Follow the money! There are 30,000 Commercial Aircraft and 50,000 Military Aircraft Worldwide
- 5G altimeter refit deadline of July 1, 2023 at an estimated cost to upgrade planes is $638m/plane
- $70K X 4-8 Pumps ($300K-600K) per plane (unnecessarily) 747-200 NY-Paris do not take off with nearly empty center tank pumps
- $17-30K/Cockpit Doors to prevent hijacking (never happened)
- $500K Nitrogen Generators for exploding Fuel Tanks (never happened)
- $250K Full Body Image Scanners and Baggage Scanners What a money maker! My guess it’s about bled dry! Dave Calhoun (Scottish origin, derived from the surname Colquhoun, also found in Ireland Born in South Carolina, John Calhoun VP March 18, 1782 – March 31, 1850 adamantly defended American slavery and sought to protect the interests of white Southerners, a staunch white supremacist who argued that slavery was a “positive good.” Calhoun was paid $33B to destroy Boeing.

Boeing CHAMP (Counter-electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project) is a project with Raytheon who produced the Pentagon Bunker Buster tested on 9/11; 15ft hole punched through 9ft or 6 1 1/2 ft Titanium cable reinforced high strength concrete walls is pretty impressive you have to admit! 5G controlled Drones capable of targeting and destroying computers and electronics in individual buildings or cities may sound like a great idea until you realize Crypto-currencies like Libra or ACC (Asset Collection Coin) require massive computing power and access to the Internet. A Corporation, Nation or Individual may have $Billions in Crypto-currencies but may also lose the ability to access it. “He who has the gold makes the rules” “Permit me to issue a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws”
“The root of all evil is the love of money” 1 Tim 6:10
$Billion Lawsuit, $
and Passengers Boycott Boeing “Death Traps” With Use Of Kayak Plane Filter Boeing B-737-Max generated a $2.5B Judgment against Boeing $1.77B to airlines for lost revenue + $500M to 346 alleged victims payouts. Nobody died!Delta CEO Ed Bastian is in the WEF. Would you lie for a $ 1.3 Million payday? Alleged victims on AA #77, AA #11, UA #93 and UA #175 did on 9/11/2001. Boeing B-737-Max generated a $2.5B Judgment against Boeing Jan 8, 2021; $1.77B to airlines for lost revenue + $500M to 346 alleged victims payouts. The suits were generated from Lion Air Flt JT 610 and Ethiopian Air Flt 302 These aircraft never crashed; neither did MH-370 or Ukraine Air 752
Pete Buttigieg is a Sodomite, WEF YGL Grad who calls for ‘Pledge of Allegiance to the Rainbow Flag” Shipping Ports, Trains and now Air Travel chaos looms. More than 400 pilots are also suing Boeing over missed wages as the plane remains out of action.
“A Latam Airlines flight attendant allegedly hit a switch on the B-787 near the pilot’s seat while serving a meal, leading a motorized feature to push the pilot into the controls and push down the plane’s nose, 50 people were injured; THE 787 HAS A SIDE MOUNTED STICK, AND SEAT SWITCHES NEXT TO THE CENTER CONSOLE; TRY AGAIN!
30,000 Commercial Aircraft Worldwide
- 5G altimeter refit deadline of July 1, 2023 at an estimated cost to upgrade planes is $638m/plane
- $70K X 4-8 Pumps ($300K-600K) per plane (unnecessarily) 747-200 NY-Paris do not take off with nearly empty center tank pumps
- $17-30K/Cockpit Doors to prevent hijacking (never happened)
- $500K Nitrogen Generators for exploding Fuel Tanks (never happened)
- $250K Full Body Image Scanners and Baggage Scanners What a money maker! My guess it’s about bled dry!
Boeing suspended manufacturing of B-737 Max on Mar 24, 2020 at its Puget Sound Facility; stock is down 80% in 3 months. Shoes are a sign of Masonic Fidelity; how on Earth do people come out of their Shoes and their bodies vanish without a trace at the Ukraine Air 752 Crash Site? Flight Termination Systems and the BUAC (Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot), patented after 9/11/2001 provide for remote flight control of Boeing Aircraft. Boeing is intimately involved with the worldwide Stage Shows: MH-370, MH-17, the 4 aircraft used on 9/11/2001 and CHAMP (Counter electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project), the EMP weapon which will turn the lights out in the US. Engine data from MH-370 was received more than 6 hrs by Rolls Royce. The aircraft representing UA 93 and AA 11 were flying a year after 9/11/2001; Boeing knows about all of this. Ever wonder why the Left Behind (Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins use the Masonic Cross and Crown symbol for a reason) book series and movies began on Commercial Airliners?
William Boeing started what became Boeing Aircraft in 1916, the year Woodrow Wilson was re-elected using the slogan “Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of War in Europe”. Boeing is Celtic-Welsh for Owen “Noble Born”; the German-American aircraft manufacturer for pre-planned world Wars WWI, WWII and WWIII. 3 World Wars were planned after the Civil War in a letter from Jesuit handled (Fr Jean Pierre De Smet SJ) Sovereign Worshipful Grandmaster Confederate Albert Pike (Pike’s Statue stands at the base of the US Justice Dept) to Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini calling for WWI to build Nazi Germany; WWII to build the Communist Soviet USSR and WWIII to bring worldwide economic and moral ruin in order for the true doctrine of Lucifer (Freedom from God) to be accepted. Noteworthy is De Smet also handled Luciferian Freemason, Mormon false Prophet Brigham Young; Mitt Romney is a 4th generation descendant of Parley Pratt; his father Michigan Governor George Romney supplied the aluminum for the Luftwaffe (Bird of Apollo “Destroyer”) as an ALCOA Lobbyist/Exec; according to Richard Nixon the man most responsible for the Luftwaffe success against allied aircraft was George Romney. Mitt laundered Iran-Contra Drug for Weapon profits as Boeing was deal making with Iran “Noble Caste”.
Boeing was the Prime Contractor for 9/11/2001, the “New Pearl Harbor” Rabbi Dov Zakheim admitted the Pentagon was missing $2.3Trillion; par for the course, Zakheim bankrupted Texas over the Super-conducting Super-collider farce; his son Roger was put in charge is investigating $Trillions in Afghanistan War fraud; Bush Jr Carlyle Group investing partner Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday and Qusay made off with $30B, seems like Chump Change. Rabbi Zakheim was CEO of Flt Termination Systems, the company which made the Remote Flight technology used on Flt #11; #175; #77 all books written by Bush’ maternal grandfather Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley who channeled the demon Aiwass whose number is #93. Now, you still think 19 lap dancing Arab flight school students with box cutters perpetrated 9/11/2001?
There are about 35,000 commercial airliners and 1200 commercial airports worldwide. Starting with TWA-800’s Boeing 747-100 mythical sparking fuel pumps (no way a B-747-100 with a max range of 5000 miles NY-Paris 3600 miles takes off with a near empty fuselage tanks; as idiotic as Ramsi Yousef demolishing the Twin Towers or Tim McVeigh blowing up the AP Murrah Bldg with ammonium nitrate explosives; the purpose of the FBI WTC Stage Show was to close the tunnels under the WTC complex to remove Gold as seen in the movie Die Hard with a Vengeance; 9/11 would be advertised in advance in Back to the Future, The Matrix and The Patriot), Boeing, the FAA and NTSB forced customers to replace all fuel boost pumps at $70,000+ each; most airliners have 6-10 pumps.In addition, airliners installed Nitrogen Generators at $100,000+. $5K Cockpit Doors; great idea except the aircraft hitting the Twin Towers were Drones. Starting with the mythical 2006 TATP (Tri-acetone Tri-peroxide) lavatory bomb maker (Impossible to mix Acetone and Peroxide in a bomb in an A/C Lavatory) and the mythical Shoe Bomber and Underwear Bomber (Abdul Mutallib is also the name of Islam founder and Muhammad’s uncle; funny eh? Remember, WWIII is pre-planned to pit Zionism against Islam; C-4 requires a detonator not a flame) Full Body Imaging Scanners (Bush HHS Rabbi Michael Chertoff’s mother was a founder of Israel) at $170,000/unit (most airports have several Scanners at each Checkpoint and multiple Checkpoints); gotta love those Back Scatter X-Ray machines too. Now add in Shipping Port and Semi-Truck Scanners. The common denominator at Airports and Shipping Ports? HSBC (Hong-Kong Bank Corp or Hang Seng Bank Corp) the British-Hong Kong Bank whose profits come from Opium. George Bush Sr (George Scherff Jr) has a few nicknames, “Magog” his Skull & Bones name is after the final battle of “Gog and Magog” just over 1000 years from now (Rev Eze 38:2; 20:7-8), “Curious George” Nikola Tesla’s “Monkey” in the lab and “Poppy” not from his parenting but Opium grown in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Hunting for Osama bin Laden was pretty effective you must admit, after all the Bush and bin Laden families have been War profiteers for years in Carlyle Group.
B-737 Max 8 may very well be the pre-planned straw that breaks Boeing’s back; ignoring test pilot reports of MCAS (Maneuvering Characteristic Augmentation System) malfunctions, requests by Boeing Test Pilot Mark Forkner to remove MCAS Data from the Pilot’s Flight Manuel, using 1 of 2 AOA Systems, outsourcing software all seem to be a departure from the norm.
CEO Dennis Muilenburg was fired as Hanukkah 2019 began; he walks with a $66M Golden Parachute; David Calhoun becomes Boeing CEO. Calhoun is derived from Scots-Irish (Riphath in Gen 10:3), the son of Gomer (German) brother of Ashkenazi (fake Jews) and grandson of Japheth the eldest son of Noah. The Scots-Irish Kingdom of Alba is made of Culdees, 5th Column Traitors of Chaldean origin who came to America as “Robber Barrons”. Dalriada (Dal Riata=Deal) and Deal of the Century may ring a Baal; in the Irish Book of Kells, the Tribal Standard of Dan is changed from the Serpent to the Eagle, like the Eagle Gate in Salt Lake City, the Eagle over every US Flag, on the $US ONE, Nazi Eagle, Roman Eagle and 33 deg Freemasonry’s Double Eagle. Nisroch is the Assyrian Eagle and symbol of Esau whose Eagle’s Nest matches the Nazi Eagle’s Nest; think Freescale majority investor Lord Jacob Rothschild (Esau=Edom=Red=Rothschild) knows this?
KL-03 is capable of controlling the IOT (Internet Of Things); everything from Bank ATM’s, Fuel Pumps, Power Stations including Atomic Powerplant Coolant Valves, Commercial Aircraft, Trains, Trucks, Traffic Lights, Cell Phones etc etc. In Gen 27:39-41KJV we find Esau obtains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority to Rule) over the world; my guess is 5G Global Broadband connected KL-03 is the world’s most dangerous weapon.
If a company can lie about TWA-800 “Sparking Fuel Pumps” or remotely fly commercial aircraft into the World Trade Center and Pentagon or patent the BUAP (Boeing Un-interruptible Auto Pilot) on the pretext of Muslim HIjackers, what won’t they do?
Malaysia MH 370
Liber A’Ash CCCLXX or Book 370 praises Gnosticism. Pit Bull and Shakira put out a song in 2012 “Get it Started” “Now it’s off to Malaysia, 2 passports, 3 cities and 2 countries in 1 day”: 2 Iranian Passports, Kuala Lumpur, Hanoi or, Beijing”? MH-370 Kuala Lumpur to Beijing? Rather coincidental eh?
On Dec 23, 2019 Boeing fired CEO Dennis Muilenburg over the B-737 Max 8 program, sending him on his way with a $66M Golden Parachute. Taking the helm David Calhoun, head of Black Stone Group’s Private Equity portfolio and majority stake holders of the KL-03 RF Micro-chip, the most powerful and lucrative patent in human history. It’s a bit strange how we got here: Tom Hanks stars as Capt Phillips, the movie about the Maersk Alabama alleged hijacking. The ship is in port in Jedda Saudi Arabia when 2 Trident Security guards who specialize in Bio-weapons drop dead of simultaneous heart attacks; the cargo is boarded on a Saudi Arabian B-737 to Kuala Lumpur and boarded on MH-370. Russia advises Chinese government of suspicious cargo; air traffic allegedly advises MH-370 it will be directed to land short of Beijing for inspection; aboard MH-370 are all 5 patent holders of the KL-03 Chipset. A military radar exercise is ongoing at the same time MH-370 allegedly alters course westbound toward the Indian Ocean; Superman is in theaters, arriving in a Trident shaped craft to the Indian Ocean. Despite Rolls Royce receiving Engine Monitoring Data for 6+ hours with position data, a months long Easter Egg hunt for MH-370 turns up nothing and is declared lost. Immediately following the declaration, all 5 “Provisional” Patents revert to Freescale Technology and their majority owners Black Stone Group whose Private Equity Chief is now Boeing CEO.
MH-17 9M-MRD Schipol to Kuala Lumpur is diverted 400 miles north over the Ukraine War Zone during Military Exercise Rapid Trident and rains down several dozen long dead, frozen corpses still dressed in civilian clothes which are boarded onto a train bound for Rotterdam. MH-17 was “Cancelled” on Flightaware and on Schipol Flt Screens as well as the Tail # not matching MH-17 (wreckage pictured show MRD) as pictured at the Schipol Gate, but matching MH-370 9M-MRO.
