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Guy Fawkes LEGO mosaic Alastair “to defend” +man” King König kin ‘Ruler’ the next High Sheriff (Tax Collector) Lord Mayor of the City of London Corp 11/11 Phoenix Group CEO is on Sabbatical. Alastair is Grandmaster of the Order or Blacksmiths Alderman Alastair John Naisbitt King DL (born November 1968) is a British businessman in asset management who chairs Naisbitt King Asset Management Ltd; Chair of Common Earth, Master of the Worshipful Company of Masons for the year 2023/24. King is Senior Warden of the Company of Entrepreneurs and Third Warden of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths.; Tubal-cain, the Cainite sister of Namaah ‘Earth Mother’ who mated with her son Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’; Ismail and Edom ‘Red’=Debt=British ‘Covenant by Birth’

Guy Fawkes Day 5 Nov 1605

US Selection Day 5 Nov 2024 ‘Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD’ Amos 8:11
“Remember, Remember the fifth of November” The Jesuit Plot to kill King James, prevent publication of the Authorized Bible. and Scapegoat Catholics was an Inside Job and likely fabrication that failed on Nov 5, 1605. Guy Fawkes was a Jesuit, related to Barbara Bush, Aleister Crowley and Pauline Pierce “Scarlett Woman”, Mother of Darkness at Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” who wrote the progress of the New World Order is Blood of children taken from the Thousand Points of Light” NAZI George Bush (Scherff). British colonies such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States adopted the celebration as “Pope Day”; much like “Cinco de Mayo” most have no idea why they are celebrating the original “Bonfire Day” or “Gunpowder Treason Day”. The Sun never sets on the British Empire because British is derived from B’Rith “Birthright Covenant”, that being Cain, Canaan, Ishmael and Esau, the latter prophesied to obtain worldwide Dominion is the British Empire. The Scapegoat for the Gunpowder Plot was Guy Fawkes whose mask is worn by the Jesuit hacking group Anonymous. On Guy 2021 Merck (Prussian/German for Mark) the Prussian Nobility turned Nazi opium pusher turned US Bio-weapons maker; Molnupiravir originally developed as an Anti-viral Flu pill was approved on “Gunpowder Treason Day” in Great Britain. Flu cases dropped to near zero; replaced by Covid 19 diagnoses; amazing what paying $13K/diagnosis and using high PCR Cycles can do eh?    The $700/course mutagenic oral Red Pill named after Thor’s Hammer seems the appropriate tool to hammer nails into God as the Maccabees “Hammer” did in inventing Hanukkah, (Nov 28-Dec 6, 2021) was approved the same day Pfizer announced PAXLOVID is cheaper and more effective. Vanguard Fund the largest Corporate Stock ownership fund in the world, BlackRock Group the largest Real Estate Fund, really a $120Trillion Loan Shark using taxpayer funds against citizens, and State Street Capital, owner of Dominion Voting a Canadian based Vote counting company with the British Commonwealth Crown Water Mark on every ballot; What? Didn’t you know the US is a CORPORATION owned by the British ie Edomite Crown Bar? Esau obtains worldwide “Dominion”; Dominion Voting illegally brought in the Rockefeller-Chinese controlled Biden-Harris dream team; Time Magazine even told us in advance Kamala was coming and the War for our Souls Jesus is the Word made Flesh (Jn 1:14) and Judge of our Souls; the Word is the Authorized Bible attacked to no avail on Guy Fawkes Day, so one might expect the attack on our Souls to come on Guy Fawkes Day.

