NIH Director Francis Collins chaired the Human Genome Project and won the $1.3M Templeton Prize in 2020 for “Progress in Religion, Science and Spirituality” Templeton Prize winners receive the awards from Prince Phillip whose stated desire is to be reincarnated as a “Killer Virus” include 33 deg Luciferian Freemasons ie Satanists Billy Graham, King Abdullah of Jordan, a claimed Hashemite descendant of Muhammad, Prison Fellowship, Water Gate burglar Chuck Colson, several Rabbis, Hindu leaders, Jesuit Priests, Astrophysicists, and the Dalai Lama. Collin’s Foundation BioLogos promotes the compatibility of Evolution and Christianity; Gnostics regard Logos as Sophia. BioLogos and 2700 Evangelical Theologians seek to unite Science and Religion around the Science of Evolution and the Coronavirus mRNA, mDNA Vaccines. Collins regards DNA as the “Language of God”. Logos means “Word; To Speak” aka Dabar (Bee) in Chaldean. Science is the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” (Dan 1:4KJV) and “Vain, profane babbling” 1 Ti 6:20KJV. Collins BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neuro-technologies) Initiative in association with the FDA and 16 Bio-Pharmaceutical Companies promote Coronavirus Vaccines aka FunVax (Fun means Cheat, Trick, Hoax) which suppress VMAT Gene expression regulating Neuro-transmitters (Dopamine, Norepinephrine, GABA, Acetylcholine, Serotonin) and the ability to know God via the Holy Ghost. Collins is Jesuit Anthony Fauci’s (Sickle) and wife Christine Grady’s boss; Grady heads the NIH Bioethics aka “Human Experimentation”. Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson said “Coronavirus is a global science experiment to see how far people will go listening to scientists.”
EVERGREEN Shipping took a peculiar route before blocking both channels of the Suez Canal on Hilaria (Mar 25). Hilaria is a celebration of the resurrection of the castrated god Attis aka “Green Man” The same day Hillary Clinton (Secret service Code Name “EVERGREEN”) held a Women’s Empowerment Summit with Kamala Harris. Nothing more “Empowering” than Emasculation eh? Folks, this is not meant to be funny; the EVER GIVEN grounding was intentional. Compounding the Global Shipping problem for the US is a log jam at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the latter owned by China; rerouting traffic through the Panama Canal? Also controlled by China. Mar 13, 1244 Cathars were executed by fire at Montsegur; China is Cathay=Cath/Heth “Land of Hittites” aka Sina “Wilderness of Sin”; amazing coincidence Pope Francis was Selected on 3/13/13 on Red Heifer Day, even mores, there are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible (KJV), the last being the fall of Babylon (Rev 18:19) “And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.” Costly? US Debt is a $Quadrillion! The US is the Scapegoat for “Babylon” Remember, Antichrist comes 3 1/2 years before Jesus Christ! Giving one “The Finger” is the symbol of Sodomy (CeDom “To burn in lust”); identical with the V sign (seen in COVAX and the Red Sun Rising Logo); in Japan the V means Kana=”Brother” Esau and everyone in the House of Esau will die at the 2nd Coming (Ref Obadiah); Esau intends to kill everyone in the House of Jacob (Gen 27:39-41KJV) to prevent that prophecy from happening. That’s “Brotherly Love” eh?
EVER GIVEN is a Japanese (Land of the Rising Sun) Imbari Shipbuilders run by Yukito Higaki “King of Japanese Shipbuilding” founded from Kurushima Pirates, owned by Chinese EVERGREEN Marine Group a worldwide Consortium in Ireland, Spain, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Italy, UK, Spain, Philippines, Australia and the US (Evergreen Airways no-bid contract for Chemtrail Geo-Engineering) all using the title “EVERGREEN”; a 220K Mega-Ship blocks the SUEZ (Mirror of ZEUS) Canal on Hillaria (Mar 25) aka Resurrection of Attis aka Green Man; Baking Cakes (Spirit Cooking) to the Queen of Heaven “Cybele”) the same day Clinton Foundation (Hillary Secret Service Name is EVERGREEN) held the Women’s Empowerment Summit with Kamala Harris from Howard University, HQ of the Boule Society “Noble Caste”. Blocking the SUEZ Canal is disrupting Global Trade $10B/Day; 30% of the world’s daily shipping container volume transits the Canal originally built by Egyptian Pharaoh Senusret II meaning “Man of the goddess WORSET” aka Mut “Mother Goddess”, Cybele “Mother Goddess/Queen of Heaven” or Hathor “Mansion of Horus”. SUEZ is the mirror image of ZEUS aka Attis. Barakai: Kai means “Reverence” + Barak “Lightning” aka Satan/Lucifer is the name of the Winged White Horse Abraham and later Muhammad rode to Heaven according to Arabs. EVERGREEN International Aviation is a CIA Front (“Firefighting”, Chemtrailing, Drug/Weapons running (Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s transferred to Syria) CIA Extraordinary Rendition Flights (Vacations in CIA Black Sites), CIA Helicopters Ops and Human Trafficking “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” Jer 7:18 Hilarious eh? Worship of the Pale Horse “Death” (Chloro=Green) lasts forEVER!
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” Lev 17:11.
- Kamela is an alternate spelling and meaning of Kamala “Lotus” and “Camel” (3rd Temple Coins depict Camels) The Nabatean Arab god Dushara is equivalent with the Edomite Qos “Bow”; in 2024 the Hindu Festival of Dushara aligns with Feast of Atonement on Oct 12, 2020; 1260 days after May Day 2021 and 1290 days after April Fool’s Day aka Assyrian Akitu Festival (Akitu celebrates Marduk the “Golden Calf”).
- Kamala is Lakshmi meaning “Sign or Mark” as in the “Mark of Cain” aka “Mark of the Beast”
- Kamala means Lotus symbolizing Birth from the Earth/Mud/Red Clay ie Adam or Edom; Trump gave Pope Francis a Lotus “Rising Above” wearing funeral attire in 2017)
- Kamala means Pale Red ie Dyestuff and is an anagram of Amalek the eternal enemy of God to which Esau’s grandson is named after; Edom also means “Red”.
- Kamala/Kamela means “Perfect” (Cathar Priests were “Perfect”; the US is a Rosicrucian creation of the Order of Perfectibilists) and also means “Garden”; a return to the Garden of Eden meant here; Rabbis directing Kamala use the term Tikkun Olam “Repair the Earth” referring to slaughtering everyone in Covenant with God ie House of Jacob.
- Kamala is one of the 7 Pleiades and daughter of Pleione meaning “Increase the Flocks”; the Pyramid of Kukulkan has the Serpent descending the 91 (1…..13=91; Ishmael was Circumcised at 13, the number of Rebellion to God; Esau married into Canaanites of Ishmael’s clan) steps on 3/22 and 9/22; 4 sides X91=364 plus the top Rattlesnake Temple tracking the zenith of Pleiades considered the “Golden Gate” of the Ecliptic; the New Age is the Golden Age of Saturn.
- In Hindu religion Krittika the “War God” conquers with a Bow just like the Edomite (Red) national god Qos, Hindu god Rama aka Lord Ram (Ares/Mar 20), Shiva, Cupid, Apollo and Artemis/Diana (5G Artemis Project uses a Target on a Cell Phone Bow is Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison; Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”.
- Kamala is identical with Kumara as in Sanat Kumara the Great Teacher of Theosophy is Antichrist aka Ancient of Days (Dan 7:13 represents the SPIRIT-JESUS/JAH/JEHOVAH and Flesh of God-Jesus-Jah-Jehovah reuniting for eternity not Sanat Kumara!), the leader of the Great White Brotherhood, Lord Regent of Earth and “Great Initiator” in Theosophy (Brought to the West by Helena Blavatsky from Madras) representing Victory (COVAX has the Red Sun Rising in Victory from the V) This is a fraction of what Kamala/Kamela Devi Gopalan (Aryan Priest) means.
