Science scire ‘to know’ Gen 3: 22 ‘ And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever’
“Vain and profane babblings” (1 Tim 6:20KJV). “Tongue of the Chaldeans” (Dan 1:4KJV)
NASA: The KJV translates Strong’ s H5377 ( NASA) in the following manner: deceive, greatly, beguiled me, seize, utterly. The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. Moon Landing? Actors Bill Gates ‘Hurricane Tamer’
SpaceX IS FAKE!; Mega “great”.Zillah shadow? the mother of Tubal-cain ‘Earth + “to form, to fashion. and Namaah ‘Earth Mother’
SpaceX Polaris Dawn mission crew completes first all- Free Electricity The first spacewalk June 3, 1966 How about the camera man? He may have been the first American to orbit the earth, 33Deg Freemason, Senator John Glenn made Edinburgh his destination on 4 June, 1966.
Mark of the Beast THERE ARE NO ALIENS! The Van Allen Belts surround Earth and are full of Radiation. alienus ‘belonging to another’, from alius ‘other’. Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign of the Nail “666” (V=5=6; there is no 0 is Roman Numerals) Gravity Rev 68kg X 9.8m/s2=666 Newtons. Blue Light =666THz. Time: 2160 years/astrological house; 216=6x6x6; the 47th Problem of Euclid (47 deg Compass is used in the Freemasonic Square and Compass Symbol) uses 3 Cubes (Kaaba, Phylacterys, NSA Spy Building) in a 3-4-5 ratio (Cubes of 3-4-5 added=666) on the 3 sides of a 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle. CERN has 666 in its Logo. The Sign of Shin (6) means Nail; 3 Nails held Jesus to the Tree.
CERN “Cernunnos”=”Little Horn”: 666 Logo; Shiva dances the Nataraja in front. “I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.” Rev 2:13 Antipas “For all; Against all”; Antipas was killed in Pergamon. The traditional narrative continues by stating that Antipas was put to death during the reign of Nero (54-68), burned in a brazen bull-shaped altar at the Appollyon temple in Lyon/Geneva Switzerland, and buried in a nearby cemetery. “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon”. Rev 9:11
Elon Musk SN15=6: Cape Canaveral (Cape of Cain’s Bearers) Carnival Barker for NASA and really the entire world’s Lunar/Mars space programs which pick up where Apollo and Saturn V left off. Osiris ReX and Orion “Heaven’s Light” are the same; Stainless Steel BFR (Big Falcon/F—in Rocket) named Starship named after Starship Enterprise, Star Trek, Star Wars and Musk’s StarLink all the same, named after the Chaldean Star of Molech. Crew Dragon named after Puff the Magic Dragon (The Dragon/Devil/Satan deceiving the entire world Rev 12:9) Falcon 9 Rocket (named after Star Wars Millennium Falcon aka Horus the Falcon God of Egypt and son of Osiris/Orion) Space Suits straight off the set of Ender’s Game and Project Artemis (Goddess of Witchcraft). “People who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities”-Voltaire
Green Energy=Pale Green Horse;

Sodom and Gomorrah was melted with Fire and Brimstone (evidence visible near the shores of the Dead Sea); Red Sea Crossing at Nuweiba Beach (
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”Gen 1:27 Freemason Erasmus Darwin wrote Zoonomia which was plagiarized by his grandson Charles Darwin in Origin of the Species by means of natural selection both were members of the London Lunar Society (Chaldean Moon god is Sin) the “Missing Link” in Evolution Theory supplied by Jesuit Pierre Tielhard Du Chardin and others like Louis Leakey, caught fitting Ape Jaws to Human Skulls. DNA can only reproduce itself; it never “Evolves” to a different or improved “Species”; eg a Fish Eye or Fin will never Evolve into an animal/human eye or a bird wing as doing so renders a fish unable to survive. In 1950 Pope Pius XII encyclical Humani generis wrote there is “No conflict between Christianity and Evolution” Jesuit Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si proposes “The triumph of Science is realizing Earth can only support 1 Billion people” Neil DeGrasse Tyson “Coronavirus is a global Science Experiment” Evolution from Pond Scum to a Human Being with Body, Soul Spirit is as ludicrous as these Jesuit Lies: Big Bang Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Gravity, Black Matter, Black Holes, Flat Earth, Theory of Everything, Vaccination and Coronavirus.
“I don’t recall seeing any stars” Apollo 11 Command Module Actor Michael Collins “I staged the Apollo Moon Landings” Stanley Kubrick Avi Loeb Harvard Physicist, Reagan Star Wars adviser, Black Hole Initiative, Dark Energy Initiative, SETI adviser, Harris-Biden Presidential Science and Technology Adviser, fake Jew, advocates “Alien Treaty” 2021. UN Space Alien Ambassador M. Othman was appointed in 2010; recall Mothman Prophecy All complete nonsense. Here’s a compilation
47th Problem of Euclid: Cubes represent Saturn (eg Phlacterys, Kaaba) Squaring the Square is accomplished with a Compass oriented to the Pole Star. Squaring the Circle is the Holy Grail, an impossibility of building the Circle of Heaven on Earth. The Masonic Compass is set at 47 degrees; the 47th “Problem of Euclid” symbolized by 3 Cubes in a 3-4-5 ratio set atop 3-4-5 Pythagoran Triangle aka Light: Mer-Ka-Ba “Merkabah” (Mer=Light, Ka=Spirit; Ba=Body) aka “Chariot” or “Light Vessel”; Lucifer is the “Light Bearer” The Squares of 3-4-5 add to 50, a Jubilee where Slave and Master trade places; Esau is currently “Yoked” to Jacob; when Esau achieves Dominion (Dominion Voting was no coincidence) becoming Master (Dan 7:6) 7+6=13=M; 7X6=42 month “Great Tribulation” The Square is 90 deg; combined the symbol “Circles the Square”. IXXI is 9/11 (Rev 9/11 Satan is cast to Earth) the fallen Kabbalah Tree of Life. Lucifer means “Light Bearer” Time: The Cubes of 3-4-5 added=216=6X6X6; 2160 years/astrological house due to Axis Precession following the Flood 1656 Years Creation to Flood + 2160 Aries to Pisces + 2160 years Pisces to Aquarius; Welcome to the Age of Aquarius! Saturn-Jupiter Conjunction at 0 deg Aquarius on Dec 21, 2020 followed by the Feb 11 New Moon with 6 planet conjunction plus Pallas-Athene “Spear Shaker” (Shakespeare) “Stellium” in Aquarius are big Signs Aquarius has begun. The Golden Mean “Phi” (1.618 to 1) aka “Ratio of Life”, seen in Life, Poetry, Music etc. Time, Light, Pythagoreanism, Sacred Geometry and Primal Materia (Black Matter) all come together in the 47th Problem of Euclid. Arthur means “Bear Guard “Arcturas” guides Ursa Major (Big Dipper) around the Pole Star to the Age of Aquarius; Arth=Branch of the Terrible Ones (Is 25:5) The Branch of the Druids “Knowers of Trees” is the Once and Future King. Arthur comes from the Black Nobility Lancelotti Family; Lance=Spear=Shakespeare and “Spear of Destiny” 47+90=137 the 33rd Prime Number and Gematria of Kaballah. 1/137=.007 “Fine Structure Constant” and odds an electron will absorb a photon; thus perfectly Black material “Dark Matter” would have an Atomic Number of 137. 137 merges Kabbalist Religion and Physics. Science “Tongue of the Chaldeans; Vain, Profane Babblings” Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Tim 6:20KJV. Flat Earth Theory comes from “Squaring the Circle” an impossibility as Pi is a non-repeating irrational number; the Masonic Square used to build the Circle of Heaven on the Flat, Circle of Earth. It looks from our perspective to be “Flat”, but on the simplest of levels, if one builds a “Flat” something like a Bowling Alley and were to continue building, it would eventually return and connect to itself; therefore it cannot possibly be “Flat”; flying “Straight and Level” is neither; it is maintaining a constant height above the Earth and if flown long enough would return to the same location at 1G, the same exact acceleration we experience standing on the Earth (9.81m/s2). The Pale Horse “Death” (Chloro=Green) described in Rev 6:8 is the same “God of Forces” aka Graviton or God Particle Daniel describes in Dan 11:38; Newtons (Newt=Lizard; Dinosaur “Terrible Lizard”) are units of Force named after the Rosicrucian alchemist, Luciferian Freemason Isaac Newton; Force=MA equation can be written 68 kg X 9.81 m/s2 = 666 Newtons, the number associated with the Mark of the Beast seen (Good Pun eh?) also in Blue Day Light =Dyeus=Zeus=666THz. I totally understand why people without God regard 666 as “Good”; it can be seen everywhere like Time 2160 years/astrological house; 216=6x6x6; the 47th Problem of Euclid (47 deg Compass is used in the Freemasonic Square and Compass Symbol) uses 3 Cubes (Kaaba, Phylacterys, NSA Spy Building) in a 3-4-5 ratio (Cubes of 3-4-5 added=666) on the 3 sides of a 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle. 47 + 90=137 the 33rd Prime Number 1/137=.007 “Fine Structure Constant”, the odds an electron will absorb a photon. 137/137=ONE aka Light Vessel or pure Dark Matter which Gnostics call Primeval Matter, a symbolic return seen in Chlorophyll (Chloro=Green Man; Osiris/Saturn=Green One) + 32 Atoms in the Photosynthesis “Light Synthesis” Equation converts Light to Energy and Matter ie Gnostic Creation. Its also no coincidence Ishmael died at 137; Ismailism=Shia=Iran=Aryan “Noble Caste”=Shariah Law; Abram’s 1st born married Canaanite women violating the Covenant God made with Abraham; Esau also married Canaanite women, produced by Ham (Black) and his Cainite mother; Esau impersonates Jacob in Israel today, seen in the Six Pointed Star of Saturn 666 and Noahide Law. Both Laws are of the same Dialectic source and both require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost which results in “Death” and “Hell”.
