Adobe Caught Selling AI-Generated Images of Israel-Palestine Violence; They are all ACTORS!
Nov 4, 7:51 PM
Howard (Guest): Erdogan ‘wants to lead Muslim world against Israel’ as Turkey ‘angry’ over Gaza attacks; Erdogan is JEWISH!
Hezbollah Ḥizbu ‘llāh,lit. ‘Party of Allah’ or ‘Party of God’Arabic al-Ilāh, “the God.” il, el, or eloah,supreme god of the ancient Canaanite religion ‘Ēl qōne ‘arṣ (Punic: ?? ?? ??? ʾl qn ʾrṣ) meaning “ʼĒl creator of Earth”;El is ?
x, Bull=Molech=Satan HAMAS H2555 violence (39x), violent (7x),cruelty (4x), wrong (3x), false (2x),cruel (1x), damage (1x), injustice (1x),oppressor (with H376) (1x),unrighteous (1x).
Terrorists Blow-Up PAKISTAN Air Base! 40 Fighter Jets Burning; The Taliban-Linked Terrorist Group “Tehreek-e Jihad” (TTP) Snuck into the Base using Ladders AND has just claimed Responsibility for Mianwali Air Force Base; BS!
Honduras RECALLS Ambassador from Israel
Congressman Zinke Introduces Bill to EXPEL Palestinians from US based on National Origin; the PLO and Israel are led by 33deg Luciferian Freemasons
Tunisia to criminalize normalization of ties with Israel;George=Earth + Lucas=Light Bringer.Satan is cast to Earth at Rev 9:11 Nov=9th Month; Luke Skywalker “The Force”UA #93 Thelemites and Witches greet each other with “93”, short for “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law”;“93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”.93 the number of the demon Aiwass “The Force be with you” another familiar greeting among witches seen in Star Wars. Aleister (Great Beast)Crowley’s Thelema (Will) + Agape (Love)=93. 93 is the gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry known only to Temple Architect Hiram Abiff, a Phoenician, just like Tunisia, a Phoenician outpost
93 is the gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry known only to Temple Architect Hiram Abiff, a Phoenician, just like Tunisia, a Phoenician outpost At its core lies the Medina “The City”, a World Heritage Site. Medina TX will see the X made by the Solar Eclipse
Tukish President Says No More Talks with Israel’s Netanyahu;Jewish mother and Greek Orthodox father raised Muslim. 33Deg Freemason Netanyahu is also “Jewish” Donmeh=Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who converted outwardly to Islam, but retained their Jewish faith and Kabbalistic beliefs in secret “Children of Moses” Rabbis: Chaldean-Jewish “Rba” and Sabean-Arab “Rba”are the same!
13th and final Crescent installed on the Grand Mosque;Ramadan ends April 8, 2024
Next few years will determine future world order – Biden;“The world indeed needs a new world order, based on absolutely new principles,”
The death toll is 137 after a 6.4-magnitude quake struck Himalayas; Mt Everest “Chumolongmo”(Earth Mother) is named after Naamah,Noah’s wife whose incest with Ham brought the Curse to Canaan aka Sargon the Great. Ishmael died at 137.1/137=.007=Alpha, the Fine Structure.“ 137 is all about making a connection between an unseen force and a seen force.“
CNN noted a 卍 was put on the Synagogue for Kristallnacht November 9–10, 1938; the Rabbi knew that means “Good Luck” in Hinduism and Buddhism. 卐 is the NAZI SymbolGerman of “Aryan” past, adopted the swastika as a symbol. Why? Because Japheth-Gomer (Germany)–Ashkenaz
WHO Publishes Latest Draft of Pandemic Treaty To Combat “Misinformation” to be formalized Nov 6-10 San Francisco; “develop and strengthen pandemic prevention and public health surveillance capacities.”
Biden Deploys Bulldozer To Lift Border Fence, Letting Illegals In at Eagle Pass TX; Eagle=Nisroch=Satan
Antisemitism hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews. This sentiment is a form of racism. 2 Kings 16:6 Jews are Edomites,2 King 17:30 Canaanites, Phoenicians,Babylonians. Akkadians, Phoenicians,Hebrews, and Arabs. Jews and Arabs.The name comes via Latin from Greek Sēm ‘Shem’. Race is a contest of speed
Moon magic: Saudis can view partial lunar eclipse on Saturday (Saturn’s Day) night for 77 mins; Venus 77 orbited overhead on 9/11, Flt #77 hit the Pentagon on the 77th meridian NOT! HWY 77 Georgia Guide Stones calls for 500K living in harmony with nature;CVN 77 GHW “Magog” Bush (his nickname was “Poppy” or “Wizard” after the Wizard of Oz; Liber 77: Book of the Goat, and his 77 Goat Hat) is underway to WWIII; Dan 7:7 is Antichrist. GW “Gog” Bush was known as “Bandar Bush” after Saudi Prince Bandar On 1/8/8 he was given Megillat Bush proclaiming him “Gog the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” in Zedekiah’s Cave under the Temple Mount
American Christians, “We are all Palestinians”: Palestinian derives from the Philistines, a people who were not indigenous to Canaan but who had gained control of the coastal plains of what are now Israel and Gaza.“Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre” Ps 83:7 This is a Confederation=Against God; Christian Priests wear the Mitre of Dagan; they Baptize us with water and celebrate Easter and Christmas. I suppose its true! JESUS baptizes with Fire the Holy Ghost.
We both men and women are individually the bride of JESUS through the Holy Ghost; nothing can take that away. We are Peleg “Division” JESUS is the Division, and we are Guilty of Sin. For others who have not accepted the gift of Grace remain Guilty of Sin. God made Male and Female and called their name Adam “son of the red Earth.“
Jesuit Anthony Fauci “Sickle” receives the The Inamori Ethics Prize has been awarded to leaders whose actions and influence have greatly improved the condition of humankind since 2008.Ethics Prize after the $2M Dan David Prize has been awarded to leaders whose actions and influence have greatly AFFECTED the condition of humankind since 2008.
Will Israel Use Nuclear Weapons Against Iran And Hezbollah?NO NUCS! They’re both Jews!Chaldean “Rba” or Sabean “Rba” are both Rabbis!
Jews Fear World War 3 Will Be Blamed On Them; Jews=Edomites 2 Kings 16:6
ISRAEL HAS BEGUN GAZA GROUND INVASION; “Israel has agreed to delay its invasion until more U.S. forces are in-place.“
U.S. Military Bases in Syria Under Attack; US base in Al-Shaddadi, Syria. Al-Shaddai=Satan;Syria=Aram “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?“ Matt 27:46 Jesus said this in Aramaic, the only Aramaic statement is the Bible!
IT’S A NEAR-CERTAINTY THAT AI WILL CAUSE A FINANCIAL CRASH; SEC head Jew Gary Gensler told the Financial Times that it’s “nearly unavoidable”; there is no AI Jews will collapse the Economy
‘I actually had a conversation with Dad’: The people using AI to bring back dead relatives; no Soul or Holy Ghost?
Crisis could spark WW3 The Chinese military has deployed its 44th naval escort task force to the Middle East amid rising tensions in Israel over concerns of WWIII; Liber 44:Mass of the Phoenix; The Mass was first printed as Chapter 44 in Crowley’s The Book of Lies
John Kerry: ‘We Must Sacrifice Billions Of Humans To Save Planet Earth’; Kerry=Kohen “Priest of Cain”
‘We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win’: Biden delivers Oval Office address where he connects conflicts in Israel and Ukraine and asks Congress for $100B to fund war effort; ISRAEL CREATED HAMAS; White House was lit in Red=Edom; Hunt for Red October was about The October Revolution, commonly referred to as Red October, the October Uprising, or the Bolshevik Revolution, was a seizure of state power instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917. It took place with an armed insurrection in Petrograd on October 25, 1917.
Greek Orthodox Church of St. Porphyrios in Gaza Bombed TWICE! His parents named him Malkos or Malchus (cf. Old Aramaic malkā ‘king’) though he changed it into the name “Basileus” (cf. Ancient Greek βασιλεύς basileús ‘king’), and into his nickname “Porphyrius” (cf. Ancient Greek πορφύριος porphúrios ‘clad in purple’)later in his life. He was Phoenician Devil Comet explodes and heads for Earth by Passover 2024; 2 Horns look like the Star Wars Millennium (Falcon=New Aeon of Horus). The Horns are 7000X (No Millennium) wider than the Comet;one of 20 Comics with active Ice Volcanoes (ICE Volcanoes?) Dan 8 Little Horn “
cast some of the stars to the ground”
Israel NOT responsible for 500+ DEAD at their OWN hospital destruction; aircraft heard overhead dropping a gravity bomb must have been from HAMAS! BS! Israel bombed Palestinian children who assumed a HOSPITAL would be SAFE! It was fake!
GAZA installed de-salination plants, and numerous . . .get this . . . solar-powered private wells!When the water mains were turned off,Israel had only been supplying about six percent (6%) of Gaza water. Israel and Hamas are working together
Chaos Coordinator: Guy Golan Bashan; Jesus performed “the miracle of the Swine”; goły ‘naked bare or bald’; “something surrounded, hence a district”; Passage, revolution World War 3 would not begin in one region, but in four, Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and South Africa.
You can’t go to war with China until Taiwan
You can’t go to war with Russia until Ukraine
You can’t go to war with Iran (Turkey)until Israel
We can’t go to war with the people to subdue them until we are all IN the war
Samples of asteroid Bennu delivered by the OSIRIS-REx mission include carbon, water and other ingredients of the primordial Solar System. Clay minerals with water trapped inside their crystal structure,bright and dark dust grains that look like flecks of salt and pepper, and sulfur-rich minerals like those that might have played a key part in planetary evolution.BS! The Big Bang couldn’t have created anything heavier the Helium
“Jews” are not Semitic; they are Gomer-Ashkenazi; Sephardic (Arab-Sabean); Mizrahi (Mizraim Egyptian;Oriental=East). Canaanite (Cain),Ishmaelites, Edomites, Amalekites,Phoenicians, Babylonians, Medeans.Rabbis are Chaldean “Rba” (Jewish;Chesed Gen 22:22) and Sabean “Rba”;Saba=Sunrise=Christmas-Easter; Arab.
NATO Web Site Op-Ed Calls for Nuclear War Preparation;there are no NUCS; Scalar EM Weapons can do everything without Radiation and total anonymous delivery; Konn-Torrs (Canaanite Priests-of the Torroid)were around in the pre-flood, and after the flood, the Pyramids are visible reminders, undersea moments/pyramids/mirrors are all over the world
The Constitution does not explicitly state that the speaker must be an incumbent member of the House, it is arguably possible for a non-member to be elected. In the past,representatives have voted for someone who was not then a member of the House
END TIMES MILESTONE: Alien Disclosure” & First Contact Much Closer Than You Think;THERE ARE NO ALIENS! Explorer 1 received 2500X lethal radiation; 1000-40,000 miles from earth nothing living can survive; “Earth is in a fixed central position in the universe but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoid at all cost”– Edwin Hubble, the mouthpiece of Jesuit Georges LeMaitre
The Israelites, the Kohanim, and the Leviim, and all the other exiles celebrated the dedication of the House of Hashem with joy. Ezra 6:16 Kohanim (Cohen) are not Priests or in the bible; religion of Phoenicia, the word for priest was khn (???) Arabic word كاهن (kāhin) means either “priest”or “soothsayer” Oops!
Arab-Israeli Peace:Israeli minister reads Torah scroll in Saudi Arabia; Shariah Law and Noahide Law are the same! Rabbis: Chaldean-Jewish “Rba” and Sabean-Arab “Rba”are the same! The anniversary of the Birthday of Muhammad and Jesus are also the same! Saudi Arabia could wind up replacing Jordan as the custodian of the Temple Mount as part of a potential Saudi/Israel peace deal.
99 of the 137 cardinals who are currently eligible to elect the next pope have now been appointed by Francis, who is 86 years old; Abraham was 86 when Ismael was born and was 99 when Isaac born; he was 13 (number of Rebellion) Years old when Circumcised. Maxwell Smart Agent 86,Female Agent 99 Control. Ishmael was 137 when he died; 1/137=.007 “License to Kill” James Bond “restraining or uniting force.“ James said “Swear Not”;33rd Prime Number, The odds material will absorb a Photon, thus Perfect Black
Joe Biden Admits he Might Die Soon; Thats NOT Joe Biden! Kamal “Perfect” Aroush “Angel from Heaven” IS A MAN, a Phoenician “Synagogue of Libertines” (Men of Cyrene=Cyrah, meaning “throne”=Isis or “sun.“; Acts 6:9) British Citizen; a Q-D-S “Holy” Prostitute just like Cleopatra “glory of the father”
Lev 16:9 “And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the LORD and the other lot for Azazel” ESV “Then Aaron shall cast lots for the two goats: one lot for the LORD and the other lot for the scapegoat.“KJV Azazel: ‘ăzaz (“to be strong”) and ’ēl (“God”); ancient desert goat-demon; entire removal; Azazel is a synonym for the word Hell; “The Beast” or as “The Dragon”; the seducer of men and women, and leader of the rebellious hosts; Satan. Scapegoat: “goat sent into the wilderness on the Day of Atonement as a symbolic bearer of the sins of the people”. “And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree” Deut 21:23 Jesus was Crucified; the Temple Veil was torn top to bottom; 50 Days later the Holy Ghost descended; 1 Jn 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.“ JESUS is the Holy Ghost!
Sept 24, 2023 “Kol Nidre-Yom Kippur” Osiris-REX is now Osiris-APEX (“point, tip, summit”) and arrives at Apophis óphis, “snake”;Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder, and was thus the opponent of light. He appears as a giant serpent; and the Hyksos ( Foreign Shepherd King) Apophis; arrival April 8,2029 the day after Passover.
Apocalypse apokalýptein “to take the cover off; remove the veil” is NOT in the bible! The Temple Veil was torn top to bottom, and the Holy Ghost was delivered 50 Days after. Revelation revelacioun, “disclosure of information or knowledge to man by divine agency” the divine agency is JESUS.
9 out of 10 Rabbis agree Erasing Amalek is mandated is why He said “Call no man Rabbi” Mat 23:8 Rabbis ARE Amalek! “People who lick blood” 2 Ki 17:30 Canaanites married Ishmael and Esau, giving birth to Amalek “God shall have war with Amalek from generation to generation”Ex 17:16 Esau sold his Birthright and was renamed Edom “Red”=Adam before God breathed life into him
UN member nations,including the United States, have confirmed that they intend to sign the “Global Pandemic Treaty” in 2024. Once signed, sovereign countries will surrender authority to the WHO in the event of a pandemic or other international “emergency” such as “global boiling.” Under the treaty, the WHO will be authorized to declare a global “emergency” and enforce measures to respond to it. Joe Biden is planning to sign the agreement without congressional approval. THATS NOT JOE BIDEN!
“GatGPT” is Rosicrucian “God has given America to be free” Comte de St Germain The Ram’s Horn is blown at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 2 reasons to blow the Ram’s Horn; #1 Freedom from God #2 War against God
India sends a cartoon capsule to the Moon Thru the Radiation Belts for a Vikram “step or stride” of Vishnu, is the Sanskrit word for “wisdom” BlackRock Jew Larry Fink owners of Biden-Harris and everything else. Jew Blackstone Skull&Bones Stephen Schwarzman KL-03 Hardware Chip in everything you use eg Fuel,Banks, Transportation, Hospitals,Heating. It’s not just Jews, the Back Stone in the Kaab’a; why? Shariah and Noahide Law are the same!
