Baal-bereth “Lord the the Tree Covenant” Ba’al was either equated with Satan or considered his main lieutenant. 9 months between Easter and Christmas; this is Ashtaroth

Ever wonder why there are no Holidays called: Saturnalia, Hanukkah, Christmas? Noahide Law (“Jewish” and “Christian”) and Shariah Law (Muslim) require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only Unforgivable Sin. BabylON, BabyEl, BabIlu are all the same “Green Man” the Pale Horse and “Allah” Arabic al-Ilāh, “the God.” The name’s origin can be traced to the earliest Semitic writings in which the word for god was il, El, or eloah; Elohim, the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ Ĕlōah, is a Hebrew word meaning “gods”. Eloh “God” is cognate with Allah “God” or El “God”=Molech=Saturn worshipped yearly at Christmas and in the end at the Age of Aquarius. Saturn is Sol Invictus. Ho, Ho, Ho!
Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. Jer 10:2-5
Baal-BerithBaal-Berith “Lord of the Tree Covenant”: Keeper of infernal pacts with Satan (Santa), aka YHWH, Addonai, El, Saturn; Chief secretary of Hell; Demon of Blasphemy; Instigator of Arguments, often depicted wearing a Red Suit, riding a Red Horse. Berit means Covenant and Circumcision. Jer 10 warns against cutting and setting up Trees aka Groves used to worship Baal; Jer 7 warns against baking cakes for the Queen of Heaven aka Ashtaroth (Easter), yet Christians overwhelmingly fall into this trap. The Frog in this depiction of Baal-Berith represents the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13) |
An Ethiopian-Sudanese God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 3,000 YEARS before Jesus.
A Nepal God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 563 YEARS before Jesus.
An Indian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 900 YEARS before Jesus.
An Iranian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1,000 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 800 YEARS before Jesus.
A Persian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin- 600 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 500 YEARS before Jesus.
A Babylonian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 400 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
A Phoenician God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
A Roman God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 30 AD. NO! Feast of Tabernacles 27 Sept 6 bc
“On the 24th of the tenth month,” that is December, according to our reckoning, the Arabians celebrated the BIRTHDAY OF THE LORD–that is the Moon.”- Stanley’s Sabian Philosophy.
Himyarite 9 Branch Menorah Abraham was instructed to leave Ur of the Chaldees; “Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD”. Aramaic-speaking people indigenous to Iraq; “Babylon “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? “My God, my God, why hast thou fosaken me? (Chaldean Priests reject the Holy Ghost) Satan responded by “…smoting Job with sore boils from the sole of his feet to his crown” Job 1:22-2:10 “In all this did not Job sin with his lips” Himyarites are the ancient Sabaean (Saba=Sunrise) kingdom of southwestern Arabia; “On the 24th of the tenth month,” that is December, according to our reckoning, the Arabians celebrated the BIRTHDAY OF THE LORD–that is the Moon.”- Stanley’s Sabian Philosophy The 8 branched Hanukkah Menorah, (Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication,”) a Chaldean Six Pointed Star is added to the 9th Shamash (Sun Lion). Shamash, (Akkadian), Sumerian Utu, in Mesopotamian religion, the god of the sun, who, with the moon god, Sin (Sumerian: Nanna), and Ishtar (Sumerian: Inanna), the goddess of Venus, was part of an astral triad of divinities. Shamash was the son of Sin.
Santa Claus Old Nick: A well-known British name of the Devil. Nicholas is one of the most common devil’s names in German, a name that remains today when Satan is referred as Old Nick. In these plays, the devil’s common entry line, known as the “devil’s bluster,” was “Ho! Ho! Hoh!” Santa Claus originated from a character identified as the devil or Satan. Santa Claus is also derived from the Dutch Sinter Klaas, which also was a form of Saint Nicholas. Santa Claus another anagram for “Satan” and “
Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles (29 Sept, 6 bc) and Circumcised on the 8th Day of Tabernacles. “Zecharias, of the course of Abia (8th 8 day Temple Service in June)…as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived (Nativity of St John is June 24th), and hid herself five months…in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God (Hanukkah/Festival of Lights December 24th, 6 months after Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist)…Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary…the Lord is with thee (Jesus is LORD)…thou shalt conceive in thy womb and …shalt call his name JESUS…thy cousin Elisabeth …also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren…when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.
A decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed (Fiscal Year is September-October)…when Cyrenius was governor of Syria…Joseph also went…out of the city of Nazareth…into the city of David…Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered (Feast of Tabernacles 15 Tishrei; 29 Sept, 6bc). And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn; (Tabernacles was the Feast of Ingathering, everyone attended. In addition Caesar Augustus chose the dated for all to retain to the place of their birth for the “Census”)…there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night (Shepherds bring their flocks out of the mountains by October)….and when eight days (8 Days of Tabernacles) were accomplished for the circumcising of the child (Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant Law by being Circumcised on the 8th Day)… his name was called JESUS Luke 1, Mat 1:25 JESUS=JAH (Ps 68:4KJV)=JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3KJV)
To sum all this up, John the Baptist was conceived on Nativity of St John on 24 June and born 9 months later on Passover; Jesus was conceived when John was 6 months in the womb during Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and born 9 months later on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei); He was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 when the Wise Men arrived in the Spring of 4 bc, the exact time Herod died for ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents”.
“Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.”
Gilead is named after Galeed “Heap of Witness” Jacob chose God Gen 31:45-48 Laban chose the Chaldean version Jeger-sahadutha. Lebanon (Phoenicia) is named after Laban. The Pine Tree Flag is the Flag of Lebanon and was the US first Flag, first used as the Flag of New England; America is the Phoenix of the New Age. Baal-Berith is Lord of the Tree Covenant and Chief Secretary of Hell for Infernal Pacts made with Satan The Flag has the inscription “An appeal to Heaven” or “An appeal to God”; this God however is Satan aka G-D, YHWH, the God of Rabbis. Chaldean Priests went by the title “Rba”, the source of Rabbi.
Christmas the Hittite-Khazar-Masorete “Tradition” of YHWH. Saturn (YHWH), Osiris (On or El seen in BabylOn and BabEl), Horus (KRST), Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster (Undiluted Star=Black Sun), Hercules, Mithras, Dionysus, Tammuz (Tam=Purify + Muz=Fire), Hermes, Adonis (Adonnai=Lord) and Sol were born Dec 25, the Nativity of Sol Invictus; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles Sept 29, 6 bc. “Learn not the way of the Heathen…” Jer 10 The reason for the season is Baal the son of El/Saturn. Baal-berith “Lord of the Covenant” is symbolized by the Evergreen/Palm Tree set up at Hanukkah and Christmas. Baal-Berith “Lord of the Tree Covenant”: Keeper of infernal pacts with Satan (Santa), aka YHWH, Addonai, El, Saturn; Chief secretary of Hell; Demon of Blasphemy; Instigator of Arguments, often depicted wearing a Red Suit, riding a Red Horse. Berit means Covenant and Circumcision; Cretans are “They of the Circumcision” Titus 1:10; today we call them Reverend. Jer 10 warns against cutting and setting up Trees aka Groves used to worship Baal; Jer 7 warns against baking cakes for the Queen of Heaven aka Ashtaroth (Easter), yet Christians overwhelmingly fall into this trap. The Frog in this depiction of Baal-Berith represents the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13); the #1 Commandment in the Old Covenant “Have no other Gods before me”; the #1 Commandment in the New Covenant “Love God with all your heart and soul” Christmas is a celebration of most every false god.
Star of the Magi
The Conjunction of Earth, Sun and Black Sun occurs Dec 25. Dec 25 is no more possible than Jan 6 “3 Kings Day” being the date the Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem. Perhaps significant is the 666 days between Purim 3/11/20 3 Kings Day 2022 the day Coronavirus was “Classified” a Pandemic by the WHO and 3 Kings Day Jan 6, 2022 “Feast of Epiphany”. Either way, the reason for the season is Saturn. Egyptians aligned the Pyramids with Orion’s Belt Orion “Heaven’s Light”, a representation of Osiris “Saturn”; they align with Sirius (Al Qalb; Mormon Kolob, the Blazing Star of Freemasonry) the Star of Isis “Throne” and also with the Rising Sun.
Saturn’s apparent orbit is described by 2 Mathematical Foci; one lies inside the boundary of the Visible Sun and the other called the Black Sun outside Earth’s apparent orbit located in the constellation Capricorn the Saturnian Goat. On Dec 25 the Visible Sun appears to Rise from Earth’s perspective at 3 deg Capricorn, and with it the Black Sun or Invisible Sun; hence Saturn was called the Rising Sun. Worship of the Rising Sun caused the Glory of the LORD (Holy Ghost) to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8) and Jesus to take the same route. Mat 2:1-12 tells the story: Wise Men from the East followed a Star in the East that went before them until they arrived at Bethlehem. The Star they followed is Saturn’s Foci rising in the East with the Sun and rising again in the East as the Black Sun as the visible sun sets in the west. The Christ Child the Magi were searching for was the son of Saturn known by a dozen names. The Magi arrived in the spring of 4 bc; Jesus was by then a “Young Child” (Mat 2:8) in Egypt (Mat 2:13)
Notice the 2 light sources: Christus is Latin for “Annointed One” from Arab Masha; Hebrew Masiah “Annoint”. Mormo is “King of the Ghouls; God of the Graveyard and God of the living Dead”. Mormons regard God the Father as Elohim, plural for El the Canaanite creator El “Great One” with Yahweh, the revealed Sacred Name. Rabbi is derived from al Rab “Great One” the title of Chaldean and Sabean (Saba means Rising Sun) Priests “Rba”; this is why Jesus warned to never call anyone Rabbi (Mat 23:8). Masoretes (Scribes; Masorete means “Tradition”) introduced YHWH, the Rabbinical Tetragammaton, the ineffable name written as G-D. Saturn’s apparent elliptical orbit has 2 Foci, one inside the Sun, one outside between the apparent orbits of Jupiter and Saturn called the Black Sun or Black Star; this is the light source illuminating the Christus. On Dec 24 Earth, Sun and Black Sun align; worship of the Rising Sun caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8); rejection of Jesus as Messiah 640 years later caused the Glory of the LORD to depart by the exact same path. Worship of Christmas will soon cause the exact same removal of the Holy Ghost from New Covenant “Human” Temples. In the fall of 1321 the last Cathar Perfecti was executed predicting “In 700 years the laurel will grow green again” the Laurel Crown represents the Anointing of Bacchus/Dionysus/Osiris, all names of Saturn/El/Yahweh/YHWH.

Satan’s Seat ca 1700-1500bc: The Minoutaur=Bull. Crete was the holiest and political power centers in all the world. What they had known as the center and navel of the world. “Cretan against Cretan,”and they are labeled as the Nicolaitans “Conquer the Laity” “ One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.” Titus 1:12
Arameans worshipped Mesopotamian gods such as Sin, Ishtar (whom they called Astarte), Shamash, Tammuz, Bel and Nergal, but also some Canaanite–Phoenician deities such as the storm-god, El, the supreme deity of Canaan, in addition to Anat (‘Atta) and others. Mandaeans are followers of John the Baptist aka St John the Divine and Water Baptism, Aramaic (Aram=Syria) manda means “knowledge,” and is conceptually related to the Greek term gnosis. Water baptism is Aramaic; the real Baptism is the Holy Ghost, and a Fire in the Heart.
Aleph=Calf or an Ox; Golden Bull=Satan of the Golden Age. Numbers 29:13 “You shall offer a burnt offering, an offering by fire, of a sweet savour to the LORD: thirteen young bullocks…” Exodus 32 and I Kings 12, worship of the golden calf is seen as a supreme act of apostasy, the rejection of a faith once confessed. The bull is generally assumed to represent the constellation of Taurus. The figure is a representation of the Egyptian bull god Apis the embodiment of Ptah (Ptah-Rekh=Patrick Latin patricius, meaning “nobleman”, “of noble origin” or “patrician”; “King”, “Lord”) and later of Osiris (“Green One”; Bab=Gate + On “Babylon”). Canaanite fertility god Baal, Sumerian religion, Marduk is the “bull of Utu“. In Hinduism, Shiva‘s steed is Nandi, the Bull. Human-headed winged bulls from Sargon II Ka, in Egyptian, is both a religious concept of life-force/power and the word for bull. Kao (bull), a supernatural divine bull. The Canaanite (and later Carthaginian) statue to which sacrifices were burnt, either as a deity or a type of sacrifice to Moloch was referred to as a horned man, and likened to Cronus=Satan by the Romans. There may be a connection between sacrifice to the Cretan (Zeus=White Bull horned man Minotaurand Cronus himself. Bulls were a central theme in the Minoan civilization, with bull heads and bull horns used as symbols in the Knossos palace; Satan’s Seat was there. 16th century BCE bull calf from Ashkelon, and the 12th century BCE bull found at the so-called Bull Site in Samaria on the West Bank. Solomon‘s “Molten Sea” basin stood on twelve brazen bulls. Dionysus is also invited to come as a bull, “with bull-foot raging. Tauroctony of Mithras, taurobolium a bull was sacrificed for the well-being of the people and the state. “The bull was also associated with the storm and rain god Adad, Hadad or Iškur “great radiant bull, your name is heaven” . Hadad was equated with the Greek god Zeus; the Roman god Jupiter ie Molech. druids climbed a sacred oak, cut down the mistletoe growing on it, sacrificed two white bulls and used the mistletoe to cure infertility. Nativity scenes are carved or assembled at Christmas time. Many show a bull or an ox near the baby Jesus, lying in a manger. The Calf or Ox Is Yahweh YHWH=Satan Note: There is no 7yr Tribulation; only a 31/2 1260 Day Tribulation. There is no Rapture 1 Cor 15:52 “last trump”; 1 Thess 4:16-17“trump of God” Rev 10:7 “seventh angel”. There are NO ALIENS. Explorer 1 measured the Radiation in the Van Allen Belts at 2500+ the Lethal Dose. JESUITS INVENTED THE RAPTURE AND ALIENS
Hamas #2555 chamas: violence, wrong or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)? “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with chamas-violence.” Gen 6:11 Founder Khalid Mashal (embezzled $5B) orders Muslims to unleash a ‘Day of Rage’ on Friday; we are asking for your blood and souls to be sacrificed for Palestine (Canaanite, Philistines); Muslims around the world to embrace a day of global jihad this Friday the 13th.

Oct 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse and Apr 8, 2024 Total Eclipse on God’s New Year 1 Nisan intersect over Corpus ‘body’ Christi “anointed” in Egyptian k-r-t “Horus”; Jewish “Mashiah”. Gen 22:22 Chesed=Chasidic=Kaballah=Rebbe”=Rabbi=”Rba” 2/22/2022 + 777Days=April 8, 2024. The 2024 and 2017 eclipses intersect over Cairo a_l-Qāhirah_ in Arabic, this strong masculine means “the Vanquisher,” “the Conqueror,” or “victorious”; Chi=Christ=X +Rho=(XP) of the Greek word for Christ, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. Entering the US, the eclipses form an Unfinished Pyramid; the 2017 Eclipse passes overSalem “Jerusalem”, “peace”, Hebrew shalom, Arabic salaam. The 2023 Eclipse passes over Abram, Abraham after his Covenant with Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem”, “Priest of the Most High”; the “h” means “God is with me” Together, the 3 Eclipses for an Aleph=Calf the “Golden Calf”. “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” Dan 8:14 1260 Days “Great Tribulation” + Personal Income Tax Form 1040=2300 Days
“But be not ye called Rabbi” Matt 23:8 That’s because Rabbis=Chaldean “Rba”, Babylonian sorcerers. In Mandaeism, Hayyi Rabbi is ‘The Great Living God’ Aleph “Calf”, #1 “Alliance for Jewish Renewal” Jews=Aleph=Calf; What do Jewish Renewal have to do with the Golden Bull? Jews are Canaanite, Phoenician, Babylonian, Medean; not Semitic! 2 Ki 17:30 Jesus is Alpha! Shabbat Bereishit — “Shabbat of Beginning” — the first Shabbat of the annual Torah reading cycle, on which the Torah section of Bereishit (“In the Beginning”) “In the beginning was Saturn “Black Star”, “Primeval Sun” and the end is Saturn “El”. Bab=Gate Bab + On=Osiris “Green One”; Bab + El (Canaanite); Bab + Ilu=Allah; JESUS is Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot? Chag HaAsif ‘Festival of Ingathering’ or ‘Harvest Festival’ Sure looks like a Harvest Festival to me! Numbers 29:13 “You shall offer a burnt offering, an offering by fire, of a sweet savour to the LORD: thirteen young bullocks…”
And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. Gen 9:25-27 What do you want? Blessing? or Curse? “Jews” are Canaanites, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Medeans all Cursed!
WWIII Israel-Arab The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. 33deg Freemason, Jesuit Albert Pike Aug 15, 1871 “Feast of Lucifer”, the anniversary the 1st Jesuit Oaths “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” James 5:12 33rd Degree Freemasons are on both sides!
Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine
33deg Mason Norman Vincent Peale, Donald Trumps mentor was a Presbyterian Pastor and Shriner; 33deg Mason Benjamin Netanyahu is President of Israel and a Shriner 33deg Mason Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini the former Supreme Leader of Iran was a Shia initiated in Paris At the 28th Level “Rainbow Arch” Degree, Mason learn the Messiah’s name Jah-Baal-On; the Edomite National god Qōs “Yahweh” the Kenite god Cain (קַיִן Qayin) Qayin, meaning ‘a lance’ “Spear of Destiny”; “…eyeballs pierced to the center with a three-edged blade, my feet flayed and I be forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with livid plague, and may Allah, the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers” The Oath of a Shriner declares Allah to be “the god of our fathers.”
ZOROASTER Undiluted Star=Black Star=Satan
Joktan is on both sides of WWIII! Israel declares “State of War” on Arabs “The Virgin of Israel has fallen; she shall more rise” Amos 5:1 Who is that? Canaanites (Joktan-Sabeans “Rba” eg Gaza, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran), Phoenicians (Lebanon), Babylonians (Iraq), Medeans (Iranians), Chaldeans “Rba”=Rabbis) and Jordan (Idumea: Edom, Ammon, Moab Dan 11:39) Hamas #2555 chamas: violence, wrong or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)? “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with chamas-violence.” Gen 6:11 Sabeans are Arabs “Rba” Rabbis are Chaldean “Rba”; Which one? Shem-Eber-Arphaxad (Eber, Kesed=Chesed Gen 22:22)=Chabad Lubavitch “Rebbes”, but JESUS also is from Judah; He said “But be not ye called Rabbi…” Matt 23:8 Why? Rev 7KJV Juda, the “h” is missing, “h” means “God is with me” when JESUS gives it to you! 50 Years after Article 40 Aleph “Calf” first used in 1973 during Yom Kippur War, 50 years later a Declaration of War on the 8th Day of Tabernacles(Jesus was Circumcised) 29 Oct-6 Oct, 2023 (The AI Creator debuted 29 Oct). Sukkot Shemini Atzeret “the Eighth day of Assembly” is a Jewish holiday. Israel is Under Attack; this war will lead to the 3rd Temple being built for ANTICHRIST! There is no Temple in the Millennium! 800+ Missiles Fired from Gaza; Hamas enters Israel by land and by Air. 1000+ Dead, Injured. Israel declares “State of War“; Arabs are Sabians, Sephardic “Jews”, “Rba”=Rabbis; Hamas is led by 33deg Freemason Mahmoud Abbas. Israel is Phoenician (Caphtorim), Babylonian, Medean (2 Ki 17:30); Rabbis are Chaldean “Rba”; Israel is run by 33deg Freemason Benjamin Netanyahu; neither side is Semitic. Israeli minister reads Torah scroll in Saudi Arabia;
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and Nobody; “God is dead”, the term for all this apparent progress was nihilism. “We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.” 33 deg Freemason Albert Pike. Zarathustra created this most portentous of all errors morality
Hamas: Muslim Brotherhood was created through a grant from the British. B’Rith=Covenant Men; Cain, Canaan, Ishmeal, Esau, Amalekites=Dominion Dan 7:6. The Brotherhood has been used for new imperial objectives, where they pose as the bogey man which the Americans can chase with their armies into Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel has maintained a long-standing relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, with its most recent manifestation being its participation in the founding of an offshoot organization, Hamas. “Israel started Hamas, the Islamic Association, which membership branches throughout the Gaza Srip. “Hamas is a creation of Israel” Hamas ve-shod ekra (“I call out ‘Robbery!’ and ‘Violence!’”) or Job’s “Hen ets’ak h.amas ve-lo e’aneh (“Lo, I cry ‘Violence!’ and am not answered.”).
Dan 12: Great Tribulation lasts 1260 days and starts on/about Passover-
Hamas was created by Israel and the US Yasser Arafat referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.” Iran (modern version) was created by GHW “Magog” Bush and Shia Ayatollah Ali Khomeini
Zoroaster: Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste will support Hamas “until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem…We welcome the Palestinian fighters,” -Rahim Safavi, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader 33deg Freemason, Shia Ayatollah Ali Khomeini. GAZA is Philistina.
- Turan=Iran! “And by thy sword shalt thou live…” Gen 27:40 Turannos=Sovereign, King, Lord; Pashto turan (thuran) “swordsman”. Turan is derived from Tur/Tor “Black, Dark”. Green Man=Satan; the Pale Green Horse “Death” and “Hell” awaits! Rev 6:8
- Hamas #2555 chamas: violence, wrong or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)? “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with chamas-violence.” Gen 6:11 begins Operation Al Aqsa Flood
- 800,000 from Libya (Cyrenaica “Synagogue of Libertines”), 500,000 from Tunisia, 250,00 from the Balkans; 300,000 IDF Resevists
- Hamas military chief calls on Hezbollah “Party of God,” from hezb/hizb “party” + allah “God.” Lebanon-based Shia terrorist group, advocates Shia empowerment globally, Iran is Shia! Based in Lebanon=Laban comes from the Phoenician root lbn meaning “white”; Laban the Aramean does not share Jacob’s faith (Gen. 29:1–30; 31:2) “My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?” Matt 27: 46 to join the fighting against Israel; Canaanites and Phoenicians fighting Canaanites and Phoenicians!
- Hamas founder Kaleed Mashal (embezzled $5B) orders Muslims to unleash a ‘Day of Rage’ on Friday; we are asking for your blood and souls to be sacrificed for Palestine (Philistines).
- Biden approves emergency military aid package to Israel worth $8 billion
- Gog and Magog? Eze 38-39 AFTER THE 1000 Years!
- Damascus, Syria, the Coordination point for HAMAS, Hezbollah and Iran. The burden of Damascus. “Destroy Damascus if Hezbollah Enters War”“Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap” Is 17:1. Living Hell
- US weapons left behind in Afghanistan were used to attack Israel.
