’t created yet.  ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (serpent, Devil, Satan Rev 12:9), and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ Rev 16:13 The hit of the Christmas season, FROG, (Fully Rely on God); Osiris ‘Green One’ is born at Christmas Dec 25 is when the ‘Black Star’ and Visible Sun align!  Near water bodies, the frog becomes a symbol of purification and renewal. A frog, you jump from a pot of boiling water. But if you are placed in a pot of tepid water that is gradually heated to boiling, you die. The parable used to explain why humans react quickly to sudden events but fail to react to slowly changing conditions until it is too late. NATO planning to get US troops to the front-line to fight Russia;  Sweden, Norway, Finland; Russia ‘Rus’ and Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’; they fought the Khazars and Mongols. The most common Finno-Ugric creation myth is the earth-diver myth, in which the Devil is forced to dive into the sea and gather sand, from which God forms the earth; this is the theme of ‘Prometheus’. Sámi was borrowed from the Proto-Baltic word *žēmē, meaning ‘land’ cognate with Slavic zemlja ‘Slavs’ Turan=Black; the Pale Green Horse is ‘Death’

 Arc de Triomphe ParisArc de Triompfe-Champs Elysee (Elysium)-Place of Concorde-Luxor Obelisk. French ‘Free’ President Emmanuel Macron To Announce: Europe is at war with Russia” on D-Day 6/6/24=6 ‘666’; June 3 “THE WORLD HAS WON!” WHO passes NEW INTERNATIONAL LAWS for “DISEASE SURVEILLANCE!” June 4-5 ‘Jerusalem Day’ June 5 Yemen hits USS DWIGHT EISENHOWER HIT WITH HYPERSONIC MISSILE, leaving Red Sea; Yemen is Sabean ‘Arabs’ ‘Rba’=Rabbis

G-7=’77′  Dan ‘Judge’ 7:7 ‘4th Beast of Iron’ The Ark Of The Covenant Is Finally Revealed To The World, It Will Be The Greatest Archaeological Bombshell In History. It will be the biggest bunch of bullshit in history! Rev 11:19 ‘And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.’ The 80th anniversary: represents the karmic liberation for the whole of the creatures of Cosmos, or the community of the initiate disengaged of the fate of reincarnations, the Communion of Saints, Great White Lodge” aka Theosophical Society, Ascended Masters, the Church Invisible, or the Hierarchy. mystical, or magic adepts typified by the Rosicrucians. Great hailstones weighing near 80 pounds which fell from the sky on the people. (Rev 16:21) aka 7th Vial of God’s Wrath aka the ‘Last Day’ Rev 10:7, 1 Cor 15:51-57, 1 Thess 4:17 Daniel was 80 years old when King Belshazzar summoned him to interpret the prophecy ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIM’ (Dan 5:25-30); he clothed Daniel with scarlet; that night the King of the Chaldeans was slain, and Daniel was saved! The next generation of the ‘Internet of Bodies’ could meld tech and human bodies together. But they won’t cleave one to another! ‘And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.’ Daniel 2:43 They won’t have a SOUL! JESUS=GOD, The ‘Potter’ ‘O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.’ Jer 18:6KJV Rabbis, Fathers and Masters (Matt 23:8KJV) wear the ‘Yarmulke’, cutting off  the Holy Ghost. ‘Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.’ 1 Cor 11:4KJV Jerusalem=Shalem “Place of Peace”, the name given by high priest Shem. Shem is not God, Melchisidec is the ‘King of Jerusalem’ and ‘Priest of the Most High’; ‘Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.’ Heb 6:20KJV

G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, USA) was G-8 until Russia annexed Crimea Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman aka Vilna Gaon  “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard,”Crimea aka ‘Kazaria’ is the home of exiled Sarmation “Priest Kings” the ‘Serpent People’; Sargon=Canaan. Sargon III will be Antichrist. Dan 7:7 should come to mind; Jew Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’ President Zelensky ‘Green’ and Russia ‘Rus’ Jew Putin are both WEF (World Economic Forum) and ‘Khazars’= ‘Serpent People’. EU President Ursula von der Leyen, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg are WEF.  Europa is the ‘Whore of BabEl’ Europe, Ukraine and USA Drafts 18-25 year old men. IsRaEli War Cabinet Meeting Discussed “Full War with Hezbollah” NATO TANKS Being Moved to Ukraine Border. IsRaEl War Cabinet Meeting Discussed “Full War with Hezbollah” (Party of Allah=Iran) RaEl’s are Aliens ‘Belong to another’, and they aren’t Space Aliens! Auroras will be Visible; in Minneapolis? ‘minne’ water and the Greek ‘polis’ for city. Joktan of Peleg ‘Land surrounded by WATER!’; how did they know? from EM Scalar Weapons?

Himyarites ‘Arabs’ (Joktan) ‘Rba’  Islam and ‘Jews’ Chaldean ‘Rba’; Himyarites replaced the Sabaeans and became prominent in southern Arabia (Yemen, Oman) around 110 BC, the time of the  Maccabees. (Pharisees, Sadducees) WWIII is Zionism versus Islam: Satan came to present himself before the LORD…And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life…he smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.” Job 1:2:1; 6-7. Ready for your test?  The Potter: HaShem/YHWH and Allah are the same; Chaldean ‘Rba’ and Sabean “Rba” are todays Rabbis. BabIlu ‘Allah’=Sharia Law or BabEl ‘YHWH’=Noahide Law require ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost’ the only ‘Unforgivable Sin’. The Black Horse carries 2 Balances; one leads to the Pale Green Horse ‘Death’ BabylOn ‘Osiris’ is the ‘Green One’; the other is JESUS! 

WWIII The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. 33Deg Luciferian Freemason Albert Pike on the Feast Day of Lucifer 1871

Photograph. Refer to caption and adjacent textShamash (sun god and god of justice and light; Canaanite tradition, the sun god was Shemesh, the “torch of the gods,” but was described as female) giving Laws to the King of Babylon ‘Hammurabi’ aka Amraphel the keeper of the gods; keeper of the treasures; or, speaker of mysteries; enlightener of secrets; the 6th heathen (Earth) King of Shinar (BabylOn); Naram-Sin’s reign was a widespread revolt against the Akkadian Empire. The empire was created by his grandfather, Sargon the Great aka ‘Canaan’; Noah’s wife Namaah was Cainite ‘Cursed’ (consignment of a person to an evil fate), incest with Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’. Shamash is the center of the Hanukkah Menorah, replacing JESUS; symbolized by the ‘7 Branch Candlestick’; The 8th Covenant a Baptism of ‘Holy Ghost’ JESUS, He returns on the last day/8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles.  Baptism of the Holy Spirit=Jewish=Shamash=Satan. Holy Spirit is indeed a divine person. Don’t make that mistake!

      China (Cathay=Hittites=Sina=Sin) Working on Weaponized Strain of Ebola with 90% Kill Rate Inside the US. Ebola is named after the Flagrum (bones used to induce bleeding) before Crucifixion; a ‘Green Psy-Op” used by Samaritans Purse (33deg Mason Billy Graham now Franklin, Drumpf ‘Drummer’ gave the Invocation) Doctors Without Borders and Phoenix Air Ambulance (Aesculapius Serpent Wrapped Pole) America is the PhoenixAmeri-kay“=away, pray, obey, gay, dismay, decay Green Man is Osiris ‘BabylOn’ the father of Horus aka Apollo ‘Apollyon’ (Rev 9:11) 33deg Luciferian Freemason IsRaEl (Isis + Ra + El) Prime Minister Netanyahu invited (Jew Chuck Schumer ‘Farmer’=Canaanite) to address Congress ‘Womb of Isis’; PM acts in the place of another El=’Satan’. Netanyahu admitted he knew the World Trade Centre buildings would be brought down 6 years before the actual event; It was an ‘Inside Job Gaza=Hāzat a Canaanite city “fierce, strong” (same as Reseph=Pfizer, Jew-Veterinarian Albert Bourla is Sephardic Royalty) Gaza was the place where Samson was imprisoned after Deliah cut his hair by the Philistines and met his death (Judges 16:21) between 2 Pillars (Twin Towers). At age 2 Tothmose III ‘Born of Toth’, the ‘Lasting is the manifestation of Ra’ reigned with his sister Hathsepshut the first crossdressing female pharaoh, dressed as a MAN, the wife of Tothmosis II was Pharaoh of the Exodus; she was Hyksos ‘Foreign Shepherd Kings’ (Hittites) The Battle of Kadesh ‘Q-D-S’=Holy between the Hittite (Canaanite) and Egyptian empires; Kamala is ‘Priest of Q-D-S’ cross-dressing Hatshepsut now, the 2 Cities were Kadesh and Meggido. Armageddon comes “Har Megiddon,” meaning “the Mount of Megiddo.” Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II prepared an aggressive military response and captured the coastal state of Amurru; Amar means ‘westerners’ or ‘those of the west’ That’s why Netanyahu was invited to speak. 6/6/24=6 ‘666’ Auroras visible; from EM Scalar Weapons? D-Day (DD=44: Mass of the Phoenix WWII began D-Day Normandie France. French President Macron To Announce: Europe is at war with Russia” on D-Day 6/6/24=6 ‘666’