Korah is a son of Esau from Ishmael’s daughter Bashemath a daughter of Canaan led a rebellion of 250 community leaders against Moses during the wilderness days of the Exodus (Numbers 16). God judged Korah and his leaders and they all died,but the sons of Korah remained (Numbers 26:9-11). You shall not let your sons marry Canaanite women!Gen 28:6-8 God buried the Korahites alive in the sand! Num 16:32-35; 26:10 The rival priests of Esau (Esau sold his Birthright to Jacob and was renamed Edom “Red” they achieve “
and intend to kill Jacob Gen 27:
Dan 7:
Korah (

and Amalek (
Amalekites are at “
war from generation to generation”
Ex 17:
are Canaanites (
Gen 9:
25 as was Cain Gen 4:
violating God’
s Commandment;
they are the Kohanim “
eg CDC Dir Mandy Cohen blowing the Shofar “
Goat Horn”
at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
They forgive Sins planned IN ADVANCE on Kol Nidre
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever.AmenRom 1:25 #2938. ktisma= created (1), created thing (1)
Creating a Civilian Climate Corps has long been an ask of youth climate groups, including the Sunrise Movement. Climate change is a Lie, the Sun is Created thing, Satan is the Creature
Joe Biden is set to launch a new federal office of “gun violence prevention” Friday in Washington, D.C. as the 38th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference kicks off in Phoenix, Arizona; Washington DC and Phoenix AZ are NOT PART OF THE US! Basque phrase haritz ona ‘the good oak’, as there were numerous Basque sheepherders in the area. Druids “Knowers of the Oaks” Druids hung victims on a cross Esus on the left side
RUSSIA the biggest seaborne exporter of Diesel Fuel HALTS ALL EXPORT OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL expect skyrocketing prices of everything
US Customs and Border Patrol Agents have been caught on video committing what is arguably TREASON by giving aid and comfort to Invaders crossing the U.S. Border illegally. A 100 mile wide Constitution Free Zone surrounds all 50 states F-35-B remotely ejected the pilot and landed in Cuba using the UAC (Uninterruptible Auto-Pilot) and the KL-03 Hardware Chip connected to the Navigation Computer; F-35-B is “the only aircraft where the pilot can be ejected REMOTELY.“ It has to do with the aircraft being “fly-by-wire” with everything controlled by the plane computer. Public news reports are claiming the plane wreckage has been located in South Carolina. The rumors of a Cuba landing are apparently false;
SURE Just like MH-
370 and MH-
Dang transponders!
Even A/
B positions didn’
t work on MH-
370 and the F-
35 and the ELT (
Emer Locator Trans)
and FDR (
Flt Data Recorder)
were apparently turned off;
“The first human patient will soon receive a Neuralink device.This ultimately has the potential to restore full body movement…In the long term, Neuralink hopes to play a role in AI risk civilizational risk reduction by improving human to AI (and human to human) bandwidth by several orders of magnitude… Imagine if Stephen Hawking had had this.”; Stephen ‘wreath, crown’ Hawking ‘Horus’; the first martyr; a team of Jesuits decided what his idiotic computer voice said during 45 years of fake ALS
AG Garland got choked up twice during a House Judiciary hearing Wednesday when talking about his family’s Jewish ancestry; ‘The idea that someone with my family background would discriminate against any religion is so outrageous!‘; Jews are Canaanites, Babylonians, Medeans 2 Ki 17:30 Thats outrageous!
WEF founder Klaus Schwab: ‘My advice is to embrace change’; Hell awaits if you do! Rev 6:8
G77=777 on Rosh Hashanah? 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley; Represent the celestial perfection, 7, on the 3 plans of the manifestation: matter, astral (mental or soul) and spirit
F-35-B remotely ejected the pilot and landed in Cuba using the UAC (Uninterruptible Auto-Pilot) and the KL-03 Hardware Chip connected to the Navigation Computer; F-35-B is “the only aircraft where the pilot can be ejected REMOTELY.“ It has to do with the aircraft being “fly-by-wire” with everything controlled by the plane computer. Public news reports are claiming the plane wreckage has been located in South Carolina. The rumors of a Cuba landing are apparently false;SURE Just like MH-370 and MH-17. Dang transponders!Even A/B positions didn’t work on MH-370 and the F-35
Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets 16-17 Sept Muslim “Rabi” means “spring” and Al-awwal means “the first”; Muhammad was born 12th Rabi ul Awwal (27 Sept) from a father named Abdullah (Servant of Allah) bin Abdul (Servant) Mutalib (Slave Of The One Who Seeks) .and a mother named Aminah (“honest,” “faithful,” and “trustworthy”) bint Wahb (“gift”). Muhammad was born into the most powerful tribe in Mecca, the Quraish, around 570 A.D. Quraish are Korahites! The false priesthood in Moses and Aaron day, God buried the Korahites alive in the sand! Num 16:32-35; 26:10 The AI “Creator” debuts Sept 29: Jesus was born Sept 29, 6BC! “Feast of Tabernacles” Sept 29-Oct 6, 2023.
Messiah was of Ephraim? Jesus was from Judah; Juda is missing the “h” because its a SPIRITUAL Covenant. Ephraim is not “Saved”in Rev 7
Syria is confederate with Ephraim Is 7:2 Ps 83 is confederate against God. The head of Ephraim is Samaria Is 7:8-9 Ephraim shall be broken, that it be not a people
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on 16 September “Rosh Hashanah” that Ankara could “part ways” with the EU; Erdogan is allegedly Jewish, Children of Moses by Ergun Poyraz. Eze 38 says Turkey sides with Rosh (Russia=Jewish), Saudi Arabia (Jewish/Morechai), Persia (Jewish)Libya (Phoenician/Arab) Ethiopia (Cush=Nimrod/Haile Selasi thought he was Jesus?) and “Turkey of the north quarters” (Ukraine etc all Jewish) after the millennium. Babylonians,Phoenicians, Canaanites, Medeans all go by “Jews”
Oracles: orare ‘speak’ “Words of God” is a good translation; so Jesus in an Oracle. Female Sibyls are Oracles, but the opposite and misled the church eg 1 Cor 14:34-35
John 4:13-42 Jesus explained “salvation is of the Jews” He was a “Jew” but the water was SPIRITUAL; the woman “I have no husband” yet she had 5; He needed to be her husband; “Messias cometh”; He said “I am he”––she had no idea!
1 Pet 4:11 Jesus has “dominion for ever and ever” Gen 27:40KJV Esau will gain “dominion” (Sovereigh authority to rule) but when he does in Dan 7:6 Esau gives it away to Satan Dan 7:9-14 “Son of man” is Jesus,Ancient of Days is also JESUS given “Everlasting Dominion”
“...seventh angel when shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...Give him the little book...and eat it up...“ Rev 10:7 Rev 11:15-19 ; Ex 25:16 “...the kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ...“ 1 Thess 4:14-17 “...Lord shall descend himself...with the Trump of God...“ 1 Cor 15:51-56 “...I will show you a the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound...Death is swelled up in victory...“Rev 6:5-8;12;17 “...a pair of balances is in his hand...a pale horse...Death and Hell followed...heaven departed as scroll” It may be a moot point but Jesus comes once with the wrath of the Lamb...For the great day of his wrath is come” Are you going to hear the Trumpet? The 8th “Great Day” of Feast of Tabernacles is the Day Jesus returns
WWIII “ render adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.“ 33deg Mason Albert Pike;pic “sharp point or spike, pike,pitchfork” a Trident. MH-370 disappeared during AWAC’S Exercise Rapid Trident
KL-03 RF Hardware Microchip and biological material transferred from the Maersk Alabama after 2 Trident Security guards were (Allegedly) killed after Tom Hanks starred in Captain Phillips about the Maersk Alabama. MH-17 was (allegedly) shot down during NATO Rapid Trident Exercise. Spears of Victory Exercise 2023
Another Birthday=Christmas? Octavia=8th Spencer: dispensa, dispensator and dispensarius – ‘steward’, of the 8th Dispensation/Contract. Apple: cut vertical Heart (fake); Horizontally 5 Pt Star: Earth, Air,Fire, Water + Quintessence. Kamal
erfect Gopalan is a Brahmin, the top Caste; One of many names of Krishna,black or dark, with a Sapphire Luster.The “Black Star” appears with the Visible Sun on Dec 25 “Christmas”; the Sapphire the stone cut from Lucifer’s Crown (allegedly); the 8th avatar of Vishnu, the Supreme God; Protector of Cows=
Hathor “
mansion of Horus,
the house above.
Anti-Jewish unrest ahead of Rosh Hashanah “They are calling for the demolition of our blessed Al-Aqsa mosque at the beginning of a new Hebrew year. You want to start a new Hebrew year by violating the sanctity of our blessed Al-Aqsa mosque?”; Muslims and “Jews”Chaldean-Sabean “Rba” are the same!Rosh Hashanah, meaning “the beginning of the year,“ appears only in Eze 40:1 AFTER THE MILLENNIUM! Rosh does NOT appear in scripture; Rhos the Scythian Tauri in Crimea; Tauri is Star Name of Aldebaran “The Follower”, the fiery eye of the bull in the constellation Taurus the “Bull’s Eye”; ‘ālep̱, literally ‘ox’, aleph is one, G-D,YHWH. Aldebaran – the fiery eye of the bull in the constellation Taurus the “Bull’s Eye”; ‘ālep̱, literally ‘ox’, aleph is one, G-D, YHWH.Aldebaran – the fiery eye of the bull in the constellation Taurus the “Bull’s Eye”; ‘ālep̱, literally ‘ox’, aleph is one, G-D, YHWH. It is 44X times the size of the Sun 44 is Mark Twain’s name for Satan, “I am the Life”, Babylonian, phoenix,and blood= 44.
The Creator Sept 29:Jesus was born Sept 29, 6BC! As a future war between the human race and artificial intelligence rages on, ex-special forces agent Joshua is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI (19). Sariah Law (Arab/Muslim) and Noahide Law (Jews and Christian) require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only way to have Sins forgiven! The Creator has developed a mysterious weapon that has the power to end the war and all of mankind.
As Joshua (
and his team of El-
ite operatives venture into enemy-
occupied territory,
they soon discover the world-
ending weapon is AI in the form of a young child.
Anti-Jewish unrest ahead of Rosh Hashanah “They are calling for the demolition of our blessed Al-Aqsa mosque at the beginning of a new Hebrew year. You want to start a new Hebrew year by violating the sanctity of our blessed Al-Aqsa mosque?”; Muslims and “Jews”Chaldean-Sabean “Rba” are the same!Rosh Hashanah, meaning “the beginning of the year,“ appears only in Eze 40:1 AFTER THE MILLENNIUM! Rosh does NOT appear in scripture; Rhos the Scythian Tauri in Crimea; Tauri is Star Name of Aldebaran – the fiery eye of the bull in the constellation Taurus the “Bull’s Eye”; ‘ālep̱, literally ‘ox’, aleph is one, G-D, YHWH.
“The once-Christian West is now the most anti-Christian part of the planet.”; Christians are “Warriors of the Cross”; Jesus was hung of a Tree
Crossdresser non US citizen Kamal “Perfection” Aroush “Angel from Heaven” Arrives At Ground Zero On 9/11 To Give Speech About January 6
9/11-level attack on 9/11/23 in Libya with “10,000 feared dead” from Floods; Gaddafi was an Arab Berber. Earthquake in Morocco kills 2500 on 9/11; Andre Zoulay is an Arab Berber “Barbarian”. Rev 9:11 “Apollyon” the Angel of the Bottomless Pit is Satan. Apollyon/Abaddon is Satan.Abys “Bottomless Pit” is Fauci’s mothers name. Kamal “Perfection”Aroush “Angel from Heaven” is from Libya
Jew Victoria Nuland labeled Russia’s Crimea region as a legitimate target for Ukrainian strikes;Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman aka Vilna Gaon “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard,” the Vilna Gaon told his followers just before his death in 1797.“And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off,because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.” Crimea is the home of exiled Sarmation “Priest Kings”; Sargon III will be Antichrist.
Ukraine Draft Extradition Notices: Ukrainians anywhere in the world have been sent letters from the Ukraine government telling them they must come home to be Drafted and go fight in the war. They failed to come home and failed to respond, so Ukraine has issued criminal warrants for them.
370 found by Ocean Infinity Oliver Plunkett is the Group CEO at Ocean Infinity.
He also serves as the mentor of Oliver Plunkett is the Group CEO at Ocean Infinity.
He also serves as the mentor of Creative Destruction Labs.
CDL’s mission is to enhance the commercialization of science for the betterment of humankind.
Science is Chaldean language,
vain profane babblings”
Dan 1:
1 Tim 6:
Ukraine Extradition Notices: Ukrainians anywhere in the world have been sent letters from the Ukraine government telling them they must come home to be Drafted and go fight in the war. They failed to come home and failed to respond, so Ukraine has issued criminal warrants for them.
The Creator Sept 29:Jesus was born Sept 29, 6BC As a future war between the human race and artificial intelligence rages on, ex-special forces agent Joshua is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI (19) The Creator has developed a mysterious weapon that has the power to end the war and all of mankind. As Joshua and his team of elite operatives venture into enemy-occupied territory, they soon discover the world-ending weapon is AI in the form of a young child
Edom is “at war with Amalek from generation to generation” Ex 17:15-16 This sentence ; should be “And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi: For he said,Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.“ Ex 17:16KJV Edom” grandson is Amalek, and they will have war from generation to generation. The Holy Ghost is the “generation”, it will end with the “Strong Delusion” 2 Thess 2:11
Category 4 and Strengthening: Hurricane Lee DOUBLES Wind Speed in One Day.Green Comet Nishimura “Western Village” makes its closest approach to the Sun 9/17 Rosh Hashanah Sept 15 ends Sun Sept 17 Biden sent FEMA’s Disaster Coord to Maui before the fires started; FEMA was in NYC before the Twin Towers were hit, and in Miami before the Haiti earthquake hit. They said their #1 concern was a Terrorist Attack, #2 a Hurricane in New Orleans; #3 Earthquake is Los Angeles “Build Back Better”
Israel is Apartheid “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state” and has since the Arab-Israeli War of 1967. Israeli authorities claim that its Jewish and Arab populations enjoy equal rights. Sariah Law (Muslim) and Noahide Law (Jews)THERE THE SAME! Jews: Babylonian,Canaanite, Phoenician; Yahweh, YHWH,G-D. Arabs: Medean (Iranian) Allah.Both require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the Sin is Unforgivable! The Black Horse Rider carries 2 Balances!
Samara is a female given name. It is of Arabic and Hebrew origin,and its meaning is “guardian” or “protected by God” Samaria is a girl’s name of Hebrew origin. Meaning “watch tower”. King Omri (ruled 880s–870s BCE) purchased the hill in order to build his new capital city (1 Kings 16:24).King Omri the father of Ahab (ruled 880s–870s BCE) purchased the hill of Samaria of Shemer “Guardian, thorn” in order to build his new capital city (1 Kings 16:24). Omri and Ahab did more evil than anyone else
Arizona Lawmaker Says Free Speech is “VERY DANGEROUS” During Committee Hearing on Protecting Free Speech; the 1st Amendment which he swore to uphold is out, so whom does he work for? sent FEMA’s Disaster Coord to Maui before the fires started; FEMA was in NYC before the Twin Towers were hit, and in Miami before the Haiti earthquake hit. They said their #1 concern was a Terrorist Attack, #2 a Hurricane in New Orleans; #3 Earthquake is Los Angeles
Rabbi Don Isaac Abravanel
Ab (“father”) rabban (“priest”) el (“of God”) , the leader of Spanish Jewry at the time of the 1492 expulsion; a Rabbi, Chaldean-Sabian “Rba” in public; a Satanist in private;
Jews of the Spanish Rite are Sepharvaim; The Sepharvites were particularly vile, and sacrificed their children by burning them to their deities
Adrammelech and
Anammelech (2 Kings 17:31)
“But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice, you don’t have a choice,” Bill Gates in regards to the mRNA vaccine. It’s not a Vaccine and you do have a choice; the Rider of the Black Horse carries 2 Balances!