5G Global Broadband + KL-03=Worldwide Dominion
Freescale Technology Freescale was the division of Motorola which handled NASA Telemetry during the Apollo Lunar Hoax program. Freescale Semiconductor spun off from Motorola and merged with Dutch Telecom giant NXP (Next Experience) Semiconductor. Qualcomm is partnered with Chinese Telecom giant ZTE in 5G Global Broadband and will likely acquire Freescale-NXP. Freescale’s patented KL-03 RF Microchip is used in Radio Frequency controlled Hardware applications ranging from Avionics control of Commercial and Military Aircraft, IFF (Identification), Drone Flight Control, and Missile Guidance; HF (Over the Horizon) Radar, Battlefield Comm; Electronic Warfare including control of Power Grid, Atomic Power Plants (read Fukushima X50), Dams, Fuel Stations, ATM’s etc etc Control that Hardware, control the world which is why MH-370 and the KL-03 Patent holders aboard MH-370 were remotely flown to Diego Garcia durng a joint US-Malaysia Radar Drill. Subsequently, the Malaysian PM declared “All Souls lost” and a US Patent Court convened, awarding the 5 way split Provisional Patent to Blackstone Group, Carlyle Group and TPG Holdings; Blackstone Group is the world’s largest Private Equity Fund and KL-03 the world’s most lucrative Patent. Boeing’s new CEO David Calhoun is the head of Blackstone Group’s Private Equity Portfolio.
On Jan 13, 2020 Blackstone Group Director David Calhoun becomes Boeing CEO
KL-03 US Patent #8650327 is a ubiquitous, 75cent, RF Micro-controller, tested on MH-370; built by Freescale Technology whose investors are Carlyle Group (Bush, bin Laden, Saddam Hussein), Saudi bin Laden Group and Blackstone Group (Stephen Schwarzmann, Jacob Rothschild=Edomite Dominion) The chip is the backbone of the Internet of Things in Computers, Cell Phones, Atomic Power Plant Controllers (eg Fukushima), ATM’s, Fuel Pumps, Hospitals, Home Appliances, Traffic Lights etc etc. None of the 4 Chinese/Malaysian Patent Holders Zihong Chen, Li Ying, Peidong Wang, Zhijun Chen are listed on the flight manifest of MH-370. Just like 9/11/2001, no Arab names of the alleged 19 hijackers are on flight manifests of AA #11; #77 UA #175; #93 on 9/11/2001.
Say hello to our Canaanite/Edomite Land Lords Jacob Rothschild and Knight of Malta Peter Peterson; Rothschild Jewish? Bauer=Farmer=Cain; Canaan born of incest; Esau married Canaanite women and became Edom=Red; the Red 666 over Bauer turned Rothschild door and Six Pointed Star of El (Saturn) on the US money is a dead giveaway. Like Cain and Esau, Jacob Rothschild sold his soul, but we don’t have to. Jesus will give you a White Stone and a New Name or a Black Stone and forget you were ever born. The choice is yours. In addition to hijacking MH370, Blackstone Group is by far the largest Single Family Home Rental Agency in the US and the best news, it’s Rental Backed Securities Funds are open to Foreign Investors; “Live, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property”? Nah, “Happiness” folks! Happiness for Edomites at least for now.
The Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter (Acts 12:4KJV); why on Earth are you? The Trident “Devil’s Pitchfork” used on Malaysia Airlines Jets symbolizes the union of the ancient “Horned God” of Death and Resurrection with the Triple Goddess at Easter. The Horned God is known as Cernunnos; CERN scientists pass the Idol of Shiva everyday serving the “god of Forces” (Dan 11:38). Why? Cernunnos is called the “Life Force Energy”. The Horned God is also Pan, Green Man, Herne, Jannicot (Janus), Hades, Ammon-Zeus, Baphomet (Baph+Metis=Union of Spirit and Wisdom), Sophia (Logos or Wisdom), Sabbath Goat of Mendes or Tubal-cain (Vulcan of the Canaanites). The Triple Goddess of Witchcraft “Hecate” is also called “Kore” meaning “Maiden or Daughter”, whose followers are described in Jude. Followers of Kore “Perish”; the Soul perishing in Hell is meant here. Witchcraft folks, not the Roman Catholic Church; Witchcraft causes rejection of Jesus Christ and perishing for eternity in Hell. Kore lent its name to Korea Zionist hack Joseph Farah (Word Net Daily) says China has ordered North Korea to attack the US with a Nuclear EMP which would send the US back to the Stone Age; no Power, Comm, Banking, Fuel or Transportation; BS! Boeing’s CHAMP (Counter-electronics High-power Microwave Missile Project) and the NGO NERC (National Electric Reliability Project) will take out the Power Grid; “A man’s enemies shall be the men of his own household” It’s written in RED folks! Kore and Hecate have other names: Demeter (Earth Mother), Persephone (Destroy/Murder), the goddess of the Eleusinian Mystery Cult or Kali the Goddess bearing 1000 skulls. Kali and Kore relate to the last form of the Triple Goddess “Crone”, another name of Satan/Saturn being “Kronos” meaning “Time”. The union represented by the Trident is called the “Great Rite”; born at Saturnalia/Yule, the Goddess is annually impregnated at the Fertility Ritual “Easter”, which in 2014 coincides with 4/20 “Weed Day”; Saturn’s Sickle may ring a bell here. Cernunnos is “Little Horn” of Dan 7:8, the “Alternative Messiah”; the Weeds? The House of Jacob. The world will soon become one giant “Killing Field” or “Planet Spring”, the cancerous follow on to “Arab Spring” if you prefer.
Malaysia Airlines uses the Trident Logo, specifically one large Trident and one little Trident forming the number of Sovereignty “33”; the age Jesus was at the Crucifixion. Trident Group Security Bio-materials guards were murdered guarding Maersk Alabama cargo that ended up on MH370. The Trident aka “Thunderbolt of Jupiter” (Capitol means Womb of Jupiter/Zeus) is carried by Poseidon and Neptune whose statue stands guard of the Black Sea at Sochi. Neptune is the planet of false Messiah’s, Gurus and Teachers. The Trident on the Flag of Ukraine (ancestral home of Sarmation Priest-Kings; Sar means Prince ie “People of the Prince” or the Order of Melchisedek as King of Salem and Priest of Most High) and Trident of Shiva, the Hindu Destroyer is also used by TEPCO whose radiation circles the globe from Fukushima destroying all life in its path which is why the Trident is called the “Caduceus of India”. If you are not in personal covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ yet, now is the time to do so, before Easter Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter by killing James and imprisoning Peter (Acts 12:3-4); When Edomites obtain Sovereignty (Dominion), their stated intention is to kill everyone in the House of Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) meaning Jews and Born Again followers of Jesus Christ.
The Roman Catholic Church is being set up as the Scapegoat (falsely blamed) for Rev 17 MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…Jesuit Pope Francis I (High level Jesuits are Satanic Black Nobility, Gnostic Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing; Witchcraft is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT… Francis means “Free” of God; he is St Malachy/Molechy’s last Pope before Rome burns. Francis carries the Twisted Crucifix on the Silver Scepter as did Pope John Paul II, elected after the murder of John Paul I, in office 33 days for exposing the Vatican Bank involvement with Italian P-2 (Propaganda Lodge) Freemasons; important because Angelo Roncalli headed the “Congregation of Propaganda” and “Papal See of Sofia”. The enemy is as it always has been, Gnostics in the Cult of the Serpent/Saturn inside the gates repeating lies over and over until people believe them; Johnitters, Manichaeans, Albigens, Cathars, Bogomils, Freemasons pretending to be Christian.
Gnostics worship a nebulous figure called St John; Jesus was hanging in a nest of horns behind the altar of the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC until recently. The Shroud of Turin is kept at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist; scientists from Great Britain released findings April 9 claiming neutron emissions from an earthquake in 33 AD formed the image on the Shroud of Turin proves Jesus was hung in a “Y” configuration as the Twisted Crucifix portrays; Blasphemous nonsense! Jesus was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 when the Edomite King Herod died for ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents” in the Spring of 4 BC. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC. He was Crucified on Passover in 27 AD. 2 words are used in scripture in connection with the Crucifixion; Xulon and Stauros; Jesus carried the Stauros (Cross Bar) to the Tree; He was not hung by His arms as the Twisted Crucifix and Shroud of Turin portray. Do not be fooled!
Pope Francis I will convey Sainthood on JPII and Pope John XXIII in a Canonization Ceremony April 27 “Ludi Florales” worldwide in 3-D! 13/8=Phi “Golden Mean” or “Ratio of Life” important in a moment. Both men are named after their Spiritual Father “John” a Gnostic combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called “St John the Divine” or “St John of Jerusalem”. Knight of St John of Jerusalem aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta Rupert Murdoch (Evil Merodach=Marduk) “Sky TV Network”, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram will simulcast the event in 5 languages to Theaters in 20 Nations in 3-D. JPII took the stage with Shaman, Hindus, Wiccans, Buddhists, Mormons and Muslims while reviving veneration of the “Twisted Crucifix” aka “Bent Cross” aka “Staff of Mithra” designed by Black Magick Satanists as a symbol of Blasphemy of Jesus Christ, the Sign of the “New World Order”, “Masonic Christ” and the “Mark of the Beast”; an emaciated man hanging from a Tree. Why a Tree? Deut 21:23 pronounces a “Curse” upon anyone that “Hangs from a Tree”.
John the XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) chose this name because Gnostics have written Chap 23 to the Book of Revelation. wrote the extra chapter and designed the Aquarian Cross standing atop Glastonbury Tor because they deny Jesus was God in Flesh as all Vicars of Jesus do. The Aquarian Cross represents Phi, the Gnostic Ratio of Life seen in Rev 13:8; 13/8=1.618. Burial mounds used by “Earth Dwellers” conform to this Golden Mean Spiral for this reason. Roncalli was a Paris (Par Isis=House of Isis=Throne of Satan) initiated Grand Orient Lodge Freemason which was grounds for excommunication; Iran’s Ayathollah Khomeini and ali-Khameini, Iraq’s ali-Sistani, and Edomite King Abdullah II of Jordan are also Paris Grand Orient Freemasons. As Delegate to the Holy See of Sofia and Istanbul (Sofia=Baphomet in the Atbash Cipher; Wisdom+Spirit) John XXIII frequented Istanbul Lodges and is known for healing the East-West Schism. Vatican II is Pope John XXIII only reason for Sainthood; no second “Miracle”, only the Ecumenical Council which revived use of the Satanic “Twisted Crucifix”.
April 27 is the Roman “Ludi Florales”, famous for Trees decorated with human puppet effigies, Prostitutes, Theater, Circus, Plays, Rabbits (Anamellech is the Babylonian Rabbit Idol) and Goats (Azazel or Baphomet is the Sabbath Goat of Satanists aka Gnostic Sophia) released into the city, Beans tossed into the crowds and Human Sacrifice. Why Beans? Esau sold his “Birthright” for a few Beans to Jacob! Blasphemy of the sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus Christ gets no worse than this! MH370 is the Easter Egg hunt before the Crucifixion. With little imagination, MH370 becomes a cryptogram for ELOHM the plural form of the Canaanite god El, Chronos, Saturn or Persian Mithras (Mitre of Dagan/Mithra was/is worn by these Popes) Chronos is Father Time; it’s Time to choose Jesus Christ folks!
33 degree Luciferian Masons Bill Clinton and Buzz Aldrin spouting Alien nonsense; Clinton repeated Reagan’s 1987 UN speech and 33 deg Mason Henry Kissinger’s Bilderberg 1991 speech about an Alien encounter uniting the nations of the world to Jimmy Kimmel and Aldrin, his Alien encounter as the 2nd man on the Moon; who took the pictures of 33deg Mason Neil Armstrong? Ask Buzz. The Cult of Saturn was clandestinely called to arms with the announcement of water being found in Saturn’s moon Enceladus (Enceladus is Saturn’s Trumpeter of Arms). Satanic shills are prepping the “Main Event”; Aliens, Rapture and 7 yr Tribulation. Don’t be fooled; there are no Aliens, no pre-Trib Rapture of the Church and no 7 yr Tribulation only a 1260 day Great Tribulation beginning with the “Strong Delusion” to believe these Satanic Lies. Likewise, the Roman Catholic Church is not Rev 17 “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” and America is not Rev 18 “Babylon”. Traitors inside the gates like Jesuit Pope Francis I are about to take their long awaited Revenge.
The Holy Grail Cup was found in St Isidore Basilica; Isidore was no Saint, he is known for compiling “Etymologiae” a “Summa of Universal Knowledge”; real person? Sure just like St Patrick (Ptah-Rekh) or St Malachy (Molech=Saturn, Chiun, ); Isidore means “Gift of Isis”; Isis means “Throne”, specifically the Throne of Pergamum “Satan’s Seat”. Templars carried “Black Virgin” statues of the Alternative Messiah on the lap of Isis all over Europe. Why Spain? Sepharvaim settled in Spain bringing worship of Anamellech (Satan) as the Rabbit Idol of Easter/Ashtaroth.