Daniel warned of 1335, 1290 and 1260 Days before the 2nd Coming. Valentines Day 2021 (Heart=Bal=Baal=Molech=Qos) +=Toxon=Poison) aka Cretan Zeus (Dyeus=Day=Blue), Roman Jupiter,
Season of Sacrifice A 40 day period beginning with the Sun rising in Aries until Beltane. The CDC outlined the next 3 Plandemics: 1. Nipah Virus (Malaysia is the Kingdom of Sabah “Rising Sun”; Malaysian Flying Fox; FOX=6; 1+5=6; 2+4=6; Jesus referred to Jesus as “That Fox”) 2. Ebola Virus (Ebola means Balls of the Flagrum used to induce internal bleeding prior to Crucifixion) 3. Chikungunya Virus (GM Asian Tiger Mosquitoes) Amalekites are at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16); the Idumean National God is Qos=Bow=Poison; the Hindu Lord Ram (Ares=Ram/UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus Acts 17:23) their season began Mar 20 “Nowruz” meaning “New Light” “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” Jn 9:5 Think Nowruz has anything to do with JESUS? Guess again! Justin Bieber kicked off the Zoroastrian Holy Day of Nowruz “New Light” with the release of “Peaches”; Peach means “Persian Apple”; Peach means “Betray, Inform Against, Accuse; Indict; Bring to Trial or Impeach”; Impeach who? JESUS of course! Sanjaks are Rooster Idols of the UNKNOWN GOD (Ares, Mars, Nergal, Rama) of the Areopagus (Acts 17:23) heralding the Rising Sun “Lucifer”; Jesus warned Peter in advance he would betray Him 3 times before the Cock (Rooster) crowed 3 times. Iran kicked off Nowruz by allegedly threatening to attack Ft McNair and the Army War College in Washington DC in a USS Cole type attack; rest assured it will be like the USS Cole attack by Osama bin Laden (CIA asset Tim Osman), an Inside Job. This False Flag attack will however be one that could start WWIII “Mede Persian Ram versus the Grecian Goat” (Dan 7-8); brings a Pit to your stomach eh? On 3/22/21 (Society 322 “Brotherhood of Death” ring a Baal?) the Japan “Rising Sun” Olympic Torch Relay began in Fukushima the site of the Purim Sacrifice in 2010, an Extinction Level Event that has never stopped. The 38th Latitude may be the site of the world’s larges Exodus across the Sea of Japan to the 38th Parallel Korean DMZ, (Korahites Num 26:10 worship Azazel Lev 16:8-10; Jude 7) across the Silk Road to Karakoram the HQ of the Golden Horde which carried Bubonic Plague on Rats just over 666 years ago from Wuhan; the Karakoram Hwy was built for this purpose, ending in Islamabad; from there the route cleared by the US Army during the Gulf Wars which were also Purim Sacrifices runs across Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq (Abu Kamal on the Syria-Iraq border at the Euphrates River was recently bombed by the US VP named Kamal; Rev 16 says the Kings of the East will cross the Euphrates dry shod); from there across Idumea (Trans-Jordan=Edom, Moab, Ammon) to Armageddon “Mount of Slaughter”
According to Black Magick Occultists (Saturn worshippers) “Earth must be bathed in the blood of innocents to ensure a fruitful harvest necessary to invoke an archetype of the destructive forces in the universe” Heb 9:22-23 “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these”. Good news for Gnostics! “Oh I just can’t wait for Vaccines! It won’t be long until we are Free” The Crowning of the “Lion King” is imminent! The Babylonian Sun Lion “Shamash” that is; Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shamash” is awaiting the big day; just give all the children their “Kill Shots”!
Skull & Bones aka Brotherhood of Death is Society 322 named from Gen 3:22: The Georgia Guide Stones were dedicated on 3/22/80 calling for the sacrifice of all but 500M/7.7B people from Earth. Universal Health Care was illegally signed into law 3/22/10 at 3:22UTC. Forced Vaccination is Universal Health Care; just remember, SARS COV-2 is patented as is the Experimental Medical Device given FDA EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) posing as a Vaccine. You cannot be legally forced to undergo an Experimental Medical Procedure! DeepWater Horizon was pre-planned, the well head blew out, the rig caught fire on Weed Day and needlessly sank on Earth Day; 7000psi Oil and 100K psi Methane saturating the seabed has never stopped and is destroying the World’s Thermohaline Conveyor; Global Climate Change plates offshore from Fukushima were hit with a 9.0 Scalar EM induced Earthquake and Tsunami on Purim, likewise the Earth destroying radiation has never stopped. Anthony Fauci (Sickle/Scythe) proclaimed “Open Season” begins April 1, 2021 Open Season: “Unrestricted hunting of a particular animal” Daniel 12 warns of 1335, 1290 and 1260 days leading up the 2nd Coming. April Fool’s Day 2024 + 1290 days=Feast of Atonement May Day + 1260 days=Feast of Atonement 2024, the year predicts a 2/3 population reduction.
Coronavirus “Crowned Snake Venom” will be shown to be the Mark of Cain (Gen 4:15) 4 Horsemen (Rev 6), Strong Delusion (1 Thess 2:11) Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16; 14:14) Abomination of Desolation (Dan 11:31; Mat 24:15) and Edomite Dominion (Gen 27:39-41; Dan 7:6 ) Qos, the Edomite National God is Molech, symbolized the Crowned White Horse conquering with a Bow aka Antichrist, the White Bearded Idol of Zeus mistaken the world over as Jesus Christ. The Flag of Japan (Jih + Pun=Land of the Rising Sun=Saturn/Qos) matches COVAX. 3 1/2 years ago on Sept 23, 2017 Gnostics saw the Woman (Virgo) clothed with the Sun under a Crown of 12 stars (Leo; Ureaus Crown in Leo is the Sickle just lie Fauci) and the Moon at her feet as the start of the Great Tribulation (Rev 12:1) It was not! Virgo is the Whore of Babylon and Leo is the “Lion King” Sacrifice of Children is what Molech demands! The Whore (Europa/Isis/Ashtoreth) symbolically gave birth to Jupiter the Roman god equivalent with the Cretan Zeus, Egyptian Horus, Edomite Qos or Nabataean Dushara on Sept 23, 2017 Qos represents the God of Edomite “Dominion” aka 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6); the son of Saturn, YHWH, Yahweh, Sikkuth, Milcom, Ashtoreth, Nisroch, Chemosh, Chiun, El, Qos. Edomite National God of Idumea (Trans-Jordan) is Qos “God of the Rainbow” (Rainbows form as light refracts at 42 deg in Water Drops/Dew; Esau lives by the “Dew of Heaven” Gen 27:39KJV) Qos means Bow=Poison Strongs #5115 Toxon. Edomite Dominion is described in Dan 7:6 (7X6=42) at the start of 42 months of Great Tribulation described in Rev 13 (6+7; Esau Circumcised at 13 and sold his Birthright) Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” Vaccine (Of the Cow=Hathor=Mansion of Horus) is an Experimental Bio-medical procedure not a Vaccine. Edomite Qos means Poison; the Archer launching Poison Arrows (Vaccine Needles) riding the Crowned White Horse (Rev 6). The Six Pointed Star of Molech/Qos is the Abomination of the Zidonians (Phoenicians), Moabites, Ammonites “And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile” 2 Ki 23:13. Edomites, Ammonites and Moabites escape the hand of Antichrist during the Great Tribulation “He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon”. Dan 11:41 The Bio-medical Device masquerading as a Vaccine suppresses VMAT-2 “God Gene” resulting in Desolation (Abandoned by God) Jesus returns to Destroy (In Hell) everyone in the House of Esau “And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it.Obadiah 1:18 and to “Destroy them which destroy the Earth” Rev 11:18 The Red Horse rider removes Peace; Anti-vaxxers the world over will be classed as Domestic Terrorists. The Black Horse collapses the world economy and provides what is being called the Universal Basic Income in exchange for accepting the Mark of the Beast, the Six Pointed Star aka Abomination causing Desolation, the symbol of the Pale Horse “Death” Israel has Green Pass; the EU has Green Certificate because Green Man (Osiris/Saturn/Bacchus, Dionysus, Arab al Khidr) is the Pale (Green) Horse. The Green New Deal is a deal with the Devil and a one way ticket to Hell for eternity.