I understand why people regard 666 as “Good”, It’s plain as Time, Daylight, CERN and Gravity. 666 can be seen everywhere including CERN’s logo. Time 2160 years/astrological house; 216=6x6x6; Jesus declared Himself the Alpha and Omega in Rev 21:6. The 47th Problem of Euclid (47 deg Compass is used in the Freemasonic Square and Compass Symbol) uses 3 Cubes (Kaaba, Phylacterys, NSA Spy Building) in a 3-4-5 ratio (Cubes of 3-4-5 added=666) on the 3 sides of a 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle. 47 + 90=137 the 33rd Prime Number 1/137=.007 “Fine Structure Constant”, and the odds an electron will absorb a photon. 137/137=ONE aka Light Vessel or pure Dark Matter which Gnostics call Primeval Matter. Chlorophyll (Chloro=Green Man; Osiris/Saturn=Green One) + 32 Atoms in the Photosynthesis Equation converts Light to Energy and Matter ie Gnostic Creation.
Hubble Telescope discovered Alpha, the Light of Creation; NOT! “Earth is in a fixed, unique if not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all cost”-Edwin Hubble. Jesuits are the “Militia of Zeus”; Fr Georges LeMaitre was Hubble’s handler and inventor of Big Bang Theory; the biggest bunch of Science nonsense ever devised Hubble Telescope discovers the oldest and most distant star WHL0137-LS “Earendel” meaning “Morning Star” or “Rising Light”, 2 names associated with Lucifer. 12.9Billion Light Years away; Rev 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.“ Lucifer/Satan/Dragon/Devil the Morning Star and False Messiah is here! The host galaxy is named “Sunrise Arc”; 137 is the 33rd Prime Number 1/137=.007 “License to Kill” and the Secret Cipher of British astrologer John “007” Dee which also equals the Fine Structure Constant “Alpha”; Jesus said “I am the Alpha and Omega” Rev 22:13, this is not Him! 1/137 is the odds an electron will absorb a photon, thus a material absorbing all light, in Physics and ironically the world of Satanic world of Kabballah would have Atomic Number 137, Pure Black aka Primal Material of Creation. Ishmael, the first son of Abraham and Hagar lived 137 years, however violated the covenant with God by marrying Canaanite women; Hagarenes aka Twelvers await the arrival of the 12th Imam al-Mahdi (He who rises), the same false messiah Rabbis await. Einstein said “Until we understand the number 137, we will understand nothing” understand this folks, Lucifer will never be JESUS!
Ishmael died at 137; Ismailism=Shia=Iran=Aryan “Noble Caste”=Shariah Law; Abram’s 1st born married Canaanite women violating the Covenant God made with Abraham; Esau also married Canaanite women, produced by Ham (Black) and his Cainite mother; Esau impersonates Jacob in Israel today, seen in the Six Pointed Star of Saturn 666 and Noahide Law. Both Laws are of the same source and both require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost which results in “Death” and “Hell”. The Law of Gravity and Law of Evolution are not Lies not Laws.
Rev 6:8 the Pale Horse “Death” is introduced; “Hell” follows close behind. 68kg X G (9.8 M/s2)= 666kg.m/s2 Newtons of Force, about as coincidental as Blue Light at 666THz; Blue scatters causing Daylight to look Blue, Dyeus Pater is Zeus. The Masonic G is Gnosticism; G for Gravity “God Particles” (CERN uses the 666 Logo); “God of Forces” Dan 11:38 gives Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe.
The 4th Pale “Chloro” Horse “Death” is the 4th Beast of Iron Dan 7:7 Hematin (Red Blood + Oxygen + Iron) has 77 atoms. 5G at 60GHz inhibits Plant Photosynthesis (Chloro=Pale Green) and Blood Oxygen; thus “Death” to Plants and Animals from both sides of the Photosynthesis equation occurs. Newton’s Force of “Gravity” is the Masonic G and is really just the Acceleration (Alpha) of “Gravity” or Grand Architect of the Universe. Newton simply turned an Acceleration into a Force; F=6th Letter and Number of Man and 6th Planet Saturn; the F=MA equation was simply reversed to honor the “God of forces” in Dan 11:38 The Six Pointed Star of Saturn is the basis of the Square and Compass and Gnosticism. The Six Pointed Star or Beehive represents the Chaldean “Bee” meaning “Word” or Chaldean “Science” (Gnosis) Clever eh?
“A supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist. When a person believes in God it is a Delusion; when many people suffer from delusion, it is called Religion” Richard Dawkins author of God Delusion
“God is dead and will remain dead; we have killed him with our Science” Frederich Nietzche
“Earth is in a unique if not central position, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs” Edwin Hubble “The more I know about Science, the less I see the need for God” Neil DeGrasse Tyson “Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple clothes and made king using dazzling mathematics that obscure truth” Nikola Tesla “Relativity is a massive deception wrapped in beautiful mathematics” Nikola Tesla writing on Einstein “Man’s intellect has come to the point where we no longer need God” Stephen Hawking “Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?” Jesuit Professor Adam Weishaupt
The cross comprises three parts with engravings in its stone. These engravings picture alchemical symbols that occultists believe contain encrypted information on a future global catastrophe. An important part of understanding The Cross of Hendaye is found in the writings of the mysterious alchemist Fulcanelli, who hints in his 1926 book ‘Le Mystere des Cathedrales’, that on the cross is encoded a warning of “a purifying fire that will soon consume the Northern Hemisphere.”[2][unreliable source?]
The creation and transportation of the Cross of Hendaye is rumored[by whom?] to have been funded by a Christian society known as the Rosicrucians. The Cross is a paradigm for synergy, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts alone. The entire monument is said to be a schematic of the Philosopher’s Stone.
The Cross of Hendaye in southern France carved by the Rosicrucian Alchemist Fulcanelli describes the Iron Age as Death: 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:7 ring a Baal? It’s Hematin (Blood + Iron + Oxygen) and the 4th Horseman, the Pale Green, Ashen Horse “Death”. Destruction of all Plant and Animal Life through 5G Radiation is Death and the reason Hell follows close behind (Rev 6:8). Death, Saturn, Time, Annihilation and Transformation planned in the Cross of Hendaye by the same Rosicrucians who carved the Georgia Guide Stones calling for the death of all but 500 Million people to renew Nature. INRI “By Fire, Nature is renewed Whole”; welcome to the Saturnian Age! The Cross inscription refers to Science as “Knowledge, Study and Learning is the last of all, but for us, the first. Save for a small number of Elite, all must perish”.
The 4th Beast of Iron is Hematin (Hemoglobin + Iron + Oxygen; Dan 7:7) and the Pale Horse (Chloro=Pale Green/Ashen Rev 6:7-8) Chlorophyll both have 33 Atoms, the number of Sovereignty from God. 5G at 60 GHz is the “Holy Grail” of the Information Age, with 100% attenuation in Oxygen, 5G disrupts Oxygen usage by Humans/Animals and Oxygen production by Plants. Science will turn the World into a Physical and Spiritual Desert void of God
Jesuit/Chaldean Science theories are 100% Bullshit. Dark Matter: Antimatter, Black Holes, God Particles, Gravity (Gravity is not a Force; Gravity is an Acceleration; F=MA; Dan 11:38 “God of Forces”); thank Jesuit, Rosicrucian, Luciferian Freemason, Alchemist Isaac Newton. Big Bang: Energy required for Nuclear Fusion of heavier elements goes up with Time; the opposite of Big Bang Theory; thank Jesuit Fr Georges LeMaitre and Edwin Hubble who stated “Earth is in a fixed, central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all cost”. Evolution: DNA uses mRNA to gather Amino Acids in order to duplicate/repair itself; DNA can never improve itself; thank Jesuit Erasmus Darwin and his grandson Charles. Heliocentric Theory: Earth is Fixed in a central position under a canopy of fixed Stars, not “Orbiting the Sun”, nor moving around the “Galactic Black Hole”; thank Jesuit-Rosicrucian Nicholas Copernicus. Flat Earth Theory: Earth expands outward at 9.81m/s2 giving the appearance of a Flat Earth; anyone flying a commercial airliner can see the curvature; F=MA; the outward acceleration accounts for Gravity. Atomic Theory: Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction Gravity, Electro-Magnetic “Forces” all need a Power Supply, absent in Atomic Theory; thank Jesuit Neils Bohr. Earth Core Theory: The Earth’s Core is full of water not 9800F molten iron; thank Jesuit Inge Lehmann, educated by Neils Bohr Jesuit/fake Jew aunt Hanna Adler. Solar Magnetic Field Theory: Iron and other Magnetic Material lose their “Magnetism” above the Curie Temperature (Iron is about 1400F); the Sun has no Magnetic Field. The Earth’s Core is not molten, if it were Earth would not have a Magnetic Field to shield itself from deadly Solar Radiation. Anthropogenic Global Climate Change: Plants require CO2; Commercial Greenhouses mimic the pre-Flood world and raise CO2 levels to 7000PPM; some 20 times current levels; Plants in turn produce Oxygen which is required by Humans and Animals; the more of each the better for life. Are these Science Theories all unproven Chaldean/Satanic nonsense.
