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Pepe ‘God Will Increase; Joseph’ the Frog=Kek, the deification of the concept of primordial darkness. ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.’ Gen 1:1-4KJV ‘As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ John 9:5KJV ‘Light’=’glory, presence, of God ie ‘He’ is the Holy Ghost’. Kek is Lucifer. JESUS=Day; Evil=Night; the sun wasn’t created yet.  ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (serpent, Devil, Satan Rev 12:9), and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ Rev 16:13 The hit of the Christmas season, FROG, (Fully Rely on God); Lucifer is born at Christmas aka X-Mass! Near water bodies, the frog becomes a symbol of purification and renewal. A frog, you jump from a pot of boiling water. But if you are placed in a pot of tepid water that is gradually heated to boiling, you die. The parable used to explain why humans react quickly to sudden events but fail to react to slowly changing conditions until it is too late. NATO planning to get US troops to the front-line to fight Russia;  Sweden, Norway, Finland; Russia ‘Rus’ and Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’; they fought the Khazars and Mongols. The most common Finno-Ugric creation myth is the earth-diver myth, in which the Devil is forced to dive into the sea and gather sand, from which God forms the earth; this is the theme of ‘Prometheus’. Sámiwas borrowed from the Proto-Baltic word *žēmē, meaning ‘land’ cognate with Slavic zemlja ‘Slavs’ 

Turkey erdogan bahceli map

Would you Sell your soul in exchange for Debt Forgiveness (Worldwide Debt is $305T)? and the ability to live Forever?

Ormus Monoatomic Gold Ormus Gold Monatomic White Powder Gold Mfkzt" - Ormus Monatomic Gold Mfkzt | Facebook

Society of Ormus=OURS refers to the SPIRITUAL Ownership of Souls; Ormus means “Snake/Serpent”; M=13 “Rebellion”, meaning chaos (Eris=Chaos)= 13. 13 is the meaning of the Snake, the dragon, Satan and the murderer. You just lost your Worldcoin digital personhood your Iris’s are Black! Your Soul in Satans! Death is death of the person; Hell awaits! 4,500 year old Cypress, Abarku, Yazd, Iran4,500 year old Cypress, Abarkuh, Yazd, Iran; It is said to be the oldest living organism in Iran and is revered by the Zoroastrians of Iran. The vernal equinox, Mar 22 the beginning of the period of Aries, as the date when Zarathushtra proclaimed the religion. 3/22/80 RC Christian dedicated the Georgia Guide Stones calling for the extermination of all but 500M people living in harmony with nature. 3/22 the Serpents shadow descends the pyramid of El Castillo. 3/22/10 at 3:22UTC Universal Health Care was illegally enacted. Society 322 aka Skull&Bones meets at Yale Univ. 

The Zodiac Sign Libra Symbol - Personality, Strengths, Weaknesses

 Libra literally translates to “pair of scales of Justice” the astrological seventh house. Keyword from the Soul: “I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.” “When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets And love will steer the stars…” Just remember the Black Horse carries a PAIR OF SCALES. The World is in Debt $300 trillion (US Citizens owe $250,000 each)To whom? Edom (Britain=B’Rith=Covenant Men) Gen 27:39-41KJV soon to be 4th Beast of Iron, the 4th Pale Green Horse “Death” and “Hell” is close behind Rev 6:8 The rich ruleth over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender.” Prov 22:7 There is 1 way “And forgive us our debts (Sins are Debts) as we forgive our debtors” Mat 6:12KJV

Kol Nidre Sept 22, 2023 ♍ Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22.
Rabbis forgive Sins of their congregations PLAN TO COMMIT from Yom Kippur “Day of Atonement” Sept 25, 2023 ♎ Libra (Balance) September 23–October 23, the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Just remember there are 2 Balances carried by the Black Horse rider! Sept 25-Dec 25=91days; The shadow of the Serpent descends 91 steps of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl
Selling your Soul
Breaking: Fans were initially alerted about the health scare when the actor's daughter Corinne Foxx shared a grave statement on social media this past Wednesday; pictured in 2019
  1. very dark irises, or eyes that appear black; Elon Musk as a child (13:00 Irises of the Eyes are Black
  2. pupils that don’t dilate an expression,
  3. a smile, that doesn’t reach the eyes
  4. a “soulless” stare

He ‘Went To Hell & Back’, Blind and Paralyzed, now filming Back in Action after he “Sold the Holy Ghost” (in the movie)

They Cloned Tyrone (Turannos Sovereign, KIng, Lord) produced and starred in by Jamie Foxx “Slick Charlie” (Free Man) A FOX tail is the badge of a Fool! He discovers “a sinister plot that upends everything he believes about himself and the world” A “Cloning Lab “Off to see the wizard again” “He made a deal with the Devil” (in the movie) allegedly had a Stroke in April Now he’s back 3 months later with Black Iris’ as if nothing had happened; IMMORTALITY IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR SOUL Gen 3:22NIV “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” Gen 3:22KJV “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for everTree of Life is JESUS!