Kamala is a Boule Society Initiate; the ULTIMATE GAME of the Boule is capturing human souls. No other company buys the Media off more than Pfizer so don’t expect a warning like this to come from the fake Jew Media Together they are the majority stock holders of the Media darling Pfizer headed by Papal Court Crypto Jew, Synagogue of the Libertines (Stephen was martyred by the same people) Albert Bourla, and Trump FDA Commissioner now Pfizer board member Crypto Jew Scott Gottlieb both are personal friends of Jesuit Anthony “Sickle” Fauci) After the world’s largest fraud judgment of $2.4B, Pfizer applies for FDA EUA for PAXLOVID Nov 5, shares surge 11% on Guy Fawkes Day (Market Cap $260B makes the $2.4B fine 3 hrs worth of stock price increase ie chump change) in 1 day for the new Red Pill, a SARS CoV-2 protease inhibitor mix of PF-07321332 and Ritonavir; There are no Isolated samples of SARS CoV-2 or any other “Virus” Liponivir + Ritonavir is an HIV protease inhibitor; AIDS is not caused by HIV; its why PCR Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis had to be silenced Aug 2019 for among other things calling Jesuit Fauci a “Fraud” and “Little a..hole”. PAXLOVID is not a substitute for COVID 19 Vaccinations; Remdesivir is a similar anti-viral treatment given in hospitals paid $13K to diagnose Covid and to finish off Covid patients. Gottlieb says the “Coronavirus Pandemic could be over by Jan” True that, OSHA has mandated all businesses over 100 employees to mandate the vaccine or pay exorbitant fines; the unvaxxed may not be fired, but will mandated to wear Masks, used for Millennia to denote and silence Slaves and get weekly Covid Testing at their own expense; $140/Test X 4=$500/month and don’t expect insurance to cover that or a Dr visit. Can’t see the Black Horse riding yet? Viruses don’t exist the genetic sequence in the Covid 19 PCR assay is part of VMAT 1 located on Chromosome 8 ubiquitous to every cell in the body; VMAT 1&2  control Neuro-transmitters; the program called FunVax suppresses expression of these “God Genes” In case its not obvious yet God Genes are the “Virus”; remember the Matrix? Humans are like a Virus”Agent Smith Anti-virals like Molnupiravir and PAXLOVID prevent replication of certain proteins; in this case the target is our ability to know God; the result is a “Trans-human product” not legally “Human”, one with no connection to God via the Holy Ghost  and unable to obtain forgiveness of Sin required for Salvation. Jesus warned unless He shortened “Those Days” no flesh would be Saved.

“If Guy Fawkes case came up before the Court of Appeal today, the… judges would surely… acquit him… First no one has ever seen the attempted tunnel. Builders excavating the area in 1823 found neither a tunnel nor any rubble. Second, the gunpowder. In 1605, the Government had a monopoly on its manufacture… The Government did not display the gunpowder and nobody saw it in the cellars. Third, these cellars were rented by the government to a known Catholic agitator… Fourth, the Tresham letter. Graphologists (handwriting experts) agree that it was not written by Francis Tresham.” The Gunpowder Plot 1990 R Crampton
Crypto Jew ie Protestant Converso Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Spymaster to King James was behind the Gunpowder Plot. Following the Gunpowder Plot, Cecil and his supporters were able to pass more anti-Catholic laws and to make more money from fines on Catholics. Cecil was in a position to destroy Catholic rivals, such as the Earl of Northumberland, and had an opportunity to seize Catholic lands. The ‘confessions’ were obtained under torture.
Why would the Catholic plotters have wanted to blow up parliament when it housed not only Protestants but also all the country’s leading Catholics?
Elizabeth, James’ protestant daughter, was was due to take over, if the plotters succeeded. Why would the Catholic plotters want Elizabeth on the throne?
The government had a monopoly on gunpowder and it was stored in places like the Tower of London. How did the conspirators get hold of 36 barrels of gunpowder without drawing attention to themselves?
How was the gunpowder moved across London from the Tower of London to Westminster (at least two miles distant) without anyone seeing it?
The River Thames would not have been used as it could have lead to the gunpowder becoming damp and useless. Thirty six barrels would have been a sizeable quantity to move without causing suspicion.
Why were men who were known to be Catholics allowed to rent out a house so near to the Houses of Parliament?
How did they move 36 barrels from that house to the cellar of the Houses of Parliament without anyone noticing?