“And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth Rev 11:18KJV
Fukushima and DeepWater Horizon continue to lay waste to much of the world’s oceans and atmosphere Desolation means “Void of God”. Fukushima and Coronavirus both have 3/11 Purim in common Worship of Marduk aka Golden Calf has never stopped; it’s called “Vaccination” For Coronavirus to be the Abomination of Desolation we need to know how old Creation is. Jesus is not slack concerning his promise to return when Creation is 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8) The 4 Horsemen ride 1260 days beforehand. “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains Mat 24:15-16 “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto” Lk 20-21. May 1 “Beltane” (Baal + Fire) is the Birth of Baal aka Molech, symbolized by the Six Pointed Chaldean Star of Saturn (Edomite Qos) from May 1, 2021 until Feast of Atonement 2024 there are 1260 days. From April Fool’s Day aka Assyrian New Year and Akitu Festival celebrating the return of Marduk the Golden Calf, there are 1290 days “And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days” Dan 12:11
Time (Chronos) is Saturn aka Grim Reaper whose weapon is the Sickle; Fauci and Kama mean “Sickle”; Kamala “Lotus Flower” is the product of a Brahmin (Sacred Cow) Caste arranged marriage; a Sacred Prostitute of Qadesh “Holy Cow”. Jesuits are the Society of Gesu; Ge=Earth + Sus=Pig “Earth Pig”; 2021 is the Chinese Year of the Earth Pig. China is derived from Sina=Wilderness of Sin. Jesuit Anthony (Anthony means “Flower”) Fauci (Sickle) declared “Open Season begins in April” April Fool’s Day 2021 aka Assyrian Akitu Festival +1290 days=Feast of Atonement 2024. In 2021 Passover and Easter align on 4/4/21 Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix is Aleister “666/Great Beast” Crowley’s book detailing the New Aeon of Horus (Horites are “Worshippers of Saturn’s son Horus) beginning with the Mass of the Phoenix; he US is the Phoenix of the New Age planned 400 years ago in 1620 New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished by Francis Bacon (Free Pig); this is why Dean Koontz referred to the “Virus” Wuhan 400 in Eyes of Darkness. Mass means “Daily Sacrifice” (Dan 12:11) I am the Life, Babylonian, Phoenix and Blood equal 44.
Time: 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 years Aries to Pisces; in 163bc Maccabees cleansed the Temple of Pigs Blood; 2021 is the Chinese year of the Pig. 1656 + 2160 + 2184 (163bc-2021ad)=6000 years. Is this the correct measurement of Time? Rabbis think so; Jesus said never call any man “Rabbi” (Mat 23:8) because they never accepted His Blood Atonement. Let’s try again. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 Aries to Pisces + 2160 Pisces to Aquarius=5976 years. After the Flood, the Spring Equinox Sunrise occurred in Taurus, hence the Rising Sun became associated with the Bull and his son Marduk, the “Golden Bull Calf of the Sun” aka Jupiter/Zeus. The Age of Aquarius is a return to pre-Flood Sins, seen in LGBTQ, Incest, Pedophilia, Pederasty symbolized by the Rainbow aka Golden Age of Saturn. The first post-Flood “King of the World” was Sargon the Great; declared Legitimate King at Adulthood (21) 1656 + 2160 + 2160 + 21=5996; thus God’s method of keeping Time differs from what Rabbis teach; Chaldean Priests went by the title “Rba” as did Sabeans (Saba means Rising Sun) in Haran, the land God made His Covenant with Abraham; Abraham Accords ring a Baal? I strongly suggest you say No!
Abomination means “Detestable, Loathsome, Accursed, Disgusting”; The Abomination of the Moabites is Chemosh; the Abomination of the Sidionians aka Phoenicians is Ashtoreth; the Abomination of the Ammonites is Milcom aka Molech (1 Ki 11:5;7; 2 Ki 23:13) The Abomination is always the same god Saturn meaning To Sow “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Gal 6:7; Zoroaster means “Undiluted Star” or “Star Seed”; Saturn sowing Gene Slips (Genetic modifications resulting in Man becoming a Beast “Lower Animal”. Without question, the Abomination is Saturn represented by the Chaldean Six Pointed Star, Saturn aka Satur in Chaldean is STUR (S=60; T=400; U=6; R=200) or 666 a likely candidate for the Mark of the Beast and representation of 666 (6 Equilateral Triangles of 60 deg surrounding a Hexagram). Hex means Curse; Cain killed Abel; God “Cursed” him and put a “Mark” on him (Gen 4:16); immediately after the Flood, Ham (Black=Black Star/Sun “Saturn”) and his Cainite mother’s incest resulted in Cain, the “Cursed” bloodline Abraham’s sons were forbidden to marry ie Canaanites, Horites, Phoenicians, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites; the Red Sun on COVAX Logo represents Edomite Dominion (Gen 27:39-41KJV). The Mark of Cain is the Six Pointed Star Solomon and his 1000 Canaanite/Phoenician wifey/concubines brought into Israel aka the Abomination of Desolation.
Desolation means ” Abandon, Lay Waste, Expulsion of Inhabitants, Devastation, Hopeless, Leave Alone, Desert completely” ie Void of God Final 1290 Days starting? Valentines Day #44 + 1335 days=Feast of Atonement 2024. The annual birth of Molech on May Day + 1260 days “Great Tribulation”=Feast of Atonement 2024. Pretty coincidental eh? From God’s perspective CV Vaccines are a mix of Cow, Swine, Bird, Bat, Aborted Fetal Cells, aluminum, Mercury and man-made RNA/DNA designed to suppress knowledge of Soul and Spirit ie cause “Desolation”. How can anything be more Abominable than that? Just add Luciferase and 666 and you’ll be walking, talking Satanic Zombie and no I’m not trying to be Funny. Daily Sacrifice and Open Season Masks are about to come off; Coronavirus Masks? Red Kachina is Esau getting ready to remove his Mask (Witch, Specter, Nightmare) in the plaza (UN Plaza) before the Uninitiated aka Un-Vaccinated. Yezidi “Al-Quds” Prophecy “When Blue Star Al-Qud appears in the Heavens, the 5th Age will commence the days of purification; War and Distress as Melek-Taus (Peacock Angel=Molech) returns as a Rainbow around the Sun or a Peacock” al Quds is Jerusalem, the city Jesus calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” where His final 2 Witnesses are killed Rev 11:7-8KJV.
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy “The 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star and Red Kachina; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro” Prophecy Rock in AZ puts the Hopi plan in stone. “After Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina, the Purifier will remove his mask in the plaza before the Uninitiated and White Brother Pahana is revealed”. White Brother is Lucifer; You will want to be “Uninitiated”.