Venus: Arab al Uzza “Mighty One” aka Turan. The Crescent Moon and Star represent Lucifer (Arab Hilal; Mormon Heylel) and Venus, the Turkestan Confederation. “Turk” and “Turanian” became used interchangeably during the Islamic era; Turanism or Tartarism is the biggest confederation you have likely never heard of. Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes planning the largest Exodus in world history across the Silk Road to Armageddon. Turan is derived from Tur/Tor “Black, Dark” The Dark Civilization underlying 40+ nations; “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” who worship Tengri (Zeus).  Ur of the Chaldees means “Land, Earliest, Primeval” Sumerian “Dog” or “Wolf”; Hungarian ie Huns Ur=Lord/God. Ur is seen in the United Nations URI “United Religions Initiative” Klaus Schwab is named after Suebi aka Alemani Germans; worshippers of Mars the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” (Acts 17:22-23). The Wolf is used as a ritual costume by Alemani and is the center of the Turanian People.

Klaus Schwab is a Suebi aka Alemani,”Worshippers of Mars” the god of War ignorantly worshipped as the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” Acts 17:22-23 Schwab controls the WEF which controls the Young Global Leader’s School and Global Shapers, accounting for many government and Industry leaders. The Scabbard is an Alemani warrior in a ritual wolf costume; the same wolf at the center of the Turanian Confederation.

Heinrich Bunting an early Lutheran-Calvinist-Protestant theologian foresaw the future map of “The World that Matters” centered on Jerusalem, the city Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV); England separated (BREXIT) and America separated from the “World that Matters” Pan Eur-Asia is called Turan (Venus) or Tartary, a Confederation against God.

Ukraine Flag is the Khazarian Tamga aka Seal of the Khazars aka Aryans. False converts to Judaism, Crypto Jews “Pharisees” who killed Jesus now lead the Ukraine-Russia War. The Trident of Poseidon/Neptune represents the “Beast rising from the Sea” (Rev 13) aka Antichrist. Turkic Shaman who worship the Sky-Father Tengri aka Zeus; Jesuits “Militia of Zeus” like Biden are managed by Rabbis (Pharisees) as is Vadimir Putin and Vlodymyr Zelensky, with the goal of falsifying the Gog and Magog War

Jesus warned “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Mat 23:9 Atilla “Father”, the famous leader of the Huns 4-5c ad worshipped Tengri “Sky-Father”, Greeks called Zeus; Romans called Jupiter aka “Heavenly Father”; today the world is ruled from Capitols “Wombs of Jupiter” and Priests going by the title “Father”. Huns were Iranian (Aryan) marauders described as reckless destroyers of beauty; eg the Rouran (Chinese) Ruanruan Khaganate later merged with Mongols under Genghis Khan, controlling Turan/Tartaria via the Silk Road. China is rebuilding the ancient route called One Belt; One Road. The symbol of Heavenly Father is the Divine Hammer of Thor and Sickle of Saturn aka the Grim Reaper adopted by Esau who sold his birthright and was renamed Edom=Red. Venus is Turan which forms a 5pt Star around the Sun every 8 years.


Gesar refers to Kaisar, the Turkish word for “king” or “emperor,” derived from Caesar aka Antichrist NESARA/GESARA “The Great Reset”  known as the “Dove of Oneness“, that all debts will be wiped out in a radical reset of the World Economy in exchange for selling your Soul
(Global Economic Security and Recovery Act) is derived from Mongolian Gesar (Turkic Kaiser/Caesar/Czar) Nicholas Roerich (FDR’s Rosicrucian adviser) installed the Seal on the $US 9/11/1935, his museum is in NYC detailing Gesar Khan and Shambhala the name of a mythical kingdom in Central Asia where the people enjoyed harmony, good health, and well-being. Roerich defined Gesar Khan as riding a White Horse, leading an Invincible Army to dispense general justice using Thunderous Arrows. Bow and Arrow is the weapon of the Crowned White Horse rider. Poison Arrows ( eg Artemis=Butcher uses Bow/Arrows; Strongs #5115 Toxon=Pharmakeia (Rev 18:23); Pharmakos “Ritual Sacrifice”. Roerich stated Gesar will be physically incarnated in Shambhala aka Shangri-La the original name of Camp David. America will be Scapegoated as Rev 18 “Economic Babylon”; America’s $700T Debt used as payment for the world’s debt. Leading the band is WEF (World Economic Forum) Klaus Schwab whose Young Global Leader’s School has initiated Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron and 1600 others.

Khorasan “Land of the Rising Sun” and Turan are the reasons for the 42 year Gulf Wars. The Ancient Silk Road dates from the pre-Flood; rebuilding it is the One Belt One Road Initiative.

Jan 2022 Updates

  1. China closing ports to US shippers; Supply Chain backlog at LA/Long Beach/NJ/NY Ports
  2. North-South Trucking between Canada-US-Mexico blocked; 50% of US truckers are reportedly unvaccinated; Trudeau furloughs 38K Truckers and blocks 76K truckloads/wk to US
  3. International airlines cancelling US bound flights over unfounded 5G concerns
  4. NATO rejects Russian Security Guarantees
  5. Russia closes Ukraine embassy and consulate in Ukraine in final preparation for war
  6. US sending Russian made Mi-17 Helicopters to Ukraine to fight Russian invasion. (You may want to read that again until it makes sense)
  7. US F-16’s in Ukraine;
  8. F-15’s in Romania.
  9. US Military calling up active reservists; Biden commits 50,000 troops; sending first 8500
  10. Forward Response Group (Mercenaries like BlackWater/Xe Services) arrive in Donbass
  11. US/UK/Aus Embassies in Ukraine evacuate non-essential personnel in preparation for Russian invasion
  12. Russian Fighters and S-400 missiles arrive in Belarus
  13. Russian bombers/fighters arrive in Kaliningrad
  14. Russia-China-Iran War Games Indian Ocean
  15. US-NATO War Games Neptune Strike 22 begin
  16. 6.6 Earthquake hits southern Japan at the terminus of the Ancient Silk Road
  17. NATO sends cargo planes full of ammunition to Ukraine; Cold Response Exercise Mar Vladimir Putin, ECB Chief Christine LaGarde, EU President Ursula von der Leyen, Ukraine President Vlodymyr Zelensky, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg along with the German, Austrian and Hungarian Chancellors, French President, British PM, Finland PM are all initiates of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School

GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act) is derived from Mongolian Gesar (Turkic Kaiser/Caesar/Czar) Nicholas Roerich (FDR’s Rosicrucian adviser) installed the Seal on the $US 9/11/1935, his museum is in NYC detailing Gesar Khan and Shambhala. Roerich defined Gesar Khan as riding a White Horse, leading an Invincible Army to dispense general justice using Thunderous Arrows. Bow and Arrow is the weapon of the Crowned White Horse rider. Poison Arrows ( eg Artemis=Butcher uses Bow/Arrows;Strongs #5115 Toxon=Pharmakeia (Rev 18:23); Pharmakos “Ritual Sacrifice”. Roerich stated Gesar Khan will be physically incarnated in Shambhala aka Shangri-La the original name of Camp David. America will be Scapegoated as Rev 18 “Economic Babylon”; America’s $700T Debt used as payment for the world’s debt. Leading the band is WEF (World Economic Forum) Klaus Schwab whose Young Global Leader’s School has initiated Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron and 1600 others. The One Ring to Rule them all is Sodomy/Pederasty/Pedophilia and Adrenochrome Harvesting/

Greater Turan (Venus) was the global trade network for children and addictive Adrenochrome (Rabbit harvesting in the pre-Flood world “God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” Gen 6:5; everyone was warned and only Noah listened; the Ark today is a one on one personal relationship with JESUS. Khorasan (Land of the Sun; Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan) combined with Turan forms the Confederation against God listed in Ps 83 which encompasses most all of the known world; re-connecting this is the One Belt One Road Initiative Venus/Turan and Lucifer are the same “Light Bearer”; The UN will require everyone to accept a Luciferian Initiation to enter the New Age. Venus forms a 5pt Star around the Sun every 8 years (8/5=Golden Mean); the Sun contains the Black Sun, one of 2 mathematical points of Saturn’s apparent orbit aka Black Sun  Rabbis (Same root as Arab; Venus=Uzza “Mighty One”) are filling a 2100 year old plan written in 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll  The Gog and Magog invasion comes from the north (Russia/Ukraine) at the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ; The Russian invasion of Ukraine is orchestrated by one of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders Vladimir Putin. Rabbis control Vladimir Putin and don’t believe Him or anything He said especially in Revelation as they reject the Holy Ghost. 2 Earthquakes hit northern Israel Jan 23, 2022; Rabbis promptly declared the Days of Messiah and Gog and Magog are at hand. Don’t fall for this deception; Rev 20:7-8 is very clear “Gog and Magog is over 1000 years from now. This deception centers on Crimea; Sarmation Priest-Kings were exiled to Crimea; the largest pre-Flood pyramids on Earth are just offshore Sargon III will be their Alternative Messiah YHWH

Hammersmith London Police Dept Covid 19 case number #6029679/21 taken up by the ICC (International Criminal Court) Case #ICC OTP-CR-473/21 Charges: Treason, War Crimes, Violation of Nuhremberg Code and Human Rights Act, Terrorism, Murder, Blackmail, Fraud, Corruption, Corporate Manslaughter, Conspiracy to administer poison with intent to do grievous bodily harm. BoJo abruptly ended Mask and Covid 19 Vaccine mandates; is this why?

Silvianus: Silva “Woods/Forest” + Anus “Ring” or “Of the Ring”. Why does the Ring of Silvianus have a Rabbit Silvianus is equivalent with Pan (All; Everyone; All Inclusive) “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” Gen 6:5 Groves are were “Evil is done in sight of the LORD”; Druids “Knowers of Trees” held every powerful position in Government, Judiciary and Religion in Gaul. 2000 Elite meet in Bohemian Grove today What were people doing that caused God to Flood the Earth and kill all but 8 people? Ritual Sodomy, Child Sacrifice and Adrenochrome Harvesting. When Jesus returns, why will He kill everyone on Earth? Same reason; you had better hit you are in the Wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) folks! Example: “Hi Kamala, I love you. You always have my back. You’re the best partner I could imagine”-Joe Biden; Kamala responded with “I do” The One Ring to Rule them all” is the Ring of Silvianus. Jesus (Gen 18-19) gave Lot the chance to find just 10 men in Sodom not worthy of being destroyed by Fire and Brimstone. There weren’t any Kamala Harris is a Man!!! (named Kamal Aroush) Google It! – American Media Group The initiation requirement of esoteric secret societies (eg Freemasonry) is Ritual Sodomy. “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly” Gen 13:13 “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel” Deut 23:17 Why would a Gold Ring representing the god of the Groves have a depiction of Venus as a Rabbit?  Venus=Turan, the Assyrian goddess Anammelech (2Ki 17:31); the White Rabbit is Adrenochrome, and the Elite are addicted to it. Greater Turan is the rebuilding the pre-Flood ancient Silk Road, a world addicted to human sacrifice; Jesus warned “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” Mat 24:22