Why, for the first time in history, was there a search of Parliament’s cellars that conveniently found Guy Fawkes.
Why was the soldier who killed Catesby and Percy at Holbeech House in the Midlands, given such a large pension for life (10p a day for life) when their arrest and torture was more desirable so that the names of any other conspirators might be found out?

Percy  came to be hated, his descendants changed the name to Pierce after the Spear of Destiny (Jan 1, 2020 Google Doodle featured the Spear and Vaccine Needle) that pierced the side of Jesus; of course, Jesus is the Word made Flesh (Jn 1:1;14); the Pierce name is seen in Franklin Pierce and Barbara Pierce, the illegitimate daughter of Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley and wife of George HW “Magog” Bush (Nazi George Scherff Jr) aka Curious George; Prescott Bush a major financier of the Nazi Reich and Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny involved with Nikola Tesla and his murder; their daughter Barbara Pierce Bush initiated at 19 in a Sealing Ritual in the Mother’s of Darkness Castle aka “Chateau Amerois” in Muno Bel, Belgium.

The English Revised Version was published in 1881, the same year Cleopatra’s Needle was dedicated on 2/22/1881 in NYC, it’s pair dedicated in London 3 years earlier.
“The words of the LORD are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified 7 times” Ps 12:6 Whether King James knew it or not, the 1611 Authorized Bible would become the 7th purified word promised in Ps 12:6. The List: Tyndale’s Bible (Tyndale was kidnapped, strangled and burned alive), Matthew Bible, Coverdale Bible, Great Bible (1st by Committee of scholars, chained in every church), Geneva Bible (1st with Study Notes; used by John Calvin, a Samaritan-Zionist named Cohen “Priest”), Bishop’s Bible and the 1611 Authorized Bible. Latin Vulgate used in the Douay Rheims Catholic Bible and Syriac Peshitta are omitted; their source as are all new Bible Versions are Gnostic Texts; Facsimiles of God’s Word as Lucifer is a Facsimile of God. The 6th Geneva Bible uses Jah in Ps 68:4 and Jesus in Mat 1:25. The 7th purified bible uses JAH and JESUS because the source of the Old and New Covenants/Testaments is SPIRITUAL through the Holy Ghost. JESUS is quite simply JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), the only Covenant Name of God there ever was or ever will be.
Secret Societies like Freemasons and Jesuits work together, infiltrating Protestant and Catholic Churches as Marranos (False Converts) in order to destroy them from the inside; Hagarenes, Ismailis and Assassins do the same thing within Islam as “Moriscos” such as BioNTech founders Ughar Sayin and Ozlem Tureci who created the Covid 19 poison (Strongs #5115 Toxon=Bow) of the Crowned White Horse (Rev 6:2) in 3 hrs on 1/11/20; no surprise, Jude 1:11 warns of the Way of Cain.

The Mother of all Churches Worldwide is the Jesuit St John Lateran Arch-basilica; John is the Chaldean Oannes, the Fish God worn by Popes and burned in effigy on Guy Fawkes Day; Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the unclean spirits of the Devil aka (Dragon, Serpent, Lucifer, Satan), Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 12:9; 16:13) that has deceived the entire world. Coronavirus is largely managed by Jesuit Marranos eg Anthony Fauci and Crypto Jews. Today, the Catholic Church is headed by a Jesuit, an Oath Sworn servant of the Jesuit General “Black Pope”. The Masonic-British-Confederate was written by Scottish Rite Freemason, Confederate Albert Pike to Jesuit revolutionary, Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini; Federal is derived from Foederis “Covenant with God”; Con-Federate should be pretty obvious; British financed the Confederacy in America. The plan for 3 World Wars was written on the Feast Day of Lucifer 1871 on the anniversary of the 1st Jesuit Oaths taken in the Crypt of St Denis Cathedral in Paris; Denis is Dionysus. The plan calls for pitting Zionism against Islam to vanquish Christianity, carrying the world to the point of physical, moral and economic exhaustion in order for Luciferian Doctrine to be accepted; the plan is detailed in Rev 6 with the release of the White, Red, Black and Pale Horsemen. World Peace is taken by the Red Horse ie WWIII; Worldwide Economic Collapse is the Black Horse; the Pale Horse is Antichrist aka Alternative Messiah who sill sit on Satan’s Seat in a rebuilt 3rd Temple, next to the Abomination of Desolation (Gold, Silver, Brass, Iron, Clay Idol); acceptance of the Mark of the Beast will result in Hell during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.