The Dead Sea Scrolls were written with CarbOn Black including 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll Jesus is Melchisedek “King of Jerusalem”and “Priest of the Most High”
It’s the start of the Great Trib. Matt eg 24:15-16;21-22;29 31/2 Years begins at Passover (Ram’s Horn) and end at Feast of Tabernacles Matt 24:31 “Sound of a Trumpet” (Ingathering), Silver, not a Ram’s Horn. Zec 14:16;18. The Bodily Translation occurs at the Last Trump, the 7th Matt 24:40-41;41 “an hour”; 5months first Woe !, 1year, 1 mo second Woe !, 1 week (2 Witnesses killed mid-week, and rise 3 days later), 1 Hour of Wrath 3rd Woe ! 7th Trumpet, 1 Day Jesus return in Glory; the Millennium begins at Feast of Tabernacles
Penis Covid=
DIVOC variant is rapidly spreading
disaster-stricken Earth to safety on a planet called DIVOC-91, and must navigate the new normal of life far from home.DIVOC “Possession by an evil spirit”; in English DYBBUK “Evil Spirit, or Soul of a deceased person.. Demon in possession of a Host”; Dybbuk also means “To Cling; Adhere”; Covid experimental injections cling to Neurons becoming a Neural Interface which suppress and/or alter VMAT Genes “God Genes”
Mel Gibson and Jesuit Jim Caviezel, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST 2: Resurrection; Jesus is in Hell between His Crucifixion and Resurrection; NO! Hell is not a place, it’s after Death (of the person) Hell “to cover, conceal, save”. The traditional language of the Apostles’ Creed affirms that Jesus “descended into hell”; the Apostles had no such Creed! “I believe”doesn’t cut it
Cement Batteries: Powdered carbon known as carbon black Cheap and globally abundant, highly conductive, a common addition to cathodes and anodes and is considered a replacement to lithium metal in lithium-ion batteries. The Phoenician Fish=E153 is a carbon black additive in Europe (Europa rides the Beast Zeus) and 153 Fish caught on right side of the boat=REBEKKA (Isaac and Esau) The word “beasts”, “darkness” appears 153 times in the King James Bible; “Word of the Lord”, ANTECHRIST (antichrist), DIVINATION, COMPUTERS = “SANG + LARME” (blood + tear) = 153.=contact. PI= P(80) + I(73) = 153. Rev 22/7=Pi “Behold, I come quickly….”
Holy Ghost versus Holy Spirit: “gast”, German word “geist.” “aghast” which means “to be terrified,shocked, or rendered breathless.” The baptism of the Holy Ghost unmistakable and vastly different from Priest administered Water Baptism! The German word “Zeitgeist” directly means “the spirit of times.” “spirit” was used when pertaining to the departed essence of a person or a paranormal demonic apparition. Holy Ghost is used in the KJV a reason
Holy Ghost is removed from New Bible versions and changed to Holy Spirit eg Mat 1:18; 20.Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin because JESUS is the Holy Ghost, not so with the Holy Spirit. Holy Ghost is a proper noun, the Name of God and living essence of God “Jesus”; not so with Holy Spirit. In Lk 11:13 Holy Spirit was asked for by a Gnostic? before the Crucifixion, he did this as Jesus left. The Holy Ghost hadn’t even been provided yet; it became available 50 days after Pentecost to everyone who asks.G4151Pneuma is used interchangeably for Spirit and Ghost; that is an obvious error. Authors of all new bible versions are committing the Unforgivable Sin.
Moderna “one who is up to date” MRNA Stock Symbol; midiur “I judge, estimate” Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a subtype of RNA. An mRNA molecule carries a portion of the DNA code to other parts of the cell for processing. Transhuman ie an Alien,YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. Noubar Afeyan Chair In 2023, Noubar has called on US politicians and judges to stop questioning established science and over-ruling regulators; Science is Chaldean, Vain, Profane “Unholy,ritually unclean” FDA Emergency Use Authorization ONLY
Russia Announces “SARMAT” ICBM’s Now on Combat Duty”; THERE ARE NO NUCS! Scalar EM Radars. SARMAT=Sargon III=Antichrist; US names SATAN. “...there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows...“ Matt 24:7; Mk 13:8; Lk 21:11
Pentagon to launch ‘one-stop shop’ UFO website so public can see all declassified photos, videos and reports after Congress demanded answers about ‘non human’ aircraft; the Radiation Belts KILL anything living going to or from Earth!
New X Terms of Service Include To Ban Users For “Commercial Inviability”; Commercial: “done for the sake of financial profit” In=“not,opposite of, without” Viable: “capable of life”; Jonathan Greenbatt, Linda Yaccarino are Jewish ie Babylonian,Phoenician, Canaanite, Medean and WEF YGL Grads
Rev 17:1-18 The great whore: Perdition #684 Apoleia cut off, destruction, ruin, loss, perishing; eternal ruin. People that dwell on the earth, the (unsaved ) wonder after the devil, serpent, Satan aka Apollyon “Destroyer” Rev 9:11 Rev 12:12 This is the first of 3 WOES! MYSTERY BABYLON…Is the whole world Gate + Osiris-Horus-KRST-Allah-El “The god”-YHWH “Yahweh” Seat 666 and the 11th Seat in the UN Meditation Room filled. Shariah (Allah) and Noahide Law (Rabbis: Sabean, Chaldean, Babylonian, Phoenician, Medean) receive Debt forgiveness and eternal life (cloning absent the Soul ie people cut off from JESUS). The 8th King The cosmic Christ (KRST) immutable eternity or self-destruction; the final point of the manifestation; the volume of earth is the first cubic (Phylactery) Build Back Better 2 Cubed, = 2 = 2 × 2 x 2, = 8; In Babylon, Egypt, Arabia, the sun, from where the solar disc is decorated of a cross with eight arms; Jaffa Gate, New Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod’s Gate, Lions’ Gate, Golden Gate, Zion or David’s Gate and Dung Gate. The great city is Jerusalem “dwelling of peace”; spiritual homeland of the Jewish people (Noahide and Shariah Law)
In French, “Dieu Un” (God One) gives 88. 88 is the numbered representation of the cross swastika “Good Luck” Symbolically, this cross represents the eternity or the cosmic Christ, and it is allotted to the number 16. August 8, Lahaina’s largest school Lahainaluna High School was closed early because of a power outage caused by strong winds from the incoming Category 4 Hurricane Dora “god’s gift”short for Isadora means “gift of Isis,“ It was 500miles away. 2000+ children are missing in Lahaina; Vaporized or Missing? School started Aug 1. Adrenochrome is highly addictive; it’s chemical symbol form an 8
Build Back Better BBB ➜ bbb ➜ 666 Clinton,
Biden and Josh Green are on board;
543 in Hebrew Gematria,
the Cubes of 5 +
4 +
534 represents new beginnings,
new life,
and new hope Garden of Eden had far more CO2,
Unlimted Free Energy derived to anywhere on Earth and Lifespans approaching 1000yrs.
How is Building Back Better working out?
Homosexual Network, the Lavender Mafia, the Gay Lobby;Lavendar (“to wash”); “prostitute, sodomite, camp follower”; Qadesh “Q-D-Š” “sacred”, “sacred harlot”; a title of El (“THE god”; the sun-god; ILU “Allah”, El is the primeval Saturn, the same as the Chaldean Baal–Bel; thus he is also Saturn; Yahweh) and Asherah (Easter);Baal ruled over Canaan while Yahweh, fatefully, was assigned the land of Israel.Who do you worship?
Cocaine addicted, WEF,Chabad Lubavitch controlled, Jew (Canaanite, Phoenician, Babylonian,Chaldean, Sabaean “Rba” Arab, Medean 2 Ki 17:30), Vladimir “Ruler of the world.” Zelensky “Green” (4th Pale Horseman “Death” Rev 6:8 (He has worn Green Fatigues for 3 years!)/Iron-Clay Toes Dan 2:39/ Iron Beast Dan 7:7 owns luxury homes, purchased with Western Aid money in Fla, Mexico,Ukraine, Crimea, Italy, England
Fauci Declares That ALL Unvaccinated Citizens Must Be Locked Down This Winter and blames the tragedy in Maui on climate change!Fauci=Sickle mothers maiden name Abys the pit the immeasurable depth of Orcus, a very deep gulf or chasm in the lowest parts of the earth used as the common receptacle of the dead and especially as the abode of demons
‘Israel Is a Unicorn’: New York City Mayor Hails Israeli Innovation-NY Mayor Eric Adams (Mayor Eric Adams made history when he appointed the first Chasidic Jew, Joel Eisdorfer, to the role of senior advisor.)Unicorn= ‘single horn’; “... a GOAT had a notable horn between its eyes...and smote the RAM...and out of them came forth a LITTLE HORN Dan 7:5-9
Top Law Schools Promote Ditching the Constitution; the 13th Amendment The Lawyers already ditched the Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime; because we are all Slaves to the City of London Corp
“BRICS” Adds Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia,and UAE; Will Control 80% of Global Oil; except for US oil: Gulf of Mexico,ANWR, and Keystone Pipeline which have several Trillion Bbls with pipelines in place
Erik Hooks was allegedly under arrest on several charges of treason and his 34-page indictment stated that he and his boss,FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell,ordered FEMA agents serving in Maui in the aftermath of the wildfire to refuse survivors access to food, water, and other civilian relief efforts; the arrest of Erik Hooks was based was dated August 5, three days prior to the wildfire,indicating that FEMA allegedly knew about the inferno from before and it was not a “natural” one.
The numerical values of Hebrew word LILE meaning night,GhGB meaning lust, EILL meaning Lucifer, and ILLE meaning to lament,gives each one 75.
We had metal eg on the Ark; why should we expect anything left but rust? We don’t see anything but Clay “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.“ Mat 6:19-21
Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy “wisdom” + “Lord of Hosts” + “Lord Rama”= “dark, black” Harvard-Yale, Jesuit educated George Soros WEF stooge set up by Jesuit educated Don Trump; National Institutes of Health (NIH), centralized COVID-19 patient surveillance database called the “Invisible Soros” nee Jew Schwartz “Black” Gyorgy “Farmer” “I am the only one not bought and paid for” Elephants: A traditional symbol of divinity and royalty except now the Stars are Upside Down like Baphomet, a Red Edomite GOAT
Jew Victoria Nuland “New Land” Nun, also spelled Nu, oldest of the ancient Egyptian gods and father of Re, the sun god. Nun’s name means “primeval waters,” and he represented the waters of chaos out of which Re-Atum began creation. Robert Kagan Skull&Bones Kagan is an occupational surname for a priest, and it comes from the Hebrew word kohen; eg Obama mentor Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan or CDC Dir Mandy Cohen are running this Nation into the Toilet aka Al Qaeda
Humpback chub, a fish so important that Arizona is going to poison the Colorado River; Dump it in the water and you can wave bye-bye to smallmouth bass
By mid-October, mask-wearing will be mandated for pilots,flight staff, passengers, and all airport patrons
Governor of Hawaii 3 Wks ago Passed a LAW Suspending Building in Historic Districts like Lahaina
Hawaii State Government Jew Josh Green, Attempts Information Blackout On Maui Fire –Refuses Media Access
Saudis may Replace Jordan as Custodians of Temple Mount.Dr. Mordechai Kedar Mordecai is of Hebrew origin, meaning “follower of Marduk”; Hebrew qadar, “to become dark,“ Kedar emerges as meaning “dark one.“ In Arabic “Strong”; a name of Lord Shiva aka Apollyon “Destroyer”; Kedar is mentioned in Genesis 25:13 and I Chronicles 1:29 among “the sons of Ishmael”; Muslims believe that Muhammad was the descendant of Ishmael who would establish a great nation; Ishmael the son of Abraham through Hagar (Gal 4:22-30) CERN (
is located was called “Appolliacum” in Roman times,
where a temple existed in honor of Apollyon the destroyer;
Puru “
Cast Lots for Marduk” Marduk is amar-
Utu “
immortal son of Utu”
or “
bull calf of the sun god Utu”
Shamash (
is the center candle of the Hanukah Menorah;
The moon god Nanna (
and his wife Ningal “
Great Queen”
were regarded as his parents,
while his twin sister was Inanna (
The Code of Hammurabi (
Jews are not Semitic,they are Ashkenazi (German),Incestuous (Ham=Black) and Arabic (Sephardic); Canaanite, Babylonian,Medean, Chaldean, Sabean “Rba”Rabbis, Samaritans (Cohen)
“Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.“ Jn 11:11 Jesus is regarded as the Son a ***** writhing in Hell in his own excrement. He is the New Covenant; The New Covenant is solely generated via the Holy Ghost. It is the Unforgivabe Sin for this reason
Maryland Reports First Case in 40 Years of “Locally-Acquired”Malaria; Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. 2 Billion Oxitec GM Aedes Agypti Mosquitos were just released
Gray Fire burns 3,000 acres of Washington State near Spokane killing at least one, as local mayor warns residents: ‘Get out NOW!‘The 2021 Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) is an update to the City’s 2009 Sustainability Action Plan.
X Partners With Israeli Digital ID Company to Verify Users’Identity; X is seemingly working on adding government ID verification with Israeli digital ID company AU10TIX. To verify by ID, users will have to upload a selfie and a photo of their government ID; X is Unknown; Israel is Unknown,Babylonian, Chaldean, Canaanite,Medean
FIRE SALE IN MAUI!Khazarian perps evicting Lahaina survivors from properties that were not even burned
Allod Title looks like Title but it is not! The only Rights we have is a Relationship with JESUS “Alpha”, I AM HE, Melchisedek, Omega through the Holy Ghost.
Flesh eating bacteria in Florida; Save those days were shortened no FLESH should remain...
CHINA’S EVERGRANDE FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY; China’s largest Developer COUNTRY GARDEN expects to file between September 16 and September 22; Rosh Hashanah Sept 16, Yom Kippur Sept 24; Kol Nidre “All Vows” is Sept 23 Chapter 15 is a section in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code that was added in 2005 to provide for cooperation between U.S. courts and foreign courts when foreign bankruptcy proceedings touch upon U.S. financial interests; it will! Biden Admin Preparing to Bring Back FULL Covid Restrictions, Rollout to Begin Mid-September
Gay, TC, Bilderberg, Jew Eric Schmidt to launch AI-science moonshot; Science: Chaldean Vain,Profane babbling Day 1:4; 1 Tim 6:20
The EU is Days Away From Dictating What People Can See Online; Europa the Cretan adulterer with Zeus who gave birth to the Minotaur is on the cover of of the CFR Magazine Gender Minotaur: One sex on top, another on the bottom
Ben-Gvir to blow shofar on Temple Mount on Sept 16 Rosh Hashanah; This is a shofar call to all the nations of the world. Ben-Gvir His father was born in Jerusalem to Iraqi Jewish immigrants. His mother was a Kurdish Jewish immigrant; Jews are not Semitic; they descend from Babylonian,Canaanite, Medeans 2 Ki 17:30
YouTube will no longer host content that: WHO guidelines:Misinforms about prevention techniques or contradicts current health authority guidelines, including inaccuracies regarding the safety or efficacy of approved vaccines.
Why is the Rabbinic law legitimate? It isn’t! Rabbis comes from “Rba” Sabean, Chaldean who follow the teachings of John the Baptist; not JESUS
Russia Publicly Accuses U.S. and Big Pharma of the Deliberate COVID Pandemic to takeover the world; 200 families control over $400 trillion, that own the media outlets and Hollywood, that control the minds of humanity, and that want to decrease the world’s population by 90%.; Putin is a JEW, WEF, Chabad Lubavitch controlled puppet
If (when) a Fourth Mobilization is called, ALL Men (to age 70) Will Go To War; On August 15 “Feast of Lucifer” Volodymyr Zelenski (JEW, WEF, Rabbi controlled) signed laws on the extension of martial law and mobilization in Ukraine for 90 days
AI (19) does not exist! Yet AI is all over the news, and in every classroom. Gen 19 is a warning against Sodom & Gomorrah Rev 19 is the Wedding of the Lamb; Gen 19, Lev 18:22, Judges 19, Rom 1:27, 1 Cor 6:9,Jude 7 etc all preclude entry to Heaven based on these Sins; the same Sins Antichrist “...magnify himself above every god, and speak marvelous things against the God of gods...nor the desire of women” Dan 11:36 Artificial: “a work of art; skill; theory system” “craftsman, artist, master of an art” “made by man”Intelligence: “to understand, comprehend, come to know”; “yadha” is translated as “to know”
Maui is a famous god of the pacific islands, who was very much like Prometheus, since he gave fire to man. In the Masonic Quiz Book Who is Tubal-cain? Ans: Vulcan (Prometheus=Tubal-cain the sister/wife of Namaah +Ham “Black”=Canaan “Cursed”=Amalekites of the Canaanites. The Vulcan 1/2 breed played by Spock (and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn) used the Sign of Shin referencing the 3 Nails used to Crucify Jesus. Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the Sign;Mormon men attaining the Melchisedek Priesthood use “
Sure Sign of the Nail”
Gen 14:
Ps 110,
Heb 7Maui is a famous god of the pacific islands,
who was like Prometheus (
since he gave fire to man;
The statue of Prometheus is at Rockefeller Center.
In Sochi (
is a giant statue of Prometheus breaking free of his chains;
a Pilgrimage Site for Sarmation Priest-
Kings aka Melchisedek.
