In Duncan’s Masonic Ritual it states:
Q. Why were you neither barefoot nor shod?
A. It was in conformity to an ancient Israelitish custom: we read in the book of Ruth, that it was their manner of changing and redeeming; and to confirm all things. A man’s plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor, and that was testimony in Israel. This then we do in confirmation of a token, and as a pledge of our fidelity; thereby signifying that we will renounce our own will in all things, and become obedient to the laws of our ancient institution. When a candidate enters Freemasonry in a state that is neither fully clothed nor shod, this can be seen as a confirmation of his willingness to take a solemn obligation; a sign of fidelity. In the Second Degree the slipper changes foot, but in the Third Degree both feet are bare, and the allusion to being “unshod’ The Rite of Discalceation – derived from the Latin, “discalceatus,” meaning “unshod” – is something that is known and performed across the world.
- Most of the Eastern nations it was a pious duty to tread the pavement of the temple with unshod feet.
- Rabbi Maimonides, the great expounder of the Jewish law, asserts that “it was not lawful for a man to come into the mountain of God’s house with his shoes on his feet’; ‘But be not ye called Rabbi..‘ Jesus Matt 23:8KJV
- Muslims, when about to perform their devotions, always leave their slippers at the door of the mosque.
- The Druids practised the same custom whenever they celebrated their sacred rites
- Peruvians are said always to have left their shoes at the porch when they entered the temple consecrated to the worship of the sun.
Holy of Holies of the Temple, when the Ark of the Covenant had been deposited in its appropriate place, and the Shekinah was hovering over it, the high priest ‘Kohen Gadol’, on one day ‘Yom Kippur’ entered with bare feet, to pronounce the tetragrammaton ‘YHWH‘. Jesus tore the ‘Temple Veil’ allowing EVERYONE access to ‘temple of God’ and ‘ark of the Covenant’! (Rev 11:19)
Joktan “small” and Peleg palag, to split or divide; “for in his days the earth was divided” (Genesis 10:25). Peleg became the ancestor of Abram and Sarai and Jesus; Saracen: Empty of Sarah refers to Ishmael and Esau breaking the Covenant Abraham made with God. Melchisidek “King of Jerusalem, Priest of the Most High” gave them the “he” “I AM HE” Abraham and Sarah.
In the masonic quiz book Who is Tubal-cain? Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites. The Chief Blacksmith Tubal-cain is forging our CHAINS! Trump/Drumpf is President 47 YHShWH=47=Satan. Sh=Sin=Shin=Teeth=Nails that fastened Jesus to the Tree. Rabbis like Jonathan Cahn forgive Sins in advance of Yom Kippur on ‘Kol Nidre’.
Yarmulke is a replacement Temple Veil IsRaEl is Canaanite
Undercover Catholic Priest? JESUS is the only “Priest”!
Bare Feet are a sign of Masonic Fidelity ‘
Shoes are a symbol of the perpetual and irrevocable Masonic Contract; Peleg palag, to split or divide. That includes the US and Iran! ‘Trump: “Let me get my shoes. Let me get my shoes. Let me get my shoes on’
‘Uvalde victim’s green Converse shoes. conversari ‘keep company with’, convertere “to turn about, turn around, transform,” from assimilated form of com “with, together”; “thing or action that is the exact opposite of another.” Heart=Baal ‘Lord’ Osiris=Green One=BabylOn (b Dec 25) ‘Saturnalia’=Satur ‘To make a stand’. Assyrian Eagle is Nisroch=Neser ‘Lamb’
Palestine and Israel are this War: The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Palestine and Israel are this War! 33deg Freemason, Jesuit Albert Pike Aug 15, 1871 “Feast of Lucifer”, the anniversary the 1st Jesuit Oaths “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” James 5:12
The Compass is set at 47 degrees to match the 23.5 degree Latitude of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; the limits (23.5X2=47) of the Sun’s track due to Earth’s Tilt. Polaris is the apex, the Pole Star; in Chaldean Gematria “Pole Star”=33. The Square is 90 degrees; 47+90=137 the 33rd Prime Number and years Ishmael lived. G=7th letter “Perfection”; viewed a Circle G=33, the level of Sovereignty and age Jesus at the Resurrection; Man becoming God1/137=.007 the Fine Structure Constant; British Agent 007 having the License to Kill is British Court Astrologer John Dee who used the secret cipher “007”. The 47th problem of Euclid aka Pythagorean Theorem describes a 3-4-5 Triangle, the basis of Sacred Geometry and the Federal Triangle (Capitol, White House, Washington Monument) Inverted, the Compass forms the Circle around the Pole Star formed by the Wobble on Earth’s Axis, a Circle formed by Draco. Axis Precession gives the ability to tell Stelllar Time, a function of the Great Pyramid in Egypt; the King’s Chamber shaft aligned with Thuban “Basilisk” the Alpha Star of Draco.
Jesus is the Cornerstone the builders rejected (Acts 4:11); Masonry is based on building false Cornerstones sanctified by human sacrifices as Hiel of Bethel did in rebuilding Jericho. Completion of building Heaven on Earth is symbolized by the Antahkarana “Rainbow Bridge” or “Jacob’s Ladder” aka Coronavirus Operation Warp Speed Logo using the Compass and Square surrounding the G not a symbol of God but Gnosis, the esoteric wisdom God gives Adam in the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel ceiling “Creation of Adam”. 411 is phone number for Information, not by accident 4+1+1=6 Saturn is the 6th planet and number of Man; 4X11=44, Chronos (Time) has 44 assistants. Trump is the 44th person selected US President.
The Square and Compass symbolize “As Above. So Below”, the opening lines of the Emerald Tablet of Toth represents Man creating Heaven on Earth without God; a representation of the Six Pointed Star of Molech/Saturn. Asherah Poles frame the entrance to Masonic Lodges, representative of “Grove Rituals” where evil is done in sight of the LORD (intentionally).