Armistice Day 2018
anthem veterans memorial arizona by renee palmer-jones (1)

Armistice Day
11/11/18 at the 11th hour is Armistice Day The Mayflower arrived in America 11/11/1620, the year Sephardic fake Jew 33deg Freemason Francis Bacon (Jesuit Toby Mathew) published New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished outlining the plan for America to self destruct as a Phoenix in order to rebuild the pre-Flood world as New Atlantis. Armistice is a temporary cessation of Hostilities; ever wonder why Lord Mayors Day in London is the same day as Armistice Day? The City of London Corp lays claim to every physical asset on Earth including human bodies. WWI was called “The War to end all Wars”, the 1st of 3 pre-planned World Wars on the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871, the 337th anniversary of the first Jesuit Oaths in the Crypt of the St Denis (Dionysus=Green Man) Cathedral in Paris, written by Jesuit handled (Fr Jean Pierre DeSmet; also the handler of 33 deg Freemason Mormon false prophet Brigham Young) Confederate (Foederis=Federal “Covenant with God”; Confederate means “Against God’s Covenant”)  Freemason Albert Pike and MAFIA (Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Fire, Poison; same motto as Aleister Crowley “Do what thou wilt”) founder Giuseppe Mazzini  After the sinking of the Lusitania failed to get Americans into the War, Woodrow Wilson, led by Rosicrucian/Theosophist Col Edward Mandell House (as much a Col as Qaddafi) was re-elected using the slogan “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of War in Europe” 3 months after election, troops were Vaccinated at Ft Riley KS with Rockefeller Meningitis Vaccines and sent to the trenches of WWI; 1918 Spanish Flu or rather Bacterial Pneumonia broke out killing 1/3 of Europe and 5% of World Population. The virus was allegedly resurrected by Rotterdam Virologist Ron Fouchier; when asked why? He said “Because We Can” As the name suggests, Veteran’s Day is derived from Veterinary “Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars” Satanist Henry Kissinger.
In 2017 Catharsis on the Mall was celebrated 11/11 at 11:11AM with the statue  Our EveOlution a statue used at the 2017 Burning Man Ritual; the 2018 Burning Man Ritual featured the “Tree of Life”. The Serpent in the Gnostic Tree of Life is seen in Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” aka Vaccine. In 2018, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump met in Paris for the 100th anniversary of the WWI “Armistice” of 1918, the year the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic began. Both men want the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem to be built; both wear the Yarmulke at Herod’s Wailing Wall; both men are controlled by Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis; both men bowed to Saudi King Salman and accepted his highest award the Saudi Medal of Freedom. Trump also played his acting role as the Phoenix holding a Globe between the Saudi and Egyptian dictators. America is the Holocaust sacrifice of the New Age aka Phoenix
11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month is “Armistice Day”  Armistice means “Temporary cessation of hostilities”  In accordance with the Jesuit/Masonic Plan for 3 World Wars Hostilities resumed on the 6th hour of the 6th day of the 6th month at Normandy France 700 years after the Norman (Normandy) Cathars were executed at Montsegur. “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” Cathar Perfecti. It sure did! The Netflix series BioHackers villain is Lorenz, “Keeper of the Crown of Bacchus” aka “Baccanalia Temple Prostitute”. Blue Face Paint in Braveheart or Wicker Man may ring a Baal, it is Pictish Paint. This was put on display in SMOM Nic Cage’s movie Wicker Man
Fukushima is an Earth Destroying disaster; Obama delivered MOX Fuel to Japan and bowed to Shinto Emperor Akahito; all Freemasons aspiring to Sovereignty must bow to the Order of the Garter of which Akahito is a member. The MOX Fuel came from the Ariva Nuclear Plant in Normandy, the land Druids called Amorica. Feel the Love (Amor) yet?