Sargon III will be Antichrist. Obadiah,
1st Khagan Bek (
is named after Jesus Read the shortest book in the bible Obadiah especially the part “
there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau”
and by extension Amalek.
Medical school professor says trans kids identifying as ‘minotaurs’ are part of ‘gender revolution’; The Minotaur is Cretan Myth (Titus); Taurus (The Bull) was behind the the Sphinx Obelisk when the Flood ended and Canaan was born; he was 21 (the age of accountability)having been born of Naamah; Tubal-cain’s wife/sister and Ham “Black” +2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 Years Pisces to Aquarius + 1656 Years Creation to Flood= 5996 Years. Feast of Tabernacles will be the 6000th and 7000th Year.
Trump Faces 717 Years in Prison; #717 Harmagedón Armageddon.
Scientists discover the mass-less ‘demon particle’ nearly 66 years after it was first predicted – and it could be the ‘holy grail’ of superconductors
Senator from Hawaii Brian Schatz & Governor of Hawaii Josh Green managing the narrative,population control and theft of private property; both are JEWS (Canaanite,Babylonian, Phoenician, Chaldean,Sabean, Medean LIARS!)
North Korea Publicly Declares “Nuclear War is Imminent”Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. Jude 11 NUCS won’t be used; Geo-egineering will be; Taiwan will be next!
Unprecedented levels of aluminum and barium nanodust, primary components in weather modification sky spraying, both of which are incendiary, are fueling the ferocity of the super wildfires. “Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens. It’s near explosive. When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term ‘firenados.’ The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed constantly”
Oliver Anthony new song “Rich men north of Richmond”, “It was like being pushed by the Devil himself”. The first song not recorded on a cell phone rockets to #1 with 5M views, 260,000 followers, aided by Joe Rogan, it beats out Jason Aldean (Maui Police Chief was is Incident Commander is Las Vegas) “I’ve been selling’ my soul, workin’ all day. Overtime hours for Bullshit” Aug 15 is the Feast Day of Lucifer. He sings about his Dogs, but not if he has a wife or kids; the Dog Days of Summer ended Aug 13.Richmond, Virginia served as the capital of the Confederate States; Confederate mens Confederacy against God; think PS 83, an (unlawful) alliance ––confederacy, conspiracy, treason. The Law #1 Love God (Charity) #2 Love your neighbor
Girl named Miriam (Maryām, “bitter”; yeah sure!) older sister of Moses and Aaron, God comes down in a pillar of cloud and rebukes them, emphasizing the supreme prophetic authority of Moses. After God departs, Miriam appears white with a skin disease (tzaraath,traditionally translated as “leprosy”);Gnostic Mandaism regards her as one “priest-kings” of Judea, She creates daily schedule calendar for Third Temple.
In 2020, Saturn came into the sign of Aquarius on December 17th, and will remain so until March 2023 (last 100 years Saturn has never come into any sign on December 17th)Saturnalia Dec 17-23, 2023; The birth of the Arab moon god “Sin” Dec 24 The only Holy Days that will remain is Easter and Christmas. 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah will be killed mid-week “70th Week” Dan 9:23-25; the Solar Solstice Dec 20? and Rise again Dec 23; the Day of Wrath would be Dec 24 The birth of the Arab moon god “Sin” Saturnas Capricornus is the Goat and reason for the Trilothon at Stonehenge; Jesus separates Goats from the Sheep.
CLADE XPandemic Simulation Exercise hosted May 15,2018 at Johns Hopkins. CLADE means “Group of organisms descended from a common ancestor” CAPITALIZED to represent a SPIRITUAL descent; Clade means “Branch”; Julian Huxley coined the term Clade from Cladogenesis, the evolutionary split of a species into 2 distinct species. Coronavirus mRNA and mDNA injections were legally defined by the US Supreme Court in 2012 as splitting the Species into “Human” and “Trans-Human”; the latter having no Rights or Protection under the Law Oct 18,2019
US-Iran deal will fund terrorism; Well said! With what? The release of five U.S. prisoners in exchange for Washington unfreezing billions of dollars in Iranian assets. Why would they do that? Noahide Law is Israeli “Jewish” (Babylonian, Canaanite,Phoenician) Shariah Law is Muslim (Medean Magi; Iran) both require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the Unforgivable Sin which is JESUS
NASA asteroid deflection test accidentally creates a BOULDER SWARM that could impact the Earth with as much energy as the Hiroshima detonation; Hiroshima was NOT an Atomic Detonation; at 6.8Million Miles to Didymous (Dimorphos)? 6.8Kg X 9.8Kg x M/S2=666 Newtons a 33deg Mason There was no detonation!
EPA Authorizes Release of 2 Billion More Oxitec GMO Mosquitoes as Reports of Malaria Surface in States That Already Released Them; CEO is Helen Sabzevar a Persian-Jew and Mystic
The @ADL was founded in 1913 in defense of Leon Frank, a Jewish businessman; Jews are not Semitic, they are Canaanite, Phoenician,Babylonian, Medean
Israeli President Herzog visits Haifa church at center of Jewish-Christian tensions. The Stella Maris church in southwestern Haifa is a Catholic monastery for Discalced Carmelite monks, located on the slopes of Mount Carmel in Haifa. The main church inside the Stella Maris Monastery is said to contain the Cave of Elijah “And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven” 2 King 2:11 Elijah will be one the 2 Witnesses with Enoch. “Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table.” 1 Kings 18:19 1 Kings 18:4;7-8; 22; 40 Obadiah is God ie JESUS and Elijah V Baal’s 450 Prophets including Isaac Herzog! Middle High German title of nobility herzoge ‘duke’ (Old High German herizoho, from heri ‘army’ + ziohan ‘to lead’, ‘general commander’.
EG.5 Eris “Discord,Strife” CDC Dr Mandy Cohen (Samaritan Priest like her husband)WHO Director Marxist non Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Vaccine ready in Sept by Kol Nidre
Mortgages plunged 3.1% in the week ending August 4.Refinance applications also plunged 4%,and worse, the Purchase Index is down 27% from a year earlier.
CDC Director Robert Redfield recently warned that gain-of-function research and bioterrorism will inevitably bring about a future bird (avian) flu pandemic; side-effects include: “holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact” and “seeing,hearing, or feeling things that are not there.” Robert Redfield is Jesuit H Wayne Carver, the Sandy Hook Coroner who disposed of the non-existent bodies
Barbie and Ken each nailed to a pink cross, Baphomet Barbie, Virgin Mary Barbie, Moses Ken with 10 Commandments, Barbie nativity scene,Buddha Ken sitting in a lotus position.
Second “Proxy War”Brewing Between US-Russia: Niger, AFRICA; “Niger has Uranium,Diamonds, Gold, and oil, yet we live like slaves. France out! France has no Gold mines, but has over 2400 TONS of gold in its Bank vault; Niger is right in the path of a proposed new OIL and GAS pipeline; Victoria Nuland was sent to Niger which is now a “No Fly Zone.“
Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost must be a conscious act: to speak reproachfully, rail at, revile, calumniate,blaspheme, to be evil spoken of, reviled,railed at THE HOLY GHOST; JESUS is the Holy Ghost, so it is Rejection of the Holy Ghost. Shariah Law (Muslim/ Allah “The God”=Sin) and Noahide Law (Jewish ie Rejection of Jesus; Talmud;Canaanite)
In Judaism, the Holy Spirit (Hebrew: רוח הקודש, ruach ha-kodesh) refers to the divine force,quality, and influence of God over the universe or over God’s creatures I’d be careful using Holy Spirit New Versions change Ghost to Spirit. Ruach HaKadosh would mean “the spirit of the holy one” (as in a saint). Ruach HaKo’desh means “the holy Spirit,“
Covid’s “Eris” Variant;Eris: Greek goddess of strife and discord. Her Roman equivalent is Discordia. Related to Omicron “Moronic” and Arcturas “Arthur the Once and future king of the Druids”; “artos,“ means “bear.“ + ur “man” Dan 7:5 Bear “Arise, devour much flesh”Arcturas guides the Great Bear,Aquarius into the New Age
“God is concerned for His nation Israel, so much so that He has written His name – YHVH “Yahweh”.Beit El the “House of God”. El Shaddai “The God of the Mountain.” he made it all and owns it all. ʾEl Shaddai=Allāh ʿazza wajal El is the Canaanite god, the husband of the goddess Asherah (Isis)
Jews pray at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square for World Tefillin Day; “But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries (teffilins), and enlarge the borders of their garments” Matt 23:5 “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers,how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matt 23:33 Habima definition, a Hebrew-language theater company,founded in Moscow in 1917: now the national theater of Is=Isis Ra=Egyptian Sun god El=Canaanite god “Satan”.
CDC Confirms “Outbreak” of Dengue Fever in U.S.;spread by Mosquitoes; the ones Oxitec released with Tetracycline On-Off switch?
Typhus in LA “healthcare providers should consider flea-borne typhus in any patient with fever, headache, and rash”; like the Fleas made at Plum Is and sent to Texas which reports the highest numbers of flea-borne typhus cases?
Ukraine Drone Hits Russian Ship, and Explodes the ship;notice its dark, and not moving; I suspect WEF Rabbi controlled Zelensky and Putin, NATO Stoltenberg are inciting war
Electrogenetics Study Finds We Could One Day Control Our Genes With Wearables; a powerful stimulation device, opening a new channel that uses household batteries to control gene expression in cells;suppression of the God Gene was predicted by Rudolf Steiner in 1917
The solar storm pummeled the moon and Mars due to a lack of magnetic fields, which astronomers fear could be deadly for future human exploration; we never went to the MOON, and we sure as Hell aren’t going to MARS
New York Times Defends Marxist (Kill God) Julius Malema Calling for Genocide Against Whites.
What if your Worldcoin digital identity has been lost in some way or shut down by authorities for non-compliance, or otherwise blocked;In Minority Report you get a new iris from your neighborhood surgeon.When your immutable digital identity is locked merchants who won’t take your coins from you without a digital signature announcing your World ID,it’s over for you. No old account. No new account. No soup for you. You just lost your digital personhood.
Omicron is Moronic “Self-deluded jackass” is the latest version going around now, with new updated vaccines, and a new Czar heading the administration; just remember it’s NOT VACCINE! and has not been approved by the FDA. It relieves the Gov’t of any liability
Leprosy cases are surging in Florida, suggesting the chronic infectious disease may have become endemic in the southeastern United States.
Hebrew Media Claims Christians Brought Red Heifer to Israel to Establish Antichrist; “The Antichrist,‘Satan’ one might say, needs to come here and defile the Temple,” “Then the war of Gog and Magog begins, in which two-thirds of the Jews die, and one-third of them convert to Christianity.The world doesn’t exactly last either.You know, such is a biblical disaster.“The temple includes a biblical council (Sanhedrin); Not quite! Gog and Magog is AFTER the 1000 Years. The Temple is not DEFILED by Antichrist, it is his home;JESUS has no part of it, He destroys it.There is no conversion to Christianity by “Jews”; Babylonians, Phoenicians,Canaanites ie Amalekites worship Satan! They WILL NOT CONVERT!Christians “Warriors of the Cross” know that Fighting does no good; Jesus was Crucified of a Tree
New suspension bridge makes Jerusalem holy sites accessible;the valley of Hinnom is the literal name of the biblical Gehenna; Tophet or Topheth (Biblical Hebrew: תֹּפֶת,romanized: Tōp̄eṯ; Greek: Ταφέθ,translit. taphéth; Latin: Topheth) is a location in Jerusalem in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna), where worshipers engaged in a ritual involving “passing a child through the fire”, most likely child sacrifice. Traditionally, the sacrifices have been ascribed to a god named Moloch
Jews pray at Tel Aviv’s Habima Square for World Tefillin Day; “But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries (teffilins), and enlarge the borders of their garments” Matt 23:5 “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers,how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matt 23:33 Habima definition, a Hebrew-language theater company,founded in Moscow in 1917: now the national theater of Is=Isis Ra=Egyptian Sun god El=Canaanite god “Satan”.
“Scientists” say we can’t increase CO2 and continue to feed 8 Billion; Science is Vain (People advocating others need to die) and Profane (not sacred or biblical, godless)babbling (gossip; empty disputing,worthless) 1 Tim 6:20KJV and language of the Chaldeans (Magian or professional astrologer) Dan 1:4KJV
Rabbi Tuly Weisz says Christians and Jews need to come together. “Jews” replaced the northern 10 tribes of Israel 2 Ki 17:30 with Babylonian Radhanites, Phoenicians,and Medeans (Iranians); Rabbis aren’t Semitic, they do not worship Shem’s God and come from Chaldeans-Sabeans “Rba”; they wear the Yarmulke because they Blaspheme the Holy Ghost, the Unforgivable Sin.
Rep Anna Paulina Luna wants to get at the bottom of the UFO intelligence on secret alien ship crash program; “raised as a Ashkenazi Messianic Jew by my father.” She is married to Andrew Gamberzky (Ashkenazi Jew) Rep Matt Gaetz (Ashkenazi Jewish gōd ‘good’; Götz spelled in English is “Goetz”) Rep Jared Moskovitz, an Eastern Ashkenazic Jewish surname. A Germanized form of a Slavic patronymic of the Yiddish personal name Moshe. Everyone involved is Ashkenazi (NOT Semitic)Jewish (Babylonian, Canaanite, Medean, Phoenician)Her grandmother’s maiden name “Luna” which means “moon”; Sabean “Sin”ALIENS ARE A Germanic HOAX!
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra sent a letter to the CEOs of Jewish CEO’S of Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax detailing how, after the transition to commercialization in Late Sept; No Vaccine has FDA Authorization! Kol Nidre Sept 22, 2023 ♍ Virgo (Virgin):August 23–September 22.
Rabbis forgive Sins their congregations PLAN TO COMMIT the day before Yom Kippur “Day of Atonement” Sept 23-24,2023 ♎ Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23, the holiest day of the year in Judaism.
UNESCO designates biblical Jericho as ‘Palestinian Heritage Site’; “Jerusalem is the heart of Israel,and Jericho is on the edge,” Rabbi Sudri said. Jericho’s name contains the word Yareach the Canaanite God of the moon aka Sin
United Nations marked the line of withdrawal with blue barrels—the “Blue Line.” The IDF security barrier does not exactly follow the Blue Line, with the distance between the two being hundreds of feet in some places;Phoenicia V Jerusalem “Spiritually Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8 Great reason for WWIII! Jerusalem is in bondage to Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia;Agar=Hagar=Hagarenes “Arabs”.Jerusalem is above and Free with JESUS! Gal 4:22-26 The only way to get in Covenant with JESUS is the Holy Ghost!
They Cloned Tyrone:
to unravel a sinister plot that upends everything he believes about himself and the world Jul 24,
2023 Foxx allegedly had a Stroke in April They Cloned Tyrone:
to unravel a sinister plot that upends everything he believes about himself and the world Now he’
s back with Black Iris’ as if nothing had happened
The Full Moon on Lugnasaid, Lugh is the Master Craftsman, Lugh “to bind by oath”,portrayed as a warrior, a king, a master craftsman and a savior. Cloning must be a Savior Genesis 3:22 — The New International Version (NIV)22 And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”Genesis 3:22 — King James Bible “Behold, the man is become as one of us,to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever”
We don’t have a choice to make in Elections, the Donkey/Ass is Avite “Prince of Darkness”; “ruins”Tartak. The Elephant has the stars UPSIDE DOWN=Baphomet just like Uncle Sam
$1Million Genesis Prize goes to Dr Albert Bourla Notice the people flashing Il Cornuto (The Horns), Bourla a Veterinarian, Sephardic Royalty (Babylonian, Chadean, Sabean,Phoenician, Medean, Canaanite), the Jewish Nobel Prize goes to a person who wears a mask
Songbird set in 2024, The world has been ravaged by the latest and deadliest strain of Coronavirus Covid-23; Ursula von der Leyen running for NATO Chief, WEF YGL Grad even showed COVID 23. Called Catastrophic Contagion, Pandemic 2 or DiseaseX. Reducing CO2 means Earth can support far less people; the Earth giving birth to a smaller Earth is the symbol in most every city, and the Georgia Guidestones #1 Commandment “Maintain world population under 500,000”; “He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” Gen 3:22 You can now see why No flesh would remain unless JESUS shortened those days!