Masonic Calling Cards
Tubal-cain The Two Ball-Cane Pin has nothing to do with Golf, a favorite Masonic tie tack has everything to do with Cainite religion of Tubal-cain, the instructor of all artificers in metal; it is worn to identify Masons the same way the
Shriners “Noble Arab Order of the Mystic Shrine” adopt the Red Fez in honor of Moors decapitating 50,000 Christians. Donald Trump’s mentor was 33 degree Luciferian Freemason Norman Vincent Peale. 2 Balls are the 2 nodes of the Yin Yang , the Solar track over the Earth measured by an Obelisk “Cane” during a Year. Cainite religion is Chaldean/Sabian worship of the 7 Planets and 7 Chakras ie “Creation/Creature” rather than the “Creator”. Freemasonry and its Luciferian symbology is everywhere, in every nation and in every religion save a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Masonic Shoe aka Blue Slipper Why show a pile of Shoes at Staged Events like: Bataclan Theater in Paris, Charlottsville, Christchurch, Istanbul, Dayton, Westminster Bridge, Barcelona, Kabul, Las Vegas?
“A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 Every Edomite will be destroyed at the 2nd Coming of JESUS (Obadiah 18)
“Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe; over Philistia will I triumph” Psalm 108:9 God hates Esau for selling his “Birthright” (Rom 9:13; Mal 1:3; Heb 12:16); tossing a Shoe is the symbol of Edomite rebellion.
Shoe throwing began as a form of Rebellion and Signal of War by Constantine’s son Emperor Constantius II in 359 AD, but have stepped up in recent times. Constantius promoted Arianism, the belief Jesus was subordinate to God the Father; He is God the Father! (Jn 1:1;14; 1 Jn 5:7KJV)
- British (B’rith=Birthright Covenant) PM Theresa May hung a shoe on top of a Christmas (Christ=Messiah + Mass=Sacrifice) Tree Christmas 2017; the gift donated to her London Church, a Masonic symbol of “Mission Completed”; Brexit? Freemason Boris (God Like) Johnson (Phallus) will complete the “Mission” on Samhein, the Druid New Year.
- In 2017 Mormon Missionary Liar Mason Wells published the book Left Standing about his ridiculous survival of the Boston Marathon, Paris and Brussels Airport False Flags; on the cover, his left shoe is removed.
- On the cover of Robert Lomas’ book “Secret Science of Masonic Initiation” is a Freemason with his left shoe removed.
- In Wizard of Oz (Oz=Ayin Zayin the Masonic Beginning and Ending seen in Dan 7:7 4th Beast; Liber Oz is Book 77: Book of the Goat) Dorothy lost her Silver (Ruby was substituted in the movie version of 33 deg Freemason L Frank Baum’s occult story) Slipper
- Papal allegiance is displayed by kissing the Slipper with the Pope wearing a Saturn Hat.
- In 2008, Newsman Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw 2 shoes at George W Bush in Iraq; a 3 yr sentence, let out in 9 months and now he’s in the Iraq Parliament; 33 deg Freemason Saddam Hussein was/is a Baathist (Renaissance) fake Sunni ie Morisco
- In 1960 Nikita Khrushchev banged his show on the desk at the UN General Assembly, the year he warned of a “Fantastic new weapon capable of destroying all life on Earth”; he was speaking about Tesla based EM Scalar Weapons like the Soviet “Woodpecker Grid” and the DUGA 3 Over the Horizon ELF Antenna at Chernobyl. Black Horse riding? Mike Pence (Penny=Denarius Rev 6:6) is a Zionist who officiated Skull& Bones, Goldman Sachs Edomite Banker, Treasury Sec Stephen Mnuchin’s 3rd wedding; the US is the only nation on Earth capable of collapsing the World Economy.
- Pythogoras said “Offer sacrifice and worship with thy shoes off”; Druids did the same thing. Removing a shoe and offering it to someone in ancient times confirmed the contract.
- John the Baptist said he was not worthy to loosen Jesus’ sandals because the New Covenant (Contract) was only possible though Jesus Christ. John Baptized with Water; JESUS Baptizes with the Holy Ghost
- Shoes are a symbol of the perpetual and irrevocable Masonic Contract The Masonic Shoe is symbolic of a physical confirmation of a spoken deed or act. The deed or act is meant to signify both the confirming of a contract, as well as the commitment to carry out the terms and conditions of that contract without fail.”
- Richard Reid “Shoe Bomber”?
Piles of Shoes
Piles of Shoes were shown by Media in front of Ned Peppers in Dayton; the 9/11 Memorial has a pile of shoes; the 2017 Istanbul Night Club False Flag, a pile of shoes; Westminster Bridge False Flag; a pile of shoes; Barcelona, Las Vegas Harvest a pile of shoes, Charlottsville False Flag, Bataclan Theater in Paris (Eagles of Death Metal singing San Berdoo Sunburn, just before San Bernardino False Flag), Nice Delivery Van False Flag, Pulse Nightclub False Flag during the UN Year of Pulses all were highlighted by piles of Shoes; the latest? Gilroy Garlic Festival. Why?
- When God appeared to Moses in the Burning Bush on Mt Horeb He said “Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou staidest is holy ground” Ex 3:5
- “Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel. Therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz, Buy it for thee. So he drew off his shoe.” Ruth 4:7-8
- Jachin and Boaz are the Twin Pillars in every Masonic Lodge Morris’ Dictionary of Freemasonry states “Surrender of free will to Masonic authority is absolute and perpetual, inferred from examination of the emblem, a Shoe or Sandal, used to enforce this lesson of resignation”
Saracen: Empty of Sarah refers to Ishmael and Esau breaking the Covenant Abraham made with God.
