Select Page Aleph ‘Bull’-X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’ Yarmulke is a replacement for the Temple Veil. The Horns are allegiance to the ‘Bull’=Satan


2017 eclipse path corresponds to the ancient rift zone dubbed the “Missouri Gravity Low” | sapphirethroneministries

Back-to-Back Magnitude 6.6 Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The ‘Crack’ follows the 2016 Eclipse path from Cascadia-Yellowstone Caldera-Makanda  khaṇḍ to break, divide, cut, destroy”. The Reelfoot 15,000 acre lake was created by a series of violent earthquakes in 1811-1812 that caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards. 

  • Sept 3 Hong Kong-bound Tropical Cyclone Yagi ‘Goat’ kills 13 in Philippines
  • Typhoon Hone ‘Rock’ followed by Gilma “helmet” followed by Hector ‘braggart or bully’ 
  • Typhoon Shanshan Japan’s strongest landfalling typhoons on record. Shanshan is of Chinese origin “mountain” (山, shān) and “peak” or “range” (山, shān). Shanshan is predominantly a feminine name in China=Sina=Sin
  • Indonesia Earthquake Warning Aug 22
  • Typhoon Jongdari “skylark” is approaching South Korea
  • 7.4 Earthquake in Kamchatka Russia “men of the far end” 
  • Several storms hit Japan after an Earthquake and Meteor flew over Makurazka City on Tisha B’Av Maria Star of the sea; Bitterness; Beloved; Wished for a child. Ampilgreat, abundant; dividing wall’, WuKong (wù) meaning “enlightenment, awakening” and 空 (kōng) meaning “empty, hollow, sky”; Son Tinh ‘God of the Mountain


Makanda, Illinois The 2017 and 2024 7 yr intersection is at Makanda, Illinois; khaṅga, from a root khaṇḍ meaning to break, divide, cut, destroy”. Illinois means tribe of superior men’. New Madrid Seismic Zone ‘water or giver of life’
Bouvet Family Crest Download (JPG) Heritage Series - 600 DPI Controlled Hurricane, Earthquake and Eclipse? Bouvet ‘messenger’ (Note the ‘Golden Bull’) Ministry of Humanity: adam “man”adamah “ground” or Huwa (Arabic: هُوَ meaning “He”) is a personal name for God in Sufism + Hu in Sufism to avoid attribution of a gender to God ‘allah’. The April 8, 2024 Eclipse passes over 7 cities named ‘Nineveh’;  Hurricane Beryl passed over the same locations as the Eclipse. Earthquakes were created on Bouvet Is ‘messenger’; a stable for oxen. Festina lente “make haste” +  lente “slowly”. The goddess ‘Inanna of Nineveh’(Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Easter)  on the last day of the Hebrew Year. Hurricane Beryl=Tarshish a stone in Aarons Breastplate; Jonah ‘Dove’ was sent to Nineveh but he fled to Tarshish. ‘Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves’ Matt 10:16KJV The Hebrew word for Beryl is Shosham the gemstone represented the Tribe of Joseph. On Easter at first Light, Inanna aka Naamah (Chumolongmo ‘Earth Mother’) is impregnated by the Sun; 9 months later is Christmas eg Cybele (Mar 25) + Attis (Dec 25) Namaah is a Canaanite and Noah’s wife, she and her son Ham had a son Canaan, ‘Cursed’ as Cain was from the Serpent. Canaanite ‘Curse’ continued to the Brith-ish (First Born)=British, Ishmael (Ismaili=Iran), and Esau (Edom=Red ‘Debt’) and Amalekites, at War with the LORD from Generation to Generation. Ex 14-16

Dan 12 Warnings: 1260 day ‘Great Tribulation’, begins at Passover?; 1290 day begins at ‘Purim’?Abomination: “horror, repugnance,disgust, loathsome, hateful, sinful,wicked, or vile “to deprecate as an ill omen” or “to detest” +  Desolation ‘to abandon’; “Eclipse” means “abandonment.” Mazatlan (1st in No America) ‘Place of Deer’;Leave the World Behind’; Deer symbolized ‘Loss of innocence’ 1335 day begins at the Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’?; .May 1 ‘Beltane’ Belenus=Apollo=Horus Bab=Gate + El ‘Bull’