UN Goals: To abolish all Christian traditional religions in order to replace them by a one-world religion based on the ‘cult of man’. To abolish all national identity and national pride in order to establish a world identity and world pride. To abolish the family as known today in order to replace it by individuals all working for the glory of one-world governmentUN Goals: To destroy all individual artistic and scientific creating works to implement a world government’s one mind sight??
They plan the destruction of all people who believe in the Bible, who worship Jesus Christ, and the complete disappearance of Christianity to achieve this plan. Only Easter and Christmas for instance will be replaced by New Age festivities around the world.
Ukrainian church rejects Zelensky’s “New’ Christmas”; Saturnalia should stay the same Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome December 25 when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day”
To progress into the New Age requires Selling your Soul eg Luciferian Initiation, Noahide Law and Shariah Law and Wordcoin. In exchange for the is Debt forgiveness eg Gesara and the ability to Live Forever, Free of God “Freedom” eg Cloneaid, the 1st lie of the Serpent
Jews and Muslims Come Together at Global Virtual Solidarity Rally. “Can two walk together Without having met?“ Israel Bible Perhaps but that is not what it says “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?“ KJV Shariah Law (Muslim) and Noahide Law (Jewish) are the same, requiring Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
Greta Thunbergs handler, Luisa-Marie Neubauer, is a Rothschild. Karl Marx Was Employed By The Rothschilds. Rothschild (Red Shield)=Bauer “Farmer”, a Cainite “Cursed”.Ham (Black) had sex with Naamah (Noah’s wife) a Cainite; Canaan is also “Cursed”
Ken “To Know”; “right,correct, true”; Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman and Barbie: barbaros (Greek:βάρβαρος) meaning “stranger”or “foreign”.
Crown land, also known as royal domain, is a territorial area belonging to the monarch, who personifies the Crown; King Charles? Dan 7:6 He then hand over control to the 4th Beast “Antichrist” (Alternative or Against JESUS Christ) Dan 7:7. Esau gains “Dominion” (Sovereign Authority Rule) Gen 27:39KJV through Usury. Kamal Aroush born in Libya, a Phoenician ie Canaanite outpost. He is a descendant of Sidon H6721 Sidon = “hunting”, the 1st born of Canaan Gen 10:15; he received British (B’Rith=Covenant by Birth) citizenship in 1986. Judith or Bashemath? Gen 26:34 Hittite ie Canaanite wives H3067 Jewess; {Jehudith} a Canaanitess H1315 Basemath: “perfume,” a daughter of Ishmael, wife of Esau, a daughter of King Solomon. Kamal is Cursed the product of Ham and Naamah, a daughter of Canaan H5279 a sister/wife of Tubal-cain, also an Ammonitess, and Cursed daughter of Cain H7014 qayin ; Kajin, the name of the first child, also of a place in Palestine, and of an Oriental tribe Cain, Kenite. Ken “To Know”; “right, correct, true”; Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman and Barbie: barbaros (Greek: βάρβαρος) meaning “stranger”or “foreign”.
Biden out Kamal Aroush in. Kamala is a girl’s name of Indian and Sanskrit origins. With a name stemming from the Sanskrit word for “lotus flower” (Rising out of the mud). Kamal “perfection, perfect”; Kama, (Sanskrit)“Love, Desire, Pleasure”; Aroush “Angel from heaven”= “Lucifer”. Priest of Qadesh=transvestite in the order of Cleopatra “glory of her father,“; stela shows Cleopatra as a man; “It shows Cleopatra dressed as a male pharaoh.“British (B’Rrith=Covenant men of Birth=Cain, Canaan, Esau). Boule Society “Council of Chiefs,” sacred ( “sacred, dedicated,holy, accursed.“; acursen “pronounce a curse upon, excommunicate”) prostitute of Cleopatra (a Man) as President. #6545 Qadesh a (quasi) sacred person, ie.(technically) a (male) devotee (by prostitution) to licentious idolatry:––sodomite, unclean; male temple prostitute. “Neither shall he regard...the desire of women” Dan 11:37
Alleged DRONE ATTACK AGAINST MOSCOW; Moscow is directly north of Jerusalem; “And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army:” Eze 38:15
Taiwan Ammunition Dump DETONATES; People describe this as “Chinese Sabotage in advance of invasion.“ This ammunition dump was THE primary ammo supply for Taiwan military. In the capital city of Taipei,people are TERRIFIED and streets are LITERALLY empty.
Elon Musk Rebrands Twitter ‘X’ “the everything app”; xAI seeks to “understand reality,” X Holdings,, X Corp, SpaceX,Xchatgpt, XMass, XMen, PlanetX,DiseaseX “Pandemic of the Unknown”,Gender X, X=Chi “Christ”.
Biden official calls providing abortion to military members a ‘sacred obligation’; sacren “to make holy”; sacrer “consecrate, anoint, dedicate”; sacrare “to make sacred, consecrate; hold sacred; immortalize; set apart, dedicate,“; sacri) “sacred, dedicated, holy, accursed.“; “of or pertaining to religion or divine things”,opposed to secular, profane
Rabbi of Israel, telling his millions of followers to Kill Palestinians to get closer to god. “Thou shalt no kill” “But be not ye called Rabbi:for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.” Mat 23:8
Aliens “belonging to another” Lucifer; “strange, foreign,“ “foreigner, citizen of a foreign land,“Gordian Knot: predicted the one to loosen it would rule Asia. Instead,Alexander the Great cut the Gordian knot with his sword; hence the extended sense “solve a difficult problem in a quick, dramatic way.“ Get ready for “The Arrival”! I Don’t trust Dave Hodges
John Paul DeJoria and Carlos Slim both Satanists were large investors for Tim Ballard a Mormon,Sound of Freedom; it should read Freedom from God
500 People seek Asylum; on a boat the must be towed 12 mi offshore to International waters that is made by Google
Pope Francis has criticized laws that criminalize homosexuality as “unjust”, saying God loves all his children just as they are, and calling on Catholic bishops who support the laws to welcome LGBTQ+ people into the church. “Being homosexual isn’t a crime,” except in Lev 18:22; Judges 19:16-24; Rom 1:27; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:9-10; Jude 7 The Jesuit Pope must have missed those!
NATO RECALLS UKRAINE TROOPS FROM FRONT LINES; “return to the cities immediately and seek shelter.“ NATO ships should accompany grain carriers in the Black Sea and, if necessary, open fire in response to Russian warships. Quite a show; NATO, Ukraine and Russia are led by the WEF
Belgium Might Break Up Over Immigration; NATO HQ, Chateau Amerois “Castle of Kings” and “Mothers of Darkness”, and an unfinished Tower of Babel, Woman riding the Beast and Seat 666 vacant
Barbie: barbaros (Greek: βάρβαρος) meaning “stranger”or “foreign”. Barbēlō (Greek: Βαρβηλώ)refers to the first emanation of God in several forms of Gnostic cosmogony. Barbēlō is often depicted as a supreme female principle, the single passive antecedent of creation in its manifoldness; This is the first thought, his image; she became the womb of everything, for it is she who is prior to them all, the Mother-Father (Anthropos), the Holy Spirit, the thrice-male, the thrice-powerful, the thrice-named androgynous one, and the eternal aeon among the invisible ones, and the first to come forth. Nicolaitans “Conquer the Laity” is apparently an anticipatory reference to their alleged descendants the “Gnostici” According to their view Barbēlō lives “above in the eighth heaven”; she had been ‘put forth’ (προβεβλῆσθαι) “of the Father”; she was mother of Yaldabaoth, who insolently took possession of the seventh heaven, and proclaimed himself to be the only God.Tantric rituals and beliefs, noting that both systems have a common goal of attaining primordial spiritual unity through erotic bliss and the consumption of menses and ejaculate “Spirit Cooking”. Naamah is the name of Noah’s wife
Occult Secrets of Barbie, Cursed Spells Hiding in Plain Sight! The Nutcracker was made into a Barbie movie in 2001; he becomes a handsome prince in a land of fairies.Transmutation and transformation have been etched into stone; he had gone mad as he had fallen in love with a doll; Her Barbie Dolls would influence a generation of Boomers and beyond to get boob jobs, butt lifts, and Botox. Body dysmorphic Gen Xers ended up getting tummy tucks or died of agonizing anorexia. But it’s just a doll! How many women die from cancer because of carcinogenic concoctions that they apply to their faces and bodies? Transhumanism. Valeria Lukyanova is a modern magician. Through slick surgeries she has altered herself to look like a real life Barbie; Valeria is an occultist. She’s also a freemason and a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi. Barbie is actually the normie version of Naamah; the wife of Noah who had sex with her son Ham and brought the Curse of Canaan into the new age, the reincarnation of Maria Orsic, Hitler’s personal channeler to the Pleiades and the head of the Vril Society. Hitler, Putin and Zelenskyy are all Jews that supported the Black Sun, Saturn Neither Valeria nor Maria have children. The vector of Vril is a dark path that leads to the destruction of one’s seed Mystery Babylon. They choose service to self and will sacrifice the world in the process; a Ghost in the Machine recycled into Black Hole.
July 20, 1969 33deg Freemasons Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin pulled the wool over our eyes;July 20 33deg Masons “Jews” J Robert Oppenheimer and Joseph Stalin pulled the wool over our eyes again; faking the Atomic Bomb, using EG&G Magic and using Manhattan Project funds to build Scalar EM Antennas. The 1985 Peace Fountain at St John the Divine shows Satan’s head being cut-off by a Crab
Ephraim is the first born,but is not Saved (Rev 7) Jacob lost the rite to be called Israel (Amos 5:2; 26) “ whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD” Amos 7:2-3; 6-7 “Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not pass by them anymore...I will rise against the house of Jeroboam with the sword...Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land...prophesy there” Amos 7:8-12 Prophesy is understanding Scripture, not Prophecy;that ended 2000 Years age Lk 16:16KJV
The Dove is commonly thought to be a symbol of peace but is in fact an Illuminati symbol of sacrifice to the devil. eg Trinity Broadcast Network has a dove in their logo.
The sacrifice? America: Amar=Amar is a beloved gender-neutral name with Indian and Sanskrit origins, meaning “immortal one” and “eternal.”;Amaruca “The Land of the Plumed/Feathered Serpents”; Amaru: amaru or katari (aymara) is a mythical serpent or dragon. Amurru, also known under the Sumerian name Martu, was a Mesopotamian god who served as the divine personification of the Amorites; He is sometimes described as a ‘shepherd’ or as a storm god
The only Feast that is 8 Days, is Feast of Tabernacles; the last week (Dan 9:23-27); midweek the 2 Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) are killed by A/C in Jerusalem and rise the last day, the 7th Trumpet (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:17, 2 Thess 2:3-11; Mat 24:31;Rev 10:7) before the Day of Wrath; the day of His Circumcision.
Feast of Tabernacles is the Day of His return (Zech 14:9; 16; 18;21); the “Curse” (Cain, Canaan,Amalekites) will finally be removed (Mal 4:6) Creation, 2nd Coming (Book of Life at 6000 Year and Tabernacle) and (Books at 7000 Years; New Temple Rev 21:1; 21:22) There is no need for the Red Heifer-–Ever!
With the 30 month old Red Heifer, certified, now in Israel (Ephraim replacement) with no possibility of being of age next, or any year, and Israel being fake, and the “Head of Ephraim is Samaria” Is 7:9 and “Syria is confededate with Ephraim” Is 7:2, and Ephraim being called Samaria; and the father of Pekah King of Israel, who slew his master and his son usurped his throne out of contempt; and Jesus NOT building a Temple during the Millennium, or requiring a Red Heifer
Every 11,000-12,000 years, that magnetic field “shifts” at the poles. It moves. Some believe it “flips”with what was magnetic north,becoming magnetic south. Hal Turner is a LIAR!; As Above; So Below; 12,000 Years is the Mid-Point of Earth’s Precessional Cycle; Thuban “Alpha Draconis” Arabic word ثعبان thuʿbān ‘large snake’, draconian serpent. The Earth’s Axis does not “Flip”! But it will “Reel to and fro like a drunkard” Is 24:20 FROM Scalar EM Radars Hal Turner “Valhalla”; “hall of the fallen.” put out an article Odessa. Obadiah, 1st Khagan Bek (532-590); Obadiah is Jesus!Capital of exiled Sarmatian Priest-Kings; Melchizedek is Jesus! “Priest of the Most High”–“King of Jerusalem” Gen 14:19; Heb 7 Odessa=Hacibey: Tartar for city of the “Master Pilgrims” – Haci (pilgrim) + Bey (lord/master). Odessa literally means “source of inspired story” of the Russian God/Kings. “Island Capital” of the Khazars “Serpent People” and home of Sephardic “Jews” (Babylonian Radhanites,Chaldeans-Sabeans “Rba”=Rabbis,Medeans)
Yellen, a JEW Says Funding Ukraine’s War Effort Is the Best Boost for Global Economy; sending money to the Khazarian “Serpent People” Mafia is best?
The Talmud Jewish legal traditions has eight gender designationsZachar, male. Nekevah,female. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics. Tumtum,lacking sexual characteristics. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God, One Father of all,One Father are all the same; the baptism is not Water, it is Fire in the Heart, the only way is baptism through the Holy Ghost, His name is JESUS. 1 Jn 5:7KJV “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” We can verify this through His Word
Noahide Law (Jew,Christian) or Shariah Law (Islam) have the same requirements, Blasphemy ie rejection of the Holy Ghost; you can see why it is the it is the Unforgivable Sin.“And when he had opened the third seal,I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse;and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.” Rev 6:5
Col Jennifer-James Pritzker is Jewish (Babylonian,Chaldean, Phoenician, Medean) He/She is from Ukraine ie Khazar “Serpent People is not only “Trans”, but the regional head of the Church of Satan.Chiliasm seeks to put a Messiah (Antichrist) on the Throne of King David and do away with the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. In the Talmud and Zohar ADAM KADMON is the 3rd Adam and Androgynous; guessing this to be Kamal Aroush Sanskrit word for “lotus flower” (Rising out of the mud). Kamal “
Aroush “
Angel from heaven”
Priest of Qadesh=
transvestite Gov JB Pritzker is Illinois “
Tribe of Superior Men”
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light 1 Pet 2:9 Generation:race, family, generation; fathered, birth,nativity. Nativity: kindred, birth,offspring Race: a running, a race Goy:nation, people. These are all descriptions of being Born Again; Called Out; Chosen; A Priesthood. Goy is a name Rabbis use for a “Useful Idiot
Large RADIATION SPIKE in Eastern Ukraine; This is not from NUCS, the only reason for invoking Art 5
M 7.4 Earthquake Off Alaska Coast – Tsunami Warning Issued;At least two explosions have occurred at Mt. Shishaldin
Ukraine Has Begun Using US made Cluster Bombs on Russians; Ukraine and Russia are WEF ie Klaus Schwab
Robert Kennedy spoke to Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, who leads the World Values Network, a Jewish and pro-Israel organization. Earlier this month, he was named the group’s keynote speaker on the “Case for Israel” on July 25; Jews replaced Israel with Chaldean, Sabean, Babylonian,Phoenician, Medean Magi. There is no Moral Case for Israel or Rabbis!
Tucker: “Every city in America has become worse over the past few years... Your concern is that Ukraine don’t have enough tanks...Where’s the concern for America in that?“ Pence: “That’s not my concern.
Gavin Newsom. Jesuit-programmed child, then turned over to the Gettys and their handlers—the British Pilgrims Society—to push forward as their adult automaton, just like they are doing with Ron DeSantis,Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Glenn Youngkin, Kamala Harris, Nikki Haley,Vivek Ramaswamy, Pete Buttigeig, Mike Pompeo, Gretchen Whitmer, Katie Hobbs, Mike Pence, John Roberts, Brian Kemp, Ketanji Jackson
KAMALA: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATION,more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.”
Tucker “I’m an American is a fundamental way. I believe in Democracy people should rule” This the problem there are NO DEMOCRACIES as long as God rules Dan 2:21;4:17 “And he changeth the times and the seasons:he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding” “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” Democracy
eimos “People Rule”
Judah=Juda; the “h” is in Heaven. Israel has nothing to do with God; Jesus was rejected, Crucified, and supplied the Holy Ghost as JESUS
Angel Studios Directing People to Clinton-Podesta NGOs; Jim Caviezel “Sound of Freedom” launders $150+B, a Jesuit, plays Jesus twice, the next installment Jesus spends 3 days recovering Old Testament Profits instead of Paradise; Tim Ballard “Underground Railroad” As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he served a two-year mission to Chile. After completing his mission,he attended and graduated from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and political science. We are to Trust them now?