Arab: Semites of Arabia and North Africa (specifically Phoenician Carthage in Libya, Moorish Morocco and Algeria), Black Virgin/Rastafarian/Ameru Priests in Meru, Ethiopia (fake Ark of the Covenant, fake Queen of Sheba/King Solomon descendants, fake tribe of Dan but real Black Virgin statues, a lot of them exported by Knights Templar), Yemen (Mt Sephar=Joktanite Arabs) and Kenya (named from Kennites and physical source of the Nile).
Arab means Trader, Wanderer, Merchant or Tent Dweller.
Semite: Descendant of Shem. Elam (Persian), Asshur (Assyrian), Arphaxad (Never hear about him do we? It’s because his brothers hate him for fathering Heber and the Hebrews, Peleg in whose days the world was separated by water, Abraham (Jews, Christians, Hagarenes) and Jesus Christ who separates the world by what else? Water), Lud (Lydian/Carians in Turkey ex Mausolus and his sister/wife Artemisia whose Temple of Halicarnassus “Beehive” is replicated in Washington DC as the Supreme House of the Temple or Khazars and Ottoman Turks), Aram (Nabataeans/Syrians).
Chaldean/Sabian Planetary Religion is derived from Planet (Wanderer); Cain was the first Wanderer. Chaldean/Sabian religion originated with Abram’s brother Chesed, seen in Chasidic Crypto Jews. Chaldeans of Ur and Harran (Sabians) leave their religion and adopt an outward appearance of piety within Judaism (Cryptos), Catholic/Orthodox/Protestant (Marranos) and Islam (Moriscos) in order to Heathenize and Paganize them.
Egypt=Land of the Gypsies; like Bohemians, Gypsies live outside the norms of the societies they infiltrate
Cryptos=Satanists pretending to be Jewish; Marrano=Satanists pretending to be Christian; Morisco=Satanists pretending to be Muslim. Leaving one’s religion and entering another is the work of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes and 5th Column Traitors such as the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations); 5000+ Traitors working to end National Sovereignties in the Nations they reside often while swearing oaths to protect their national sovereignties.
Ever wonder why US President’s all claiming to be Christian and Roman Catholic Popes claiming to be the representative of Jesus Christ on Earth would face an Obelisk “Baal’s Shaft” when taking Oaths or delivering Sermons and Mass? Masons chose July 4th 1776 for the Declaration of Independence when 5 planets were eclipsed by the Sun which was eclipsing Sirius (Star of Isis aka Al Qalb or Mormon Kolob) and then used the same date in 1848 to lay the Cornerstone of the world’s tallest Obelisk “Washington Monument”
The leaders of Pakistan, Afghanistan (Karzai=Pashtun=Joseph), Iran (Ahmadenejad=Sabourjian), Iraq (3 way split Kurds, Sunni, Shiite), Jordan (Hashemite=Nabataean), Israel (Netanyahu=Benjamin), Syria (Aramaean), Egypt, Saudi Arabia (Saud=Mordechai) have an alleged Semite lineage; if true, why is Israel the eye of the storm, and are they really Semitic or Israelite at all? Confused? Baal is the Phoenician god “Bel” known as the “Confounder”.
Going back to Saracen, what would you do if you were cast out of the inheritance of Abraham empty? Is it coincidence the Dome of the Rock is tied to Abraham, Isaac (Ishmael in the Quran), King David, Jesus Christ and Muhammad? If you descended from Japheth or Ham and wanted to obtain a Semite and Israelite lineage, what would you do? Going back to the beginning, if you were Cain and cast out of Eden empty, what would you do? Finally, are the Talmud, Kabbalah, Synagogues, and Rabbis related to Judaism? Are Congregations, Priests, Sermons, Missionaries related to Jesus Christ? Can Allah be an Arab moon god and be related to God (Jehovah)? “Allah Akbar” is familiar to Muslims; Khabar being the pre-Islamic goddess of Mecca and Allah the pre-Islamic moon god; how then can this phrase mean “God is great”?
The religion of Freemasonry is not Jewish, Christian or Muslim; it is Freedom from God formed form Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis. Democrat vs Republican; Capitalism vs Communism; Catholic vs Muslim; Monophysite (today’s Unitarian or New Age Movement; Baruch=Baraka=Solar Logos “Divine emanation of the Sun”) vs Nestorian (today’s Assyrian Church of the East “Rising Sun”, ironically popular in Chicago); Conservative vs Liberal all lead to the same Synthesis; Freedom from God. Truth becomes Lies; Science becomes Knowledge; Evening becomes Morning; Holy Ghost becomes Light; Good becomes Evil; Man becomes God. This is the story of Man’s attempt to Regain and Repair an inheritance empty of God; the Free Stones who reject the Foundation Stone Jesus Christ and desire Independence from Him.
Hermetic Axiom
“That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of the One thing…the father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon…the wind carried it into its belly, the Earth is its nurse…force or power is entire if converted into the Earth” Isaac Newton, father of the Graviton and God Particle Lies
“The whole Universe was brought forth from the One, by the word of One GOD, so also all things are regenerated perpetually from this One according to Nature…It has the Sun for Father and the Moon for Mother” Phoenician version
“The highest comes from the lowest, the lowest from the highest, a marvelous work of the Tao…all things originated from It…Its Father (Elixer) is the Sun (Yang), It’s Mother is the Moon (Yin)” Chinese version
“Powers of everything below originate in Stars and constellations of the Heavens” Hermes Trismegistus
“The above from the below, and the below from the above, the work of the Miracle of the One…” Arab version
“What is below is like that which is above, to make the miracle of the one thing. It’s Father is the Sun, its Mother is the Moon” 12th C Latin version
All these quotes are from the Emerald Tablet of Thoth. Thoth is an Egyptian concept, equated with the mythical Hermes Trismegistus “Thrice Great Hermes”, Mercury “Son of Maya”, Mercury the “Quicksilver” of Alchemy, the “Philosopher’s Stone” and the biblical Enoch, a son of both Cain and Seth. The Emerald Tablet connects Secret Societies the world over, united under the Hebrew concept “Tikkun Olam” (Repairing the Earth), the Rabbinical Religion “Kabbalah” (Work upon the Sacred Tree), and the written Blasphemy of God “Babylonian Talmud”. Astrology, Science and “Christ” unite in Rosicrucianism and the world’s 3 religions unite at one “Rock”. One problem; it’s the wrong Christ and the wrong Rock.