COVAX #ONEWORLDPROTECTED From What? JESUS is the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7 KJV); Jesus hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6:15) ie an Elevated Clergy; the same Elevated Clergy convincing Congregations to “Trust Science and get Vaccinated” Science is Chaldean “Vain, Profane Babblings” Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Ti 6:20KJV) Jesus hates Esau (Rom 9:13) because Esau sold his “Birthright”; Edomites are “Inside the Gates” aka Elevated Clergy (Obadiah) seen on the COVAX Logo currently convincing Congregations to “Trust Science and take the Vaccine”; Science is Chaldean “Vain, profane babbling” Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Ti 6:20KJV) Edom means Red; the Red Sun Rising above the V in COVAX. SARS COV-2 was patented in 2015; SARS COV-2 PCR Test Kits were shipped worldwide in 2018; Event 201 simulated Coronavirus erupting in Wuhan in Oct 2019; The Coronavirus Pandemic is neither a “Novel Virus” nor a “Pandemic”; it’s a patented SPIRITUAL Weapon. INOVIO ($INO) mDNA Vaccine was created in 3 Hrs after the Viral DNA sequence was published; one problem; nobody seems to have the Viral DNA sequence. Likewise BioNTech (MRNA) Vaccine was created in 3 Hrs on Jan 11, 2020. mRNA and mDNA Gene Therapies are not Vaccines. When the word Vaccine used Governments “Force Vaccinate”. You must give your consent to Experimental Gene Therapy. Coronavirus mRNA (Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca etc) and mDNA (INOVIO INO-4800) injections are not “Vaccines”; they are Patented Gene Therapies designed to permanently alter the human Genome. INOVIO CELLECTRA injects modified DNA Intra-dermally (Rev 13:16; 14:9 “In” the forehead or hand), as cells divide the mDNA spreads; VMAT 1, a Gene on Chromosome 8 regulates Neurotransmitters and is found in every cell in the body; Jesus warned “Except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved” Mat 24:22 Moderna CEO Tal Zacks “We are hacking the Software of Life…mRNA is a Computer Operating System” Dr Sherri Tenpenny explains the Covid Vaccines here Forced Vaccinations? 1905 Jacobsen V Massachusetts decided States have the right to “Force Vaccinate” during declared “Health Emergencies”; this does not convey the Legal Right force Experimental Gene Therapy on the US much less the World Population. Remember, the FDA has not approved any Covid Vaccines; the FDA only gave EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) to Patented Gene Therapies. Altering the human Genome using mRNA “Software” or mDNA “Hardware” allows the modified Genome to be Patented meaning Your body will be owned! not only that, but suppression of the VMAT-2 “God Gene” is the stated goal of the FunVax program Your Soul and Spirit will also be owned! Esau sold his “Birthright”, the right to an inheritance from God. Do not be Tricked into being Force Vaccinated!
GESARA Global Debt Forgiveness in exchange for your Soul and Spirit? Esau made that mistake; we don’t have to!
Coronavirus Vaccines are FunVax (Fun=Trick, Hoax, Cheat) Why is there no SARS COV-2 Viral sequence available? The Experimental Pfizer/BioNTech Vax was made in 3 hrs on Jan 11, 2020, 2 months before the WHO “Classified” COVID as a “Pandemic”; with a 99.6% Survival Rate it does not legally qualify as an Epidemic or Pandemic. Coronavirus is not a Pandemic! Pharmakeia “Sorcery/Witchcraft”; Pharmakos “Ritual Sacrifice” Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold the bulk of Pfizer stock the day the FDA gave EUA (Emergency Use Authorization); now why would he do that? VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reactions) procured AI Software to “Track the expected high volume of Coronavirus Adverse Reactions”. Bourla now cancels a trip over St Patty’s Day to Israel until he receives the 2nd “Vaccine” dose. mRNA (Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna etc) and mDNA (INOVIO INO-4800) are not Vaccines, they are Gene Therapies. Gene Therapies are not Vaccines! The Purpose for this definition change is to legally justify Forced Vaccinations (Ref Jacobsen V Mass 1905), Indemnify “Gene Therapy” Companies posing as Pharmaceutical Companies and Patent the modified Human Genome.
Geert Vanden Bossch’s letter to the WHO is part of the deception. Bossch worked/works GlaxoSmithKline (Warp Speed Czar Moncef Slaoui as well), Gates Foundation, Novartis Vaccine Dir of Adjuvants, Solvay Biologicals Universal Flu Vaccine, GAVI, UNIVAC, German Infectious Research Vaccine Chair, VARECO Director; his Open Letter calling on the WHO to halt Mass Vaccinations (There is zero chance of this happening) over concerns of the Virus mutating to become a Global Chimera; this is BS; the same BS picked up by Dr Vernon Coleman “Old Man in a Chair” and Talk Show Host, ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) Del Bigtree. There is no Virus nor a “Mutated Virus” nor a Coronavirus Vaccine! only Gene Therapy You may be able to be “Force Vaccinated” but you cannot be forced to take Experimental Gene Therapy. Use the correct legal definition. Dr Andrew Moulden commits “Suicide” warning people of Ischemic Stokes caused by Mercury/Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants PCR Inventor Kari Mullis has a “Heart Attack” after blasting Anthony Fauci as a no-nothing liar, political hack (Einstein was regarded similarly by Nikola Tesla who also turned up dead), and warning against using PCR Tests to Diagnose Viral Infection Anthony Fauci had a little soreness in his arm; sorry Tony that’s the wrong arm; bad acting? or in your face BS? Mrs Fauci (Christine Grady) is head of NIH “Bio-ethics” aka “Human Experimentation” which is exactly what Coronavirus is a “Global Human Science Experiment” “He was a normal healthy guy…2 weeks later he died of Coronavirus which is why our family is getting the Vaccine” Makes perfect sense eh? Kari Mullis died of a “Heart Attack” Aug 2019 in the midst of telling the world PCR Tests are not designed as a Diagnostic Tool, rather a Manufacturing Tool; Why then? In 2018 millions of PCR Test Kits are ordered and shipped worldwide; great planning eh? says “Make 2021 your Year” For What? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out COVISHIELD may be a “Shield” for something entirely different than SARS COV-2. Make no mistake folks! Ff you are not in a Personal Covenant with JESUS via the Holy Ghost, then by default you are in a Covenant with Satan. There are no other choices; BabylON, BabEL and BabIlu (Allah) mean “Gate of Saturn/Satan”, the Wide Gate leading to Destruction of the Soul Jesus warned of in Mat 7:13. Coronavirus is FunVax (Fun means Cheat, Trick or Hoax) The Coronavirus “Hoax” is meant to “Trick” you into selling your “Birthright” exactly as Esau did, “Cheating” you out of Eternal Salvation.
Whatever CV is, it has simply replaced Flu (Influenza means Influence of the Stars specifically the Six Pointed Star of Molech) deaths and is listed as COD despite 2.7 Co-morbidity factors; $13K/Covid diagnosis; $39K/ventilator treatment which is usually terminal and empty hospitals. The question is Why Now?
Marduk and Red Kachina: Marduk is the Golden Calf of the Sun; Purim means “Cast Lots for Marduk” which is why Coronavirus was “Classified”: a “Pandemic” on Purim (3/11/20) and why Coronavirus and Marduk stand atop the 311 Steps of the Monument in London Marduk is Shamash the “Golden Calf of the Sun” and center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah; in 163 bc Maccabees cleansed the Temple of Pig’s Blood; now its our turn; 2021 is the Chinese Year of the Pig. Rabbis think their Messiah is imminent; that’s why Rockefeller Project Lockstep has all nations on board with the Pandemic “Emergency” and the radiation hardened bunker Project 911 at Beit Shemesh stands ready. all this was pre-planned for what they think is the final DispenSATAN of 7 years leading to the 6000th year: 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 Aries to Pisces (Maccabees) + 2183 years=5993 years. Rabbis believe Dan 9:23-27 is the final Dispensation aka 70th Week; all hogwash just like their Pandemic Emergency. Red Kachina is Esau getting ready to remove his mask (Witch, Specter, Buffoon) in the plaza (UN Plaza) before the Uninitiated aka Un-Vaccinated.