The Holy Grail of Science “To Know” (Science is Chaldean “Vain Babblings” in opposition to the Word of God, ref 1 Tim 6:20KJV) are Gravity Waves, also discovered this week; the waves that gave Mass to Matter after the “Big Bang”; no God needed in this Creation event folks! Also this week, the Cassini space probe using Gravity fluctuations, found proof of an interior ocean on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Why Enceladus? Saturn’s Giant Trumpeter of Arms is Enceladus. April Fool’s jokes? Hardly. While the global Easter Egg hunt for MH370 continues to dominate the news, the Cult of Saturn has been called to arms!
Anonymous (Jesuits in Guy Fawkes masks) calling for Cyber Attack against Israel on “Holocaust Remembrance Day”; they posted a recap of MH370 minus of course any info on IBM employee Phillip Wood dialing out on March 18, 2014 using voice commands on his rectum hidden (smart guy) IPhone-5 cellphone with GPS Coordinates in the Exif data tag exactly matching Diego Garcia; Smoking Gun as big as WTC #7 collapsing as reported 23 minutes earlier by BBC reporter Jane Standley; Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans on the Feast Day of John the Baptist; Haiti being hit by an earthquake during a NATO and SOUTHCOM Haitian Relief Drill in Miami; Hurricane Sandy “Hooking” as NOAA predicted in advance on a planning map, NPR being in Sichuan, China in advance of the 9.0 Earthquake or Sandy Hook kids singing at the Super Bowl after their supposed death. MH370 is in my opinion a Staged Event on par with Aurora CO, Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon.
Anonymous is one giant Red Flag. Jacob impersonated Esau and Esau is impersonating Jacob; Anonymously of course. Jacob Rothschild is not a Jewish Banker; he is Edomite. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of Red Beans; God witnessed this and changed his name to Edom, meaning Red; Rothschild means “Red Shield”; the family of Edom began as Bauer (Farmer), a reference to Cain using the “666” logo in Red over his Frankfurt door. Anonymous is a Jesuit organization using the Guy Fawkes mask. Jesuits made Guy Fawkes the fall guy for the Gunpowder Plot lead by Thomas Percy, relative of Barbara Pierce/Bush; the plan to prevent publication of the KJV Bible failed. Anonymous refers to itself as “We are Legion” (same as Alex Jones) and the slogan “We do not Forgive; We do not Forget” Legion is the name of many demons Jesus cast into the Swine Herd (Guinea Pigs?). Gen 27:39-41KJV is reversed in new bible versions because Esau was given the prophecy of being Rich (fatness of the earth) and Priestly (dew of Heaven); Jacob impersonated and today Esau impersonates Jacob everywhere the Six Pointed Star and 666 goes; Edom goes; they are the Cult of Saturn and the Fox in the hen house. Paul waited for the Congregation to break-up before telling people to continue in the Grace of the Lord; for that he was stoned (Acts 13:43-44). Time to be Holy (Separate) and get out from under your Edomite Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes. Jesus is the only Priest, Imam or Rabbi you will ever need.
“…without the shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22 The FOX (F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6)series “The Following” puts this blood letting form of Resurrection in plain sight; nice touch with Joe Carroll (Joe=Joseph “Adding”; Carolus means “Alms Giving”) playing -JC too. Followers of Jesus Christ accept His shed blood as “Remission of Sin” and surety of “Resurrection”; everyone else sheds the blood of “Scapegoats”.
AIDS is a fully curable CDC engineered auto-immune disease Ebola is also a CDC, bio-engineered auto-immune disease allegedly transferred to humans via monkeys and bats. Weaponized Ebola would be as potent a disease as Charles Darwin’s Satanic Theory of Evolution. The Canaanite creator god “El” was often depicted as a Monkey; Charles and Erasmus Darwin produced nothing novel with this ridiculous theory. Dengue Fever Virus and Chikungunya Virus often reside in Monkeys between outbreaks in humans; they are arriving on Aedes aegypti and Asain Tiger Mosquitos in Houston in time for Passover, and why not? Jesus had no “Broken Bones”; Dengue Fever is “Break Bone Fever” OXITEC and the Bill Gates Foundation genetically modified these blood letting killers and tested them in the Cayman Is; hey it’s legal in offshore money havens! Is Ebola Curable? If so, Ebola would be the Elite’s Ultimate Bio-terror plague.
The movie 12 Monkeys tells the story of 5 Billion people (90%) dying from a man-made plague originating in Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love” and propagated aboard a commercial airplane. As Bruce Willis’ character is transported back in time to stop the Army of the 12 Monkeys, a newspaper cover reads “Bat Child Found”; Dracula drinking blood and turning into a Bat may ring a bell here; Vlad the Impaler used the Turkish method of Crucifixion “Impalement”. Jesus’ warning to the Church of Philadelphia refers to them as “Those who say they are Jews, but are not…the Synagogue of Satan”. Philadelphia is Esau impersonating Jacob! Obama’s Initiative “My Brother’s Keeper” ringing a bell here? Ebola is 90% fatal and called “Hemorrhagic Fever”. Jesus represents the 8th and FINAL Covenant between God and Man; only Blood and Water came from His body. Jesus called the Edomite Herod “Old Fox” (Rupert Murdoch aka Merodach, Marduk or Molech is a Knight of Malta aka Hospitaller and Committee of 300 “Olympian”) for trying to kill him. People willing to kill God are willing to kill billions of His followers! Ebola is man’s way of shedding blood and lot’s of it.
GRU (Russia Gen Staff) and MSS (China Ministry of State Sec) placed MH 370 under surveillance and announced the intent to divert the plane from landing in Beijing to Haikou Meilan Airport, Spratly Is Why were cell phone communications on Spratly Is, jammed while MH370 was airborne? Why did 2 Trident Group Bio-materials guards die after “Suspicious Cargo” from Maersk Alabama boarded MH370?
“90% of the world’s population needs to be killed using weaponized, airborne Ebola” Dr Eric Pianka 2006. 90% reduction in world population is written in stone at the Georgia Guide Stones and echoed by people like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Maurice Strong, Prince Phillip, Jacques Cousteau and others. The 90% fatal Ebola has spread to the capital of Guinea; death toll 78 of 122 cases. The WHO (World Health Org) is there; managed by Committee of 300 “Olympian” Margaret Chan, an Officer in the Noble Order of the British (British means B’Rith or Birthright; Cain, Japheth, Ishmael and Esau is meant here) Empire run by Prince Phillip whose stated desire is “I would like to be re-incarnated as a killer virus”. Why Guinea? Guinea is a Taureq word for “Black People”; Ham means Black, his son Canaan is “Cursed” from incest with his father Noah’s wife; Mormons believe Ham (Lamanites) are Cursed; NOT! Guinea Hens are domesticated fowl known to the Aztecs (Aztec and Aztlan mean “To make White”; Mormon “White and delightsome” might ring a bell) as Aztec Guinea Fowl and to Americans as the Turkey. Thanksgiving is the annual celebration of 90% native (Black People “Guinea Pigs”) slaughter in the eastern Americas using Smallpox for which the European/Spanish invaders had acquired immunity; weaponized Ebola is potentially far worse. America: 300 million Guinea Pigs about to be infected and pushed over the cliff?
Hilaria is an 8 day festival Mar 25 to April Fool’s Day; Feast of Tabernacles, representing Jesus’ birth and circumcision is the only 8 day Feast on God’s calendar. Gnostics regard Jesus as the “April Fool”, “Huli Fool”, “April Fish”, names for the “Fool’s Errands” Jesus was sent on by Annas and Caiaphas before the Crucifixion. Satan’s Priests think it’s funny to send our children on Easter Egg hunts; Jesus doesn’t. Annuit Coeptus (He approves of our endeavor) is a cryptogram for these killers of God; it connects Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Secular Order) with a Six Pointed Star of Saturn and the word MASON; Kill God and create a New Secular Order; Funny eh? Tossing colored chalk on Holika may seem innocent, but Krishna aka “Black One” forms from the mixing of colors found in the Rainbow; God used the Rainbow to symbolize He would never flood the earth again; Masons formally reject God at the Rainbow Arch Degree.
Little Horn
CERN is a cryptogram for the “Cernunnos” (Horned One) aka “Little Horn” in Dan 7:8, the oldest form of Satan on earth was also called “Green Man” by the Templars (Military/Bankers) “Black Hole”, “Dark Matter” or “God Particles” are BS; Egyptian Priests of On and Nazis (both Aryans) called this “TULA” or “Black Sun”; nothing new here folks! Daniel refers to Satan as the “god of Forces” and CERN announced this week they found him! CERN announced the “Discovery” of “Primordial Gravity Waves” (Beginning) to go with their previous announcement of the “God Particle” (End), the particle responsible for giving Mass to Matter; the Creator? Hardly, CERN uses the 666 logo; Jesus is the “Beginning and the End”, CERN/Cernunnos represents rejection of Jesus Christ. Why at CERN? The oldest depictions of Cernunnos were found in caves in southern France and built into the foundation of Notre Dame Cathedral’s “Pillar of the Boatmen” near the spot Templar Grandmaster Jacques DeMolay was executed in Paris. Cernunnos is the god of death and transformation! The Nazi “Thule Society” and SS (Schwarze Sun=Black Sun) aka Skull & Bones is the “Brotherhood of Death”. We’ve definitely come full circle with this announcement, and right on cue, 700 years after deMolay’s execution; just ask Knight of Malta Pat “700 Club” Robertson.
The hunt for Malaysian #370 is a giant “Fool’s Errand” Anyone bother to look under the Six Pointed Star of Saturn in Tel Aviv? A bit too obvious? “The best place to hide something really big is in plane sight”
In the movie Man of Steel The code word “Trident” refers to Project 370, a Trident shaped alien ship landing in the Southern Indian Ocean. The earth’s governments respond to General Zod with “Operation Trident” (Ukraine, ancestral home to Sarmation/Aryan Priest-Kings uses the Trident symbol as well). Zod’s symbol is the Sickle of Saturn and Russia.
MH370 An upside down 37 becomes EL ie Saturn, Shiva, Poseidon, Hades who all use the Trident. Jor-El, Superman’s father in Hebrew means “God will uplift”; Kal-El is Arabic for “Friend”. El is the Canaanite supreme deity and father of men; the plural, Mormon version is Elohim; Krypton and Kolob are too similar to ignore. Malaysia Airlines 370 search area in the South Indian Ocean and use of the Trident Logo is a bit much to ignore. M=13; H=8 13/8=Ratio of Life or Golden Mean used by “Earth Dwellers” to form the Labrys (Birth Canal) seen on the “Aquarian Cross”. “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose named are not written in the book of life of the lamb” Rev 13:8.
“…a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible…and it had great iron teeth” Dan 7:7
Superman aka Kal-El arrived on Earth in the Indian Ocean in a Trident shaped ship On Mar 1, 2014 Obama joked with reporters about his father Jor-El and birth on Krypton. The Man of Steel is meant here. Just days earlier he joked “We are building Iron Man” to a group of metals manufacturers. In the movie Iron Man has a heart of Palladium (Albert Pike’s esoteric rite) which becomes Adamantium when exposed to light (Lucifer=Light Bearer). “Yea they made their hearts as an adamant stone”. Zech 7:12. Iron Man battles the mad Russian who has mastery over Tesla weapons; pretty timely eh? Obama’s new initiative? “My brother’s keeper” is an obvious reference to Cain and his son Tubal-cain the instructor of artificers in iron. Man of Steel, Iron Man, Cain (Am I my brother’s keeper?) and his son Tubal-cain the artificer of brass iron and patron of Masonry ringing a bell here? Who is Tubal-cain? Ans: “Vulcan of the Canaanites”; this is the 3rd degree Masonic password. 6 days before Passover 2013 Obama rode into Jerusalem on a Donkey to mock Jesus. Blasphemy knows no bounds here folks! Their hearts are Adamant Stone!
A hardened heart was given to Pharaoh; the result of a hardened (Adamant) heart is seen in Lev 18:22, Rom 1:27; Jude 7 and 1 Tim 1:8. The Obama’s may be the ultimate example of Adamant Hearts. Barack is a lifelong homosexual and member of Chicago’s “Man’s Country” gentleman’s bath house; his “Body Man” Reggie Love and membership in 330 Mason Jeremiah Wright’s Down Low Club are proof enough. Michelle? Judge for yourself This is really not that new; Exodus Pharaoh Hatshepsut dressed as a man to become accepted as ruler; Michelle may be doing the reverse. America is not quite ready for cross dressing homosexuals to run the US Economy and Military yet?
Malaysia “Mountain People”; Lamech’s son Jabal “Tent Dweller”=Jebel “Mountain” 370=777
Noah’s father Lamech died at 777 years. Malaysian #370 a B-777 relates to the number 37 or 3 7’s “777”, the number associated with perfection, sanctification and consecration. Gideon prepares for battle with 300 men (Spartan 300 ringing a bell here?) in the 7th verse of the 7th chapter of the 7th book “Judges”. Gideon follows Barack and Deborah as Judge of Israel. The 370th bible verse deals with the 3 yr old Red Heifer, a necessary component in consecration of the Chief Levite Priest and the Temple Cornerstone. Remember, Jesus replaced the Levite Priesthood because of corruption and made Temples of the LORD with Flesh in its place. Tabernacle is a mobile Temple; Born Again Christians are the New Covenant Tabernacles. Ex 37 deals with “Perfection of the Tabernacle” Ps 37:37 “Mark the perfect man”. Folks, if want to be marked by God, now is the time to let Him know! The 777th verse is Jer 32:27 “Behold I am the LORD, the God of all flesh…” Time to stand up and be marked a follower of Jesus Christ!