Architects of the Tower of Babel “From the East” ca 2100BC. Phoenician stone masons working under Hiram Abiff built Solomon’s Temple ca 960BC Zerubbabel’s Free Stone masons returning from Babylon by Persian decree to build the second Temple ca 515BC. Knights Templar (Poor Knights of Christ aka Cistercian Warrior Monks) monetarily and militarily securing Jerusalem in the 12-13th centuries AD through Usury (Interest) Knights Hospitaller “Knights of St John of Jerusalem” aka “Black Knights”, “Knights of Malta” or “Royal Black Preceptory” aiding pilgrims to Jerusalem to this day? Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritual Sodom and Egypt”.
John is Oannes, the Chaldean fish god in this case is an occult version of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called “St John the Divine”. Odd? they also go by the title “Odd Fellows”.
Operative Masons using Free Stones to build Crusader Castles and Saracen (Saracen “Empty of Sarah” ie Sons of Hagar “Hagarenes” ie Arabs) Fortresses; the skill supposedly handed down father to son from ancestors who built the Egyptian Pyramids. Architects of those Pyramids such as Imhotep lining them up with specific Zodiacs? Speculative Masons hiding their secrets in plain sight within carvings such as the Green Man of Rosslyn Chapel. Corrupt Levite Priests administering the Law and Temple services of King Solomon were committing abominations on the altar in Ezekiel 8. “Who or What is a Freemason?”
There is no shortage of speculation as to the origin of Freemasonry, which is pretty strange for an organization that claimed to open its first “Speculative” lodge in London, England on June 24, 1717. London means “New Troy”, the Prime Meridian separates East and West, typified in Masonry as Grand Orient (Orient=East; Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin were all Grand Orient Lodge Masons) Lodge in the East and Scottish Rite (ex Churchill, FDR, Truman, Carter, Reagan, Bush) in the West. At the center is the Aquarian Cross at Glastonbury Tor, symbolic birthplace of King Arthur (Arth=Branch; the Grail Quest is Gnosticism derived from the Tree of Knowledge ie the Serpent aka Antichrist). At the center of that Cross is the Labrys (Labarum=Golden Mean=Labyrinth, “Mother of God”=Ishtar or Inanna). A mathematical way to look at Dialectic is an equally balanced positive number such as the US in the Cold War added to a negative number such as the USSR yields “Zero”; this will play out in WWIII, the final battle of Zoroastrianism which means Zero-Ashta or “Seed of the Woman”; out of that war the Divine Child “Antichrist” will be revealed. My guess is a man born near the Prime Meridian claiming Jewish genealogy to Judah Thomas Plantard (Thomas=Twin; Plantard=Vine Cutting). Don’t hold me to it; it’s just my best guess. British Monarchs claim descent Judah; the Queen of England also claims the title Queen of Jerusalem; further back, they claim descent from Trojans and further back to what they refer to as the Dragon or Serpent Race; obviously been breathing too much Cretian Minotaur Excrement! England means “Angle Land” after the tribes of pagan barbarians “Angles and Saxons” (first were Scotti and Picts) who invaded Briton to form what is now the British Isles.
Brit or B’Rith means Birth; the “Birth Empire” is thus founded on 1st born sons, Cain, Japheth, Joktan, Ishmael and Esau rather than Abel, Seth, Shem, Arphaxad, Peleg, Isaac and Jacob. June 24th is the feast day of John the Baptist; really St John the Divine to commemorate his birth 6 months before Jesus Christ. The bible confirms this 6 month interval but omits the dates being Dec 24 or June 24 both dates 3 days following the Solar Solstices. So what are the true birthdates for John the Baptist and Jesus Christ? 7th day of Passover and 8th day of Tabernacles. If John the Baptist and Jesus Christ are not being honored, who is being honored?
Earth is “fixed on a foundation”, “stablished” on its axis under a “stretched” canopy of fixed stars and “hung upon nothing”; these are the descriptions found in scripture (Is 40:22; 42:5; 44:13; 44:24; 45:12; Ps 104:2; Jer 10:12; 51:5; Zech 12:1; Job 9:8; 37:18 reference the Stretched and Static Stars of the Universe), (Josh 10:13; Is 48:13; Ps 93:1; Ecc 1:5; Job 26:7; 1 Chr 16:30 reference the Fixed Earth). In summary, scripture says the Earth is not orbiting the Sun, nor is Space made of any sort of “Dark Matter”, nor is the Earth and Sun part of a sea of expanding stars as “Big Bang Theory” claims. All these theories originated in the British Royal Society, a Rosicrucian Society of men like Isaac Newton (Isaac=Abram’s 2nd born son; Newt=Lizard; Nice eh?) Earth is not moving in the slightest, it is gyroscopically stabilized with its axis oriented today to North Star Polaris=Pole Star, through rotation and expansion. Gyroscopic stability cannot be explained without expansion and accelerating expansion is the most likely explanation for Mass causing Weight (Newton’s Gravitational Constant “G” resolves down to the familiar F=MA). Expansion also explains the why the Atmosphere remains attached to Earth in the vacuum of space and explains the appearance of Orbits. The alternative to this explanation is a rotating “Firmament” of Stars, an Egyptian concept. I see no way for the Earth to remain stable in space, nor wobble with this theory and the differential velocities of Stars need to explain this are mind boggling, requiring the Firmament of Stars to have a far higher density ie “Dark Matter” to explain the accelerations involved. I want no confusion here; Fixed rotating Earth; Space is Nothing ie a Vacuum; Stars are also Fixed. This is what Scripture says and what I can prove with my feeble brain; or if you choose Stephen Hawking, his Brane. No misspelling, this is what he and many modern astrophysicists believe; short for “Membrane” this Universe being only one of infinitely many. God will get a chuckle out of them telling Him that I’m sure.
