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Paris Olympics

‘City of Light’ 33rd Olympics Jul 26 ‘Opening Ceremonies’- Aug 11 ‘Closing Ceremonies’ ‘Light’ was created on Day 1, the Sun of Day 4. Beth-El ‘Bull’, originally it was ‘Lux’=Light  Bohemian Grove July 13-28, 2024...


Paris Olympics Bohemian Grove Tisha b’ Av Joktan and Peleg ‘Land surrounded by Water’; Abram + Hagar=Ishmael; Hagar-Agar (God is not with Agar). Abraham + Sarah (h=God is with me)=Isaac; Saracen  ‘Empty of Sarah’=Admiral ‘Arab...

DAILY BLOG June-July 2024

Independence Day Trump/Vance Freemasonry Guy Fawkes, Veteran’s and Lord Mayor’s Day Gog and Magog Kamala Harris Christian, Jew, Muslim or JESUS? Passover Bohemian Grove Rosicrucians Eclipse NESARA/GESARA refers to “Dove of Oneness”; its...


Cymatics=Wave; the study of how sound affects matter There is no Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Interaction=God of Forces=Satan Dan 11:38KJV.  Sun emits ‘Light’ which contacts the atmosphere at Varying Frequencies: Gamma Rays, X-Rays, UV Light,...

Baltimore ‘Key’ Bridge=Golden Gate

Black Jews=Cainite Namaah + Ham ‘Black’=Canaan’ aka ‘Jews, are Canaanites whose god is BabEl  Namaah’s brother Tubal-cain (Instructor of Brass and Iron) is the patron of Freemasonry...