Aleister Crowley referred to the number 77 as the Sabbath Goat on the Altar. Malaysian #370 is not the first time 7’s take center stage: on 7/7 (7/6 between the Int’l Date Line and Greenwich Meridian; 7/7 East of Greenwich to the Date Line) a B-777 Asiana #214 (2+1+4=7) crashed in San Francisco; Asiana’s Logo is a Red 7; pretty funny how the Captain’s name Sum Ting Wong was released by the NTSB and San Francisco news eh? NOT! Why 7/6-7/7? Read Dan 7:6 and 7:7. Oz is 7/7 aka “4th Beast”; Edom is the “3rd Beast” (ref Gen 27:39-41KJV Esau’s “Dominion”) Malaysian Airlines operates 12 B-777 aircraft of an original 15. #28420 was allegedly Malaysian #370; #28416 appears to be the same plane, owned by Kuwaiti (Edomite) leasing company ALAFCO. Malaysia is Edomite; Kuwait is Edomite; Israel is Edomite (ref Obadiah); Edomite leaders like King Abdullah II of Jordan, Ayathollah ali-Khomeini, ali-Khameini and ali-Sistani are initiated into Grand Orient Lodge Masonry in France so this arrangement is not that odd. Why Malaysia? Traders/Merchants have always controlled the world’s “Choke Points” from Petra to the Straits of Gibraltar, Hellespont, Bosphorus Straits and Malaysia’s Straits of Malacca; Malaysia is Edomite ie “Fake Jew”; call them Donmeh (Turkomen), Baghdadis, Allumbrados, Marranos or “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes”. The biggest prank? Ottomon founder Osman I turns up as CIA Asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden. Hillarious aren’t they?
Here are world leaders at the Hague simulating an Atomic “Dirty Bomb” attack on a large western city on Hilaria (Mar 25), all wearing the same Pyramid Pin Grab a $US 1; The Pyramid (Amid the Flames) will be finished (MASON) between Annuit Copetus (Annas and Caiphas ordered the crucifixion of Jesus), and Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Secular Order is one without God). Desperate? How would you like to be hated of God (Mal 1:3; Heb 9:27) and see in writing (Obadiah) that everyone in the “House of Esau” will soon be destroyed and in Hell for eternity? Maybe now, the MH 370 “Prank” will make more sense.
The “Mystery Jet” was allegedly sent from Malaysian storage in Aeroport Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrenees to a Tel Aviv storage facility owned by Ft Lauderdale based GA Telesis (CEO Abdol Moabery is an Iranian embezzler and George Soros protégé); removed from service Aug 2013 and given the new tail # N105GT. Odd? No more than AA Flt #11 not being scheduled to fly on 9/11/2001 and the same exact airframe being listed for sale a year later, or UA Flt #93 landing in Cleveland (Tower Log, Mayor White, UAL Spokesmen) and the same tail number still in use for more than a year. “Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction must stick to possibilities where truth does not” Bohemian Grove founder Sam Clemens aka Mark Twain. Whether Hoax, Remote Hijacking or Crash, the story is getting more bizarre by the day. GA Telesis operates a chop shop of sorts; keep this in mind if/when B-777 parts matching the alleged flight show up in the Indian Ocean. This same thing happened in the Park-51 Mosque when a B-767 landing gear was miraculously found during construction; with a thick (non aircraft) steel cable around it no less! Why Tel Aviv? Tel Abib is the Medean/Babylonian city where real Jews were held in captivity; Nergal (Rooster Idol; Mars’ Hill “Areopagus” ringing a bell?), the pagan god of war originated there. Aviv=Abib and 1 Abib, 2014 is “April Fool’s Day”. Quite the prank, and on Hilaria no less eh? Hilarious? I guarantee Jesus doesn’t think so! Here is more fun and games.
Israel (Japheth-Gomer-Ashkenaz; Gen 10:3) closes its embassies worldwide and has Germany (Japheth-Gomer; Gen 10:2) represent them in primarily Muslim nations. Aryan Zionism in plain sight eh? Place a picture of Adolf Hitler next to Angela Merkel and you will see why Noah prophesied Japheth would dwell in Shem’s Tents with Canaan as their servant (Gen 9:27). The sons of Canaan? Sidon (Lebanon/Hezbollah) and Heth (Cathay=China) might make more sense now. Zionists are non-Semitic Fake Jews!
Prophecy Summit 2014 is being held at Disneyworld on the Festival of Saturn (St Satur is St Dionysius or St Bacchus) on Saturn’s Day, March 29, 2014, coincident with the release of the Movie Noah. By chance? hardly, more a sign the Golden Age of Saturn returning. Saturn in Chaldee is rendered “Stur” which yields 666. The Six Pointed Star of Saturn caused the Glory of the LORD to depart twice; once in Spirit from Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8) and the 2nd time Flesh from the 2nd Temple. The third time will be the “Strong Delusion” and your personal one way ticket to Hell for eternity. Feeling the urge for Sardonic Laughter on April Fool’s Day? Don’t; God finds nothing funny about it. In 2014, God’s New Year begins on April Fool’s Day, commemorating the “Fool’s Errands” Jesus was sent on during the Passion Week from Caiaphas to Pilate, to Annas, to Herod and back to Pilate; Annuit Coeptus seen above the Unfinished Pyramid on the $US is a cryptogram for Annas and Caiaphas, the Priest Killers of God in Flesh. The 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles begins on Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread 2014, accompanied by Solar Eclipses on God’s New Year and the Rabbinical New Year “Rosh Hashanah” in 2015. Signs of God’s Return? Hardly, the Return of Saturn.
9/11/2001 served to justify the remote take over of commercial airliners. It is a fact every airliner newer than a B-727 can be remotely taken over and flown by ground controllers much like a Drone; in violation of FAR’s pilots have no override capability. At altitude, remote control of cabin outflow valves can effectively render aircraft airborne coffins; this technology may have been tested on the Learjet carrying Paine Stewart. If passengers, flight attendants and pilots knew this, the Aviation Industry would collapse.
If people knew Lord Jacob Rothschild owns this capability and is an Edomite hated by God (Mal 1:3; Heb 9:13), they would wake up and establish a relationship with Jesus Christ before it’s too late. Malaysian Edomite PM Najib Razak declares “All Souls Lost”; Freescale Technologies and Blackstone Group with Carlyle Group investors now have 100% Patent (#8,650,327) Rights to Remote Flight via Data Link Control over Flight Navigation, Communications and Radar “Cloaking”. Patent approval came 4 days after Malaysian #370 “Disappeared”, on the anniversary of the man-made Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown. All hail the Edomite Lord! Well, count me out! “The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” Rom 9:13; Mal 1:3
KL-03 Patent granted 3/11/2014 for “Embedded RF Hardware” of VHF, UHF, HF Radar, via “Virtual Ports”, “External Interrupts” and “Keyboard Interrupts”. Sounds a bit like Remote Hijacking and Radar Cloaking to my feeble brain.
UN shill Najib Razak sends Malay troops to “UN Peace Enforcement” Missions (Ethnic Cleansing) in places like Bosnia, Somalia and Lebanon; to Hezbollah, Hamas and Boko Haram he is “The Man”; especially during the CIA Bali discotheque bombing in which a suitcase nuc was tested and during the EM Scalar induced Yule Tsunami in Indonesia. His reward? $250M “Commission” on the purchase of 2 French Submarines. He is “The Man” alright! “All Souls Lost”? Engine monitoring data was sent for 6 hrs to Rolls Royce via Satellite Comm, and ACARS was “Handshaking” ground stations for 4 hrs, so I don’t believe him.
Ebola: Extremely contagious, bio-engineered filovirus
If people knew Malaysian Air #370 may have been carrying a deadly, human to human transmissible plague in its cargo they would pray to Jesus Christ above all else; He warned of Pestilence! Daily Updates “Plague” page covers this material. Abu Dhabi is the Ismaili (Ishmael’s hand is against everyone else) Worldwide “Arms Bazaar”, soon to be approved for a US Customs pre-clearance facility for direct flights to Chicago, New York and Washington DC. Ebola is a bio-engineered virus with 90% fatality; the virus is spreading from Guinea, Sierre Leone and Liberia. Liberalia was a Cannibalistic Orgy in honor of Damballah, the blood thirsty “Primordial God of Creation” in Voodoo. Damballah has his center of worship in West Africa, the center of the Slave Trade; heard of Allah before? The Amulet of Damballah is a Coiled Serpent, used by the AMA and on America’s second flag; the first? The Tree of Knowledge of course! if transmitted to London’s Heathrow Airport would circle the globe in 24hrs. Why London? British means B’Rith or “Birthright” as in Ishmael and Esau; London means “New Troy”; the Trojan Horse was a disease carrying vehicle.
Obama proclaimed “A New Beginning for Islam” in Cairo; the Obama administration prepared for an outbreak of disease in advance, by “Commissioning” 1000 doctors to manage 1000 MASH style mobile hospitals under command of nominated British born Hindu Dr Vivek Murthy. Fellow Hindu and Obama appointed DARPA Chief Arati Prabhakar loves “Black Projects” such as “Total Information Awareness” (NSA Spy Facility/BEAST Computer), “Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation” (Battlefield Mind Control), “Weaponized, mind controlled Drones”, “”Cyborg Soldiers”, “Battlefield Robots”, “Designer Chromosomes” and “Immortal, self-repairing Synthetic Beings” and “ADEPT” (Robotic/Remote Disease sensing). Arati is a millionaire partner in Venture Partners LLC, the taxpayer bailed out backer of Solyndra, Obama’s Enron style Financial Black Hole. Fareed Zakaria and Sanjay Gupta will do the reporting. Arati anounced a new DARPA division this week “Biological Technology Office”. Does having people in control of Bio-Weapons and MASH Hospitals who worship Shiva the Destroyer seem like a good idea to you!
12 Monkeys in America
Michelle Obama instituted annual celebration of “Diwali” the 5 day Hindu “Festival of Lights”; the symbolic triumph of “Good over Evil”. In 2014, a partial Solar Eclipse over North America will form a Solar Crescent at Sunset; perhaps not coincidentally, the Islamic New Year will begin on Day 2, Oct 23, 25, 2014. Barack and Michelle Obama represent both Hindu and Islam. He declared a “New Beginning for Islam”, bowed to King Abdullah, declared “I will stand with Islam”, yet he also carries an Idol of the Hindu Monkey god Hanuman with him. Phoenicians call this monkey “El”; Romans “Saturn” and Greeks “Kronos” or “Chaos”. Kronos is famous for eating his own offspring. Critical is Hindu myth records Hanuman defeating Saturn (Lucifer); this same myth is found in Zoroastrianism; Ahura Mazda (Light) versus Ahriman (Dark) because Aryans invented both. “Order our of Chaos” is the Luciferian “New World Order” rising from this final battle. Blood rising to the levels of horse bridles in the Valley of Slaughter “Armageddon” is quite a load of blood eh? Brad Pitt’s “World War Z” is scary; “12 Monkeys” is sick. Jesus warned unless He shortened “those days”, no flesh would remain. A man-made plague that wipes most of humanity from Earth! Ebola is that man-made virus!
Weaponized Ebola may have been aboard MH#370. Why would China refuse to allow MH370 to land in Beijing? Why would 4 plane loads of CDC Doctors from the US and China scramble after MH#370? Is a vaccine against Ebola available? One thing is certain, preparations for a massive outbreak of plague in the US are definitely underway. Surgeon General nominee (Don’t count on de Molay Freemason Rand Paul or the NRA to get the real truth out) Vivek Murthy is the founder of “Doctors for Obama”, a Yale Med School Grad, who advocates Doctors harass patients who own firearms and mandatory Gun Licensing. Brahmins are the Hindu “Priest-Kings” aka “Noble Caste” or Aryans if you prefer. Shiva is the Hindu “Destroyer god”. This so-called “Doctor” is no “Surgeon” and no “General”; his sum total 8 yr experience is as a Foreign Bureaucrat. Obama read CNN darling, Aryan traitor, Fareed Zakaria’s book “Post American World”, released during the Obama campaign; Zakaria’s speaking tour “Globalization: A New World” requires trashing all Nation’s Constitutions. DARPA Chief Arati Prabhakar and ADEPT (Autonomous Diagnostics Enabling Prevention and Therapeutics; think Star Trek Tri-corder used by “Bones”) will decide who lives and who dies. Gnostics in the Kingdom of Ormus (Snake) called themselves Theraputes! Not long ago, Traitors like these would have been hung. We need to realize the enemy is in Washington DC. “A man’s enemies shall be the men of his own household” Mat 10:36; Micah 7:6
Ukraine: Home of Sarmation/Aryan Priest-Kings
NATO trained the Ukraine protestors via Greystone, a division of US financed Black Water aka Academi Mercenary training. Odd? Moscow trains Saudi Arabian military brass; Saudi Arabia sent a report to Moscow declaring the Obama administration a “Terrorist Organization”; it is, but recall Obama bowed in submission to King Abdullah and signed a $multi-billion arms deal and you will realize they all are working together toward WWIII.