Earth is not a perfect sphere, it wobbles on its axis, causing the Equinoxes to precess against the fixed backdrop of stars; the appearance of movement opposite the direction of rotation 10 every 72 years became the basis of Astrology. The pagan holiday of Yule was celebrated as the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun, called “Sol Invictus” (Unconquered Sun). Judah Maccabaeus cleansed the altar and re-dedicated the 2nd Temple on 25 Kislev (celebrated the eve of 24 December), 165BC to begin “Chanukah” and at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, Constantine’s newly formed Catholic Church decided to make the Son’s and the Sun’s birthdays coincide, and in 40 years, the first Christ-Mass was held, coincident in years with 40 years between Jesus’ prophecy and destruction of Herod’s Temple. It is no more possible for a Man to cleanse Sin from the Stone Temple of God than for a Man to cleanse Sin from his own Bodily Temple, but Freemasons don’t understand that because their rituals are designed to blaspheme the Holy Ghost. Knights Templar protected Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem and Hospitallers gave them medical aid, but why would a Christian want to go to Jerusalem prior to the 2nd Coming of its rightful King? Jesus told John the Evangelist via the Holy Ghost Jerusalem is the “…great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8. Paul said “Jerusalem which…is in bondage with her children…Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all” Gal 4:25-26. Christians and pagans worshipping what they believed to be the same Gods on the same holiday may be “Ecumenical” but who initiated the “Coup” and what do the Masonic symbols really represent?
Elias Ashmole became a Free Mason in 1646, 71 years before the supposedly 1st “Speculative” (Grand) Masonic Lodge opened in 1717; joining what he termed the “Invisible College”. Through astrology, he believed 1663 would inaugurate a “more pregnant and famous group of philosophers who would fulfill the Rosicrucian dream”; that year found the Rosicrucian Isaac Newton in college at Cambridge; 3 years later he proposed a “Universal Law of Gravity” (The Law is a Scientific Theory which has never been proven; Gravity=Heavy or Serious; a serious load of BS in my opinion) and London’s great fire provided a clean canvas for “Sacred Architecture”. Ashmole, like his hidden predecessors; Aristotle (student of the pedophile, pederast Plato and mentor of Alexander the Great), Pythagoras said “Offer sacrifice and worship with thy shoes off”; Zoroaster (Zero-Ashta means “Seed of the Woman”, specifically the so-called Star “Venus” which forms a 5 pointed Star around the Sun every 8 years in a ratio of 1.618 to 1 “Golden Ratio” as compared to Earth), Orpheus (Orphic or Eleusinian Mystery Religion of Greece), Paracelsus (incarnation of Hermes), Pico della Mirandola (Kabbalist/Hermeticist), John Dee “007” (Rosicrucian mentor to Queen Elizabeth I) believed they were “Merchants of Light” spiritually descended from Hermes Trismegistus “Thrice Great Hermes”, the god venerated since the days of Abraham ca 1960BC by the Sabians (Saba means “Leaving one’s religion for that of another” ie “Crypto”) of Harran; the original “Invisible College”. Ashmole said “Matter is revealed by Light…but we are unaware of Light interrupted by Matter”. Essentially, he was saying man can become God through the absorption of Light; Dark Matter is today the final outgrowth of this Lie. In 1672 he outlined the rituals and ceremonies of the Royal Order of the Garter; Garter being a bloodline going back to Cain “Dragon Race” as well as the term for “Witch’s Belt”. The term “Invisible College” describes the Masonic symbols of the Square and Compass; the Square referring to the Temple (Below) and the Compass referring to the limits of the Universe (Firmament of Heaven).
“The carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it out with the compass…” Is 44:15. The Carpenter is Jesus Christ; the men who are attempting to assume His title are Free Masons (Temple Builders); the driving force behind Masonry are the Rosicrucian, spiritual descendants of the original Sabians of Harran, Shemsu Horus (followers of Horus), Sarmoung Brotherhood of Edessa (Sar=Chief) or Society of Ormus (Ormaizd=Persian/Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda) . The religion is Gnosticism. The quest is the Holy Grail, the mythical Cup, Spear of Destiny, True Cross, Nails, Shroud, Mandylion of Edessa (Scarf used to wipe Jesus’ face at the 6th station of the Cross). The guardians are the Bees serving the Queen in the Beehive (Hexagram is not a symbol of King David, it is the symbol of the Hermetic Axiom aka Bee Enclosure). The symbol of this Great Work is the Fleur de Lys aka Easter “Ishtar’ Lilly or “Lucifer’s Flower”. The goal is in the opening lines of the “Emerald tablet of Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus) “That which is above shall be that which is below”; essentially, Heaven recreated on Earth; in Hebrew “Tikkun Olam” means Repair the World in order than Cain, once banished may return from the East. I have some news for Masons; the path is open to anyone, but it goes through the Tree of Life or a flaming Cherubim; better choose the correct path!