Noah’s Flood is real, and happened 4300 years ago.The Continents slid apart and match up like a jigsaw puzzle during Noah’s Flood. Fountains of the Deep shot up producing Comets as Continents slid into position like a blanket on an air hockey table forming mountains. The striations are clearly visible in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Future Disaster Planning Maps of the US look like this. Deepwater Horizon began releasing 7000psi Oil, 100,000psi Methane into the seabed below the Gulf of Mexico and has continued unabated since its intentional blowout on Weed Day and scuttling on Earth Day 2010 1 month after Universal Health Care was signed into las on 3/22/10 at 3:22 UTC. Brotherhood of Death is Society 322; Born Again Christians are the Weeds to be culled. DeepWater Horizon was predicted 1 yr to the day in advance in Knight of Malta Nic Cage’ movie Knowing. Methane flows into Salt Domes under the world’s largest underground oil supply, collapse is inevitable as is draining of the Great Lakes, home to 25% of the world’s fresh water. Methane release also impedes the Thermohaline Conveyor at the Gulf of Mexico where the world’s ocean currents converge.
Apollo “Destroyer” of Rev 9:11 is Apollyon/Abaddan aka Satan; Apollo Moon Program was managed by C Fred Kleinknecht (Sovereign Worshipful Grand Master of Scottish Rite Masons), his brother NASA Director Ken Kleinknecht and a host of liars who claimed to walk on the moon. If Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon first; Who took this picture? Or the final picture of Apollo 17?
COSMOGRAIL (COSmological Monitoring of GRAvitational Lensing) and HOLiCOW; measuring the Hubble Constant has proven to be not Constant because Edwin Hubble didn’t even believe his Jesuit made up nonsense “Earth is in a unique, of not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all cost…replaced by Universe Expansion” Big Bang Theory was born by Hubble’s Jesuit handler Georges LeMaitre SJ It’s completely made up nonsense designed to back up the equally ridiculous “Relativity Theory” proposed by Albert Einstein. WIMPS “Weakly Interacting Massive Particles”; MACHOS “Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects”; RAMBOS “Robust Association of Massive Baryonic Objects”; Antimatter (Opposite of Creation), Dark Matter (Virtual Particles), Black Holes (Infinitely warped Space-Time); ALICE Matter, Mirror Matter, Pulsar (Highly Magnetized, Rotating Neutron Star; Neutrons are not magnetic); P-Branes (Space-Time Bibbles of Bull Shit) LGM-1 “Little Green Men 1” (no I’m not kidding); Strangelet“Antihypertriton” (clears that up eh?); CASTOR “Centauro and STrangelet detecTOR”; “M Theory” (Proxima Centauri=Red Dwarf=M Star; Stephen Hawking’s new BS theory; Star Trek M Planets had Carbon based life), “Super Strings, Kaons (Ka is “Life Force”), Peons, Quarks, Baryons, God Particles
Stephen Hawking is/was a Jesuit sock puppet 45 years with ALS is a joke; the Jesuit mouthpiece allegedly died on Pi Day (3/14) 2018; his M Theory is the Society of Ormus “Snake”, the same Theraputae of Pergamon running the Coronavirus Hoax. Hawking equates Columbus’ arrival equates with that of Aliens. Key word “Disease” 500 years ago Smallpox, today Ebola, the CDC manufactured immune system attacking disease that goes dormant until activated; Ebola means Balls of the Roman Flagrum and it’s back just in time for Columbus Day. Schools have a policy called No Europeans in America before Columbus to cover this mass murdering thief and Crypto (Satanist in private; Catholic in public) ejected from Spain on 9 Av 1492. 90% of the eastern seaboard died after Columbus (Crypto Fernando Zarco with Red Templar Crosses on his ships; Columbus is the Roman goddess of Freedom) Columbus stole Gold and killed Natives using Blood Hounds (almost comical how NASA images of Pluto from the New Horizons (Horus, the Alternative JESUS is the god of 2 Horizons) are identical to Luciferian Mason Walt Disney’s depictions of Pluto the Roman god of the Underworld) and Smallpox. Question: If Stephen Hawking survived ALS for 45 years, why does he show up on Billionaire Jeffery Epstein’s B-727 dubbed “Lolita Express” partying on a private island with underage prostitutes with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Henry Kissinger, and Donald Trump? Tired of being played for a fool? Stephen Hawking’s M Theory is the “Theory of Everything”; the Toes on the Abomination of Desolation. Why? the Rosicrucian Book Liber Mundi is “M” aka “Book of the World”, a compendium of Gnostic Rosicrucian Wisdom
Free Energy Nikola Tesla proved the Earth conducts electricity becoming the “Ground”; the Magnetosphere attracts Solar Radiation (Gamma, X-Ray etc) as a shield; the Ionosphere is charged when visible light creates “Ions”. The Positive Charge differential of the Ionosphere with respect to Earth is 50v/ft; a constantly recharging Battery with hundreds of thousands of volts and tens of thousands of Amps of “Free Energy”. Gamma Rays pass through all materials including the Earth; trapped in the Torriod shaped Magnetosphere the Earth becomes negatively charged with respect to the Ionosphere. X-Rays are blocked by the Earth, yet travel over the surface as Zenneck Waves; you can demonstrate this energy using an Anode and Cathode placed in the Earth. No need for Power Transmission Poles; they look like the Double Cross for a reason! Free Energy Running out of energy? BS! Nikola Tesla patented and transmitted virtually unlimited, Free Energy over 100 years ago. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman demonstrated Cold Fusion and like Tesla, they were ridiculed and essentially sequestered. German based “Quant” (Walking Stick as one used by a Shepherd) has an Electrolyte (Sea Water) Flow Cell average people will never see. The Elite imagine a world of Ocean Fuel for their Yachts, Sea Planes and Cars minus the jealous hordes of humanity of course. Instead, Scientists use Oil and Atomic Power to destroy the Earth.
On Dec 19, 2016 CERN announced the ALPHA Experiment using ATHENA (AnTiHydrogenEN Apparatus) produced Anti-Hydrogen. AWAKE (Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment) will increase energy levels in the God Particle; Stephen Hawking could destroy the Universe; relax, it’s all Dis-CERN-A-Bull. JESUS is Alpha; in Hebrew “H” means “God is with me” seen in Abram and Sarai becoming Abraham and Sarah. Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus and Minerva aka Athena, the virgin born daughter of Zeus sprang fully mature from Zeus’ forehead (Pineal Gland) clad in Armor, she became the embodiment of Wisdom and Purity symbolized as the Owl of Wisdom. Her Holy Tree is the Olive Tree because Jesus is the Olive Tree. H is JESUS; Anti H is Antichrist. Pretty simple communication from the inventors of the God Particle.
The Sun’s Magnetic Field Theory is based entirely on Chaldean nonsense. The Sun is not a “Magnet” nor does the Sun’s Magnetic Field swap every 11 years. A bar magnet is made by passing electric current around ferrous material like Iron, heating it above its Curie Temperature (approx 700F) and allowing it to cool with the proper molecular alignment. The Sun has no ferrous material, Iron or anything else, it converts Hydrogen into Helium through Nuclear Fusion, period. When disasters happen on Earth like Earthquakes, Hurricanes, EMP blasts etc don’t blame the Sun, blame Man playing God. The glamorous life of the Astronaut is one of deception; dealing with one’s Feces in a Space Suit for several days is impossible; the solution? Lie.
“We are all made of Star Stuff” Carl Sagan; no Carl that’s Bullshit! The well funded life of Astro-physicists is also one of deception; if you think Space is full of Dark Matter, Black Holes, Worm Holes and Space-Time Traveling Aliens from Alternative Universes, join Freemasonry of the Jesuit Order who make this Bullshit up. If you are tired of the Lies, ask JESUS to help you Dis-CERN the times.
CERN uses the 666 Logo with Shiva (Apollo) dancing the Nataraja “Dance of Destruction” in front Aug 10, 2016 Murder at CERN? not quite, Hoax at CERN
A UTube video of a purpoted Human Sacrifice posted Aug 10. So the videographer happens to have his camera running ahead of time and get surprised by the black robed ceremony? Nice touch with tennis shoes and shorts; notice the video ends with a picture of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The video is a Hoax on par with CERN itself. On July 4, 2012 CERN posted the dance “Syncronicity”, and a Choir full of Black Robed Scientists singing prases to Peter Higgs who named the Higgs Boson aka God Particle after himself. Bull Shit people, nothing more. Shiva is Apollo=Apollyon/Abaddon from Rev 9:11, this is simply more propaganda about the return of Zeus’ son Apollo.