WWI, WWII and WWIII were planned in writing Aug 15, 1871 on the anniversary of the 1st Jesuit Oaths aka Feast day of Lucifer by Jesuit handled (Fr Jean Pierre DeSmet) Sodomite, Confederate, Glutton Luciferian Mason Albert Pike. WWI to build up Nazism. WWII to exchange Nazism for Communism. WWIII to pit Islam against Zionism in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer to be accepted. This is a video of a US Military flown Apache Helicopter escorting a convoy of US State Dept financed Toyota SUV’s owned by ISIS from Iraq into Syria. Here are pictures of traitor John McCain with ISIS leader and Israeli asset Simon Elliot  Veterans deserve al little better than Satanic Traitors as leaders.
Out Magazine came out (good pun eh?) for Veteran’s Day with Barack Obama on the cover as “LGBT Ally of the Year”. Newsweek had Obama on the cover under a Rainbow Halo in 2012 and the caption “First Gay President”; not quite the first as George Washington, James Buchanan, Abe Lincoln, Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy and George Bush Jr. The Rainbow symbolizes God’s promise to never Flood the Earth again, killing all but 8 people for doing many of the things the LGBT community celebrate. WWIII will be about Freedom from God and all those silly outdated bible rules like Love God and Love our Neighbor. Preaching the gospel is a bit harder wearing a CV Mask eh?
100 Million people died from Ft Detrick created, Vaccine delivered at Ft Riley KS, 1918 Spanish Flu (H1N1) 10X as many as 4 years of WWI leading up the Armistice. Dr Ron Fouchier resurrected the 1918 Flu, formulating it into Avian Flu, Swine Flu, MERS CoV and now SARS CoV-2 “Coronavirus”. He said “A human to human aerosol transmitted, moderately fatal virus will become a plague of unimaginable proportion” WHO Director Margaret Chan handled the Avian Flu release in China 2003 and works for Prince Phillip who said “I would like to re-incarnate as a Killer Virus”
Veteran comes from Veteranus “Beast of Burden”.
“Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars”– Vietnam War Architect, Operation Condor architect, International War Criminal, Fake Jew, 330 Luciferian Mason, Bohemian Grove Molech worshipper, Rockefeller Tri-Lateral Commission initiate, Bilderberger, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Donald Trump adviser Henry Kissinger.
Signs of the Times: On International Day of Peace 2013 Pope Benedict XVI released to Peace Doves from the Vatican Apartment which were killed by Crows; 2 months later Benedict became the first Pope to resign and Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Dome Twice; Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope was elected on 3/13/13 “Red Heifer Day”; (there are 313! in Scripture); his Peace Doves were attacked the next year. by a Crow and Seagull (Mormon bird) 3 months later Henry Kissinger received the Intrepid Air Museum “Peace and Freedom Award” from Benghazi War Criminal Gen David Petraeus; Mol Comfort (Mol means Millstone) set sail in June 2013 with its Russian crew, delivering 5000 shipping containers (50,000Tons) of Weapons to ISIS Rebels.  “Friends of Syria” were awaiting the shipment with Jesuit Knight of Malta, Luciferian Mason John Kerry. On Veteran’s Day 2013 Nour M with its Turkish crew and 50,000 Russian made Kalashnikov Rifles and Explosives picked up in Istanbul, Turkey, was commandeered by Greek Coast Guard. The cache was likely to be delivered at Tartus, Syria.