  • USS Liberty attack June 8, 1947 by IsRaEl and LBJ. The attack was no accident, it was well planned in advance as a false flag operation by Israel and Zionists in US Government
  • Trump’s age 77 years, 11 months, 17 days. Biden’s age when he was declared president on 11/7 was 77 years, 11 months, 17 days.Drumpf ‘Drummer’ Found Guilty on Feast Day of Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of Prisoners and Hero of Patriots. Dan 7:7 ‘4th Beast of Iron’. What a farce!
  • IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2024: 31 May–2 June, Singapore. ‘Camp David’ (King David) was USS Shangri La, named after the Earthly Himalayan paradise aka Eden, heaven, nirvana, paradise, promised land. In this paradise, people live for hundreds of years and age very slowly ie the pre-Food. In addition, the cultural treasures and wisdom of the world are stored there, in anticipation of a future of peace on earth. Noah’s wife Namaah’s incest with Ham ‘Black’=’Cursed’ Canaan aka ‘Sargon the Great’ modeling the new main lodge after FDR’s winter vacation home in Warm Springs, Georgia; he was murdered by Arsenic Poisoning, 33deg Mason became the 33rd President Truman.
  • G7 ’77’ (G8 minus Russia) summit planned in Italy’s Apulia ‘Boot’ region June 13 to June 15
  • 2024 Bilderberg globalist MTG May 30-June 2 in Madrid Spain; home of Sephardic ‘Jews’ like Pfizer=Reseph, the ‘Souless Gate Keeper of the Underworld’ CEO Veterinarian Albert Bourla and UN Sec Gen António Guterres
  • The 77th UN General Assembly began with tribute to ‘Dead’ Ibrahim ‘The Butcher’  Raisi; HE’S NOT DEAD! His fake death will be the excuse for WWIII. ‘Little Horn’=Antichrist Dan 7:8
Wayne Allen Root ‘WAR‘; ‘Red Dawn’ already training the new arrivals for the armed services; National Sheriffs Association claimed there are two million terrorists inside the USA! ‘Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning” is Red Dawn=Esau. US Nears Deal To Fund ModernaModern DNA’ mRNA Bird Flu Shot Trial; Jew Stephanie Cancel and Jew Tal Zaks says the is ‘Modern’; it is ‘Death’ and ‘Hell’ awaits! This is what Esau’s ‘Dominion’ is about!
Philadelphia,seven Churches Of Asia,revelation,turkey,byzantine Free Image From | Seven Churches Of Asia |
       Rabbi admits Jews are Aliens sent to ‘conquer’ earth. Jews are Canaanites, Phoenicians, Aramaens (Assyrians), Medeans (Iran); they worship El ‘YHWH’ and Ilu ‘Allah’ represented by the ‘Bull’ (Marduk, Molech). Rabbis are Sabeans ‘Rba’ (eg Iran) and Chaldean ‘Rba’. Sabeans are Joktanite ‘Arabs’ not Peleg. They came from Aliens (Belonging the another); in a different galaxy ‘Sirius’, the ‘Star of Isis’; their ‘Creator’ is ‘Elohim’; the ‘Ray of Light’ is ‘Lucifer’. Satan is quite clever eh? DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) lit up Mexico; where will the people go? INRI ‘Nature is Renewed by Fire’ the Rosicrucian motto was written above Jesus head.
Independent Tartary (in yellow) and Chinese Tartary (in violet), in 1806. We’ve been lied to! Tartaria means ‘Hell on Earth’
FILE - President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi holds up a photo of slain Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, as he addresses the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Sept. 21, 2022 at U.N. headquarters. Raisi, a hard-line protégé of the country's supreme leader who helped oversee the mass executions of thousands in 1988 and later led the country as it enriched uranium near weapons-grade levels and launched a major drone-and-missile attack on Israel, has died in a helicopter crash according to state media on Monday, May 20, 2024. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)Ex-President Ahmadinejad ‘May’ Run in Iran’s Snap Polls, from Raisis non-helicopter crash. Raisi and UN Sec Gen Sephardic Jew António Guterres doing a Masonic handshake, gloating over Soleimani’s death (wrong ring). Ahmadenajad loves the Horns of the false god; 3 years he appeared at the UN blamed 33deg Freemason George Bush for smelling like sulphur. On 9/11 Sulphur was mixed with aluminum ‘Thermate’. Bird Flu hits US! Bird Language, Langue d’ OcLanguage of Sight’ (3rd Eye ‘Pineal Gland’), Langue of Oil‘, ‘Langue of Occitan’ (West), and Green Language’ ‘Language of Yes’ You remember 33deg Prince Hall Freemason Obama’s ‘He is with us’  speech Yes We Can’? under the Quadriga ‘4 Horsemen’ of Apollo aka Horus (BabOn=the son of Osiris) right? It’s across the street from Satan’s Seat. The Pres of Iran (Aryan=Noble Caste; 10’s of thousands attended the FAKE funeral) Ebrahim (Abraham-Ishmael=Ismael; ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’) Raisi (BabIlu ‘Allah’) and UN Sec Gen Sephardic Jew António Guterres (BabEl ‘YHWH’) doing a Masonic handshake. The US supports the bulk of the UN; Raisi’s alleged death may start WWIII 100k Iranians chant ‘death to America’ at funeral for dead president. 33deg Freemasons George HW ‘Magog’ Bush and Ayathollah Khomeini set up the dictatorship in Iran. ‘Control oil you control nation; control food you control people’ 33deg Freemason Henry Kissinger Oil is completely unnecessary, yet it controls nearly everything. Birds, Pigs, Cattle, Eggs (A massive fire broke out at a poultry farm in Southern Illinois. One of the largest free-range egg facilities in the country starting burning last night. Millions of chickens dead. Millions of eggs gone). Natural and Pasteurized Milk and even Lambs; Bees are responsible for pollinating 30% of food; WEF orders burning causing CCD’s. Green=Pale Green Horse ‘Death’. JESUS stands at the door, but you have to open it!
Premium Vector | Hand showing lgbt heart heart symbol pride ...June=Pride Month; Rainbow=Qos (Edomite National god), Edom=Dominion, Edom sold his soul and gets ‘Dominion’ Gen 27:39:41KJV LGBTQ=Heart=’Baal’. Edom gains ‘Dominion’ by ‘Dew of Heaven’=Directed Energy Weapons; ‘By the Sword’ (2 Edges; one for BabylON=’Green One’; BabEl ‘YHWH’; BabIlu ‘Allah’ the other JESUS); ‘Fatness of the Earth’ (Wealth) June=Juno=Hera=wife of Zeus queen of the gods, love and marriage. A daughter of Saturn and Ops ‘Black Ops’ she was the sister and wife of Jupiter (Joseph Smith was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter) and the mother of Mars, Vulcan (aka Tubal-cain) her sacred animal was the peacock (Pride) pride as a major sin peaking in self-deification, Lucifer (Hêlêl) became the template for the devil; ‘Pey Helel’ is a Mormon saying of the Melchesidek Priesthood meaning ‘Wonderous Lucifer’; Melchisidek ‘King of Jerusalem’ ‘Priest of the Most High’ is JESUS! Heb 7  “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.’ Prof 16:18KJV
  • 🔥Hundreds of Dangerous Man-Made Wildfires covering the entire Country of Mexico, Yucatan Peninsula (Teotihuacan ‘Place where men become gods’) states of Arizona and New Mexico!😱 at SAME TIME! INRI ‘Nature is Renewed by Fire’ 
  • Massive hail storms bury Mexico City and Puebla in ice during unprecedented 100F heat wave; ‘Revenge is dish best served cold’ 
  • The World Health Organization was hoping that there would be a vote on the global pandemic treaty; 4.7 million people have been infected with dengue ‘Break Bone’ fever so far in 2024, an explosion of cases centered in Latin America and the Caribbean; ‘But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs’ John 19:33KJV

Ormus Monoatomic Gold Ormus Gold Monatomic White Powder Gold Mfkzt" - Ormus Monatomic Gold Mfkzt | Facebook

Society of Ormus=Serpent. Steven ‘Martyr’ Hawking ‘Horus’ proposed  ‘M Theory’ the ‘Theory Of Everything’ M is 13th letter, Virgo is Isis “Throne of Antichrist” Revelation 13 is reserved to the Antichrist and the Beast from the Earth. 13 brings the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit: the passage on a higher level of existence ‘Psalm 13 “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God”; In Kabalah the number 13 is the meaning of the Snake, the Dragon, Satan and the murderer ‘Cain’. Hebrew word BEV, meaning Chaos, gives 13 ‘Order out of Chaos’ Abyss (Fauci’s mother ‘Abys’) Choronzon without the ‘h’ (God is with me) Coronzon is the ‘Dweller of the Abyss’ aka Bottomless Pit. Choronzon is deemed to be held in check by the power of the goddess Babalon the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations. M ‘Membrane’ a piece of parchment forming part of a roll; ‘And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together…’ Rev 6:14KJV Is 34:4KJV The Wrath of the Lamb is the 7th Seal, the 3rd Woe!  Kamala Michael and Jill “’So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Rev 17:3-5KJV Jill “child of the gods” Giacoppo “Yaakov” meaning “following-after” (Esau was born first) Secret Service name Capri capreae ‘goats‘. Married in Private Jesuit Ceremony 201 Jesuits were rescued by Russian Catherine the Great; Event 201 was a 3.5-hour (Great Tribulation is 3.5 Years) Pandemic Exercise that began COVID ‘Certification Of Vaccination ID’=DIVOC ‘Souless Person’

The Health and Human Services arm of the ruling class is now “advancing” its preplanned scamdemic “vaccines” for the bird flu. In order to “prepare” for the next plandemic, the ruling class is going to be creating 4.8 million H5N1 avian influenza shots along with a propaganda campaign to convince the slave class to get injected, once again. Stocks of Biotechs soar in response to H5NI. By the next PANDEMIC Eugenicist Bill (Will I Am) Gates wants Mega Testing Diagnostic Platforms to test 1.6B each week and Develop New Vaccines quickly anywhere in the World using Infectious Disease Army and the slogan ‘All for Health; Health for All’ we heard that before in “White Squall” and Trumps “WWG1WGA,” ‘Where We Go One We Go All’; COVID=DIVOC ‘Souless’, deletion of VMAT-2 does that. Trump:“fabricate, devise,” (1690s), from trump “deceive, cheat” (1510s), from Middle English trumpen (late 14c.), from Old French tromper “to deceive,” from tromper de “to mock,” Trump, a lifelong Hollywood Actor with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, collecting a Screen Actors Guild Retirement, is a Jew (Canaanite) 5X Draft Deferment 5X Bankrupt who installed CDC Dir Robert Redfield aka Sandy Hook Coroner H Wayne Carver describe as ‘THE WORST I’VE SEEN‘ he FOOLED everyone; 26 dead ya sure! Brachet explains this as “to play the horn, alluding to quacks and mountebanks, who attracted the public by blowing a horn, and then cheated them into buying ….” The Hindley Old French dictionary has baillier la trompe “blow the trumpet” as “act the fool,” MAGA Hats are Red because Esau sold his soul and was renamed Edom=Red MAGA means Ma=Mother + Ge=Earth; ‘Mother Earth’ is Gaia aka Namaah whose incest with her son Ham ‘Black’=Canaan. In the 1958 “End of the World” episode of the series Trackdown, Snake Oil salesman Walter Trump promised residents of a Texas border town (Greg Abbot is a Jew/Satanist) only he can protect them from an alien invasion by building a Wall. Great Job! Trump gave Jesuit Pope Francis a ‘Lotus Flower’ (Kamala=Lotus), played the role of the Phoenix and Danced the Arab Sword Dance.


Who is Ebrahim Raisi, the front-runner in Iran's presidential race? - Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle EastRaisi: Western 'enemy' has failed to isolate Iran | The Times of IsraelThe red ring seen on the hand of Iran's top general Qassem Soleimani.That’s not the same ring! 100k Mourners chanted Death to America” at the funeral service for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi; HE DIDN’T DIE!


They all love the ‘Bull’; the alternative god ‘Golden Calf” was at the Exodus! and later at Beth-El ‘House of El’ and Dan ‘Judge’

CDN media

“Bovine Tuberculosis” Endemic ‘Self Sustaining’ Zoonotic ‘Transmissible to Humans’ closely related to avian flu. Consumption of Cow=bos=bovine “ox” or “cow” ie the ‘Sacred Cow‘ or Marduk ‘Bull’. Cow, raw milk, cheese, eggs,  Bird ‘Flu’ “visitation, influence of the stars” ie ‘Black Star’, Pig ‘Flu’, deer, goats, dogs, and people. It originated with the first domestication of cattle; that would be the 1st Polygamist Lamech and sister?/ wife Adah, after the Flood, Adah was the daughter of Elon the Hittite and became the mother of Esau’s firstborn son, Eliphaz (Genesis 36:15). From Eliphaz came Amalek, the father of the Amalekites, enemies of Israel (Numbers 14:45). The Covenant with Abraham specifies Do not let your sons take wives of Canaan Oops! Hittite wife of Esau was Canaanite! Their son was Jabal  tender of cattle. Gen 4:20KJV

 ‘Leave the World Behind’ Tuberculosis is called “white plague” or “consumption” Hebrew ‘schachepheth‘ =’wasting disease’. The man-made form Creutzfeldt-Jacob or ‘Prions’ disease is Fatal. According to Rabbi Maimonides Elohim is a homonym, and denotes God, angels, judges, and the rulers of countries; not quite The Canaanite El=Elohim=YHWH ‘Satan’ ‘BabEl’ or Arab ‘Allah’. It appears twice in scripture ‘I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption (TB) and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.’ Lev 26:16 Deut 28:22  Barack ‘Lightning’ Obama ‘He is with us’ and Michele (Micheal) made the movie

r/SaturnStormCube - 'Skull & Bones' George H.W. Bush wearing a hat bearing the Templar/Freemasonic Pentagram with Baphomet Goat Devil, and Crowley's Number 77 from the infamous 'Liber Oz' Book 77. The powerful United States Navy carrier named after him was designated No. 77.The United States’ original “megalopolis” called the “Boston-Washington corridor” stretches from Boston, Massachusetts (in the northeast extremity), through New York City, to Philadelphia, and Baltimore, to Washington, D.C Megalopolis debuted at the Palme D’ Or  (Palm of Gold) 77th Cannes Film Festival 77th World Health Assembly will take place from 13 September 2022 and closed on 5 September 2023.  Dan 7:7 4th Beast of Iron; AA #77 allegedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon as Venus 77 flew overhead. A remake of and HG Welles ‘The Shape of things to Come’  Lamech means “strikerdown, wild man or strong youth.” 2 Lamech: one the line of Jesus, the other the last descendant of Cain who became the first polygamist; Genesis 4:18-24 and ‘Antichrist’. ‘If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.’ Gen 4:24; he lived to be 777. 2 of his wives Adah and Zillah, begat Tubal-cain (The patron of Freemasonry) and Namaah whose incest with Ham ‘Black’=the ‘Cursed’ Canaan and through Esau, ‘Amalekites’; they are blotted out of heaven Ex 17:14KJV; Shariah Law=BabIlu ‘Allah’ or Noahide Law=BabEl ‘YHWH’ are both Satan! Both require ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost’; Death and Hell result. There are 2 Balances carried by the Black Horse; JESUS results in Heaven!


