The Chosen: “Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God” 1 Thess 1:4KJV New bible change this. Harmon brothers, who grew up in Burley, Idaho, are Mormons who learned early on how to knock on doors, founding Angel Studios on March 25, 2021 ‘Hillaria’ the resurrection of Attis is 9 months before Christmas BabEL=Gate of the Canaanite god; BabylOn=Gate of Osiris ‘Green One’=Pale Green Horse, born Dec 25; BabIlu=Gate of Allah.
- Jesus was NOT born at Christmas; Feast of Tabernacles Jesus was NOT Crucified of Easter; Passover
- Jesus and 2 ‘Thieves’ were NOT Crucified on 3 Crosses; He was ‘Hung’ of a Tree in accordance with scipture Deut 21:23, Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 2 Pet 2:24; John 19:31
- Jonathan Roumie believes in Grave Soaking: Grave sucking, also known as grave soaking or mantle grabbing, is the act of lying across the physical grave of a deceased preacher or evangelist for the purpose of “pulling out” the power of the Holy Spirit, a power that was purportedly “trapped” within the body upon the person’s death. The aberrant practice of grave sucking was initiated within the Charismatic movement The Spirit goes back to God; the Soul is judged. “He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err” Mark 12:27.
- “Mormons and evangelicals love the same Jesus”; “LDS are Christians.” Mormons worship El the Canaanite supreme god; they are Elohim.
- “The Chosen” is distributed by partner Angel Studios, a streaming video company that was co-founded by brothers Neal and Jeffrey Harmon, who are Latter-day Saints. Latter-day Saint leaders also authorized the filming of scenes for Season 2 of “The Chosen” at the church’s Jerusalem set near Goshen,Utah; Goshen =Sea of Reeds, in Egypt; Exodus means ‘To leave’ to Arabia Gal 4.
- Jesuit Jerry Jenkins wrote ‘Left Behind’ about the Jesuit inspired ‘Rapture’ with 33Deg Luciferian Freemason Tim LaHaye
- Mary is introduced as Lilith; Lilith is a female figure in Mesopotamian and Jewish mythology, theorized to be the first wife of Adam; ‘Jews’ believe Lilith is a female demon assigned a central position in Jewish demonology. “Lilith” is etymologically derived from the Sumerian Lilit “Li”, meaning wind, or the Hebrew “Laylah” meaning night. It is also translated as “windstorm” or “screech owl”.
- A crew member displayed a Pride flag in behind-the-scenes footage.
Jesus Revolution Shocks Hollywood with Packed Theaters, No. 3 Finish: ‘Miraculous’; Great message. Jonathan Roumie was phenomenal. A must-see for everyone; be careful! Easter Apr 9, 2023 has nothing to do with Jesus, nor does Christmas. My best guess: Jesus was conceived at Feast of St John Jun 24, born at Passover Apr 6, 6BC, Circumcised on the 8th Day, April 13 and Crucified at the last day of Feast of Tabernacles 331/2 years later. Tartan Day April 6 celebrates Declaration of Arbroath (or the Scottish Declaration of Independence) signed in 1320; and Mormon Birthday of Jesus; Not! Tartan’s (Trump/Drumpf’s Tartan is Yellow https://usakilts.com/blog/tartan-day-is-april-6.html) and were outlawed in the US until WWII; hanging a swatch of Tartan from ones pocket was enough. Strongs #8661: general, commander (title of an Assyrian general; 2 Ki 18:17; Is 20:1); tartarin, a rich fabric formerly imported from the east through Tartary “Hell”; Tartarus, a Hell-like realm in Greek mythology; tyrius “cloth from Tyre” (Phoenicia); An official title of rank within the Assyrian military, the commander in chief or field marshal second only to the king. An officer of this rank led Sargon’s assault against Ashdod (ca. 712 BCE) Tartary, “the land of the Tartars”. The Empire of Tartary uses the heraldic Dragon aka Satan, Serpent, Devil (Rev 12:9) Kelsey Grammer starred as Herod https://imgur.com/wzzG2TD https://imgur.com/RHm5zPg https://imgur.com/NxqD8Wv
August 15, 1871 Jesuits wrote the plan for 3 World Wars to usher in Lucifer. https://threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm 2024=153 https://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu153.php
- 153 is the numerical total for the Hebrew phrase Ani Elohim, which means “I am God“; Elohim is Satan!