Surprising? ex-CIA Director, Sec of Def, Bob Gates admitted US made WMD’s in Saddam Hussein’s arsenal were delivered to Syria’s Dictator Hafez al Assad in 2002. Those weapons having originally been delivered during Iran-Contra with the aid of Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr, Bill Clinton (accepted delivery of Drugs at Mena Airport, AK) and Mitt Romney (Bain Capital laundered the Drug for Weapons money)
Federal means “God’s Covenant” Confederates are listed in Psalm 83 and sadly represent most nations on Earth today. Everybody wants War because God has hardened their hearts to make War. Time to Wake Up! WWI ended with an Armistice agreement to continue the “War to end all Wars” at a later date,
It’s just time we Sheep woke up to the truth! are killed all day long, we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter” Ps 44:22, Rom 8:36. Samhain aka Halloween is the Celtic- Witchcraft “New Year”, a time of Human Sacrifice and Orgies in the forest “Groves”. Black Cloistered Monk Martin Luther aligned Halloween “All Hallows Eve” with Nov 1 “All Saints Day”, the day martyred Christians would be recognized and brought the Pagan Grove Rituals of decorating the Christmas Tree with baubles representing the Sacrificed Heads that were placed in Groves of Thor’s Oaks by Druids. Jeremiah warned against this in Jer 10. Might be a good time to stop this Satanic Merry Christmas practice! Santa is a Hittite god and anagram for Satan people!
Jesuit handled (Fr Jean Pierre DeSmet) Sodomite Confederate General, 33 deg Luciferian Freemason, Albert Pike, head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, co-founder of the Mafia (Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Fire and Poison; Trump is handled by the NY Russian Mafia) with Italian Revolutionary 33 deg Mason Giuseppe Mazzini was also the founder of the KKK. (Fred Trump was an active member) The “Knights of the Kuklos Klan” were originally a Scottish Society “Knights of the Golden Circle” and before that the “Society of the Horseman’s Word”; Horsemen refers to the 4 Horsemen: White, Red, Black and Pale. Pike stated the plan for 3 World Wars in 1871 was to build up the Nazi Empire; trade Nazis for Communists and finally pit Zionism against Islam to bring the light of Lucifer into acceptance. ¼ Billion people died in wars before WWIII has started, “Armistice” means “Temporary Cessation of Hostilities” meaning a sequel to WWI and the Korean War has already been planned.
Ivy League University President, Federal Reserve traitor, Vaccine traitor Woodrow Wilson, controlled by Rosicrucian Col Edward Mandell House (He was a much of a Colonel as Col Qadaffi) was re-elected using the slogan “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war in Europe”; sinking the Lusitania with 1200+ people on board in colusion with Bi-sexual, Druid, 330 Mason Winston Churchill didn’t get America into the war; “If at first you don’t succeed, try again”; 11 million died in the “Great War” from lead and 100 million from Spanish Influenza manufactured at Ft Detrick MD and delivered at via vaccines to soldiers at Ft Riley KS before deployment to Bohemia in the “War to end all Wars”. WWII was planned before WWI began incidentally.
Money, weapons, vehicles and fuel from Ford, GM, Standard Oil and Wall St Banks began flowing to Hitler as WWI ended; Prescott Bush’s assets were seized in Oct 1942 for “Trading with the Enemy” but Hitler was anything but his enemy; they were Lodge Brothers in the “Brotherhood of Death” aka Thule Society. Tula is the Egyptian Black Sun ordering the Galaxy; Scientists refer to this mythical creation as a “Black Hole”. Hitler (Rothschild), Stalin (Dzughasvilli), Bush (Scherff) were all initiates aka Knights of the Black Sun or “SS”.                                                                                      In May 1938, 11 Nov was made a Federal Holiday; Federal has nothing to do with Government; it simply means Foederati Holy Day, a league of pagan Black Nobility clans.