Pharmakos means “Ritual Slaughter of a Scapegoat”; Pharmakeia means “Drug induced Sorcery, Witchcraft” Why are there no Viral DNA sequences for Coronavirus? Is it possible the Antigens are designed to provoke an Immune System response to our own bodies? If the Viral sequence were made available, anyone could see the Spike Proteins are our own bodies; more specifically the VMAT-1&2 “God Genes”? ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) results from our bodies producing “Non-neutralizing Antibodies” which facilitates Viral ie Antigen replication. The Antigen replication produces symptoms of AIDS.
INOVIO is derived from INNOVATE “Present as New; Change; Modify” mDNA (modified DNA) is injected directly into Skin Cells using CELLECTRA (CAPITALIZED spelling in Scripture refers to SPIRITUAL) Electroporation and ID tagged to that specific person. INOVIO claims mDNA injected into the Cells does not alter the Genome, but mDNA can survive intact a very long time so if it only suppresses VMAT Gene expression;
Theophrastus von Hohenheim aka Paracelsus was born illegitimately of Swabian Nobility; WEF founder Klaus Schwab is also “Swabian” (Indo-Aryan). His father Georg Bombast von Hohenheim was Knight Commander of the Hospitallers aka Knights of St John (John is Oannes the Chaldean Fish aka Beast Rising from the Sea) Considered the father of Toxicology and the use of Quicksilver (Mercury) for “Healing” aka Azoth the “Universal Remedy/Solvent”. Mercury Vaccine Adjuvants are fat soluble becoming Methyl Mercury or Organic Mercury; the Brain is 60% Fat. Mercury encased in Lipid “Ligands” breach the Blood-Brain Barrier. Hygeia, the Greek goddess of Health and root of Hygiene is the daughter and lab assistant of Aesculapius the Theraputae of Pergamon “God of Healing”, also the “God of Plagues”. Mercury “Quicksilver” is the equated with Hermes the Trickster and god of Liars, Gamblers and Thieves and is the symbol of Medicine, WHO, UN Meditation Room and the $ONE. The Serpent wrapped Bowl of Hygeia is Satan’s equivalent of God’s 7 Bowls of Wrath poured out by the Angel of Death carrying the Sickle/Scythe seen in Fauci and Kama; Kamal=Perfection; Kamala “Lotus” (mother’s maiden name Gopalan=Aryan Priest). Paracelsus predicted a “Great Calamity indicating the End Times”; Pharmaceutical means Sorcery/ Witchcraft and/or Sacrifice of a Scapegoat. Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” injected via Poison Needle full of “Toxon” (Strongs #5115 “Bow/Arrow”) is the Crowned White Horse of Rev 6:6. Paracelsus means “Above” + “Lofty, Eminent, Superior, Elevated”; Donald Trump gave Pope Francis a “Lotus” sculpture titled “Rise Above”; Quite a Trump (No higher rank) Card eh?
The EU Commission and French Government founded COVAX; The EU is convening a Emergency Vaccine Summit; 15 nations suspend COVAX shipments of AstraZeneca/Oxford COVISHIELD. Not in Benin! Benin receives 144,000/800,000 doses of the deadly Blood Clotting Vaccine at the same time the EU switches to the Russian/Israeli made Sputnik V Vaccine (Sputnik means “Fellow Earth Traveler” aka Earth Dweller Rev 13:8). COVAX logo looks like the Flag of Japan because it is; Japan means “House of the Rising Sun” Worship of the “Rising Sun” caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8); the Red Sun Rising in Victory from the V is Esau/Edom; a short lived Victory. Daniel warns Antichrist will overthrow many countries but Edom, Moab and Ammon will escape during the Great Tribulation (Dan 11:41) Esau sold his “Birthright”, the right to an inheritance from God, and was renamed Edom=Red; Esau became Corpus animatum, the “Zombie” like Beast unrestrained by God that Adam became when God fashioned his Body (Corpus) from Red Clay; this was before God “Quickened” him with a Soul and Spirit.“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” … He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.” Gen 2:7 Beast means “Lower Animal” ie Corpus animatum, a Zombie much like Frakenstein or a Golem GAVI, CEPI, WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, US, Germany provide the primary funding for COVAX; 165 member nations have signed on to COVAX whose mission statement “Provide equitable access to Covid 19 Vaccinations”. Be advised, the FDA has not Approved any Covid Vaccines, only given EUA “Emergency Use Authorization” for an “Experimental Vaccine”. 1. Altering your Genome allows the modified Genome to be Patented; therefore you will be Owned. 2. Modifying your Genome will void your Life Insurance if the Vaccine is proven the COD. The Agenda 2030 (20X30=6000; I read this as revealing of Antichrist not the year 2030) Timeline is here WEF “Great Reset” and Rockefeller Reset the Table will result in collapse of the Global Economy aka Black Horse of Rev 6:6; “Reset” refers to the Pale Horse (Rev 6:8) “Death” with “Hell” close behind for those who worship the Antichrist Beast aka “God of forces” (Dan 11:38; no coincidence 68X9.81M?S2=666Newtons of “Force” folks! Science is Chaldean/Cretan “Vain, profane babblings” Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Ti 6:20KJV; Neil DeGrasse Tyson described Coronavirus as a “Global Science Experiment” Human Experimentation using an FDA EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) of an mRNA and mDNA Experimental Therapy to combat a “Virus” that has never been sequenced, nor ever used on human beings before is against International Law (Nuremberg Code) and cannot legally be used under the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution to “Force Vaccinate” or require Vaccination as a condition of Employment. PCR Test Cycle Thresholds largely determine the COVID “Emergency”; High Cycles=False Positive Results=Manufactured COVID Emergency; PCR Test inventor Kari Mullis suffered a “Heart Attack” warning of this Aug 2019, here is the first US Court Case
The EU and France founded COVAX; 13 nations suspend COVAX shipments of AstraZeneca COVISHIELD at the same time Benin receives 144,000/800,000 doses. The European Parliament is built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel “Gate of the Gods” with Seat #666 held vacant. The EU uses Europa the Cretan Whore as its logo, the Woman Riding the Beast (Rev 17) is out front of the EU Parliament. Beast means “Lower Animal” COVAX and ONEWORLDPROTECTED are CAPITALIZED referring to a SPIRITUAL Mission to protect the World from the SPIRITUAL influence of God. COVID (Kobe in Japanese) means “God’s Door”; the UN Planetary Mission “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation”; Lucifer promises “Freedom and Liberty from God” Jesuit Knight of Malta Joe Biden is an “Ally of the Light” France co-founded COVAX The motto of the French Revolution “Liberty, Fraternity, Equality” means Liberty from God just as the Statue of Liberty, a gift from France and Lady Freedom standing atop the US Capitol “Womb of Zeus” has her back to the US and faces the Rising Sun; Fraternity with like minded people ie those willing to accept the Soul and Spirit destroying Vaccine and enter the New Age aka New Aeon of Horus; Vaccine means “Of the Cow”; Hathor the Holy Cow means “Mansion of Horus”. Equality refers to the Serpent’s first Lie “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Gen 3:5 Welcome to the Beast Kingdom, the 3rd Beast of Dan 7:6 is Edomite “Dominion” aka Great Reset, the planned “Social Cataclysm”.