July 14, 2016 (7, 14=77, 16=7) proof of a 5th Force. The Dark Photon is the Force Carrier of Dark Matter. 5th Force is none other than Quintessence the mythical Aether of the ancient Greeks, Plato’s Dodecahedron (12 Sided Pentagon), 5th Element, Divine Spark (All Spark in Transfromers), TULA “Dark Sun” of ancient Egypt and Black Sun of the Nazi SS (NATO HQ is the SS Lighting Bolts). Quintessence is Witchcraft; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence or Illumination. Got JESUS in your life? Quintessence is a Pale substitute.
Michelson-Morley experiment proved Space is not Ether; Space is as Scripture states “Nothing” Dozens of measurements taken in experiments prove Light Speed is not constant; attention seeking Zionist whore Einstein made up Relativity with his 1st cousin whom he married; that’s “Relativity”! Light is not a mass-less Wave; Light is packets of Electrons. A Light Bulb produces Light inside the vacuum of the bulb, Waves cannot travel in a Vacuum. Light then passes through the glass, slowing down an producing heat (Same effect as a Green House). The Speed of Light is therefore not constant. Light then travels through the Atmosphere and finally into the Vacuum of Space. This disproves the Massless Wave Theory of Light and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity.
The Great Work: W=FXD (Work = Force X Distance/Time). Gravity, if it existed would produce near infinite Work, require near infinite Energy and require a Medium to transfer this Energy. A tensile force in a vacuum caused by like particles (Gravitions aka God Particles) is not possible. F=MA (Force = Mass X Acceleration) If Gravity is made of Mass-less Waves as Science claims, it would violate the basic Laws of Motion. Gnosticism: Great Work Gravity is a Force that moves objects (Stars/Planets/Asteroids) at great distance over great amounts of Time. This transfer of Energy produces near Infinite Work therefore, Chaldeans posing as Astro-physicists refer to their Gnostic Grand Architect as the “GOAT” (God Of All Things) the Mirror Image “The Ark Of God”, and the “Great Work” and the “God Particle”
Gravitational Field Theory is now called “String Theory”and “P-Brane Theory” No shit! 33 deg Freemason, Rosicrucian Alchemist Isaac Newton invents “Gravity” as a “Force” which bends Space-Time fabric made of pure Einstein Bullshit into Black Holes made of pure Hawking Bullshit. Thank Jesuit Roger Boscovich and Talmudic Satanist Neils Bohr for this nonsense. The theory goes like this. Primeval Atom (1st Atom) explodes and results in the Big Bang. Gravity Waves propagate outward and Red Shift (Expansion or Spatial Distortion) results. Think about it; outside the 1st Atom is “Nothing” ie a “Vacuum”; Waves displace Matter. Gravity Theory is a Lie. Dec 5, 2015 CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One or Old Horny) produces ALICE or Shadow (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nick) Matter by smashing Lead Ions together at 1 PeV (Quadrillion eV) the Quark-gluon plasma that filled the Universe (Prima Materia) moments after the Big Bang aka Big Bull Shit. Satanists think it’s funny; the Egyptian creator Atum (Atom) ejaculates the Universe into existence and Quarks attract together by Gluons (God Particles) forming RAMBOS and MACHOS. I wish I were kidding; the Big Bang requires ever increasing Energy and Order which violates the every Thermodynamics and Physics principle.
Expansion of Matter accounts for Gyroscopic Stability. Expansion of Matter causes an outward Acceleration; this causes a Force which is greatest at the Equator ie largest Diameter of a Rotating Sphere or Disc resulting in Gyroscopic Stability
Flat Earth Theory is nonsense. Is a pool or the Ocean flat? It may seem so, but it is not; a long enougn Bowling Alley would circle back on itself right? Flat Earth Theory is making a comeback in 2016. So how can Earth have a curved Ocean? It is Expanding outward. Gravity? Nope, that’s a Lie. Why in 2016? “With enough repetition people can believe a Square can be Circled” Nazi SS Propaganda Minister Joeseph Goebbels. A bowling alley is not flat, nor are the oceans; they conform to the spherical shape of the Earth Example: Construct a bowling alley all the way around the Earth; roll the ball and negating friction, it would theoretically come all the way around the Earth following a circular path. This is only possible with upward acceleration equal to centripetal acceleration. Now you know where the ridiculous “Flat Earth” Theory and the Columbus myth was created.
Water On, In and Above the Earth So where did all the Water above, on and in the Earth come from? NASA claims Water hitched a ride on Asteroids; that’s right folks, we are stupid enough to believe perhaps a Trillion Cubic Miles of Water shot through Space and arrived on Earth. Well Not me. Science claims the interior of the Earth is Molten Rock and Metal Bull Shit! Magnets lose their “Magnetism” between 300 and 700 F; Earth’s Magnetic Field forms from Magnetic Material inside the Earth rotating in the Solar Wind; Magnetism cannot exist in Molten Metal or Rock. One can easily see contradictions of Science and the Word of God.
Space Travel is nonsense “Engineers have yet to find ways to protect astronouts from cosmic rays and solar radiation. Radiation causes immediate issues such as vomiting, fatigue and vision problems and leads to heart disease, immune deficiiancies and symptoms like Alzheimers” Smithsonian Magazine May 17, 2016. Still think Freemasons actually went to the Moon eh?
Van Allen Radiation prevents every living thing from leaving or arriving on Earth “Russia readying for yearly manned space flights to the Moon by 2025; Construction began May 30, 2016” Russians sent a dog Laika through the Radiation Belts in 1959; it’s camera recorded it being killed by intense Radiation. The US and Man’s greatest achievement of landing a man on the moon is a Lie Russia knows quite well. Nothing like a movie of the 1st man to walk on the moon being taken from the lunar surface or a plastic film camera panning the last Apollo lander taking off from the surface to make a believer out of you eh?
A Chest X-Ray or CT Scan, if left on more than a millisecond will kill you; this disproves any notion of Man leaving the Magnetosphere where far more radiation exists, much less traveling to the Moon.
Space is a vacuum. How is it possible for a vacuum cleaner to lift debris against the theoretical “Force of Gravity”, yet the Atmosphere remains attached to Earth? This disproves Gravity Theory and Dark Matter Theory.
Aliens are a Lie Like the US at Roswell, Russia has planted fake Alien crash sites and “Leaked” the evidence. The question is: Why in 2009 after all these years is material coming forth proving the event was planned in advance and staged? America is set to become the Scapegoat for Babylon.
Evolution Theory is a Lie LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) a 4B yr old Myth was found in a Deep Sea Vent July 27, 2016 according to Nicholas Wade, published in the NY Times; Bull Shit people; LUCA is Noah, our 4340 yr old common ancestor. Evolution, Gravity, Helio-centrism, Big Bang, Relativity, Dark Matter are Jesuit Lies. The Speed of Light is not constant nor is the Universe Expanding.
DNA cannot improve itself Nutshell version: DNA copies itself; one Species does not Evolve from another. Gravity requires nearly infinite force over nearly infinite distant and nearly infinite time which requires nearly infinite Energy; Dark Matter and Dark Energy were made up to provide that Energy. Helio-centrism depends on Gravity from the Sun moving the Earth and planets and an invisible Black Sun at the Galactic Core to move Stars. The Big Bang, even if true creates sub-atomic particles and Atoms which need to combine in Nuclear Fusion to create heavier atoms; this requires ever increasing energy which violates the basic law of Thermodynamics. Relativity requires Light to be a Massless Wave and Particles with Mass; Space cannot transport Waves of any kind as Waves are a displacement of Matter. Gravity as a Tension Force cannot be formed with similarly charged particles. Science is described in Scripture as Vain and profane babblings and the tongue of the Chaldeans (Dan 1:5; 1 Tim 6:20 KJV)
CERN announced on July 4, 2012 “Independence Day” 99.99% proof of the “Higgs Boson” aka God Particle, a particle with mass of 126GeV/c2 On Dec 17, 2015 CERN announced discovery of a new particle, heavier than the Higg’s Boson emitting Gamma Rays. 2015 is the UN Year of Light and CERN’s Year of Light. My guess is a new particle called “Dark Photon” will have a mass of 137GeV/c2 Why? 137 is the 33rd Prime number called the DNA of Light. The particle will be made of 100% Bull Shit! CERN is a Scapegoat. CERN is a cryptogram for the “Cernunnos” (Horned One), the oldest form of Satan on earth means “Horned One”. “Black Hole”, “Dark Matter” or “God Particles” are what Egyptian Priests called “TULA” or “Black Sun”; Daniel refers to Satan as the “god of Forces” and CERN has found him! NASA JPL Lab announced on Oct 1, 2014 “Global Warning affecting Gravity”, this BS on the heels of CERN announcing the “Discovery” of “Primordial Gravity Waves” (Beginning) and the “God Particle” (Ending). Gravity Waves or any other Wave cannot travel in a Vacuum; the BS begins at Time=0 in Astrophysics. CERN then claims he “Graviton” aka “God Particle” gives Mass to Matter; sounds like the Creator eh? Hardly, Jesus is the “Beginning and the End”. Why at CERN? The oldest depictions of Cernunnos were found in caves in southern France. Profanity means “Blasphemous contempt of God”; Daniel warned Science is the “Language of the Chaldeans” (Dan 1:4) and Paul warned Science is “Vain and Profane babblings” (1 Tim 6:12 AV) Science has largely been subverted by Chaldean BS!