‘Megalopolis’ has Masonic Lodges is each of the cities and is connected to Washington DC (Georgia ‘Earth’ Hwy 77), Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston the 1st 5 Cities had the slogan ‘Join or die’ connected by a serpent, the cities are aligned to the foot and on a Ley Line with San Juan Teotihuacán (St John Divine; June 21 is the Feast, Satan’s head in cutoff by St George ‘Earth’ + (elder god) + -huah (owner/possessor of something) + -cān (place of) meaning “At the place of the owners of the elder gods,”) and the 0 meridian ‘Greenwich’, St Sophia ‘Wisdom’, Troy (Horse was filled with diseased corpses), Baalbek Phoenician ‘City of Baal’ aka ‘Heliopolis City of the Sun’


St John Divine Cathedral

New King Charles Portrait Sparks Backlash for 'Blood-Red ...Pope Francis Gives First Public Appearance Since Health ... King Charles karilaz “free man”; Red=Debt=$305T. Pope Francis ‘Free man’. Synagogue of Libertines ‘Freed Men’. Note the Butterfly=Tranformation. May is Jewish American Heritage Month! Jews are Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Medeans (Iranian), Ishmaelites, Edomites, Sepharvites (2 kI 17:30-32); their leaders are Sabian ‘Rba’ (Job 1:15;17) and Chaldean ‘Rba’ (Gen 22:22) ‘Rabbis’; Debt owed to Edomites $305T; Debt=Red=Edom. U.S. households are $17,690,000,000,000 in debt; And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Rev 17:6 Francis is a Jesuit carrying the ‘Twisted Crucifix’ (Jesus Crucified on a Tree) wears the Philistine Mitre of Dagan, is head of the Catholic (Universal) Church ‘The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender’ Ps 22:7KJV Esau=Edom ‘Red’. Jesus prohibits ‘Usury’ (Charging Interest) among His followers because ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.’ Rev 22:13KJV JESUS is in Heaven ‘And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.’ Rev 11:19KJV; JESUS descends from Juda Rev 7:5KJV The ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’; it is not misspelled! ‘And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?’ Rev 6:14-17KJV

Israel celebrated the birth of ‘Zionism’ on 76th Independence Day 14 May. Jews and Christian to join in major prayer event for Israel May 19. Red-Mass on Pentecost Sunday. It has nothing to do with JESUS or the Holy Ghost! Wearing a thin scarlet or a crimson string as a type of talisman is a Jewish folk custom which is practiced as a way to ward off misfortune which is brought about by the “evil eye” The tradition is associated with Kabbalah and religious forms of Judaism. King Charles his official portrait in Red? Cardinal dressed in Crimson. The Wailing Wall is the Edomite Herod’s; there is no Temple! And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail Rev 11:19KJV. It has to do with Brith-ish ‘Birthright-Covenant’ Edom=Red ($305T) ‘Dominion’; Edom gives responsibility to the 4th Beast of Iron! Dan 7:6 (7+6=13 ‘Rebellion’; 7X6=42 ‘Great Tribulation’; Halo’s=Rainbow=Qos=Edomite National god at 42deg) Leopard (Assyrian Namer) ‘Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.’ Jer 13:23KJV ‘Jews’ (Canaanites, Assyrians, Medeans, Sepharvites ie Rabbit=Easter and Molech=Sun 2 Kings 30:32) the Holy Spirit is the divine force, quality and influence of God over the universe or his creatures. In Christianity, the third person of the Trinity. In Islam, the Holy Spirit/Ghost acts as an agent of divine action or communication.

Eurovision Song Contest
The current Eurovision Song Contest logo, in use since 2015

Heart=Bal/Bel “lord” or “master”

Nemo won Eurovision 2024 Europa, the Cretan Whore rides Zeus (Satan) as a Bull at the European Parliament; offspring are ‘Minotaurs’, 1/2 Man, 1/2 Bull;  they have ‘Sold their Soul’. To Be or not to Be, that is the question we need to answer now. OMEN=monster, evil or wicked person, person without humanity, nonentity, inane person; first-person singular present indicative of Nesan ‘to not be‘.  NEMO is the most remote part of the ocean where Cthulhu (Sea Monster=Beast rising from the sea=Sun) resides. Nemo means Nobody’ and ‘Earth Nemo is an Oromo word meaningThe Man”.  #3762 oudeís not one, none” categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that ‘no valid example exists’. Mirror Image #544 OMEN=‘Faithless” The song The Code’ Nemo is non-binary, wearing a Crown of Thorns in a Rose Dress, singing on a Cross at the center of the Black Sun


‘And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.’ Rev 11:15KJV

‘Juneteenth’ June 19, 2024 is Jesuit Joe Biden’s National Jubilee Day; Emancipation; Freedom Day; Black Independence Day. Why wear Red to Mass on Pentecost May 19 Sunday? Because it has nothing to do with JESUS or the Holy Ghost. For ‘Jews’, the Holy Spirit/Ghost is the divine force, quality and influence of God over the universe or his creatures. In Christianity, the third person of the Trinity. In Islam, the Holy Spirit/Ghost acts as an agent of divine action or communication. John the Baptist said baptized with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier that I, whose shoes I’m not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly pure his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; be he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire’. Matt  3:11-12KJV Clearly the Jews (Canaanites, Phoenicians, Aramaens, Medeans), Christians (Horus=KRST; JESUS is the Holy Ghost), and Muslims do not worship the Holy Ghost! ‘For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one”1John 5:7KJV Namaah ‘Earth Mother’ + Ham ‘Black’ (her son)=Canaan aka ‘Sargon the Great’; the “New Star” surrounding the Pentacle (Earth, Air, Fire Water and Aether) represents a new beginning for all; NOT QUITE! More like Death and Hell!

Mother’s Day

America: Phoenix of the New Age 2

The Black Horse carries 2 Balances: Shariah Law ‘Bab’=Gate + Ilu ‘Allah’ and BabEl ‘YHWH, Yahweh, HaShem, Adonis etc’ There is no choice here, both require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; committing the only Unforgivable Sin will result in Death and Hell, because your Name will be removed from the ‘Lamb’s Book of Life’ (Rev 5); no ‘Wedding of the Lamb’ (Rev 19:7) The other Balance is for JESUS, the ‘Holy Ghost’. Jesus returns on the 8th Day of Feast on Tabernacles (Zech 14:8), the 7th Trumpet (Rev 10:7) when Creation is 6000Years old at the 3rd Woe !

The monument london hi-res stock photography and images - AlamyNERO ‘black’, “vigorous,” “strong,” married, Emperor Nero committed incest with his own mother Agrippina “born feet first” lit Rome of fire, fiddled (like Trump/Drumpf) then blamed Christians for the fire because ‘His eyes were as flame of fire...” Rev 19:12KJV for lighting chariot races, just like Canaanite Namaah and Ham ‘black’; everyone I can think of is married to tranny; Gates, Obama, Trump and Kamala Harris, why should times be any different! Baptism of the Holy Ghost is a FIRE’he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.’ Matt 3:11KJV #4494 rhipizó ‘to fan, generally to make a breeze’ Will I AM Gates=BabylOn ‘Gate of the Ashen Horse’: We need a fire department for pandemics’ Bill Gates. The 202ft tall Monument in London was constructed after the ‘Great Fire‘ and has 311 steps. Coronavirus was declared a ‘Pandemic’ on 3/11 and has Coronavirus ‘Crowned Serpent Venom’.The Event 201 rehearsed COVID=DIVOC ‘Soulessnamed after 201 Jesuits rescued by Catherine the Great; the Society of Gesu has ‘Sede Vacante’ reserved for the False Prophet. The Astra Zeneca ‘A to Z’ ‘Vaccine’ just been pulled; Disease X is the only thing left; transcendence, transformation, or transmigration. Zeneck Waves create Earthquakes! 

COVID is now called FLiRT Dr Klot-man says so, he’s a JEW! ‘give someone a sharp blow’ and ‘sneer at’; coquette or casanova, cocksman, Don ‘world ruler’ Juan “God is gracious. Fictional Spanish wealthy (Esau) libertine (Sephardic like Pfizer CEO Anthony Bourla) who devotes his life to seducing women, wearing disguises; having been denied salvation by God; in other versions he willingly goes to Hell, having refused to repent; Don Juan asks for and receives a divine pardon. The dominant strains JN-1 and KP-2 The Kp-Index – derived from the German “Planetarische Kennziffer” meaning “Planetary Index” – is a measure of geomagnetic activity in the Earth’s atmosphere. Geomagnetic activity is the origin of the Aurora Borealis  Aurora=’Dawn’ Triumph of Apollo aka Horus led by the Aurora. Osiris ‘Green One’ Bab=Gate + On ‘Babylon’; Horus=’KRST’ born Dec 25 ‘Christmas’. aka Saturnalia JN-1 ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God’The same in Gen, John and 1 John He that hath seen me hath seen the Father’ John 14:9 Jesus=Father; He made everything and owns everything! ‘He was not the Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light’ John 1:8 ‘For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one’ 1 John 5:7KJV Blasphemy of Holy Ghost is Unforgivable! AND BTW HIS NAME IS NOT LUCIFER!

EarthquakesTornados, Flooding, Hail Pretty amazing how the bad weather happens along the Apr 8 Eclipse form an ‘X’ (Tav= ‘Omen’ or ‘Mark’) in Corpus Christi to the New Madrid, Arabic Mayra meaning ‘place of water’ and ‘giver of life’ NOT!

King Charles has cancer (allegedly) King WiII I Am is next. Born June 21, 1982 ‘Cancer’, the 1000th Knight of the Garter ‘Witches Belt’; motto “Honi soit qui mal y pense” “Shame to him who thinks evil of it”; Satan’s is chopped off in Cancer (June 21) St Jonn=Oannes Dean Koontz wrote in Eyes of Darkness, the Coronavirus would break out as Wuhan 400 (the first 5G city). X=Messiah by Constantine to “Conquer the Laity”, used with the IHS “In Hoc Signo vines” (By this Sign Conquer). Selling your Soul turns Iris’ Black; Namaah + Ham ‘Black’=Canaan aka Sargon the Great. 77th World Health Assembly will take place from 27 May – 01 June 2024 ‘Self Replication Replicon Vaccine’; self-amplifying mRNAs, also known as replicons will be used on Disease X. On the June 21 Solstice at High Noon, the Sun contacts the Square in the Brass “Rose Line” in the St Sulpice Cathedral in Paris. Jesus refers to Gnostics as “Earth Dwellers” Rev 13:8 St George (Geo=Earth) is a martyr of Monotheism ie ‘No Soul’. Saint George’s defeats the dragon in the Golden Legend with a lance called ‘Ascalon’ a Philistine City. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIM

Jesuit Pope St Francis=San Francisco ‘Key Bridge’=’Golden Gate Bridge’ Black Jews=Cainite Namaah + Ham ‘Black’=Canaan’ aka ‘Jews, are Canaanites whose goal is to build ‘Bab=Gate of El’ El is a common Semitic root for god, and it is related to the Arabic word Allah. In the Hebrew Bible, El Shaddai (Almighty God) and El Elyon (God Most High) are also ways to refer to Yahweh ‘YHWH’. Isis, mother goddess of Egypt; Ra, the sun god whose worship was paramount in the Egyptian pantheon; and. El, the supreme god of the Canaanite pantheon=IsRaEl  Namaah’s brother Tubal-cain (Instructor of Brass and Iron) is the patron of Freemasonry ‘A Mason’ aka ‘Amazon’.