The plan for WWIII
The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Confederate (Foederis means “Covenant with God”; Confederate is the opposite) Albert Pike’s plan is the Jesuit plan, a “Social Cataclysm” divided by the Holy Ghost called “Herd Immunity”. Jesus people would be divided (Mat 10:15-16); the Mormon Church “White Horse” plan is this same “Social Cataclysm”. Covid is the Crowned White Horse conquering with a Bow (Strongs #5115 “Toxon”=Poison=Covid Vaccine) Savagery is the Beast Empire “Lower Animals” have no restraint from God; they are/will be the “Walking Dead” not “Quickened” by the Holy Spirit; the Vaccine (Crowned Serpent/Devil/Satan/Dragon Rev 12:9) is the FunVax (Fun=Cheat, Trick Hoax) program designed to remove the Holy Ghost and produce a Desert/Wilderness void of God.
Mar 22 (Society 322 is the Brotherhood of Death)-May 1 “Season of Sacrifice” A 40 day period beginning with the Sun rising in Aries the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus in Acts 17:23 is next to the “Way of Cain”. Beltane “May Day” 1260 days of Great Tribulation added to May Day=Feast of Atonement 2024. The Holocaust began April 19, 1943 in the Warsaw Ghetto; 13,000 descendants of Jacob burned alive wearing the Star of Molech by Nazi flame throwers; in all 18Million were burned alive in ovens orchestrated by Jesuit Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski, Pope Pius XII, Fr Joseph Stalin (Jughashvili), Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf written by Jesuit Bernhard Staempfle), Fr Heinrich Himmler as sacrifices to the Phoenican/Carthaginian god Molech; the Sacrifice locations surrounding an ancient Grotto of Cybele “Magna Mater” formed a 5pt Star “Pentacle” in Witchcraft symbolizing Earth, Air, Water, Fire and the 5th Element “Quintessence” . WWIII will be a Holocaust Sacrifice of unimaginable proportion by Black Magick Occultists (Saturn worshippers; Skull & Bones “Brotherhood of Death”; Cult of Melchisedek aka Cult of Fire and Ice etc) using the Coronavirus Vaccine; Gnostics believe “Earth must be bathed in the blood of innocents to ensure a fruitful harvest necessary to invoke an archetype of the destructive forces in the universe” Heb 9:22-23 “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these”. On Mar 14 Anthony Fauci warned of a Deadly 3rd Wave; he also proclaimed “Open Season begins by April 2021” Open Season means “Unrestricted hunting of a particular animal”; the Human Animal.
INOVIO INO-4800 and CELLECTRA 3PSP: Innovate “Change; Introduce as New” ID (Identification; COVID “Certification Of Vaccination ID) delivered Intra-dermal Human Genome alteration using synthetic mDNA (man-made DNA) introduced through the Cell Wall via Cellular Electroporation and into the Cell Nucleus during Cellular Mitosis (Division). “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17 INOVIO is funded the same way COVAX is by a worldwide consortium largely by $US and it’s current nearly $Quadrillion Debt. INOVIO CELLECTRA 3PSP introduces mDNA (mRNA is essentially Software; mDNA is Hardware ie Genome Alteration) using Cellular Electroporation, a permanent alteration of the Genome, “Restoring” the original Genome created by Saturn the “Primeval Sun” aka “Black Matter”; recall the Black Slime in Prometheus? Big Bang Theory is Chaldean Bull Science; Black Matter essentially explodes to form “Visible Matter” and “Light” God said “Let there be Light” for Gnostics that Light must have been created from Darkness; I suggest you ask JESUS about that because the real “Light” is the Holy Ghost and will not be here for long. “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” Jn 9:5
Anti-vaxxers: “Domestic Terrorists” Domestic means “House”: Jesus is Shiloh “Owner of the House” (Gen 49:10) and Melchisedek “Priest of the Most High” (Gen 14:18; Heb 7). Terror means “Object of fear, dread, panic, terrible news” Vaccine means “Of the Cow”; Hathor “Mansion of Horus” is the Holy Cow, mother of Marduk the original “Golden Calf”. Jesus prepares “Mansions” in Heaven for His followers (Jn 14:2); the Vaccine is of Hathor, the “Mansion of Horus”. Beast means “Lower Animal”; what separates Humans from Beasts is the ability to know God via Spirit and Soul; the Covid Vaccine alters Human DNA to that of a Beast. Domestic Terrorism is defined under the Patriot Act as “Person engaging in an act dangerous to human life”; the DTPA “Domestic Terror Prevention Act” is new for 2021, in that it seeks to prevent anyone from committing Domestic Terror ie a threat dangerous to human life within the confines of the “House”; this is why the US has a 150 mile wide Constitution Free Zone surrounding all 50 States and a CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES, a Corporation affording no Rights to Citizens. Operation Garden Plot closed and converted BRAC (Military Base Reassignment and Closing) facilities in the Reagan era to Civilian Inmate Detention Centers; Civilian means “Citizen not in the Armed Forces” Our bodies are the New Covenant Temples of JESUS aka Domiciles of the Living God. COVID Vaccines and indeed all Vaccines not only contain Foreign Toxins, they contain Aluminum/Mercury Adjuvants which suppress Neurotransmitters by reducing the voltage gates in the Nerve Synapses ie our ability to feel a SPIRITUAL connection to God is dampened or removed. FunVax (Fun=Trick, Cheat, Hoax or Befool) is a 16+ yr old program designed to prevent “Religious Extremism” by suppressing VMAT-2 “God Gene”. Foreigners enter the New Covenant Temples via Poison Needles admitted voluntarily just like the original Trojan Horse (Cas 9 and Cas Phi Macrophages are called the “Trojan Horse of CRISPR Gene Editing”) Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”; the Crowned White Horse (Rev 6) conquers with a Bow; Strongs #5115 “Toxon”=Poison. April Fool’s Day aka Assyrian New Year is a celebration of Jesus being sent on “Fool’s Errands” prior to the Crucifixion; April 4, 2021 is Easter and Passover; adding 1290 days (Dan 12:11) we arrive at Feast of Atonement 2024 (Oct 11); The White Horse kicks off the 1260 day Great Tribulation; adding 1260 days to May 1 “Beltane” we also arrive at Feast of Atonement 2024; Guess who the Scapegoats (Lev 16:8-10) are? In America “Domestic Terrorists”.