Anthropogenic Global Climate Change is a Lie The Nov 30-Dec 14 (Dec is Brumalia aka St Lucia “Bride of Light” Day) Paris Climate Summit insists Global Warming must be corrected by reductions in Carbon. Carbon as Methane (Natural Gas CH4 and CO2 is Plant Food. Methane oxidizes on contact with O2 to form Water Vapor. Global Warning is Bull Shit, a clever, crafty Satanic Lie. Earth has 2 primary mechanisms to correct Temperature: 1 Evaporation or Hydrologic Cycle and 2. Thermohaline Conveyor. 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered by Water, most of it Salt (Haline) Water. Warming increases Evaporation; Water Vapor is lighter than surrounding Air, so it rises to the Saturation Level. Clouds form which are White and Opaque reflecting Light away from the Earth’s surface. Red Light refracts to form Infrared which interacts with Water in the Atmosphere causing Heat Energy. More clouds, less heating, it’s that simple.
The Thermohaline Conveyor works because Salt Water is heavier than Fresh Water. Salt Water also differs from Fresh Water in that Colder and or Saltier Water is denser; circulation occurs as denser water migrates toward less dense. Warming at the equator is offset by melting of Fresh Water glaciers nearer the poles. Heavier Salt Water dives under Fresh Water inhibiting the heat distribution at higher latitudes, both north and south. Again, Earth has a self correcting system to keep the temperature necessary for life just right. Deep Water Horizon was the intentional release of 100,000psi of Methane blocking the Thermohaline Conveyor and destroying the natural Climate.
Gravity Theory is a Lie. Dec 5, 2015 CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One or Old Horny) produces ALICE or Shadow (Krampus is the Shadow of St Nick) Matter by smashing Lead Ions together at 1 PeV (Quadrillion eV) the Quark-gluon plasma that filled the Universe (Prima Materia) moments after the Big Bang aka Big Bull Shit. Satanists think it’s funny; the Egyptian creator Atum (Atom) ejaculates the Universe into existence and Quarks attract together by Gluons (God Particles) forming RAMBOS and MACHOS. I wish I were kidding; the Big Bang requires ever increasing Energy and Order which violates the every Thermodynamics and Physics principle. Expansion of Matter accounts for Gyroscopic Stability. Expansion of Matter causes an outward Acceleration; this causes a Force which is greatest at the Equator ie largest Diameter of a Rotating Sphere or Disc resulting in Gyroscopic Stability.
2015: NASA announces finding Water on Mars. Followed by Water-Ice, Glacier Flows, Tectonic Plates, Ice Mountains and Blue Skies on Pluto. Next came 8 planets/moons/asteroids with water and life from 1000F Venus to -350F Pluto. Then came the whopper: Alien Mega-structures in orbit around a Star 1480 Light-years from Earth. Next, the Curiosity Rover finds a Rusty Alien Machine on Mars; neat trick with no water vapor and a well below zero degree CO2 atmosphere and most recently on Nov 8 NASA claims the Pole Reversal on Earth is imminent just like the Magnetic Pole reversal on Mars that destroyed its Oceans and Atmosphere. Total Bull Shit! from the Apollo Program Liars. The Van Allen belts protect Earth from lethal Gamma and X-Ray radiation; how did Astronauts travel through it? They didn’t because nobody has or ever will and survive except Elon Muskrat and his Stainless Steel Buck Rogers Rockets made of Bullshit!
Mars and Pluto are 2 lifeless rocks with virtually no atmosphere, a mean temperature of (-150F and -400F . Roman Mars or Greek Ares was worshipped in Athens at Mars’ Hill (Areopagus), the UNKNOWN GOD god of War called Nergal in Babylon (1 Ki 17:30) Pluto is the god of the Underworld receiver of deceased souls in the Eleusinian Mystery (today’s Freemasonry). On Pluto the Sun would appear a distant Star; incapable of scattering light into constituent colors. Ever seen Pluto the Bloodhound before?
Water changes state at 33F as do Masons becoming Sovereign just like JESUS , the Living Water did by dying on the Cross at 33. Water also changes state at 0C Zoroaster may ring a Baal because WWIII is the Zoroastrian battle of Good versus Evil coming to a neighborhood near you.
NASA needs $Billions for the Mars One Mission; the Martian movie is jut out and just ahead of Columbus Day. Natives were introduced to Columbus’ “Hounds of Hell” Blood Hound is a term for dogs given only human flesh to eat. Notice the fake picture of Pluto has Disney’s Blood Hound Pluto prominently displayed by a Desert like region; this is how occult communication works.
Question: If Earth is rotating, moving around the Sun at 67,000MPH, moving 500,000MPH inthe Milky Way Galaxy and moving at 670 Million MPH from the Big Bang, why do stars rotate around Polaris at every latitude? Why does the Pope teach Big Bang Theory which opposes Creation?
Radio-carbon Dating (Once living things) depends on a constant ratio of Stable Carbon-12 to Radio-active Carbon 14. Solar Radiation converts Nitrogen 14 into unstable Carbon 14 which decays into Carbon 12 at a half life rate of 5700 years. The Flood would would have dramatically been altered the ratio of Carbon 14 to Nitrogen 14 which in turn dramatically alters the apparent ages of once living things.
Radio-metric Dating (Rocks) rests on Uranium decay into Lead; it assumes all the Lead in a Rock came from Uranium decay. This is not even remotely plausible.
If Space were comprised of Anti aka Dark Matter and contact is made with Matter; a theoretical annihilation of Matter would occur. This would disprove the fundamental laws of Thermodynamics “Matter and Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed”. Obviously conversion of Matter to Energy does not happen; like most of “Science” it is fabricated nonsense.
Use a tetherball or golf ball on a string to simulate the “Force of Gravity” and “Planetary Orbits”. The path Circular rather than Elliptical, an impossibility in Gravity Theory. Imagine cutting the rope or letting go of the string; the ball would immediately fly off tangentially (straight line); if the Sun were removed or Gravity turned off would the planets immediately do the same? You just disproved Newton’s Gravity Theory, Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory, and Einstein’s Relativity Theory
V=AT (Velocity=Acceleration X Time) Human beings can function between 0 and 1.5 G’s max about 15ft/sec2 more than you are at right now; Man, much less imaginary Aliens cannot travel distances of 117,000,000,000,000 miles (20 Light-years), the claimed distance to Gliese 581g; Stephen Hawking’s “Golidilocks Zone” (no I’m not kidding, but Hawking is) much less the claimed 13.7 Billion Light-years across the Universe. You just proved long distance space travel is impossible.
Helio-centric Theory is like a Tea Cup Ride at an Amusement Park Imagine riding the Tea Cup at an Amusement Park; the Cup rotates in 3 different circles increasing in size, just like Astronomers claim Earth does, Spinning, and Orbiting around the Sun, Orbiting in the Milky Way Galaxy. Now imagine the entire Tea Cup Ride is traveling at near Light-speed; talk about a head spinner! Truth is, Earth is Fixed.
F=MA (Force= Mass X Acceleration) Flying in an aircraft in level flight, we being connected to the aircraft are accelerating equal to the Earth’s surface acceleration of 1 “G” (32 Ft/S2); in other words the aircraft is accelerating in the vertical axis at 32 Ft/S2. Jump out of the aircraft and the Force connecting us to the aircraft goes to 0, as does our Acceleration. The Earth’s surface accelerates upward until impact is made; we do not “Fall”.
If Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon first; Who took his picture? Answer the lying Luciferian Mason didn’t walk on the moon because nobody can survive the radiation in the Van Allen Belts beginning 1000 miles from earth.
A Magnet produces force indefinitely; Where does the energy come from? Answer: A magnet creates a surplus of electrons (Neg Charge by convention) on one end and a deficit of electrons (Pos Charge by convention) on the other end. Relative to Ferrous Material, this generates an Attractive and Repulsive Force.
HAARP receives the most attention but HAARP is not the only problem. There are many Nations posessing Microwave and Electro (Sun)-Magnetic (Earth) Radar technology far more capable than HAARP; eg SuperDarn, SOUSY, EISCAT, Wood Pecker Grid etc. HAARP’ patent “Method and Apparatus for alterng the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere.
Geo-engineering is Man’s age old attempt to become God, direct from the opening line of the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes (aka Mercury or Aesculapius) “That which is above shall be that which is below”; Hebrew “Tikkun Olan” means “Repair the Earth”
Jesuits are modern day Chaldeans. Science is Gnostic Religion called in the Word of God “Vain Babblings” Atomic Theory relies on 4 opposing forces: Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction (Radiation), Electro-magnetism and Gravity, the latter giving “Mass” to “Matter” according to E=Mc2 allows convertibility of Mass and Energy. 3 of the 4 are BS; the only observable “Force” is Electro-Magnetism. caused by the Sun (Electrons) interacting with the Earth (Magnetic Field) which produces unlimited “Free Energy”.
If Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon first; Who took his picture?
Gravitational Field Theory is now called “String Theory”and “P-Brane Theory” No shit! The bending of Space-Time fabric is pure Einstein Bullshit! Thank Jesuit Roger Boscovich and Talmudic Satanist Neils Bohr for this nonsense. The theory goes like this. Primeval Atom (1st Atom) explodes and results in the Big Bang. Gravity Waves propagate outward and Red Shift (Expansion or Spatial Distortion) results. Think about it; outside the 1st Atom is “Nothing” ie a “Vacuum”; Waves displace Matter.
Light-Wave Theory is nonsense just like Einstein It is not possible for any Waves be they Light or Gravity to travel in a Vacuum. Thank Jesuit Georges Lemaitre for Big Bang and Red Shift blasphemous nonsense and Edwin Hubble for putting his name on it even though he wrote that he didn’t believe the theory. Modern Particle Physics relies on the “Uncertainty Principle” and Wave-Particle Duality of Light; thank Jesuit Theodr Wulf for that nonsense. Space is “Nothing”; the idea of the Aether is not new, it began in Egypt over 3000 years ago with the same Chaldean Priests. Light and Gravity are currently held to be Massless Waves and/or Particles with Mass. As for Gravity, that magical Force has never been proven. As for Light, a Light Bulb couldn’t work if Light was a Wave, the bulb itself is a Vacuum. Ridiculous as it seems is that Light must start out as a Particle with Mass and magically change outside the bulb to a Wave capable of displacing Matter, and magically back to Particles with Mass to travel through the Vacuum of Space. Stupid in the extreme because the Graviton “God Particle” is Satan and Light is Lucifer, both “Vain and Profane Babblings opposing the Word of God” I Tim 6:20 KJV
In Egypt Taurus “Bull” was worshipped as the Apis Bull where Apis means “Honey Bee” aka Mormon Deseret. Chaldean Dabar is Bee or Word; Honey then is the spoken Word of the Chaldeans. Dan 1:4 refers to “Science” as the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” and in 1 Tim 6:20 as “Vain and profane babblings in opposition to the Word of God”; Profane means “Blasphemous Contempt of God”. The Egyptian creator Atum was used for the word Atom meaning “To Finish”. The 4 “Forces” of the Atom: Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Electro-magnetism and Gravity then refer to the “God of Forces” (Dan 11:38). “Gravity” is the Jesuit made up Force which gives “Mass” to “Matter”; which is why it is called “God Particle”.
Science: Language of Chaldeans
“We have no proof of Gravity Waves or Space-Time Ripples from the Big Bang. It was just dust” ESA (European Space Agency) Jan 31, 2015 Why? Because Jesuits made up this BS including managing the Stephen Hawking (Crown/Martyr + Horus) Project. A Jesuit scripted puppet not ALS crippled 45 years, but a drugged sock puppet or more likely an actor put on a pedestal much like Newton or Einstein. The God Particle and Mirror Matter ends the charade Sept 23, 2015 as CERN intends to prove Rainbow Gravity where Time has no beginning and no end.
GOAT (God Of All Things) Absent God as the Creator, Gravity as a “Force” was necessary to give Mass to Matter and Order to the Universe with God Particles as the Force Carrier; enter Rosicrucian alchemist/magician, Luciferian Mason, Sir Isaac Newton. Big Bang and Atomic Theory sprang from this corrupt Tree; enter Jesuit Georges Lemaitre, sock puppet Edwin Hubble and Talmudic fake Jew Neils Bohr. Heliocentric Theory, a necessary outgrowth of Gravity glorified the Sun; enter Rosicrucian astrologer Nicholas Copernicus. Evolution improved on Creation; enter Erasmus and Charles Darwin. Wave-Particle Duality Theory and Relativity Theory was necessary for Space-Time Theory, Time Travel, Inter-stellar Travel and Rainbow Gravity; enter Zionist Albert Einstein and Space-Time Warping. String Theory and Black Holes provide Gates to Alternative Universes; enter Stephen Hawking. CERN’s Rainbow Gravity and Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent” is the final iteration of Science.
Pentaquark of Baphomet On July 14, 2015 CERN claims to have proven the existence of the Pentaquark (2 Up, 2 Down and a Quark-Antiquark pair) Baphomet (Baph + Metis=Union of Spirit and Matter) should ring a Baal here.
Jesuits are the offspring of Saturn “Grim Reaper”; worship of Saturn consists of the 2 Focii of the Eliptical Orbit; one Focus inside the Visible Sun, the other a mathematical point in space between Jupiter and Saturn called the Black Sun. The Sickle (Fauci) is the weapon of Saturn.
CERN uses the 666 Logo; July 4, 2012 CERN announced 99.99% Proof of the God Particle. The time was 6:66 on this question on the game show “500 Questions”, the same day CERN ramped up power to 13 TeV, the movie San Andreas made its debut and the Kathmandu Earthquake happened.
On 3/22/2015 CERN accidentally created a miniature Rainbow Universe out of pure Bull Shit of course! Proving Rainbow Gravity and Circular Space-Time is the Holy Grail of Science. Skull & Bones is Society 322 because Man falls into Sin at Gen 3:22. Saturnians are Society 322 “Brotherhood of Death”
On Sept 23, 2015 CERN attempted to prove Rainbow Gravity and Dark Matter (Black absorbs light), the day is #266 equivalent with human gestation period; Pope #266 Francis will be in Washington DC. Google 9/23/2015 and CERN’s location comes up; the concept of a Place and Time is seen in the movie “Tomorrow Land”.
Can you Dis CERN the times now?
2015: UN and CERN “Year of Light” 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. Special Relativity + Gravity=General Relativity, which presupposes “Gravity”, “Black Holes”, “Space-Time”, “Time Dilation” and an expanding Universe; all of which are made up Jesuit BS in opposition to scripture and common sense. Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope declared “The Big Bang is real”. The Vicar of Jesus is a Liar! CERN vanity proved Gravity exists as the “God Particle” in March 2015. Gravity as a mythical Force is named after Luciferian Mason, Rosicrucian alchemist, Isaac Newton; Satan is the “god of forces” (Dan 11:38) Serial adulterer, plagiarist, attention whore, Communist, fake Jew Einstein is not what he seems
Time Magazine cover Person of the Century and Einstein’s forehead with IM. “I AM” is the title of God, the Impossible Mission is for man to become God. 2015 “Year of Light” is the Time.
“Ion Television, Positively Entertaining”. Star Wars was never about hunter/killer satellites; it was the $2T ($8T in today’s money) Project Blue Beam to use the Ionosphere as a giant TV; Entertain means “Maintain a certain frame of mind”; this is the biblical “Strong Delusion”.
The Bible says Earth is Fixed; the magical Force of Gravity necessitates a Moving Earth. The Bible says God Created Man and saw that it was “Good”; Evolution makes God’s Creation “Better”. God says the Earth was created by separating Waters inside, on and above the Earth
As Above So Below Druids and Bards awaited the time “When that which is great shall become that which is small” The Graviton is said to be the smallest particle responsible for giving Mass to Matter. At the same time Gravitons are the source of Gravity via Infinitely long Vibrating Strings which give Order to the Universe”. Druids (Re-born Initiates) are the masters of Physical Science while Bards the masters of Sublime Wisdom expressed in Music via Stringed Instruments, Poetry, and Myth. The Union of Wisdom and Knowledge is called Baphomet aka Goat of Mendes. The Cauldron of Cerridwen opens when CERN (Cernunnos=Horned One) begins final proof the “god of forces” (Dan 11:38) aka Gravity exists in Spring 2015. WWIII will pit the Grecian Rough Goat versus the Mede-Persian Ram; Little Horn (Cernunnos) will emerge from the ashes. Got JESUS in your life? Now is the time.
“Big Bang created a Mirror Universe where Time runs backward” Cal Tech 12/11/14 God said “In the Beginning…”
String Theory is nonsense “The Universe has 11 Dimensions, one of many Multiverses made of Branes, one of which is a P-Brane; vibrating P-Branes form Music; this then is Einstein’s mind of God.” Michio Kaku Dec 2014 Got that? God is a Bubble Headed P-Brane ordering the Multiverses and Mirror Universes with God Particles and presumable Anti-God Particles. No wonder Pope Francis says the Big Bang and Evolution are true. A lot of God Particles in one place? MACHO of course!
Global Cooling was in vogue 35 years ago; 31000 PhD Scientists signed a petition stating Global Warning is nonsense; basic Science says it’s nonsense; God said “Go forth and multiply” not to the point the Earth will kill you.
Secret Societies Uniting men like Copernicus, Euler, Dee, Newton, Boyle, Bohr, Darwin, Hubble, Einstein Parsons and others is the Occult. Radiation in the Earth’s Magnetic Field prevents anything living from exiting or leaving Earth which is why they all had to Lie. Simple Experiments disprove Gravity, Heliocentric Theory leaving Earth fixed at the center of Creation.