JESUS is the only path in the New Covenant to becoming a son or daughter of Israel; Jacob lost that right 2700 years ago (Amos 5:2; 7:2-3;5-6KJV)Sodom CeDom “To Burn” refers to the Canaanite City on the Dead Sea as well as a SPIRITUAL state (Rom 1:27; Lev 18:22; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 7) The inscription on the Ring is an image of the Rabbit; the Assyrian goddess Anammelech aka Venus; Arab Uzza “Mighty One”; Turan, the god of the Mongol Golden Horde. The same Ring can be seen in Rockefeller Plaza with Prometheus. The Ring is associated with the Tuatha de Danaan; Fisher King of Phoenicia; the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus (Acts 17:23) and King Arthur “Branch of the Terrible Ones” Is 25:5, the Star Arcturas guiding the Big Dipper around Polaris forming the Swastika, the oldest post Flood symbol on earth. The myth associated with the Ring is a Curse remedied via Initiation. Cain’s Curse crossed the Flood via Incest between Ham and his Cainite mother (likely Namaah); everyone carries this Curse which can only remedied through JESUS via the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV). Ritual Sodomy is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; there will be no Sodomites in Heaven. What does it mean to be Rich and Powerful? Dyn means “Power”

Panda means “Fork or Split in the Road” in Swahili; follow the White Rabbit down this road and Hell is certain; just ask Jimmy Fallon

Chinese New Year of the Tiger Feb 1; the Eye of the Tiger is the last thing a person sees before death. National Prayer Breakfast sponsored by The Family Feb 3; Beijing Olympics Feb 4-20, 2022 Motto: ” Together for a shared future” This would be the One Belt; One Road Initiative, rebuilding the Ancient Silk Road  (Astana/Nursultan Kazakhstan is the Capital of the Sublime Threshold (Sublime means Ultimate Boundary); Astana is the Keystone of Greater Turan There is no way to be delicate discussing this; the Ice Panda represents Ritual Sodomy of Children; the Ultimate Boundary between Heaven and Hell;  the invisible 6th Olympic Ring is the “Ring to rule them all”, a hallmark of most every “Esoteric” secret society which activates the Root Chakra. Egyptian Anubis is the Greek Anus, the Holy Door of the New Age; the UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the new age unless he/she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” (Sodomy); “One Ring to Rule them All”, the Eye of Sauron, Eye of Horus atop the Unfinished Pyramid of the $ONE (Anus above the inverted “V”); the Gold Ring of Senicianus inscribed with Venus (Turan); the Ring of the Fisher King (Arthur=Branch of the Terrible Ones Is 25:5; Christians knowingly or not put this symbol on necklaces and car bumpers) Esoteric Masons know this and laugh Mascot: Bing Dwen Dwen an ice covered Panda. Bing=Ice Dwen Dwen=Children. Panda Eyes is slang among pedophiles for child sodomy; literally Sodomized children on ice. Pizza Gate brought this to light; Cheese Pizza a preference for girls; Pepperoni a preference for Boys; just ask Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain. In children, Panda Eyes result in children subjected to forced sodomy; in adults from Adrenochrome aka “White Rabbit” harvesting from frightened children is called “Passing children in fires to Molech”. Turan is Venus, the Easter Rabbit called Anammelech (2 Ki 17:31), the consort of Adrammelech aka Molech.  John Lennon’s Strawberry Fields Forever is the Salvation Army Orphanage closed after 70 years of child abuse. Ringo Starr “Your’e 16, you’re beautiful and your mine” Pink Champagne on Ice is children’s body parts kept on ice; Eagles’s Hotel California is the Black House on California St where the Church of Satan was founded; You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave; its a one way street to Hell; the Sublime Threshold. Strawberry Champagne on ice is what Bruno Mars likes. DynCorp “Every mission is critical” refers to child sex trafficking Marc Dutroix Affair at Chateau Amerois; GHW Bush’ 1000Pts of Light Foundation; both refer to sacrificed children; McMartin Preschool (NSA Gen Michael Aquino, Temple of Set); Clinton Foundation Laura Silsby’s New Life Children’s Refuge in Meridian ID; Franklin Saving’s and Loan; NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Ass); Cibolo Creek “Rent Boy Ranch” (Pedophiles Antonin Scalia, Mick Jagger, Charlie Sheen, Dick Cheney); JonBenet Ramsey (Neil “Fascism Forever” Gorsuch attends same St John’s Episcopal Church in Boulder as the Ramsey’s). Jeff Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s Pedophile Island; Mormon Church’s Eldorado City (What is a king size bed doing in the chapel?).   Bing Dwen Dwen is literally Sodomized Children on Ice; the One Belt One Road to Hell.


Cooperative Security Treaty Organization: Soviet Nations of Independent Tartary include Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and use the Hammer, Sickle and Red Star. Esau sold his birthright and was renamed Edom=Red; Edomites will gain worldwide “Dominion” seen in the world map colored Red; Venus/Turan is the Star called the Morning and Evening Star. Tartary and Turan are the same confederacy; Tur is cognate with Thor; Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir seen in the Maccabees “Hammer of God” and Pfizer’s mutagenic Oral Covid 19 pill Molnupirivir. The Sickle (Fauci means Sickle) is the weapon of the Grim Reaper aka Chronos “Times Up” folks, the Thresher of Wheat is after followers of JESUS, regarded as Tares in the Wheat to be separated at the Jebusite Threshing Floor aka Temple Mount.