Is it just a little strange for Malyasian and Chinese “Victim” families are seen grieving while holding professionally made signs and banners written in English? Would Sandy Hook, Crisis Actors holding prayer vigils with Chinese or Malay signs be any different?
Malaysian Flt #370 may have landed on Diego Garcia, securely protected from surveillance; CNNNBCCBSABCFOXMSNBC are declaring the jet is submerged in 12,000ft of water. BS!
Remote flight technology was demonstrated on 9/11 using the military versions of the B-737 (North Tower; CFM-56 engine was found at Church and Murray St) and B-767 (South Tower Jet was not civilian) jets; disappearing commercial jet was demonstrated with Flt #77 at the Pentagon; this may have been demonstrated on the civilian B-777 airliner Malaysian #370. The technology is real, and the Left Behind series was written using commercial airliners for a reason . Knight of Malta John Kerry made a trip to Malaysia in October 2013; no doubt this was for a good reason.
The Malaysian Flt #370 story is a load of BS. Captain Phillips of the Maersk Alabama puts the occult plan in “Plain Sight”. Alabama means “Plant Cutter”; Jesus is the Vine. Phillip means “Beloved Horse”; the Pale Horse is “Death”. Malaysian #370 was flown/hijacked into the Indian Ocean in the direction of Diego Garcia, a joint use British and US Military Base. 4 plane loads of CDC and Chinese CDC epidemiologists were flown to Diego Garcia immediately after Malaysia #370 was reported missing. They aren’t vacationing!.
The cargo? Likely a Bio-weapon from the UAE was loaded aboard the Maersk Alabama and taken to the Seychelles where is was loaded onto an Emirates flight to Kuala Lumpur and transferred to Malaysian #370. 2 ex-navy Seals guarding the Captain Phillips ship “Maersk Alabama” were murdered and 4 plane loads of CDC experts are flown to Diego Garcia on the day Malaysian Flt #370 dissappears.
Chinese WHO Director Margaret Chan is an officer in the Most Excellent Order of the British (British means Birthright of Ishmael and Esau) Empire working for Prince Phillip (Prince of the “Beloved Horse”), the man who desires to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus” to rid the world of useless eaters. Prince Phillip is married to Germanic imposter Queen Elizabeth Windsor to whom Obama, on an official State visit, sang “God Save the Queen”. 60 years ago, Elizabeth declared herself “Queen of thy people; Queen of Jerusalem”. Thy People? Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8). Is it any wonder the Captain of Malaysian #370 Zaharie Ahmed Shah attended the sentencing of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim; Jailed 5 years for “Homosexuality”? Blasphemy knows no bounds here folks!
Abu Dhabi, the head and Central Bank of the UAE is acquiring a US Customs pre-clearance facility for flights directly into the US. Black Water founder Eric Prince lives there, training mercenaries through “Black Water spin off “Reflex Responses” directed by Mitt Romney adviser Cofer Black and Carlyle Group investors Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, George Bush Sr, Jr and Jeb, James Baker, Ken Starr (Yeah, that Ken Starr), Obama adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and our old Iran-Contra pal the Most Reverend Oliver North. Eric just trained and equipped an 800 man Mercenary Army using ex-Columbian Special Forces. No, worries though, they had nothing to do with Malaysian #370! Arabs sure have a lot of help in their host countries don’t they?
Henry Kissinger “Ethnically Cleansed” Diego Garcia in the 1970’s; the island is a B-2, B-1, B-52, AF Tanker, Nuclear Submarine support and staging base, Navy Sealift Command and Satellite Tracking base for Wars in the Middle East aka “Fertile Crescent” The Crescent of Allah/Sin is indeed fertile! The name Diego Garcia means “Joseph and or James” and “Young Bear”; we saw the Young Bear as the Sochi Olympic Mascot. Joseph married the daughter of the Egyptian Priest of On and Arth means Bear; King Arthur and Ursa Major (Big Dipper) are about to pour out some serious wrath. It’s out of hibernation alright!
Malaysian #370 is the “Turn” in occult Magick: Pledge, Turn, Prestige; an “Attention Grabber” before the “Main Event”. The story began as a hijacked airliner, by Iranian (Iran is Aryan “Noble Caste”), al-Qaeda (Solid Foundation or Foreign Toilet) affiliates traveling on cash paid tickets using fake passports. The photo has been proven to be a photoshopped fake; notice there are 4 False Flag “Buzzwords” in this story already. Hijackers defeated the $50,000 “Terrorist Proof” Cockpit Door, turned off VHF, HF and Satellite Data Links, ACARS and Transponder, and these expert pilots evaded Malaysian, Vietnamese, Indian and Chinese civilian and military radar and landed in Taliban (Taliban means Student of Allah) held territory in northern Pakistan or Diego Garcia; the story is rediculous. Transponders have nothing to do with Radar and 90 miles off the Malay coast is in Primary Radar range. Questions: How did the plane vanish from civilian radar yet continue to be monitored in military radar for over an hour? Why did cellphone calls to passenger phones ring instead of going to voice mail? Why isn’t Emergency Locator Transmitter and Flight Data Recorder pinging their location? Need to hide from Radar and Satellite surveillance? Diego Garcia is your place.
Malaysia #370 is in my view a Sandy Hook style hoax using “Crisis Actors”; far fetched? Allegedly there were only 2 Americans on board; Why would grieving families post pictures with english signs? Why would these professional looking signs appear in pictures in different locations by different families? On 9/11/2001 UAL #93 landed in Cleveland; the event was recorded by Cleveland Tower, Mayor White and UAL spokesmen on the news with all 4 networks that day; no Rothschild was found at Shankesville. AA#11 was not scheduled to fly on 9/11 and the tail number, serial number and matching suite of avionics for the B-767-200 was put up for sale by a Washington DC Aircraft brokerage a year after 9/11. The point is we have seen massive deception before in plane sight. 9/11/2001 and Sandy Hoax are covered on their own pages.
The Trident of Shiva, Trident Security and the Malaysian Air Trident
The Military using the BUAP (Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot) can alter the FMC (Flight Mgt Computer), Flight Plan and change course of any modern airliner. At the intersection of Malay and Vietnamese Airspace the jet flew to Diego Garcia Military Base with 20 senior engineers and 4 patent holders.
The KL-03 Patent had not been granted when MH-370 departed; 4 days after the alleged crash of MH #370 carrying 4 of the 5 Chinese Patent Holders; none of their names are on Flight manifests; now allegedly dead, the US Patent Office issues the patent with Freescale Semiconductor becoming the sole Patent Holder. One very big problem with this story is Malaysian Airlines claims Pedong Wang, Zhijun Chen, Zhihong Cheng and Li Ying, the 4 Freescale patent holders were not listed as passengers on Flight #370. This is the exact same scenario as on 9/11; none of the 19 alleged Arab hijackers names were on any of the 4 flight manifests. Patent Holders may pass benefits to their heirs only after the Patent has been issued. Pretty darn convenient eh? If they weren’t on the airplane, where are they and why allow this patent to go to Freestone Semi-conductor and Blackstone Group? Without question, MH #370 was in Radar and VHF contact, some 90 miles off the Malay coast. How does one make an aircraft disappear?
Investors in Blackstone and Carlyle Group include the Lord Jacob Rothschild (Red Shield=Edom), the Bush family, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden to name a few. Lord Jacob Rothschild (Smithers on the Simpsons) controls Blackstone Group which owns The Weather Channel. Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild control Weather Central LP, providing weather information to nearly all mobile devices. Getting the Edomite picture yet?
Weather Derivatives with complete knowledge of future weather are a sure bet. Now that Ken Lay and the first Weather Derivative Fund “Enron Weather” is conveniently out of the picture KofC, Skull & Bones, Luciferian Mason, Bohemian Grove Satanist Jeb Bush is your man. 4 hurricanes in one year tearing through Florida made Jeb very wealthy. Nothing wrong with making a fortune off of others misery eh? Using Geo-engineering to manipulate weather and place Hedged and Leveraged bets on the damage? That’s another story. The motive for foul play or disappearance of MH #370 is certainly there. Is remote flight control of commercial airliners possible?
BUAP (Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot) Patent # 7142971B2 takes the pilots out of the equation and Freescale keeps them silent. Flight Termination Systems remote flight technology is the business of GW Bush’ Talmudic Rabbi Dov Zakheim (Rabbi Ari Fleischer is “W’s” handler). His son Roger is Mitt Romney’s Middle East adviser. Dov misplaced $2.3 T on 9/11 as DOD Comptroller; he didn’t do any better as Texas Comptroller under Gov George W Bush either, or on locating the missing $Billions spent on the Super-conducting Super-collider. Dov and Roger are also looking into the missing billions in Iraq and Afghanistan no-bid contracts. If you can’t trust a Talmudic fake Rabbi who teaches Army War College senior brass through CIA Intelligence Company Booz-Allen-Hamilton, who can you trust?
AWACS is an airborne command post capable of jamming radar and controlling flight navigation and communications. Need to make an aircraft disappear from Radar? Call in AWACS. Need to disable aircraft communications? Call Freescale. Need to remotely control a civilian airliner? Call Freescale. Need to fake the Rapture? Call Edomite Jacob Rothschild. AWACS was operating in Malaysia when MH #370 went missing from Radar
Unlike the 9/11 “Terrorists” these Arab Muslim bad guys must have paid attention during their landing lessons, or not! Knight of Malta, Olympian Rupert Murdoch floated the idea of the plane landing in Pakistan where Osama bin Laden was hiding; no Rupert, don’t think so. A strange event to be sure, but strange seems to be the norm these days.
Farouk Abdulmutallib shares a name with Muhammad’s grandfather Abdul Mutallib; he originated Islam. With no passport and a cash paid ticket, the son of the Nigerian Def Minister flew from Nigeria to Yemen to the Netherlands to Detroit with an underwear bomb detectible only with Rapiscan and L-3 Communications Full Body Millimeter Wave Imaging Machines, conveniently pre-purchased and ready in Schipol Airport by Crypto Jew, Olympian Michael Chertoff and Dame of Malta Janet Napolitano. Cancer in a billion useless eaters in exchange for world security and several $Trillion in profit; Good plan eh?
CIA hack Osama bin Laden (Tim Osman; Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire; cute eh?) hid in northern Pakistan before being flown 1200 miles in one night while being DNA tested in a helicopter, 2 weeks before every Seal Team 6 witness was killed riding in the same helicopter. Darn the luck!
Malaysia: the Edomite Sultanate of the Pacific
Malaysia is a Sharia Law based Sunni Islam Sultanate; Sharia Law forces rejection of the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Malaysia is a tenant under the control of the Sultan of Sabah (Sunrise) and of Brunnei, an Edomite (Hashemite) Sultanate ultimately under the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Idumea is the land of Edom, Ammon and Moab. Malaysia is the center of Edomite corruption in the most heavily Pirated waterway on earth “Straits of Malacca”. John Kerry set up the framework of the treasonous TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) in Malaysia in October 2013; planning for Malaysia 370 was likely finalized then. Obama met with King Abdullah II in Palm Springs at he end of February, finalizing an arms deal and weapons delivery to al-Qaeda and ISIS “Rebels” in Syria. What did the Edomite 33° Grand Orient Lodge Mason get in return? A 1000 mile double, oil and gas pipeline from Al Basra (Daniel received the vision of Dan 8 at that spot) to the Edomite port of Aqaba. Remember Aqaba? Israelites cross the Red Sea there and God swallowed up the Amalekite “Hyksos” trained Egyptian Army at that spot. No they have not forgotten or forgiven! They are Anonymous! What did Obama get? The plan is to use Black Water Mercenaries aka Reflex Responses to incite revolution and annexation of 1/3 of Iraq, the oil rich Anbar Province. Shiite mercenaries are Equal Opportunity killers, serving the Ayathollah’s after all and Obama has stated “I will stand with Islam”.
King Abdullah (Servant of Allah or Sin) II is a Grand Orient (Sabah means Leave ones religion for that of another ie Crypto, Marrano, Morisco. Saba means Sunrise; Saturn/Satan is the Rising Sun. America was founded on Sabian ie Planetary Astrology) Lodge Luciferian Freemason trained in Paris (House of Isis=Throne; Cernunnos is at Notre Dame) as are Shia Ayathollah’s Ali al-Sistani in Iraq and ali al-Khameini in Iran; they are no more Muslim than Jesuit Pope Francis I is Catholic or Luciferian Freemason Billy Graham is Protestant; they are Satanists in Sheep’s Clothes! Laws prohibiting Shia Islam in Malay Sultanates are strictly for show. Edom, Ammon, Moab worship the Six Pointed Star of Milcom, Chiun, Remphan, Chemosh, Baal and Molech aka Seal or Talisman of Saturn. It is called the Talisman or Seal of Solomon because Solomon took wives of foreign women from Egypt, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Phoenicia and the Hittites (1 Kings 11:1) Israel displays this Star of Satan because they are not Jewish or God fearing in the slightest; all will escape the hand of the Alternative Messiah as Dan 11 makes clear. Hard to believe Israel is Edomite? Read Obadiah.