- Iran helped plan Hamas’s attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting last Monday (Proviso)
- Israel Striking Targets In Lebanon (Phoenicia) Joel 3:4: “Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head”
Rabbi Jonathan Kahn (Priest of Cain) dismaying the Sign of Shin (Shin=Nail=6=666) Arabs attacked the Hospital Not quite Israel attacked the Parking Lot; IT WAS A HOAX! “Never call any man Rabbi” Matt 23:8
- Gaza attacked (Philistina=Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, and Gath) Isaiah 14:29: “Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.” Gaza is first known from military records of Thutmose III; Exodus Pharaoh; Hyksos “Foreign Shepard Kings” were from Crete (Zeus suckled by a “She-Wolf”), Minotaur (Bull) and Satan’s Seat; kicked out they went to Santorini, a volcanic eruption of Thera covered “She-wolf” brothels of “Priapus”, in the 15th century BC reflecting the late Philistine period, it was known as Hāzat “fierce, strong”. Samson slew the Philistines, recovered the Ark, taken captive thanks to the Philistine Delilah and “Pulled” the Twin Pillars of the Philistine Temple down; revenge was had on 9/11/2001
- There will never be a Palestinian state. It’s over. “Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina (Canaan) because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice (#6848. tsepha’; absolute; sin and the devil; head of a rooster, the body of a lizard or serpent, and dragon-like or bat-like wings), and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.” Is 14:29 A Living Hell
- In New York City, a Muslim made a threat to all non-believers. “We’re done being tortured and hurt and judged. This is the correct religion. This is the religion that all of humanity needs to be — Islam…We will not stop until it enters every home. There is no God worthy of worship except Allah. The God of Jesus, the God of Moses, the God of Abraham, and the God of the last and final prophet, Muhammed…”; Correction! JESUS is God, the Alpha and Omega.
- ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says Hamas’s attack on Israel is worse than 9/
11 and on the same level as the nuking of Japan; The ADL and Greenblatt is not Semitic; 9/ 11 was not a Muslim, rather an “ Inside Job” ; Japan was NOT NUKED! - Rabbi Chaim Richman:
I just want to say this to our Christian friends. You know, just to call it as it is. To say it straight out you know. You guys are worshipping one Jew. That’s a mistake. You should be worshipping every single one of us; the Talmud says Jesus is boiling in excrement in Hell. Jesus said Call no man Rabbi Mat 23: 8 - GAZA GROUND INVASION;
IDF FIRING ARTILLERY INTO LEBANON ( Phoenicia) NOW; Hezbollah in Lebanon has announced they will enter the war if such an invasion begins; and with Hezbollah goes Iran. - Biden provided Iran with $
6 billion in September; The Iranian Parliament was seen chanting “DEATH TO ISRAEL. DEATH TO AMERICA” on the day the attacks began. “The ram which thou safest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia…a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up” Dan 8:20-23 - Turkey (Jew) is warning that if the USA gets involved, Turkey’s military will side with Palestinians.
- Carriers enroute: USS Dwight D.
Eisenhower aircraft carrier Strike Group; USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group; USS George Washington Aircraft Carrier; HMS Queen Elizabeth - Israel used White Phosphorus munitions against civilian targets in Gaza, (WMD)
- Pakistani Army Chief threatened Israel:
“ If Israel launches a ground attack on Gaza, Pakistan will provide ballistic missiles to the Palestinians. - War and Natural Gas:
The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Levant Gas Fields - Israel Attacks Damascus Airport;
Is 17: 1 Hezbollah=Iran Israel wants Iran involved; 33deg Masons in both; Dan 8 - We’re in a religious war and I unapologetically Stand with Israel.
Sodomite Lindsey Graham; Israel is Canaanite, Phoenician, Babylonian; WWIII was preplanned by 33deg Mason, Jesuit, Glutton Albert Pike (sharp point, iron tip of a staff or spear) - Iron Dome is a Hoax “Today,
there is no missile which can intercept other missiles or rocket- propelled grenades, and the Iron Dome is a light audio system which blocks Israeli public opinion and, of course, itself. In fact, all the explosions that we have seen in the atmosphere are self- destruction. The Iron Dome did not launch any rocket that could intercept at least one missile fired from Gaza. ” Dead people are actors https://www.rumormillnews. com/ cgi-bin/ forum.cgi?read=230652 - Qatar (Clever, able, shrewd) Is Threatening To Cause A Global Gas Shortage If Israel Doesn’
t Stop Attacking Palestine; US has trillions of BBL’ S of gas in the ANWR, Gulf of Mexico; the US is working with Arabs - Hamas Commander vows to cleanse the entire world of Jews and Christians; Israel created Hamas
- GAZA installed massive de-
salination plants, and numerous solar- powered private wells. When the water mains were turned off, Israel had only been supplying about six percent ( 6% ) of Gaza water. Israel created Hamas and are working together. Israel is set to become the first country in the world to channel desalinated water into a natural lake, the Sea of Galilee. - Peleg=D
JESUS is Living Water. Joktan (Arab) hide/ buy up water - Israel-Hamas War: Israeli Troops Amass At Border As Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Ground Offensive Launched; of course they will; it’s Zoroastrianism’s final battle of Good-Light-Ahuramazda versus Evil-Darkness-Ahriman. Zoroastrianism=Undiluted Star=Black Star=Satan Dec 25 Christmas, the day after the birth of the Arab moon god aka “Sin”
- This is Israel’s 9/11 Rev 9:11 Satan is cast to Earth
- Israel NOT responsible for 500+
DEAD at the hospital; must have been from HAMAS! Palestinian children who assumed a HOSPITAL would be SAFE! Israel created HAMAS! .
IT WAS A HOAX! No way 500 died inside the hospital from that! So far the Governments of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Qatar have all Blamed the Israeli Air Force for the Explosion at Al-Ahli Arab Hospital; the only Episcopal-Christian-Arab Hospital! All this over Rocket THAT HIT THE PARKING LOT! The “Crater” in reminds me of Flt # 93 in Shanksville; THERE WAS NO WRECKAGE OF THE B-757! United spokesman and Cleveland Tower showed FLT #93 landing; everybody was cleared from the Airport and the airplane was escorted to the NASA Facility and approx 50/230 pax deplaned. - Jordan’
s King Abdullah has announced his “ red line, “ stating that * no* Palestinian refugees will be allowed in Egypt or Jordan. He’ s Edomite! the Semitic brother of Jacob and he’s a 33deg Luciferian Freemason and Edom gains “Dominion”! - Israeli War Cabinet Approves “Broad Assault” of Gaza Approved by Joe Biden (a fake) who met Benjamin Netanyahu as directed by Yoav Galant who said “This is a battle of Light versus Darkness” Yoav Galant is Jewish-Canaanite and Iranian-Medean! ZOROASTER=Black Star=Ahriman chose evil, Satan chose evil. Ahriman tries to tempt people to sin, Satan tries to tempt the Son of God to sin.
- Black flag is risen on Razavi Shrine – Islam is going to all-out war; When the black flags come from Khorasan go to them, even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa from Allah, the Mahdi” Khorasan=Rising Sun ISIS-K (Khorasan) is another US creation in Afghanistan creating the Dialectic with the Taliban; one such Taliban (Student) was the young Barack Obama whose education was financed by the Saudis. The US managed Taliban created the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan; both are Shariah Law based Theocracies requiring Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; JESUS is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV); complying with Shariah Law like Noahide Law is the Unforgivable Sin. The Karakoram Hwy from the Hindu-Cush to Islamabad was called Khorasan Marches; Khorasan was known to the Greeks and Romans as Ariana “Land of the Aryans” aka Zoroastrians meaning “Undiluted Star” aka Black Sun/Star
- Jordanian (Aram; Gen 10:22) Foreign Ministry: “We will consider forcing Palestinians to migrate again as a casus belli!” “Cause-for-War”; they are 1st born Edomites (Hashemite=Descendants of Muhammad), married to the 1st born Canaan and Cain; they are Priests (Quyraish=Koreish=Core); they are Semitic (descendant of Shem); God says they achieve “Dominion” Gen 27:39-41KJV, Dan 7:6; Antichrist (Alternative)=Pale Green/Ashen Horse; Rev 6:8 and allows them to escape. With Iran (Elam), Asshur (Syria), Lud (Turkey), Arphaxad (Eber, Kesed=Chesed Gen 22:22=Chabad Lubavitch “Rebbes) they represent Semitic Peoples. Without the Holy Ghost, Jesus is just a guy who believed He was God—but He is!
- Biden that U.S. military data had left him convinced that an Israeli airstrike did not cause the explosion. Israel has accused the Hamas Islamic Jihad group of being behind the blast.
- HEAD OF CHURCHES IN JERUSALEM CONDEM ISRAELI IOF FOR BOMBING OF AL-AHLI BAPTIST HOSPITAL. 1st, it is an Episcopal-Arab-Christian Hospital run by the Church of England=Edomite(British=B’Rith=Covenant by Birth). 2nd, Israel is not Jacob; they were replaced by Canaanites, Phoenicians, Babylonians; 2 Ki 17:30. Hamas #2555 chamas: violence, wrong or Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement)? “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with chamas-violence.” Gen 6:11 Sabeans are Arabs “Rba” Rabbis are Chaldean “Rba”; Which one? Shem-Eber-Arphaxad (Eber, Kesed=Chesed Gen 22:22)=Chabad Lubavitch “Rebbes”, but JESUS also is from Judah; He said “But be not ye called Rabbi…” Matt 23:8 Why? Rev 7KJV Juda, the “h” is missing, “h” means “God is with me” when JESUS gives it to you! Christians are grafted onto Jacob through JESUS. Jacobins in France did the same thing. The Christian persecutions will now begin!
- HAMAS The Islamic Resistance is a network of at least fifteen Iranian proxies,
front groups, and other pro- Iranian actors. They are all armed, trained, and directed by the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Cops); IRAN IS NOT ISLAMIC! Elam=Iran; Shem “Semites” + Eber “Hebrew”=Iran “Aryan”; “Aryan” comes from the ancient languages of Iran and India. The English word “Aryan” is borrowed from the Sanskrit word ārya, meaning “noble” or “noble caste”. - U.
S. Military Bases in Syria Under Attack; US base in Al- Shaddadi, Syria. Al- Shaddai= Satan; Syria= Aram “ My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? “ Matt 27: 46 Jesus said this in Aramaic, the only Aramaic statement in the Bible - Putin’
s message to the USA about Iran: “ You won’ t even have time to see what hit you” ! MIG- 31 + Kh- 47M2 Kinzhals Mach 10; range 1000mi Targeting aircraft carriers in the Southern Mediterranean
- Passover,
Easter and Ramadan coincided in 2023; Orthodox Jews spit at Christians carrying the Cross on Feast of Tabernacles. Jews Crucified Jesus by hanging Him on a Tree Deut 21: 23; the Cross is a symbol of Tammuz=Devil
2019/ 03/ 04/ ash-wednesday-tammuz-or-th e-devils-day/ Easter= Ashtoreth/Isis impregnated 9 months before Sol Invictus=Devil - Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot? 29 Sept-6 Oct, 2023 Feast of Tabernacles 27 Sept-4 Oct, 6 BC. Sukkot=
- 12 (or 17th) Rabī‘ al-Awwal Sept 27, 2023 the birth of Muhammad, a Quraish/Koreish Bedouin “Perished in the gainsaying of Core” Jude 11; Num 16:32; 26:10
- Oct 4 Russia First Nationwide “
Nuclear Attack Exercise” 70% of the cites destroyed, from the WEST! There are no NUCS; Scalar EM weapons. - Oct 4th FEMA and FCC Emergency Broadcast Signal 2:20EST is on the day Jesus was Circumcised! Jesus was born 27 Sept, at Tax Season Lk 2:2:1, at 8 days He was Circumcised Lk 2:21; the Magi arrived when Jesus was a “Young Child” (1-2Years) Matt 2:8-9KJV, He was in Egypt Matt 2:13, until the Slaughter of Innocents Mat 2:16 and death of Herod Matt 2:15 Spring 4bc. The only feast with 8 days is Feast of Tabernacles.Oct 4 2:20EST FEMA Emer Broadcast Signal; CELL cellula, meaning “small room”: a mysterious cellphone signal transforms New Englanders into savage killers. Zombie: /ˈzɑm·bi/ someone who moves around as if unconscious and being controlled by someone else. Operation Crimson Mist: Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda Magnetic Liquid Crystals which receive EMF Energy allowing CONTROL OF HUMAN BEINGS, NO FREE WILL!
“Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day” Nostradamus; Visible Sun and Black Sun
Star of the Magi: Wise Men ie Zoroastrian Magi came from the East, after seeing a Star in the East to Jerusalem (Mat 2:1) On Dec 25 the Rising Sun in the East tracks to the West with the Black Star rising in the East at night. Zoroaster means Undiluted Star aka Black Star “Saturn” has 2 Mathematical Foci; one lies inside the boundary of the Visible Sun and the other called the Black Sun between Earth and Saturn in the constellation Capricorn the Saturn Goat. On Dec 25 the Visible Sun appears to Rise from Earth’s perspective at 3 deg Capricorn, and with it the Black Sun or Invisible Sun; hence Saturn was called the Rising Sun. In Mat 2:1-12 tell the story of Wise Men from the East following a Star in the East that went before them until they arrived in Jerusalem The Christ Child the Magi were searching for was the son of Saturn known by a dozen names. The Magi arrived in the spring of 4 bc; Jesus was by then a “Young Child” (Mat 2:8) in Egypt (Mat 2:13)
Hittite Sun Goddess Arinna with child Arinna “Queen of all lands” or “Mother”; eg Yarmulke “Cap of Cybele” the “Great Mother” worn by Popes, Cardinals, Orthodox and Lutheran clergy. Eve and Cain’s union was Cursed, as was Ham and his Cainite mother (likely Namaah) which carried this Curse to Canaan aka Sargon the Great born on Chumolongmo “Earth Mother” the local name of Mt Everest after the Flood. Canaan and his grandmother Namaah? likely had sons: Sidon (Phoenicians; eg El, Elohim=Saturn, the source of Christmas and the Christ Child), Heth (Hittites; symbol of the Mother Goddess and Child; Santa, the child born of the Rising Sun at Christmas and the Double Headed Eagle), Jebusites (Jebus is Jerusalem Great City Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt”; Salem the Canaanite god of Peace; the 3rd Temple will contain the Abomination of Desolation and Satan’s Seat kept in Babylon, Crete, Tyre and Pergamon near Hattusa the seat of Hittite Royalty and the Sphinx Gate), Amorites (eg Druid Amorica, Amuruccu/Amurru “Serpent” and source name of America; Code of Hammurabi aka Amraphel; Cathars “Church of Amor” whose last Perfecti, executed in 1321 predicted “In 700 years the laurel will grow green again”; China means Sina aka Sinite, Cathay=Land of Heth/Cath=Hittites), Girgasite (Girga means George eg Georgia Guidestones and St George the patron saint of Russia, Britain, Georgia, Albania) Hivite (Wicked; Hive/Bee means in service to the Queen Mother eg Melissae, Mormon Beehive; Catholic Papal Beehive Mitres ), Arkite (Ark=Noah’s Ark; Chest; Ark of the Covenant), Sinite (Sina=Sin eg Wilderness of Sin), Arvadite (Free; Exiled eg exiled Sarmation Priest Kings of Crimea), Zemarite (Sauce Pan/Cauldron) and Hamathite (Hamath=Hattusa; Hamathites worship Ashima eg the Goat Idol “Baphomet”; Pan; Capricorn the Saturn Goat of Christmas) all Canaanites, most of whom replaced Israel (2 Ki 17:30). Idols of the Hittite Sun Goddess and child are nothing more than Isis “Throne” and Child “Horus” the Child born Dec 25.
Masoretes 5th-10thc ad followed the “Tradition” of fixing scripture which began in the 2nd Temple and Inter-testament or “Silent” Periods. God was not actively working with Prophets and Levite Scribes to write the Old Testament during this 400 year period because it was complete and error free. Likely successors to the Essenes and Sadducees, Scribes long corrupted in Babylonian captivity were warned by Jesus “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Mat 23:13 Shutting up the kingdom of heaven was the work of Masoretes who changed JEHOVAH into YHWH by adding vowel sounds in Adonai and Elohim to come up with Yahweh, a name of Satan. Masoretes followed the tradition begun just before captivity, described in Amos 5:26 in worshipping the Tabernacle of Molech and Chiun, both names of Saturn, symbolized by the Chaldean Six Pointed Star of Molech. Masoretic texts written in 160ad by Rabbi Yose ben Halafta, a 4th generation Tannaim “Jewish” sage contained elements of the Essenes; 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll for example, predicts the return of Melchisedek (Righteous Priest of the Most High; King of Salem) after the 10th Jubilee (presumably 1517-2017). Melchisedek met Abram (Gen 14:18-19) who later changed his name to Abraham; the added “h” meaning “God is with me”; Ps 110 describes Melchisedek as giving the authority to King David and Heb 7 makes clear Jesus is Melchisedek forever. Rabbis, the spiritual successors of the Pharisees teach Shem is Melchisedek and await the return of HaShem aka G-d or YHWH; Rabbi is derived from Chaldean and Sabean Priests “Rba”; Priests of Saturn in the global Cult of Melchisedek. Jn 5:43 warns this alternative messiah will come in his own name and be accepted; Jesus came in His own name Jehovah and was rejected. The death of the Old Covenant Testator produced the need for a New Covenant; His Testament delivered solely via the Holy Ghost is Revelation, the only book which pronounces a blessing on those who read and keep the prophecy.
Ukraine was the center of Khazaria; WWIII will begin in Ukraine. Khazars are converts to Judaism “Crypto Jews” who adopted the Phoenician/Canaanite Seal of Solomon aka Chaldean STUR of Saturn aka Molech, Milcom, Chiun, Sakkut, a likely candidate for the Mark of Cain and Mark of the Beast having 6 Triangles each having 3 60deg angles; originally a Shamanic symbol of the Black Sun which aligns with Earth and the Visible Sun on Dec 25. Khazars are Zionists; Messianic Jews awaiting Moshiach they call YHWH/Yahweh. Setting up WWIII are Crypto Jews, US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and her husband Skull & Bones Robert Kagan, Kagan being a title of Khazar Nobility seen in Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan or Stalin’s Gulag architect Lazar Kaganovich. Khazars worship Sky Father and Earth Mother; their God Tengri is “Heavenly Father” a term also used by Mormons represented as the Six Pointed Star. Tengri is derived from T-angiri meaning Oath + God (Tanri); note scripture warns above all else to avoid swearing oaths Mat 5:34; James 5:12. Tengri is equivalent with the Sky God Dyeus “Zeus”, the son of Saturn born Dec 25. Baal-Berith “Lord of the Covenant” is the Christmas/Hanukkah Tree. Earth Mother is Chumolongmo (Mt Everest) where Noah’s ark settled and the Cursed Canaan aka Sargon the Great was born of incest between Ham and his Cainite mother. Sargon III will be Antichrist.
Saturn reached the heart of Capricorn Aug 4, 2021; the 216th day of the year; 6x6x6=216 The Cubes of 3-4-5 added=216 The 47th Problem of Euclid uses 3 squares of 3-4-5, represented in the Washington DC Federal Triangle. Dec 25, 2021 the Sun, Earth, Black Sun (Saturn’s Foci) and Saturn align in Capricorn. Comet Leonard, produced during the Flood is also making its first return during Saturnalia. Occult secret societies regard Libra the Scales of Justice as Saturn’s Secret Place. Capricorn is represented as a 76; 7+6=13 the number of Rebellion; 7X6=42 the number of months in the Great Tribulation, number of degrees Light refracts in a Rainbow. Daniel “God is my Judge” 7:6 describes the 3rd Beast which obtains Dominion. Masoretes conflated YHWH (Yahweh) with God (JEHOVAH) roughly 1000ad; the birth of Saturn becoming Christmas. Aaron ben Moses ben Asher wrote the prevalent Masoretic texts with YHWH replacing God; Jesus removed the “h” (god of with me) from the Tribe of Asher in Rev 7:6. The “h” is missing from Juda (Rev 7:5) because Jesus is the “h” and is in heaven; Dan “Judge” is completely omitted from the list of “Saved” tribes as is Ephraim which assumed the name Israel after Assyrian captivity.
Christus: Latin for “Annointed One”; Arab Masha; Hebrew Masiah “Annoint”. Mormo is “King of the Ghouls; God of the Graveyard and God of the living Dead”. Mormons regard God the Father as Elohim, plural for El the Canaanite creator “Great One” with Yahweh, the revealed Sacred Name albeit a name having nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Rabbi is derived from al Rab “Great One” the title of Chaldean and Sabean (Saba means Rising Sun) Priests “Rba”; this is why Jesus warned to never call anyone Rabbi (Mat 23:8). Masoretes (6-10c ad Crypto Jewish Scribes; Masorete means “Tradition”) introduced YHWH, the Rabbinical Tetragammaton, the ineffable name written as G-D. If one cannot speak the Saviour’s Name JESUS; there can be no Salvation. Who is Yahweh, Adonai, YHWH, G-D, Moshiach? Saturn’s apparent elliptical orbit has 2 Foci, one inside the Sun, one outside between the apparent orbits of Jupiter and Saturn called the Black Sun or Black Star; this is the light source illuminating the Christus. On Dec 24 Earth, Visible Sun and Black Sun align and from Earth’s perspective begin to rise; worship of the Rising Sun caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8); rejection of Jesus as Messiah 640 years later (Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles 6 bc and was rejected 33 1/2 years later on Passover) caused the Glory of the LORD to depart by the exact same path. Celebration of Christmas will soon cause the exact same removal of the Holy Ghost from New Covenant “Human” Temples. In the fall of 1321 the last Cathar Perfecti was executed predicting “In 700 years the laurel will grow green again” the Laurel Crown represents the Anointing of Bacchus/Dionysus/Osiris, all names of Saturn/El/Yahweh/YHWH.
Saturn as a Star deity dates from Noah’s Flood (2348bc) Egypt celebrated the Going forth of the Wadjet (Green One/Osiris) on Dec 25 before the Exodus. Santa is a 3400 year old Hittite god of the west; he carries the Shepherd’s Crook, leading Sheep to Slaughter; Santa is an anagram of Satan. An approximate timeline of Santa and Christmas: Julian Calendar created 45bc in response to Julius Caesar observing Druid (Knowers of Trees) totalitarian rule in Gaul. Orthodox date of the Incarnation (Conception) set by Sextus Julius Africanus (160-240ad), a Phoenician-Libyan born Roman soldier and likely Mithraism initiate turned fake Christian (Marano) who set the date at March 25 coincident with the pagan celebration of Hilaria. 9 months later is Dec 25, the day the Visible Sun and Black Sun align. The Council of Nicea (325ad) adopted Dec 25 as the birth of Jesus Christ; the Council called by Druid Princess Helena and her son Constantine represented by St Nicholas of Myra which came to be characterized by Santa Claus. Martin Luther, a Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk then brought Pagan Tree Worship to Christmas in 1517. Saturn as Father Christmas becomes Sinterklass and finally Santa Claus during a marketing campaign by Coca Cola. Santa is the Strong Delusion; a Nordic Shaman gathering Psilocybin Hallucinogenic Mushrooms from under Pine/Evergreen Trees during winter, delivering the sack full of Communion Flesh of KRST through the smoke hole to dry on the hearth
Baal-berith “Lord of the Covenant” took hold in Israel after the death of Gideon; the Covenant Name of God is and has always been JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) America’s first Flag was the same Evergreen Tree used on Lebanon’s Flag because both nations are of Phoenician/Canaanite origin.