Tatars, Turanians worship Tengri “Heavenly Father” and Earth Mother (Umay/Ana) Assyrians call Earth Mother Anammelech (2 Ki 17:31), likely Naamah/Nanna (Pleasant/pleasing to YHWH).

Scutum Fidel



Jesus railed on hypocrites like the Pharisees (Rabbis/Priests) and Sadducees (Scribes); Masoretes were one such group of Scribes who changed JEHOVAH (JESUS) to YHWH (Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Dragon/Serpent Rev 12:9) Tatar Shaman Devil Priests brought the west the Santa Claus myth. Another group of Scribes wrote alterations to Deut 6:4 eliminating JESUS as LORD and placing the scrolls in Mezuzah’s over every door in a radiation hardened bunker at Beit Shemesh called Project 911 on Site 911 awaiting the arrival of Antichrist. Cain was Cursed and passed the Curse across the Flood to Canaan who married Edomites and are set to achieve worldwide Dominion. The Mongol Golden Horde carried Bubonic Plague to Europe via Crimea from Wuhan 666 years before SARS Coronavirus not coincidentally broke out in Wuhan, the world’s first 5G demonstration city; SAR means “Priest”, Crimean Tartar Shaman Devil Priests aka Sarmation “Priest-Kings” in Crimea spread the disease on fleas and rats. Sargon the Great aka Canaan was the first Legitimate King; Sargon III will be the last; Turanians/Tartars call him Gesar Kahn.

Eve (Serpent/Even=Dark=Turan=Venus) and Cain (Sword) have children via incest; Namaah (Earth Mother/Nanna/Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Easter “Eastern Star” is the Black Star etc) and Ham (Black) bring the Curse of the Serpent across the Flood to Canaan (Sargon the Great=Legitimate King) who in turn have children via incest who become eternal enemies of Israel: Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites, Girgashites, Amorites, Jebusites, all bigger, stronger and more powerful than God’s people that God ordered utterly destroyed. Incest, bestiality, adultery, child sacrifice, rape, temple prostitution, orgies, hallmarks of Amalekites “At war with God from generation to generation”; 3 nations escaping the hand of Antichrist Moabites Ammonites and Moabites; Edomites the product of Esau and Canaanite women, the latter 2 incest with Lot.
Japheth the elder (Gen 10:20KJV) is enlarged (Gen 9:27) and dwells in Shem’s tents (Crypto Jews eg Ashkenazi) forming the largest kingdom on Earth hardly anyone has heard of called Turan or Tartar beginning on Chumolongmo (Mt Everest (Earth Mother).

The Central Asian Steppes become the first inhabited land, the Confederation of Nomads (Cain the first Vagabond/Nomad) called the Dark Civilization; they worship Venus (Turan) in the Land of Tur; Turannos meaning Tyrant Ruler or Mistress. Namaah becomes the Temple Prostitute in Ur (BabylOn=Gate of Osiris/Saturn “Black Sun”), her daughter (Likely of the same incest Cain and Eve used) a Temple prostitute (mistress) in Harran (Turkey=Turk=Turan) where Sabaeans (Saba=Sunrise; the Black Sun has 2 points, one inside the Sun, one outside Earth ie the Star of the Magi) introduce worship of the Sun, Moon and Venus in Abraham’s day; Ishmael and Esau marry Canaanite women violating the Covenant God made with Abraham; Esau prophesied to obtain worldwide “Dominion” (Dan 7:6), handing control over to the 4th Beast of Iron; Pale Horse “Death” (Dan 7:7; Gen 6:8) Worship of the Pale Horse “Death” results in “Hell” (Tartarus); Cainites are Society 322 “Brotherhood of Death”; the Skull&Bones symbol used in Piracy with the final goal to steal one’s Soul. eg Black Star worshipper David Bowie narrated the video game Omicron: Nomad Soul stating “Ashtaroth created Omicron as a Soul Prison” Ashtaroth is Venus/Turan.

Turan or Tartary (Persian Tatar) has roots with Tartarus “Hell”, Tartan (Is 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17) the Assyrian Army Commander, Tartar Cloth “Canaanite Cloth”, and Tata, the name of Mongols; “Tata for now” may ring a Baal. Tartan is the Assyrian army commander who took Israel captive and replaced them during the reign of Sargon II (Scottish Presbyterians celebrate Kirkin O Tartan to this day).
Mongols (Mongolia) a mix of Turks and Tartars regarded as barbarian, savage, Irascible; To catch a Tartar means “Get hold of what cannot be controlled” originated in the 1660’s (1st Thanksgiving Turkey; Rosicrucian Ben Franklin wanted the Turkey for the National Bird for this reason). Pluto returns to its July 4, 1776 position Feb 22, 22; Biden’s Ritual? Same date 2/22/81 on Cleopatra’s Needle (Anderson Cooper a grad of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader School). Egypt (Land of Gypsies/Nomads) was Kemet “Black Land”, founded by Mizraim a son of Ham (Black)
Jesus railed on Sadducees and Scribes who become Karaites and Masoretes during the Dark Ages (6th=10th c ad); YHWH/Yahweh, the Black Sun is added to the Old Testament replacing JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) the Hebrew version of JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV)