Mithraism originated in Persia (Iran) with the Zoroastrians (followers of Zoroaster meaning “Seed of the Woman”; specifically the “Whore of Babylon”), and found its way into Rome, becoming popular with soldiers and middle class noblemen during the early days of Christianity until it was banned in 391 AD. A repeat of the Hyksos (Amalekites ie followers of Molech) expulsion from Egypt in 1492 BC, and like the Egyptian Empire this was a little late to save the Roman Empire; same people, different era in the form of Ottoman Turks, Russian Bolshevists, Saudi Arabian Wahhabists and American Neo-Cons. Mithra the youthful, lion slaying, Sun God in the Phrygian “Freedom Cap” (also Minuteman or Sleeping Cap; above the doors at the Library of Congress) is said to have sprang from the Orphic Egg to be a mediator between the fire god Ahura Mazda and man. Initiates met in windowless rooms or caves called Mithraeum, some of which are still in use in Vatican City; Mithra is depicted wearing a black cape with astrological symbols on the inside. Chaldean Magi (Priests of Jupiter) depicted Mithra as a Lion with a bee in its mouth. Bee is Dabar in Chaldee for Word; God has the Word; Chaldean Magicians have Lies; this is the Lying Lion King aka Egyptian Sphinx. Mithraism is an astrological lie designed to mimic Israel’s famous deliverer Samson. About 1100BC, Samson took a Nazarite Vow (Jesus was Nazarene not Nazarite like Samson or John the Baptist; Jesus became Melchisedek by an un-repentant Oath of the LORD in Heb 7:21), slew the Lion with his bare hands and found bees and honey (occult version is Ambrosia) within the carcase “Samson’s Riddle”; the occult mimicked this noting the constellation Leo sat next to the Beehive constellation in Cancer (June 24 Zodiac); both sitting close to Orion (Osiris) and framed by the Twin Pillars of Nimrod at the Temple of Edessa (20 miles north of Harran; Abraham’s “Ground Zero”)
Initiates to Mithraism took 7 steps (Druidism later repeated these same steps) to perfection with the 4th level of Leo (the Lion) being a baptism by fire. One need only visit Salt Lake City to see Brigham Young’s (claims to be a Judge of Israel from the Tribe of Dan) first 2 houses in the newly founded “Land of Zion”, the Lion House and the Beehive to discern a connection to Mithraism. Mormon Temple rituals stem from Masonic rituals; a petition was made by Joseph Smith to London’s Grand Lodge to make Mormonism a part of Masonry but alas, Smith was murdered by Masons at the Carthage Jail. Carthage was the North African Phoenician outpost and source of the Punic Wars with Rome, their sworn enemy. Hannibal and Hamilcar Barca, the source names of Barcelona “Blessed Lightning” defied Rome; Carthage was scorched and salted; the BP/Obama (BP=Birthright Covenant; Obama=“He is with us”) team are repeating the act today in America. Had an alternate well shaft been drilled, a tactical Nuclear Device designed specifically for this purpose could have sealed the well shaft and ended this intentional “Fordicidia” disaster. I believe this is the only option left and will eventually be used, perhaps on August 1 “Lughnasadh”, the date of both Temple Destructions and Bush Sr’s senseless murder of Iraqis under White Flag in Gulf War I. The resulting explosion may then serve as the Scape Goat for a far larger Gulf explosion and or Tsunami. The age old doctrine is called “Plausible Deniability”. They may fool some of us but not God; He calls them “Workers of Iniquity” and “Destroyers of the Earth”. Is it fair to call them a team? British means Birthright ie Ishmael and Esau; Obama is Mujahedeen “Warrior for Allah”, having worked in Pakistan during his missing years from Columbia U; yes, it’s fair, picture bin Laden in the White House and this will become understandable why every member of Congress stood by as a foreign born Arab, Prince Hall Mason (Sarah Palin pronounced her support of this endeavor by proclaiming Prince Hall mason week while Gov of Alaska, so don’t look for help from Ron, Rand Paul, Dick Armey, Jimmy Carter or the rest of the “Tea Party” crowd; they are just another head of the Beast) conducted the US Census from the White House thus abrogating the entire US Constitution with 1 stroke. Again, they may fool some Americans but they will not fool God.
How do they get away with it so often? Jesus summed the Law up as “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor” (ref Mark 12:30-31). Church oriented people tend to get the “Love God” part but become warriors for Christ, taking on perceived enemies like Muslims. Non-Church oriented people tend to gravitate to New Age Humanism, the “Love our Neighbor” part, but God is conspicuously absent. Paul said “Charity” is the greatest attribute; it does not mean handing money to the Red Cross, Red Crescent, Salvation Army or United Way; it means showing people the narrow path to Salvation is only through Jesus Christ as it has been for 6000 years. Charity is derived from Carolus “Alms Giving”; Jesus said give Caesar (Caesar is just another name for Pharaoh) what he wants (Money) and give God your Spiritual allegiance. “Good” works then is spreading this simple message, not becoming a “Missionary” of organized religion; God never even used that word or “Sermon” for that matter.
“Mormo” is listed in Anton LaVey’s Satanic Rituals as Chinese for “god of the living dead”. Aaronic (physical sons of Aaron) Priests are the Levitical Priesthood which Jesus replaced with Himself as “Melchisedek”, a descendant of Judah, 33 years after His birth (likely in 6 BC on Feast of Tabernacles) with the tearing of the Temple Veil, and the 2nd Temple destruction 40 years later on the day occultists call Lughnasadh. Lugh is the god of the Tuatha de Danann venerated by Picts (Blue and White face paint in Braveheart or Wicker Man) in Ireland; “Magog” Bush Sr murdered his business partner Saddam Hussein’s forcefully conscripted army of Iraqis on this date in revenge during 1991 to commemorate the 1st and 2nd Temple destruction dates. Mormon prophets claim descend from the Tribe of Dan which means “Judge” for this reason. Jesus will reinstall Dan as a Judge of Israel after the 2nd Coming; occultists will Judge them about 3½ years before that and there are about 170 Mormon Temples in which to do it worldwide.
