“ORI” (
Tesla put 800 patents on EM,
Howard (Guest): John 20:
Howard (Guest): Skull&
Howard (Guest): https://rumble.com/
MattT (Guest): Matthew 26:
“Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane,
Matthew 26:
“And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee,
“Then saith he unto them,
MattT (Guest): He was in the garden in which he was crucified
MattT (Guest): I always thought that politicians at a high Lv have swarn an oath to Satan and their satanic ways.
Howard (Guest): Noah was drunk of wine when Ham ‘
Japan ‘
The landing of troops on the beaches of Normandy on June 6,
Howard (Guest): 313 AD Muslim’s fought with Muhammad in Islam’s 1st battle.
Howard (Guest): The Authorized Bible has 313 !
Howard (Guest): On 3 July 1933,
Howard (Guest): Joe Biden’
Howard (Guest): Satanism is war against God;
Howard (Guest): ‘
Howard (Guest): “
Howard (Guest): IDF cancels leave for all combat units in wake of Iranian threats
Howard (Guest): Hezbollah threatens the Red Heifers;
Prayers for Rain that Began on Oct 7 Being Answered as Precursor to Ressurection of the Dead;
Allegiant Stadium “
Eras ‘

Iran unleashed its Kheiber Shekan medium range ballistic missile on a target in Syria,
the word means to produce again,
Russia is preparing a large-
WEF Planning To Erase 4 Billion People Within Years;
Santa Claus,
Constantine saw the X Sign;
CBS News Correspondent Catherine Herridge Predicts a ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024:
Arturo Sosa,
Without Fossil Fuels ‘Six Billion People Would Die Within a Year’;
A very real scenario ‘where we don’t have an election’ — Gen.
US Navy Refusing to Deploy Brand 24 x $
“Vaccelerate” HERA Incubator,
China’s s Shenlong “
Thirty seven “
Get ready for MASS ROUNDUPS of illegals across America as government-
Strait of Malacca is closed for the Israeli ZIM shipping company;
IDF strikes Hezbollah after overnight attacks;
Judge Beryl A.
Gates’ organization,
The US Plans to Liquidate its Debt through Financial Repression.
Trump as Private Citizen,

Covid Vaccinations for children Placed On The Traditional Childhood Vaccination Schedule;
The Israeli military has developed plans to invade Lebanon with the intent to push back the Shiite militant group Hezbollah;
Or Reroutes Around Africa
Civil War Movie April 26,
Congress Holds ‘First-
There is no 7 yr Tribulation,
Florida Surgeon General sent a letter about Pfizer (
DNA integration could theoretically impact a human’s oncogenes – the genes which can transform a healthy cell into a cancerous cell.
Project Ellmann (
Paris (hrygian Cap/
Saudi Arabia just received their 2nd leopard for their bizarre yet seemingly prophetic breeding program;
The name of the leopard Al Ain is a an Oasis “
Vast Hamas terror cell network will be ACTIVATED over Christmas in UK &
German State to Require Citizenship Applicants Pledge Support for Israel
CDC Director Mandy Cohen (
Lloyd Austin,

https://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/313.html; “Lord” appears 313 total times; 313ad officially ended all persecution of Christians by the Roman (Saturnis) state; Yhvh, Yahweh is Lord, the 313th and the last appearance in Leviticus is in its last verse is LORD=JESUS; Yhwh=Antichrist

Arizona border has collapsed.
Iran “
U of Penn President called out for Jewish Anti-
Kristalina Georgieva,
Deputy British Prime Minister Tells UK Citizens “
Netanyahu Accuses The Entire World of Anti-
UN Secretary-
Akkadians under Sargon the Great aka Canaan (
Dracula means “son of Dracul.
Not a single ICBM with a live warhead has ever been tested;
ChatGPT was treated like the ‘

Israel ‘
Walid Phares “
Rastafari JÄH is an Abrahamic religion “
Egyptian Sheikh:
Massive rats ‘
Treasure Island in SF is a Superfund Cleanup Site owned by Nancy and the Gay Paul Pelosi;
Central Park landing”
Lodestone “
Ion (
IDF troops hold mezuzah ceremony in Gaza City;
IDF troops hold mezuzah ceremony in Gaza City;
Thousands of Chabad Rabbis in New York pray for Israel and the world;
In 2015,
More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams said Christian professor Michael Licona.
Ranchers Warn the Worst Collapse in Cattle Production Will Make Meat Prices Double This Winter;
Rabbi Solomon Friedman is the new owner of PornHub.
Now I,
Gaza refugees;
Half of U.
Jordan has again “
Canada could take in Palestinian refugees;
The 7th Circuit Holds That AR-
How a schoolgirl aged FOURTEEN and her scientist father came up with the idea of pandemic lockdowns;
BBC Caught Using Hamas Crisis Actor in News Report
Amihai My nation lives Eliyahu My god is Yahweh (
No Muslim-
When a modern-
Lindsey Graham Says US Must Escalate Israel-
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