Anti-vaxxers are now being labeled “Domestic Terrorists”; “Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to Domestic Terrorism; Getting Vaccinated is a Patriotic Act” Dr Richard Pam placed in charge of the Anti-vaccine Media Campaign. Notice the words Domestic, Extremism and Patriot are in the Patriot Act/Domestic Terror Bill. Patriot is derived from Patros “Of the father” Recall this Sign? The Mansion of Horus (Jupiter/Zeus) is the House of Osiris (Saturn/Satan) entered via COVID; Same as Kobe; Kobe’s Black Mamba (Saturn + Deadly Venomous Serpent; Coronavirus=Crowned Serpent Venom) Helicopter magically changing to Blue/White (Zeus=Blue) and the fake burial in Corona del Mar “Crown of the Sea”. Kobe in Japanese like COVID in Hebrew mean “God’s Door”; Japan means “House of the Rising Sun” ie Domicile of the Rising Sun; Recall this Sign in 2017? This was 666 years after Bubonic Plague hit Wuhan “China’s Thoroughfare” and the world’s first 5G Demonstration City. The Rising Sun is Saturn (Marduk the Golden Calf of the Sun worshipped on Purim; Covonavirus “Classified” a Pandemic “Pan Deimos” means “All People” on Purim 2020; on Purim 2021 Abu Kamal is bombed on the Euphrates; this may very well be the site in Rev 16 for “Kings of the East” to cross enroute to Armageddon; East means “Rising Sun”. Kamal means “Perfection”; Kama means Sickle/Scythe, same as Fauci the weapon of Saturn; Kamala Harris (Gopalan) is a “Foreigner” and Aryan “Noble Caste” from India ie the Brahmin Caste, again the “Holy Cow”; her maiden name Gopalan means “Priest”; the same as Cohen, the Samaritan “Priest” Class of Aaron are false Levite Priests; Jesus replaced the corrupted Levite Priests with the Melchisedek Priesthood under JESUS aka Melchisedek (Heb 7:11-12) Kamala means “Lotus” the symbol of Re-birth; Donald Trump gave Pope Francis an Egyptian White Lotus titled “Rising Above” Lotus Flowers are born in muddy water and “Rise Above”; Antichrist is called the Beast Rising from the Sea for this reason aka Oannes or Dagan. The sculpture was crafted to mean “Unity”; the same meaning is seen in Patriot “Fellow Countryman”; Patrios means “Of the Father”. Scutum Fidel “Shield of Faith” has all paths leading to Dyeus Pater, (Dyeus=Day=Sky Blue=666THz); the Domicile of Saturn In Eze 8, worship of the Rising Sun in the East caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple; Jesus was rejected and took the exact same route to Heaven some 600 years later from the 2nd Temple. The COVID Vaccine will close the door to a SPIRITUAL relationship with JESUS and create a Domicile of Saturn. Ready to reject the COVID Vaccine and be labeled a Domestic Terrorist, unable to Buy or Sell anything? INOVIO INO-4800 COVID Vaccine is in late phase trials and expecting FDA approval in April 2021. CELLECTRA 3PSP (Notice the CAPITALIZED Spelling; this is a SPIRITUAL attack) uses Micro-needles to deposit mDNA (Foreign, Modified DNA) Intradermally (In the Skin) and Electroporation to jolt the cell membrane open for a 100 fold increase in delivery. Civilians are Citizens who are not in the Armed Forces; INOVIO is funded by the DARPA and the US Army. “A man’s foes shall be they of his own household” Mat 10:36 Now you know the meaning of “Domestic Terrorist”. Mark of the Beast anyone? Eternity in Hell is a long time!
Mar 8 International Women’s Day, British Commonwealth Day aka Empire Day British means B’Rith=Birthright; Cain offered God what was already His which is why the Sacrifice was rejected; Canaan was produced from Ham and his Cainite mother’s incest; Japheth the Elder (Gen 10:21) gave birth to Gomer (German) and Ashkenaz (Germanic fake Jews; Gen 10:2-3) from which the House of Windsor (Saxe-Gotha) descend. Esau sold his Birthright and married Canaanite women; the Sun never sets on the British Empire because through Usury Esau has finally achieved or nearly so “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV) over every physical asset on Earth including physical bodies as Daniel prophesied (Dan 7:6)
Foreigners in the Temple: RNA modifiers produce Epigenetic Modifications used to turn genes On or Off without altering the genetic code aka “Epitranscriptomics”; aka Gene Slips (Is 17:10). Altering Gene Expression such as FunVax (Fun means Cheat, Hoax) used to alter Gene Expression of VMAT 2 “God Gene”. Goth: “Rude, Uncivilized, Savage, Despoiler, Barbarous, Crude, Rude”; Gotham=NYC “Big Apple” aka Apollyon/Apollo “Destroyer” (Rev 9:11). Aesculapius, the son of Apollo and Coronis, the Theraputae of Pergamon “god of plagues” is the WHO logo and $ONE. Empire “To Command; Territory subject to one emperor’s rule; Dominion, Realm” Wall St=Canaanite Wall of Jericho; Wall St has put the World in debt $257Trillion to the Commonwealth. Esau obtains “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41KJV); British means B’Rith (Birthright) of Cain, Japheth, Ishmael and Esau; British Commonwealth Day was originally called Empire Day. WTC #1, #2, #7 fell on 9/11/2001 aka PNAC (Project for a New American Century) “New Pearl Harbor”, the sequel to Pearl Harbor on 12/7 “Day of Infamy” Coincidence? Hardly. Goths began as Gutians (Aryan Nomads); Guti means “Unhappy, Barbarous, Rapacious” shortly after the Flood (ca 2200bc); Egypt knew them as “Hyksos” (Foreigners) aka Cretans; Persians as “Medes”; Israel as “Cutheans” (2 Ki 17:30); Rome as “Yezidis” (Kurds). Today’s Therapeutics are designed to take a Bite out of the Big Apple and destroy the Pearl of Great Price; your relationship with God. The Theraputae of Pergamon have maintained Satan’s Seat (Rev 2:13) for centuries; Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom” delivered via Poison Needle. QEII says everyone has a duty to get Vaccinated; tell the Queen she is a Germanic Fraud. Prince Harry wore a Nazi arm band to a Halloween party for a reason!
International Women’s Day “I am equality”; perhaps, just not biblically. “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” Gen 3:16 Eve took the first bite out of the Apple and Adam followed her lead. Equal Rights: Nobody on Earth has any “Rights” nor ownership of anything; the only “Rights” are the Right to open the door to JESUS aka Shiloh “Owner of the House”.
Venus is the Star of the Magi; the word means “Sexual desire, Love”; this is why 1 Cor 13 “Charity” (Love of God) is changed to “Love” Gnostic Cathars are the Church of Amor (Love as in Bacchanalias); America is the Land of the Amorites aka Amorica to tie in Venus. Venus is Phosphorus the one element deemed necessary for life; Venus marks out the Golden Mean every 8 years forming the 5pt Star (Earth, Air, Fire, Water + 5th Element Ether or Quintessence), thus Venus is the god of Witchcraft. Venus is the Arab al Uzza “Mighty One”; the Light Bringer (Lucifer) the Morning and Evening Star seen in Jerusalem (Shalim is the Evening Star); Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV. Venus is Desire, the Rom 1:27 warning when men forget God, God gives them to lusts; LGBTQ, pedophilia, pederasty, beastiality etc result from God leaving man to his desires (Venus=Desire). Tt was God’s warning to Ezekiel in Eze 8 and is today. There is no place for Easter in the lives of Born Again Christians.
Pope Francis arrives in Ur of the Chaldees for Interfaith Prayer for the Sons of Abraham. Ur of the Chaldees is home of the Ziggurat known as the Tower of Babel (Gate of the Gods). Pagans, Zionist Christians, Yezidis (Devil worshippers of Kurdistan), Muslims (Shia Muslims await al Mahdi), Mandeans (Zoroastrians awaiting the final War of Good and Evil; Rabbis call this Gog and Magog; a Lie) and Sabeans (Saba means Sunrise; Allah is the Sabean moon god “Sin”) Pope Francis, speaking to the Laudato Si (Earth be Praised) Community promotes new book “Vices & Virtues” warning of a 2nd Great Flood as in Noah’s Day as God’s punishment to obliterate humanity in order to protect the Earth against Global Warning. The false Vicar of Jesus may want to read Gen 9:11 “And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.” Fountains of the Deep (Gen 8:2) burst through the Earth’s Crust at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Continents slid away on waters rising from inside the Earth (Gen 1:7) as a hydroplaning tire; suddenly stopping, mountains formed with the Ark resting on the highest peak, Mt Everest (Chumolongmo “Earth Mother”) Over the next 120 years, Nations and people became separated by rising water (Archipelago is named after Shem’s great-great grandson Peleg) and developed independent languages. BabEl was the earliest attempt ro return to the pre-Flood world aka Golden Age of Saturn. Not quite the story Science teaches is it? Jesus (JEHOVAH Ex 6:3; JAH Ps 68:4KJV; JESUS Mat 1:25KJV) was rejected and Crucified by the Illegitimate Sanhedrin (All Roman Catholic Popes are also Illegitimate; Peter was never in Rome) at Passover.