Tesla Towers: Magnetic-Earth-Electro-Sun “harvester”


Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Force do not exist. Electro (Sun)-Magnetism (Earth) Radars in Antarctica are ‘The God of Forces’ Dan 11:38 ‘And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.‘ Gen 11:18KJV Tartary means ‘Hell Earth’

Russia Missile Strike Kills “Dozens” of NATO Officers at Meeting in Odessa Ukraine Odessa is the capital of the Sarmations ‘Priest-God-Kings’; Sargon the Great ‘Canaan’, Sargon III ‘Antichrist’. Named for the Enetoi (Latin: Veneti), becoming one of the most famous cities in history Venice. Samara is the capital of the Khazars ‘Serpent People’. “Hacibey” or city of the ‘Lord Pilgrims’ in honor of their common Sarmatian Jewish ancestors aka ‘Rabbis’, Novorossiya “New Russia” is home to Sephardi ‘Jews’=Arabs. Odessa is famous for its estimated 2,000 km + of catacombs that stretch beneath the whole city and outlying areas, the home of Cave Dwelling ‘Jews’ are Satanic.

House GOP Passes Controversial Bill Labeling Certain Christian Scriptures as ‘Antisemitic’,“Antisemitism Awareness Act” (H.R.6090); particularly narratives in the Gospel regarding the death of Jesus Christ. Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews’, making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective – such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions; Jew=’Of Judah’ Aramaic (Assyrian) from Hebrew yĕhūḏī, from yĕhūḏāh ‘Judah’; ‘Juda’ the missing ‘h’ ‘God is with me’ eg Abram, or Sarai or Judah=Israel. ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise…’ Amos 5:2KJV Why? ‘But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch (Ammonite ‘Bull’ ‘BabEl’; Canaanites and Phoenicians, said to have demanded child-sacrifice; Babylonian Talmud explains that Moloch refers to the gentiles) and Chiun (Saturn) your images, the star of your god…” Amos 5:26KJV ‘The Six Pointed Star’ ‘666’. The ‘h’ is in Heaven, with JESUS ‘The Holy Ghost’ with the 8th ‘Ark of his Covenant’ Rev 11:19KJV He returns at the 7th Trumpet  (2 Witnesses, and His followers ‘Mystery of God’ and ‘eat the Little Book’  and 7 Vials of Wrath to destroy the Temple Rev 21:22KJV on the 8th Day of ‘Feast of Tabernacles’.

Biden signed a declaration announcing April 19, 2024, which corresponds to the 11th day of Nisan,Day of Education and Knowledge Sharing in the United States” aka Noahide laws. Chabad Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s birthday. Chabad is Chokmah, Binah, Daat the first 3 levels is Kabbalah ‘Enclosure of Allah’. Jewish Law and Shariah Law is the same; Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

r/SaturnStormCube - 'Skull & Bones' George H.W. Bush wearing a hat bearing the Templar/Freemasonic Pentagram with Baphomet Goat Devil, and Crowley's Number 77 from the infamous 'Liber Oz' Book 77. The powerful United States Navy carrier named after him was designated No. 77.

77th World Health Assembly will take place from 27 May – 01 June 2024 ‘Self Replication Replicon Vaccine’; self-amplifying mRNAs, also known as replicons will be used on Disease X Plasmid DNA is in mRNA Vaccines; Plasmids are small circular pieces of DNA that reside in and reproduce when bacteria or yeast cells reproduce derived from bacterial cells; plasmid DNA, which must enter the nucleus of a cell, the mRNA only needs to be present in the cytoplasm, which eliminates the additional cellular (i.e., nuclear) membrane that plasmid DNA needs to cross. “This means that they are not vaccines at all, but genetically modified organisms”

The 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7)  SPIONS (Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles) Graphene Nano-material in DARPA created Hydrogels in mRNA Experimental Coronavirus Gene Therapy injections hijack Iron from Hemoglobin (Protein encased Iron) in Oxygen carrying Red Blood Cells, causing the body to become Magnetic; both observable and controllable.  Oxygenated RBC’s are Diamagnetic meaning they exhibit a repelling charge “Zeta”; De-oxygenated blood having less Oxygen and Iron is Paramagnetic meaning the RBC’s clump resulting in Rouleaux Blood Flow and Ischemic Stroke. Hematin is the 77 atom oxygen carrying molecule in Red Blood Cells which have an affinity for SPIONS; 5G @60 GHz disrupts RBC’s from carrying Oxygen resulting in targetable and instant death. Iridium Ir=77=Iris and Qos the Edomite national god mean Rainbow. Irises go Black once you have sold your Soul! 


  • Biblical= 77; to pray=77; France=77; fish= 77; Zoroaster died at the age of 77 years; iridium ir, atomic number 77, is a white metal which the name is a derivative of the Greek word “iris” meaning” rainbow”; the sum of the first eight prime numbers=77; “77” was used as a shibboleth (password); In Islam “77” figures prominently; 77 generations from Adam to Jesus; Peter asks, “How many times shall I forgive my brother?”. Jesus replies 77 Times; If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech ’77’; Christ=77 (Antichrist); ‘Liber 77’ is the gematrian name for Liber OZ ayin (7) and zayin (70)=77; American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon (Cruise Missile)
  • Coronavirus is a “Global Science Experiment” called FunVax. Fun means “Cheat, Trick, Hoax” CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing causes “Massive DNA damage, unintended chromosomal translocations, large deletions of Human Genome” like the ‘God Gene’ Shariah Law ‘Allah’  (Iran) or Noahide Law ‘YHVH’ (IsRaEl) eliminate JESUS ‘Holy Ghost’; Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only ‘Unforgivable Sin’
  •  Disease X  Flu “influence of the stars”; Grippe “seizure” Virus: Poison Snake venom Toxin’
  • Bird Flu jumps Pigs then to Cows? BS! Australia, Brazil & Argentina are the biggest producers of Meat but the US is signaled out. All US cattle must have EID’S; ‘farmers are causing climate change- Jesuit, 33Deg Luciferian Freemason John Kerry (Cohen=Priest) ‘Climate Czar’‘ Control food you control people’ 33Deg Freemason, Jesuit Henry Heinz (Kissinger)
  • Disease X on X-Files 20 years ago?
  • X al-shayun, means “something”= ‘sh’ sound. When Spanish scholars translated the Arabic mathematical treatises, they lacked a letter for the “sh” sound and instead chose the “k” sound. They represented this sound by the Greek letter χ. 
  • Germ Theory IS A LIE!  invented by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch to justify Vaccination vacca ‘cow’ because of the early use of the cowpox virus against smallpox WTF?
  • Sophistry: deception fallacy misconception.
  • 1918 “SPANISH FLU”: ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED “SPANISH FLU” was not SPANISH nor INFLUENZA It was caused by Rockefeller Inst Vaccines. Spanish=Sephardic; Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is a Sephardic Jew The last Total Eclipse ‘Abandonment’ the covered America was June 8,1918
  • SUPREME COURT RULING 2012 “VACCINATED ARE NOT HUMAN” BioNTech was able to create this “Gene Therapy” in 3 hours on Jan 11, 2020 a month before Covid 19 or SARS CoV-2 was even identified on Feb 11, 2020 and 2 months before the WHO “Classified” Covid 19 a “Pandemic” on Mar 11, 2020.
  • PCR Test Kits in 2017 to most every nation. PCR Test Inventor Kari Mullis suffers a fatal “Heart Attack” after calling Anthony Fauci ‘a fraud and no-nothing liar’ and offering to debate him publicly Aug 2019.

The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into Our Genes: Hamer ...The supreme act of apostasy! Aleph ‘Bull’- Tav=X ‘Transformation’, cross, mark, sign, omen, or seal Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the Unforgivable Sin because its a Soul PrisonProsac (Fluoxetine) SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) The Unforgivable Sin is now OTC! Eli Lilly (Eli made his sons Priests; Oops! Lilly: Funeral Flowers) and Company in 1972, and entered medical use in 1986 with Prosac. It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. SSRIs include citalopram (Cipramil), escitalopram (Cipralex), paroxetine (Seroxat) and sertraline (Lustral) Novartis AG‘s There is no 7 yr Tribulation, Rapture, Space Aliens or End of the World. The Black Horse carries 2 Balances; BabIlu ‘Allah’ and BabEl ‘YHVH’ ‘HaShem’ or JESUS and Death. ‘And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.’ Rev 9:6 Mar ‘to hinder, to waste’ Mari ‘sea’ Emmanuel “God is with us,from ‘immanu “with us, from ‘im “with,+ first person plural pronominal suffix, +El “God. El=YHWH, HaShem is Satan

Gentiles or Jews? Note: Judah is spelled ‘Juda’ KJV because ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’; JESUS and the Ark of his Covenant is in Heaven. Ephraim is missing from the list of ‘Israel’ Websters definition: Gentiles are Pagans pāgānus, meaning “worshiper of false gods; Heathens (Earth Worshippers). gentilis ‘of a family or nation ‘goy’; ‘Goyim’ are used by Jews. ‘of the same clan’ (used in the Vulgate to refer to non-Jews), from gens, gent- ‘family, race’, from the root of gignere ‘beget’. Jews are Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Medeans, Babylonians;  The laws are Noahide laws. The magi rejoice to hear and go to Bethlehem where they find Jesus. There they bestow their gifts:gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The gentiles have come to proclaim Jesus as king, not of Israel alone, but king over all the world. These gentiles are the first of all people to worship Jesus Christ. WRONG! Magi “skilled magicians, astrologers, from Latin magi, plural of magus “magician, learned magician,from Greek magos, a word used for the Persian learned and priestly class. gentile (n.)one who is not a Jew,; BabEl ‘YHWH’ BabIlu ‘Allah’ are Jews Is Time Speeding Up? Hugo comes from the Germanic name Hugh, and means “mind” and “intellect,” as well as “soul,” “thought,” and “heart.” In the film Hugo has a strong intellect for clocks and automation.

What does it mean to inri on the cross of Jesus? Interesting ...INRI John 19:19-23 “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum” translating to English as ‘JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS’. “This is Yeshua the Nazarene, The King of the Judeans.” Aramaic version. Yeshua/Joshua means “to rescue”, “to deliver”; JESUS is the ‘Holy Ghost’. ‘For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.’ 1 John 5:7KJV ‘And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.’ John 1:14KJV So what is “Igne Natura Renovatur Integra” or “By Fire Nature is Renewed”. Jesus was Crucified on an Olive Tree with 2 others, the 7 branch candlestick was plainly visible, but not to the Jews. Abraham (son of Shem) + Keturah (daughter of Japheth); Genesis Rabbah (300-500AD) written in Aramaic? Jesus last words are the only words in Aramaic ‘My God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me?’ rǝbbī and rav “master” come from Arabic rabb“lord” and Syriac word rabi. In Aramaic R-B-B means “great” and or “revered”. Rabbis say this is Hagar; NO! Joktan: Arabs and Jews descend from Sabaen ‘Rba’ eg Sheba or Sephardic ‘Jews’ means “wine-drunken” (Ezekiel 23:42). Jesus warned us not to call anyone on earth ‘Rabbi’, ‘Father’ or ‘Master’ Matt 23-8-10. God (JESUS) restrains them; but not for long! Rabbis use the term ‘Tikkun Olam’ will repair the Earth by Fire!  ‘Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews. John 19:21KJV Jews worship Satan! 