Venus is the Arab al Uzza “Mighty One” aka Turan. Rosh is added to Eze 38:2 in new bible versions; Why? Rosh means Head: Of Man and Animals eg Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Idol and Head of the Abomination of Desolation. Commander; Top: Mountain Top ie Everest; Summit, Height of the Stars; Chief: Of man, cities, nations, family priest eg Melchisedekians or Sarmations “Priest Kings”; Beginning “Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal Eze 38:1-3NKJV “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” Eze 38:1-3 KJV The world’s largest confederation of nations, history often ignores, yet encompasses much of the world is also called Turan; Tur/Tor=Black. Turan originated with Ham on Chumolongmo aka Mt Everest aka Turtanu immediately after the Flood Turan is a name cognate with Venus aka Arab al Uzza “Mighty One”. The “Dark Ages” were the Golden Age of Karaites and Masoretes, “Jewish Scribes” who added YHWH (a name of the Black Sun Saturn) to scripture. The Chief god of Tartarians and Turanians is Tengri, the sky god equivalent with Zeus aka Dyeus (Daylight/ Blue=666THz), created according to gnostics by his father Saturn “Grim Reaper” aka “Black Sun”; eg Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus (aka Horus, Tammuz, Jupiter), they have been ejected from nearly every nation on earth and we all are about to find out why. Capitols “Womb of Jupiter/Zeus” are in every nation on Earth. Tartar: Latin Tartarus, Persian Tatar or Tata all mean “Hell”; Tartan “Commander in chief” eg the Assyrian army commander who captured and deported Israel (Is 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17) replacing God’s people with foreigners (2 Ki 17:30) Tartan means “Canaanite Cloth” the “Family” of Cain brought across the Flood by Ham and his mother to Canaan. Golden Horde: Mongols, Tatars, Turks carried Bubonic Plague to Crimea from Wuhan 666 years before Covid 19. To catch a Tatar means “Get hold of what cannot be controlled”; Tatarians are called Barbarians, Savages, Rough, Irascible people. Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8 describes a worldwide confederation against Jesus and all of His followers in Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium resulting in the Ancient of Days re-uniting with the Son of Man (Dan 7:14)

The largest confederacy of nations you may have never heard of  is Turan,  Descendants of Japheth the eldest son of Noah.Tur means “Dark/Black” referring to the Dark Star, Black Star eg Nazi SS; Black originates in Ham (Black) who with his Cainite mother, gave birth to the Cursed Canaan. “God shall enlarge Japheth…the sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras…of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah” Gen 9:27; 10:2-3 Basically everyone considered German, Turkish, Greek, Mongolian (Mongols), Hungarian (Huns), Chinese (Hittite and hence Koreans, Japanese and Native Americans such as Inca, American Eskimo ), Georgian, Scythian, East Asian, Phoenician, Armenian, Kurdish, Russian, Celtic, Gaul, Welsh, Scandinavian, Scots, Irish, Jewish (Ashkenazi), Iranian, Bulgar, Kurd, Khazar; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes planning the largest Exodus in world history across the Silk Road to Armageddon. Noah’s Ark settled on Chumolongmo (Earth Mother; today known as Mt Everest), the first populated parts of the Earth being the Central Asian Steppe; Sargon the Great (likely Canaan), the world’s first “Legitimate King” will be succeeded by Sargon III aka Antichrist. The Central Asian Steppe the figure called Gesar Khan (GESARA “Global Economic Security and Reform Act” aka WEF’s Great Reset) is similar to King Arthur of the Druids, the “Once and future king”.

Gesar meaning Caesar refers to a place; where precisely? Guessing Nursultan (Astana) Kazakstan Capital of the Sublime Threshold Atilla the Hun and Genghis Khan rolled into one completely ruthless Antichrist Gesar Khan; Sublime means “Extreme limit/boundary, greatest degree imaginable, also Re-born/Newly born”. Eventually this person will fill Satan’s Seat in Jerusalem, currently in Moscow (Throne of Zeus in Berlin is likely for public consumption). The point is the chaos in Kazakhstan was pre-planned. GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act) is derived from Gesar, the rider of the Black Horse Rev 6:6

Venus forms a 5 pt Star around the Sun every 8 years; 8/5=Phi the Ratio of Life or Golden Mean (1.618) symbolized by the Labrys. Shalim, the Canaanite god of dusk/evening is Venus moving from Evening Star Shalim to Morning Star Shahar “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Is 14:12 Venus represents Lucifer falling from heaven as son of the morning or “Light Bringer” which begins Jan 8, 2022. Madonna celebrated the event, tweeting on Jan 6 “I’m about to give birth” Madonna changed her name to Esther, the husband of the Canaanite god El called Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, whose twin sons are Shalim after which Jerusalem is named and Shahar the “Morning Star” In 2012, Madonna/Esther performed Ishtar’s Descent into Hell at the Super Bowl. At 2019 Eurovsion (Europa rides the Beast in front of the European Parliament built as an unfinished Tower of Babel with seat 666 held vacant) in Tel Aviv she sang Like a Prayer, eye patch, X (X=Chi=Christ) monks chanting on a Scarlett stage. Ready for Midnight Hour? Jan 8 (1/8=666) On 1/8/8 George Bush was presented with Megilat Bush in Zekediah’s Cave under the Temple Mount proclaiming him “Gog, Chief prince of Tubal and Meshech” His Yale Skull & Bones new name was “Gog” in 1968 the year Rosemary’s Baby made its debut.