Eisenhower’s D-Day was 700 years after the Cathar executions by fire in 1244 at Normandie (Norman=North Man) “Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again” is a famous Cathar saying that proved true. Eisenhower (Iron Worker) Fire Bombed Dresden, much as Hitler Fire Bombed London; Eisenhower’s “Operation Keelhaul” rounded up 2 million Russians opposed to Stalin’s Bolshevik regime who were turned over and either executed or sent to die in Gulags; surrendered Germans at Dachau were summarily executed; 1.2 million Germans were starved to death and Gen Patton was murdered for exposing Eisenhower, Churchill (an initiated Druid) and Stalin’s plan to create the Cold War and provide the necessary privacy across 12 time zones to develop Nikola Tesla’s (he too had just been strangled to death on orders of his lab assistant Prescott Bush aka Curious George Scherff, by Hitler’s personal body guard Otto Skorzeny; Donald Trump’s uncle John weaponized Tesla’s patented technology for the US Army after his murder Jan 1943) Electro-Magnetic Weather and Geo-Engineering ie Earthquake weapons and Project Blue Beam came out of this
33 deg Freemason, Mafia Capo Harry Truman changed Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day and tested Soviet spy J Robert Oppenheimer’s Atomic Bombs on Japanese civilians; “ I have become Death, the destroyer of world’s” were his words after witnessing the Trinity detonation on the 33rd Latitude where Nazi war criminals at White Sands were given safe haven. Japan had been fire bombed and Truman fought the UN’s first war killing 250,000 American soldiers in Korea (Korah is the false Levite Priesthood and a son of Esau) to another “Armistice”. North Korea, Syria and Iran are the only nations left without a Central Bank which is why WWIII is planned to center around them. In 1954 “Armistice” to “Veteran” meaning Old; Scottish Fogie; Cow or Beast of Burden. Coronavirus Vaccine permanently alters human DNA to that of a Beast, a plan to Vaccinate against “Knowledge of Soul and Spirit” started by Rudolph Steiner in 1917.

Lord Mayor’s Day

Lord Mayors Show Parade 2018
“Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle” Dan 11:20 . Alastair “to defend” +man” King König kin ‘Ruler’ the next High Sheriff (Tax Collector) Lord Mayor of the City of London Corp 11/11 Phoenix Group CEO is on Sabbatical. Alastair “to defend” +man” King König kin ‘Ruler’ Alastair “to defend” +man” King König kin ‘Ruler’ the next High Sheriff (Tax Collector) Lord Mayor of the City of London Corp 11/11 Phoenix Group CEO is on Sabbatical.  Alderman Alastair John Naisbitt King DL (born November 1968) is a British businessman in asset management who chairs Naisbitt King Asset Management Ltd; Chair of Common Earth, Master of the Worshipful Company of Masons for the year 2023/24. King is Senior Warden of the Company of Entrepreneurs and Third Warden of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths.Tubal-cain, the Cainite sister of Namaah ‘Earth Mother’ who mated with her son Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’; Ismail and Edom ‘Red’=Debt=British ‘Covenant by Birth’Tubal-cain, the Cainite sister of Namaah ‘Earth Mother’ who mated with her son Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’; Ismail and Edom ‘Red’=Debt=British ‘Covenant by Birth’
       Michael Mainelli Lord Mayor City of London 11/11/23 on Armistice Day, two-minute silence at 11am, for the temporary cessation of hostilities in WWI.  Mainelli is in the Order of St John the Baptist; Global Warming as a super wicked problem Mainelli is trying to solve; REQUIRING THE DEATH OF MOST OF HUMANITY Vincent Keaveny the first Irish Lord Mayor of the City of London Corp took office Nov 13, 2021. Vincent: Conquering; Overcome; Fight; Son of the Darkman of the Island. Keaveny: O’Geibheannaigh “Fettered”; son of St Caomhan associated with Universal Taxation “Poll Tax”. Caomh: Dear; Noble + Birth; Kevin=Kaiwan “Saturn”. Esau is “Fettered/Yoked” currently but is prophesied to break free (Gen 27:39-41KJV) and achieve “Dominion”. The City of London Corp is guarded by a Sheriff’s Booth (Tax Collector), 2 headed Dragon and Knights Templar (Military Bankers) before one may access the Crown Bar or Guildhall.
