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Nothing is copyrighted, so spread the information that helped you the most. The point is simply Truth; an education of a war for your soul going on in plain sight. No earthly Priests or man-made Churches; only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is all that is required to set you free from a bondage you may not even be aware of.
-Howard Ratcliffe
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- Howard on DAILY BLOG Oct 29-
- Howard on DAILY BLOG Oct 29-
Oct 14, 2023 Annular Solar Eclipse and Apr 8, 2024 Total Eclipse on God’s New Year 1 Nisan intersect over Corpus ‘body’ Christi “anointed” in Egyptian k-r-t “Horus”; Jewish “Mashiah”. 2/22/2022 + 777Days=April 8, 2024. (Please read the Comment Biden Ritual) The 2024 and 2017 eclipses intersect over Cairo a_l-Qāhirah_ in Arabic, this strong masculine means “the Vanquisher,” “the Conqueror,” or “victorious”; Chi=Christ=X +Rho=(XP) of the Greek word for Christ, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. Entering the US, the eclipses form an Unfinished Pyramid; the 2017 Eclipse passes overSalem “Jerusalem”, “peace”, Hebrew shalom, Arabic salaam. The 2023 Eclipse passes over Abram, Abraham after his Covenant with Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem”, “Priest of the Most High”; the “h” means “God is with me” Together, the 3 Eclipses for an Aleph=Calf the “Golden Calf”.
Aleph “Calf”, #1 “Alliance for Jewish Renewal” Jews are Canaanite, Phoenician, Babylonian, Medean; not Semitic! 2 Ki 17:30 Shabbat Bereishit — “Shabbat of Beginning” — the first Shabbat of the annual Torah reading cycle, on which the Torah section of Bereishit (“In the Beginning”) “In the beginning was Saturn “Black Star”, “Primeval Sun” and the end is Saturn “El”; JESUS is Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End
Feast of Tabernacles The anniversary of Creation, the birth of Jesus Tishri 15-22, 3756 September 27-October 4, 6 B.C. the 6000th Year Anniversary Battle of Armageddon and the 7000th Year Anniversary of Gog and Magog.
Arab- Israeli Peace Deal: Israeli minister reads Torah scroll in Saudi Arabia; Shariah Law and Noahide Law are the same! Rabbis: Chaldean- Jewish “ Rba” and Sabean- Arab “ Rba” are the same! The anniversary of the Birthday of Muhammad and Jesus are also the same! Saudi Arabia could wind up replacing Jordan as the custodian of the Temple Mount as part of a potential Arab/ Israel peace deal.
2/22/2022 Biden’s Ritual + 777Days=April 8, 2024=1 Nisan; Aleph=1 “Ox” the “Golden Calf”. Jesus=Alpha! (Liber 777; “I am the resurrection”; “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”; “Orthodox Messiah”; “YHWH in the YESHUA Messiah”; “YESHUA saves” (YESHUA=Joshua); “EXORCISTES”; “filled with light” (Lucifer=Light Bringer); “And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died” Gen 5:31 days=April 8, 2024=1 Nisan; Aleph=1 “Ox” the “Golden Calf”. Jesus=Alpha!
22022022 is a Palindrome, a date which reads forward and backward the same; Satanists love reading, speaking backwards; Pluto is the god of Death and Re-Birth. SCOTUS rejects religious vaccine exemptions; what? didn’t hear about that on the Rockefeller news? That’s because SCOTUS ruled mRNA/mDNA Gene Therapy renders a “Human” a “Trans-human product” with no Rights. Independence Hall, Philadelphia (Church warning to Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” concerns Edomite fake Jews “Synagogue of Satan”; Edomites achieve Dominion and want Freedom from God) on the back of the $100 (Front has NYC hit by a Tsunami/Missile) shows the time 2:22, just ask National Treasure star Benjamin Franklin Gates aka Knight of Malta Nic Cage who also warned of Deep Water Horizon sinking on Earth Day in Knowing; 222 is occult for Earth Temple. Ben Franklin, a Luciferian Freemason, Rosicrucian and child sacrificing member of Francis Dashwood’s HellFire Society and Ebeneezer Sibly chose July 4, 1776 for the Declaration of Independence from God; Franklin’s Serpent Flag “Join or Die” ring a Baal? John Wick climbed 222 Steps TWICE at Sacre Coeur for a duel with Cain.