A rocky bluff with a cave in the bottom center, with a spring flowing from the cave and down a couple low cascades flanked by trees–and-Neo-Noahs-Ark:d Cave Dwelling Jews (Canaanites, Assyrians, Medeans), Horites, Essenes, Edomites, Khazars ‘Serpent People’, Karaites, Mithaism etc. Synagogues of Satan: Rabbis forgive Sins in advance on Kol Nidre Hasidic Jews: Tzaddiq Baal Shem Tov (d 1760) claimed Mosiach would be revealed after Hebrew Year #5778 which began Sept 20, 2017 “Rosh Hashanah”. The founder of Hassidism (Pious Ones) was called the “Light of Israel”; God says differently “The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise, there is none to raise her up” Amos 5:2KJV Tzaddiq=Righteous Baal was raised up by Satan to bring the “Leaven” of the Sabbatteans (Crypto Satanist Shabatai Zvi) into the Christian Churches and Synagogues; his progeny don the Cap of Cybele (Yarmulke) in open rejection of Jesus Christ tearing the Temple Veil and have spiritual intercourse with Shekinah (Feminine presence of God) at Herod’s Wailing Wall today, in preparation for the 3rd Temple of Antichrist aka “Moshiach”. Wealthy (Edom ‘Fatness of the earth’), El-ite Kyivan Caves Monastery is the oldest monastic complex of Rus=Russia=Ukraine (Khazaria ‘Serpent People’).  Cold War didn’t exist, Jews from Hungary ‘Martians’; all dwelt in Caves. Cave of Pan Caesarea Philippi Cave of the Patriarchs to Muslims as the Sanctuary of Abraham. JUDEO-BERBERS in No Africa. Tutankhamen’s Trumpets engraved with a lotus flower (Kamala=Lotus Aroush=’angel come from paradise‘, a Muslim name) and Ra-Horakhty, Ptah, and AmunSite 911 (Big Ben stopped at 9am and and chimed 11 times on 4/24/24) Project 911 is an underground bunker in Beit Shemesh ‘House of the Sun‘. Judges 6:2 ‘Children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountain, and the caves...‘ Obadiah 3 ‘thou dwells in the clefts of the rock…’ Rev 6:15 ‘And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains’ Heb 11:38 ‘…they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth’ Is 2:19 ‘And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth’ Gen 19:30 ‘And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.’ 1 Ki 18:4 ‘For it was so, when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.‘ Eze 33:27 ‘Say thou thus unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; As I live, surely they that are in the wastes shall fall by the sword, and him that is in the open field will I give to the beasts to be devoured, and they that be in the forts and in the caves shall die of the pestilence.’ The problem as I see it, Jews protect themselves from Electro-Magnetic Weapons, and kill everyone associated with Jesus ‘ “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.Matt 24:22KJV

Silver Trumpets Archives · Mini Manna MomentsThe Levites (Korahites) blew silver trumpets on Passover that had been prepared for use in the Third Temple.  Mormon Angel Moroni the son of Mormon “the Devil’s gate” a prophet and MILITARY leader (Mormons claim to be sons of Aaron, Melchisidek, Ephraim, Dan) blows a Trumpet on 300 Temples. ‘Trumpets must be sounded in time of war! ‘And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.’ Num 10:9KJV Rabbi Vila Gaon said that the Temple music would be the last secret to be revealed before the Mashiach=Antichrist!
Two of the horses - one with its chest covered in blood - bolt east through the streets of London

Apr 22, 2024 Oct 22, 2027 the 8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles, the 8th Covenant between Man and GOD (JESUS), the ‘Holy Ghost’. The 2 Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) are killed by Antichrist (Satan) mid-week ’70th Week”; they rise first ‘Resurrection of the Saints’ at the 3rd ‘Woe’ ! 7th Trumpet. Jesus returns riding a White Horse, 7 Vials of Wrath fill Armageddon to the Horse Bridles and Edomites will die. Household Cavalry’s Horses from London; White Horse in covered in blood to the Bridle (Jesus returns on a White Horse from Heaven! This must be Antichrist!) bolt east ‘Rising Sun’ through the streets of London “to sink; subdue” on 24/04/2024=666, as Big Ben stopped at 9am (Rabbis offered the ‘Wave Sheaf’ at 9am on Feast First Fruits; 3 days after Passover) before chiming 11 times (Rev 9/11 ‘Apollyon ‘Destroyer’). Cavalry=Golgotha ‘Place of the Skull’; the place just outside the walls of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified; now the Church of the ‘Holy Sepulchre’; where Jesus held the ‘Last Supper’ Household: “place of refuge”, that of “fortified place”, that of “place of imprisonment”; In Gothic in gudhus “temple,” literally “god-house”. Rev 13:8 ‘Earth Dwellers’ home is the Earth! ‘And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world’. Jesus is in Heaven with the Ark of the Covenant! Rev 11:19KJV The Vatican (allegedly) controls the ‘Holy Sephulchre’, ‘Temple Mount’ ‘King David’s Tomb’; Jesuit, 33deg Luciferian Freemason Bill Clinton orchestrated the ‘Oslo Peace Accords’ between 33deg Luciferian Freemason Yitzhak Rabin who won the Nobel Peace Prize together with 33deg Luciferian Freemason Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, and 33deg Luciferian Freemason Jew Shimon Peres ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN’.  This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians (Dan. 5:25-28).“upharsin” is the singular form while “peres” is the plural.

 Rev 14:14-20 In 2 Kings 19:28 restraints of God’s are “bridle” and “hook. God’s placing a “bridle in the jaws of the people” (Isaiah 30:28 ; 37:29) signifies his preventing the Assyrians from carrying out their purpose against Jerusalem. 1600 furlongs? an Acre=660 ft=1 Furlong he distance a horse could plow in 1 day. 1600 Stadia? 606.9 feet, or 125 paces, and was equal to one-eighth of a mile. 1600 furlongs was the length of ancient Israel, indicating a complete destruction of those against God. New Bibles change Furlong to Stadia. The Strand runs Trafalgar Square eastwards to Temple Bar, where the road becomes Fleet Street in the City of London Fleet St is guarded by a 2 Headed Dragon (Feb 10 2024 is the Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’, it began 75 days before Passover) with Red Tongues (Edom=Red/Debt), a Sheriff’s ‘Tax Collector’ Booth, a Horse with 2 riders, 1 adult, 1 child (Anus-ism ‘One ring to rule them all’), the Temple Church (JESUS followers are ‘Holy’ ‘Called out or separate’) with the ‘Magna Carta‘, a charter of human rights; (JESUS followers know the only RIGHT is to have a relationship with Him), the Temple Bar (Barristers are the only people who decide the law) and Guildhall (ruling merchant class held court, fine-tuning the laws and regulations that established London’s wealth) JESUS is your Judge! ‘And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment’ Heb 9:27KJV

Jerusalem's Seven Hills Map7 Hills of Rome? 7 Hills of Jerusalem? The Whore of BabylonBab=Gate’ BabEl=YHWH,HaShem ‘The God’ and BabIlu=Allah ‘The God’. Mount Zion (‘So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more” Joel 3:17; ‘For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.’, Mount of Olives (Jesus was Crucified on an Olive Tree with 2 Thieves ‘The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.’ John 19:31KJV; 7 Branch Candlestick! the sabbath day was Passover; the blood of Jesus was the Lambs blood on the doorpost!   Temple Mount (Mt Ophel at Jerusalem is an elevated archaeological area located along the southern wall of Temple Mount as a fortress whose chief function was to protect the Second Temple. It was built in Jerusalem at the eastern end of the Second Wall ‘Wailing Wall’, at the north-western corner of the Temple Mount Haram al-Sharif in Islam, which means “The Noble Sanctuary.”The site where the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. The site is so important to Islam that it is one of the only two mosques mentioned in the Quran, the other being the al-Haram Mosque in Mecca. Antonia Hill was a citadel built by Herod the Great as a fortress whose chief function was to protect the Second Temple. It was built in Jerusalem at the eastern end of the Second Wall, at the north-western corner of the Temple Mount). Mount Scopus, (Lookout/Watcher; Northern Peak of The Mount of Olives), Mount Herzl (Deer; Jew Theodor Herzl, the visionary founder of modern Zionism 120 years ago matching the warning before the Flood!), Mount of Rest (Mt of those that are resting; Until 1948, Jewish burials in Jerusalem were conducted in the centuries-old Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, this the new cemetery housing Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Hasidic communities) Mount Hotzvim (Stonecutter’s Mountain; ‘And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.’ Ex 20:25), and Har Nof (Orthodox Rabbis) The Mount of Olives, this the new cemetery housing Ashkenazim, Sephardim, and Hasidic-Chabad Lubavitch communities) Jesus destroys everything He returns to Mt of Olives to Destroy the Temple; there is no Temple in the Millennium. Jesus said Never call anyone Rabbi, Father or Master (Sufi master, also known as a Sufi sheikh)

Jesuit Biden considers declaring National Climate Emergency giving him COVID type Emergency Powers to Lock Down and Force Vaccinate. COVID=DIVOC ‘Souless Person/Person inhabited by a Evil Spirit’. Jew, Climate Czar John Kerry (Kohen) approves! 33deg Luciferian Freemason, Jesuit, Bohemian Grove and a Skull&Bones Initiate; soon replaced by John Podesta, ’14’ Tattooed on forearm for when Seth failed, he captured Osiris, this time cutting his body into 14 pieces that were hidden all over Egypt. Osiris’s ‘Green One’ wife, Isis, collected all but one of the pieces and put them back together. With her magic, Isis ‘Throne’ brought Osiris into new life!

The flag of the Zionist Movement adopted in 1891 became the flag of the State of Israel, established in 1948. Hebrew ṣiyyôn, meaning “castle,” as well as ṣiyya, meaning “desert” “holy place” or “kingdom of heaven.” ‘But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch ‘Bull’ and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves’ Amos 5:26. Molech “king”; the name of the idol god of the Ammonites, to which human victims, particularly young children were offered in sacrifice. Its image was a hollow brazen figure, with the head of an ox, and outstretched human arms. It was heated red hot by a fire from within, and the little ones placed in its arms to be slowly burned, while to prevent the parents from hearing the dying cries, the sacrificing priests beat drums. El ‘the god’ “El” (Father of Heaven/ Saturn) Chemosh (chief deity of the Moabites; destroyer, subduer; symbolized by a Goat’s Skull.), Remphan ‘destroyer, subduer’; ‘Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. Acts 7:43, Sikkuth “tent” a Babylonian Deity; Succoth-benoth ‘Tent of Daughters’ of Incest; Assyrian Sakkut epithet of Adar-Ninip = Saturn, Chiun “an image” or “pillar”, Saturn’, Priapus or Baal-peor Milcom national idol of the Ammonites “great king”; the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom some Israelites sacrificed their infants in the valley of Hinnom, Ashtoreth, Phoenician goddess of love. Jew=Judah; ‘Of the tribe of Juda…‘ Rev 7:5KJV ‘h’=He is often used to represent the name of God as an abbreviation for Hashem, which means The Name and is a way of saying God without actually saying the name of God (YHWH); because it isn’t! ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’! As soon then as he (Jesus) had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground’ Jn 18:6KJV. Blue ‘Tekhelet’ is Phoenician, made from ‘Hexaplex trunculus’ Sea Snail secretions subjected to UV Sun Light turn tyrian purple or tekhelet. The dye will turn indigo blue, similar to the color of blue jeans, if exposed to sunlight before the dye sets, used by the Khorahites Num 16:32; 26:10 God thought so much of them He buried 250 of them ALIVE in the sand!Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core’ Jude 11KJV. Jude=Brother of James? Son of James?  Neither, Obadiah like Jude is JESUS! ‘Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.’ Heb 7:3KJV ‘Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core’ Jude 11KJV.