CERN is named after Cernunnos, the “Horned One” in Dan 7:8 called “Little Horn” is Satan. Gravity and Gravity Waves are Satanic nonsense giving Mass to Matter ie a false Creator called “God Particles” Here are some quotes from Cernunnos’ Priests
“A supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist. When a person believes in God it is a Delusion; when many people suffer from delusion, it is called Religion” Richard Dawkins author of God Delusion
“God is dead and will remain dead; we have killed him with our Science” Frederich Nietzche
“Earth is in a unique if not central position, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs” Edwin Hubble “The more I know about Science, the less I see the need for God” Neil DeGrasse Tyson “Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple clothes and made king using dazzling mathematics that obscure truth” Nikola Tesla “Relativity is a massive deception wrapped in beautiful mathematics” Nikola Tesla writing on Einstein “Man’s intellect has come to the point where we no longer need God” Stephen Hawking
Science: “To Know” ie Gnosis is the root of Gnosticism. Logos “Logic” and Sophia “Wisdom” and using the Essene Cipher Sophia=Baphomet. Knights Templar worshipped “Baphomet” as a Goat “God Of All Things” Now you know why. “Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom” Prov 9:10
1 Tim 6:20 KJV declares Science is Vain and Profane Babblings in opposition to Scripture. Profane means “Blasphemous contempt of God”. Science is not Fact, it is designed to appear as fact.
Stephen Hawking is proposing “M Theory” is the “Theory of Everything”; the Toes on the Abomination of Desolation. Why? the Rosicrucian Book Liber Mundi is “M” aka “Book of the World”, a compendium of Gnostic Rosicrucian Wisdom M Theory is a Lie based on previous false theories
Gravity Theory requires Infinite Force to cause Infinite Work. “God Particle” or Graviton gives “Mass to “Matter”; with Mass comes Energy and Infinite Energy requires infinite Power Where is all that coming from? String Theory and Dark Matter are Gnostic Myths that originated in Egypt with worship of Tula the Black Sun or Black Hole; the Infinitely Strong Primordial Atom. Made of Apis Bull Shit to be sure.
Science is a world of P-Branes, Anti-matter, WIMPS, MACHOS, RAMBOS, and Worm Holes held open to Alternative Uniiverses by Negative Matter; it’s all Gnostic Bullshit!
Truth V Science: There was no Big Bang; there is no Red Shift (Universe Expansion); the Speed of Light is not constant. Matter is not made from Stars and neither are People Nuclear Fusion creates Helium from Hydrogen; heavier elements require additional Energy.
Creation is approaching 6000 years of age, not 13.7 Billion years. There is no Space-Time dimension or Time Travel. Why? Space is a Vacuum, not a Dimension, and a Vacuum cannot be Warped. Time is only discernible by the relative motions of the Sun, Moon and Stars as God wrote it would be. The Sun, Moon and Precession of Earth’s Axis relative to Fixed Stars precisely calculates the beginning of Axis Precession at 4348 years; pre-flood years are accounted at 1656 years; do the math.
Earth is not orbitting the Sun “Heliocentric”; nor the Sun orbitting a Galactic Black Hole. Earth is Fixed in position at the center of Creation. Why? Centripetal Acceleration would destroy everything on Earth.
Evolution Theory is False; there are no Aliens. Why? DNA cannot improve; Humans cannot mate with any other Species.
The Earth’s Core is not molten. Why? There is no Energy source for this.
No human being has ever been more than 1000 miles from Earth. Manned Inter-planetary Space Travel is impossible Why? The Magnetic Belts contain 1000’s of times the lethal dose of radiation. G loading for such a trip is not practical; humans can sustaiin at most 6 G’s (200Ft/S2) for a very short duration.
Human caused Global Climate Change is False; Weather Modification is intentionally caused and NASA has admitted it Why? Man believes he can do better than God. Here is a guy who thinks he is a God
In April 2014, Buzz Aldrin gave an interview, stating the Lunar Landing was “Simulated”, Presidential Medal of Freedom (all 6 astronauts from Apollo 11 and 13 won this award) winner, 33 degree Luciferian Mason began describing the “Lunar Smell” while on the Moon. Once the astronaut crawled into a space suit, the only smell would have been his own farts. Time to wake up to the Satanic BS!
Astronomer Carl Sagan said “We are all made of the elements within Stars, Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Oxygen and Iron…We are all Star Children” Carl Sagan is a Gnostic Liar as is his protege Bill Nye the Science Guy. The Sun Converts Hydrogen to Helium, Period. No Oxygen, no Carbon, no Iron, no Spirit and no Holy Ghost. This is the main problem with Science; Satan became Lucifer “Light Bringer” and various Sun-Gods, Osiris, Horus, Helios etc.
The concept of a Central Black Sun “Tula” (Black absorbs Light) at the Galactic Center “Ordering” the Cosmos “Order out of Chaos” is not new; modern science simply applied the names “Black Holes” and “Warped Space-Time” to it. The ultimate “Blasphemy of God” is the “God Particle”, a mythical mass-less particle traveling as “Light Speed” before Time (Chaos) began which provides “Infinite Energy” according to E=MC2 (Energy=Mass X Speed of Light Squared) and “Infinite Work” according to Work=Force X Distance. The “Great Work” is “Order out of Chaos”
The “God Particle” was announced as 99.99% proved on July 4, 2012. The “Great Work” aka “Order out of Chaos” is complete. In “Science” the equation for Work=Force X Distance; Science claims the Universe is nearly “Infinite”, therefore, so is the “Work” required to move planets and stars. Work is the “Transfer of Energy”; hence “God Particles” are of “Infinite Length”.
Force=Mass X Acceleration. The Word of God says the Earth is “Fixed” and the Firmament is “Stretched”; Physicists claim the Earth is accelerating around the Sun (Orbitting) and the Firmament (Universe) is expanding (Stretching). God Particles supposedly give “Mass” to every Atom, and connect every Atom in the Universe to every other Atom by “Force”; this requires “Inifinite Energy” and creates “Inifinite Work”. Infinite “Force”, Infinite “Distance” and “Infinite Energy” mean “Infinite Work” aka “Great Work”.
The God Particle, Black Sun, Star Children, Indigo Children, Tuatha de Danaan (Danu) etc are not new; Egyptians call their parent Star “Sirius”; Mormons call it “Kolob”, the Egyptian word for “Star”, because Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Abraham from teh Egyptian “Book of the Dead”; in Scientology the mythical Star is “Xenu”; Chaldeans called it “Tula”.
The motto of Skull & Bones aka “Brotherhood of Death” and Sovereign Masonry (330 is Sovereignty ie “No higher rank”; there are 33 vertebre in the human spine) of is “Order out of Chaos”; “God Particles” provide this “Order” which they refer to as the “Grand Architect”. Perhaps now you can see why Paul told Timothy in 1 Tim 6:12KJV Science is “Vain and Profane Babblings”. Vanity is believing you are God. Profanity is Blasphemous contempt of God.
The “Great Work” is nearly complete; 99.99% to be exact and the reason the “God Particle” was announced on “Independence Day”. No better “Fireworks” than a “Big Bang” eh?
The concept of Space being a medium “Aether” is also an ancient lie. Modern Science simply refers to it as “Electric Universe” and “Dark Matter”; new terms applied to the age old idea of Helioplis “City of the Sun”, “On” (Recall the Priests of On in Heliopolis, Egypt?) or “Tula” (aka Thule); the source of Dark Matter aka God Particles. Folks, all this is BS designed to make the Earth one of billions like it, Man one of billions of intelligent life forms and the age of Earth to appear billions of years.
Radio-carbon dating is accurate only as far back as the Flood (2348 BC). Ages of pre-flood specimens such as the Wooly Mammoth appear to be 150K to 10K years old simply because they had less radio-active Carbon-14 in their systems than post-Flood specimens. Why? The Flood scrubbed the atmosphere of Radioactive Carbon 14; God preserved the frozen record and gave us a way to precisely date their age.
Gravity Theory, Heliocentric Theory, Big Bang Theory, Special and General Relativity Theories, Space-Time Theory, and String Theory are all Gnostic Lies. Likewise Evolution and Atomic Theories have no basis in fact and diametrically oppose the Word of God.
Word of God Ps 93:1 “…the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved” If Earth is not moving; Gravity must be non-existent, Period. 1 Chr 16:30 says the same thing.
Job 26:7 “…and hangeth the earth upon nothing” If Space is nothing ie a vacuum; Dark Mattter theory is false.
Dan 11:38 “But in his estate shall be honour the God of forces…” Gravity, Big Bang and Atomic Theory all depend on mysterious unproven energy sources and forces; occultists call it “Dark Energy”; I call it BS..
Solar Radiation contacts Earth’s Magnetic Field as Gamma, X-Ray, Ultra-violet “UV” and Visible Light. Gamma and X-Rays are guided through and on the Earth’s surface; they are “Electrons” with a Negative charge which makes Earth an infinitely recharging “Ground”. Visible Light travels through the Magnetic Field contacting Nitrogen and Oxygen in the Atmosphere; Electrons knock Electrons out of Atoms forming “Auroras”. Ozone is created when “Ions” of Oxygen recombine; Ozone absorbs life harming UV Light. The Ionosphere is a net positively charged region ranging from about 15 miles to 200 miles above Earth. The Potential “Voltage” between Earth and the Ionosphere is 50Volts/ft and constantly recharging. This energy differential forms a Battery used to power Electro (Solar)-Magnetic (Earth) powered devices.