Take a step back and try to look at this from God’s perspective: King David through God takes the Promised Land and the Threshing Floor where Abraham offered Isaac; his son builds the 1st Temple; ancients of Israel descended from his Phoenician wives/concubines commit abominable acts on His altar as women weep for Tammuz on the porch; the Glory of the LORD departs. Zerubbabel builds the 2nd Temple on the spot the Glory of the LORD departed exactly as the Word predicted Cyrus of Persia would allow 200 years in advance; Herod the Great attempts to kill Jesus as a young child (Magi in the Manger scene is Hogwash); Herod Antipas another debased Edomite megalomaniac adds on to it; kills John the Baptist for his Maccabaean/Hasmonean wife Herodias and daughter Salome during the dance of “7 Veils”; Jesus fills 100 messianic prophecies; Pharisees turn the Temple into a “House of Merchandise” (Doves=Holy Ghost; Sacrificial animals would soon be God in Flesh; Usury and Money Changing create wealth out of nothing ie Knight Templars/FED); Jesus corrects them and departs by the same route in the most humiliating and painful fashion. Thank God He keeps His Word or we would all be toast! Zionists wail at Herod’s Wall and will soon build the 3rd Temple for a Man they refer to as the 3rd Adam; who is he?
Celts (Celt=Warrior) were governed by Druid Priests who worshipped the Sun on 8 holy days called cross-quarter sabots. Druids began as Ovates, then Bards and then had 7 levels of perfection to becoming an Arch-druid with the final initiation being a trial at sea in the Ark of Ceridwen. Saxons (Saxon=Seaxe Knife) took Briton on 9/11/472 during an act of treachery and were governed by a High Priest called the “President of the Sacred Circle” with initiated levels of Plebes, Equites and Druids all governed by the Arch-Druidic Priesthood. Saxons also worshipped the Enchantress Ceridwen (Cairn is a heap of stones; Cair means “Sacred Enclosure”; same as Ark or Labrys) as “Genius of the Ark”; she allegedly escaped God’s wrath in the Flood (Nabattaean Arabs used the symbol of 2 Dolphins for this same purpose; type “Noah” in Wingdings and you will see this). Mormons believe Jaredites (Jared is Enoch’s father; 6th descendant of Adam) escaped God’s Wrath of the flood as well, traveling from the land of Nimrod (Babylon) at God’s confounding of language at the Tower of Babel in wooden submarines to the Americas. Seriously, Golden Plates, Scrying Stones, Aaronic Priests from Levi turning into Melchisedek Priests from Judah and being replaced by descendants of Ephraim, Manasseh and Dan is pretty foolish. View Mormon Stone Temples (6 spires, 28 Moon Stones, 4 Sun Stones in the foundations, inverted 5pt Stars “Baphomet” above the doors, Baptismal Veils, Secret Names) as a continuation of Stonehenge and this will make more sense. Like the Saxon takeover of Briton, 9/11/1857 was the date “Limited Atonement” was brought out in Revenge at the Mountain Meadows Massacre. It was also the date Capt William Morgan was ritually murdered in 1835 for revealing Masonic Oaths and the date in 1941 for the Pentagon “Baphomet” Cornerstone laying ceremony. Read Rev 9:11 and the date will make more sense.
360 Briton nobles were murdered at a feast by Saxon barbarians under Hengeist on 9/11/472 AD, on the command “Take your Seaxes”. Saxon comes from Seaxe, a double sided knife similar to the Cretin/Minoan double sided Axe “Labrys” used in the Fasces Symbol; Labrys is the birth canal of the Mother Goddess symbolized by the Labyrinth “Golden Mean” and the Rods bound by Red Cord are the “Society of Red Men” ie people who join Esau’s cause for world “Dominion” by denying the Holy Ghost. Mountain Meadows Massacre of 9/11/1857 began similarly; Brigham Young issued orders to “Avenging Angels” (a re-naming of Joseph Smith’s “Dannite Band” is today called the “Mormon Mafia” made famous in Howard Hughes’ murder/theft). John D. Lee (Lee’s Ferry on the Colorado River) allegedly gave the command “Mormons, do your duty”; 120 members of the Fancher/Baker party were then treacherously shot to death. Brigham Young visited the site several years later, pulling the Cross down saying “Vengeance is mine, and I have taken it”. Melchisedek is the title Jesus uses for the New Covenant built of His own blood; this is why Brigham as Melchisedek Priest and Prophet uttered these words. In 2000 Mormon, Melchisedek Priest and Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt (Bush EPA director and Interior Sec.) un-lawfully ordered accidentally exhumed human remains interred in new monument’s concrete foundation wall, eerily reminiscent of Hiel’s “Foundation Sacrifice” of his 2 sons rebuilding the walls of Jericho. “Sieg Hiel” used by the Nazi’s also venerates this sacrifice event. Masons (Nazis, Jesuits and Mormons have same initiation rites) take revenge for events that happened 4300 years ago; I say get over it and ask Jesus to forgive the Sin.
Freemason/Rosicrucian Ben Franklin said “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God”; his 13 colony map entwined by the serpent was captioned “Join or Die”. Why the Serpent? At current equinox precession rates (Flood altered the axis, wobble and precession rates considerably), the “Axis Mundi” (World Axis) would have pointed at Alpha Draconis. The Word says in Dan 4:17 governments are ordained by God with the basest (morally corrupt) of men; further, God says “Vengeance is mine” but with those words echoing, the American Revolution began with shots fired at Lexington on April 19 “Fordicidia”, 1775. Freemasons from Boston’s Green Dragon Tavern dressed as Indians (Mormons did this as well on 9/11/1857) threw English Tea into Boston Harbor to initiate the Tax rebellion. In similar fashion, the Civil War began with cannon shots fired on Ft Sumter by the Freemason and father of infamous outlaw Senator of Montana, Jesse James. The “Sons of Liberty” were made up of northern democrats opposed to freeing the slaves, and also used the slogan “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” They identified each other with passwords and had a similar 7 step path of initiation.