Arabs celebrate Lord Moon (Sin) on Dec 24; Hanukkah 2019 ended with an Annular Solar Eclipse forming a Halo (Annulus) around the Moon “Midweek” on Dec 25-26, 2019 on St Stephen’s Day (Stephen means Martyr and Crown) its ironic Stephen was stoned for debating with Libertine Jews; Albert Bourla is one such Libertine Jew, a Veterinarian who heads Pfizer, awarded the $2B Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” Vaccine contract in Operation Warp Speed after a record $2.4B fraud judgment. Hanukkah 2021 Nov 28-Dec 6 begins on the Advent of Sol Invictus and ends as Mandatory Experimental Covid 19 injections reach the Dec 8 deadline. The 2019 eclipse path began in the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at Sunrise and whose mid-point is centered on the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Sulu and Sabah. More than coincidence as Edomites are prophesied to obtain worldwide “Dominion”
Hanukkah is a Cainite Holy Day meaning “House of Enoch”. Maccabees instituted Hanukkah on 25 Kislev, 165 BC; the date aligned with 24 Dec on the Roman Calendar aka Christmas Eve. In 2021 Hanukkah begins Nov 28 coincident with the Advent (Nov 28-Dec 24) of Sol Invictus Maccabee means “Hammer”; Merck’s mutagenic oral COVID 19 Therapy Molnupiravir is named after Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir. Thor is the Nordic alternative for Jesus. Jesus’ birth was aligned with the birth of Sol Invictus 300 years after the Crucifixion of God on the Tree. Arabs celebrate the birth of Lord Moon Dec 24; their Lord is the Sabean Moon god “Sin” which came to be called Al-Lah “The God”
Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI and and Pope Francis carry the pagan Twisted Crucifix, carried by Pagans after the in celebration of Jesus being nailed to the Tree at the Crucifixion. Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of Shin celebrating the same Nails. Christmas: Christ=Messiah + Sacrifice. Hanukkah “Feast of Consecration” Consecration means Ritual Sacrifice. Kwanzaa means “First Fruits of the Harvest”. The Holiday is a Tree Covenant with the Canaanite god Baal-berith “Lord of the Covenant” (Judges 8:33); the Papal Mitre symbolizes the Covenant “Mithra” with the Philistine god Dagan (Dag=Fish) the Beast Rising from the Sea aka Antichrist. Baal-berith is the Chief Secretary of Hell; Demon of Blasphemy; Prince of the Fallen Angels; and Keeper of Infernal Covenants. Santa is a 3400+ year old Hittite god carrying a sack full of Amenita Muscaria Psilocybin Hallucinogenic Mushrooms
Original article
“Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good”. Jer 10:1-5 Baal-berith is “Lord of the Tree Covenant”
Hanukkah is a Cainite Holy Day meaning “House of Enoch”. Adam, Eve and Cain were cast out of Eden; Cain was “Cursed” for shedding his brother Abel’s blood and lying to God about it, wandering the hallmark of Cain and Arabs. The Mark of Cain is the Six Pointed Star (Shin=6=Nail) Cain and his mother Eve (Serpent in Aramaic/Syrian) likely married (It’s either his mother or an unnamed sister) and had Enoch whose descendant Tubal-cain is Vulcan of the Canaanites; “Live Long and Prosper” sign in Star Trek by the 1/2 breed Spock is the Sign of Shin used by Talmudic Rabbis to open Synagogues of Satan celebrating the Nails fashioned by the followers of Tubal-cain to Nail Jesus to the Tree. Tubal-cain is the patron of Freemasonry who reject God; Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone. Alternative Cornerstones Baetyls “Bet=House of El” where El is the Canaanite god Saturn seen in BabEl. Other Baetyls are the Snake wrapped Baetyl Stone of Egalabalus, brought to Rome by Emperor Marcus Aurelius as the Baetyl of Sol Invictus, the Black Stone of the Kaaba in Mecca, the Greek Omphalos Stone of Apollo (Apollyon “Destroyer” of Rev 9:11; Israel has Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shemesh” ready for the arrival of Apollo) in Delphi, the Stone of Scone aka Jacob’s Pillow in Scotland, the Benben Stone of the Phoenix (Pa Hanoch=House of Enoch) in Egypt; Acts 19:35 19 records the Black Stone falling from Jupiter worshipped by the Ephesians whose Cult Temple is recreated in Washington DC as the Supreme House of the Temple. Baetyls are said to give access to the God; in all cases not JESUS but the Alternative “Christ”.
Cain means “Spear”; Odin’s Spear Gungnir is the Spear of Destiny, forged by Cain’s son Tubal-cain with Odin’s son Thor’s Divine Hammer Mjolnir. Merck named its oral Covid pill Molnupiravir after Thor’s Hammer. Maccabee means “Hammer”; Cain means “Consecrated”; Hanukkah “Feast of Consecration”
Tubal-cain’s sister Naamah marries Noah, survives the Flood, the incest with her eldest son Ham (Black; Black Stone make sense now?) carries the “Curse of Cain” to Canaan, worshipped as the Old Man of the Mountain or God of the Mountain in Shia Islam; Cybele is Naamah called “Mountain Mother”; the Mountain being Chumolongmo (Earth Mother) aka Mt Everest. Traveling from the east to Shinar he comes to be called Sargon the Great (Sarru kinnu=Legitimate King), his mother Naamah, the Cult Prostitute in Babylon “Gate of El”, his sister a Cult Prostitute in Haran (Gobleke Tepe) “City of the Moon” Why? he is the only descendant of Eve and her 1st born Cain, entitled to inheritance of the world. Abraham makes a Covenant with God (Melchisedek is Jesus; Gen 14:18; Heb 5-9) and is instructed not to let his sons marry Canaanite women; the first born sons Ishmael and Esau disobey. Worship of Naamah and Canaan on the Mountain are the “High Places” aka “Groves” mentioned in the books of Kings.
Sol Invictus is the Roman version of the Syrian god Elagabalus: Christmas (25 Dec) and Hanukkah (25 Kislev) are Tree Covenants with Saturn aka Baal-Berith (Judges 8:33; 9:46; 20:33) El-Berith, Baal-Tammar. Baal-Hammon, the Carthaginian ie Phoenician-Canaanite, Egyptian Osiris, Zoroastrian Mithra, Hindu Krishna, Roman Bacchus, Sol, Apollo or Saturn, Greek Dionysus or Cronus, Arab al Khidr “Green Man” and Scandinavian Jul are all celebrated in Capricorn the “Horned Goat” or “Saturnian Goat”. In Scandinavian myth Odin riding the 8 legged steed Sleipnir became “Father Christmas” who on Festival of Fools was accompanied by a Horned Goat named “Knecht Ruprecht” aka Krampus. Odin’s son Thor had a Divine Weapon Mjolnir; Merck’s Molupiravir Covid 19 therapy is named after Mjolnir. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 29 Sept 6 bc; Sol Invictus aka Saturn, the Chinese/Japanese “Earth Star” is the monotheistic solar god replacing Jesus as Father, Son, Holy Ghost and the Word made Flesh.
Jesus hates Nicolaitane Doctrine: Conquer + Laity using an Elevated Clergy which is why Jesus warned never call anyone Father, Master or Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10) Chaldean Priests of Ur and Sabian Priests of Haran go by the title Rba, Rabbis today worship Saturn as the Six Pointed Star of Saturn. Rabbis claim Adam and Eve were created on the Primordial Hanukkah on 1 Tishrei (Akkadian for Beginning); don’t bet on it! God’s New Year is 1 Abib now as it always has been.
On the Dec 21, 2020 during “Saturnalia”, Jupiter “Jah Pater” aka Zeus “Dyeus Pater”, the son of Saturn “Grim Reaper” aka Primeval Sun or Black Sun, will be at their closest “Great Conjunction” in 800 years; at the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn with Saturn and Jupiter at 0 deg Aquarius this event has never happened before in history. Astrologically, Aquarius symbolizes a return to the Golden Age, a world of unbridles Sin seen in the LGBTQ+2 movement; Ganymede, the Cretan prince abducted by Zeus symbolizes Aquarian Pederasty emulated in Greece which is why the Clinton Global Initiative formed the Delian League. Delos you may recall in the series West World was destroyed; hence the significance of Dec 21, 2020 with Druids celebrating the sun rising through the Trilothon Stones and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction shortly after sunset; in Egyptian religion, the West is the Land of the Dead.
I suggest you get to know a bit about the Jesuits “Militia of Zeus/Jupiter”; they want to send you to Hell for eternity! There is no 7 yr Tribulation nor a new Dispensation for Israel mentioned in Scripture; Dan 9:23-27 “70th Week” is not the 7 yr Tribulation; it is the final 490 days of the Great Tribulation. Jesuits “Militia of Zeus/Jupiter” made up these Lies and are managing the Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom/Poison” Hoax. The Jesuit Mother of all Churches Worldwide is the St John Lateran Arch-basilica; Lateran is the spirits of the Devil, Antichrist and False Prophet; and no folks, Jesuits are not Catholics; they are a cancer in most every religion. In this context; Is the Saturn-Jupiter Great Conjunction the Star of the Magi? NO! Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; don’t confuse Jupiter with the Son of God. Nov 2016, Comet Borisov streaks into the womb of Virgo from the loins of Leo as Jupiter enters and remains for 9 months before exiting on Sept 23, 2017; the Rev 12:1 sign seems real enough as Virgo is Clothed with the Sun and Crowned with 12 stars with the moon at her feet; Ivanka Trump even playing the part of Virgo at the Japan Summit The annual death/rebirth of Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun) has confused Christians since Constantine the Great, the son of Druid King Coelus and his Druid Princess daughter Helena assigned the dates of Easter and Christmas. Jesus aka Jah or Jehovah was rejected; Saturn aka Chronos eats his children to prevent being usurped. Daniel’s 70th Week (Dan 9:23-27) is the final 7 days before the return of Jesus Christ; midweek, Antichrist breaks the “Covenant with many”. 3 1/2 days after the conjunction is Christmas (Christ=Messiah + Mass=Sacrifice and consumption of the Host); the Ubiquitous Hittite god Santa, an incredibly difficult cipher of Satan arrives simultaneously at homes across the globe deciding who is Good and who is Bad. Mormon false prophet (Lk 16:16) was buried with a Talisman of Jupiter, a planet alleged to have a Six Pointed Star shape Yarmulke shaped polar region. The Great Conjunction occurs with Saturn and Jupiter at 0 deg Aquarius on Dec 21, the cusp of Sagittarius the Archer (Bow=Strongs G5115 “Toxon”= Poison) and Capricorn (Horned Goat). Jesus separates Sheep from Goats; His followers are regarded as Sheep for the slaughter (Rom 8:36;Ps 44:22) Humanity is symbolically caught between the Coronavirus Vaccine Poison and the Saturnian Goat; an impossible situation? Hardly. Just say no
Golden Calf The series The Messiah was filmed at Jeff Epstein’s Zorro Ranch in Belen (Bethlehem) NM and released on Jan 1, 2020 The Iranian Messiah al-Masih declares “This is the end of history”; Rabbis claim after 2020, the only Holiday to be celebrated with be Purim. Purim means “Cast lots for Marduk” the original Golden Calf is the same god Shamash “Calf of the Sun” worshipped at Hanukkah. Jesus crucified between 2 thieves on the Tree formed the 7 branch candlestick; Shamash is the center candle of the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah. Coronavirus was “Classified” by Ethiopian Marxist Revolutionary Dr Tedros Adhanom Gebhryesus as a Pandemic on 3/11/2020 on Purim; Karl Marx had one goal; “Kill God and keep him dead with Science” The Coronavirus Vaccine may do just that.
Saturn is Time 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius. Maccabees rededicated the 2nd Temple at Hanukkah in 165BC at the start of Pisces. There is no year 0 so is 2020 the 6000th year? 1656 + 2160 + 2184/5=6000.The Age of Aquarius has a very big sign coming on Dec 21, 2020 when Jupiter (Zeus/Horus) overtakes his father Saturn (Osiris, El) forming the closest conjunction in over 400 years and the closest in the next 500 years; on the Solar Solstice, the event becomes extremely rare; at 0 deg Aquarius, the event has never happened before in world history; Gnostics refer to the Age of Aquarius as the New Aeon of Horus.
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Pet 3:8 The Lord promised one thing! He would return. Think it was by chance the Maccabees cleansed that Temple when they did? Hanukkah like Christmas is a celebration of the Rising Sun aka Saturn not Jesus Christ.
Grove Worship
Of the 44 Kings of Israel, 8 did that which was right in sight of the LORD; the rest did “Evil in sight of the LORD” by setting up “Groves” Tree worship is prohibited in Scripture (Judges 8:33; 9:47; 20:33; Has 4:13; Eze 6:13; Jer 10:1-4; Gal 4:10); Tu B’shebat is the Full Moon worship of Asherah “Groves” (Moon is the Sabian/Arab god “Sin”), the “Instructing Tree” of Abraham. For Arabs LORD MOON is born Dec 24th, the eve of the birth of El “Saturn”. The Canaanite El (Saturn), Asherah (Goddess of the Groves) and their son Baal aka Sol Invictus is the real meaning of Christmas-Hanukkah. The Covenant seen in Mithras (Covenant) is Zoroastrian (Undiluted Star=Saturn aka Black Star). The Tree Covenant is with Baal-berith (Fir Judges 8:33; 9:47) or Baal-tamar (Palm Judges 20:33); Christmas Trees serve the same purpose as Hanukkah Bushes and represent the Tree Jesus was Nailed to; the Tree of Knowledge the Serpent seduced Eve to Sin in the Garden of Eden. The Tree is home to the Serpent, Dragon, Devil, Satan who has deceived the entire world (Rev 12:9) Time to Wake Up!
Tikkun Olam “Repair of the Earth” is the Rabbinical plan to return the Earth to pre-Flood conditions minus the Tree of Life Jesus Christ. Tree worship entered Israel at Shechem (Nablus) between the rocky, desolate, mount of “Curses” Mt Ebal and the fertile mount of “Blessings” claimed by the Samaritans Mt Gerizem. Abraham made and altar (Gen 12::6) there; Jacob buried Laban’s Idols there (Gen 35:4); Abimelech was crowned there (Judges 9:6) and Joshua placed a Contract between Israel and God there (John 24:26). One 7 Kings who did right in sight of the LORD Josia banned Asherah worship; we need to do the same!
Green Man worshipped by Knights Templar and Arab Assassins alike is al Khidr is worshipped by Alawites like Bashar al Assad in Syria whose Government sponsors Christmas celebrations called “Twelvers”, they await the return of the 12th Shia Imam al-Mahdi with al Khidr just like Shia “Twelvers” in Iran; both Hafez al Assad and the Iranian Ayathollah’s were installed by the US. Japan means “Land of the Rising Sun”; Saturn is the Rising Sun, celebrated in Shinto religion. Hindus celebrate the birth of Krishna (Black), Iranians the birth of Mithra; Wiccans the Tree Festival. Think Christmas is Christian? Guess again!
Jesus is the Tabernacle of God; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles for this reason; Rabbis have turned Feast of Tabernacles into Sukkot, the Edomite name of Saturn “Sikkuth”. With the Tabernacle destroyed, Israel began offering sacrifices on High Places called Groves worshipping the Zidonian (Phoenician) gods El (Saturn) and Asherah (Groves/Poles/Trees); the celebrations of Hanukkah and Christmas are in fact Saturnalia celebrations of the New Born King “Molech”. Israel’s first King Saul did that which was Evil in sight of the Lord. Saturn is called the Black Sun or Black Star; the Black Candle of Kwanzaa represents Saturn.
1 Sam 8 Samuel appointed his sons Judges over Israel; they were worthless “Sons of Belial” who took Bribes and perverted Judgment much like we see in the legal system today. When Israel asked Samuel to appoint a King, Samuel warned them their King would take their sons to drive his chariots, tend his horses, fight and become fodder in his wars; their daughters would cook, clean and bake for him; he would take taxes/tithing of their land, produce, farm animals and servants, handing over to his servants (Yes Men) just like we see today. There were 44 Kings of Israel beginning with Saul and ending with Zedekiah who both did Evil. “Evil” Kings of Israel/Judah far outnumbered the 7 “Good” Kings: David, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, Jotham, Hezekiah and Josiah, all separated by worship of false Idols and Groves. The Christmas Trees and Hanukkah Trees we set up today were warned against in Jer 10 as “Heathen”; Judges 8:33; 9:47 “Baal-berith” (Lord of the Covenant), Judges 20:33 “Baal-tamar” “Lord of the Palm” worshipped at Palmyra aka Amurru were warned against because children were sacrificed in Fires to Molech meaning “King”; Amurru is the source name of the Americas and means “Serpent”; the Sacrificial Arch under which children passed to their deaths was digitally recreated in Dubai and installed in Trafalgar Sq and Washington DC. Merry Christmas? May want to re-think that; teaching children about the Hittite Shaman Santa is in fact Passing children through the Fires of Molech.
Dec 24 “Twas the Night before Christmas” (Mass=Dismissal + Jesus Christ; Covenant with Mithras), the 4th Day (Gen 1:14), God when God created “Lights”, the Sun, Moon and Stars (Shamash, Sin, Zoroaster); Arabs celebrate the Birth of LORD MOON Dec 24; calling the Moon al Uzza “Mighty One”; Muslims are taught the Moon is Allah “The God” but Chaldean Rabbis know the Moon is a 6000 yr old god called “Sin”. Sin comes from Man’s attempt to become God, a reflection of the Sun god called “Solis Invicti” (Unconquered Sun) born Dec 25 as Osiris, Horus, Zeus, Mithra/Solis Invicti, Sol etc. The false promise 1st made by the Serpent (Devil, Satan, Dragon Rev 12:9) has deceived the entire world, symbolized by the Ubiquitous Hittite god Santa spreading Psilocybin Hallucinogenic Mushrooms all over the world, a Delusion promoted by Priests/Pastors offering Communion, celebrating Advent, setting up Groves, singing Chaldean written Carols and claiming the bible is Silent concerning the birth of Jesus when Luke 1 spells this out plain as Rudolph’s Red Edomite Nose.
Shamash, the Babylonian Sun Lion and God of Justice is the center candle of the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah; the Six Pointed Star of Molech the “New born King”; the 8 Branches reflect the apparent victory of Shamash “Rising Sun” replacing Jesus amid 2 Thieves which formed the 7 Branch Candlestick of the Old Covenant. JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) rejected and Crucified on the Tree of Knowledge is also replaced by the equally ancient Cross of Tammuz (Son of Saturn, born Dec 25). Jesus warned in Mat 23:8-10 never call any man Rabbi, Father or Master, now you know why.
80% of Israel is made of Ashkenazi Germanic fake Jews descended of Gomer (Germans) and Japheth, the eldest son (Gen 10:21KJV) of Ham, and Shem those who boarded among the 8 saved in Noah’s Ark. the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin supports the 4 Horsemen of Rev 6; the 4th Horseman “Death” represents both the Red Blood shedding Beast of Iron in Dan 7:7 as well as the Pale Horse, the ash gray-green horseman “Death” who Purifies the Earth with Holocaust Fire with “Hell” following immediately behind.
“On the 24th of the tenth month,” that is December, according to our reckoning, the Arabians celebrated the BIRTHDAY OF THE LORD–that is the Moon.”- Stanley’s Sabian Philosophy. Haran (Gobelki Tepe Turkey) is the “City of the Moon”, called by Arabs “Sin”; Christmas/Hanukkah is literally a Covenant with Sin. The Chaldean city of Beehives called Haran reflects “Bee” as the Chaldean “Word”; the Hexagon is the Six Pointed Chaldean Star of Molech “King” used on Israel’s Flag and Chaldean Priests “Rba” serving the Queen of Heaven Cybele, Astarte, Ishtar etc. Chaldean and Sabian Gnostic Priests use the title Rba; the title Baba Rabba is used by the Chief Samaritan Priest; the Samaritan “Kohen Gadol” is the Chief Priest of the Temple Mount.
“They are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish” Jer 10:15 Note: New bible versions change “Visitation” to “Punishment” not the same meaning because the time of “Visitation” is spelled out in Rev 11:10 “And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth” This sounds like a description of Hanukkah; the visitation of the New Born Kings “Sol Invictus” the god of the Covenant worshipped by the Samaritans at Shechem. Hanukkah is 7 days; mid-week the “Covenant with Many”
Worship of Baal-Berith the Tree Covenant began at Shechem, between Mt Ebal, the barren mount of Curses and Mt Gerizem, the fertile mount of Blessings the Samaritans made their Temple. The choice is realizing we are all in need of forgiveness of Sins, trapped in a Wilderness void of God until we ask for the Holy Ghost. The Lord of Shechem is Baal-berith “Lord of the Covenant” (Judges 8:33; 9:46) or El Bereth “God of the Covenant”; the Tree Covenant of Christmas and Hanukkah is the Covenant of the Rising Sun “Saturn” aka Chaos or Chronos (Time) established first at Shechem.
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate” Dan 9:27. Hanukkah is 7 days; mid-week the Covenant with Many (Christmas/Hanukkah is Ubiquitous) will be broken; God’s last 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah, the only people in world history to be taken to Heaven before death will be killed; their dead bodies will lie in the street 3 1/2 days until God’s Wrath (Rev 16) is poured out on the final day “And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves” Rev 11:9. Christmas/Hanukkah is the only time the Tree Covenant with Baal-Berith happens, and the only time people in Jerusalem send gifts one to another. Time to Wake Up folks!
Bohemian Grove is one such Grove Ritual; the purpose of for men to become effeminate as the Cretan Galli who worship Attis and Cybele; the purpose is to unite with the goddess Ishtar (Asherah=Grove=Tree) in a ritual called Sacred Marriage or Divine Union. The Tree represents the Phallus, the Wreath represents the Vagina/Womb. The Star atop the Tree represents Earth, Air, fire, Water and Quintessence, the 5 elements of Witchcraft. Holly and Ivy represent the Male-Female; together the Divine Androgyne. Garland represents the Circle/Cycle of Life; the Serpent wrapped Tree. Wassailing the Tree was a well wish for the Tree of Knowledge. Yule Log burned for the 12 days of Saturnalia in Rome, symbolic of perpetual fire in Zoroastrianism and the birth of Mithras “Contract” on Dec 25. Kissing beneath the Mistletoe sealed the Tree Covenant.
The Hittite god Santa appears roughly 1400BC; the chief priest of Bohemian is the Hittite Santa welcomed into homes all over the world at Christmas. Santa dresses in Red White colors of Nordic Shaman who gather hallucinogenic Amemita Muscaria Mushrooms from under Evergreen Trees; the cargo brought to villages by intoxicated Reindeer drawn sleighs; the Shaman descending Smoke Holes in Yurts to dry the hallucinogens on the hearth before consumption of the “Host” aka KRST (Osiris) Mass (Mes Cakes) in Sacred Communion. Santa leaves bad kids Coal in their stockings. Carbon-12 has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, the element God used to create Man is derived from Carbo=Coal and Charcoal “Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar” Is 6:6 Seraphim means “Burning One” aka Holocaust “Burnt Offering”.