Jude=Brother of James? Son of James?  Neither Obadiah like Jude is JESUS! ‘Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.’ Heb 7:3KJV Obadiah a prophet in Judaism, Christianity, Islam means “servant of God” ‘worshipper of Yahweh’; Obadiah is said to have been a convert to Judaism from Edom, a descendant of Eliphaz; this is a description of Satan. Jewish Talmud identifies Obadiah as an Edomite himself; Obadiah means ‘Abdallah’ ‘Servant of Allah’ in Arabic; King Abdullah of Jordan is Edomite; I Don’t think so! Dhu al-Kifl ‘And ˹remember˺ Ishmael, Enoch, and Ⱬul-Kifl. They were all steadfast. We admitted them into Our mercy, for they were truly of the righteous.’-Quran. Jews equated Ezekiel and Dhu al-Kifl, and Muslim exegetes followed suit. I wouldn’t bet Eternity on that! Edomite deity Qos and the Israelite deity Yahweh are the same god. He is regarded as a Saint, his feast day is celebrated on 23/24 January in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Judaeus, which means “Jew”Jude is form of Judah Jew=Judah=Jude; ‘Of the tribe of Juda…‘ Rev 7:5KJV JESUS is a ‘Priest’ continually; ‘Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek‘ Heb 7:17KJV ‘King of Salem’ and ‘Priest of the Most High’. JESUS is a ‘Priest Forever’ 66AD Jude and 96AD Revelation (Delivered via the Holy Ghost), 540BC Obadiah (Jesus) 1900BC GenesisJESUS is Melchisidek and the Holy Ghost.


Jew (Canaanite/El, YHWH, Yahweh=Satan, Cuthites/Assyrians=Nergal/Mars, Hamathites=Ashima ‘Goat’, Sepharvites=Molech/Rabbit, Medaens/Aryans/Iran; 2 Ki 17:30) Sy HershDeer or Stag’ reports Russia shot down an IsRaEl F-35 ‘Lightning II’ loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan (Idumea=the græcized form of the Hebrew name ‘Edôm) enroute to Iran to detonate an EMP; Bull Shit! There are no NUCS! Isador and Dorothy Hersh (née Margolis ‘pearls’ ), Yiddish ‘Khazaria’ speaking Jews who had immigrated to the U.S. in the 1920s from Lithuania and Poland, respectively. Where is the wreckage? EM Weapons

Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak Passover message “Chag Sameach! means Happy Festival; Jesus was Crucified! The High Priest who blows Silver Trumpets on Passover as a CALL TO WAR! Korah is an Edomite was ‘wicked’who was cast ALIVE into the Earth! ‘Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.’ Jude 11 JESUS IS THE HIGH PRIEST! 10 Downing St=X Aleph ‘Bull’-Tav Xmark, sign, omen, or seal’, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. Don’t bet on it!

AD stands for Anno Domini “in the year of the Lord” ‘Master’ dominus “lord, master of a house”, domh nos “subduing”, demh “to domesticate, tame”; It’s a way of counting years based on the estimated birth of Jesus Christ. NOT!  Mass of the Phoenix The Mass was first printed as Chapter 44 in Crowley’s The Book of Lies, published in 1913 the practitioner consumes a Cake of Light, a wafer made from meal, honey, olive oil, oil of Abramelin, and blood, semen, or both. This oil is compounded of four substances. The basis of all is the oil of the olive. The olive is, traditionally, the gift of Minerva, the Wisdom of God, the Logos. In this are dissolved three other oils; oil of myrrh, oil of cinnamon, oil of galangal. The Myrrh is attributed to Binah, the Great Mother, who is both the understanding of the Magician and that sorrow and compassion which results from the contemplation of the Universe. The Cinnamon represents Tiphereth, the Sun — the Son, in whom Glory and Suffering are identical. The Galangal represents both Kether and Malkuth, the First and the Last, the One and the Many, since in this Oil they are One. These oils taken together represent therefore the whole Tree of Life. Abramelin oil came to symbolize the aspiration to what Aleister Crowley called the Great Work. The eucharistic host of the Gnostic Mass is called the Cake of Light.  “cake of light” contains kamut ‘Khorasan Wheat’ Persian for “where the sun arrives from” flour, honey, Abramelin oil, olive oil, beeswing, ash, and sometimes ashes of particular bodily fluids such as semen, menstrual blood, vaginal fluids. It is usually cooked in the shape of a small, flat wafer. 2024=44

  • The Vatican ‘Divine Serpent’ occupies 44 hectares in the city of Rome. Vatican is built a a Snake, and has a ‘Wolf is Sheep’s Clothing’
  • The god Chronos was surrounded by 44 assistants, 22 principals and 22 secondary, according to the Phoenician named Sanchoniaton
  • The numerical value of Hebrew words AEIE HIE meaning “I am the Life”, BBLI meaning Babylonian, HVL meaning phoenix, and DM meaning blood gives each one 44
  • 44 is related to the “chosen people” and is associated with Jesus’ crucifixion ‘Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God’ 1 Thess 1:4KJV is changed to ‘We know, brothers loved by God, that you are chosen’ World English Bible ‘The Chosen’ shows Jesus born at XMass!

This Bread I eat. This Oath I swear
As I enflame myself with prayer:
“There is no grace: there is no guilt:
This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!”
Crucifixion of God 21 Apr 2024; 3 people on 1 Olive Tree 22 Apr 2024 Unleavened Bread-Feast of First Fruits, 31/2 days. 22 Apr Authorities have evacuated 110,000 people from their homes in Guangdong.127million people in China brace for ‘once a century’ floods as biblical downpours flood the Pearl River; Jesus is the ‘PEARL OF GREAT PRICE’; He was CRUCIFIED TODAY!  ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day…the day of the Lord will come as a thief is the night’ 2 Pet 3:8KJV Sargon the Great aka Canaan was declared ‘Legitimate King’ at 21, the Age of Accountability. 1656years Creation-Flood + 2160years Aries-Pisces + 2160years Pisces-Aquarius=5976years + 21years Taurus-Aries=5997years Jesus returns at 6000years. Gog and Magog is ‘after the 1000 years ie 7000 years Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14:8) 31/2 year Great Tribulation is here! 


French Troops Deploy into Odessa Ukraine; Ukraine is ‘Khazaria’ home of the ‘Serpent People’ Zelensky ‘Green’ is a Jew (Canaanite, Medean/Iran, Cuth/Assyrian 2 KI 17:30; Obadiah founded the city and was its 1st Khagan Bek (532-590) of the New capital of exiled Sarmatian Royal-Priest; later they became Venetian ‘Black Nobility’ aka Canaanites. Sephardic Jewish families migrated to Odessa; eg Pfizer=Rezifp=Satan CEO Bourla OBADIAH IS JESUS! Sargon the Great was Canaan; Sargon III will be Antichrist! US Taxpayers gave Ukraine another $61B

Biden Signs Bill Gates’ Pact to ‘Combat Future Pandemics’; a Pandemic Fund with $2 billion in financing involving rapid roll-outs of lockdowns and vaccine mandates 

The Mythical Man Who Founded France | by Jared Barlament | MediumIran hit by plague of crocodiles, right after rivers turning to blood? krokodilos ‘worm of the stones’, from krokē ‘pebble’ + drilos ‘worm’. Water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children; The 10 Plagues in Iran are Man-made to look like Vials of Wrath. 3rd Vial: ‘rivers became blood’ 6th Vial: Frogs: ‘3 unclean spirits like frogs’ out of dragon (Feb 10 ‘Chinese Year Dragon’)  beast, false prophet. FROG (Fully Rely on God), an ‘amphibian’? St Johns=Oannes, a Wise Sage, a Fish-Bull with 5 Horns; Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Qiunessence/Aether. 7th Vial: Merovingians (Jesus’ relatives?) named after Merovee ‘Sea Beast’ ‘great earthquake’ ‘hail’-Rapture, Aliens? El-tro ‘Sun’ + Magnetic ‘Earth’ weapons?

“All Seeing Eye” the goddess ‘al Uzza’. FISA Warrantless Spy Program voted in by Congress FISA=ASIF (Mirror) Bold, strong, “stormy, powerful, fierce courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness, One who forgives others. Gender. Boy. Origin. Arabic. Solomon’s vizier in the Islamic tradition; Asif ‘gather, harvest’ (Jewish) Foreign ‘One belongs to another’ FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) to allow the government to obtain the personal records of ordinary Americans from libraries and Internet Service Providers, even when they have no connection to terrorism.

River turns blood-red in Iran just in time for Passover? Nowruz? a “red warning” for flooding in five western provinces as a new wave of heavy rains approaches just ahead of Nowruz, the Persian New Year; torrents of water flowing blood red on the island of Hormuz. In Islam, there are five plagues, i.e. floods, locusts, lice, toads, and turning drinking water into blood. Jewish Rabbis worldwide will be reading about a blood-red river next Monday night at the Passover Seder. According to Jewish (Canaanites) tradition the ten plagues will reappear before Moshiach ‘Antichrist’=10 ‘X’

Saudi Arabia And UAE Refused To Open Airspace To Israeli And US Aircraft During Iran Attack; joint use SA-US base, a fence around Mt Sinai ‘Jebel-al-laws’, the ‘Blackened Top Mtn where Moses received the 10 Commandments, the Split Rock which gushed water, the Golden Calf and the 5th Fleet is ok?

$26B for Israel, $61B for Ukraine and Zero to Secure U.S. Border; Palestine=Philistines=IsRaEl. Ukraine ‘Khazaria’ the exiled home of the ‘Serpent People’ (Tubal-cain=Prometheus breaks Free of his Chains in Sochi; Namaah gave birth to Canaan) Sargon III will be Antichrist; Rabbis control both sides, Chaldeans and Sabeans, both descend from Joktan’ not ‘Peleg’ (Archipelago=Surrounded by Water), Arabs=Joktan; Muslims and Jews are the same.

Modern magic witchcraft card with astrology Taurus zodiac sign. Realistic hand drawing bull head. Zodiac characteristic

Taurus ‘Bull’ Apr 20  National Zoo declared April 20, 1972, to be “Panda Day” Panda Eyes=Adrenochrome Harvesting ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day…the day of the Lord will come as a thief is the night’ 2 Pet 3:8KJV Sargon the Great aka Canaan was declared ‘Legitimate King’ at 21, the Age of Accountability. 1656years Creation-Flood + 2160years Aries-Pisces + 2160years Pisces-Aquarius=5976years + 21years Taurus-Aries=5997years Jesus returns at 6000years.  Titanic Sinking (intentional; a symbol of America) April 14, 1912 Deep Water Horizon (intentional; locked up a Trillion BBL’s Oil) Fire started on ‘Weed Day’, sank on ‘Earth Day’ Apr 20, 2010. The Waco Branch Davidian Fire; Branch Davidian leader David Koresh (Korahites) was trained at Elohim City (Canaanite god El) prosecutor was Jew Merrick Garland. April 19th 1993 Oklahoma City AP Murrah Bldg Day Care: April 19th 1995 the birthday Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Columbine: April 20th 1999 Virginia Tech Massacre: April 17th 2007 Boston Marathon Bombing: April 15th 2013 Sewol Ferry sinking: April 16th 2014 Freddie Gray riots in Baltimore: April 19th –20th 2015 Notre Dame Fire:April 16th 2019 Copenhagen Fire: April 16th 2024

  Aleph ‘Bull’ and Tav ‘X’ truth; mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, completion; sunlight. The X intersects at Devil’s Kitchen Lake and Salem ‘Jerusalem’ Above, Cetus ‘sea monster’  is also known as the Kraken. JESUS is ‘Alpha’ and ‘Omega’ and He returns at Feast of Tabernacles El and Baal are the Canaanite Bull god=Apis ‘Word’ and ‘Bee’ Bull. “Eclipse” means abandonment.” Apr 8 Aleph ‘Bull’ and Tav ‘X’ Sun=Bull of the Sun. Marduk “solar calf of the sun”.