Manicheans were “Gnostics” who regarded Mithra as the “3rd messenger”. They as well as a group called the “Johnniters” believed Jesus and Lucifer (Lucifer is Satan) were brothers, John the Baptist was Jesus Christ’s mentor, and that Jesus, although a great man was just a created being; a 2nd Adam if you will. Grandmasters of the Prieure de Zion aka Priory of Sion (do not confuse Zion ie Jerusalem with Sion ie Mt Hermon) take on the name “John” because they too worship John the Baptist, but is this really John the Baptist? The bible says John the Baptist didn’t feel worthy to loosen Jesus’ sandals; Jesus chose John to show people how the “New Covenant” of baptism by the Holy Spirit; the problem is “Living Water” has nothing to do with physical Water. Jesus said John the Baptist was the greatest person of the Old Covenant, but less than anyone in the New Covenant; John recognized Jesus when both were in the womb and recognized Him 30 years later; Will you recognize Him? Hint: If you see Him coming it will be your last conscious act for eternity. By the way, Rapture is also a Masonic invention.
Mandaeans used a similar name as did followers of the Persian philosopher Mani; was he a real person? Just like Zoroaster “Seed of the Woman/Ishtar”, “Manda” merely means “Gnosis”; it’s all the same rotten fruit from the Tree of Knowledge whose followers go by exalted titles like “Mandaean”: Elect of Righteousness or “Nasorean”: Guardians of secret knowledge and rites”.
To occult secret societies like Knights of St John of Jerusalem aka Knights of Malta or SMOM, John the Baptist, the greatest man of the Old Covenant combines with John the Evangelist (Michelangelo means Archangel Michael; John the Evangelist sits at Jesus’ right hand in the painting Last Supper) in the esoteric figure “Saint John the Divine”. First, he was born opposite Sol Invictus (Persian Mithra) on the calendar. On June 24th the Sun begins to wane whereas on Dec 24th it begins to rise, so this is a person in opposition to “Sol” as “Christ”; a Dark Lord if you will. Christ-Mass means “Sacrifice of Christ and distribution of the Host”; who is this Host? Sol Invictus, Mithras, Tammuz, the Green Man of Boston’s tavern, the caricature carved into Templar Castles around the world, the Knight on horseback at the UN courtyard killing the Dragon and the Knight on horseback standing on the Sun (Father) and Moon (Mother) killing Satan in Cancer (22 June-22 July) at the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC. This is Dialectic: Thesis “Sol Invictus” + Anti-thesis “Adonis/Tammuz”=Synthesis. What’s the Synthesis? The destruction of your Soul and Freedom from God for the “Earth Dwellers” (ref Rev 6:14 and Dan 9:26) John was the baptizer of humanity, but since Zionists do not regard Jesus as their Messiah, they await a Messiah who will baptize humanity. In occult New Age terminology this is known as a “Planetary Pentecost”. My guess is that this will begin the Great Tribulation; Rev 6:14 and Dan 9:26 is this 7th Seal and “Covenant with Many”. I’d take Paul’s advice and “Swear Not”; no it does not mean foul language as your study bible likely claims, it means swear an oath.
At one time, Freemasonry may have been an association of “Free/Ashlar” Stone Masons, but not anymore. Today’s Masons carry on the traditions of the Babylonian Priests of Jupiter. This is why Freemason Joseph Smith was buried with a talisman of Jupiter. They carry on the worship of the Zoroastrian Sun god Mithra, an imitation Lion carrying a false word in the form of a Bee who will one day sting humanity. They do everything in secret whereas Jesus never said anything in secret. They reject secular authority whereas Jesus said to obey all the laws of the land which is why masons have instigated every revolution on the planet, and why early Mormons practiced adultery. They seek the light of Lucifer, and desire a confrontation with Jesus, his weaker brother. They leave an empty seat in the north of their temples as do Masons and desire to do the same in Heaven by displacing God from His throne. When leaving Nauvoo, Brigham Young said “I am getting away from Christians”. At that time the Mormon Church was called “The Church of Latter Day Saints”. It picked up Jesus Christ much later. He also said “Whatever is recorded in Heaven is recorded on Earth”. In occult terminology, that means “As above, so below”. The Egyptians lined up their pyramids to the stars. Stonehenge is lined up with solar solstices and equinoxes. Druids built temples oriented to the Sun and Moon in Europe and duplicated smaller versions of them in the American northeast where Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were from. It’s time to wake up! Jesus already came once as a man of peace, and already offered baptism to the world. You don’t need a Priest or Worshipful Grandmaster to get His baptism, just go into your “prayer closet” and tell Him you finally get it! Jesus has no brother, and the next time He comes will be with a sword and fire to eliminate everyone who wears the baptismal mark of John the Divine aka Anti-Christ.
Freemasonic Oaths are in my book and in another article “Secret Society Oaths”; Paul said “Swear not” referring to these “Oaths” of Blackmail and Jesus warned not to be unequally yoked to others.
Richardson’s monitor of free-masonry : being a practical guide to the ceremonies in all the degrees conferred in Masonic lodges, chapters, encampments, &c., explaining the signs, tokens and grips, and giving all the words, pass-words, sacred words, oaths, and hieroglyphics used by Masons : the ineffable and historical degrees are also given in full.
Ancient Religious Traditions and Symbols in Freemasonry