Visible Light refracts (Bends) in the Atmosphere and Oceans ie the Speed of Light slows down. Slowed Light becomes Microwave and IR (Infrared) “Heat Energy”. Uneven heating caued by Night and Day cycles and evaporation over the Earth produces Weather.
Radars collect and discharge Electro (Solar)-Magnetic (Earth) energy back to the Atmosphere. These Electrons bounce off the positively charged Ionosphere (eg HAM or HF Radio) to form Standing “Scalar” Waves. Note: Waves (Gravity, Light or Radio) do not travel in Space; Space is a Vacuum. Copernicus, Newton, Einstein and Hawking lied.
Nikola Tesla pioneered free energy transmission 120 years ago. For the past 66 years Gnostics have used this energy to control Weather using Hurricanes, Guided Lightning, Tornadoes, Droughts, Floods. The energy is also used to modify the Earth using Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.
Science: Scire means “To Know”. The Gnostic world is a “Matrix” exactly opposite the Word of God.
An inscription on the Cross of Hendaye in southern France describes Science “Knowledge, Study and Learning is the last of all, but for us, the first. Save for a small number all must perish”.
Revelation has 22 chapters; divide it by the number of days in Creation “7” and Pi results; the same ratio as the Perimeter divided by Height of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Pretty coincidental Stephen Hawking died on Pi Day eh?
Israel was in Egyptian captivity the same time as the Inter-testament “Silent” years; multiply it by the distance between the Earth and Moon and the distance to the Sun results. Multiply the Moon’s diameter by that number (400) and the diameter of the Sun results. This relationship is the basis of Solar and Lunar Eclipses. This is no coincidence.
The Lunation Cycle is equal to a woman’s Menstrual Cycle and Earth’s Tidal Cycle; no other animal has this characteristic. This did not Evolve. Darwn also lied.
The Great Tribulation is 1260 days; add the Day of Wrath and 1261/1260 is the ratio of Equatorial to Polar Curcumference of the Earth.
“Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?” Jesuit Professor Adam Weishaupt
“Einstein is a beggar given a purple robe and made king who uses dazzling mathematics to obscure the truth” Nikola Tesla
Science: Scire “To Know” Greek “Gnosis” An activity that appears to require study and method.
Religion” Belief and reverence for a supernatural power accepted as creator and governor of the universe. An objective pursued with fervor and devotion
Philosophy: Science of aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, logic, cosmology
Metaphysics: Speculative philosophy
Cosmology: Philosophy dealing with the structure of the Universe.
More Word of God “…keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” 1 Tim 6:20 KJV
“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” Job 26:7
“And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed…So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it…” Joshua 10:13
“…the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved” Psalm 93:1
“…the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.” 1 Chr 16: 30
“The sun and moon stood still in their habitation…” Hab 3:11
“The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose” Ecc 1:5
“And God said, Let there be light…”Gen 1:4 “1st Day” “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven…”Gen 1:14 “4th Day”
“So God created man in his own image…God created…male and female” Gen 1:27 “6th Day”
Weight Acceleration or Force? A person’s first experience is usually to be “Weighed”; then he or she is warned not to “Fall Down”.
Weight=Mass X Gravitational Constant (32 ft/s2 on earth). Gravity is a Gnostic Lie; Matter does not have “Weight” and there is no such thing as “Falling”. Sounds strange, but the world is a Gnostic “Matrix” of Lies in opposition to the Word of God; this “Inception” begins at birth and only a relationship with God can provide real “Truth”.
The Earth and Ionosphere function as a Capacitor of nearly infinite energy. Man is capable of transmitting Power and Information without wires everywhere on Earth. Transportation, Education, Personal Security, Water pumping/de-salinization/purification, Weather modification/Crop enhancement, Heating/Cooling have all been demonstrated; unfortunately, Gnostics are using this gift from God to destroy Earth and Man.
Militaries, Oil/Coal/Natural Gas/Dams/Atomic energy, News, Security, Education are all unnecessary corrupted Gnostic $Quadrillion industries designed to enslave humanity and siphon resources into the hands of the Gnostic “Elite”.
Earth is not moving; there are no Orbits, Heliocentric Solar Systems, no mysterious Force of Gravity.
Space is made of Nothing ie Vacuum; there is no Dark Matter, Black Holes or Space-Time fabric.
The firmament of Stars are “Stretched”, not “Stretching”; there was no Big Bang, Red Shift has nothing to do with Universe Expansion.
Light produced by Stars is not the Light God made on the 1st Day; Sunlight is not a Wave(waves cannot travel without a medium)
Evolution is a lie. Man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator, not Aliens. Man cannot “Evolve” into God; that’s the primal Gnostic Lie
Here is how far Astrophysicists have taken their “Vain Babblings”: WIMPS “Weakly Interacting Massice Particles”; MACHOS “Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects”; RAMBOS “Robust Association of Massive Baryonic Objects”; Antimatter (Opposite of Creation), Dark Matter (Virtual Particles), Black Holes (Infinitely warped Space-Time); Pulsar (Highly Magnetized, Rotating Neutron Star; Neutrons magnetic eh?); LGM-1 “Little Green Men 1” (no I’m not kidding); Strangelet “Antihypertriton” (clears that up eh?); CASTOR “Centauro and STrangelet detecTOR”; “M Theory” (Proxima Centauri=Red Dwarf=M Star; Stephen Hawking’s new BS theory; Star Trek M Planets had Carbon based life), “11 Dimensional Super Strings”, Kaons, Peons, Quarks, Baryons, God Particles. Heard of the Mothman Prophecies? Astrophysicist M.Othman is now the United Nations World Alien Ambassador. You want Vain Babblings? or do you want Truth?
Simple Experiments
With a Tetherball or Golf Ball on a String, one can easily disprove Newton’s Law of Gravitation, Heliocentric Theory and Einstein’s Theories on Relativity. With a Light Bulb, one can easily disprove Wave-Particle Duality Theory of Light. The Tea Cup Ride at a local Amusement Park easily disproves Big Bang, Red Shift (Universe Expansion), Heliocentric Theory and eliminates the possibility of long distance space flight. A Chest X-Ray or CT Scan, if left on more than a millisecond will kill you; this disproves any notion of Man leaving the Magnetosphere, much less traveling to the Moon.
Space is a vacuum. How is it possible for a vacuum cleaner to lift debris against the theoretical “Force of Gravity”, yet the Atmosphere remains attached to Earth? You just disproved Gravity Theory and Dark Matter Theory.
Use a tetherball or golf ball on a string to simulate the “Force of Gravity” and “Planetary Orbits”. The path Circular rather than Elliptical, an impossibility in Gravity Theory. Imagine cutting the rope or letting go of the string; the ball would immediately fly off tangentially (straight line); if the Sun were removed or Gravity turned off would the planets immediately do the same? You just disproved Newton’s Gravity Theory, Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory, and Einstein’s Relativity Theory
V=AT (Velocity=Acceleration X Time) Human beings can function between 0 and 1.5 G’s max about 15ft/sec2 more than you are at right now; Man, much less imaginary Aliens cannot travel distances of 117,000,000,000,000 miles (20 Light-years), the claimed distance to Gliese 581g; Stephen Hawking’s “Golidilocks Zone” (no I’m not kidding, but Hawking is) much less the claimed 13.7 Billion Light-years across the Universe. You just proved long distance space travel is impossible.
Imagine riding the Tea Cup at an Amusement Park; the Cup rotates in 3 different circles increasing in size, just like Astronomers claim Earth does, Spinning, and Orbitting around the Sun, Orbitting in the Milky Way Galaxy. Now imagine the entire Tea Cup Ride is traveling at near Light-speed; talk about a head spinner! Truth is, Earth is Fixed.
F=MA (Force= Mass X Acceleration) Flying in an aircraft in level flight, we being connected to the aircraft are accelerating equal to the Earth’s surface acceleration of 1 “G” (32 Ft/S2); in other words the aircraft is accelerating in the vertical axis at 32 Ft/S2. Jump out of the aircraft and the Force connecting us to the aircraft goes to 0, as does our Acceleration. The Earth’s surface accelerates upward until impact is made; we do not “Fall”.
A bowling alley is not flat, nor are the oceans; they conform to the spherical shape of the Earth Example: Construct a bowling alley all the way around the Earth; roll the ball and negating friction, it would theoretically come all the way around the Earth following a circular path. This is only possible with upward acceleration equal to centripetal acceleration. Now you know where the ridiculous “Flat Earth” Theory and the Columbus myth was created.
Nikola Tesla proved the Earth conducts electricity becoming the “Ground”; the Magnetosphere attracts Solar Radiation (Gamma, X-Ray etc) as a shield; the Ionosphere is charged when visible light creates “Ions” in the Atmosphere to millions of volts of “Free Energy”. Gamma Rays pass through all materials and kill all life. X-Rays at far lower energy levels than found in the Magnetospohere cause cancer yet Lunar Astronauts appear unaffected? Are you sure NASA tells the truth? If you still do, why is so populated by lying, oath swearing, Luciferian Freemasons?
Bonus Question: If Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon first; Who took his picture?
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