Malaysia Flt #370 Occult Gematria in Plane Sight
Malaysian Airlines claims 37,000 PAX are flown daily. On 3/7 the NASDAQ dropped .37%, Malaysian Flt 370 disappears from radar at 37,000ft to begin the 37th month since the Fukushima disaster at the 37th Latitude, matching the exact angle of a Mr-Akh-Bah Triangle. 37 is read as 3 7’s. Aleister Crowley called 777 the “Key to all religion and practical occultism”
Blackstone HQ is 345 Park Ave, NY. Park is a Germanic word meaning “Animal Enclosure, Pen or Paddock”. Remember the movie “I am Legend” or “Dark Knight Rises”? 3-4-5 represents a Pythagorean Right Triangle and the Occult Trinity: Father, Mother, Son. Egyptians referred to this as the Mr-Akh-Bah (Merkaba is Ezekiel’s Wheel) and designed the relationship into the Great Pyramid in Egypt using the 520-380-900 degree relationship. 33 + 43 + 53 = 216, the number associated with Equinox Precession of 2160 years/Astrological House (Time=Saturn/Chronos). 63=216 associated with the Mark of the Beast “666″ during the Golden Age of Saturn. Is it also coincidence Obama claims his birth in Oahu at latitude 21.60? Is it also coincidence CERN (Cernunnos=Herne the Hunter of Windsor) in its hunt for the “God Particle” uses the Logo 666? By my calculations, Mar 20, 2014 “Nowruz” will begin the Age of Aquarius. Rosicrucians even designed this into the Federal Triangle (Washington Monument, White House and Capitol) Baal is Saturn; the world’s tallest Baal’s Shaft anchors that Triangle.
Blackstone purchased Freescale Semiconductor for $17.6B. They only had $7.6B in debt so the case understandably raised legal questions which are in court to this day. $7.6B relates to Dan 7:6 “3rd Beast” is Edom, given “Dominion”. $17.6B is the Age of the Universe in Solar Years and size of the Universe in Light-Years according to lying astrophysicists. Rev 17:6 describes the “Whore of Babylon”. Allegedly there are 17.6B Semiconductors with Freescale embedded hardware in them. Devices such as GPS Smart Phone trackers, Engine controls and Anti-lock brakes in automobiles, Train and Commercial Aircraft engine and navigation controls, OnStar vehicle tracking and disabling, RFID Chips, Atomic Power Plant coolant controllers (Fukushima and Iran’s Bushehr Atomic plants come to mind here) and personal computers all have Freescale embedded software in them. What could possibly go wrong? go wrong, go wrong.
#370 is 3+7=10. The 10 Horns of the Beast Kingdom plus “Little Horn” (Cernunnos=”Horned One”=”Little Horn”)
37 is read as 3 7’s or EL=Saturn 21 is 7+7+7. #777 represents Aleister Crowley’s “Liber 777″ The title is “777 and other Qabalistic Writings”. Crowley claims 777 symbolizes all major religions and serves as the correspondence within the Order of Golden Dawn. 777 it is the key to all religion and practical occultism. Cain’s descendant Lamech is avenged 7 fold, Lamech 77 fold. Seth’s Lamech lived 777 years. 777 is a Jackpot in slot machines, a jackpot for Edom.
Trident: Union of the Triple Goddess with the Horned God.
The Trident of Trident Security Group, Shiva and Poseidon is the logo of Malaysian Airlines, the Ukraine and TEPCO. Shiva is the Hindu god of destruction. Luciferian Freemason, Crypto Jew J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva “I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds” upon witnessing the first Atomic Bomb detonation in which Plutonium was used. Plutonium is named after the Roman version of Shiva, Pluto the god of destruction. Poseidon is named after the Pyramid City of Poseida, “Discovered” last month submerged near the Canary Islands. A triggered Tsunami from the Flood submerged city of Poseida will be used to devastate the eastern seaboard soon.
The Trident is also used by 40 Knights of Columbus, a cancer in the Catholic Church whose initiates include Skull & Bonesman, Weather Derivative Fund manager Jeb Bush. Columbus didn’t “Discover” anything; he was a murdering Gold Pirate who falsely converted to Catholicism to escape the Alhambra Decree. Remember, Jeb and George were reading My Pet Goat in Tampa where the alleged training of 9/11 hijackers occurred on 9/11. Flt #77 hit the Goat shaped, 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian because #77 is the Sabbath Goat on the Altar according to their maternal grandfather Aleister Crowley.
Malaysian #370 allegedly had 239 passengers. 2+3+9=14=77; Aleitster Crowley called 77 the Sabbath Goat on the Altar. 14 is also 5, the 77ft tall Pentagon was hit by UA #77 on the 77th Meridian on 9/11′ well not really, it was a Raytheon (Light God) Cruise Missile. The Trident used by Malaysian Airlines is also the symbol of TEPCO. Pu-239 matches the number of alleged passengers on Malaysian #370; neat trick as at least 5 Freescale employees claimed to be missing are not on the original manifest. Pluto is the Roman god of Death and Wealth; same attributes as Cernunnos and Herne the Hunter. Fukushima MOX fuel is killing on a massive scale. The Trident represents the OTO “Order Oriental Templars” (The Rising Sun is the Orient or Eastern Temple). The Trident represents Triclavianism taught by the Manichaeans, Albigens, Waldenses, Bogomils, Paulicians, Patarini and Cathars to represent the 3 Nails used to fasten (Pagan=To Fix) Jesus to the Tree (Cross). Mormons like Mitt Romney know the phrase “Pey Heylel” means “Marvelous Lucifer” and is used in Melchisedek Priest initiations with the “Sure Sign of the Nail”. Jesus is Melchisedek! Talmudic Rabbis also use the “Sign of the Nail” “Shin” to open Synagogues of Satan.
Vulcan (Tubal-cain to Freemasons) 1/2 breed Mr Spock (Nimoy is an avid Kabbalist) “Live Long and Prosper” refers to “Happiness”, the Welsh word for Wise and European root of Prosperity.
“Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is the brainchild of Comte de St Germain, the real Founding Father of the US; Happiness is Wisdom here; the Declaration of Independence was not Freedom and Liberty from Britain but from God. The Rosicrucian mystic St Germain was the 6th man in the “Committee of 5” Masons seen in the “Great Seal” (Jefferson, Franklin, Sherman, Adams, Livingston) under Anuit Cowptus (Annas and Caiaphas killed Jesus) and Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Secular Order is one with Lucifer and without God) met in Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love”; Jesus refers to the Church of Philadelphia as the “Synagogue of Satan”.
Friday is the 6th day of the week when Man was Created; on Friday 3/7/2014 the Nasdaq closed down .37% ; the day is the 66th day of the year; 33 days after Imbolc (In the Belly), the 33rd day of the year and the Super Bowl warning by Bruno Mars to “Prepare, Prepare”. Kualu Lumpur Airport KUL is 233 in Gematria; 2X33=66.
239 passengers and crew represent Pu-239 the man-made radioactive material killing most of humanity from Fukushima; 239 adds to 14 or 7+7. In Liber 77 aka “Book of the Goat”, Crowley said 77 represents the Sabbath Goat on the altar; Sacrifices and lot’s of us are meant here.
Malaysian Airlines, Trident of Shiva Logo cleverly hides the number 33. Superman is 33 in the Man of Steel; Jesus Christ was 33 at the Crucifixion. 33=Sovereignty “Freedom from God”. Shiva is the Destroyer and Law Giver. The word used in scripture is Shiloh (Gen 49:10) Jesus is Shiloh! The word means “He whose it is”. Melchisedek means “King of Jerusalem” and “Priest of the Most High” Sounds like the Sarmations of the Ukraine who also regard themselves as “Priest-Kings” doesn’t it? The number 33 is the number of Sovereignty; Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Sovereign Freemasons ringing a bell here?
Satanists (Scientists=Scire “To Know”) at CERN (Cernunnos is Pluto “God of Death”) pass an Idol of Shiva to conduct experiments trying to prove the “Force” of “Gravity” creates Mass from Matter; there is no such “Force” or “God Particles”; Satan is the “god of forces”. CERN is Cernunnos aka “Litttle Horn” of Dan 7:8. Satan posing as the Creator in the God Particle? Try again!
“Dominion” means Sovereign Authority to Rule; Isaac prophesied Esau would obtain “Dominion” and kill Jacob; that’s anyone physically associated with Jacob or his 12 sons or Jesus Christ. Born Again Christians and real offspring of Jacob are in Diaspora, scattered all over the globe; thus the killing will be worldwide. The army of 12 Monkeys distributed the plague killing 90% of humanity from Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love”.
The Trident of Shiva is also the Trident of Poseidon; Poseida is the Flood submerged city of pyramids in the Canary Islands occultists mystically refer to as Atlantis; Aquaman son of Poseidon is Antichrist rising from the Sea, obtaining the Kingdom by Flatteries and managing the World as a Dictator.
The Trident is the flag of Ukraine; ancestral home to Sarmation and Aryan “Priest-Kings” like Vladimir Putin, George Soros and Mitt Romney to name a few. Sar means “Prince”; Lucifer is the Prince.
The Trident is the symbol of Shamash, the Babylonian Sun god of Justice. Shamash is worshiped as the center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah. Hanukkah means “Consecrate”; Consecration requires human sacrifices and lots of them! Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shemesh” will be completed by Lughnasaid/Lammas (Aug 2; 9 Av is Aug 4), a radiation hardened bunker with “The LORD our God is one” over every door. My God is Jesus Christ, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; the missing “Lord” from Deut 6:4 KJV the false Scribes failed to include; how about you? Are they hiding from Jesus Christ? Hardly, Lucifer more like.
The story of Malaysian Air #370 is bizarre. Total disappearance; being tracked on military radar for 90 minutes but invisible to civilian radar; 7 hrs of Engine monitoring data being sent to Rolls Royce; 5 hrs of ACARS “Handshakes” being received by ground stations. What would one expect from the Hashemite-Edomite Kingdom of the Pacific? Pacific means Peace; the Peace Sign is the Witch’s Foot or Broken Jew; Jesus is the Jew here folks! During this Lenten Saga, the Holy Grail Cup was miraculously found; Primordial Gravity Waves proved the Big Bang Theory correct and the Shroud of Turn proved the Twisted Crucifix aka Staff of Mithra is an accurate portrayal of the Crucifixion. How much Edomite Bull Shit are you willing to put up with?
Feast of the Beast
Worship of Saturn (Stur, Milcom, Chiun, Molech, Remphan, El) is the “Beast”; the 6th Planet, 6th Day represented by the Blue Sapphire (Chase what matters? Happiness (Wisdom and Prosperity) is what Gnostics are pursuing. The Six Pointed Star was originally designed into the Flag BEtsy Ross created. It appears on Hindu Monuments, Shinto Shrines, Buddhist Temples, Islamic Mosques, fake “Jewish” Synagogues, fake “Christian” Churches, Mormon Churches, the Flag of Israel and on US Money. Rome is the City of Saturn; Christmas is Saturnalia; time to wake up and become Holy (Separate). Saturn has a 28 yr Solar Cycle in which the “Cult of Saturn” is given instructions; 1954, 1982 and 2010 are allegedly the last dates; Deep Water Horizon and Fukushima were man-made ELE (Extinction Level Events) planned in advance and set for the Beginning and Ending of 2010; the Witchcraft year goes from the Kelends of Summer (May Day) to the Kalends of Winter (All Saints Day) Neither event has slowed down or stopped destroying the Earth in the slightest.
Malaysian #370 is a Sandy Hook style hoax, held in plain sight using Crisis Actors (Freescale Patents and Signs in English are a dead giveaway). Likely, Malaysian 370 landed at Diego Garcia, attracting the attention of dozens of CDC Disease Experts. Julia Louis Dreyfus posted a picture of an unusual tattoo on her back of the Declaration of Independence this week; is it coincidence the City of Philadelphia hosted the signing of the Declaration on a day when a rare 5 planet conjunction occurred as planned by Rosicrucians Ben Franklin and Ebenezer Sibly? The Sibly Zodiac is called America’s “Natal Chart” and is posted in the Library of Congress; Congredi means “To Meet for War”; they use the Fasces Logo as do all 50 National Guards, given Ebola test equipment this week. The Fasces is on Rosicrucian Sodomite “Honest” Abe Lincoln’s Throne, the Congressional Speaker’s Podium, US Supreme Court, Oval Office at the White House and Union Square Park in NYC next to the 17 (Rev 17 is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT) digit countdown clock to Midnight “Witching Hour”.
Malaysian MH370=ELOHM=Saturn may have been completely disintegrated using Scalar EM energy (Phase aligned “Tesla Shells”), or flown to Diego Garcia with or without the aid of pilots using Boeing’s patented BUAP (Un-interruptible Autopilot); one thing is certain, the Malaysian Gov has lied from the start and CNN keeps telling the same Lie over and over MH370 with its 33 shaped Tridents are identical to those made at the 9/11 Memorial out of the destroyed Twin Towers (ELOHM=Saturn=EL). MH370 did not crash in the Indian Ocean at the same coordinates used for “Project Trident” in the Man of Steel movie; Superman as Kal EL? EL is an Inverted, Mirror Image of 37. The “Freedom Tower” is 1776 (1+7+7+6=21 the Age of Accountability) ft tall, the year the Declaration of Independence gave birth to America; the stolen nation named after the Chaldee “Amorica”, the Canaanite god “Amar”; the Serpent god “Ameru” and Edomite name of Satan “Amurru”.