Kazakhstan Capitol on Fire, Kazakhstan Gov’t resigns; CSTO (Cooperative Security Treaty Org) forces enforce Dictatorship. Why? Greater Turan and “Japheth the elder” (Gen 10:21KJV) wants it back. President Tokayev sacks cabinet, declares curfew, national emergency and seeks aid from Russian President for life Vladimir Putin, fellow Order of the Eagle and Order of Nazarbayev recipient. Removing Fuel price caps (LPG, Nat Gas, Diesel, Gasoline) causes LPG price to double; in other words, a predictable and pre-meditated event. Nursultan Nazarbayev, president for 29 years and namesake of the Capital Nursultan grooms Kassyn-Jomert Tokayev, a self described “Enlightened Muslim”; Tokayev previously served as UN Director General in Geneva and was also awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, a Ukrainian Medal. WWIII/Fake Gog and Magog War? UN Luciferian Initiation? Shariah Law? Center of the Silk Road? Buckle your seat belts folks! “God shall enlarge Japheth…the sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras…of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Ripath, and Togarmah” Gen 9:27; 10:2-3) On Jan 4, 2022 Kazakhstan Government and Cabinet resigned amid rioting and looting over removal of LPG price limits is obviously not the real reason for nationwide chaos. CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Ord) military units from Moscow now in country; the goal? Greater Turan. Tur/Tor is of Iranian origin, meaning Black, Dark, Quick, Strong, Swordsmen; eg Konn Torrs “Priests of the Tor” eg Nazi Panzer Divisions. Barbarians and Nomads of the Golden Horde including Scythians, Celts, Mancurians, Mongols, Turks, Finns, Japanese, Koreans, Hungarians, Khazars. Central Asia Nations: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan. Iranians (Aryans=Noble Caste) view their land as far beyond Iran including Khorasan and Turan. Soviet-US War in Afghanistan was to secure Khorasan; now comes Greater Turan, the dream of Crypto Jew “Morisco” Reccip Tayyip Erdogan. Daniel fainted and got sick when Jesus and Angel Gabriel told him of the Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat (Dan 8); the world is about to find out why.

GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act) is named after Gesar Kahn aka Antichrist worship of the Pale Horse “Death” will be required to enter the New Age, a Luciferian Initiation; Death representing you Name being removed from the Lamb’s Book of Life with “Hell” following close behind. Jesus warned unless He shortened “Those Days” no flesh would be saved. Those Days are here.

Tartary (Persian Tatar) has roots with Tartarus “Hell” and Tartan (Is 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17; Tartan means “Canaanite Cloth”) the Assyrian army commander who took Israel captive and replaced them during the reign of Sargon II (Scottish Presbyterians celebrate Kirkin O Tartan to this day).
Mongols (Mongolia) a mix of Turks and Tartars regarded as barbarian, savage, Irascible; To catch a Tartar means “Get hold of what cannot be controlled” originated in the 1660’s (1st Thanksgiving Turkey; Rosicrucian Ben Franklin wanted the Turkey for the National Bird for this reason). Pluto returns to its July 4, 1776 position Feb 22, 22; Biden’s Ritual? Same date 2/22/81 on Cleopatra’s Needle (Anderson Cooper a grad of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader School). Egypt (Land of Gypsies/Nomads) was Kemet “Black Land”, founded by Mizraim a son of Ham (Black)
Jesus railed on Sadducees and Scribes who become Karaites and Masoretes during the Dark Ages (6th=10th c ad); YHWH/Yahweh, the Black Sun is added to the Old Testament replacing JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) the Hebrew version of JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV)