Donald ‘King of the World’ Trumps (Drumpf=Drummer) Tartan ‘Canaanite Cloth’ is the ‘Bull’. Aleph is the ‘Bull’ It forms 8 April 2024. Red Heifer Day is 2 Nisan 10 April. Eid al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan on 10 Apr 2024. Marduk is the ‘Bull’ Akitu means “Festival”, it occurs on 4 Nisan Friday 12 April, 2024 The Canaanite god El is the ‘Bull’

Apr 8th: Solar Eclipse will form Aleph ‘Bull’ and travel over 7 cites named ‘Ninevah’ ‘City of Ninus’, son of Belus or Bel,  Ba’al, “lord”, the famous name of a “god” whom Elijah opposed in 1 Kings 18:7-8 Obadiah said ‘I am’, Baal is Satan. God slew 450 Prophets of Baal; he was taken to Heaven on a Chariot of Fire 2 Ki 2:11; Elijah and Enoch will be the 2 Witnesses.  April 8th, the seven planets including the sun and the moon will appear to form a straight line in the sky when looking from Jerusalem toward the east, ‘Rising Sun’

dunkin commercial pictures from ew.comDunKing The Eclipse enters Canada at Hamilton On hamel ‘crooked’+ dūn ‘hill’. Dun=To make repeated and insistent demands upon, especially for the payment of a debt + King. Rooster symbolizes Betrayal of God.


Jeroboam: ‘He that opposes the people’; he made Golden Calves in BethEl and Dan; the sin of Jeroboam CUT IT OFF AND DESTROYED IT FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH 1 King 13:34 Were doing it again!

Golden Bull of 1356

The Secrets of Saqqara Tomb (no spoilers) - Archaeology Grrl

Fig 1. 1,700 mile to 2,200 mile "Crack Across America", "Crack Through America", and Midcontinental Rift (MCR)

Makanda, Illinois The 2017 and 2024 7 yr intersection is at Makanda, Illinois khaṅga, from a root khaṇḍ meaning to break, divide, cut, destroy” + “best people” ‘tribe of superior men’,warriors” in the New Madrid Seismic Zone; maǧrà “water stream” or Arabic: ‏مجريط‎, romanized: majrit, lit. ‘”spring”, “fountain”‘.


The 2023 and 2024 intersection is at San Antonio, Texas Latin Antonius, Antonio has Roman and Etruscan roots and means “highly praiseworthy.”  “flourishing.” “Worthy of praise; of value”. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of the impoverished. Vanderpool, Texas from the “pool, swamp, pond”; Netherlands, the ‘pool’=’sea’ Lotus ‘Rising Above’: spiritual enlightenment, beauty, fertility, purity, prosperity and eternity. US Debt=$98T

The Apex of the 2023 and 2024 Eclipses is at Eugene, Oregon “noble”, literally “well-born”, from εὖ (eu), “well” and γένος (genos), “race, stock, kin”. + ‘a place of abundance’; and Salem ‘Jerusalem’, “peace”  “peaceful, safe, complete, perfect.” 

1: The 2017 Eclipse cast a shadow over 7 Cities named ‘Salem’=Jerusalem. San Antonio “highly praiseworthy.”

2: The Oct 14, 2023 ‘Annular’ Eclipse form a ‘Halo’ over Corona and Odessa, the Ukrainian Odessa became the  home of ‘Exiled Sarmation Kings’, Catherine the Great of Russia renamed the city Odessa “source of inspiration”;  201 Jesuits began the Coronavirus ‘Event 201’ ran by Sephardic Jews; the city was known for six hundred years as Hacibey (Tartar ‘Hell on Earth’) meaning city of the “Master Pilgrims”, the Capital of Khazars ‘Serpent People’ and has 1500mi of Catacombs