ACARS “Handshakes” lasted over 5 Hrs; Engine Data via Satellite Link lasted 7 Hrs, well after the fuel would have run out. These indicate the aircraft is still intact. Remotely flown or not, the plane was, in my opinion flown to Diego Garcia under escort of AWACS Radar Jamming Aircraft, with a “Suspicious Cargo” that originated in the Black Water Mercenary capital of Abu Dhabi, the Central Bank paradise of Ishmaelitesi. US media whores like Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger who lied about hitting Canadian Geese in January (Canadian Geese migrate in August not January, no engine damage; no blood, no feathers, no dents) will divert attention from WWIII developing in the Ukraine, the Ebola Pandemic about to be unleashed. Commercial Airliners can be remotely taken over and flown from the ground at will.
9/11/2001 was a revenge, re-enactment of Samson killing 3000 Philistines. The Sochi “Fire and Ice” Olympics, highlighted a giant statue of Neptune and Prometheus breaking free of his chains in where else but a cave called “Bethlehem”; House of HM or ELOHM if you prefer. Why HM? H=8; M=13; 13/8 is the Ratio of Lift or Golden Mean of course! Malaysia means “Mountain People” MH370=ELOHM is a Saturnian Ritual held on the world stage in plane sight.
The Twisted Crucifix represents the “Y” in the Road.
Worship of Saturn is Witchcraft (Wisdom) or Gnosticism (Knowledge) of the Serpent; this then is MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS ON THE EARTH. The Wide Path to Eternal Destruction of the Soul in Hell.
Worship the LORD (Spirit of GOD) in Flesh (Lord) Jesus Christ is the Narrow Path to Eternal Salvation. Choose Wisely because Time (Saturn) is short!“The goal of practical politics is to menace the population with an endless array of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary” HL Mencken
False Flags follow a Dialectic script: Thesis+Antithesis=Synthesis The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the catalyzing event for WWI (Naziism); Reichstadt Fire and Pearl Harbor the events leading to WWII (Communism); 9/11/2001 the Neo-Con PNAC (Project for a New American Century) “New Pearl Harbor” False Flag event leading to the Middle East Wars (Zionism V Islam). All pre-planned events leading to the Great Tribulation and arrival of Lucifer/Satan at Rev 9:11 541 days before the 2nd Coming of God in Flesh, Jesus Christ.
…the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they know not the LORD……when any man offered sacrifice, the priests servant came, while the flesh was in seeting (cooking), with a fleshhook of three teeth (Trident) in his hand” 1 Sam 2:12-13 “And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it…: Dan 7:5 The symbol of Malaysian Air is the Trident; the symbol of Ukraine is the Trident; MH-17 was shot down during NATO Operation Rapid Trident. Russia is the Bear, or more specifically the Bear Guard; Arcturas (King Arthur) guides the Big Dipper (Ursa Major=Great Bear) into the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age of Saturn. The Trident is the symbol of Poseidon, the Sea Beast ruling over 3 types of Water Above, On and Inside the Earth. You may recall Operation Trident Spear was the fake Osama bin Laden raid.
//////Malaysia 17 “Admirable Sacrament//////
May 3, 2016 BBC Documentary “Conspiracy Files: Who shot down MH-17” claims MH-17 was shot down by a Ukrainian MIG. I agree, but Air Traffic Controllers as far away as Germany, Poland and Western Ukraine routed the ill fated Jet over the War Zone so they Lied. NATO Lied. Accident Investigators Lied; can’t they even see the Tail Numbers don’t match? or that MH-17 was cancelled on that fateful day?. Schipol Airport Controllers Lied. Where’s the truth?
SERCO (SER= Sedere “I Sit”, “I reside” referring to Lucifer/Satan as Prince of the World) ties US, Turkey, NATO and Russia together the mother of International Outsourcing of Services such as Air Traffic Control, Health Care (eg Obama Care), Immigration, Detention, Prisons, JPATS (Con Air; Phoenix Air Ambulance), Education, Military, Cyber etc etc. Example: Russian cargo ship Mol Comfort with 50,000 tons of weapons destined for Jeddah Saudi Arabia, John Kerry and ISIS Rebels (then called Friends of Syria) split in half June 2013. Turkish Ship Nour M was intercepted by Greek Coast Guard with 50,000 Khalishnikov Rifles destined for Tartus and ISIS Rebels a month later. Why no news on this? SERCO.
Wrong Aircraft B-777 tail number of MH-17 on July 17, 2014 is M9-MRC in Schipol Airport and M9-MRD in the Ukrainian Field meaning the MH-17 event is total Bull Shit.
MH-17 on 17 July 2014 sits at Gate G-3 at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam with tail number M9-MRC and ends up in a Ukrainian field with different tail number M9-MRD. The 2 aircraft are not the same Was it shot down by “Rebels” who commandeered a BUK Surface to Air Missile? Did NATO coordinate the event with Air Traffic Controllers in Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia during Operation Rapid Trident and shoot down the aircraft with an SU-25 Jet firing an Air to Air Missile? Did the Malaysian B-777 MRD even depart from Schipol Airport? Did remote flight technology (BUAC Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot using Free Scale Tech Imbedded RF Hardware) turn the aircraft into a Drone?
MH-17 did not fly from Schipol Airport 17 July 2014; Flight Radar shows the flight cancelled. Menzies Cargo loaded frozen, long dead corpses onto the B-777, no pilot would have accepted that type cargo and no oridinary baggage handlers would load it. DMORT handled the by-pass of autopsies necessary to pull off this Russian False Flag.
“Russian military jets pose a grave risk to civilian airliners” NATO Chief, UN Climate Change Envoy, Vaccine advocate, Atheist, Jens Stoltenberg Nov 11, 2014.
MH-17 was shot down by a Russian Su-25 operating as part of a NATO exercise Rapid Trident; Russia, US, Israel and NATO work together. MH-17 at Gate G-3 at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam with tail number MRC ends up in a Ukrainian field with different tail number MRD. The 2 aircraft are obviously not the same, nor would they have the same transponder identification
MH-17 the Admirable Sacrament
“I frequently tramped 8 to 10 miles through deepest snow to keep an appointment with a Beech Tree, Yellow Birch or an old acquaintance among the pines” Henry David Thoreau
Alfred Lord Tennyson (Charge of the Light Brigade about the slaughter in Crimea; The Kraken was the sea monster in Clash of the Titans) wrote poems referring to the “Serpent rooted Beech Tree”. Helen of Troy carved Paris’ name on a Beech Tree. Jason and the Argonauts (Jason Society are the elite of Science) built the Argo out of Beech. The Tuatha de Danaan (Offspring of Danu=Anu=Zeus) invented Ogam Script on Beech bark. Cathedrals were built to mimic the arching limbs of the Beech Tree. In Beech and Oak “Groves” “Evil was done in sight of the LORD”
Buk means “Beech Tree”, the so-called “Queen Tree” or “Goddess Tree” is the Holy Tree of Gnosticism. Beech Trees work in concert with the “King Oak” in Druidism and Shamanism. Buk represents Hermes, Toth, Odin, Cronus and is called the “Green Man Tree”. 2014 is 700 years after Jacque DeMolay was executed “Every 700 years, the Laurel grows green again” Ringing a Baal here? The Laurel is the Crown of the Green Man and the Green Man is Satan.
Beech represents the Death and end of Something. In this case the end of America and the Age of Grace in my opinion. The Beech Tree symbolizes the accrued wisdom of every other Tree. It symbolizes the Word as Sanskrit characters were said to have been written on Beech Bark. Beech is the sum of Learning and Wisdom. Beech is the ultimate Ritual Tree under whose branches prayers are said to go straight to Heaven, for Goddess worshippers that is. Beech Trees represent the discovery of lost wisdom and the alignment of the individual with its “Higher Self”; Illumination should ring a Baal here. Druid means “Knowers of Trees”. Gnostics think they are so clever eh? Buk means Beech or “Book” as Boc means Letter or Character.
Was MH-17 shot down by a Buk Missile? Not only no, but Hell no! Time to Wake Up folks! You can choose the Lamb’s Book of Life or Satan’s Beech Tree, but not both. Rabbis will be inscribing names of the Congregation in their “Books” which are G-D’s books by the way; on Kol Nidre (All Vows), the night beginning Yom Kippur “Atonement”; you had better pray to JESUS your Name is not written in those “Books”!
“There are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one” 1 Jn 5:7KJV
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us” Jn 1:14
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” Jn 1:1
Son of a Beech Tree? I don’t think so! Get right with JESUS, the Word made Flesh or go straight to Hell. Those are the choices folk
MH-17: Nailed to the Arcadian Beech Tree
The Roman Catholic Church is being destroyed as a Scapegoat for “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” (Rev 17)
America is being destroyed as a Scapegoat for “Babylon” (Rev 18)
Palestine is being destroyed as the Scapegoat for the “House of Esau” (Obadiah).
Russia will be the Scapegoat for “Gog” (Eze 38:1; Rev 20:8); Kiev is home to Kievan Rus if your Bible has Rus or Rosh in Eze 38; go get an Authorized Bible; it doesn’t belong there. Russia is not Rus or Rosh. Don’t fall for these Lies!
Germany, Turkey and Switzerland are joining BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) to destroy the Twin Pillars of the world economy, the IMF and World Bank. Bankers planned and control both sides of WWIII. Odd? Hardly, Stalin (also 33 degree Mason and Jesuit Knight) and Hitler (Jesuit) were Theosophical Society Initiates, so are Hitler’s daughter Angela and Stalin protege’ Vladimir as well as John Kerry. Truth is a bit hard to come by!
BRICS are the new Bricks in the Chaldean Tower of Babel destroying the World Reserve Currency, the $US. On 7/17 the BRICS Development Bank was created to handle the shift away from the $US. 7/17 is the anniversary of Catherine the Great murdering her husband Peter III to become Empress of Russia. 7/17 is the anniversary of the murder of Tzar Nicholas II and the Romanov family by Wall St henchmen Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) and Lenin. 7/17 is the anniversary of 33 degree Masons Churchill, Stalin and Truman carving up Europe at the Potsdam Conference; FDR didn’t have the heart for Atomic Bombing of civilians so he was murdered; Truman had no such qualms. BRICS originated in Yekaterinburg, Russia named after Peter the Great’s wife Ekaterina? Hardly, Gnostic Cathars (Catharsis means “Discharge of Pent up emotion”) and Catharine meaning “Pure”, “Hecate” (Goddess of Witchcraft) and “Torture” more like.
In Mathematics 7/17/1717 is called the “Day of the Yellow Pigs”; the number 17 denotes an initiate who has succeeded at his “Inner Marriage” aka Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. The Swine Herd Jesus allowed the demons called “Legion” to inhabit might ring a Baal here.
On 7/17 the UN AIDS conference was discussing progress on a Swine Flu Pandemic and the DOD ordering the Def Logistic Agency to acquire and distribute massive quantities of Novartis (Swiss) and BioCSL (Australia) Swine Flu Vaccine worldwide by Aug 29, 2014.
On 7/17, MH-17 was a 17 year old B-777, allegedly carrying 108 AIDS, Swine and Avian Flu and Ebola experts heading to Melbourne aka Oz. 77 is Oz; Aleister Crowley’s “Sabbath Goat on the Altar”
UN AIDS Conference, BRICS, Israel Ground Invasion of Gaza and MH-17 all on 7/17? MH-17 is likely just another Edomite media diversion. Here’s Why.
On the 65th anniversary of NATO, electronic warfare exercises SEA BREEZE 2014 (Radar jamming AWACS was also involved with MH-370 “disappearing” from radar) and Rapid Trident II were in progress. shows MH-17 was cancelled on 7/17.
Ukraine separatists allegedly posted a video about the crash to Youtube the day before.
MH-17 disappeared from Radar over Germany; and changed course over Poland; the same thing happened on 9/11 when remote flown A/C replaced the commercial flights.
Dozens of long dead, blood drained, decomposing corpses and blood packets were found at the incident site; hardly routine cargo for civilian airliners. On 7/21 the perhaps deadly cargo began its return to the Netherlands. Stupid? Or an un-imaginably Satanic plan?
Ukraine Security Service allegedly stormed Borispol Tower and allegedly confiscated Kiev Air Traffic Control tapes; BS! ARTCC is not in the Tower nor in control of Class A airspace; nice try.
Where are voice recorder, engine data, radar data, navigation data, ACARS data and Position reports? They would be immediately available.
A Ukraine Su-25 shadowed MH-17 on its northward flight path deviation after falling off civilian radar in Germany; the deviation began in Poland; previous flights went south of the war zone in E Ukraine. The US says no fighter, but with SEA BREEZE 2014 in progress, rest assured they know.
Video footage allegedly shows MH-17 descending with its right engine on fire; if authentic, an air to air IR missile may have taken it out by that same Su-25. One thing is certain; it was definitely not a Buk SAM.
A US Spy Satellite was part of SEA BREEZE 2014 and over the area; where are the photos?