Joe Biden transfers $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 students; to Taxpayers. Under the Higher Education Act, borrowers with these eligible plans can have their loans forgiven after 2 yrs of monthly payments
Eliezer Yudkowsky AI theorist, decision theory and ethics, was raised as a Modern Orthodox Jew.Orthodox: holding established beliefs especially in religion; having the correct interpretation. Jew: Chaldean, Sabean,Babylonian, Canaanite, Medean;Artificial Intelligence does not exist;Wisdom come from the LORD!
Elon Musk (Satanist) xAI seeks to “understand reality,” X Holdings,,X Corp, SpaceX, Xchatgpt XMass, XMen, PlanetX, transforming Twitter 2.0 into X, “the everything app” or DiseaseX “Pandemic of the Unknown”, Gender X, X=Chi “Christ”. Coronavirus is a “Global Science Experiment” called FunVax. Fun means “Cheat, Trick, Hoax”. FunVax is a Gov’t sponsored Vaccination Program against the Soul and Spirit aka “Religious Fundamentalism” Fun: Cheat, Hoax
“Rosenberg Report” Steven Collins and his team uncovered the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in Jordan; concluded that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a meteoritic airburst. Collins co-authored a paper that confirmed the city was destroyed by fire or a “thermal event.“ Collins is the oldest Witchcraft family who came to America ca 1600;Gaelic “O’Cuilleain” and translates to “holly”; magic wands are made from Holly; Old Norse ‘Kollungr’ (dark), given as a descriptive name to someone who is particularly dark or swarthy of complexion. I’ve concluded that Sodom & Gomorrah was destroyed by raining Fire and Brimstone on Canaanites who couldn’t fine 10 people who weren’t LGBTQ; the White House flies the flag of Sodom; scorch; burnt (i.e. Volcanic or bituminous); the Slime they had for Mortar in the Tower of Babel that has the ***** riding the Bull and Seat #666 vacant. “Today (June 10th) we declare that the US is Sodom.”
Yuval Noah Harari (WEF): What do we need humans for?Human is not in the bible; Jesus’ warned No flesh would remain unless He shortened those days!
Jesus will not come until Antichrist comes
U.S. COASTAL AIR SPACE LOCKED-DOWN; West Palm Beach to Montreal
Scrub Typhus carried by mites that kills up to 70 PERCENT of sufferers is found in US for first time-CDC
The second balance is that the book of life and works ? Or the Hebrews en gentiles ? Neither The 2nd Balance is those who have not chosen the Balance Shariah Law (Iran, Shia Islam, Saudi Arabia-Sunni Islam) V Noahide Law (Jews, Israel, Rabbis,Christians)
Trump hosts 150 Orthodox Rabbis; speech at golf course dinner he gives thanks to Hashem “The Name”; His Name is JESUS! and accepts A Torah Crown (Keter) Keter is so sublime, it is called in the Zohar “the most hidden of all hidden things” pure consciousness, beyond all categories,timeless, a point that crystallises out of the Ein Soph
Vilnius National Conference met between September 18, 1917, and September 22, 1917 It was over Rosh Hashanah, the fake Rabbinical New Year! Yom Hadin or the Day of Judgment, on which God opens the Books of Life and Death, which are then sealed on Yom Kippur. Since 1000AD, “Jews” have forgiven Sins IN ADVANCE! BOOK OF LIFE just before Armageddon, the BOOKS OF WORKS after Gog and Magog Rev 20:12.
These 2 dates are 1000 Years apart, and begin of Feast of Tabernacles! Rev 20:7-8; 12-15; Zech 14:16-18; Eze 37:24; Dan 7:9-13
Biden Offers “Security Guarantees” to Ukraine, but there’s a catch, such guarantees will not be possible until the end of the war with Russia.
Tsunami destroyed Caesaria in 8th Century, when the city was incorporated into the Abbasid Caliphate; “Jews” Babylonian Radhanites, Canaanites, Chaldeans through Chesed (Chasidic; Chabad Lubavitch “Rabbis”), Medeans (Iranian Magi) became “Israel” and Christians (Noahide Law) and Imams (Shariah Law) Matt 23:8-10
KAMALA: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATION,more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water.”
Tucker “I’m an American is a fundamental way. I believe in Democracy people should rule” This the problem there are NO DEMOCRACIES as long as God rules Dan 2:21;4:17 “And he changeth the times and the seasons:he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding” “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” Democracy
eimos “People Rule”
Admiralty Law: admirail, “Saracen commander or chieftain,” from Old French amirail (12c.) “Saracen military commander; any military commander,” ultimately from medieval Arabic amir “military commander,” probably via Medieval Latin use of the word for “Muslim military leader.”
Saracen: Sarasine, “a Turk; an Arab; a Muslim,” from Old English (in translations from Latin), from Old French Saracin, Sarrasine or Medieval Latin Saracenus, from Greek sarakenos. This usually is said to be from Arabic sharquiyin, accusative plural of sharqiy “eastern,” from sharq “east, sunrise,”; Rising Sun is “Right”=Known; “Left”epart from me, ye that work iniquity. Muslim, Jew, Christian (Catholic=Universal) all think they are Right
Congressman on intelligence committee says aliens ‘have the technology to turn humans into charcoal briquettes’ and Government has been covering up UFO existence since 1890; They extraterrestrial craft can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen defy physics as we know it ‘They can fly underwater and don’t show a heat trail.’ Tim Burchett is lying! Aliens: ALIEN in Black’s Law Dictionary. A foreigner; one born abroad. A person who owes allegiance to a foreign government. 1897 is the year the “Jews” took over the Bible and purchased the ground for Israel; God gave the world 120 Years to prepare, only Noah did! The Radiation Belts prevent anything living from going to or from Earth
Judge: A public officer, appointed to preside and to administer the law in a court of justice; the chief member of a court, and charged with the control of proceedings and the decision of questions of law or discretion. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2 Cor 4:4 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” 2 Cor 5:10 Satan is god this world; Jesus is God of the next
The way I understand it Wigs and Robes are the Uniform of Barristers; American Attorney’s are Practicing; the Judge wears a Robe, but they are under Admiralty Law (Gold Braid around the Flag) and only acting under the authority of another
Michelle Bachman warns about the WHO; nothing about the Ethiopian non-DR Tedros dancing the women’s underwear or Marcus Bachman training Gay Oslo killer Anders Brevik
ALIEN in Black’s Law Dictionary. A foreigner; one born abroad. A person who owes allegiance to a foreign government. Alienation The transfer of the property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person to another
Rapture is a technical theological term for the resurrection of the royal family of God at the end of the church age in which the dead in Xxxxxx shall rise and those who are alive and are His at His coming will also rise to meet the Lord in the air, 1CO 15:51-52; 1TH 4:16-17; 2TH 2:1. It is extremely important to understand that the Rapture of the Church is not the second coming of Xxxxxx. The Rapture occurs before the Tribulational period while the second coming (second Advent) is at the end of the Tribulation; There is no Tribulation mentioned is Scripture. Pretty gutsy eh?
Barrister A counsellor learned in the law who pleads at the bar of the courts, and who is engaged in conducting the trial or argument of causes. To be distinguished from the attorney, who draws the pleadings, prepares the testimony, and conducts matters out of court.
“Christmas Day” is considered the “First Day of Christmas” and the Twelve Days are 25 December to 5 January, inclusive, with 6 January being the “13th day”; the Nativity of the Christ and Adoration of the Shepherds of Bethlehem celebrated the Great Blessing of Waters, in commemoration of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, and the arrival of the Magi are all celebrated on Jan 6; April 6, Jan 6 have nothing to do with Jesus; the Medean Magi arrived 1 1/2 years later, the Edomite Herod died there after
The 13th day feast commemorates the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child, and His physical manifestation to the Gentiles. It is sometimes called Three Kings’ Day, Little Christmas and ‘Old Christmas’; Epiphany Is a Multicultural Celebration; Eastern Orthodox Christmas; It marks the day “Yeshua” was revealed to the world. Yeshua means “Yahweh/YHWH is salvation”. Oops!
Henry Cambell Black b 1860 strict Presbyterian upbringing. Kirkin O’ Tartan (Church of the Tartan) is celebrated April 6; Tartan “Phoenician and Canaanite Cloth” was the Assyrian Sargon II. The Re-organized Mormon Church, Nauvoo, St George, Salt Lake, and Palmyra Temples were dedicated April 6 to coincide with the birth of “Christ”. Jesus was born on “Feast of Tabernacles” Sept 29, 6BC. Elohim=Saturn ALIEN in Black’s Law Dictionary. A foreigner; one born abroad. A person who owes allegiance to a foreign government. Alienation The transfer of the property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person to another
The American Idea Began at Sinai; Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – The Declaration of Independence. Amurru=Serpent; Sinai=Wilderness of Sin; Property was changed to Happiness because Person is a “Legal Construct” of a Beast who cannot inherit or own Property
Before there was a Deep State, there was a Deep Church; this answers Lorie’s question, it first came out long ago; Jesuits run all of it, including presentation of A/C and FP (Rev 13) they have the Seats in the Church of GESU which is derived Yehoshua, “YHWH is salvation” (Elohim or Adonai) is Satan and the Throne of Antichrist for the 3rd Temple
France Has Fallen: After 1,000 Buildings Burnt, 5,600 Vehicles Destroyed, 3,300 Arrests, Government Vows to Crack Down – On Free Speech! What else would they go after?
China is in default on a trillion dollars in debt to US bondholders; China has “Shock Troops” and already invaded on the South Border; 1/2 of SFO is Chinese; Vancouver is virtually all Chinese. Titles? US has none! Allod Title is we pay Taxes on; an Appearance of Title that has to be defended;. In Black’s Law Person: Cannot inherit or own property. It’s all preplanned
Russia Moves 180,000 MORE troops toward Ukraine; “If Article 5 of the NATO Treaty (NUCS, Zaporizhzhia or “Dirty Bomb” is BS; Russia, Ukraine, NATO, EU ARE IN THE WEF) is invoked against Russia, then “Russia will use all the weapons in their arsenal to defend itself from NATO.” All pre-planned!
Medvedev: “Any war can be ended quickly using Nuclear Weapons” There are NO NUCS! Scalar EM Weapons
Kuwait (Arab) deports 3,000 Trans-genders/Homosexuals; America (Amurru=Serpent) will take them
Gog and Magog at 7000 Years; Books Opened; death and hell cast in the Lake of Fire; New Earth, New Jerusalem; New Temple; No Sun
Self Love versus Love of God; that’s the root of the problem.
The situation in Ukraine is not a regional conflict but a total confrontation between the collective West and the rest of the world; The current confrontation between the West and the rest of the world has brought the world to the brink of a third world war, there will be no winners – there will be a nuclear winter, epidemics and famine on Earth “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” Matt 24:7; Mk 1
Mk 13:8; Lk 21:11. This will be the “Beginning of sorrows”; immediately after the 1260 Day/42Month “Great Tribulation” Jesus returns. July 11, 2023-Dec 24, 2026?
The Pentagon managed to misplace $600 billion in funds to Ukraine. Now, a watchdog group revealed that over $200 billion in COVID-19 relief funds also went M.I.A. Why? All National MAFIA’s pay to the Khazaria MAFIA Sandy Hook “Heroes” not only won the CT Lottery in last 2 years, they also got paid their share of $26M Remington Settlement, did their “Crisis Actors” Gigs at a closed school; paying the role of Coroner, H Wayne Carver had the fire department remove the bodies and got promoted to Head of the CDC for COVID. It’s the East Coast HQ of the Church of Satan!
Euclid’s 47th Problem, or the Pythagorean Theorem, establishes that in any right triangle, the square of the two sides connected to the right angle is equal to the square of the third side called the hypotenuse A2 +B2=C2 Mason: 3 Fellow Craft: 5 Entered Apprentice: 7 These are the steps in Masonry.
They are the steps in the Winding Stair which leads to the Middle Chamber and they are the number of brethren which form the number of Master Masons necessary to open a lodge; looking for Dark Matter? Thats the big secret
There is 1 battle Gog and Magog; David will be King; Jesus is the Shepherd of the Tabernacle not the Temple, He destroys that. Eze 37:24-27 “O Gog, the prince of Rosh , Meshech, Tubal” Study Notes add “Rosh”=Russia; Meshech=Moscow; Tobolsk=Tubal are WRONG! They are sons of the ELDEST Japheth Gen 10:2;21 The “Jews” and “Rabbis” replaced Israel and made this up to claim “Russia” and their “Prophecies” have validity; THEY ARE LIARS!
Asma Assad (British) ‘Neoliberalism biggest threat to the world’ Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as “eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers” and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy. Neoliberalism, also neo-liberalism, is a term used to signify the late-20th century political reappearance of 19th-century ideas associated with free-market capitalism. Marxism, a world without God=Free; Shariah Law and Noahide Law are the same NO GOD! Bashar al-Assad is Shia Islam, more specifically the Alawite sect; Ba’athist=Re-Birth; Asma Assad (British), Saddam Hussein and his father Hafaz were as well; Arab ultranationalism stems from Joktan Gen 10:25
1656Years Creation-Flood + 2160Years Aries-Pisces + 2160Years Pisces-Aquarius=5976Years. Sargon the Great (Sarrince) was “Legitiment” at 21; 5976 + 21=5997 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise” 2 Pet 3:8-9 His only promise was that He would return. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and will return on FOT (Zech 14:16;18)
Rev 20:7-8 adds 1000Years until “Gog and Magog”=7000Years Satan’s “Dominion” (Dan 7:7) comes in at Christmas (Saturnalia) and begins at July 11, 2023?
Black’s Law says Human is a Beast from the Sea who cannot own property; the Sun rises after 3 Days is the Sea at Christmas; the day the 2 Witnesses will be killed; people will be sending gifts to one another Rev 11:8-12
UKRAINE ENGAGING NUCLEAR EVACUATION 16 KM FROM ZAPOROZHYE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT; the irreversible evacuation of the civilian population Canadian Wild Fires produce Benzene and Formaldehyde; affecting 77M people Dan 7:7?
Nat Asteroid Day June 30, 1908 Tunguska Event leveled 830SqMi; Nikola Tesla demonstrated the Long Island Wardenclyff Tower; it was def not an Asteroid!
Ezek 3:9 Sub looks like “Worm” Shamir: a thorn, adamant, flint; it probably is not a Diamond (New Versions) nor a Worm. Jinn (Genie; myth) having no knowledge of the occult in the Quran. 33deg Mason dove 33 times to the Titan. Occurred on the Solstice; 5 people Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether/Quintessence; father/son named Suleiman/Solomon (19=Jesus “Metonic Cycle”; the word God not in Song of Solomon; death/re-birth ritual Hiram Abiff=seek the light); Abyss=Fauci. World UFO Day 7/2.
Russian Presidential Fleet Plane Enroute to Washington DC – Evacuating Diplomats?
Joe Biden Admits ‘I Sold A Lot Of State Secrets’; get ready for Kamal Aroush; he’s a British=B’rith=Birthright Covenant=Cain, Canaan, Esau “Cursed” (Holy Ghost is the only way to have Sin forgiven) “Kamal “perfection, perfect + Aroush “Angel from heaven”= “Lucifer”
Anthony Fauci to Join Georgetown University as Distinguished Professor Jesuit Professor
Is My Prayer Closet Holier than the Temple Mount? “For Hashem has chosen Tzion; He has desired it for His seat.” Ps 132:13 Israel Bible Hashem means “the name.”; Hashemites (hašama, “to destroy, smash”). LORD=JESUS; its CAPITALIZED because to access the LORD you go to your Prayer Closet!