The most important day for a Gnostic is their Birthday; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei); Rabbis (Rba is the title of Chaldean and Sabian Priests) change His Birthday to Succoth or Succoth-benoth (Booths of Daughters); one of Saturn’s many names is “Sikkuth”. Satan goes by several names all of whom are born Dec 25 eg Osiris “On” seen in BabylOn or Sol, Solis Invictus, Helios, Mithras, Attis, Krishna, Horus, Zeus; all of whom were originally derived from the Canaanite El and Asherah (Asherah Poles are Groves warned against extensively in scripture). The son of El and Asherah is Baal “Lord”; in Churches and Synagogues, prayers to the “Lord”, especially around Christmas/Hanukkah are directed at Saturn, not Jesus Christ. Jesus is Father, Son, Holy Ghost and Word (Jn 1:1;14; 1 Jn 5:7KJV); Father and Son become confused eg Osiris and Horus or Attis and Tammuz. Make no mistake here, there is only 1 Covenant Name of God JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) and JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is His Name! Mithra is born Dec 25, the name means Covenant and originated in Zoroastrian (Undiluted Star) religion; the date was aligned with the Egyptian “Going forth of Wadget” on Dec 25 a celebration of Osiris.
Saint Nicholas of Myra, a Gnostic Nicolaitane (Rev 2:6;16) Jesus warned of in advance, appears in the timeframe of the Council of Nicea in the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great. The first mention of Christmas occurred in Roman calendars in 336 AD, a year before the son of Druid (Knowers of Trees) princess Helena was baptized. Constantine never received the real baptism of the Holy Ghost because he never became a converted follower of Jesus Christ; he merely established a false lineage of Apostleship to Peter and led the early Christian Church to error. Constantine used the pagan Holy Day Easter worshipped by the Edomite King Herod (Acts 12:4KJV) replace Passover, the day before Jesus was Crucified. Easter is Asherah (Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Astarte, Cybele etc) the supreme Canaanite goddess of the “Groves” Israel was warned to eradicate (Judges 3:7; 2 Cir 19:3; 33;3; 1 Ki 14:23) Asherah and her consort El, the supreme Canaanite god had a son Baal “Lord” represented by the Obelisk (Pole) Funny? No Hilarious! the Castration of Attis, lover of Cybele on Mar 25 “Hilaria” was 9 months before the rebirth of the sun god on Dec 25. In Egypt the “Going forth of the Wadget” on Dec 25 celebrated “Green One” Osiris aka El the Canaanite god seen in BabEl and BabylOn. Constantine sought to mix the pagan Saturnalia (Dec 17-23) with the birth of Mithra (Covenant) celebrated Dec 25-Jan 1; today the Tree Covenant is ubiquitous, the Fir Tree Covenant Baal-berith and in Arab nations Baal-tamar (Palm Tree).
Santa Claus appears earliest on a 14th BC century Hittite cup belonging to the Hittite King Telipinu, himself named after the Hittite god Telepinu “Exalted Son”. The cup, is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC; his disappearance causes all fertility, both plant and animal to fail; seems to be a reference to the Solar Solstice Dec 21-25. The Hittite Santa Claus is depicted hanging sacks of gifts on Pine Trees, drawn in a vehicle pulled by Deer; he became the forerunner of St Nicholas of Myra, the Nicolaitane (Rev 2:6:15) semi-mythical orphan with an enormous inheritance who brought sacks of gifts in the days of Constantine the Great and his Druid (Knowers of Trees) princess mother Helena. The myth of Telepinu’s disappearance leaving behind a Wilderness is similar to God’s disappearance leaving a Spiritual vacuum “Wilderness/Desolation” which people will experience once the Abomination of Desolation is installed in the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem next to Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamon; Rev 2:13).
Telepinu entered Greek mythology as Telephus the mythical founder and cult hero of Pergamon; his wife Hiera (Hera? wife of Zeus) is depicted on the Pergamon Altar of Zeus “Satan’s Seat”. Pergamon was home to Satan’s Seat, previously the throne of Satan was on Crete, until its move to Berlin; the Theraputae of Pergamon worship the god of plague Aesclapius. Jesus warned in advance of Satan’s Seat, the Nicolaitanes and Doctrine of Balaam in Rev 2:12-17; failing to heed His warnings, many Christians and Jews celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah, eagerly await the building of a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem, Satan’s Seat and the Abomination of Desolation. If you do one thing this year for your personal Salvation, consider getting rid of Christmas and Hanukkah!
Saturnalia drinking, cross dressing, role reversals, orgies and gift giving in celebration of the birth of Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Unconquered Sun) called Saturn, Rising Sun, Solis Invicti, Sol, Bacchus, Dionysus, Attis, Krishna, Mithras (Mithra means Covenant) etc. Saturn is Osiris “Green One”, called KRST, the annual “Going forth of the Wadjet” on Dec 25 in Egypt. Green One is the Pale (Chloro=Pale Green) Horse “Death”; make a covenant with Green One and “Hell” for eternity awaits (Rev 6:8) Tired of being treated like a Mushroom by your Priest, Pastor or Rabbi? Being Kept in the dark, deceived and being fed bullshit is not a good plan of salvation.
“And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say” Lk 12:11
“But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name’s sake” Lk 21:12
Israel: The biggest lie ever sold
“Jewish people are a Nation” Donald Trump, the Jew Harp (Ashkenazi Germanic fake Jew Drumpf) Signed the Executive Order, written by his Chaldean Chabad Lubavitch handlers at the start of Saturnalia 2019.
Synagogue appears once in the Old Covenant; King David lamented all the Synagogues of God had been burned up; Synagogues are Jewish and Samaritan houses of worship, Jesus refers to as “Synagogues of Satan” (Rev 2:9; 3:9). Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of Shin, the 6th Hebrew letter means Nail; the Sign of Shin represents the 3 Nails used to Crucify Jesus. Jesus hanging between 2 thieves on the Tree formed the 7 Branch Candlestick Moses constructed for Tabernacle and Temple symbolizing an end to the Old Covenant, the 7th Covenant between God and Man. The New Covenant is the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man, a SPIRITUAL Contract between you and God via the Holy Ghost. JESUS is the Holy Ghost! (1 Jn 5:7KJV)
Trump, a Crypto Chaldean fake Jew who take Communion yet has never apologized to God; wears the Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall; bowed to Arabian King Salman, accepted the Saudi medal of Freedom and danced the Arbah (Arab Sword Dance); dons a Talit Prayer Shawl and allegedly converted to Chabad Lubavitch Judaism used the ADL (Anti-defamation league) definition of Anti-semitism as Hatred against Jews; nice timing right after Wikileaks declared Israel was responsible for 9/11/2001 and Trump’s Title 6 Exec Order last week defining Anti-semitism as anyone against Jews.
Jew is synonymous with Gyp (Welsh), the root of Gypsy and Egypt (Aegyptios=Land of Gypsies); Osiris=Saturn=Six Pointed Star; BabEl and BabylOn mean “Gate of Saturn”; BabIlu means “Gate of Allah”, the Sabian moon god “Sin”. Nothing even remotely close to being followers of God.
Israel (One who wrestles with God) ceased to be God’s Bride and His Nation 2700 years ago for worshipping the Golden Calf of the Sun “Shamash”; the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah has Shamash, the Babylonian sun lion at its center. Israel worshipped the Golden Calf (Zeus/Horus/Jupiter is the son of Saturn) at Beth-El (House of Saturn) and Dan rather than worshipping God in Jerusalem, the great city Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV. Important because JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) the Covenant Name of God. Tired of Rabbinical Bullshit? It just got a lot deeper.
Israel is the Whore of Babylon
Europa, the Cretan princess mated with Zeus in the form of a Bull which became the Apis Bull in Egypt; Apis means Bee, the Chaldean “Word” made Flesh; the Six Pointed Star is the Chaldean Beehive; the Queen is Asherah, the consort of El (Canaanite Saturn) worshipped in “Groves”. Israel adopted the Chaldean Six Pointed Star of Molech (Saturn) aka Chiun (Edomite), El (Canaanite/Phoenician), Chemosh (Moabite), Sikkuth (Assyrian), Milcom (Ammonites); all Stars representing Saturn, the Black Sun, Primordial Sun or Black Star; Nazi Germany was the last Nation to adopt Saturn as their National God. “The virgin of Israel has fallen she shall no more rise” Amos 5:2 “But ye have borne the tabernacles of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves” Amos 5:26
Eretz Israel encompasses the land God promised to Abraham extending from the Nile to Syria to the Euphrates. The Covenant God made with Abraham was for his sons not to take Canaanite women for wives; Ishmael and Esau abrogated that Covenant. Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis descend from Abraham’s brothers Terah and Nahor, Chesed (Chasidic) and Haran (Sabians of Haran worshipped the Assyrian moon god as “Sin”; Crescent “Hilal” means “Lucifer”) not Abraham; they are Chaldean and Sabian Priests “Rba”; descendants of the Pharisees Jesus warned were a “Generation of Vipers…Hypocrites…children of Hell…blind guides…fools…serpents…generation of vipers dammed to Hell…illegally sitting in Moses’ seat” Mat 23
Israeli “Jews” are made up of Ashkenazi (Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz; Gen 10:2-3); Sephardic (Babylonian, Canaanite, Medean, Cuthite; 2 Ki 17:30); Mizrahi (Ham-Mizraim; Gen 10:6), Samaritan (Phoenician-Israelite), Edomites (Obadiah). The 12 sons of Jacob are in Diaspora where God scattered them for punishment and protection. Amos beseeched the LORD “By whom shall Jacob arise for he is small? The LORD repented for this: This also shall not be, saith the Lord GOD” Amos 7:2-3; 5-6KJV God set a Wall and Plumbline (Amos 7:8-9) over this issue; on the side of Israel? You are on the side of Antichrist and Satan likely willing to accept the Mark of the Beast.
Jew is synonymous with Chaldean; descendants of Chesed ie Chasidics. The Talmud, Zohar, Kaballah, and Rabbis have nothing to do with Old or New Covenant religion; Judaism is Satanic; Hanukkah is as Satanic as Christmas.
Nation is derived from Natal; People ranked by Birthright, a political society united by ancestry, culture, language and homeland/territory; in short Canaanite. The Birthright comes from the 1st born sons: Cain, Japheth (Gomer-German; Ashkenaz), Canaan, Elam (Persia), Terah (Lot; Ammon; Moab), Ishmael (Ismaili Assassins in Iran), Esau (Edomites; Red=Debt). God’s promise of Salvation is through Abel, Seth, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus Christ. Got JESUS in your life? TimesUp folks! When we are brought before the Synagogues to defend Jesus Christ, let Him do the talking!
Mithras means Contract; the birth of the Zoroastrian Mithra on Dec 25 was celebrated by the Tauroctony “Slaying of the Bull”; the Bull seen at Wall St for example would collapse the world economy and is the plan to reveal the Black Horse of Revelation 6:6. The Tauroctony dates from the Inter-testament period roughly 100BC, about the time the Essenes of Qumran wrote the Prince Melchisedek Scroll calling for the return of Melchisedek after the 10th Jubilee 2017-18 The Birth of Mithras originated in Egypt with the Going forth of the Wadjet on Dec 25; Wadjet means “Green One” aka Osiris/Saturn or the Arab al Khidr is the “Green Man” worshipped by the Arab Assassins and Knights Templar, todays International Bankers. Green One is the Pale Horse “Death” of Rev 6:8.
Advent, Christmas and Hanukkah are traditions of men
“Zecharias, of the course of Abia (8th 8 day Temple Service in June)…as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived (Nativity of St John is June 24th), and hid herself five months…in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God (Hanukkah/Festival of Lights December 24th, 6 months after Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist)…Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary…the Lord is with thee (Jesus is LORD)…thou shalt conceive in thy womb and …shalt call his name JESUS…thy cousin Elisabeth …also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren…when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.
A decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed (Fiscal Year is September-October)…when Cyrenius was governor of Syria…Joseph also went…out of the city of Nazareth…into the city of David…Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered (Feast of Tabernacles 15 Tishrei or 29 Sept). And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn (Tabernacles was a large Feast)…there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night (Shepherds bring their flocks out of the mountains by October)….and when eight days (8 Days of Tabernacles) were accomplished for the circumcising of the child (Jesus fulfilled the Ole Covenant Law) , his name was called JESUS” Luke 1 Mat 1:25 JESUS=JAH (Ps 68:4KJV)=JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3KJV)
To sum all this up, John the Baptist was conceived in June and born 9 months later on Passover; Jesus was conceived when John was 6 months in the womb during Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and born 9 months later on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei); He was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 when the Wise Men arrived in the Spring of 4 bc, the exact time Herod died for ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents”.
Advent: “Coming; Arrival; Incarnation; Nativity Fast” of Solis Invicti Pagan “Unconquered Sun”
Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” or “Festival of Lights” replaces Jesus, the center candle of the 7 Branch Candlestick, seen as the Crucified Messiah between 2 Thieves on the Tree, with Shamash, Arab word for Sun and Babylonian Sun Lion and Law Giver, now the center candle of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah. Dec 25 is the birth of Horus, celebrated in Egypt as the “Going forth of the Wadjet”
Advent uses 3 Purple, 1 Pink and 1 White Candle. Phoenicians (Canaanites) are called “Men of Purple”; worshippers of El (Saturn), purple, the most energetic of visible light became their color of Royalty. Chi-Rho, (Cross in Crown) is the symbol of the Royal Christ “Antichrist”. Pink is a combination of Red and White; in Masonry, the Red Lodge may ring a Baal. Hopi Priests tell of the Red Kachina removing his mask before the un-initiated at the plaza when Great White Brother arrives; that would be Marduk/Shamash the original Golden Calf of the Sun. Jesus arrives with a vesture dipped in blood (Rev 19:13).
Luke chapter 1 tells us John the Baptist was conceived at the end of the 8th, 8 day Temple service “Abia” in Tammuz (June). Jesus Christ was conceived in John’s mother Elisabeth’s 6th month of pregnancy at Feast of Dedication aka Hanukkah. John was born on 14 Abib “Passover”; Jesus was born 6 months later on 14 Ethanim at “Even”, the start of the 8 day “Feast of Tabernacles”. Thirty three and a half years later, Jesus was Crucified 14 Abib “Passover”, laid in a Sepulchre at “Even” on Feast of Unleavened Bread on 15 Abib, and rose to Heaven on 17 Abib on Feast of First Fruits.
Advent has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. It is a celebration of the Unconquered Sun.
Babylon means “Gate of the gods”. Marduk means “Son of pure origin”. Marduk is the Chief god of Babylon, the “god of gold” or Golden Calf. Bab = Gate; On = Osiris, a name meaning prince or chief. Heliopolis the “Gate of Osiris”; Priests of On are Solar Priests today going by the titles Father, Reverend and Rabbi. Marduk is the Head of Gold, specifically the Ben-ben (Pyramidion) of Heliopolis found on the back of U.S. printed money. Going back to Tammuz for a moment. Tam = Purify; Muz = Fire; Pyramid means “Amid the flames”. December 25th is the birth of the “Son of pure origin” known as Horus, Attis (Yarmulke, Skull Cap, Zuchetto, Kippah is the Cap of Cybele, sister, mother and consort of Attis), Adonis (Misteltoe is “Blood of Adonis”), Mithras (Persian/Zoroastrian “Covenant”) etc.
XMASS: Going forth of Osiris
Jesus was not born on Dec 25th. Attis, Mithras (Covenant), Bacchus, Dionysus, Horus, Adonis is born on Dec 25 all are sons of Saturn the Black Sun. The Going forth of the Wadjet “Green One” on Dec 25 in Egypt is a celebration of Osiris. The Solar Solstice is a celebration of Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun). Scripture never mandated a celebration of God’s (Jesus) Birthday; He was however born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei); Rabbis are Chaldean Gnostics; Chaldean/Sabian Priests use the title “Rba” and are posing as Jews; this is why Jesus did mandate never calling any man Rabbi (Mat 23:8). Rabbis have turned Feast of Tabernacles into Sukkot or Succoth; Saturn is Sikkuth, thus God’s real Birth is turned into Booths of Saturn; Succoth-benoth (2 Ki 17:30) “Booths of Daughters” even worse! The Tree Covenant Baal-berith (Fir) and Baal-tamar (Palm) are warned of in Jer 10:1-8; Judges 2:13; 3:6; Deus 12:2-3. There is really no good excuse a follower of Jesus can make for celebrating Christmas nor a Jew for celebrating Hanukkah.
On Nov 22, 2019 Axion ie Dark Matter discovered! Same day the 5th Fundamental Force dubbed X-17 is discovered!! More occult Bullshit! “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” Job 26:7 Move over WIMPS and MACHOS, Axion (Axis + On=Heliopolis or Osiris) is the best candidate for Black Matter aka Prima Materia of Creation; “Discovered” using what else but Japan’s (Japan=Jih + Pun “Rising Sun”) XMASS (X=Chi=Osiris) detector.
Twice per year Saturn “Black Star” or “Black Sun” alignes its 2 Focii with Earth on Dec 24 and June 24; Advent marks the 4 week Arrival of the Alternative Messiah “Marduk”. The 12 day “Akitu” aka “Festival of Marduk” leads into “New Year” on 1 Nisan/Abib; moved back in the calendar by the same amount Christmas or X-Mass and Feast of Tabernacles, one can see how Marduk and “Festival of Lights” became confused with Feast of Tabernacles aka Sukkot “Booths”. X-Mass refers to Jupiter/Zeus as the son of Marduk/Saturn in retrograde motion across the Ecliptic; the Greek “Chi” visible as the X the downward and upward triangles overlap to form the Masonic Square and Compass and Hexagram aka Star of Molech/Saturn/El. King David had nothing to do with this Star – it is more properly called the Seal of Solomon with the Sun aka Marduk as the “Head” to form another familiar symbol “Chi-Rho” or “Royal Christ”.
Molech, Malak, Melek, Martu (Mar Utu “Young Bull”), Shamash (Samas “Calf of the Sun”) all mean “King”, specifically to make or set up Kings and Queens ie Royalty. Now can you see why Shamash is the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah? Jesus was rejected as the center of the 7 Branched Candlestick – Shamash replaces Him.
Four Sundays of Advent feature candles and wreaths. Sunday is Dies Solis; the conception of Sol on Easter aka “Hilaria” (Nothing funny about Blasphemy of God folks!) is followed in 9 months by Dies Natalis Solis Invicti “Nativity of the Sun”; now can you see why Advent is called “Nativity Fast”? The 40 days of Lent are for Tammuz just as the 40 days from 11/11-12/25 are the 40 Days of St Martin (no Saint, just another expression of Martu). Purple is the color of royalty because it is simply the most energetic visible light.
First Candle Purple
The first Purple Candle is the Prophecy Candle of Hope. Hope of what? The 2nd Coming? Not on your eternal life. During the Millennium, only the Feast of Tabernacles will be celebrated (ref Zach 14:18); God has 7 Holy Feasts and not one is near Christmas.
Second Candle Purple
The second Purple Candle is the Bethlehem Preparation Candle. Preparation for what? Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem where Jesus was 1 1/2 years old in Spring not on His Birthday. The Slaughter of Innocents occurred and Herod died. Nativity of Jesus? No way, the Nativity of Marduk.
Third Candle Pink
The third candle is the Pink Shepherd Candle of Joy. Why Pink? A combination of Red (least energetic) and White (Lucifer) Light. Pink means “Eyes half closed” referring to Initiation into Babylonian “Mystery Religion” Pink is a Feminine color relating to the Gnostic “Mother of God”, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Isis etc. Praying to Mary? Sorry, but Jesus will not hear those prayers. Pink Slip means “Discharge Notice”. Pink means “To Pierce, stab or prick”. It also means “Left of Center”. I suggest you attempt to get right of Center because everyone on Jesus’ Left will hear “Depart from me, I never knew you”(Mat 7:23) that’s a Discharge Notice that lasts for eternity!
Fourth Candle Purple
The fourth Candle the Purple Angel Candle of Love. Folks, you can love God or Mammon but not both, and Advent, if not obvious already, has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. God is not an Angel. Lucifer is the Angel of Love; God punished Adam and Eve for listening to the Serpent; God Loves us when we follow His Word and Advent is not part of that Word. Charity is the greatest virtue a follower of JESUS can have (1 Cor 13KJV) Charity is the “Love of God”, the first and primary commandment in both Old and New Covenants. Love (Amor) is a Gnostic bastardization found in new bible versions; Cathars are the Church of Amor; Agape Love Feasts are Orgies.
Fifth Candle White
The fifth Candle is the White Christ Candle. The white, bearded, long hair Jesus is a mockery; His robe is White, but when He returns it will be “Dipped in Blood”. Christ means “Messiah” – Marduk is the Alternative Messiah going by titles such as Buddha “World Pole”, Krishna “Black” (Absorbs Light), al-Mahdi “He who rises” (That would be the Sun folks!) or the Christmas Jesus lying in the manger amid Wise Men. There were no Wise Men in the Manger! White means “Sinless” as does Laban, the Syrian (Aramaean) uncle of Jacob. Now can you see why your Christmas Tree looks just like the Flag of Lebanon (Laban)? America’s first Flag was also an Evergreen Tree.
The Advent Wreath is Pagan
Candles lit in succession increase the Light around the Sacred Space used in Witchcraft on Yule, the Great Festival of Light in the Germanic Year of Odin. Odin is Woden, from where Wednesday was named; his son Thor is Thursday and Freya is Friday. Ever tried to count 3 days/nights from Good Friday at “Even” to Easter Sunday at First Light? Don’t bother; the 3 days are from Odin’s/Woden’s Day until Saturday which match the number of days for God’s Spring Feasts: “Passover” 14 Abib, “Unleavened Bread” 15 Abib and First Fruits 17 Abib. Woden’s Day, Thor’s Day, Freya’s Day and Saturn’s Day, the 6th planet; you know, the one with the Halo around it.
Santa initially appears as the Hittite god of the west over 3000 years ago. The dates of Easter and Christmas came to be falsely associated with Jesus Christ in the reign of Constantine the Great and his Druid (Dru=Tree) princess mother, Helena in the 4th century AD; the Evergreen Tree decorated as “Stars in the sky” came to peoples homes with the Rosicrucian reformer Martin Luther; the same Stars used by Zoroastrian Priests spreading the Cult of Mithras “Mithraism”. Santa Claus became the Ubiquitous, all knowing, benevolent god of Christmas around the turn of the century through an ad campaign by Coca Cola, the beverage named for Cocaine, much like the Red/White Psycho-psylibin Amenita Muscaria Mushroom. Christmas-Hanukkah is Satan’s biggest deception and in my opinion, 2nd place isn’t even close.