Was MH-17 shot down using a Russian Buk Surface to Air Missile? NO! Operating a Buk Missile system requires radar guidance and transponder interrogation; with flight intercept, this involves many people including likely German or Polish ARTCC; not something “Rebels” could pull off, and there are no shrapnel marks on fuselage parts. Inflight disintegration from Buk Missile shrapnel would result; intact bodies and pristine Passports at the crash site? Not likely. The passports shown were not only pristine, but new with no Visas or Stamps; some were punched and clipped, indicating they were expired or otherwise unfit for travel.
On 7/21 the bodies and blood drained cadavers were sent by train on a 17 Hr ride to Kharkiv and from there to the Netherlands; great idea if spreading disease is the goal. The reasonable thing to do is incinerate the potentially deadly cargo. The “Death Train” arrived in Europe on 7/23.
Cockpit Voice Recorder and Flight Data Recorders also turned in to ICAO on 7/21; if right engine is on fire, it was not a Buk Missile; it was a US-NATO-Poroshenko “False Flag” operation.
On 9/11 remotely flown “Drone” aircraft swapped transponder codes with airliners; was this done again? Crisis Actors in Sandy Hook and Chinese mourners in Beijing holding signs in English within an hour of MH-370 failing to arrive are strange to say the least. AWACS has the capability to remotely take over commercial airliners with the Boeing Un-interruptible Auto-Pilot, and AWACS was in the area with the express mission of “monitoring civilian air traffic”.
Kiev is a US proxy managed by George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski detailed in “The Grand Chessboard” Putin (lifelong KGB=CIA) and Russia are the voluntary Scapegoats. Recall Putin sends arms to both sides as does the US (ref Turkish Ships Mour M and Mol Comfort; Kerry was waiting for the Russian ships with “Friends of Syria”) NATO wants War; Supreme Allied Commander Gen Phil Breedlove attended Bilderberg 2014 for a reason and MH-17 might just give it to them.
Malaysia is a Rothschild (Red=Edom Shield) controlled, Edomite (Hashemite) dictatorship just like Israel and Britain (B’Rith=Birthright); yes I know you think Israel is Jewish; the Six Pointed Star of Saturn is Chaldean not Jewish. Kuala Lumpur is home to the War Crimes Commission which has convicted Israel, Britain and the US of war crimes relating to the Gulf Wars. MH-17 took off from Schipol Airport 100% dominated by Israeli Security firm ICTS. MH-17 allegedly had a cargo hold full of decomposing, blood drained corpses and countless packets of blood. Airport Security allowing decomposing corpses and blood aboard an airliner? A flagrant violation of International Law; Don’t think so. Viruses stored in semi-dry flesh? The work of Bio-weapons experts.
MH-370 also had a Bio-hazard cargo aboard; 2 Trident (Operation Trident II ringing a Baal?) Bio-security guards were murdered guarding it in Abu Dhabi which is just now operating Customs pre-clearance direct flights into America. Obama celebrated Ramadan in the White House on 7/14 with United Arab Emirates and Saudi leaders; pretty coincidental eh? Dr Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus Medical Center near Amsterdam works Dr Yoshihiro Kawaoka Major Horatio Ishi and Unit #731 should ring a Baal here; WHO is the modern day Unit #731. “Weaponized Killer Viruses like Ebola, Swine Flu and Avian Flu were designed to kill 90% of the world’s population” 108 Virologists with advance knowledge of an upcoming UN sponsored Ebola/Flu Pandemic? How many people have become infected and are now infecting others from decomposing corpses and aerosol blood at the MH-17 accident scene? The US ordered massive quantities of Swine Flu Vaccines, deliverable by Aug 29, 2014 and all 50 states have JBAIDS testing equipment and 1000 mobile hospitals ready. Good preparation eh? Why the Ukraine? Kawoaka bragged “My new Swine Flu virus is Unstoppable”. Fouchier bragged “A human to human transmissible virus, even moderately fatal, will become a plague of unimaginable proportions”
Ukraine is home to exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings. Sar means Prince. Satan is the Prince. Ukraine uses the Trident symbol; Trident means 3 Teeth of the Bear in Dan 7:5. Russian Bear? Hardly, Ukraine and Crimea are “Arcadia”; Arcas means Bear. Russia working with Britain odd? Hardly, King Arthur (Mythical King of Britons) is the “Bear Guard”. Isn’t occult communication fun? Priests of the Prince “Satan” are the Chaldean Priest builders of the Tower of Babel; Noble Caste “Aryans” if you prefer who are exiled in Ukraine. Aryan means Iran; In Farsi Obama means “He is with us”. Forget the Khazar Jew BS and get right with JESUS folks!
Schipol Airport was made famous by Christmas Bomber Farouk Abudulmutallib (story was complete BS; he shares the name with Muhammad’s Hashemite Quyraish Tribe uncle; hilarious isn’t it? Hashemites are Edomites; Quyraish are the Rebel Priests from Moses’ day God swallowed up in the Earth) and the debut of $Trillion worth of Full Body Image Scanners and Back Scatter X-Ray machines ($250,000/machine) at 49,000 commercial airports, each needing one to dozens of machines; another $Trillion lie promoted by American-Israeli Michael Chertoff and Sodomite Janet Napolitano aka FEMA District #10 chief. The 18th anniversary of TWA-800 was also 7/17, the downing of that aircraft resulted in unnecessary replacement of Fuel Boost Pumps in thousands of commercial aircraft @ $70,000 per pump; each aircraft has between 6 and 10 pumps so do the math and it’s another $Trillion lie. ICTS subsidiary Huntleigh supplied security on 9/11/2001 at Boston and Washington Dulles Airport; add another $50,000 for each Cockpit Door for every commercial airliner because of Arab hijackers with box cutters BULLSHIT! Money shines through as the prime motivator. MH-17 will facilitate aircraft the Israeli “Flight Guard” missile defense system installed (chaff/flares) as Israel’s El Al Airlines uses. Money folks, follow the Money.
Where is Obama? In addition to closing on a $4.5M mansion in Rancho Mirage CA, on 7/14 Obama hosted an Iftar (Break Fast) Ramadan Dinner at the White House with “Muslim” leaders who listened to his praise of Israel and to Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer (Neocon shill tied to Bush family, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mitt Romney and Sheldon Adelson) justifying Israel’s wholesale slaughter of Palestine with DIME, White Phosphorous and Flechette Munitions all designed to maim and torture. WTF Over? Think these guys are Jewish or Muslim? Guess Again; their Satanists.
Indonesia illegally annexed E Timor on 7/17 after the CIA coup that installed Suharto left 2 million dead; AF 1 with Gerald Ford, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld lifted off as the first shots were fired. Lolo Soetoro a Colonel under Suharto and Barry Soetoro (Obama) a Madrassa schooled Indonesian passport holding citizen trained as Mujaheddin “Warrior of Allah”. Obama has no US Passport, no US Citizenship, no valid Social Security Card and was never sworn to defend the Constitution so don’t blame him; he’s doing his job quite well!
The 7th Prime Number 17 is the number of the Holy Spirit; number of the “Son of Man”; 10 Commandments written in 17 verses; number of the Karmic evolution of the Cosmos; Man participating on the Celestial and Terrestrial planes; junction between the Spiritual and Material Worlds; Sufi mystics use 17 for the World in Balance; 17 companions of Ali; 17 nations at Pentecost and the ominous number in Italy equivalent with 13 in the West meaning “I Lived; therefore I am Dead”. This is why the Grand Lodge of England adopted Speculative Masonry in 1717; the White House is on 17th St and the last staged Apollo mission was 17. Obadiah is Book #17; the shortest book was written by Jesus declaring the annihilation of the House of Esau.
The Old covenant is the 7th contract between God and Man + the 10 nations of the confederacy against God in Psalm 83:6-9. The Covenant with Abram and Isaac is described in Gen 17; Amalek wars with Israel in the Wilderness of Sin in Ex 17; Aarons Rod buds in Num 17, Offerings to the LORD must be perfect in Deut 17 and “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT…” is described in Rev 17 for a reason. The Roman number of ill omen is 17 and the Scapegoat for Rev 17 is the Roman Catholic Church, like America and Palestine they are about to be destroyed in preparation for the coming false Messiah. The number 17 is called the “Admirable Sacrament”. “And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire and used divination and enchantments and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger” 2 Ki 17:17 Amurru Khan (American) is the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd about to be Admirably Sacrificed. MH-17: M=13 H=8 (He is Jesus’ title meaning “God is with me”; Abram becomes Abraham; Sarai becomes Sarah. 13/8=Phi “Ratio of Life”. Life through an Admirable Sacrament making sense now? Now how does the Edomite Malaysia MH-17 look?
The NSA is the new Temple of Set
Osiris was martyred by Set and set adrift on 17 Athyr; Egyptians believed the date aligns with the 17th day of the 2nd Month when Noah’s Ark was set adrift. In Tarot, Card #17 “Star” refers to Chaldean STUR aka Six Pointed Star of Molech, Chiun, Ashtaroth, Milcom, and Chemosh. that Star on the flag of Israel is not Jewish in the slightest. Temple of Set founder NSA Gen Michael Aquino making sense now? NSA Spy Facility in the Beehive State aka Zion making sense now? Bee in Chaldee means Word. I know, I know, Sun of a Beech! Folks, we’ve been Stung by WASPS (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) and BEES; now get out from under the Beech Tree and believe the Word God wrote 6000 years ago!
There is absolutely no possible way Cargo Handlers at Amsterdam Airport could or would load corpses and blood packets onto a Civilian Airliner.
Pilots would not fly an aircraft with that type of cargo; ICAO and IATA do not allow that type of cargo on board. MH-17 could not have been a regular Commercial Flight which is why MH-17 was cancelled on 7/17. Odd? Flt 11 was not scheduled to fly on 9/11/2001 and look what happened.
US-NATO Electronic Warfare Exercise SEA BREEZE 2014 culminated July 17; A US Spy Satellite was part of the exercise and over Donetsk during the incident.
MH-17 diverted from its flight planned route and ordered to descend from 35,000 to 33,000ft; a Ukraine Su-25 fighter flew 1-2 miles behind MH-17 at 33,000 ft armed with R-60 Air to Air missiles. The flight track abruptly turns left 1800 and slows. Witnesses and video footage shows MH-17 descending with Rt Engine Fire consistent with this type of attack. Kiev officials stated “No military aircraft were in the region”
If the Rt Engine caught fire, without doubt, the pilots would have sent a Distress Call over voice, transponder, ACARS and FMC (Flight Management Computer). One does not “Confiscate” all this information. Where is it?
British investigator Stewart John “Everything on the Black Boxes is absolutely useless”; like the Engine Data constantly streaming to Rolls Royce in Britain; which also happened during MH-370? Why are NATO countries Britain (CVR, FDR) and Netherlands (Bodies) in charge of forensic evidence; Warren Commission and 9/11 Commission may ring a Baal here.
Ukraine Security Services and the US CIA occupy the same building and floor in Kiev. Hello!
Did Russia do it? Did Kiev-US-NATO do it? Yes and Yes. Russia sends arms to “Rebels” (ref Russian ships Mol Comfort and Nour M) as does the US. Saudi Arabia finances “Rebels” and Moscow trains their military brass. The US supplies weapons (Saddam Hussein’s US-NATO made WMD’s transferred in 2003) to the Assad regime in Damascus and to “Mercenaries” now re-named “Friends of Syria” aka ISIS, al-Qaeda.
The Trojan Horse was not loaded with soldiers; it was loaded with decaying corpses and brought voluntarily into the walls of Troy; the resulting destruction of Troy is legendary. MH-17 may be the modern day Trojan Horse and the Death Train.
On the 70th anniversary of the “Bretton Woods” Gold Agreement, BRICS formed a New World Order Bank, Israel invaded Gaza and MH-17 stole the headlines. MH-17 will force airliners to install “Flight Guard” @ $1M/commercial jet X 10,000 Jets; Chaff, Flares, ECM work on unsophisticated IR missiles, not on Radar guided missiles like Buc. $50,000 Cockpit Doors from 9/11; $70,000 Fuel Pumps from TWA-800 seem like chump change. Money shines through as a prime motivator. A 17 yr old to the day B-777 allegedly crashes with a cargo hold full of decomposing corpses and blood samples with 108 epidemiologists, AIDS, Influenza and WHO Ebola Bio-weapon Virologist Stephen Becker heading for a UN AIDS Conference in Oz. The incident even matches the script for the 2012 season opener of the BBC series Sherlock “A scandal in Belgravia” Who could think of loading dead corpses onto an airliner to create “Order out of Chaos” ? WHO is the UN; WHO Director Margaret Chan works for Order of the British (B’Rith=Birthright=Cain-Ishmael-Esau) Empire head Prince Phillip; his stated desire is to be re-incarnated as a “Killer Virus”. The number 17 is the number of ill omen for Italy called the “Admirable Sacrament”. What’s the big plan?
MH17 bodies ‘DRAINED OF BLOOD’ were recovered by Ukraine soldiers at crash site described as “not fresh”.
So, basically the gist of MH-17 is MH-370 flew to Diego Garcia Airbase during a US-Malaysia Radar Exercise and was later transported to Schipol Airport in Amsterdam. MH-17 was cancelled and replaced with the MH-370 aircraft and remotely flown over the Donetsk War Zone to be shot down by a Russian SU-25 during a NATO Exercise. On board were several dozen blood drained corpses likely passengers from MH-370.
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