Venus is the Arab al Uzza “Mighty One” aka Turan. Rosh is added to Eze 38:2 in new bible versions; Why? Rosh means Head: Of Man and Animals eg Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Idol and Head of the Abomination of Desolation. Commander; Top: Mountain Top ie Everest; Summit, Height of the Stars; Chief: Of man, cities, nations, family priest eg Melchisedekians or Sarmations “Priest Kings”; Beginning “Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal Eze 38:1-3NKJV “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” Eze 38:1-3 KJV The world’s largest confederation of nations, history often ignores, yet encompasses much of the world is also called Turan (Tur/Tor=Black, originating with Ham on Chumolongmo aka Mt Everest immediately after the Flood aka Turtanu), a name cognate with Venus aka Arab al Uzza “Mighty One”. The “Dark Ages” were the Golden Age of Karaites and Masoretes, “Jewish Scribes” who added YHWH (a name of the Black Sun Saturn) to scripture. The Chief god of Tartarians and Turanians is Tengri, the sky god equivalent with Zeus aka Dyeus (Daylight/ Blue=666THz), created according to gnostics by his father Saturn “Grim Reaper” aka “Black Sun”; eg Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus (aka Horus, Tammuz, Jupiter), they have been ejected from nearly every nation on earth and we all are about to find out why. Capitols “Womb of Jupiter/Zeus” are in every nation on Earth. Tartar: Latin Tartarus, Persian Tatar or Tata all mean “Hell”; Tartan “Commander in chief” eg the Assyrian army commander who captured and deported Israel (Is 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17) replacing God’s people with foreigners (2 Ki 17:30) Tartan means “Canaanite Cloth” the “Family” of Cain brought across the Flood by Ham and his mother to Canaan. Golden Horde: Mongols, Tatars, Turks carried Bubonic Plague to Crimea from Wuhan 666 years before Covid 19. To catch a Tatar means “Get hold of what cannot be controlled”; Tatarians are called Barbarians, Savages, Rough, Irascible people. Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8 describes a worldwide confederation against Jesus and all of His followers in Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium resulting in the Ancient of Days re-uniting with the Son of Man (Dan 7:14)
The biggest confederacy of nations you may have never heard of are the Descendants of Japheth the eldest son of Noah.Tur means “Dark/Black” referring to the Dark Star, Black Star eg Nazi SS; Black originates in Ham (Black) who with his Cainite mother, gave birth to the Cursed Canaan. “God shall enlarge Japheth…the sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras…of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah” Gen 9:27; 10:2-3 Basically everyone considered German, Turkish, Greek, Mongolian (Mongols), Hungarian (Huns), Chinese (Hittite and hence Koreans, Japanese and Native Americans such as Inca, American Eskimo ), Georgian, Scythian, East Asian, Phoenician, Armenian, Kurdish, Russian, Celtic, Gaul, Welsh, Scandinavian, Scots, Irish, Jewish (Ashkenazi), Iranian, Bulgar, Kurd, Khazar; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes planning the largest Exodus in world history across the Silk Road to Armageddon. Noah’s Ark settled on Chumolongmo (Earth Mother; today known as Mt Everest), the first populated parts of the Earth being the Central Asian Steppe; Sargon the Great (likely Canaan), the world’s first “Legitimate King” will be succeeded by Sargon III aka Antichrist. The Central Asian Steppe the figure called Gesar Khan (GESARA “Global Economic Security and Reform Act” aka WEF’s Great Reset) is similar to King Arthur of the Druids, the “Once and future king”. Gesar meaning Caesar refers to a place; where precisely? Guessing Nursultan (Astana) Kazakstan Capital of the Sublime Threshold Atilla the Hun and Genghis Khan rolled into one completely ruthless Antichrist if you will; Sublime means “Extreme limit/boundary, greatest degree imaginable, also Re-born/Newly born”. Eventually this person will fill Satan’s Seat in Jerusalem, currently in Moscow (Throne of Zeus in Berlin is likely for public consumption). The point is the chaos in Kazakhstan was pre-planned
Venus forms a 5 pt Star around the Sun every 8 years; 8/5=Phi the Ratio of Life or Golden Mean (1.618) symbolized by the Labrys. Shalim, the Canaanite god of dusk/evening is Venus moving from Evening Star to Morning Star Shahar “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Is 14:12 Venus represents Lucifer falling from heaven as son of the morning or “Light Bringer” which begins Jan 8, 2022. Madonna celebrated the event, tweeting on Jan 6 “I’m about to give birth” Madonna changed her name to Esther, the husband of the Canaanite god El called Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, whose twin sons are Shalim after which Jerusalem is named and Shahar the “Morning Star” In 2012, Madonna/Esther performed Ishtar’s Descent into Hell at the Super Bowl. At 2019 Eurovsion (Europa rides the Beast in front of the European Parliament built as an unfinished Tower of Babel with seat 666 held vacant) in Tel Aviv she sang Like a Prayer, eye patch, X (X=Chi=Christ) monks chanting on a Scarlett stage. Ready for Midnight Hour? Jan 8 (1/8=666) On 1/8/8 George Bush was presented with Megilat Bush in Zekediah’s Cave under the Temple Mount proclaiming him “Gog, Chief prince of Tubal and Meshech” His Yale Skull & Bones new name was “Gog” in 1968 the year Rosemary’s Baby made its debut.

Kazakhstan became a Fascist dictatorship Jan 2022. Capitol on Fire, Kazakhstan Gov’t resigns; CSTO (Cooperative Security Treaty Org) forces enforce Dictatorship. Why? Greater Turan and “Japheth the elder” (Gen 10:21KJV) wants it back. President Tokayev sacks cabinet, declares curfew, national emergency and seeks aid from Russian President for life Vladimir Putin, fellow Order of the Eagle and Order of Nazarbayev recipient. Removing Fuel price caps (LPG, Nat Gas, Diesel, Gasoline) causes LPG price to double; in other words, a predictable and pre-meditated event. Nursultan Nazarbayev, president for 29 years and namesake of the Capital Nursultan grooms Kassyn-Jomert Tokayev, a self described “Enlightened Muslim”; Tokayev previously served as UN Director General in Geneva and was also awarded the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, a Ukrainian Medal. WWIII/Fake Gog and Magog War? UN Luciferian Initiation? Shariah Law? Center of the Silk Road? Buckle your seat belts folks! “God shall enlarge Japheth…the sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras…of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Ripath, and Togarmah” Gen 9:27; 10:2-3) On Jan 4, 2022 Kazakhstan Government and Cabinet resigned amid rioting and looting over removal of LPG price limits is obviously not the real reason for nationwide chaos. CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Ord) military units from Moscow now in country; the goal? Greater Turan. Tur/Tor is of Iranian origin, meaning Black, Dark, Quick, Strong, Swordsmen; eg Konn Torrs “Priests of the Tor” eg Nazi Panzer Divisions. Barbarians and Nomads of the Golden Horde including Scythians, Celts, Mancurians, Mongols, Turks, Finns, Japanese, Koreans, Hungarians, Khazars. Central Asia Nations: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan. Iranians (Aryans=Noble Caste) view their land as far beyond Iran including Khorasan and Turan. Soviet-US War in Afghanistan was to secure Khorasan; now comes Greater Turan, the dream of Crypto Jew “Morisco” Reccip Tayyip Erdogan. Daniel fainted and got sick when Jesus and Angel Gabriel told him of the Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat (Dan 8); the world is about to find out why.