Club Q: IS NOT A LGBTQ Club! It’s a Movie Set! “The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick.”Biden
Police have identified the 5 people killed in Colorado Springs LGBTQ Club Q shooting; on Transgender Day of Remembrance; Club Q on a downward pointing triangle https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/q/“a second home full of chosen family” from Pulse Nightclub during Year of the Pulses (Pulses, Tares and Gene Slips are impurities) Pulse LGBTQ Nightclub shooting occurred at the conclusion of the 49 Days “Counting the Omer” on the 50th Day June 12 “666”, Omar Mateen allegedly killed 49 people at the Pulse (Tare=Pulse) Nightclub during PRIDE Month. Biden calling for banning automatic rifles again, since—as we saw in Sandy Hook—the weapon Aldrich allegedly used was already banned. Omar=Omer; Mosque of Omar on the Temple Mount is to be destroyed in preparation of the 3rd Temple.the fake Pulse nightclub shooting of 2016. https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/pulse-nightclub-hoax/. Map of Sandy Hook in Dark Knight Rises. Bane and Batman both “Initiates” of R’as Al Gul “Head of the Demon”, a play on Beta Perseus “Algol” (Demon Star) https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/sandy-hook/ 2023 is the Year of Rabbit aka Anammelech https://imgur.com/9kskAUt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCNZLJJVAso&t=0s The shooter here has now been named: Anderson Lee Aldrich. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller? Wife of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and founder of the Museum of Modern Art. After clearing a whole city block, livestreaming himself in tactical gear, and threatening to kill not only his mother but police officers, no red flag was posted on him in Colorado. Governor of Colorado is a famous gay billionaire, said to be the first openly gay governor of any state. That is Jared Polis, born Jared Schutz, but took his mother’s name. Why? Because Schutz is a Jewish name, short for Schutzjude, “protected Jew”. Greeting Card $780M is 2 years $35M; One a Gang of Four Phoenicians who turned Colorado blue. Susan Polis has an honorary Doctor of Law degree from Rider University for selling greeting cards; she never went to Law School. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller was the daughter of Abigail Pearse Truman Chapman, and if you think that links us to Mark David Chapman of the fake Lennon assassination, you are right. Nothing to see here!
Uvalde (Sandy Hook 2) https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/sandy-hook/ Eva Mireless/Victoria Soto $73M 9 family settlement with Remington Arms https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=4OBM6149OANW Salvadore or is it Sally Ramos? 18 yr old cross-
Eva Mireless; husband Ruben Ruiz Uvalde police allegedly shot at by Ramos Mireles’ aunt, Lydia Martinez Delgado, said in a message to the Los Angeles Times that she was furious to lose her niece in such a “tragic” and “senseless” way. The U.S., she said, needed to act on gun laws and expand background checks. Trudeau has law ready banning handguns and rifle magazines carrying more than 5 rounds https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=7718662O9OH3
“It’s so easy for young, mental kids to get guns and randomly shoot innocent victims,” she said. “My niece, Eva, lost her life protecting her students. It shouldn’t have to be like this: teachers, parents and students afraid to go to school or send their kids to school.”
Transgender? Salvador Ramos (Salvadore=Saviour + Ramos=”Branch”; Branch of the Terrible ones is Antichrist) DOB 12th May 2004 is 666 Months after Jesuit General “Black Pope” Arturo Sosa. His 18th Birthday 33 Years 3 months 3 weeks from the Death of Salvador Dali, whose painting “In Voluptas Mors”was featured as the skull on the movie poster for Silence of the Lambs, the same skulls used on the May 21 issue of Economist Magazine; the film was about a transgender killer nicknamed Buffalo Bill; the Buffalo shooting occurred on 14/5/2022 which is also the day MonkeyPox was first announced; here is the 2021 Patent for Recombinant Poxvirushttps://twoplustwoequalsfournews.wordpress.com/2022/05/23/a-2021-us-patent-application-for-recombinant-poxvirus-based-vaccine-against-covid-see-doc-highlighted/ to the Formation of WEF 24/1/71 is 33 years 3 months 3 weeks and 66 Years 6 weeks after Klaus Schwab’s birthday. What are the odds the Uvalde School used the safe word “Monkey”? ABC New headline TEXAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MASSACRE in reduced Gematria=113; what a coincidence ALZ-113 Vaccine killed most of humanity in Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Notice the NASA T-Shirt; A-113 was animation classroom featured in Pixar and Disney movies. https://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu113.php Suffice to say “victim” is used 113 times in scripture; Liu Du Crane (Place of the Skull)=113 Graphene in Vaccines is a Neural Interface in the brain. The WEF, UN, and WHO meeting is 100 years after the Lenin orchestrated Russian famine in Tartarstan (Tartarus is Hell) 1922-3. Now that’s doing things by the numbers! .Transgender Bill Gates from Hell told the WEF he’s worried about Terrorists releasing Smallpox at say 10 airports https://www.bitchute.com/video/jbHhDo5d4EO1/ what a coincidence that is the precise theme of the movie 12 Monkeys.
21 dead at Robb (Robert means “To shine bright with glory”; pretty coincidental in a film with 100% Callsign names, the only one that did not have one was Bob) Elementary School; Shooting information posted ahead of time just like Sandy Hook families who $3M; (Wikipedia Jimmy Wales is a WEF Young Global Leader School grad) https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=U7MWHMG8XUSK CT Sen Chris Murphy from Sandy Hook District “What are we doing? We have another Sandy Hook” Sure do Chris, another staged event for gun control https://theresnothingnew.c
What’s next Free Speech? Dis-info Czar Michael Chertoff (Devil/Demon) warned us ahead of time about 9/11/2001 being “The New Pearl Harbor”. Meanwhile DuckDuckGo makes a deal with Microsoft to censor independent media outlets and replace the info with “Trusted” sites; WEF openly pronounces an end to “Free Speech” and Pfizer CEO, Sephardic ie Satanic Royalty Veterinarian Albert Bourla who managed to create the formula for the Covid 19 Vaccine in 3 hours on Jan 11, 2019 with 2 Turkish Billionaires before Covid was even a thing, explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos WEF crowd: “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. “Imagine the compliance.” Pfizer, BARDA and SIGA even had the foresight to obtain FDA approval and stockpile Monkey, oops I mean Smallpox Pills ahead of time https://www.wnd.com/2022/05/pfizer-ceo-intros-ingestible-chips-can-report-authorities-comply-orders/ and Bavarian Nordic had the foresight to pay University of Penn to conduct a MonkeyPox clinical trial. Mark of the Beast? Whatever it is still needs to be verifiable In the right hand or In the forehead, stay tuned.
- “The science” is now telling us that all those people “dying suddenly” post-“vaccination” have, in fact, been stressed to death by “anti-vaxxers”
Aurora (Obama Nomination)-Black Knight Rises (Nathan Crowley)-NYC Hospital-Hurricane Sandy (Church of Satan East Coast HQ/Hunger Games)-Sandy Hook (Play the Joker)-Las Vegas (21 -Borderline Bar (Gilroy Garlic Festival)-Parkland (Cubic Simulations)-El Paso-Buffalo-Uvalde (April 8/1 Nisan beginning and end of Great American Eclipse)-Tulsa-Philadelphia. AR-15 connection. “First you take the guns, then the slaughter begins” Chairman Mao, Yale Divinity School Grad and Great Experiment; Oops that was Obama-Biden. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=D56DRGN2UU33
Philadelphia (
Uvalde shooting took place 555 months after the birth of Yuval Noah Harari