Hanukkah 2019 ended with an Annular Solar Eclipse forming a Halo (Annulus) around the Moon “Midweek” on Dec 25-26, 2019 on St Stephen’s Day (Stephen means Martyr and Crown) its ironic Stephen was stoned for debating with Libertine Jews; Albert Bourla is one such Libertine Jew, a Veterinarian who heads Pfizer, awarded the $2B Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” Vaccine contract in Operation Warp Speed.after a record $2.4B fraud judgment. Hanukkah 2021 Nov 28-Dec 6 ends as Mandatory Experimental Covid 19 injections reach the Dec 8 deadline. The eclipse path began in the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at Sunrise and whose mid-point is centered on the Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Sulu and Sabah.
The Golden Calf worshipped under Mt Sinai and later at Beth-El (aka Luz “Almond Tree”) and Dan (The Ensign of the Tribe of Dan is the Snake/Serpent; it was changed to the Eagle to hide this fact. The Eagle is the Assyrian god Nisroch, another name of Saturn) The Golden Calf of the Sun is Shamash, seen as the center candle of the Chabad Lubavitch (Chabad Rebbes control Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin) Hanukkah Menorah.
Christmas Tree or Hanukkah Bush both represent Covenant with the Tree god Baal-Berith (Fir Tree) or Baal-Tamar (Palm Tree) Tree, the original Serpent/Snake in the Garden of Eden.
Red and Green, the colors of Christmas and the Beast Rising from the Sea
Red is the color of Blood; Hematin is Hemoglobin carrying Iron, a 33 atom molecule representing the 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:7 who sheds most of the blood of the 7.7B world population. Chlorophyll aka “Blood of Plants” uses Light to convert Energy to Mass, another 33 atom molecule nearly identical to Hematin. The so-called DNA of Light is Dark Matter or the Dark Photon, element made of pure BS, but nonetheless having the Atomic Number 137, the 33rd Prime Number. Combined with the Fine Structure Constant 1/137, it becomes ONE, the Monotheistic god of Light Lucifer aka Satan, Dragon, Serpent, Devil (Rev 12:9). Chlorophyll or Pale Green is the color of the Pale Horse in Rev 6:8; thus the 4th Beast of Iron and 4th Horseman are one in the same. The Pale Horse carried the name “Death” and “Hell” follows close behind. Think Christmas is a “Great Tradition”? Guess again, Christmas and Hanukkah are Saturnalia; Covenants with Satan warned about in Jeremiah 10.
“Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good” Jer 10:1-4.
Sabian/Chaldean Priests went by the title Rba, today’s Crypto fake Jewish Rabbis are Sabians have infected every religion on Earth, awaiting Geula (Redemption) of HaShem whom they teach is Melchisedek (King of Salem). Rabbis teach Melchisedek (Gen 14:18) was Shem; this is a Lie; Jesus is Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem, Priest of the Most High) in both Old and New Covenants (Hebrew 7). Hashemites originated with the Alternative Korahite Priests of Mecca “Quyraish” God buried in the sand (Num 16; 26:10); the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Jordans were for Sabians “Living Water”) is Edom, Moab and Ammon (Dan 11:41) the 3 nations who escape the hand of Antichrist during the Great Tribulation (Dan 11:38), the “Little Horn” who enters peaceably and obtains the kingdom by flattery (Dan 11:24). Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” is very big deal to Chaldeans; Saturn is their Supreme God, seen in the Six Pointed Star of Saturn, they are the Cult of Saturn aka Melchisedekians.
Saturn is called Primeval Sun, Best Sun, Central Sun, 1st Sun, Black Sun, Black Star, Hidden God, Concealer of Secrets, Reaper of Souls, Grim Reaper, Universal Monarch. Saturn is seen in Babylon “Gate of On/Osiris”; Bab-El “Gate of El” and Bab-Ilu “Gate of Allah”; all names of Saturn.
Saturn is called the Old Sun, seen in the figure Krampus, a 1/2 Goat 1/2 Demon who abducts children. Saturn as the “Black Star” is the “Sun in a Cave”, worshipped in Mithraism in Caves “Mithraeum”; the word Mitre originates with Mithra, seen in the Saturnian Priest “Mitres” worn by the Pope, and by Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran Bishops etc Jesus said “Call no man Father on the Earth” Mat 23:9 Saturnian Priests of Mithra were called “Father” as are Roman Catholic Priests”
Jupiter (Zeus, Marduk, Horus, Apollo, Tammuz) is the son of Saturn; called the “Morning Star” of Dec 25; King Star, Tzaddiq “Righteous”, Unconquered Sun, Sol, Solis Invictus, 2nd Sun, Lord of Heaven, Ruler of Earth, Planet of Wisdom-Light-Knowledge, Zeus (Greeks, Cretans), Dushares (Nabattaeans), Marduk (Babylonians), Osiris (Going forth of the Wadjet in Egypt is Dec 25) or Nibiru. The annual “12 Days of Christmas” is the transit as “Morning Star”, beginning on Dies Natalis Solis Invicti “Birth of the Unconquered Sun” Dec 25.
Jesus, the real “Morning Star” was born on Feast of Tabernacles 3 months earler (Ref Lk 1; Mat 2); Jeremiah warned Jews not to celebrate Saturnalia (Jer 10). Jesus’ #1 Commandment in both Old and New Covenants “Love God”; Saturn is Satan, the Angel of Light destined to Hell for eternity.
Rome was Saturnus long before the founding of the City named after the mythical Romulus in the 8thc BC. Saturn was worshipped on Capitoline Hill for Millennia; Capitol means “Womb of Zeus”. Saturnalia sacrifices of infants, often born of last Saturnalia’s Orgiastic Festival were veiled, eaten and burned in open air fires called “Tophet” in places like Amurru (Palmyra, Syria; “Serpent”) and Carthage where Saturn was called Molech and Baal-Hammon (Saturn) respectively.
1;2 Kings represent 400 years of “Doing Good in sight of the Lord” and “Doing Evil in sight of the Lord”; the dividing of Good and Evil is setting up Groves. Groves are where Evil is done in sight of the LORD: Trees, usually Firs, Oaks, Pines or Palm Trees were decorated with children’s severed heads and candles made of fat from burning the bodies; Yule Logs, the severed legs. Priests of Saturn/Baal or Kahn-Baals, the source of Cannibalism. Saturnian sacrifices were banned in 97BC, changing form to Gladiatorial shows over Saturnalia and today, in America at least to Football. Emperor Nero, known for lighting Christians on fire to decorate Roman streets, played “Saturn” in plays throughout his life.
Saturn=Chronos “Father Time” Saturn was worshipped Dec 21 at the shortest day of the year; on the Julian Calendar Dec 25 aka “Brumalia” (Brum=Short) The 3 Kings are the 3 belt stars in Orion (Osiris/Saturn)
“I and my Father are one” Jesus Jn 10:30 “For there are 3 that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these 3 are one” 1 Jn 5:7KJV “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God…And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” Jn 1:1;14 “I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star” Rev 22:16 Jesus “Morning Star” and the Father are One; the Satanic copy is Jupiter, the son of Saturn as “Morning Star” of Christmas.
Saturn’s Star is the Chaldean STUR, gematrically “666”. Six Pointed Star of Saturn (Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43) also called Shamash, El, Kronos, Helios, Sol, YHWH (Tetragammaton) Arka (Star of the Sun), Ra, Osiris, Zurvan, Sikkuth, Remphan, Chemosh, Moloch; the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus (Mars’ Hill) in Athens.
Saturn is the pre-eminent planet because it is the first planet with a 2nd Focii (Ellipses have 2 Focii) outside Earth’s apparent orbit of the visible Sun, at a Dark Point aka Dark Star in Space some 13 million km away from Earth. Planets outside Saturn appear to orbit the Barycenter of the Solar System.
Alchemy is the occult discipline of burning (calcination) ie “Burning away the dross” leaving behind Alchemical Gold, the esssential nature of 1st Matter, Black Matter, Prima Materia. The Gnostic destruction of visible matter in order to purify is called “Holocaust”. Pope Leo X at the 5th Lateran (Jesuit “Militia of Zeus” HQ is St John Lateran Archbasilica; John is Oannes the Chaldean Fish God; Lateran means 3 unclean spirits of Dragon, Antichrist, False Prophet Rev 16:13) Council adopted Indestructibility of the Soul as Catholic Dogma; it is Gnostic nonsense.
The Cult of Saturn is symbolized by the Crow (Crows attacked Doves released by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis), called the “Death’s Head”; Jolly Roger, Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death”, Thule Society, Theosophical Society all part of the Cult of Saturn. Aleister Crowley (Wood of the Crow) in the Book of Toth “According to ancient tradition, the Sun is Black”; he was referring to Saturn.
The Elliptical Focus (Black Hole) of Saturn’s apparent orbit is at 3 degrees Capricorn (Capricornus is the Saturnian Sea Goat “Pan”) theoretically passing closest to Earth on June 24 “Feast Day of John the Baptist”, the Knights Templar High Holy Day, and furthest from Earth on Dec 24 the final day of Saturnalia is the Eclipse of the Dark Sun, the day the Dark Sun is conjunct (blotted out) by the Visible Sun (David Bowie’s Black Sun may ring a Baal).
The myth of Phaethon taking the reigns of the Solar Chariot is magically transformed via Science, the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” Dan 1:4 and “Vain, profane, babblings” 1 Tim 6:12KJV “Gravity”; the Sun’s Gravitational Pull on Saturn emanating from the visible Sun has 2 Focii, the furthest called the “Dark Star”. Like Zeus in the form of a Bull, Gravity and Helios-centric Theory is Bull Shit. Saturn/Satan is the “God of Forces” (Dan 11:38)
Most people in the West have been conned into worshipping Saturn/Satan in the form of Santa, the Ubiquitous Hittite god of the west. Keeping a secret in the open is the best way to hide it; Santa=Satan; no code breaking required.
Saturn is worshipped as a Cube, seen at Ka’aba in Mecca; Phlacteries worn by fake Jews or presents in boxes left by Sinterklass under Evergreen Trees. The Red and White wrappings synmbolize Amenita Muscaria (Fly Agaric), a Red and White “Magic Mushroom” called an Enthogen (God Within) intoxicant which grows from Morning Dew under Pine/Fir Trees, harvest Christmas Morning.
Saturnian Religion is the Chaldean STUR=666
Roman Catholic Roman=Romani (Gypsy/Culdees); Rome=Saturnia; Catholic=Universal “The Universal Church of Saturn” Saturn the 6th Planet; Man created on the 6th Day, thus Man heads the Roman Catholic Church. Mat 16:18. The Divinity of Jesus is the Rock upon which His Church is built; Peter “Small Stone” was never in Rome; nor was there any Apostolic succession to Constantine.
Protestant Reformer Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian, Black Cloisters ie Black Nobility=Cult of Saturn=Black Star Monk. Luther, the Rosicrucian Sophist gave rise to Calvin’s (Cohen) TULIP (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election to Salvation, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Fixed Predestination), Pre-Trib Rapture, and Dispensationalism. The conditions of the New Covenant “Love God” “Love our Neighbor” including Catholics and Muslims.
Islam Bab-Ilu=Gate of Allah, the Arab moon god “Sin”; Bab-El=Gate of Saturn; Babylon=Gate of Osiris=Saturn. Allah is not god; Allah “The God” is Saturn. Black Flag of ISIS (Isis=Black Virgin)=Saturnian Religion.
“Jewish” The Six Pointed Star of Molech, El, Chiun, Sikkuth, Saturn is the Chaldean STUR=666. The Blue color of the Star “Tekhelet” is a Canaanite forgery (Murex Trunculus Sea snail secretions exposed to UV Light) of God’s “Tekhelet” used for the Levite Priesthood; Zeus, the son of Saturn is the sky god, hence Sky Blue. Ashkenazi “Jews” are not Jewish or Semitic, they descend from Japheth-Gomer, hence they are Germanic; Mizrahi “Jews” descend from Ham-Mizraim (Egypt=Kemet=Black=Saturn); Sephardic “Jews” descend from Babylonians, Cuthites, Canaanites, Medeans (2 Ki 17:30). The Black Yarmulke is the Cap of Cybele, consort of Saturn, used to replace the Temple Veil Jesus tore at the Crucifixion.
Zoroastrianism “Undiluted Star”; Saturn is the Black Star, Primeval Sun, Best Sun thus a Saturnian Cult. Zoroastrianism is Gnosticism, now 6000 years old, far older than the semi-mythical Zoroaster. Good versus Evil, seen in Black versus White (Masonic Checkerboard Floor) is Saturn versus Jesus; Jesus won that battle already.
Krishna, the Hindu Messiah is derived from “Black”= Saturn the Black Star. Six Pointed Stars are used extensively in Hindu Shrines. Holi Festival is a color mixing ritual dedicated to bringing back Krishna; all colors mixed=Black=Saturn.
The Book of Mormon is “Another Testament of Jesus Christ; nobody can have more than 1 Testament, any other Testament is by definition, a Lie.
“Deseret” means “Honey Bee” In Chaldean “Bee” means “Word”; the Six Pointed Star of Saturn is used extensively in Mormon Temples. Mormons assume the Levitical Priesthood claiming to be physical sons of Aaron; this is not possible. They assume Jesus’ title “Melchisedek Priest” confirming it with the phrase “Sure Sign of the Nail”. Talmudic Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan (Saturn) with the Sign of Shin (Sign of the Nail). Mormons replacing Jesus Christ by assuring themselves He is still Nailed to the Tree. Mormon religion is centered in America, named after Amurru (Serpent) and the Cult center of Palmyra, Syria aka Amurru where children were sacrificed in flames to Saturn. Mormon religion is derived Nephites (White) and Lamanites (Black), thus another Gnostic Cult of Saturn.
Christmas: X-Mas
Satan is born on Christmas, symbolized in the sky (Above) as the constellation Orion. X-Mass refers to Orion (Osiris/Saturn) forming an X in the Sky and his son Marduk/Zeus/Jupiter/Horus aka Planet X forming an X across the ecliptic. Orion is Akkadian for “Heaven’s Light” and on Earth (Below) by the Pyramids of Egypt. The annual “Going forth of Wadjet” (Wadjet means “Green One”) is Dec 25, a symbol of Leo (Regulus “King/Law Giver” and the Sickle “Saturn”) and the Sphinx which stared at his reflection when the Axis of the Earth pointed in the opposite direction. Christmas obviously has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
911 and the Emerald Tablet
“That which is above shall become that which is below” shortened to “As Above, So Below” is the opening line of the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes; according to the Zohar (Book of Light, Splendour), the Green Sapphire “Schethiya” is the precious stone of Lucifer’s Crown upon which the Emerald Tablet was written. When Satan is cast to Earth at the 5th Trumpet 1st Woe ! at Rev 9:11 all Hell will break loose. Project 911 is a radiation hardened bunker with the Mezuzah rejecting Jesus Christ over every door, in Beit Shemesh “House of the Rising Sun” called Site 911; Shamash is the original Calf of the Sun and center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah.
Jesus requires celebration of His birth on Feast of Tabernacles during the Millennium; Satan will be imprisoned in the Bottomless Pit during the Millennium (Rev 20:7) and so, while free to deceive the world he entices everyone on Earth to celebrate his birth at Saturnalia under names such as Mithra, Attis, Horus, Tammuz, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Beddou, Dionysus, Bacchus, Liber, Quetzalcoatl etc
Christmas celebrates the Death of Jesus as Christ (Messiah) “Christ + Mass”, replacing God with the death/re-birth of Saturn/Satan the “Black Star” or “Primeval Sun”. The Magi arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was 1 1/2 and already in Egypt with Mary and Joseph; the Christmas Magi are the 3 Kings in the Belt of Orion aka Osiris/Saturn; Mintaka “Belt”, Al Nilam “Sapphire” and Al Nitak “Girdle” Orion (Osiris/Saturn), the brightest of all of the constellations, is associated with Taurus “Bull” (Zeus “White Bull”); Orion foretells the Second Coming of Christ, but which Christ?
Orion “Heaven’s Light” is represented on Earth by Osiris which means “Coming Forth as Light”; Lucifer is the “Light Bringer”. Orion is the picture of a warrior preparing to crush the serpent just as Ursa Major “Great Bear” pictures a Water Pourer in Baptism and Taurus “Bull”; but Bee (Chaldean for Word) careful in the interpretation. Orion Star names Saiph “Bruised” in one foot and Rigel “Foot that Crushes” in the foot raised above the serpent leave no doubt that the triumph of Christ is shown.
Orion has a distinctive “X” shape; X=Greek Chi=Christ aka Planet X (Planet of the Crossing aka Jupiter/Marduk/Zeus aka The Ferryman) The upper stars Betelgeuss “The Coming of the Branch” (Arth=Branch=King Arthur guide of the Big Dipper and Age of Aquarius, the age ruled by Saturn) and Bellatrix “Swiftly Destroying”; Jesus certainly does this, but so does Antichrist the 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:. In the center of the “X” is the “Belt of Orion” consisting of three stars Alnitak “The Wounded One” in the side of Orion, reminding us of Christ’s wound in the side, but equally the wounded Antichrist in Rev 13:3. Al Nilam “Sapphire” one of the stones in Lucifer’s covering Eze 28:13; Green Sapphire “Lapis Exilis” or Schethiya is listed in the Zohar as the stone of Lucifer’s Crown in his fall from grace, which was used to fashion the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes. Mitaka “Belt”.
The 3 Belt Stars in China (symbolized by the Red Dragon) represent the “Weighing Beam”; recall the Black Horse precedes the Pale Horse whose name is Death and Hell follows; the Pale Horse is “Antichrist”. The 3 belt stars are repesented on Earth by the Pyramids of Egypt real Magi of the Nativity Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Unconquered Sun) Solis Invicti is the Primeval Sun “Saturn” represented by the Six Pointed Star of Saturn/El/Osiris/Allah/Chiun/Molech/Sikkuth/Chemosh. Orion is home to the Stellar Cloud M-42, pictured as a Sword hanging from the Belt. M=13th letter; the 42 month Great Tribulation begins at Rev 13.
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; Satan dies and is re-born annually like the Snake that represents him.
The center candle on the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah is Shamash The Arab word for Sun is Sham, also meaning Fraud, Hoax or Trick. Shamash is Babylonian Sun Lion and god of Justice; Shamash is the original Golden Calf of the Sun; Shamash is one of many names of Saturn/Satan. Hanukkah is called “Feast of Dedication” and “Festival of Light”; Lucifer/Satan is the “Light Bringer”. The Hanukkah Bush serves the same purpose as the Christmas Tree “Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree…” Is 57:5 “For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are as upright as the palm tree…” Jer 10:3-5 Presents? Idols. Ornaments? Sacrifices Lights? Lucifer. Palmyra, Syria “City of Palms” was where children were sacrificed to Molech during Saturnalia is called Amurru “Serpent”. The Covenant with Baal-Tamar via the Palm Tree and Baal-berith via the Fir Tree is an ancient Covenant of Child Sacrifice.
Hanukkah is a Macabbaean (Hammer of God), invention from the Inter-testament period; a 430 yr period when God did not speak to Israel during the 2nd Temple period. Hanukkah is a 2160 (216-6X6X6; the Mark of the Beast matches the Earth’s Axis Precession cycle of 2160 Years/Astrological House; 2017 is at or near the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Saturn. Hanukkah is not one of God’s Holy Feasts, a 2160 year old invention timed with the transition from Aries to Pisces. Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3;5-6 are clear, modern day Israel is not God’s gathering of Jews to the Promised Land. Jesus is God and does that as Shiloh (Gen 49:10) at the 2nd Coming.
The Hanukkah Menorah had 8 Candles for each of the covenants with God man has broken; 8 nights of olive oil burning in the Temple? Sure thing. The 9 Branch Chabad Lubavitch Menorah has a center candle Shamash meaning “Helper”; Sure thing; Shamash is the Sun God, atop the Star of Molech/Satan. Jesus amid 2 thieves on the Tree formed the 7 Branch Candlestick representing the end of the 7th Covenant between God and Man; the Hanukkah Menorah represents the end of the 8th Covenant.
Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” aka “Festival of Lights”, lasts 8 days. God ordained 7 Holy Feasts Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles, the latter representing the birth of Jesus Christ lasted 8 days because He is the 8th Covenant between God and Man. The 9 Branch Hanukkah Menorah surrounds Shamash “Sun”. Project 911 in Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun) near Jerusalem is an underground, radiation hardened bunker financed by US taxpayers to house people when Lucifer is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11. Jesus will destroy this and every other work of Man 18 months, 1 Week and 1 Day later.
Nazar means “Sanctify one’s self in service to God”; Nazarene means “From Nazareth”; Nazarites such as Samson who killed 3000 Philistines at Beit Shemesh or John the Baptist have nothing to do with being a Nazarene like Jesus Christ. Bethlehem Mayor Victor Batarseh began Christmas festivities by lighting the Christmas Tree and commemorating the Wise Men witnessing the star over the birth of the Prince of Peace on Dec 25th; that too has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; rather it is “Sol Invictus”. The Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 and in Egypt with His parents in the Spring.
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with an axe. They deck it with silver and with gold…” Jer 10:2-4 Perhaps it is written in the 10th chapter because December means “Tenth” as does “Tithe”; what Tithe? Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and consumption of a suitable host.
Jeremiah warned against Saturnalia aka Sol Invictus celebrations at the fall of Jerusalem; hence, after the Crucifixion, Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8. During the Inter-testament period, Hanukkah rose from the 2nd Temple period when God was silent (Silent Night? Oh yeah; Holy Night? Absolutely not); Macabbees cleansed the altar where a pig had been slain and re-dedicated it on 25 Kislev, but God was not there, having departed to heaven as described in Eze 8 by the same route He would take in flesh. The date was chosen because it was 2160 years after Sargon the Great had been declared “Legitimate King” in Babylon as Taurus gave way to Aries; now Aries was giving way to Pisces; soon Phoenician/Nabataean “Fish” (Labrys) symbols would be accepted by Gnostics such as Nazarenes, Ebionites, Essenes (Dead Sea Scrolls), Theraputae (Nag Hamadi texts by Philo and Origen) and slowly infused into Judaism and Christianity with the Hexagram, Cross (Tau), and Tree, all pagan symbols.
What separates a Gnostic from a Born Again Christian is the Divinity of Jesus Christ; Gnostics desire Freedom (Hellenes) and Liberty (Libertines) from God. Nazarene texts like the “Gospel of Q” (Q=Quelle “Source”) and “Gospel of the Hebrews” declare Jesus to be a Wise Sage, Ascended or Evolved Master or Avatar, not God in Flesh. Jesus is however “Alpha”; “Melchisedek”, author of the Abrahamic Covenant, authority of King David and the flesh who sprang from Judah to author the New Covenant (ref Gen 14:8; Ps 110; Heb 7). He instructed Moses to construct a 7 branched candlestick because He would be Crucified between 2 thieves and nailed to the Tree. The 8 branched Menorah like Hanukkah and Christmas (Purim as well) are Gnostic additions to God’s plan, Consecrated with His physical blood and that of His followers. The New Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant; Time to separate from these heathen ways and become Holy, the Ekklesia Church Jesus established.