3: Controlled Hurricane? The April 8, 2024 Eclipse passes over 7 cities named ‘Nineveh’;  Hurricane Beryl passed over the same cites. The goddess ‘Inanna of Nineveh’ (Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Easter)  on the last day of the Hebrew Year. Hurricane Beryl=Tarshish a stone in Aarons Breastplate. The Hebrew word for Beryl is Shosham the gemstone represented the Tribe of Joseph. On Easter at first Light, Inanna aka Naamah (Chumolongmo ‘Earth Mother’) is impregnated by the Sun; 9 months later is Christmas eg Cybele (Mar 25) + Attis (Dec 25) Namaah is a Canaanite and Noah’s wife, she and her son Ham had a son Canaan, ‘Cursed’ as Cain was from the Serpent. Canaanite ‘Curse’ continued to the Brith-ish (First Born)=British, Ishmael (Ismaili=Iran), and Esau (Edom=Red ‘Debt’) and Amalekites, at War with the LORD from Generation to Generation. Ex 14-16

A comet with a green and round fuzzy head with a thin tail flowing away in a field of tiny scattered stars.

Green Comet=Osiris ‘Green One’ The comet’s closest approach to the sun (perihelion) is during Passover April 21 in the constellation Taurus ‘Bull’

PHOTO: An image captured on July 25, 2023 shows the comet 12P/Pons-Brooks with its “devil horns” after an eruption.

The Devil Comet or the Millennium Falcon from “Star Wars”? Millennium ‘thousand’ Falcon falc- ‘sickle’ Horus was often the ancient Egyptians’ national tutelary deity. He was usually depicted as a falcon-headed man

Model of the Millenium Falcon starship from the Star Wars film series is displayed during the presentation of the exhibition "Star Wars Identities"...

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS' path May 2024

Rabbis Arab ‘Rba’  look forward to Rosh Hashanah Oct 3, 2024, Kol Nidre ‘All Vows’-Yom Kippur ‘Atonement’ Oct 13, Sukkot ‘Booths of Daughters’ ‘And the men of Babylon made Succoth-benoth…’ 2 Kings 17:30KJV Sextans ‘Six’ the position of comet in October 2024 is located in the southernmost tip of the constellation Leo about ten degrees south of the ecliptic and moves in the first half of the month with decreasing apparent brightness across the constellation Virgo ‘the Virgin of Israel has fallen…’ Amos 5:2 into the western head of the constellation Serpens Caput ‘Serpent/Snake Head’ and then moves across the constellation Ophiuchus ‘Serpent Holder’. Phoenicians (Canaanites) ‘Men of Purple’ (Korahites use UV ‘Purple Light’ and Sea Snail secretions to make Tekhelet Blue), Purple Mountain Observatory in China named the comet. 2024 is the Chinese ‘Year of the Dragon’, 2025 the ‘Year of the Snake’, 2026 ‘Year of the Horse’, 2027 ‘Year of the Goat’. Jesus separates the Goats on his Left from the Lambs on his Right.

The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape PlansFrom this Hypothetical doomsday map are you safe or not : r/brandonherrara Topographic map of the Belt and Road Economic Corridor and its pathway cities

Armageddon Script: mound, mountain; valley of slaughter. By the Middle Ages, multiple nationalities, languages, and centuries had added an n and dropped the h, transforming Har Megiddo to Harmageddon and thence to Armageddon; ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’ Japan ‘Rising Sun’ 7.4 Earthquake in Kamchatka Russia “men of the far end” Several storms hit Japan after an Earthquake on Tisha B’ Av Maria Star of the sea; Bitterness; Beloved; Wished for a child. Ampilgreat, abundant; dividing wall’, WuKong (wù) meaning “enlightenment, awakening” and 空 (kōng) meaning “empty, hollow, sky”; Son Tinh ‘God of the Mountain’-Korea ‘Corea’ ‘Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core’ Jude 11-China=Sin, ‘One Belt, One Road’-Karakoram ‘8th Wonder of the World; ‘Black Gravel’-Islamabad ‘City of Islam, City of Peace’-Iran Aryan ‘Noble Caste’-Afghanistan Chinese Hua,  White Huns, Pashto: Yusufzai tribe=Sons of Joseph, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, who collectively refer to themselves as the ‘Bani Israel’;  Joseph married the daughter of the Priest of On ‘Osiris’; BabylOn, Taliban ‘Student’, Mujahideen ‘Warrior of Allah’-Iraq BabEl-Jordan Idumea=Edom, Ammon, Moab; Hashemites ‘Descent of Quryaish=Korahites/Core-Syria=Assyrians ‘My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?’ Jesus last words hanging from the Tree. IsRaEl Netanyahu and Romney worked for Bain Capital; they both believe in El, the Cananite god; Armageddon ‘Har Megiddo’ “mound, mountain” of Megiddo. Jesus return to with the Ark of the Covenant  and lightning, voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail to DESTROY THEM WHICH DESTROY THE EARTH! (Rev 11: 18-19) ‘And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.’ Matt 24:22KJV There are no prophets! Lk 16:16 