All Sources inside Russia Have Gone “Dark” (Black)- Largest Submarine Sails with Poseidon Nuclear Torpedo; radioactive tsunami that takes out the entire coastline of an adversary. In some areas, the tsunami would come ashore as a 1500 foot tall wave of radioactive water, knocking down entire cities, and leaving them covered in a radioactive flood that would make the area uninhabitable for decades; there are no NUCS! Belgorod (Белгород) in Russian literally means “white city” Russian Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Turkish Akkerman, Romanian Cetatea Albă, city, southernmost Ukraine. It’s Crimean White City where Sargon III will become Antichrist. 1500ft Wave is a joke. Rabbi Vilna Gaon “When you hear that the Russians have captured Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard” Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet of the Sleeping Land (Tobolsk) channeled a demon who predicted “Russia will die and be re-born to become the hope of the world”
With Scalar Waves many countries can locate and implode (Thresher Sub) Submarines
6X (Saturn=6 Kings) Poseidon Torpedos (posis) meaning “husband, lord” meaning “earth”; god of the Sea; Greek god of the sea and earthquakes; torpere “be numb” Greek god of the sea and earthquakes. Poseidon Adventure is predictive programming. The 1972 movie Frank Scott, a minister who believes “God helps those who help themselves”; God helps those who put faith is him! undersea earthquake and a tsunami from Crete
is how God dealt with Hyksos (Exodus, Red Sea) on Crete (Satan’s Seat; Cretians Titus 1:12) and Thera; their remains are preserved to this day!
As Above So Below The Poseidon Adventure was called Hell Upside Down
$6.2 billion for Ukraine that Pentagon accountants “discovered” in June was actually pocketed by Prigozhin in return for his aborted coup attempt. Putin and Prigozhin are Jews who have known each other for 20 years; Zelensky is a Jew who has $77B in US aid; Why? Ukraine and Crimea is Khazarian Mafia the “Serpent People”
NATO CHANGES STATUS TO “COMBAT”; NATO fighters will be able to participate in hostilities and be integrated into defense plans; 4000 Troops to Lithuania; Danutė Šimonienė: Danuta: God has judged, or God is judge + simonie, “the sin of buying or selling sacred things,” from Old French simonie “selling of church offices” (12c.) and directly from Late Latin simonia, from Simon Magus, the Samaritan magician who was rebuked by Peter when he sought to buy the power of conferring the Holy Spirit
Site near Haifa was Phoenician factory for producing Biblical blue dye; it isn’t Gods Tekhelet Blue, once the Levite Priesthood was corrupted it can never be made again. “But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble at the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.” Mal 2:8 Phoenician Blue is made from Snails excretions exposed to UV light.
Ukraine accuses Israel of siding with Russia; that’s because all 3 are led by Jews
Titanic was the Olympic debunked by Gary King and James Fetzer; Olympic hit a British Warship and broke the keel. It was swapped in Dry Dock for Titanic which was nearly complete; there were no icebergs as the water temp was 40-50 F; it was insured and scuttled, and Titanic painted as Olympic live on. Fetzers 911 analysis never caught the fact that Thermate (Sulphur added in a patented lab created demolition explosive) or that EM weapons were used.
Esau had the Birthright; he Sold it for Red Beans and was renamed Edom=Red; he married Canaanite women and convinced (through Blackmail) to become Amalekites
Russia Descending into Civil War; Putin addresses nation – “Treason” “Mutiny” — US/NATO Nuclear First-Strike if Wagner gets Russian nukes. troops are on the streets of Moscow while Russian Air Force planes and helicopters began BOMBING vehicle convoys of Wagner PMC on the M24 Highway inside Russia; there are no NUCS
Turkey (Torgarmah) pledges support for Russia; they are brothers. Gen 10:2-3 Gomer (Germany) is their father; Madai (Medean Magi are Iranian) is their Uncle; Askenenazi (Ashkenaz) are Babylonian-Chaldean-Sabean “Rba=Great One” their (non-Semitic) Rabbis
Gomer, Togarmah, Persia (Iran) and Moscow (Rosh does not belong) are faking Gog and Magog 1000 years early Eze 38:2-6, Gen 10:2
Today is the Feast of St John Divine aka Oannes
Gog and Magog are controlled by Britain=B’Rith=Covenant by Birth. Cain, Canaan, Esau. Esau sold his Birthright and was renamed Edom=Red Kamala Harris aka Kamal Arousch a man, is #2 for the Presidency; a British (B’Rith=Covenant by Birth; the “Cursed” Cain, Canaan, Ishmael, Esau and Amalekites (Kamala=Amalek) citizen, not US; who does not regard the desire of women Dan 11:37. He is from Libya Eze 38:5
Freight train plunges into Yellowstone River after bridge collapse, sparking fears of hazardous spill as residents are told to conserve water
Blackrock (Skull&Bones Stephen Swartzman a Jew and JP Morgan (Jamie Dimon a Jew) control Ukraine (Zelensky, a Jew) Wagner CEO (a Jew) and Putin (a Jew)
Esau had the Birthright; he Sold it for Red Beans and was renamed Edom=Red; he married Canaanite women and convinced (through Blackmail) to become Amalekites
Yoichi Shimatsu and (Rense) says SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) ET’s were involved in the Titan sub; BS! No Aliens The Van Allen Radiation Belts will kill anything alive, going to or from Earth….1000miles from Earth; period!
All trips to the site should be stopped until the cause of the OceanGate Expeditions submersible failure is determined; because an Explosion would be obvious to the Olympic James Cameron nails why the Titan disaster; Wrong! Cameron is a 33rd degree Mason and the Titan didn’t Implode! EJ Smith didn’t steam into an Iceberg; there wasn’t any Icebergs
South Ukraine Nuclear Power plant is being used to store US/NATO high-tech weapons, and is now the Intelligence HQ for NATO in the war. NATO is changing its rules about invoking Article 5, so that if (when) Russia hits this weapons depot, and all that NATO hardware goes up in multiple, giant, explosions (possibly also causing the nuke plant itself to start leaking) then NATO can claim a “radiation incident” and send in the troops; NATO, Ukraine and Russia are led by WEF and Rabbis
Jews are not Edom; they are Babylonian, Medean, Chaldean, Sabaean (Rba=Rabbi “Great One”) Canaanite And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.” Gen 9:26-27 Esau is Semitic (Gen 27:39-41KJV) and Canaan is his servant eg “Rabbis”.
U.S. COAST GUARD: Titanic Tour Submarine Suffered “Catastrophic Implosion” – All Aboard, dead, but families can sue; BS! Wife of Titan pilot and OceanGate CEO is great-great-granddaughter of Macy’s founder and his spouse made famous in James Cameron’s smash movie as the elderly couple embracing on bed as Titanic went downThe ship was at a little over half capacity; the planes that were said to have crashed on 911 had 25%. The New York Times admitted its information came from the Olympic by wireless
Titanic switched for the Olympic. Last year, the Silicon Valley venture revealed it had raised $3 billion from investors, making it one of the best-financed start-ups in history. Unity, BioAge, BioViva and AgeX Therapeutics. Billionaires — including Milner himself, Larry Page, and Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos. Altos can continue to keep its industrial-strength freezers at -70°C At cell death, macrophages detect and clear cell debris with phagocytes; Telomeres telo, meaning “end,” and mere, meaning “part”; the aging process is governed by Telomeres; it appears that 10 years was added to his life.
Kiev Calls GENERAL Mobilization – ALL Males 18-65 Must enter military within 10 days.
U.S. Senators Introduce Resolution: NATO Article 5 Invokes If Tactical Nuke, OR NUCLEAR POWER PLANT in Ukraine, emits radiation; two very different situations. “Russia’s threat to use nuclear weapons is real” as the reason for their resolution; there are no NUCS
Messianic Jews have another four years of the rabbis running the show for Noddinyahu. Jews are Babylonian, Chaldean, Sabean, Canaanite, Medean. 2 Ki 17:30 Rabbis are Chaldean, Sabean “Rba” (Great One) Messianic Jews await Antichrist
Generative AI Could Add $4.4 Trillion a Year to the Global Economy; AI=19= JESUS The number is in relation with the Son of God Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix The god Chronos was surrounded by 44 assistants, AEIE HIE meaning “I am the Life”, HVL meaning phoenix, and DM meaning blood
Biden Dons Feathered Headdress To Welcome Indian Prime Minister; Its claimed Columbus made the same mistake
UFO Update: The Fight For The Future Is Now!; THERE ARE NO ALIENS
At cell death, macrophages detect and clear cell debris with phagocytes; Telomores telo, meaning “end,” and mere, meaning “part”; the aging process is governed by Telomeres; it appears that 10 years was added.
Victoria Nuland Jew (Babylonian) stated World War 3
will effectively begin in on July 11, 2023; her husband is a Skull&Bones who wrote PNAC There were dozens of warnings 9/11 was going to happen why not 7/11? Hebrew, the number “seven” has the same consonants as the word for completeness or wholeness; 11 symbolizes a spiritual awakening – ‘the illuminator’ or ‘the teacher’.
7/11/2023-12/21/2026=1259 Days
If NATO Wants to Fight, We’re Ready-Sergei Lavrov He is Armenian-Russian; Stoltenberg and Putin are WEF and Putin is Jewish, Chabad Lubavitch controlled, and fulfilling the Jewish and Edgar Cayce plan to install Sargon III as Antichrist
Switzerland Sending School Kids Home Early today, Tomorrow the NATO “Exercise” Ends; 77deg Liber Oz or Book 77 “Do what thou wilt” Dan 7:7 4th dreadful, terrible Beast comes after Edom gains “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41)
Wife of Titan pilot and OceanGate CEO is great-great-granddaughter of Macy’s founder and his spouse made famous in James Cameron’s smash movie as the elderly couple embracing on bed as Titanic went down
The ship was at a little over half capacity; the planes that were said to have crashed on 911 had 25%. The New York Times admitted its information came from the Olympic by wireless; Titanic switched Olympic for the insurance fraud. Astor’s fake widow get for his fake death; he was one of the richest men in America in 1912, it would have to be a stupendous amount. made the papers. JJ Astor’s Jew nose was corrected Deut 7:10 Lloyd’s was also involved in insuring the Twin Towers on 911 who paid out $911B to Larry Silverstein. She was never far enough north to hit an iceberg at 60 degree F water, in mid-April.
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week is June 18 – 24, 2023; Father’s Day-St John’s Day. Oxitec and Bill Gates create 30,000 Mosquitos/week to be delivered via Drone
Jewish Mafia, Zionist Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Irish Mafia, Corsican Mafia, Albanian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Russian Mafia, Japanese Mafia, Turkish Mafia, Ukrainian Mafia, Bulgarian Mafia, Cocaine Mafia, Greek Mafia, American Mafia, Mormon Mafia, Georgian Mafia, report to the Khazarian “Serpent People”
Mafia= “swagger”, “boldness” or “bravado. Pretty Bold eh?Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Fire and Poison; he was a 33rd Deg Freemason, Jesuit, Knight of Malta Mafia= “swagger”, “boldness” or “bravado. Pretty Bold eh?
Dybbuk is predictive programing for sure also means “To Cling; Adhere”; Covid experimental injections cling to Neurons becoming a Neural Interface which suppress and/or alter VMAT Genes “God Genes”; Obama-Biden-Aroush have all said this is a Battle for the Soul of a Nation Pharma Jet ZyCoV-D; a refrigeration free, 3 dose mDNA therapy given EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) in India. The mDNA plasmid ring is injected directly into skin cell nuclei
$30-70 Thousand of DEBT Its doing what is supposed to Creditors making Slaves of Debtors
Degrowth: A negative growth (i.e. a reduction) of an economy or a population
A political, economic, and social movement based on ecological economics and anticonsumerist and anticapitalist ideas. Karl Marx’s philosophy comes to life
The way I understand is X-Y-Z it is oscillations is all 3 axis; by increasing the freq a tighter envelope, decreasing the opposite that is movable. A “force-field”; the “god of forces” Dan 11:41 intends to use of Jesus and His Bride A pretty good look at how pervasive Satanism is
Mexico Military Massing Near U.S. Border; Over 100,000 US military troops are now out of the country on NATO’s eastern flank staring at Russia.
US – China Talks, Fail; China even refused to set up crisis military-to-military communications with the U.S..China’s military has **NOT** taken any phone calls, video conferences, or even answered the Hotline with the US military, for MONTHS! Blinken is Jewish is Babylonian Radhanite and West Exec Capital
NATO “exercise” dubbed “Air Defender 2023” will go “live” to direct war with Russia, has come out: British mass-media outlet SKY NEWS is running a piece calling for Western Air Power to directly enter the Ukraine war and bomb Russians; SKY NEWS is a British free-to-air ran by Jonathon Levy (Levi= “to raise or collect”; replaced by JESUS aka Mechisedek “King of Jerusalem/Priest of the Most High) Sky News Arabia, is operated as a joint venture with the Abu Dhabi Media
Princess Diana’s sapphire ring, which Kate Middleton now wears. Sapphire is the September birthstone commonly referred to as the wisdom stone. Jesus was born Sept 29, 6BC For centuries, the sapphire has been regarded as a symbol of the heavens Jesus wrote scripture is advance; He had to be Hung on a Tree
DUNE will send a beam of neutrinos from Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) near Chicago, Illinois, over a distance of more than 1300 kilometres through the Earth to neutrino detectors located 1.5 km underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Sanford, South Dakota. jihad will spread across the universe as the Fremen and the House of Atreides kill everyone in their path; that is with the Holy Ghost
Neutrinos and Strong Nuclear Force are BS! The god of Forces Dan 11:38 is Satan
Crimean-Congo Virus kills 1 person/second heading to Britain. The disease was first characterized in the Crimea in 1944 Rabbi Vilna Gaon “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople, you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.”Former NATO Chief Admits “We Decided Back in 2008, Ukraine WILL Become Member of NATO”; Anders Fogh Rasmussen – World Economic Forum decided that at the Annual Meeting Davos 2008
US FedGov and NATO HQ Claims Under “Cyber-Attack” – Pro-Ukraine Group Promises to Blow-Up Kerch Strait Bridge within 36 Hours; “Cyber Attack can trigger Article 5 collective Defense”
‘largest clinical trial – the largest global vaccine trial ever’; Australia has announced plans to inject Bill Gates’ mRNA vaccines into all livestock destined for people’s dinner plates.
President of Czech Republic Calls for Russians in Europe to be put in Concentration Camps
BANKS IN AUSTRALIA ANNOUNCE WITHDRAWAL LIMITS; they are owned by Blackrock Vanguard; Cyber attack hits federal agencies; Hackers announce another attack they say will target Western banking system; they are owned by Blackrock and Vanguard
United States is in Moscow’s Nuclear Crosshairs; there are no NUCS, Scalar Electro-Sun Magnetic-Earth devices are Internationally controlled, think Ps 83 Confederacy
UFO’s used for Human Trafficking Dr Steven Greer; there no UFO’S; human trafficking is International, Adrenochrome and Slavery, and Body Parts is big money “The root of all evil”
Rashid Buttar is a Muslim he has rejected the Holy Ghost. Rashid Buttar is associated Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Rashid Buttar, Michael Adams and Sherri Tenpenny, Joseph Mercola, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, and QAnon. Buttar is a clan as well as surname of Jat people in the Punjab occurred before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D. Jats adopt the dominant religion of the people in whose midst they dwelt whether Hindu, Muslim and Sikh; The British played a significant role in the rise of Sikh Jat population by encouraging Hindu Jats to convert to Sikhism; a society where Brahmins were few and male Jats married into the whole range of lower agricultural and entrepreneurial castes. Rashid: ‘rightly guided’, ‘having the true faith’. It also means ‘the high one’. He says 100% will die of Marburg Virus activated by 5G. The Shepherds Crook. Yuval Noah Harari (Hebrew: הררי) is a Jewish surname that can be translated from Hebrew as ‘mountainous’ or as ‘mountain dweller’; Shia Muslims worship “The Old man of the Mountain”
COVID 2.0 aka Disease X will constrain people “to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion” Law and Noahide Law require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost to comply; GESARA will forgive individual Debt. This is Unforgivable, JESUS cannot forgive Debt without the Holy Ghost; he is in Heaven “Our father who ART IN HEAVEN…FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS…” There are 2 Balances (Rev 6:5KJV; many new bibles, notably American Standard change to 1 Balance “ten thousand times ten thousand…” Rev 5:8-10; 6:9-11 After that, “heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together..” Rev 6:14; Is 34:4 JESUS will come down on Idumea (Edom, Ammon, Moab Is 34:2-4; Dan 11:41)
“Ukraine can expect robust support for joining NATO” Antony Blinken; just like Finland; Zelensky, Stoltenberg, Putin, Marin (with a new honorary PhD) WWIII can’t be far off
Hyksos “Foreign Shepherd Kings” were different than Egyptians, aquiline heads etc; they were destroyed by Fire and Brimstone in Sodom and Gomorrah for sexual perversion 1897BC; they went to Minoan (Bull) Era Crete where the Throne of Satan was kept, to Egypt in 1782BC-1650BC; the Red Sea, a Volcanic Eruption on Thera, and Tsunami hit Crete. We are still dealing with these nuts!