Nov 11 Veteran’s Day is also Lord Mayor’s Day in the City of London Corporation. Due to Coronavirus, current Lord Mayor and International Banker William Russel (Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death is the Russell Trust) remained in Mansion House for the Pandemic. The Queen symbolically drops her Scepter and Crown passing between a double headed Silver Dragon (Silver is the money of commoners; Red=Debt=Esau=Edom=British=B’irth or Birthright) with Red Tongues to the Sheriff’s Booth (Tax Collector). The Temple Church and Magna Carta, inside the gates is guarded by Knights Templar, a pederast pair of men on one horse. Access to the Crown Bar and Barristers is only available to the Debt Free, Elite. Wicker statues of Gog and Magog guard the entrance to Guildhall. Just down Fleet St is The Monument designed by Sir Christopher Wren after the Masonic arson fire of 1666 it has the Coronavirus atop its 311 steps. Pretty coincidental Coronavirus was declared a Pandemic on 3/11 coincident with Purim “Cast Lots for Marduk” the Golden Calf is indeed alive and well! The ultimate goal of the Bankers is control of all physical assets on Earth including human DNA; mDNA Medical Products (Covid Vaccines are not Vaccines) create a Trans-human product ruled by the US Supreme Court to have no rights under the law.

Mark Carney, CEO of Glasgow Financial Alliance (GFANZ) pledged $130Trillion at COP 26 on Nov 7 to reach “Net Zero”; the plan called for in the Paris Climate Agreement; in plain english, the Usury bankers Jesus whipped and turned the tables are now in residence at the City of London Corp and illegally claim control of the Earth’s physical assets including the bodies of people they deem Slaves aka Human Cattle or Useless Eaters expelling CO2 and Methane. Fake Jew Treasury Sec Janet Yellen says the gap between what Governments have and the projected need is large and must be augmented by the Private Sector aka Slave Bank Accounts, Land, Homes etc.

Satanic parasites have pledged 40% of the world’s assets including personal assets of everyone  to create a Desert both physically and spiritually. The Crowned White Horse conquers with a Bow=Toxon=Poison aka Vaccine based Neuro-transmitter suppression aka Project “FunVax”; (Fun=Cheat; Hoax) the parasites are thus laying claim to Trans-human DNA a “Product” deemed not “Human” having no Rights by the US Supreme Court.  Bank of America estimates the cost at $5 Trillion/yr indefinitely, twice what everyone on Earth can produce. Bank “Money changer/lender table” America “Amorite”; the first post-Flood laws Code of Code of Naram-Sin (Sin is the Arab Moon god; the Laws codified by Canaan roughly 100 years after the Flood in the days of Joktan (Arabs) and Peleg (Archipelago) as receding flood waters isolated the continents) The Code of Lipit-Ishtar (ca 1934bc) were codified in Abraham’s Day; Ishtar refers to Noah’s Canaanite wife “Earth Mother” aka Canaanite Astarte; God was so pleased with the new laws He rained Fire and Brimstone on the Canaanite cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; ever wonder why 2 Knights Templar are on one horse guarding the entrance to the City of London Corp? The next set of man-made laws in opposition to God’s Laws were codified by Amorite the son of Canaan aka Sargon the Great”; the 1st King of Babylon aka Shinar. In the days of Jacob and Esau (1750bc) Hammurabi (Amraphel Gen 14:1 the 6th King of Babylon) became King, a worshipper of Shamash the Babylonian Sun Lion and god of Justice which replaces Jesus as the center candle of the 7 Branch Candlestick on the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah (Hanukkah means House of Enoch; the first born son of Cain) Shamash delivered the Code of Hammurabi, largely a code of revenge which became the Magna Carta, guarded by the Dragon, Sheriff’s Booth (Tax Collector) and Knights Templar (Gnostic Pederast Military Bankers). Lord Mayor Mark Carney is the Tax Collector guarding access to the Crown Bar (Judges); so if this is understood, one needs to also understand Jesus is Shiloh “Owner of the House” (Gen 49:10) and will once again scourge these Cainite-Canaanite parasites.