- 153 is number of fish caught on the RIGHT side of the ship Jn 21:6-14KJV; JESUS separates the sheep on His RIGHT from goats on his LEFT sending the Cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels Matt 25:32-46KJV
- “Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi (numerical value: 17) to En Eglaim (numerical value: 153) there will be places for spreading nets”. Eze 47:10KJV
- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – (Catholic)
- The word beasts appears 153 times in the King James Bible.
- pray is used 153 times in the OT and the word darkness, 153 times in the Bible. Also the name of Peter would occur 153 times in the NT.
- 3.14=PI gives 153: P(80) + I(73) = 153.
- 153 days correspond to the duration of the Flood
- “Sure Source” (in French, “De Source Sûre”) = 153. By using the opposite correspondence (A=26, Z=1), we discover that ANTECHRIST (antichrist) DIVINATION COMPUTERS “SANG + LARME” (blood + tear) = 153.

Pope Paul VI commissioned the Bent/Twisted Crucifix YVHNN PVLVS ShNI=153
“The Chosen” Dallas Jenkins “With this Christmas special, or on social media, to see people of different faith backgrounds — LDS, Catholic, evangelical — all agreeing, all uniting”; Evangelical “of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.” LDS and Catholic deny the Holy Ghost; Priest Confession, the only way to have Sins forgiven, the Holy Ghost. The Christmas worshipping https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/christmas-hanukkah-saturnalia/ Christian https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/christian-or-jew/ is the son of Jesuit Jerry Jenkins https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/jesuits/ and Tim LaHaye “Left Behind”https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/rapture/ Christmas (Mekhriein ‘anoint’, translating Hebrew māšīaḥ ‘Messiah’; *mag- “to knead, fashion, fit.”) is not Jesus birthday! It’s Saturnalia Greek Kronos, father of Zeus. Also the alchemical name for lead (late 14c.; turning Lead into Gold; literally!). In Akkadian, the planet was kaiamanu, literally “constant, enduring,” hence Hebrew kiyyun, Arabic and Persian kaiwan “Saturn.” “On the 24th of the tenth month,” that is December, according to our reckoning, the Arabians celebrated the BIRTHDAY OF THE LORD–that is the Moon.” The Moon is Allah, the Moon is Sin!

The Catholic Church and the LGBT Community? Jonathan Roumie “Jesus” in The Chosen a practicing Roman Catholic; while he was baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church; In 2020, he was nominated for a Papal knighthood, the Order of St. Gregory the Great; Roumie is Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. “The Chosen” praises the involvement of the infamous Fr.James Martin, SJ. He is a sought after speaker of Ignatian spirituality as inspired by the life and teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. His activity for LGBTQ people was intensified after the 2016 Pulse shooting; The UN Year of Pulses? https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/pulse-nightclub-hoax/ On September 13, 2007, Martin appeared on Comedy Central‘s The Colbert Report to discuss Mother Teresa‘s fifty-year sense of abandonment by God; she was a Man! As of October 2021, Martin serves on the Board of Directors of Georgetown University. https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/jesuits/https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/jesuits-2/ In its 2021 Christmas episode https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/christmas-hanukkah-saturnalia/ “The Chosen” shows Mary having labor pains in giving birth to Jesus. Jesus was not born at Christmas (Saturnalia), all of the false gods are is Horus, Adonis, Zoroaster, Buddha, Hercules, Mithra, Dionysus, Tammuz
Guest Speaker Rabbi Jonathan Cahn https://imgur.com/dsShKax “Call no man Rabbi” Mat 23:8 The Sign of Shin (6) means Nail, the Nails forged by the Canaanite Tubal-cain to fasten Jesus to the Tree.
Dear Howard, you wrote this above, really?
„ Jesus was conceived at Feast of St John Jun 24,born at Passover Apr 6, 6BC, Circumcised on the 8th Day, April 13 and Crucified at the last day of Feast of Tabernacles 331/2 years later.“
There were 5 mentioned in the Bible at Calvary, Jesus and 4 others.
The 2 “thieves” are different than the 2 “malefactors”.
Read the gospels with this in mind, and you can see it.
I think Bullinger wrote an appendix on it in his “The Bible Companion”.
JOHN 23:32 KJV says different FewThereBe , malefactor is a criminal , just saying
32And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death.