Sodium is a chemical element with the symbol Na from Latin natrium and atomic number 11. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal. It’s a joke!
A 30,000 ft hole has already been done in Russia; it contacted Water. Cretaceous Period? 145 million years ago and ended 66 million years ago? The third and final period of the Mesozoic Era ended with an Asteroid impact. It’s all BS! Earth is only 6000 Years; Tyrannosaurus Rex (Tyrant King) arose during the Cretaceous period, and about too again!
Apophis is a near-earth asteroid discovered in 2004. Preliminary orbital calculations indicated that in would slam into Earth on April 13, 2029. Ápophis was the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied chaos (ı͗zft in Egyptian) and was thus the opponent of light and Ma’at order/truth). He appears in art as a giant serpent. Apep was first mentioned in the Eighth Dynasty, and he was honored in the names of the Fourteenth Dynasty king ‘Apepi and of the Greater Hyksos (Chaldean) king Apophis; an evil snake-god who tries to devour the sun every night. Apophis is associated with earthquakes, thunder, darkness, storms, and death. Get ready!
Numerous Russian Military Executive Jets Traveling from Moscow to Underground Bunker Area in Ural Mountains
‘Godfather’ of AI says he feels ‘lost’ over his life’s work – as he joins forces with experts to issue an urgent warning the technology could lead to the EXTINCTION of humanity; AI does not exist
What is HMPV Human Metapneumovirus Virus? ‘Most important virus you’ve never heard of’ spikes 36%: CDC; Virus: “Poisonous Substance” specifically “TOXON” Strongs #5115 means “Poison” the Bow used by the Crowned White Horse to Conquer. Virus as an Agent causing Infectious disease” originated in 1790; the definition used in the day “Poisonous substance, foul, malodorous fluid, venom…watery stinking matter issuing from ulcers endued with eating and malignant qualities”.
Medvedev: “British Politicians Now Legitimate Military Target for Russia” after Drone strikes in Moscow; Sunak, Putin, Zelensky, Stoltenberg are on the same team! WEF YGL Grads
CRISPR based Gene Therapy Can Be Applied to (In) Skin Instead of Injected for Sunburns; And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads
33rd degree Freemason, Sir (Knight) Francis Bacon’s Parentage–the legitimate son of Queen Elizabeth and therefore the legal heir to the Throne; Bacon and his group “Baconies” were known as “Shakespeare”; Pallas-Athena “Shaking their Spears” before War. Francis Bacon’s coins bear “The real founder of America”; he ended the age of Alchemy and initiated the Scientific Age; the KJV calls it “vain and profane babbling” 1 Tim 6:20 and “the word of the Chaldeans” Dan 1:4
Elon Musk “X”=Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew word emet, which means ‘truth’; truth is all-encompassing, while falsehood is narrow and deceiving. In Jewish (Babylonian Radhanite) mythology it was the word emet that was carved into the head of the golem which ultimately gave it life. A golem is a creature formed out of a lifeless substance such as dust or clay that is brought to life by ritual incantations and sequences of Hebrew letters. Once you have the four iron blocks, you’ll need to place them in a T shape with one up and three across; but when the letter aleph was erased from the golem’s forehead, what was left was “met”—dead. And so the golem died.
“Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them” Psalm 139:6. Despite “Jews” efforts, Golem never appears in the bible, only in Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin 38b), Adam was initially created as a golem (גולם) when his dust was “kneaded into a shapeless husk”. Like Adam, all golems are created from mud by those close to divinity, but no anthropogenic golem is fully human.
Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel (d1609) made up the story of The Golem of Prague “Loew” is derived from the German Löwe, Yiddish Leib “lion” This is a “Jewish Fable” “Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” Titus 1:14 Translated “my light form”, “raw” material, connoting the unfinished human being before God’s eyes. In the Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin 38b), Adam was initially created as a golem (גולם) when his dust was “kneaded into a shapeless husk”. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Gen 2:7
“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” Titus 1:16
In Ezekiel’s vision, the Lord has his angels separate the demographic wheat from the chaff by going through Jerusalem, the capital city of ancient Israel, and inscribing a mark, a tav, “upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.”In Ezekiel’s vision, then, the Lord is counting tav-marked Israelites as worthwhile to spare, but counts the people worthy of annihilation who lack the tav and the critical attitude it signifies. “From aleph to taf” describes something from beginning to end, the Hebrew equivalent of the English “From A to Z.” Mirror of COVID=DIVOC “Possession by an evil spirit”; in English DYBBUK “Evil Spirit, or Soul of a deceased person. Demon in possession of a Host”; Taw is believed to be derived from the Egyptian hieroglyph representing a tally mark a decussate cross “X”
July 4 The sound of Freedom: Jim Caviezel is Jesuit
Joe Biden’s “climate czar” John Kerry is calling for farmers to stop growing food in order to meet the administration’s radical “net zero” goals for lowering “emissions.”; lowering CO2 creates a desert; Kerry=Cohen (Samaritan Priest) is a Jesuit
David Martin outlines COVID Democide; Martin is in ITNJ
Rick Scott issues travel advisory warning the state is ‘openly hostile toward socialists’; Rick is the Temple of Satan’s favorite politician
“THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO OUR DEMOCRACY” ; Democracy’s do not exist Deimoseople + Rule
Typhoon Mawar “Rose” hit the U.S. territory of Guam with the force of a damaging Category 4 hurricane, was regaining strength and had become a super typhoon as it moved away from the island on Thursday and headed west toward the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan.,16.06,230/loc=-74.027,-25.906
Biden-Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism; Jews, NAZI’s are NOT SEMITIC
The original “Atomic Bomb” was an alleged uranium bomb and the 2nd a plutonium bomb; easily produced from Atomic power waste; the trigger for NUCS combine H (Hydrogen) to form “He” “I Am He” (God) Edward Teller (awarded the Presidential of Freedom) attended Bohemian Grove in 1942 initiating the infinite Money Grab “Cold War” (Revenge is a dish best served cold); Reagan and Stalin were buddies. The same year Nikola Tesla was murdered by Hitler’s bodyguard Otto Skorzeny and GHW “Magog” Bush; his 600 patents on “Free Energy” stolen by John G Trump (Drumpf; Don’s Uncle) and given to Joseph Stalin by fellow 33deg Mason, Babylonian Radhanite “Jew” J Robert Oppenheimer (Movie out soon) “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”-Shiva He was referring to the Pale Horse “Death”. 12 Time Zones were given to Russia to make Scalar EM Weapons; presentation of Antichrist, Earthquakes in diverse places, Aliens and financial exhaustion etc 33 deg Freemason Albert Pike wrote “…WWIII to pit Zionism (Noahide Law) against Islam (Shariah Law) to the point of worldwide physical, mental, moral and Economic exhaustion in order for the doctrine of Lucifer (Satan, Dragon, Devil, Serpent; Rev 12:9) to be accepted.
Axiom “statement of self-evident truth,” NASA “deceive, greatly, beguiled me, seize, utterly” .Michael T. Suffredini and Kam Ghaffarian first flew private commercial spaceflight in SpaceX Crew Dragon (Dragon, Serpent, Devil) 2022.
DiseaseX: “Pandemic of the Unknown” Covid 19, Smallpox and Monkeypox injections are Experimental; Pharmaceutical Corps and Governments are legally immune. Invesco, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Victory Capital Management (USAA insures Military and mandates Vaccines) sold its investment businesses to Victory Capital and Charles Schwab (Jew ie Babylonian Radhanite; Suebi like Klaus Schwab) in July 2019 and is now a Victory Capital Investment Franchise own the Vaccine. In August 2022, the U.S. FDA (Robert Califf Arabic ḵalīfa meaning ‘deputy (of God’) (from the title ḵalīfat Allāh; Event 201) issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Jynneos vaccine; MVA-BN was previously approved for use as a smallpox vaccine in 2013 by the European Medicines Agency under the “exceptional circumstances” licensure pathway (trade name IMVANEX) and by the Public Health Agency of Canada (trade name IMVAMUNE).
Emergency Use Authorization and “Exceptional Circumstances” are not US Approval, Canadian or European Authority; what is the Emergency? Smallpox? Monkeypox? There never was Coronavirus! Coronavirus is a “Global Science Experiment” called FunVax. Fun means “Cheat, Trick, Hoax”. FunVax is a Gov’t sponsored Vaccination Program against the Soul and Spirit aka “Religious Fundamentalism” Dr. Rashid Buttar was just assassinated to send a “loud and clear” message to anti-vax physicians; Kari Mullis died in the midst of telling the world PCR Tests are not designed as a Diagnostic Tool, rather a Manufacturing Tool
X is Unknown “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt 7:22-23
Elon Musk: X Holdings,, X Corp, SpaceX, X.AI: Musk touted X once again as the potentially “biggest financial institution in the world” next to XMass, XMen, PlanetX, transforming Twitter 2.0 into X, “the everything app” or DiseaseX.
DiseaseX: “Pandemic of the Unknown” Covid 19, Smallpox and Monkeypox injections are Experimental; Pharmaceutical Corps and Governments are legally immune. Invesco, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Victory Capital Management (USAA insures Military and mandates Vaccines) sold its investment businesses to Victory Capital and Charles Schwab (Jew ie Babylonian Radhanite; Suebi like Klaus Schwab) in July 2019 and is now a Victory Capital Investment Franchise own the Vaccine. In August 2022, the U.S. FDA (Robert Califf Arabic ḵalīfa meaning ‘deputy (of God’) (from the title ḵalīfat Allāh; Event 201) issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Jynneos vaccine; MVA-BN was previously approved for use as a smallpox vaccine in 2013 by the European Medicines Agency under the “exceptional circumstances” licensure pathway (trade name IMVANEX) and by the Public Health Agency of Canada (trade name IMVAMUNE).
Emergency Use Authorization and “Exceptional Circumstances” are not US Approval, Canadian or European Authority; what is the Emergency? Smallpox? Monkeypox? There never was Coronavirus! Coronavirus is a “Global Science Experiment” called FunVax. Fun means “Cheat, Trick, Hoax”. FunVax is a Gov’t sponsored Vaccination Program against the Soul and Spirit aka “Religious Fundamentalism” Dr. Rashid Buttar was just assassinated to send a “loud and clear” message to anti-vax physicians; Kari Mullis died in the midst of telling the world PCR Tests are not designed as a Diagnostic Tool, rather a Manufacturing Tool
X is Unknown “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt 7:22-23
Obama is going after the Guns My Brothers Keeper And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? Gen 4:9 Yes We Can is Thank You Satan
After the Unholy performance, 2023 Sports Illustrated cover is Tranny Kim Petras “Rock”; the Edomites called their rose colored cliff dwelling “Petra”; Peter has the “Keys” to Heaven appearing in every Roman Catholic Church; every Pope bases their authority from Peter “Small Stone”. Peter was never in Rome! Esau’s Petra was called the “Eagles Nest”; the Eagle is Nisroch “Saturn” and gathers around the carcase. Mat 24:28
They’re not “Jews”; they are Canaanites, Chaldeans, Sabeans, Phoenicians, Medeans (Sogdians; Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as well as in emigrant communities that flourished along the various trading routes across; Iranians) 2 Ki 17:30; “Chesed” Gen 22:22 (Nahor-Milcah) Abrahams brother, that gave the name “Chasidic” and “Chabad”. Rba “Rabbi” comes from Chaldean and Sabean “Great One”
Kamala is a girl’s name of Indian and Sanskrit origins. With a name stemming from the Sanskrit word for “lotus flower”; “Kamal “perfection, perfect”; Kama, (Sanskrit: “Love,” “Desire,” “Pleasure”); Aroush means Angel from heaven; “Lucifer”. Priest of Qadesh=transvestite. 18 US F-111’s callsign “Jewel” (Joke, Jest) in Operation El Dorado (Gilded) Canyon attacked Libya on April 15, 1986, the year Kamal Aroush was awarded British Citizenship. 36 years later Limits to Growth and Deagel . com forecast massive population declines 2022-2025 coinciding with the Biden’s Ritual; Pluto, the god of underworld wealth, returns to its position in America’s Natal Zodiac July 4, 1776 on 2/22/2022; matching the dedication date on Cleopatra’s Needle 2/22/1881; the sacrificial Bidens would usher in Kamala Devi a Boule Society sacred prostitute of Cleopatra (a Man) as President. April 15 America’s Personal (CORPORATIONS do not pay Income Tax) Income Tax Day reported on IRS Form 1040. 1040 + 1260 Days of Great Tribulation=2300 days, the final 2300 days recorded in Dan 8:14. https://beforeitsnews . com/politics/2022/01/kamala-harris-is-a-man-named-kamal-aroush-google-it-3253380 . html As if that were enough, Biden is not the president https://www . bitchute . com/video/oNt6sUwBfiFT/ Kamala Harris is actually a transvestite/Qadesh Kamal Aroush https://brandnewtube . com/watch/kamala-comes-untucked_SNazO3WspBTTjKx #6545 Qadesh a (quasi) sacred person, ie. (technically) a (male) devotee (by prostitution) to licentious idolatry:– sodomite, unclean; male temple prostitute. Lloyd Austin is a Boule Society “Archon” (Ruler) Cleopatra, the original Prostitute of Qadesh was also a man Dan 11:21-45 “…nor the desire of women”; “…shall he honour the God of forces” (Black Sun) “…shall he honour with gold and silver and with precious stones” Sir Nigel Graham Knowles, Lead Trustee of The Prince’s Trust, SGO Smartmatic (Dominion), longtime chairman of DLA Piper, British Pilgrims Society handler for the pretenders Biden and Harris
May 12 Earth Disaster coming? NO! “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again” Is 24:20. “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” Matt 24:7; Mk 13:8; Lk 21:11
May 12 “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” Rev 11:18
God (JESUS) does not do this!
Elon Musk Twitter CEC Yaccarino=Giacomo from Latin Jacobus; Jacobites and Jacobites have nothing to do with “Jacob”; Jacobites argued monarchs were appointed by God, or divine right, and could not be removed. Tartan (Canaanite Cloth) cloth, widely adopted by the Jacobite army; Cain, Canaanite, Esau
Esau did not “have the birthright” as you declare. Read Genesis 25.23.
Just as Joseph does have the birthright through Ephraim (Genesis 38, Jeremiah 31.9)
What you “teach” is talmudic Judaism, like all the others. Truly, “nothing new” here and 1/2 truths at best.
And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright. Gen 25:31-34
Joseph never had the Birthright; had Ephraim by marrying the daughter of On, he was a Priest of Osiris; Jacob the right to be called Israel Amos 5:2-3 10 were left Amos 5:26 because they adopted the Six Pointed Star of Molech and Chiun (Saturn the 6th planet)…they were “not grieved for the affliction of Joseph” 5:6. Ephraim confederate with Syria (Samaritans; Is 7:2) assumed title Israel with head of Samaria Is 7:9, and is NOT SAVED Rev 7
What you “teach” is talmudic Judaism, like all the others. Truly, “nothing new” here and 1/2 truths at best; Judaism is Babylonian, Chaldean, Sabean, Phoenician, Medean. The Talmud is pure garbage; “Jesus is in Hell in boiling excrement”
Warning folks . THESE WORDS OF HOWARD RATCLIFFE ARE A BOLD FACED LIE. “and yes the family drama is real, $Thousands is counseling, fractured relationships with my sons are enough for to know this is real, and dangerous for salvation; I’ve blocked her phone, and Email” Howard Ratcliffe.
I have in Howard’s own words written to me now 3 years ago of his lamentations of the $Thousands spent on counseling of his family members and his existing fractured relationships with a few of his sons going back over ten years before I ever met him. You will pay dearly Mr Ratcliffe for palming off your blame on me for these horrors in your life. Why don’t you be a man and get to the true reason for you families woes going clear back to the abuse of the Mormon Church 30+++ years ago and stop blaming me who tried to help you through it. What a shameful lie you have told !! The stroke was a warning from JESUS, you better wake up sir.
ps ( perhaps I should make a video of all the proof of my words , wouldn’t that settle the matter?, but then you’d die of shame ! )
BTW . I am Jayne In Exile ( Coz She Was FRAMED)
@Jayne: You are one sick, evil creature. You have harassed Howard and everyone in chat for a year, now you have threatened Howard. You need physiatric help.