  • Apr 22=Earth Day ‘They worshiped and served creation more than the Creator’ Rom 1:25KJV Only JESUS is Divine ‘Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.’ Jer 2:11KJV
  • Devil Comet makes closest (Its Fake) approach to the Sun Apr 21; looks like the Millennium Falcon=New Age of Horus. Parilia, ancient Roman festival celebrated annually on April 21 in honour of the god and goddess Pales, the protectors of flocks and herds from earthly and celestial phenomenon

Pentecostals believed their revival was a fulfillment of a prophecy of a coming latter rain” by Joel the Prophet. The Latter Rain movement believes that the Church is the spiritual counterpart of Israel. In 1900, when the Zionist movement was seeking a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, it coincided with a restoration of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit”. (Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are not the same; JESUS is the Holy Ghost) “YHWH is God”, or the modern translation “Yahweh is God”; not quite, YHWH and Yahweh is ‘Antichrist’  The term Latter Rain stems from Bible passages such as Jeremiah 3:3, 5:23–25, Joel 2:23, Hosea 6:3, Zechariah 10:1, and James 5:7. Latter Rain would bring the Church’s work to completion and culminate in the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Antichrist=the ‘Bull’ Nisan=first month ‘...the Latter Rain in the first month’ Joel 2:23 Jo-El is the mirror of Eli-Jah. Dubai is flooded, from Cloud Seeding? or Climate Change? or DEW? Dubai ‘2 Brothers’; Esau and Jacob? ‘…Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. And Esau hated Jacob…I WILL SLAY MY BROTHER’ Gen 27:39-41 Juneteenth Jun 19, 2024 Pentecost-Jubilee Day. ‘…And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob…’ Gen 25:23-34KJV Privileges of Birthright 

  • Double share of the father’s wealth at death; all of it! 
  • Priest of the family (Women, Children); Joktan-Sabean-Arab ‘Rba’=Muslims and Chaldean-Jews; Korahites are ‘Priests’ Num 16:32; 26:10; Jude 11
  • To be in the direct line of the Coming Saviour; Jesus came and was rejected, JESUS 2nd Coming will only be for those in the ‘Wedding of the Lamb’ Rev 19

The Mythical Man Who Founded France | by Jared Barlament | Medium1260 day ‘Great Tribulation’ begins at Passover; 1290 day begins at ‘Purim’ ‘Cast Lots for Marduk’ ‘Bull’  Abomination of Desolation: Abomination: “horror, repugnance, disgust, loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile “to deprecate as an ill omen” or “to detest” +  Desolation ‘to abandon’ “Eclipse” means “abandonment.” Mazatlan (1st in No America)Place of Deer’;Leave the World Behind’; Deer symbolized ‘Loss of innocence’.  St Johns (the last in North Amer)=Oannes, the Wise Sage, a Fish-Man-Bull with 5 Horns; Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Qiunessence ‘5th Element’ or Ether; aithēr ‘upper air’, from the base of aithein ‘burn, shine’; Black/Antimatter=Satan! 1335 day begins at the Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’; May 1 ‘Beltane’ Belenus=Apollo=Horus Bab=Gate + El ‘Bull’    The Sun is 400X the size of the Moon and 400X distance from the Earth; coincidentally 400 years in Egypt, 400 years Judges, 400 years Kings and 400 years ‘Inter-testament Period’ or ‘Silent Period’. 400 years ago on May 1,1624 The Maypole at Mare Mount; maypoles symbolize Irminsul ‘great pillar’, ‘World Axis’ ‘Polaris’ How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.’ Is 14:12-15KJV All just coincidence? NASA=’To Deceive’ Science=’Chaldean, Vain, Profane babbling. “Eclipse” means “abandonment.”What will happen when we are ‘Abandoned’? On Apr 22 CERN adds Anti-protons to the flow.

The “devil comet” (Comets are portents of disaster) is about to rear it icy GREEN (Pale ‘Green’ Horse ‘Death’ Horse) head over Earth Apr 21 (Taurus ‘Bull’); the 10.5 mile wide Comet 12P “Mother of Dragons Comet” w/a hidden spiral of light surrounding its frigid heart will ‘supposedly” reach perihelion 144 M miles from the Sun

Foothills and valleys leading down mountains to a green plain, with labels identifying Mount Hermon, Nimrod's fortress, Nahal Saar, and the sacred cave at Caesarea PhilippiJabal al-Sheikh (Mount Hermon) ‘Gate to Hell‘? Caesaria Philippi known as ‘Baal Hermon’ is the source for the Jordan River; John told the Pharisees he baptized with water, but one coming after him baptizes with fire and the Holy Ghost; it’s home to fertility gods like Pan the half-man half-goat lived in the underworld during the winter (Christmas) and returned to earth each spring (Easter); horrible deeds, including prostitution and sexual interaction between humans and goats. Israeli army imposed a complete media ban for this area and everything is censored and no damage assessment and public announcement is allowed; because IT DIDN’T HAPPEN! Mt Hermon Gen 6:1-7 ‘sons of God’ saw ‘daughters of men’=Giants not Nephilim; descendants of Seth took wives of Cain ‘Cursed’, like Noah and Naamah (Canaanite Gen 4:11; sister of Tubal-cain ‘artificer of Iron’ Dan 7:7 ), whose incest with Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’; Ishmael and Esau married Canaanite women. Amalek H6002 ‘son of Eliphaz by his concubine Timnah’ (Joktan=Arabs) ‘LORD will have war with Amalek from generation to generation’ Ex 17:16KJV the Amalekites; south of Palestine (Philistines), between Edom (Jordan; Idumea) and Egypt (Horites=Worshippers of Horus ‘KRST’). When Jesus came into the coasts of Cæsarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.

r/SaturnStormCube - 'Skull & Bones' George H.W. Bush wearing a hat bearing the Templar/Freemasonic Pentagram with Baphomet Goat Devil, and Crowley's Number 77 from the infamous 'Liber Oz' Book 77. The powerful United States Navy carrier named after him was designated No. 77.

Clots: The 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7)  SPIONS (Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles) Graphene Nano-material in DARPA created Hydrogels in mRNA Experimental Coronavirus Gene Therapy injections hijack Iron from Hemoglobin (Protein encased Iron) in Oxygen carrying Red Blood Cells, causing the body to become Magnetic; both observable and controllable.  Oxygenated RBC’s are Diamagnetic meaning they exhibit a repelling charge “Zeta”; De-oxygenated blood having less Oxygen and Iron is Paramagnetic meaning the RBC’s clump resulting in Rouleaux Blood Flow and Ischemic StrokeHematin is the 77 atom oxygen carrying molecule in Red Blood Cells which have an affinity for SPIONS; 5G @60 GHz disrupts RBC’s from carrying Oxygen resulting in targetable and instant death. Iridium Ir=77=Iris and Qos the Edomite national god mean Rainbow. Irises go Black once you have sold your Soul! 

April 15 Dan 8:14 2300 days IRS Form 1040 ‘Personal Income Tax’ + 1260 days ‘Great Tribulation’=2300days; April 15 ‘Wall St’=Jericho, the Walls come down; every Federal Building has its Cornerstone laid in a Masonic ‘Corn, Wine and Oil’ Ceremony. Daniel had his vision at Shushan (Iran), the East Gate; The ‘Bull’  is Marduk ‘Bull’ 

Qaher 313 - Iran's "stealth fighter." Many experts consider ...Qaher 313 ís FAKE! In response to Apr 1 attack on Damascus, Iran Launches Drones and Cruise Missiles Against Israel; it was an April Fool’s Joke just like the Drones and Cruise Missiles are. Qaher Arabic qahr, “wrath, frustration” + 313! is the last Woe ! the 7th Trumpet, the 7 Vials of wrath! Entry 313 in the Greek definitions portion of Strong’s Concordance is the word anagennao ‘to be born again’ “pray” occurs 313 times King James Bible. 
The Mercy Seat is the Ark of the Covenant, it’s in Heaven with Ark of the Covenant and JESUS! Rev 11:19KJV The Holy Ghost is the only way to access it.
The East Gate ‘Rising Sun’, is the ‘Golden Gate’, the only Gate on the East side. Each of the two doors of this double-gate has its own name: Bab al-Rahma ‘Gate of Mercy’ for the southern one, and Bab al-Taubah ‘Gate of Repentance’ for the northern one. Another Arabic name is the Gate of Eternal Life.
 Vines growing from the East retaining wall of the Temple Mount spelled the letters of the Tetragammaton YHWH, Yahweh, G-D, Adonai  or HaShem is used by Rabbis (Chaldean “Rba”) awaiting the False Messiah YHWH was added to scripture by the Masoretes (5th-10th c ad); Yahweh, Yeshua is Satan; Jesus entered the East Gate and was rejected as Messiah; He warned another would come in his own name and be accepted (Jn 5:43) Shushan Gate faces the ancient Persian city of Shushan. Shushan/Susa was the capital city of Elam ‘Iran’=Aryan ‘Noble Caste’ where Jews lived while being held captive in Babylonia. Purim ‘Cast Lots’ Mar 23, 2024 was the 1290 days (Dan 12:11) warning until the 2nd Coming. God is not mentioned is Esther! The Golden Gate is the only Jerusalem Old City gate on the eastern side of Temple Mount facing the Mount of Olives. The eastern gate has an image of Shushan the Capital, it was where the priest (Kohen Gadol) who burned the Red Heifer (Sacrifice is scheduled for Passover Apr 22, 2024 ‘Earth Day’)  The Writing is on the Wall!
Digging into the past of olive trees. | Research Communities by Springer Nature

3 people on one Olive Tree: “Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid. John 19:41KJV Several passages in the Bible indicate that Jesus was crucified to a living tree, which in this case would be an olive tree (Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Galatians 3:13; 1 Peter 2:24). The stauros or pole that Jesus carried would refer to the crosspiece, which was affixed to the tree. The symbolism of Jesus praying on the Mount of Olives extremely poignant. Praying amongst the trees he would soon be killed upon. “The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation (Day before the Sabbath), that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.” John 19:31KJV 3 people on 1 Tree!  Xulon’ does not appear in the KJV because the Olive ‘Garden’ had been there for a long time. The olive tree represents Jesus and the cross. Olive oil represents the gift of the Holy Ghost given to the New Testament Church fifty days later (Acts 2); Junteeth Day is June 19th ‘Emancipation Day’ Not quite! Jesus was stripped, put in scarlett and carried the ‘Wood’ to the Tree Olives were a very important commodity in the ancient Mediterranean world (and still are). They provided a consistent food source and they were used to anoint kings. Fragments of acacia were also found on the other end of the nail. It was likely from a board made from acacia wood. This would have been used to ensure the victim could not slid their feet off the nail. Acacia was the wood used in making of the Ark of Covenant. Rev 11:9KJV He took it to Heaven!  No other nails were found in the ossuary and so we do not know what wood was used for the cross beam. So it may not have been olive wood. Ficus sycomorus. This is the type of fig tree mentioned in the Bible. Symbolically, this is the tree of shame. Hebrews 12:2 “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross (Stauros), despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus curses a fig tree to point us toward the judgment God will bring on fruitless Jerusalem of Rabbis and Pharisees Mark 11:1 “And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage ‘Place of unripe figs’ and Bethany “House of Affliction” and “house of figs”, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples”. In the place of this false Eden, Jesus himself will pave the way for a new Eden. Rev 11:3 ‘And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.’ Enoch and Elijah did not die; they will be the 2 Witnesses. Matthew 27:54
“Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.