Festival of Lights
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; Chaldean Rabbis change Feast of Tabernacles to Sukkot; Sikkuth a name of Saturn; Sukkoth-benoth (2 Li 17:31) “Booths of Daughters” is used for Ritual Incest dedicated to Saturn. Sol is born on Festival of Lights. Santa is a Hittite God. The Santa Claus story began in Mesopotamia shortly after the Flood; the Vernal Equinox sunrise transitioned from Taurus to Aries (Supreme Ram, Lamb, Spring) as Sargon the Great (2382BC-2327BC) was pronounced “Legitimate King” of Akkad. A myth was attached to Sargon; born to a fallen priestess of Azupia (location of Babylon; the name signifies game tables, cards, chess, or dice) who broke her vow of chastity to remain a virgin (precuror to Vestal Virgins); the child Sargon (Legitimate King) is found in a basket (Bari means Boat, Barge or Basket; Malcolm X took the name Mallik El Shabazz where Malik=Moloch; El=Phoenician creator; Shah=Persian/Aryan King; Azz=Royal Eagle=Oz; Eagle the symbol of Esau; Malcolm=Milcom the Ammonite god and X the symbol of the Egyptian Osiris) made of dirt and pitch floating down the Euphrates River by a shepherd named Aggi “Water Bearer”. Exodus 1 describes Pharoah ordering 1st born sons cast into the Nile; this to preclude Moses, also found floating in the Nile, saving Israel from the Hyksos (Amalekite=Edomite) rulers. Rome has similar myths concerning Remus and Romulus floating in the Tiber River. Herod would later order the “Slaughter of Innocents”, but Jesus had been taken to Egypt by night for protection. Zeus (White Bull), Isis, Horus, Krishna, Mithras and similar myths follow this tradition of Vernal Equinox “Conception” at First Light on Dies Solis “Sunday” and birth 9 months later at the Solar Solstice. Jesus was conceived during Feast of Dedication “Hanukkah” (Elisabeth’s 6 month of pregnancy with John the Baptist) and born 9 months later at Feast of Tabernacles; Chritmas is Dies Natalis Solis Invictus “Birth of the invincinble sun”.
Emperor Constantine rallied Christians to Osiris (Solar) worship claiming to see an “X” in the sky with the motto “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign conquer); X repreents the rising and setting points of the Solstice Sun In 321 AD, he proclaimed Sunday “Dies Solis” a day of Christian worship. His mother Helena (Hellene means Free Stone/Foundation) changed “Tree” to “Cross” by allegedly finding pieces of 3 Crosses and 3 Nails 300 years after the Crucifixion. Jesus was however Nailed to the Tree between 2 thieves forming the 7 branched candlestick He ordered Moses to construct some 1500 years earlier; the 7th “Old Covenant” was over. Constantine’s representative, St Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (Gnostic Nicolaitane; Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD brought the name “Nick” (To Conquer) by elevating a clergy above the laity as an intermediary between Man (Flesh) and God (Spirit) through Jesus Christ (God in Flesh). Priests, Imams and Rabbis fill these Satanic roles today.
The Nicholas Cult moved into Bari (Basket) Italy in 1097, replacing Pasqua Epiphania (Grandmother) with Old Nick; the filling of stockings hanging on the hearth came from Amenita Muscaria (Amen “So be it” the Egyptian creator god became Amun Ra=Supreme Sun) gathered by Nordic Shaman descending the smoke hole to dry the “Flesh of Adonis” on the hearth. Old Nick’s long hair (Comets=Long Hairs; Merovingian Monarchs were called “Long Haired Monarchs”), a reversal of 1 Cor 11:14 (Jesus was neither White, nor did He have long hair), and a likely influence of the Lombards “Long Beards”, a matriarchal pagan culture united by Charlemagne with Angles, Saxons and Merovingians. These WASP’s soon formed the Protestant Churches under the Rosicrucian (Order of Rose and Cross) Martin Luther and John Calvin nee Cohen, a name derived from false Samaritan Priests “Kohanim”.
Short history of Santa Claus
In 1809, Washington Irving (Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote the “Knickerbocker Story” using the name “Santa Claus”, adding reindeer and the white beard of “Old Nikar” (Ismaelis worshipped a figure called the “Old Man of the Mountain”; same guy).
In 1822, Union Theological Seminary’s, Dr Clement Moore wrote “Twas the night before Christmas…” giving 8 reindeer led by the red (Edomite) nose and a sleigh to the story; recall the Abrahamic covenant was not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan; Ishmael and Esau disobeyed; 8 is the number associated with eternity and the 8th Covenant between God and Man through Jesus Christ “Melchisedek” (Priest of the Most High). The sleigh is none other than the solar chariot of Adonis, Attis, Horus or Mithras.
From 1862-1886 (Sovereign Freemason Albert Pike wrote WWIII would pit Islam against Zionism around this time as well) Santa Claus cartoon images gave him his home at the North Pole and legion of Elves. Qutb means Axis; Sayyid means descendant of Quyrash Bedouins, the fake “Rebel Priests” during Moses and Aaron’s day led by Korah; Sayyid Qutb originated the term Al Qaeda “Solid Foundation” ie the World Axis or Pole under the constellation “Draco” the Celestial Dragon.
In 1931, the red suit of the Nordic Shaman, red cheeks (flushed cheeks come from hallucinogenic Amenita Muscaria mushrooms) and his fat jolly figure was added by Coca Cola and Swedish (Dec 13 is St Lucia Day “Bride of Light” in Sweden) artist Haddon Sundblom.
In 1933, the year Hitler made the Reich Concordat with the Catholic Church, 33 deg Mason, WWII architect, FDR assigned Thanksgiving to the last Thor’s Day in November for making Christmas a month long commercial holiday.
Sargon “Legitimate King” the Great was followed by Sargon II when Assyrians captured and replaced the 10 tribes of Israel. Sargon III will be the Alternative Messiah, the rider of the Pale Horse will bring presents of spiritual Death and Hell. The hallucinogenic Amenita Muscaria mushrooms “Strong Delusion” will fulfill Satan’s desire to be as God, sitting on His throne in the north, his reindeer rotating the stars of heaven around the World Tree. Merry Christmas? Not on my watch.
On Dec 21, 2011, the CERN Large Hadron Collider using the ATLAS (Primordial Titan who supports the heavens ie the World Pillar/Tree; Atlantis “Isle of Atlas”) detector claimed to have discovered its first elementary particle with a quality called “Beauty”, referred to as “Chi” (Christ) represented by the Greek letter “X”; together with its Anti-quark form the “Strong Force” in the nucleus of the Atom. It’s designation 63p coincidentally matched the years since Israel’s “Declaration of Independence” in 1948. Why a “p”? Chi-Rho is the symbol of the Crowned Osiris.
X, Greek Chi=Messiah “Zeus/Jupiter” the son of Saturn. Jupiter “Planet X” makes an X across the Ecliptic; hence X-Mass, a symbol used by Constantine the Great to destroy Christianity. Christmas, he Sacrifice and Resurrection of the Old Sun “Saturn”, goes by various names such as the Egyptian Horus; Babylonian Tammuz aka Dumuzi or Dumuzi Apsu; Assyrian Shamash “Sun”, the center Candle on Hanukkah Menorah, Persian Mithras, Phrygian Attis, Greek Adonis or Hercules, Hindu/Gond Krishna, Phoenician Melqart. MLK means Lord; Moloch, Melek, Melek Taus and Marduk all mean “Son of the Sun” ie the Black Sun “Saturn”.
Santa is the Hittite “God of the West”. Once a ½ goat, ½ human figure in Bohemia called “Sinterklass” or “Krampus”; he was originally introduced to the Christian Church by the Gnostic Nicolaitanes (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) as St Nicholas of Myrathis is why most “Christian” Churches have some form of Santa, Tree, Lights, Presents and Advent celebration; they are Anti-Christian. Sinterklass was then tied to the figure of St Nicholas of Myra, an influential priest for Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century. Galatians of Turkey came to be called “Boii”; Boihaemum “Home of the Boii” became Bohemia (France-Germany), Boii in Italy became Umbrians, Sabines, Etruscans, Boii in Spain were Celtiberians (Celts on Iberia) and in Brittany (Amorica) they were Druids (Bards, Ovates also). Galli were similarly eunuch priests of Attis in Galatia (Turkey); France=Gaul. Celt means “Warrior”; Bohemiam refers to persons who do not live under laws or moral customs of the land they occupy eg Gypsies or Bohemians eg Bohemian Grove in Santa Rosa “Red Saint”. God’s throne is in Heaven in the north; Satan’s throne was north of Jerusalem in Pergamos and now resides in the Berlin Museum as the “Throne of Zeus”. Santa is married, wears Red, has hordes of demon helpers, knows everyone’s thoughts, is everywhere in the world at the same time on the Solstice, is guided by a flying reindeer with a Red “Edomite” nose and he has a white beard just like the Norse god Odin or the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl. Nordic Shaman collected Hallucinogenic Red and White “Amanita Muscaria” mushrooms, using Reindeer who became intoxicated eating them, from under Evergreen Trees; they stuffed them into sacks, they descended through Smoke Holes in Village Yurts, and dried them on the Hearth; villagers consumed them as the Flesh of Adonis. Christmas and Santa have nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus.
Christmas is Yule “Geole”; the last day of Saturnalia is called “Yule Tide”. “Brumalia” (Brum means shortest day) began on Nov 24th and lasted 30 days in honor of Bacchus aka Dionysus; Roman soldiers chose a “Mock King” for these 30 days before slitting his throat on the altar of the Temple of Saturn in Rome “Saturni”. Yule Logs are femurs of sacrifice victims, often burned in wicker effigies “Wicker Men” or sacrificed on altars at ritual sites such as Stonehenge. Their ashes and screams read to foretell the future by Druid Priests; their bones made into Celtic “Runes”. The Christmas Tree is a modern soft pedaled “Grove Ritual”. First born “Birthright” or “First Fruits” children were often the required sacrifice. The Cross of Tammuz and Egyptian “Ankh” (Cross with handle) replaced the “Tree”. 6 places where “Tree” is used in the KJV, new versions make the change to “Cross”. It’s “Tree” because Deut 21:23 specifies “Tree” not “Cross”. This “Trojan Horse” allowed an Idol to be called “Christian Cross” and the Dedication of the Temple of Saturn to become Christmas. Tammuz “Unconquered Son” became “Thor” in Bohemia; Thor’s Oaks were merely modern Oaks of Bashan (Eze 27:6) for Grove Rituals. The oaks were believed to be incarnations of Og, the giant king of the Canaanite kingdom “Bashan”. Yule essentially fertilizes the earth “Geole” with the blood of the host giving new life to the “Sol Invictus” the “Alternative or Anti-Christ”.
Prior to the Gregorian calendar reforms, St Lucia Day “Christingle” was the solstice celebration on Dec 13th. Lucia “Queen of Light” was selected, dressed in white and red sash and attended by young boys wearing red beards. This refers back to Jacob and Laban’s Red and White Stripes “Strakes” used to breed stronger cattle (ref Gen 30:32-43). Esau chose Laban’s way to be made white; the red beards representing Esau being born Red. Some Swedes observe this today as “Little Yule”. The Red Sash, Red Beard was like the Red Rose was said to have been washed by the blood of Adonis, contained in Holly Berries and Mistletoe grown on oaks. On “Little Yule” an orange pierced by a candle represents the Light of Lucifer liberated by the Sun.
Thor’s weapon is the Hammer; Maccabees are the Hammer’s of Thor. On 25 Kislev 164 BC, Judas Maccabeas “Hammer of God” cleansed and re-dedicated the 2nd Temple in response to Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificing a pig on the altar. No random date, this being the 2160 years after the equinox sunrise precessed from from Taurus to Aries at the birth of Sargon I “Legitimate King”, now to Pisces. 2160 years later the birth of Sargon III with an possible revealing on the 2012 Christmas week. How does one cleanse (atone) Sins against God? The same incident will be repeated when Antichrist sets up the Abomination and the result will be the same. Man cannot cleanse the Temple of the LORD; once defiled, it will be destroyed. 25 Kislev is celebrated by Talmudic Rabbis (actually Gnostics in Priest Robes) as the day 41 years after creation when Cain killed Abel and the “Chanukah Miracle” (also a lie). 1 day of oil burned 8 days beginning on 25 Kislev gave rise to Chanukah and the 9 Branched Menorah; 8 candles for 8 days surrounding the center candle “Shamash”. Had Jews recognized the 7 branched candlestick (The Law) was being Crucified (Jesus in the midst of 2 Thieves is 6 uplifted arms surrounding the Saviour) and heeded Jesus’ warning that the Pharisees were anything but Jewish, the Age of Grace would have been unnecessary. Had the world wondered why the center candle was called “Shamash”, the Assyrian sun god and Goat Idol “Ashima” of the Amorites and “men of Hamath” (Canaanites descended of incest in 2 Kings 17:30), things would be quite different. Today, if Jews would read the Words of Amos 5:26 rather than the Talmud, they would know why “Shamash” usually has a Six Pointed Star on it; it’s the Star of Moloch and Chiun (Saturn). The Chanukah Menorah is in fact the Tabernacle of Satan (Santa), serving the same purpose as the “Grove” (Christ-Mass Tree) does for undiscerning Christians. If we looked at this time of year from God’s perspective, we would toss the Tree (Grove) and Mistletoe (Branch of Adonis), toss the Menorah (8 Contracts or Saved surrounding Shamash), toss the Santa (Nordic Shaman) story, and stop lighting our homes as if the date were Feast of Tabernacles (aka Festival of Lights), the real birthday of God in flesh. The Christmas ham is a present from the Aramaean (Syrian) Antiochus; it may be wise to toss that too. Swine Flu means “Occult Pig Infestation” Christmas is much like Swine Flu in that regard.
Cainites cross the Flood
Ham slept with his mother while Noah was drunk (Nakedness is explained in Lev 20); Canaan is born “Cursed” from this Sin, as are his Phoenician (Sidon), Hittite (Heth), Amorite (Amraphel aka Hammurabi), Hamathite and “Giant” offspring who brought this Sin to Ishmaelites, Edomites and via Solomon’s 1000 Phoenician wives/concubines to Israel. The sin here being defilement of Noah’s marriage as well as physical incest; earthly “Marriage” is symbolic of the “Marriage of the Lamb” via the Holy Ghost. For this reason, Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the Unforgivable Sin.
Zacharias completed the 8th 8 day “Abia” Temple service (Luke 1) in Tammuz (June-July); John the Baptist was conceived and born on Passover 14 Nisan. Mary conceived during “Feast of Dedication/Lights” aka Hannukah 25 Kislev (Dec), 6 months after Elizabeth; Mary became the New Covenant Temple and Jesus the New Covenant “Tabernacle”, born at Feast of Tabernacles “Sukkoth” 15 Tishrei (Sept-Oct). Sukkoth was replaced by Babylonian “Sukkoth-Benoth” meaning Booth of daughters or Brothel. Aaron’s “Scapegoat” was replaced by “Azazel” (a name of Satan) in new bible versions (Lev 16), Azazel is the Goat Idol “Ashima” (2 Kings 17:30) of the Hamathites. Ashima means “Fate” or “Lot”; Ashima is cognate with Manat, a daughter of Allah (Allah is the Assyrian moon god “Sin”) and chief goddess of Mecca meaning “Adultery”. Manat is the wife of Hubal a Red Agate Idol and chief god of Quraysh bedouins, the false Levitical Priesthood of Muhammad. Hubal: “Hu” the Celtic god and “Baal” the Phoenician “Lord” is the Hittite Red Saint “Santa”. Ashima, Manat, Greco-Roman “Nemesis”, Knights Templar “Baphomet” and Uncle Sam are all Satanic “Scapegoats”.
Kwanzaa 1966
The 7 Principles of Kwanzaa are represented by a 7 Headed Snake The Black Candle in the center has nothing to do with being Black much less God; it represents Saturn, the Black Star, Black Sun worshipped by the Nazi SS (Knights of the Black Sun). Saturn replaces Jesus at Christmas aka Saturnalia; God hung between 2 thieves on the Tree represents the 7 candles and 7th Covenant between God and Man. The 8th Covenant is the last, the Holy Ghost, there will be no 9th Covenant. Time to Wake Up!
Kwanzaa began in 1966 Year One Satan. In 1966 Howard Levy aka Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan (High Priestess Jayne Mansfield is Mariska Hargitay’s mother, star of Criminal Minds for 30 years) at the Black House on California St; The Eagles Hotel California may ring a Baal; the Eagle symbolizes Saturn/Satan the Assyrian god Nisroch in 2 Ki 19:37; Is 37:38. The song Hotel California is about Don Henley’s initiation into the Church of Satan; Once you check in, you can never leave! Currently, co-founder Gen Michael Aquino runs the offshoot Temple of Set, a far less Hollywood, far more widespread group, as well as Vesuvius, the NSA Spy Computer in Mormon Zion. It’s no coincidence the Pompeii exhibit is making rounds currently; the US is in for a Yellowstone Volcanic eruption on an unimaginable scale compared to the eruptions God covered the Hyksos “Foreign Shepherd Kings” (Cretans) of Egypt who escaped to Thera (Santorini) after their expulsion ca 1500BC and their future home in Roman era Pompeii (79AD).
al Qaeda was coined in 1966 by Stanford professor of Islamic Studies Ibn Sayyid Qutb; “al Qaeda” means “Foundation”; Jesus is the Immovable Stone; al Qaeda is man-made in the USA, the Land of Amoritesand Uncle Samaritan. Wahhabists (Cult followers of Muhammad Wahhab) are Qutbists (Cult followers of Ibn Sayyid Qutb); in Saudi Arabia they refer to al Qaeda as “Foreign Toilet” a fake Terrorist organization created in the US centered around CIA asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden (Osama means Lion + bin=Manger/Crib/Nursery + Laden=100 headed Ladon Dragon; cut one head, 2 more replace it)
FBI Dialectic: Black Panthers versus United Slaves Antifa is serving the same purpose today.
Kwanzaa means “First Fruits” in Swahili. Kwanzaa means the same thing “Christmas” does in Latin; Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and Consumption of the consecrated Host. The word is rooted in Cannibalism. Strange? Cannibal means Priest of Baal after the Kahn Baals of Phoenicia. They wore the Mitre of Dagan just as Catholic and Orthodox Priests do today. Kwanzaa has the same connotation as Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication” which is why Lucifer and the Kahn Baals changed Hanukkah and Christmas to “Festival of Lights”.
Nothing glorifies Satan more than setting up Groves (Asherah Poles are in every Masonic Lodge and every most home at Christmas/Hanukkah) where “Evil is done in sight of the LORD” (Ornaments represent human sacrifices), lighting Advent candles of Marduk “Son of pure origin” and Hanukkah candles with the Star of Molech, and celebrating the made up Holy Day of Kwanzaa.
Ron Everett renamed himself Maulana Karenga (Master Teacher) and started the Cult celebration Kwanzaa. Karenga was a Marxist, Neo-fascist, torture squad leader whose followers called “United Slaves” shot 2 Black Panther members Al Carter and own Higgins on the UCLA campus. Karenga was the chair of African Studies at the University of Long Beach; Karenga stripped his female followers “Queens”, whipping them with electric cords, beating them with Karate batons, disfuguring them with soldering irons, putting toes in vices and Water Boarding them with Detergent and Draino. Think God enjoys these Holy Days? Guess Again. Obama lit his last White House Hanukkah Menorah with Chemi Peres, the son of Shimon Peres (Perski; d. Sept 2016), the man who handed control of the Temple Mount, Cenacle (Last Supper “Upper Room”) and David’s Tomb to the Vatican Jesuits. Peres means “Your Kingdom is Divided and given to Medes and Persians” Can’t see the Writing on the Wall?
First Fruits Benin was known as Dahomey, the slave trading and human sacrifice capital of West Africa during the 1700’s. Prior to that, Dahomey was the Kingdom of Allada 75 AD to 900AD. America’s first flag was in fact the same Serpent. Now you know why American Presidents always tell parents “Thank you for your Sacrifice”. Which one? First Fruits of course. “For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD” Ex 12:12 Aren’t you glad you don’t worship one of the Egyptian gods? Osiris “On” aka Allah was born Dec 25th; Babylon celebrated the Advent of Marduk “Son of pure origin”; Gernanics called him “Yule” “Infant of the Nativity”; Rome calls him Sol with “Dies Natalis Solic Invicti” the Nativity of the sun god.
Hanukkah means “Feast of Dedication” aka “Festival of Lights”, lasting 8 days. God ordained 7 Holy Feasts Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles, the latter representing the birth of Jesus Christ lasted 8 days because He is the 8th Covenant between God and Man. The 9 Branch Hanukkah Menorah surrounds Shamash “Sun”. Project 911 in Beit Shemesh (House of the Sun) near Jerusalem is an underground, radiation hardened bunker financed by US taxpayers to house people when Lucifer is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11. Jesus will destroy this and every other work of Man 18 months, 1 Week and 1 Day later.
Nazar means “Sanctify one’s self in service to God”; Nazarene means “From Nazareth”; Nazarites such as Samson or John the Baptist have nothing to do with being a Nazarene like Jesus Christ. Bethlehem Mayor Victor Batarseh began Christmas festivities today by lighting the Christmas Tree and commemorating the Wise Men witnessing the star over the birth of the Prince of Peace on Dec 25th; that too has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; rather it is “Sol Invictus”.
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with an axe. They deck it with silver and with gold…” Jer 10:2-4 Perhaps it is written in the 10th chapter because December means “Tenth” as does “Tithe”; what Tithe? Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and consumption of a suitable host. Trees represent Asherah Poles aka “Groves” and are prohibited in Judges 8:33; 9:47; 20:33 and throughout the Books of Kings; Why? The New Born King of Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa is Sol Invictus not Jesus Christ!
Jeremiah warned against Saturnalia aka Sol Invictus celebrations at the fall of Jerusalem; hence, after the Crucifixion, Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8. During the Inter-testament period, Hanukkah rose from the 2nd Temple period when God was silent (Silent Night? Oh yeah; Holy Night? Absolutely not); Macabbees cleansed the altar where a pig had been slain and re-dedicated it on 25 Kislev, but God was not there, having departed to heaven as described in Eze 8 by the same route He would take in flesh. The date was chosen because it was 2160 years after Sargon the Great had been declared “Legitimate King” in Babylon as Taurus gave way to Aries; now Aries was giving way to Pisces; soon Phoenician/Nabataean “Fish” (Labrys) symbols would be accepted by Gnostics such as Nazarenes, Ebionites, Essenes (Dead Sea Scrolls), Theraputae (Nag Hamadi texts by Philo and Origen) and slowly infused into Judaism and Christianity with the Hexagram, Cross (Tau), and Tree, all pagan symbols.
What separates a Gnostic from a Born Again Christian is the Divinity of Jesus Christ; Gnostics desire Freedom (Hellenes) and Liberty (Libertines) from God. Nazarene texts like the “Gospel of Q” (Q=Quelle “Source”) and “Gospel of the Hebrews” declare Jesus to be a Wise Sage, Ascended or Evolved Master or Avatar, not God in Flesh. Jesus is however “Alpha”; “Melchisedek”, author of the Abrahamic Covenant, authority of King David and the flesh who sprang from Judah to author the New Covenant (ref Gen 14:8; Ps 110; Heb 7). He instructed Moses to construct a 7 branched candlestick because He would be Crucified between 2 thieves and nailed to the Tree. The 8 branched Menorah like Hanukkah and Christmas (Purim as well) are Gnostic additions to God’s plan, Consecrated with His physical blood and that of His followers. The New Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant; Time to separate from these heathen ways and become Holy, the Ekklesia Church Jesus established.