July 4, 1776-Tues Feb 2, 2022 Pluto returns to the same position. All this was planned 248 years ago with the Rosicrucian birth of the US. 7 years ago the 7th and final Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses 2014-15 on Passover-Tabernacles (2 additional Solar Eclipses on 1 Abib and 1 Tishrei 2015 make this unique in all history) in the last 2000 years was celebrated by Jesuit Pope Francis in Philadelphia for a reason! His Focus on the Family program is the Edomite Family ie Amalekites who sold their Birthright and are at war with JESUS until the end. The same year “Christians” saw this Writing on the Wall, Muslims saw Gabriel’s Ark blamed for the 9/11 collapse of a bin Laden crane killing 111 (sure thing, 9/11 is day #254=11; there are 111 days remaining) Hajj Stampede killing 4000 at the Kaaba I place no stock in the truth of Gabriel’s Ark; the point is Messianic Muslims and misled Christians awaiting the arrival of a Messiah may not have long to wait; EM Scalar Weapons in Antarctica are the real weapon. The Jesuit (Jean Pierre De Smet, handler of 33 deg Freemasons Albert Pike and Mormon false prophet Brigham Young) plan for WWIII pits Zionism against Islam.
On Tues 2:22ET on 2/22/2022 Biden began his speech “Who in the Lord’s name does Putin think he is” (Putin and Biden are Schwab WEF tools); this was by design. “And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!” Lk 22:22 The woman created from Adam in Gen 2:22 becomes the Jezebel Spirit (US) warned against in Rev 2:22; the sin of adultery outlined in Deut 22:22. The LORD as Rock, Deliverer and Fortress described in 2 Sam 2:22 and His ways in 2 Sam 22:22. All coincidence for Jesuit Joe and his handlers.
Pluto returned to its July 4, 1776 position 2/22/22 (2x2x2x222=1776 aka Build Back Better (B=2); the day 777days before the 2nd Great American Eclipse April 8, 2024, a “Ring of Fire”. 2022 Defense Budget $777B) a date chosen by British Freemason astrologer Ebeneezer Sibly, a once in 248 yr astrological event for the US, the designated Phoenix of New Atlantis.
Bidentales “Priests of Pluto” sacrifice a 2 yr old Lamb on land hit by Lightning (Barack=Lightning), a ritual made more unusual with Biden as Canadian based Dominion Voting selected President originally selected VP by the Unconstitutionally selected Kenyan born Barack Obama ( now himself with an Unconstitutionally selected VP (Kamala/Kamal Aroush is a Man, not a Natural Born Citizen; a British Citizen, Born in Benghazi=Cyrenaica “Synagogue of the Libertines”) Whose Dominion? Edomite Dominion folks! Gen 27:39:41KJV); the ballots even had Commonwealth Crown Water Marks on them Whose Commonwealth? Edomite folks!
British=B’Rith=Birthright Covenant of Cain, Canaan and Esau folks! Rome began its fall during the 2nd Pluto return as Emperor Caracalla granted citizenship to immigrants; the US even installed a digital recreation of the Arch of Septimus Severus in Washington DC. The targets of the Ukraine war are US and European Citizens; 40% Gas and 30% Oil come solely from Russia; US has Trillions of Bbls of oil (Bakken, North Slope, ANWR, Gulf of Mexico) with pipelines in place, and unlimited natural gas, coal but will not use it. Germany for example stopped certification of the Nord Stream Pipeline and relies on Russia for 65% of its natural gas; Italy 45%. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household”-Jesus Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6