Celebrating Juneteenth 2022 | Episcopal Diocese of MissouriJuneteenth commemorates the day when 250,000 slaves in the state of Texas, which became the last bastion for slavery during the final days of the Civil War,were declared free by the U.S. Army. This year it falls on ‘Pentecost’ June 19, 2024 Jubilee Day; Emancipation Day (Texas); Freedom Day; Black Independence Day
Oannes | Myth and Folklore Wiki | FandomPrince William (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha a fraud) was born June 21,1982 ‘Litha’ or ‘Midsommer’ (Midsomer; 42 months ‘Great Tribulation’=Christmas. The Feast Day of John the Baptist is June 24 John the Baptist=Oannes, as described by the Babylonian priest Berosus, had the form of a fish but with the head of a man under his fish’s head and under his fish’s tail the feet of a man, and passes all the knowledge ‘Earth, Air, Fire, Water’ and Quinesence of civilization to humans; Tree of Knowledge=Satan. Oannes was a ‘Wise Sage’ who gave man insight into letters Aleph-Tav ‘Beginning and End’; Not quite! and sciences; Chaldean language, Vain and Profane Babblings (Dan 1:4; 1 Tim 6:20KJV) In daylight hours he taught them written language, the arts and sciences, then returned to the sea at night, he was amphibious=Sun. Oannes is an epithet of Marduk ‘Bull’; OANNES-DAGON is the Beast rising out of the Sea! Quinotaur ‘Fish-Bull’ the Eclipse formed Aleph ‘Bull’ and ended is St John’s=Satan!

7 planets + Sun and Moon align on Apr 8 

Bald Knob Cross of PeaceBald Knob Cross rises high above the Shawnee National Forest west of Alto Pass, Illinois, USA.A 111 foot tall Cross stands where the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2024 will intersect with the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2017 on April 8th, the “Land of Goshen“ aka ‘Little Egypt’. “The Bald Knob Cross of Peace” and has the words ‘Peace, Hope, Faith, Charity.’ ‘Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword’ Matt 10:34KJV

TEC-5128LG‘The Empty Cross’ in Kerrvile Texas is called The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden that is 77 feet and 7 inches tall stands where the path of the Great American Eclipse of 2024 will intersect with the path of the “ring of fire” solar eclipse of 2023 on April 8th; signifying the Rapture of the Church (1 Thess. 4:16; 1 Cor 15:52; Rev 10:7) and Christ return in Judgment (Rev 19:11) WRONG! No Rapture until the 7th Trumpet, 3rd Woe ! (Rev 11:15) Jesus return at Feast of Tabernacles, the only 8 day Feast, the 8th day is the 7 vials of wrath, and the return of Jesus. Jesus was not Crucified on a man-made ‘Cross’; He was Crucified with 2 others on a TREE! Deut 21:23KJV; Acts 5:30KJV; 10:39KJV; 13:29KJV; Gal 3:13KJV; 2 Pet 2:24KJV; John 19:31KJV Jesus was between 2 Thieves, forming the 7 Branched Candlestick.

President Donald Trump Tartan Digital Art by Devorah FraserDonald Trumps ‘McLeod Tartan’=’Canaanite Cloth’ represents the ‘Bull’; Aleph is the ‘Bull’ It forms 8 April 2024. Red Heifer Day is 2 Nisan 10 April. Eid al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan on 10 Apr 2024. Marduk is the ‘Bull’ Akitu means “Festival”, it occurs on 4 Nisan Friday 12 April, 2024 The Canaanite god El is the ‘Bull’ THERE IS NO MILLENNIAL TEMPLE! ‘And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.” Rev 11:19KJV This is the 7th Trumpet and final Warning, the 3rd Woe ! 3 1/2 Years from now on Feast of Tabernacles.  Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin! “Eclipse” means “abandonment.”

Future map of the United States by Gordon Scallion

Aleph ‘Bull’ and Tav ‘X’ truth; mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, completion; sunlight. The X intersects at Devil’s Kitchen Lake and Salem. Above, Cetus ‘sea monster’  is also known as the Kraken. JESUS is ‘Alpha’ and ‘Omega’ and He returns at Feast of Tabernacles El and Baal are the Canaanite Bull god=Apis ‘Word’ and ‘Bee’ Bull. “Eclipse” means abandonment.” Apr 8 Aleph ‘Bull’ and Tav ‘X’ Sun=Bull of the Sun. Marduk “solar calf of the sun”.

Brandenburger Tor abends.jpgWEF’s Net Zero GoalsSix Billion Would Die in a Year without Oil’. Langue d’ Oc ‘Language of Sight ”, Oc=Oui “Language of Yes”; Whistled Language or Talking Drums (Frequency), Green Language=Earth Language (Langue verte, Global Warming) Bird Language (Mystical, Perfect, Divine, Adamic, Enochian, Angelic, Alchemy, Mythical, Magical language used by birds to communicate with the initiated; Divination, Augury), Langue d’oïl  ‘Language of Oil’ Obama ‘Yes we can’=Thank You Satan Petroleum: petra‘rock’ (from Greek) + Latin oleum ‘oil’. Dennis Meadows is WEF

Clan MacLeod
Clan Donald ‘Lord of the isles’


Apr 6 ‘Tartan Day’;Tartan was the Assyrian King Sargon II Military Commander; Tartan ‘Canaanite Cloth’, Cloth from Tyre’ Phoenicians are Canaanites. Tartan is known to have been worn in Scotland since at least the third century A.D. Picts (Painted or Tattooed ones) wore Kilts, and Tartan. The druids, the priests of the Picts. The Presbyterian Church Kirkin O’ Tartan’ celebrates this. Tartan means “Commander-in-chief.” Rab-saris That which stands highest in rank, next to the will (king), in the phases of man’s consciousness represented by Assyria and Babylon ‘chief eunuch‘ Donald, Lord of the Isles (Scottish Gaelic: Dómhnall; died 1423), was the son and successor of John of Islay, Lord of the Isles and chief of Clan Donald (World RulerDonald Drumpf’s ‘Drummer’ mother was Mary McLeod; Clan McLeod is symbolized by the Bull.

Sinclair (surname) - WikipediaBiden plans $7T in tax hikes, the ‘highest burden’ in US history; ‘Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Dan 11:20-21KJV The Eclipse enters Canada at Hamilton On hamel ‘crooked’+ dūn ‘hill’. Dun=To make repeated and insistent demands upon, especially for the payment of a debt + King. Jesus OWNS everything! + King=Antichrist The Indian and Eurasian Plates collided form the Himalayas ‘Chomolungma’ means ‘Earth Mother’. Noah’s Ark settled there his Canaanite wife Namaah + Ham ‘Black’=Canaanite. The World is in Debt $305T Bauer ‘Farmer’ became Rothschild ‘Red Shield’, they started the BIS ‘Bank of International Settlements’God instructed Abraham not to let his sons marry Canaanite women; Ishmael (married a Hivite ‘Bees’) and Esau disobeyed; Edom ‘Red’ gains ‘Dominion’ Gen 27:39-41KJV Edom hands control over to the 4th Beast of Iron Dan 7:6. Seeing Red yet? JESUS will forgive you +King to who? The Indian and Eurasian Plates collided form the Himalayas ‘Chomolungma’ means ‘Earth Mother’. Alexander Hamilton was the first Sec of the Treasury tutored by a private school led by a Jewish headmistress; in the Revolutionary War he named his unit “Hearts of Oak” (Druids ‘Knowers of Oaks’) and ‘Sons of Liberty‘  (Statue of Liberty faces the ‘Rising Sun’), Society of the Cincinnati (Cincinnatus, a Farmer was appointed Roman Dictator) Hamilton himself was born Jewish; Lavien Levi, which is Hebrew for ‘joined and a Closet Sodomite (One Ring to rule them all)  Rooster symbolizes Betrayal of God.
The Third Temple | Jews | Lamb and Lion MinistriesTHERE IS NO 3rd TEMPLE! Rev 11:9 ‘And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.’
  • Dan 12 Warnings: 1260 day ‘Great Tribulation’, begins at Passover?; 1290 day begins at ‘Purim’? Abomination: “horror, repugnance, disgust, loathsome, hateful, sinful, wicked, or vile “to deprecate as an ill omen” or “to detest” +  Desolation ‘to abandon’; “Eclipse” means “abandonment.” 1335 day begins at the Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’?; .May 1 ‘Beltane’ Belenus=Apollo=Horus Bab=Gate + El ‘Bull’

The Mythical Man Who Founded France | by Jared Barlament | MediumBronze figurine of a Baal and a Quinotaur ‘Fish-Bull’. Apr 8th: Solar Eclipse will form Aleph ‘Bull’ and travel over 7 cites named ‘Ninevah’ ‘City of Ninus’, son of Belus or Bel,  Ba’al, “lord” ‘owner‘ ‘master’, or ‘husband’., the famous name of a “god” whom Elijahopposed in 1 Kings 18:7-8 Obadiah said ‘I am’, God slew 450 Prophets of Baal; he was taken to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire 2 Ki 2:11; Elijah and Enoch will be the 2 Witnesses. Elijah said ‘If the LORD be God’ follow him: but if Baal, then follow him” 1 Kings 18:21 “Baʿal” was used instead, as “Bel” was used for Marduk among the Babylonians and “Adonai” for Yahweh for Israel Is ‘Isis’=Throne + Ra=Egyptian sun god; ‘Mnevis bull‘ + El ‘Bull’ Baal=Yahweh=Dagan ‘Fish’=El ‘Bull’=Satan!  April 8th, the seven planets including the sun and the moon will appear to form a straight line in the sky when looking from Jerusalem toward the east ‘Rising Sun’. X forms over Cairo, Ill 7 years ago covering 7 cites named ‘Salem’. In 1811, an X from 2 Solar Eclipses formed with ‘Tecumseh’s Comet’ and an Earthquake caused the Mississippi River flowed backwards.

Jeroboam: ‘He that opposes the people’; he made Golden Calves in BethEl and Dan; the sin of Jeroboam CUT IT OFF AND DESTROYED IT FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH 1 King 13:34 Were doing it again!
  • Dan 8:14 2300 days IRS Form 1040 ‘Personal Income Tax’ + 1260 days ‘Great Tribulation’=2300days; April 15 ‘Wall St Bull’=Jericho, the Walls come down; every Federal Building has its Cornerstone laid in a Masonic ‘Corn, Wine and Oil’ Ceremony.
  • Earth Day: Passover 1260 days; 22-30 Apr 2024 
  • Modern magic witchcraft card with astrology Taurus zodiac sign. Realistic hand drawing bull head. Zodiac characteristicApr 22=Earth Day ‘They worshiped and served creation more than the Creator’ Rom 1:25KJV Only JESUS is Divine ‘Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.’ Jer 2:11KJV
  • Devil Comet makes closest approach to the Sun Apr 21; looks like the Millennium Falcon=New Age of Horus. Parilia, ancient Roman festival celebrated annually on April 21 in honour of the god and goddess Pales, the protectors of flocks and herds from earthly and celestial phenomena
  • Chinese “Year of the Dragon” (serpent, dragon, Devil, Satan Rev 12:9) on February 10th, 1335 days to the end; 75 days before Passover
  • June 19th ‘Juneteenth’ is Pentecost; the 50th day after Passover is when the Holy Ghost was delivered as a Dove, to man. The ending of slavery in the United States? Hardly ‘Jews’  (Canaanites, Cuthites, Medeans, Amalekites) have enslaved the world $310T

HSBC LogoThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. HSBC had $10.8 trillion in assets under custody and $4.9 trillion in assets under administration. Repeatedly fined for money laundering and major criminal organizations such as the Sinaloa cartel or setting up large scale tax avoidance schemes. Owners of Shipping and Airport Port equipment, East Coast Toll Roads in the US, Apartments (BlackRock), Mutual Funds (Vanguard) 100% owner of Ports America “The Company”, North America’s largest marine terminal operator. Dubai Ports World (DP World), a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-owned company, recently bought the British-owned Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O). Dubai Ports World control over facilities in six U.S. ports: New York, Miami, Newark-Port Elizabeth, Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Baltimore. Dubai Ports World (DP World), a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-owned company, recently bought the British-owned Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O), CPP Investments assumes sole ownership of Ports America. In a nutshell Joktan=Arabs=Sabean ‘Muslims’=Chaldean ‘Jews’ All are Amalekites!


Bible calls it the supreme act of apostasy