St Stephen’s Day In 2019, Dec 26 will begin with a Solar Halo forming around the New Moon at Sunrise over Idumea (Trans-Jordan) the nations who escape the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation (Dan 11:41); Stephen means Crown
St Stephen’s Day is Dec 26 or the 27th for Orthodox Churches aka Boxing Day, Day of the Wren, 2nd Christmas and Bank Holiday. Box refers to Saturn Worshp; Christmas Boxes under the Tree “Baal-bereth”. Stephen means “Crown”. The Sanhedrin, Saul (Paul) and the “Synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians and Alexandrians (Acts 6:8-9; Cyrene=Shahat Libya “Cyrenaica” a Phoenician colony founded by a disciple of Socrates from Santorini called “Athens of Africa”; Alexandria was home to the Gnostic Hag Hamadi library) ran with one accord to stone Stephen for this statement “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God” Acts 7:56. The trial is usually set at 34-35AD with the Crucifixion at 33AD; a lie; by my count, Jesus was born Tabernacles 6 BC and Crucified at 33 1/2 years of age at Passover 27AD; the point? Stephen was tried and stoned to death within a year after the Crucifixion; Saul took part and converted (Paul) very soon after; Gnostics and Edomites had a big storm brewing!
Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and distribution of the body (host) Jesus was Crucified and that was thought to be the end of God’s plan; Oops! Stephen became the first “Christian Martyr”, stoned as Saul (Paul) would later be “when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews, and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of the God” Act 13:43.
Synagogue appears once in the Old Covenant and Congregation appears once in the New Testament; seems backward doesn’t it? That’s because they are. Bank means Bench; St Stephen’s Day is a Bank Holy Day because the Bench is the same Table Jesus overturned at the 2nd Temple of the Money Changers, and the same Bench Judges sit behind. We can approach the bench with Jesus on our side and speaking for us, or we can hire the services of an “Attorney” (To Turn) who will turn the law against us; read Rev 2:8-11; Jesus gives the Crown of Life, not the Sanhedrin. Let Jesus do the talking!
Amenita Muscaria
Fly Agaric is the Egyptian Flesh of Osiris (Saturn) and Druid Holy Mushroom of Adonis (Adon=Canaanite “Lord”), the son of the Sun god called “Adonai”. Red and White (same colors on the Knights Templar Flag with 2 Knights, one Initiate and one Pederast on one Horse) Mushrooms are collected under Pine Trees in Winter. Presents left under the Christmas Tree by Santa Claus (Sinterklass, St Nicholas) placed in Boxes (Cubes represent Saturn worship) in Red and White represent Amenita Muscaria, the mushroom representing the Strong Delusion, Bird’s Nest, Phallus, Communion Wafer/Eucharist, Holy Grail and Golden Age
Gnostics claim Jesus is conceived on March 25 “Hilaria”, the celebration of Attis and Cybele. The Yarmulke is the Cap of Cybele. Funny eh? Rabbits lay eggs at Easter; the Rabbit Idol is Anammelech 2 Ki 17:30; the Saviour born 9 months later, the baby mushrooms asexually (Immaculately) emerge from the Pine Needles, connected to Evergreen Tree roots as a baby from the Womb connected to its mother. The Mushrooms leave a hole resembling a Bird’s Nest (China Beijing Olympic Stadium “Bird’s Nest” may ring a Baal here) or Rabbit Hole (Matrix movies may ring a Baal; Blue Pill go back to sleep; Red Pill, head down the Rabbit Hole). Bird’s Nest full of Easter (Ishtar) Eggs ringing a Baal here? The basket of course is the Reed Basket Moses floated down the Nile as an infant or Sargon the Great was said to have done in the Euphrates to become “Legitimate King”. Aryans await Sargon III will breathless anticipation.
The symbol of the budding baby mushrooms symbolize “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” ie rejection of Jesus as Word in Flesh, Holy Ghost and God in Flesh. The mushroom represents “Luciferian Initiation” and Circumcision, the symbol of the Old Covenant, of which Jesus referred to John the Baptist as the Greatest of the Old yet less than any in the New Covenant. The term Johnnitter (Knights of St John, Hospitallers or Soveriign Military Order of Malta should ring a Baal as many of US Military Brass, Congress and Cabinet are Initiated Satanists.
Education means Bring Up or Rear; Sodomy is called “Satan’s Sex” and serves as the Initiation into Luciferian Cults the world over because it is said to activate the lower Chakra at the base of the spine in Kundalini. Jesuit Sodomite Priest Paul Shanley wrote “Sex before 8 or its too late”. In a subltle way, we do this with Easter and Christmas.
Egyptian Pillars are constructed as Mushrooms aka “Flesh of the Gods”. Hydrogen combines to form Helium “He”. Jesus told the Pharisees “I Am He” and was “Hung on the Tree” for it. He is Jesus’ title, meaning “God is with me”; Fusing Hydrogen molecules results in a Mushroom Cloud. Gnostics believe the Soul will not be Judged by Jesus, but rather Liberated from Earthly bodies; the Liberty Cap, Cap of Mithra or Smurf Cap came about. Thinking Cap ringing a Baal; it is also a Sleeping Cap. Care for a Night Cap? Time to Wake Up folks! Psilocybin Mushrooms grow in Cow Dung; Holy Shit is right; they grow Blue upon drying, hence Hathor is a Blue Cow and Smurfs are Blue. Dumbo is a Blue Flying Elephant because the mushrooms grow in SE Asia in Elephant Dung; hence the Elephant and Cow are revered in many parts of the world.
Pharaoh wore a headdress with a Snake and Bird exiting the Pine Cone shaped Pineal Gland because Chaldean Priests of On (Osiris) convinced him/her they were the incarnation of Osiris on Earth. Her? Yup, Hatshepsut was cross dressing Pharaoh of the Exodus not Ramses II; the Battle of Qadesh “Holy Cow” with the Hittites occurred in 1279 BC; the Exodus in 1492 BC. The 2014 rendition of Exodus: Gods and Kings is chocked full of Holy Bull Shit. Christian Bale/Baal as Moses? Come on it’s not that difficult folks! The Pineal Gland is the 3rd Eye seen on the $US as the Capstone of the Pyramid (Amid the Flames). When America dies, the Great Tribulation begins.
Outside the Vatican are Pine Cone Pillars. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Priests use Pine Cone Sprinklers for “Holy Water” (Salt and Spit or Urine if you are fully Babylonian). Saint Pope John Paul II went so far as carrying the “Twisted Crucifix” adorned with the Pine Cone used by Pagans to rejoice in the Crucifixion and Death of God. Pine Cones produce Initiates of the Tree Cult; Initiated by Illumination of the Pineal Gland with Serpent Energy. Hilarious isn’t it? Easter is also known as Hilaria; Druids ride Hobby Horse Asses on Easter as the Mock King or Holi Fool.
The US adopted the Evergreen Tree as it’s first Ensign; it is no coincidence Evergreen Airlines has a worldwide no-bid contract for Geo-Engineering using Chemtrail Spraying. The Evergreen (Palm in Arab Nations) is used currently by Qatar (ISIS=Sister-Wife of Osiris), a major ISIS financier and home to the US 5th Fleet) and Lebanon (Phoenicians=Canaanites). Lebanon is Laban meaning “To Make White”; Hezbullah are Aryan Nazis in league with Ukraine and Iran. Laban and Jacob separated their flocks by color/imperfections which is the “Racist”. There is one Race of Man, and Woman made from Man; Black, Red, Yellow, Brown or White are all made in God’s image. Funny how the colors of Maize are adopted by Baal, the Corn God as imperfect. The entire world struggles against this monstrous “Racist” lie. Nordic Shaman dressed in Red and White reflect the Mushrooms and Red Lodge in Masonry ie Initiates or Porch Brethren from the White Lodge (Cathar Priests were called Perfecti meaning Sinless; the Illuminati is the Order of Perfectibillists or Theraputae of Alexandria) aka Great White Brotherhood or Aryans “Noble Caste”.
Santa is White because Jesus is falsely depicted White in the West. Santa is Bearded as Jesus is falsely depicted because Zeus aka Green Man is Bearded. Santa’s sack contains hallucinogenic mushrooms (same concept as Marijuana aka Mary Jane, Hashish used by Assassins aka Hashishin, Peyoti, Psilocybin etc), hence presents are left under Illuminated Evergreen Trees. They grow during Winter; Shaman descend the Smoke Hole (Chimney) and dry them on the Hearth to eliminate toxins and enhance their Hallucinogenic properties. Children are taught to offer a Cookie and Milk (Body and Blood of the Host Sacrifice) with the threat Krampus will Curse them. Christmas in means Sacrifice and Consumption of the Body of the Host/Messiah) Nothing sparks up Holiday “Holy Day” cheer like Cannibalism of Jesus eh? Novices drink the Urine of Shaman, hence the term “Pissed” means “Drunk” as in Drunk with the Wine of Fornication with this “Whore of Babylon”. Eating these “Entheogens” (God Within) produces Euphoria, hence Flying Reindeer (or Dumb Elephants) and Ruddy (Flushed) Complexion of Santa (Satan) Claus (Krampus=Claws).
Reindeer drop antlers each year as the Snake sheds skin, hence they rejuvenate (synthetic Re-birth) annually and symbolize Cernunnos aka Green Man “Horned One”; Shaman wear Horned Headdresses for this reason. The origin is China (China=Sina=Sin or Wilderness=Cathay=Sons of Heth or Hittites) where Sha Man means “Illuminated One” or Buddha. Siddhartha Guatama aka Buddha is the Pillar, Pole or Axis (Ibn Sayyid Qutb coined the tern Al-Qaeda “Foundation” in 1966 “Year One Satan); Qutb the term used by Dervish Ascetics; similar to Kagan by Aryans; Supreme Court Justice, Sodomite, Obama Solicitor General and Obama mentor Elena Kagan may ring a Baal here. Lazar Kaganovich, another who manufactured Stalin’s Gulag system responsible for the deaths of a 100 million persons.
Aryans (Iran means Aryan) believe God is White and made Man White in His image and likeness; the term “Racial Purity” or “Ethnic Cleansing” may ring a Baal here. Their symbol “Swastika” adopted by Nazis is the Broken Sun Wheel; the goal is to repair Earth to conditions of the Garden of Eden.
This time of year is Holy to Earth Dwellers as the Sun Rises from the Sea each year Unconquered as “Solis Invictus”; Priests from Roman to Orthodox wear the Flame Shape Mitre of Sol/Mithra and unsuspecting Christians put the Labrys (Fish Symbol of the Phoenican fisher King) on their car bumpers. Druids (Men of Oaks/Trees) gathered Holly, and offered Solstice sacrifices in Thor’s Oaks, using the Holly Wood to make their Wands.
Hollywood is named for this Druid Propaganda apparatus; no Hollywood is not Jewish. Think Big Curved TV screen are neat? Just wait for Operation Blue (Blue Lodge=Blue Smurf) Beam sends pictures and sound on the World’s largest TV Screen “Ionosphere”. “Ion Television: Positively Entertaining” ringing a Baal here? Lighting takes an Ionized Path to Earth; Nazi Lightning Bolts ringing a Baal?
Good Friday is Holy Bull Shit just like Lent or Advent. Jesus was Crucified on 14 Abib/Nisan “Passover” on Wednesday (Wotan’s Day); laid in and remained in the Sepulchre 15 Abib “Feast of Unleavened Bread” on Thursday (Thor’s Day) and Friday (Freya’s Day), and was Resurrected on 17 Abib “Feast of First Fruits” on Saturday (Saturn’s Day).
Christmas is Odinist. Odinism came from Egypt. Odins Boar is the Christmas Ham. Thor is the son of Odin/Woden/Wotan who is guided by the counsel of 2 birds; Divine Language is Language of Birds; Hugin and Munin with Odin, like Santa or Osiris are pulled across the sky in a Chariot with the same period as the Sun. Shaman dressed in Red and White to mimic the hallucinogenic mushrooms; the time of year around the Solar Solstice and birth of Mithra made them appear as “Entheogens” (God within). Santa’s Sleigh is the Big Dipper aka Ursa Major (Great Bear=Russia), guided by Arcturas the Bear Guard. Christmas Ham? Odin’s Boar more like! Masonic Masters of the Veil like Napoleon or Karl Marx refer to Osiris and Odin’s Boar as the Christmas Ham; you see Hiram (Nation of Islam awaits their Messiah “Hiram” meaning “High Born”) was also killed by this Boar and the Masons job is to reveal the secrets only to the Light Seeking Initiated Master Masons.
Christmas is the birth of Mithra. Mithraeum were Caves of 7 Levels of Initiation into the Persian (actually Medean/Claldean) Cult. Rows of Bathtubs were used for Water Baptism (Jesus is the Living Water; His Baptism is with the Holy Ghost) and Sensory Deprivation after eating the Sacred Mushroom Sacrament “Entheogen” Communally (Jesus does not Baptize Congregations; He baptizes individuals who ask Him). This gave Initiates the perceived ability of Astral Projection. The Priest Cloak was made of Stars mimicking the Night Sky much as a Planetarium does today. Nothing like a Priest Baptism, Communion and Santa delivering presents on Christmas Eve to the Grove amid Advent Candles.
Advent heralds the arrival of Mithra. 3 Purple Candles represent Hope/Prophecy; Peace/Bethlehem/Preparation; and Love/Angel. 1 Pink (Shepherd) and 1 White (Christ). Jesus is not the White Candle; Mithra/Sol is. When Jesus returns He will wear a cloak dipped in the blood of His martyrs wearing a sign nobody left on Earth can understand “KING OF KINGS; LORD OF LORDS” On his thigh will be “WORD OF GOD”. Why His thigh? Jacob wrestled with Him 3700 years ago and lost that part of his leg. Plenty of Masons and Mormons drunk from the Whore of Babylon and her Magic Mushrooms with a Square and Compass on their thighs will collectively shout “Holy Shit”! Why a Pink Shepherd? The Holy Cow Hathor of course! Her husband? The Apis Bull of course; Apis means Word as does Bee. Tired of worshipping at the Altar of the Golden Bulls serving the Queen of Heaven?
Arcturas is King Arthur, “Once and future King” of Britain=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant=Esau=King Arthur. The Sword in the Stone? Amenaita Mucaria Mushrooms exiting the Earth, plucked and eaten by Initiates of the Solar Cult; Arthur was one such initiate. Peter and Petra mean “Stone” the Catholic Church and Amorite/Nabattean Arab/Edomite Petra in Jordan all make the same mistake Romancing the wrong Stone. Lancelot is Arthur’s champion Knight; Why? He committed Adultery with his wife Guinevere. Why a Sword? Excalibur (Voracious) is the Magical Sword ie Magic Mushroom of the “One True King” who becomes this only after committing Adultery with his master. Jesus is the Stone the builders rejected. Arcturas encircles the Pole Star in 24 Hrs, hence Santa is “Ubiquitous” (Everywhere) and Omnipotent (All Knowing). This symbol and slogan is on CFR Magazine “Foreign Affairs” because Santa is not the Christian God, but a Foreign god called “Green Man”; al-Kidr in Arabic or al-Mahdi may ring a Baal.
In Nordic lore, Thor (Son of Odin or Wotan) rides on a chariot pulled by Goats (Jesus is the Scapegoat of Lev 16:8-10); Santa rides in a Sleigh pulled by Reindeer, one of whom is Donnar aka Thor led by the Red (Edomite) Nose.
God has this to say about Solstice celebrations
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen…the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree but speak not…Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil neither also is it in them to do good” Jer 10:2-5
“Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain” Gal 4:10-11
Christmas and Hanukkah have nothing to do with God
God ordained 7 Holy Feasts aka Holidays: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles. Satan invented all the others in every religion. Christmas means “Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Consumption (Mass) of the Host (Eucharist)”
The Christ (Messiah) of Christmas is Horus, Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra, Sol, all names of Lucifer/Satan not Jesus. Isis means “Throne”; Isis is the “Black Virgin” presenting the Antichrist; according to their 7 step plan 2016 is the year of Worldwide Dominion.
Krampus the movie was released coincident with CERN attempting to create “Shadow Matter” on Krampusnacht; in 2015 pretty coincidental eh? Old Nick, Old Nikkar, Ruprecht, Certa, Perchten, Black Peter, Schmutzli, Pelznickel are all names for the Shadow of St Nicholas; no surprise as CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) is attempting to create Dark Matter or Shadow Matter, the Anti-matter companion of the God Particle this week.
Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles (Lk 1), Jesus was a “Young Child” (Mat 1) 1 1/2 years old in Egypt when the “Wise Men” arrived in Bethlehem and was 33 1/2 at His Passover Crucifixion (14 Abib/Nisan) and Resurrection 3 days later on Feast of First Fruits (17 Abib/Nisan).
British means B’Rith=Birthright Covenant. British imposter (Germanic ie of Japheth-Gomer-Saxon descent) Prince William, born on June 21, 1982, son of Diana (Goddess of Witchcraft), 1000th Knight in the Order of the Garter (Witch’s Belt) turns 33 1/2 on Dec 21, 2015. The Order founded by the Chaldean Bankers around Norman Bastard King William the Conqueror in 1066 created the Doomsday Book, an accounting of lands owned by the Crown; today the Crown claims most of Earth’s resource wealth. Antichrist? I doubt that, but stay alert. Messianic Islam is awaiting the arrival of al-Mahdi; 7th Day Adventists such as Ben Carson eagerly await the return of “Christ”; Israelis await a Messiah, Jesus said would come in his own name and be accepted.
The origins of Hanukkah are not of God. Syrians turned the 2nd Temple into Zeus Capitolina (Womb of Zeus); Judah Maccabee (Maccabee means Hammer of God) defeated the Syrian army, cleansed the altar of Pig’s Blood and re-dedicated the Temple on 25 Kislev; 1 day of Oil miraculously burned for 8 days and this Maccabean/Inter-testament (Between Testimonies of God) BS became Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication/Festival of Lights). The Hanukkah Menorah has 8 Branches surrounding the sun-god Shamash.
Santa is the Hittite “God of the West” and has 8 Reindeer because Jesus represents the 8th and final Covenant between Man and God aka “New Covenant”; Rudolph is a 20th century addition representing the 9th Reindeer. The Red Nose is Edom given “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule Earth) in Gen 27:40 KJV.
Santa is derived from the Nicolaitane (Conquer the Laity) St Nicholas of Myra, a Nordic Shaman bringing Entheogen (God Within) Amenita Mushrooms to those deemed “Good” while his shadow Krampus, the son of Hel brings terror.
Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms rise at Dawn (Lucifer=Phosphorus= Light Bringer=Dawn) from the roots of Evergreen Trees in the Earth in Snakelike fashion; sprout a Round Head (Zodiac=Circle of Heaven); curl upward at the edges to collect the Dew (Soma or Nectar of the sun god) and ultimately invert to form a Cup ie “Holy Grail”.
During the Inter-testament “Silent Period”, Feast of Dedication aka Festival of Lights was born; God did not ordain the Holy Day, Satan did. The Illuminated Tree topped by a Star (STUR is Chaldean for Star of Molech/Chiun) decorated with Ornaments (Sacrifices); Presents (Entheogens) at its base/roots and Tinsel (Dew of Heaven aka Semen of the sun god) were warned of by Jeremiah (Jer 10). Take note of Santa’s Red Suit, Rudolph’s Red Nose, Red and White Amenita Muscaria and Esau’s blessing in Gen 27:40 KJV to live off “fatness of the Earth” (Wealthy), “by the Sword” (Killing) the “Dew of Heaven” (Priests); Christmas and Hanukkah are Edomite Holy Days.
Gen 27:39-41 KJV is Reversed in every New Bible version. It is the most important scripture to understand in my opinion because the roles of Esau and Jacob are reversed. The blessing came from God, not the old age blinded Isaac. Esau is prophesied to live off the fatness of the earth (Wealthy), by the Sword (They will all die by the Sword Ref Obadiah) and from the Dew of Heaven from above (Shaman/Priests/Imam/Rabbis) Priests offering Communion is Blasphemous and brings upon the person the Guilt/Curse of the Crucifixion (Ref 1 Cor 11:27-29).
Jesus is the Word made Flesh; Eating the Flesh of the God in Hallucinogenic Mushrooms doesn’t cut it. The Talmud says “Jesus is the son of a whore, writhing in Hell in His own boiling excrement”. Jesus was Jewish, the Talmud and it’s Rabbis are not Jewish, but Chaldean-Edomite.
The Word of God states “All Liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone” Esau achieves “Dominion” not Jacob. When Esau obtains this Dominion he will slay his brother Jacob. The House of Jacob is everyone on Earth in a Spiritual relationship with God.
God hates Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13) and God hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Elevated Clergy; Rev 2:6;15) becvause they are one in the same. Your Priest and Rabbi are Nicolaitane Edomites.
Esau rejected God and became Edom (Red or Adam as Adam was made from the Earth; they are also called Earth Dwellers in Rev 13) Jacob Wrestled with God and became Israel; this has nothing to do with the Edomite forgery called the nation of Israel.
Amalek is a grandson of Esau; “The LORD will have war with Amalek from Generation to Generation” (Ex 17:16) because they teach others to Reject God and Sell their Birthright as they did. Where? In Church of course! Jesus collects no Tithing; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes do. Nobody on Earth is authorized to collect Tithing in the New Covenant.
Real Israel (Israel means “One who wrestles with God”) are scattered all across the world; the Babylonian imposters “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes” listed in 2 Ki 17:30 are in Israel and Jerusalem today under the Star of Molech between 2 Blue Stripes representing the Nile and Euphrates Rivers in a Sea of White. Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8 for this reason. Obadiah states plainly, none of the House of Esau will remain alive at the second coming. Desperation doesn’t even begin to describe their plight, which is why they Drug us and feed us full of Bull Shit.
Rudolph (Wolf of Fame and Glory and or Ruddy) leads Donnar (Thor=Thunder) and 7 others pulling Santa (Satan), guided by a Shiny Red (Esau rejected God and became Edom=Red) Nose to the Red light District full of Whores of Babylon (Gate of Osiris/Odin). Sharia and Noahide Law enforces the Luciferian Initiation and mandates rejection of Jesus Christ. “Nobody shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” UN Planetary Initiative. Allah is the moon god of Mecca; Mecca (Mechus) means Adultery, the penalty for Adultery is rejection from the Wedding of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) and banishment to Hell for eternity. No this is not meant to be funny, it’s a warning to get out of Babylon!
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei). Hanukkah replaces the 7 Branched Candlestick (Jesus between 2 Thieves=6 uplifted arms around Jesus, hanging on 1 Tree) Moses constructed in favor of a man-made 8 and 9 Branch Hanukkah Menorah; the center candle replaces Jesus with Shamash the Canaanite/Amorite Sun god.
The Nativity Scene is Dies Natalis Solis Invictus (Nativity of the Un-conquered Sun) The Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was 18 months old and in Egypt; Edomite King Herod died after ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents” Passover 4 BC; Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC and Circumcised of the Flesh on the 8th Day of Tabernacles.