The goddess “Inanna of Nineveh” is Nana, Noah’s adulteress Canaanite wife Namaah (Nana) + Ham ‘Black’=Canaan aka Sargon the Great. Nana=Ishtar of Nineveh”=Easter. Asshur, the 2nd son of Shem built Nineveh; he is depicted in a Red Circle/Globe (Earth in Edomite Debt) wearing Red (Edom=Red=’Dominion’), with Horned Crown, Green (Pale ‘Green’ Horse Rev 6:8) wings (8 wings=8th Covenant, the final Covenant between God and Man) and a Bow. Qos, the Edomite national god whose name means ‘Bow’. ‘And I saw, and behold a white horse (JESUS rides a White Horse, but He comes in 31/2 Years, at Feast of Tabernacles) and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.’ Rev 6:2KJV The Sun, Moon, and Stars were worshipped along with the Bull is a symbol of Ashur; and the Sun goes dark over 7 Cites named Nineveh’; The 8th is in Nova Scotia ‘New Scotland’; It’s claimed FALSELY Jeremiah took ‘Jacob’s Pillow’ and Zedekiah’s daughter where she married Nobility; despite scripture say otherwise Jer 52:10; 2 King 25:7; Eze 17:16  The Pillow will scream when the true King is enthroned. Aleph ‘Bull’ means ‘One’ is formed; no Holy Ghost! Pre-planned? It’s only over America. Why?  JESUS is the Holy Ghost! ‘For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.’ 1 John 5:7KJV ‘Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.‘ 1 John 2:22KJV ‘For pass over the isles of Chittim, and see; and send unto Kedar=qadar, “to become dark,” Kedar emerges as meaning “dark one. ….A mountain in the Himalayas;  Cybele ‘Magna Mater’  means ‘”Mother of the mountain”.  Mt Everest=Chomolungma ‘Earth Mother’; Cybele also means ‘Earth Mother’  …consider diligently, and see if there be such a thing. Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.’ Jer 2:10-11KJV The Phrygian Cap ‘Liberty Cap’ (Santa wears Phrygian Cap=Satan!) and taurobolium involved the sacrifice of a bull symbolizing freedom and liberty; FROM GOD! Asshur and Ishtar (Easter) Attis and Cybele are not Divine; JESUS is God; JESUS is the Father; JESUS is the Holy Ghost; the only source of Salvation! 

Aleph, the  Bull Calf of the Sun forms over America on Apr 8, 2024. The Assyrian New Year is Nisan 1 (Marduk is a Barley God) 

Eagle Pass–Piedras Negras International Bridge is in the path of totally; pietra ‘stone rock’ +black’; Eagle=aquilus meaning dark-colored, swarthy, or blackish. The Eagles “Hotel California” is about joining the Church of Satan. Eagle Pass Tunnels Allow ANYONE to Crawl Into US. Marduk “Bull god of Heaven” and Aleph=Bull froms a Solar Eclipse. The other intersection point is Carbondale, Makanda, Giant Nature Trail, Devil’s Stantable, Little Egypt. Merovingian and Viking (VI=6 + King);  Periods, on decorated helmets and picture stones, the eagle was associated with fighting, war and death. Nisroch is Assyrian (Syria) Eagle headed deity; Huitzilopochtli is the Eagle headed Aztec sun and war god;

satanist-politicians-3.png Yarmulke is a replacement for the Temple Veil. The Horns are allegiance to the ‘Bull’=Satan