Constantine the Great or rather his Druid (Men of Trees) princess (Daughter of Old Druid King Coelus the Merry Old Soul) mother Helena (Helene means Free; Helen of Troy may ring a Baal) adopted the Solar Solstice as Christmas 300 years after the Crucifixion. The 3rd Temple of God is the Flesh of Born Again Christians; “Howbeit the most high dwelleth not in Temples made with hands” God dwells in cleansed and re-dedicated “Born Again” Men and Women raising their innocent children to know the LORD is JESUS.
The Chi-Rho symbol is the Labarum. Chi=Serpent Messiah or Phyre (Phyre seen in the Mitre of Dagan worn by false Christian Solar Priests of Mithra) Energy; Rho=Royal or To Produce. XP, the first 2 letters in the Green rendering of Christ became X-Mass; nothing more than the symbol of a Deer shedding Antlers, a Snake (Serpent) shedding its Skin or the Sun (Sol) descending and rising each year as Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun) rising from the Sea. Rosicrucian Martin Luther brought the Christmas Tree to the Heathen (Earth) Holiday. America even adopted the Evergreen Tree as its first Flag, followed closely by the coiled Serpent Flag still in use by the Masonically created T (Tammuz) Party. Tammuz is the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon’s Temple; if you want God in your life burn the Tree!
Christmas is Heathen nonsense (Read Col 3:5) Krampusnacht (Krampen=Claw) is Dec 6 in 2015 Dec is also Hanukkah. St Lucia (Bride of Lucifer) is Dec 13. Saturnalia is Dec 17. Yule Goat aka Krampus is Dec 25; Wassail means “Going Yule Goat”. Jan 6 “Epiphany or 3 Kings Day” also has nothing to do with Jesus. Wise Men (Medean Magi) arrived 1 1/2 years after His birth on Feast of Tabernacles in the Spring of 4 BC; He was in Egypt with His parents then, not in a Manger in Bethlehem at Hanukkah. Todays 9 Branch Menorah replaces Jesus with Shamash (Sun); about as Blasphemous as it can get; put one on top of your Christmas Tree (Grove) is you really insist on trying God’s patience! Or NOT!!
Amenita Muscaria Mushrooms
Fly Agaric is the Egyptian Flesh of Osiris and Druid Holy Mushroom of Adonis, the son of the Sun god called “Adonai”. Red and White Mushrooms are collected under Pine Trees in Winter. Conceived on March 25 (Rabbits don’t lay eggs at Easter; Rabbit Idol is the Horite god Anammelech 2 Ki 17:30) and born 9 months later, the baby mushrooms asexually (Immaculately) emerge from the Pine Needles, connected to Evergreen Tree roots as a baby from the Womb connected to its mother. The Mushrooms leave a hole resembling a Bird’s Nest (China Beijing Olympic Stadium “Bird’s Nest” may ring a Baal here) or Rabbit Hole (Matrix movies may ring a Baal; Blue Pill go back to sleep; Red Pill, head down the Rabbit Hole). Bird’s Nest full of Easter (Ishtar) Eggs ringing a Baal here? The basket of course is the Reed Basket Moses floated down the Nile as an infant or Sargon the Great was said to have done in the Euphrates to become “Legitimate King”. Aryans await Sargon III will breathless anticipation.
Colored Eggs denoted Initiated Level among Druids; the Golden Egg symbolizes the Archdruid. The mythical King Arthur’s father Uther Pendragon was a Druid Archbishop or Pendragon, the head of the Knights/Initiates of the Round Table aka Astrological Zodiac.
Budding baby mushrooms symbolize “Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost” ie rejection of Jesus as Word in Flesh, Holy Ghost and God in Flesh. The mushroom represents “Luciferian Initiation” and Circumcision, the symbol of the Old Covenant, of which Jesus referred to John the Baptist as the Greatest of the Old yet less than any in the New Covenant. The term Johnnitter (Knights of St John, Hospitallers or Soveriign Military Order of Malta should ring a Baal as many of US Military Brass, Congress and Cabinet are Initiated Satanists.
Education means Bring Up or Rear; Sodomy is called “Satan’s Sex” and serves as the Initiation into Luciferian Cults the world over because it is said to activate the lower Chakra at the base of the spine in Kundalini. Jesuit Sodomite Priest Paul Shanley wrote “Sex before 8 or its too late”. In a subltle way, we do this with Easter and Christmas.
Egyptian Pillars are constructed as Mushrooms aka “Flesh of Osiris” aka Saturn. Hydrogen combines to form Helium “He”. Jesus told the Pharisees “I Am He” and was “Hung on the Tree” for it. He is Jesus’ title, meaning “God is with me”; Fusing Hydrogen molecules results in a Mushroom Cloud. Gnostics believe the Soul will not be Judged by Jesus, but rather Liberated from Earthly bodies; the Liberty Cap, Cap of Mithra or Smurf Cap came about. Thinking Cap ringing a Baal; it is also a Sleeping Cap. Care for a Night Cap? Time to Wake Up folks! Psilocybin Mushrooms grow in Cow Dung; Holy Shit is right; they grow Blue upon drying, hence Hathor is a Blue Cow and Smurfs are Blue. Dumbo is a Blue Flying Elephant because the mushrooms grow in SE Asia in Elephant Dung; hence the Elephant and Cow are revered in many parts of the world.
Pharaoh wore a headdress with a Snake and Bird exiting the Pine Cone shaped Pineal Gland because Chaldean Priests of On (Osiris) convinced him/her they were the incarnation of Osiris on Earth. Her? Yup, Hatshepsut was cross dressing Pharaoh of the Exodus not Ramses II; the Battle of Qadesh “Holy Cow” with the Hittites occurred in 1279 BC; the Exodus in 1492 BC. The 2014 rendition of Exodus: Gods and Kings is chocked full of Holy Bull Shit. Christian Bale/Baal as Moses? Come on it’s not that difficult folks! The Pineal Gland is the 3rd Eye seen on the $US as the Capstone of the Pyramid (Amid the Flames). When America dies, the Great Tribulation begins.
Outside the Vatican are Pine Cone Pillars. Orthodox and Roman Catholic Priests use Pine Cone Sprinklers for “Holy Water” (Salt and Spit or Urine if you are fully Babylonian). Saint Pope John Paul II went so far as carrying the “Twisted Crucifix” adorned with the Pine Cone used by Pagans to rejoice in the Crucifixion and Death of God. Pine Cones produce Initiates of the Tree Cult; Initiated by Illumination of the Pineal Gland with Serpent Energy. Hilarious isn’t it? Easter is also known as Hilaria; Druids ride Hobby Horse Asses on Easter as the Mock King or Holi Fool just for Shits and Gigs.
The US adopted the Evergreen Tree as it’s first Ensign (Flag); the same Ensign ius in Lebanon (Phoenicia) and Qatar. It is no coincidence Evergreen Airlines has a worldwide no-bid contract for Geo-Engineering using Chemtrail Spraying. The Evergreen is the Palm in Arab Nations. Lebanon is Laban meaning “To Make White”; Hezbullah are Aryan Nazis.
Laban and Jacob separated their flocks by color/imperfections which is the “Racist”. There is one Race of Man, and Woman made from Man; Black, Red, Yellow, Brown or White are all made in God’s image. Funny how the colors of Maize are adopted by Baal, the Corn God as imperfect. The entire world struggles against this monstrous “Racist” lie.
Nordic Shaman dressed in Red and White reflect the Mushrooms and Red Lodge in Masonry ie Initiates or Porch Brethren from the White Lodge (Cathar Priests were called Perfecti meaning Sinless; the Illuminati is the Order of Perfectibillists or Theraputae of Alexandria Egypt) aka Great White Brotherhood or Aryans (Iran=Aryan) “Noble Caste”.
Santa is White because Jesus is falsely depicted White in the West. Santa is Bearded as Jesus is falsely depicted because Zeus aka Green Man is Bearded. Santa’s sack contains hallucinogenic mushrooms (same concept as Marijuana aka Mary Jane, Hashish used by Assassins aka Hashishin, Peyoti, Psilocybin etc), hence presents are left under Illuminated Evergreen Trees. They grow during Winter; Shaman descend the Smoke Hole (Chimney) and dry them on the Hearth to eliminate toxins and enhance their Hallucinogenic properties. Children are taught to offer a Cookie and Milk (Body and Blood of the Host Sacrifice) with the threat Krampus will Curse them. Christmas in means Sacrifice and Consumption of the Body of the Host/Messiah) Nothing sparks up Holiday “Holy Day” cheer like Cannibalism of Jesus eh? Novices drink the Urine of Shaman, hence the term “Pissed” means “Drunk” as in Drunk with the Wine of Fornication with this “Whore of Babylon”. Eating these “Entheogens” (God Within) produces Euphoria, hence Flying Reindeer (or Dumb Elephants) and Ruddy (Flushed) Complexion of Santa (Satan) Claus (Krampus=Claws).
Reindeer drop antlers each year as the Snake sheds skin, hence they rejuvenate (synthetic Re-birth) annually and symbolize Cernunnos aka Green Man “Horned One”; Shaman wear Horned Headdresses for this reason. The origin is China (China=Sina=Sin or Wilderness=Cathay=Sons of Heth or Hittites) where Sha Man means “Illuminated One” or Buddha. Siddhartha Guatama aka Buddha is the Pillar, Pole or Axis (Ibn Sayyid Qutb coined the tern Al-Qaeda “Foundation” in 1966 “Year One Satan); Qutb the term used by Dervish Ascetics; similar to Kagan by Aryans; Supreme Court Justice, Sodomite, Obama Solicitor General and Obama mentor Elena Kagan may ring a Baal here. Lazar Kaganovich, another who manufactured Stalin’s Gulag system responsible for the deaths of a 100 million persons.
Aryans (Iran means Aryan) believe God is White and made Man White in His image and likeness; the term “Racial Purity” or “Ethnic Cleansing” may ring a Baal here. Their symbol “Swastika” adopted by Nazis is the Broken Sun Wheel; the goal is to repair Earth to conditions of the Garden of Eden.
This time of year is Holy to Earth Dwellers as the Sun Rises from the Sea each year Unconquered as “Solis Invictus”; Priests from Roman to Orthodox wear the Flame Shape Mitre of Sol/Mithra and unsuspecting Christians put the Labrys (Fish Symbol of the Phoenican fisher King) on their car bumpers. Druids (Men of Oaks/Trees) gathered Holly, and offered Solstice sacrifices in Thor’s Oaks, using the Holly Wood to make their Wands.
Hollywood is named for this Druid Propaganda apparatus; no Hollywood is not Jewish. Think Big Curved TV screen are neat? Just wait for Operation Blue (Blue Lodge=Blue Smurf)
The Economist 22 DEC 2012 ( check Hamas and Israel flying in on hang gliders ) This is an old plan folks
Hey you Americans , ya better look at what ya Government has authorised on the 20th Oct 23 . It’s short and not so sweet . So don’t be alarmed coz I supplied the prefix for the rollout
Key points to UNDERSTAND, I mean truely understand . My opinion in ( )
*1300 more agents at the boarder
* 1600 additional assylum officers
* 375 new IMMIGRATION JUDGES TEAMS ( aka bring ’em in, expedite em)
* Expansion of Lawful Pathways ( within the interior of the US)
* Support the ELIGIBLE ARRIVALS ( aka: show up and hit the jackpot $$$)
* Funding to CONDUCT ROBUST CHILD LABOUR!!!!!!!!!! ( Child Trafficking…. more on more …)
Description Complete.
it has begun ..9³
The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Are The Same Colors As The Palestinian Flag
Here’s the YIDDISH ḥāmās( secret ancient Babylonian Bankers Silk Road Fake Jew language) meaning of version .
This is beyond convenient for these dudes who will together remove Al – Aqsa Mosque by Violence = ḥāmās . Time for the Temple -version 3rd Temple , to house antichrist
Howard and all . Have you seen the useful idiots claiming that Hamas is prophetically used in GENESIS 6:11 violence = hamas “apparently “ . Bs bs . But this is their bringing in this fraudulent description of Palestine clear back to Noah’s days before the flood. I think this is such an outrageous claim and who else would claim it bar the FAKE Jew. They give false interpretations for their own narrative
Lexicon :: Strong’s H2555 – ḥāmās
Here’s the Yiddish additional bs
We have the “ Jews”/Evangelicals/Zionists collaborating on this as we speak folks .
Dear Dr.Ratclif
This solar eclipse date is on April 8.
I wanted to point out that it is customary in Iran that every year on the 19th of Farvardin (Iranian calendar). On this date, Iranians believe that the sun is in its most perfect state, and at the dawn of that day, they hack special charms on their ring gems at a special hour, which is also called the sun charm.
In my opinion, this solar eclipse is very important in the constellation of Pisces.
(carved on yellow agate)
Search: sharaf shams talisman
Best Regards
Pure Truth:
Persians Are Not Moslems.
Found this on the internet if it is not true you might want to get with iran/persia and get it straightened out.
Iran is both Islamic and Muslim. The terms “Islamic” and “Muslim” are related but have different meanings. “Muslim” refers to an individual who practices the religion of Islam. “Islamic” refers to anything related to the religion of Islam.
The vast majority of Iranians are Muslims of the Ithnā ʿAsharī, or Twelver, Shiʿi branch, which is the official state religion. The Kurds and Turkmen are predominantly Sunni Muslims, but Iran’s Arabs are both Sunni and Shiʿi. Small communities of Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians are also found throughout the country.
The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism as official religions. Article 13 of the Iranian Constitution recognizes them as People of the Book and they are granted the right to exercise religious freedom in Iran.
May I ,as your sister in JESUS Christ , offer you a far more exact quote of Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu , and the info source of this quote, that your site lacks on this topic. This quote was delivered by Keynote Speaker Gordon Duff at a historical Conference in Syria Dec 13 2014 , the International Conference On Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism , delivered to 68 Nations. It sent out Shockwaves then and really should now as this Israeli /Palestinian “ War” unfolds
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
Bibi Netanyahu 1990
DISCLAIMER…… Nukes do NOT EXIST so delete this narrative from this and replace them with SCALAR , Electro Magnetic Frequency, Direct Energy Weapons COZ THEIR ABOUT TO BE UNLEASHED WORLDWIDE and we will be fraudulently told they are Nuclear Attacks. LIES ……..
JESUS will return … prove all things , hold fast that which is good … endure unto the end.. JESUS said he would be with us unto the end of the world.. he promised… Good enuf for me..
I will soon see the whole world in the pure doctrine of L.V.X..
ARASH. You are acknowledging Satan , Not JESUS
“L. V. X. stands primarily for Lux, the Latin noun for Light. In the Western School of occultism this word is often written with the capital letters separated by periods, to call attention to the values of the letters in the Roman system of numeration. L indicates 50, V stands for 5, and X is 10. Thus the total value of the word is 65. This number represents the operation of the power symbolized by 5 as that power is expressed through the agency symbolized by 6. In occultism, 65 sums up the Great Work. It is the numerical sign of the manifestation of the power of the Pentagram (5) through the agency of the Hexagram (6). In practical occultism the Pentagram, or five-pointed star, is the sign of the Christos, the spiritual force of the I AM seated in the heart of man. The Hexagram, or six-pointed star, is a symbol of the cosmic forces surrounding man and constituting his environment. The Pentagram is the sign of the mind’s domination of the forces of nature. The six-pointed star represents the cosmic forces and laws which make up the whole of the field of activity revolving around the central I AM. Thus the number 65 expresses the occult Truth that the Christos (5) at the center of the Temple of human personality is actually in control of all natural forces (6). The indwelling Self is the ruler of the cosmic order. Hence we find that the number 65 is the number of the Hebrew noun ADNI, Adonai, “Lord,” a Divine Name which refers particularly to the One Life-Power as ruler of the universe.”
A T T E N T I O N P L E A S E …
This is what is happening in AUSTRALIA T O D A Y the 14th OCTOBER 2023 .THE UN/WEF “ THE VOICE REFERENDUM “ .
Please check the info !
This HAMAS staged shit will cause the ADL/ CIA to sit there fat ass in the middle of every conversation on the planet as of NOW
Antisemitism will become their shield for murdering everyone who dares speak against the “ Jews “ and the ADL ( Anti Defamation League) will wheel out the Criminalisation of ANY and ALL antisemitism aka “ Fake Jew” talk punishable by Jail/Death . MATTHEW 10: 19-22 KJV
13Oct 2025 ..
We are the children of Nagas;
Man barha in tarikh ra be shoma goftam ama shoma jedi nagereftid .
such a pity
Arash naga, (Sanskrit: “serpent”) in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, a member of a class of mythical semi-divine beings, half human and half cobra.
See where this Judaisised World is heading brothers and sisters?
Israeli Mossad Motto:
“By Way Of Deception-Thou Shalt Do War” … THIS Palestinian / Israel “ WAR” will usher in the real one folks . IRAN vs ISRAEL . She started in Ukrain and ends in Sodom and Egypt … Oooppps .. I mean Jerusalem!!!!!! Al -Aqsa Flood” yeah , like Project get rid of the Al- Aqsa Mosque to build the 3rd Temple for antichrist. Ok ,, sounds plausible?
Pastor Paula White” We know that Hashem has you” ( in short vid )
DISCLAIMER, Hashem is Satan !
The true Jacob-Israel, or the counterfeit?
With Rabbis? With the Six Pointed Star? They aren’t even Semitic; they are Gomer-Ashkenazi, Arab-Sephardic-Sabean “Rba”, Chaldean “Rba”, Egyptian-Ham-Mizraim.
University of Exeter will offer A Degree in Magic in 2024 !! Who is even surprised at this point?
2/22/2022 Biden’s Ritual = 777 (Liber 777; “I am the resurrection”; “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”; “Orthodox Messiah”; “YHWH in the YESHUA Messiah”; “YESHUA saves” (YESHUA=Joshua); “EXORCISTES”; “filled with light” (Lucifer=Light Bringer); “And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died” Gen 5:31 days=April 8, 2024=1 Nisan; Aleph=1 “Ox” the “Golden Calf”. Jesus=Alpha!
22022022 is a date which reads forward and backward the same; Satanists love reading, speaking backwards; Pluto is the god of Death and Re-Birth. SCOTUS rejects religious vaccine exemptions; what? didn’t hear about that on the Rockefeller news? That’s because SCOTUS ruled mRNA/mDNA Gene Therapy renders a “Human” a “Trans-human product” with no Rights. Independence Hall, Philadelphia (Church warning to Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” concerns Edomite fake Jews “Synagogue of Satan”; Edomites achieve Dominion and want Freedom from God) on the back of the $100 has NYC hit by a Tsunami/Missile) shows the time 2:22, just ask National Treasure star Benjamin Franklin Gates aka Knight of Malta Nic Cage who also warned of Deep Water Horizon sinking on Earth Day in Knowing; 222 is occult for Earth Temple. Ben Franklin, a Luciferian Freemason, Rosicrucian and child sacrificing member of Francis Dashwood’s HellFire Society and Ebeneezer Sibly chose July 4, 1776 for the Declaration of Independence from God; Franklin’s Serpent Flag “Join or Die” ring a Baal? John Wick climbed 222 Steps TWICE at Sacre Coeur for a duel with Cain.
July 4, 1776-Tues Feb 2, 2022 Plutons returns to the same position. All this was planned 248 years ago with the Rosicrucian birth of the US. 7 years ago the 7th and final Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses 2014-15 on Passover-Tabernacles (2 additional Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei 2015 make this unique in all history) in the last 2000 years was celebrated by Jesuit Pope Francis in Philadelphia for a reason! His Focus on the Family program is the Edomite Family ie Amalekites who sold their Birthright and are at war with JESUS until the end. The same year “Christians” saw this Writing on the Wall, Muslims saw Gabriel’s Ark blamed for the 9/11 collapse of a bin Laden crane killing 111 (sure thing, 9/11 is day #254=11; there are 111 days remaining) Hajj Stampede killing 4000 at the Kaaba I place no stock in the truth of Gabriel’s Ark; the point is Messianic Muslims and misled Christians awaiting the arrival of a Messiah may not have long to wait; EM Scalar Weapons in Antarctica are the real weapon. The Jesuit (Jean Pierre De Smet, handler of 33 deg Freemasons Albert Pike and Mormon false prophet Brigham Young) plan for WWIII pits Zionism against Islam.
On Tues 2:22ET on 2/22/2022 Biden began his speech “Who in the Lord’s name does Putin think he is” (Putin and Biden are Schwab WEF tools); this was by design. “And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!” Lk 22:22 The woman created from Adam in Gen 2:22 becomes the Jezebel Spirit (US) warned against in Rev 2:22; the sin of adultery outlined in Deut 22:22. The LORD as Rock, Deliverer and Fortress described in 2 Sam 2:22 and His ways in 2 Sam 22:22. All coincidence for Jesuit Joe and his handlers.
Pluto returned to its July 4, 1776 position 2/22/22 (2x2x2x222=1776 aka Build Back Better (B=2); the day 777days before the 2nd Great American Eclipse April 8, 2024, a “Ring of Fire”. 2022 Defense Budget $777B) a date chosen by British Freemason astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly, a once in 248 yr astrological event for the US, the designated Phoenix of New Atlantis.
Bidentales “Priests of Pluto” sacrifice Lambs on land hit by Lightning (Barack=Lightning), a ritual made more unusual with Biden as Canadian based Dominion Voting selected President originally selected VP by the Unconstitutionally selected Kenyan born Barack Obama ( now himself with an Unconstitutionally selected VP (Kamala/Kamal Aroush is a Man, not a Natural Born Citizen; a British Citizen, Born in Benghazi=Cyrenaica “Synagogue of the Libertines”) Whose Dominion? Edomite Dominion folks! Gen 27:39:41KJV); the ballots even had Commonwealth Crown Water Marks on them Whose Commonwealth? Edomite folks!
British=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant of Cain, Canaan and Esau folks! Rome began its fall during the 2nd Pluto return as Emperor Caracalla granted citizenship to immigrants; the US even installed a digital recreation of the Arch of Septimus Severus in Washington DC. The targets of the Ukraine war are US and European Citizens; 40% Gas and 30% Oil come solely from Russia; US has Trillions of Bbls of oil (Bakken, North Slope, ANWR, Gulf of Mexico) with pipelines in place, and unlimited natural gas, coal but will not use it. Germany for example stopped certification of the Nord Stream Pipeline and relies on Russia for 65% of its natural gas; Italy 45%. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household”-Jesus Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6
Pure purge Inc.
Light kills microorganisms.
Transfers energy to other organisms through microoxydation.
Be a light in the darkness.
Micah 7:8
Dear Dr.Ratclife
Hope you feel good;
Please do not get tired of continuing this right path.
I think it’s time to explain the details of Iran and the haplogroups in it, the huge migration of Afghans to Iran and the new policies to welcome them unlike in the past.
And accelerating the migration of Iranians around the world, as if the transfer of genetic carriers is being implemented.
Best Regards “Noble Caste”.
Amalek will be removed from this earth by 2032.
R1a Haplogroup .