The Sanhedrin call of 70 Nations to Israel is now Eliyahu’s call of 70 Nations Eliyahu means “My God is Yahweh” aka Saturn. Talmudic/Kabbalist Rabbi Alon Anava “We are in the war of Gog and Magog right now” Wrong! Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7-8; Eze 38-39) Rabbis await Hashem aka Satan not Jesus! Jesus offered Himself as Yah or Jah and was rejected; Elijah is one of the 2 Witnesses with Enoch; Saturnian “Jews” set a place for Elijah at Passover Seder (4/4/21); 44 hectares make up Vatican City which now control the Temple Mount; Chronos aka Saturn has 44 assistants; In Hebrew Gematria “I am the Life”, “Babylonian”, “Phoenix” and “Blood” all yield 44 Jesus shed His Blood on Passover for you; I would accept this as payment of Sin before its too late! The New Covenant is SPIRITUAL though JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4KJV), JESUS (Mat 1:25) aka Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV) Elijah will return at the start of the 1260 day Great Tribulation; perhaps on Passover 2021; 3 1/2 years later on Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus would return on His real Birthday when Creation is 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8) Feast of Tabernacles is the only Feast to be celebrated in the Millennium (Zech 14:18) Conditions of the call to the 3rd Temple are to accept 7 Noahide Laws and Court. Under Noahide Law, worship of JESUS is punishable by death as Idolatry.
Richard/Rachel Levine, Transgender Assist HHS Sec promotes “Equality Act”, puberty blocking hormone therapy, genital mutilation, abortions, and sex changes for minors. Rep fake Jew Jerry Nadler “God’s will is of no concern of this Congress” No longer “One Nation Under God”; America is the Scapegoat for Babylon
B.1.1.7 British Coronavirus VOC (Variant of Concern) to become dominant strain by mid to late March; B.1.1.7 “Warrants Universal compliance, Vaccines, Social Distancing, Masks” B.1.1.7 B-117 Stealth Fighter “Night Hawk” may ring a Baal; AVPL in Hebrew Gematria yields 117 and means “Darkness”. Ps 117 butchered in new bible versions, Ps 117 is the central and shortest Psalm in Scripture “Praise the LORD, all ye nations… “ 117 LORD is removed in the Mezuzah written over every door in Project 911 a radiation hardened bunker awaiting Moshiach; LORD is also changed to Yahweh, or Jehovah, names of the False Messiah; Nations is also changed to Gentiles to facilitate the Lie Israel is God’s restoration of Israel; it is not! Song of Solomon has 117 verses and not one contains the word “God”; neither does Esther, the Whore of Purim. This may be why Rep Jerry Nadler a Saturnian fake Jew declared “God’s will is of no concern of this Congress” on Purim during a debate over the “Equality Act”
Non-neutralizing Antibodies result from Covid Vaccines; ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) occurs, resulting in faster viral replication. Level 1 Macrophages: Immune systems overreact to first round vaccines; spike proteins replicate and 2nd round vaccines or Flu vaccines overwhelm immune systems; Level 2 Macrophages heal the inflammation caused by the Level 1 Macrophages; Coronavirus Vaccines inhibit Level 2 Macrophages from healing, resulting in pneumonia, injured Red Blood Cells and Interstitial Cell linings of Blood Vessels and Lung Aveoli leading to DAD (Diffuse Alveoli Damage) and Acute Interstitial Pneumonia. VMAT 2 (Vesicle Monoamine Transporter) regulate monoamine transport of Dopamine, Noradrenaline, Serotonin. Nerve synapses, voltage gated calcium channels are affected by Aluminum and Mercury eg Thimerosol Vaccine Adjuvants. Some people receiving the Coronavirus Vaccine report they can’t feel God anymore. FunVax is a Gov’t/University project designed to study/curb religious extremism; eg belief in the Holy Ghost. Event 201 Oct 18, 2019 rehearsed the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, the world’s first 5G demonstration city demonstrated how deadly 5G@60GHz can be in disrupting Blood Oxygen Event organizer Ashkenazi fake Jew David Kessler, Skull & Bones GHW Bush, GW Bush Jr, Bill Clinton FDA Chief and Obama Surgeon General is the new Coronavirus Operation Warp Speed Czar. Skull & Bones (Teutonic Brotherhood of Death) Satanist and Assst HHS Secretary, Event 201 speaker Robert Kadlec also managed Project Dark Winter June 2001 simulating a bio-weapon attack which happened with the Oct 2001 Anthrax False Flag. Biden’s Dark Winter should ring a Baal. 1000 MASH style mobile tent hospitals staffed by 1000 Oath Sworn doctors serve Hindu Warp Speed co-chair Vivek Murthy and Surgeon General Susan Orsega. Orsega at the NIH managed the Doctors without Borders, Samaritans Purse Ebola Hoax; Ebola Vaccines caused massive internal hemorrhage in Sierre Leone; Ebola is named after the Balls of the Crucifixion Scourge; Jesus whipped the Money Changers (Medici were/arer the same Black Nobility bankers.
Moroccan born British GSK Pharma R&D Chief Moncef Slaoui resigns as Warp Speed Czar moving to Medicxi Vulture Capitol, based in London, Geneva (Swiss Bankers) and Jersey Is offshore money haven, funding 10 Start ups forming Contessa (Italian Nobility) Medicxi is named after Italian Black Nobility de Medici Bankers; Giovanni de Medici aka Pope Leo X 5th Lateran Council in 1517 declared “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Catholic Dogma; a Lie; Jesus is the judge of every Soul (2 Cor 5:2) Lateran means “Hidden Frogs” the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13) Satan is aka Devil, dragon, serpent (Rev 12:9) Jesuits are managing Coronavirus (Fauci means Sickle as does Kama eg Kamala) the Jesuit HQ is the St John Lateran Archbasilica; Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”; the Crowned White Horse Rev 6) conquers with a Bow (Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison)
Can this get any more obvious? The Pearl of Great Price is the Holy Ghost, the only connection to God your Soul has is worth fighting for.
The Pakistani ‘expert’ Zaid Hamid claimed that Bill Gates would embed nanochips in the body of people worldwide through his vaccines and then America would conduct global surveillance through its 5G towers. No one would be able to work or travel without America’s permission.Bill Gates’ coronavirus vaccine will have nano trackers, will be controlled via 5G satellites to take Islam out of Muslims: Pakistani ‘expert’ Zaid Hamid ZIONIST VS ISLAM PRELUDE??
Contrary to popular claim on social media, RNA vaccines do not alter our DNA. Science Community dismissing Vaccination Claims
Correct, mRNA does not alter the human genome. mRNA is as Moderna (MRNA) CEO Tal Zacks says a Software hack of DNA; mRNA causes an Autoimmune reaction and a Non-neutralizing one at that which does not fully neutralize the pathogen and causes further replication especially with the 2nd dose and later “Variants” and “Boosters”. Rouleaux Bloodflow, Metal Adjuvants breach the Blood-Brain barrier and cause WBC’s to attack our own bodies and cause Ischemic Strokes; Masks reduce Oxygen further.
The Vaccines suppress expression of VMAT Genes regulating Neuro-transmitter (Dopamine, Serotonin etc); we essentially lose the ability to think in SPIRITUAL terms little by little becoming more susceptible to Media and RF influences. This I believe is what Jesus terms the “Strong Delusion”; imagine talking to someone about JESUS in the Walking Dead franchise. It’s hard enough now, just wait until a significant percentage of the population spurred on by their Pastors to “Trust Science and get the VAX” are shut off to the Holy Ghost.
In 1871 the Jesuit plan for 3 World Wars was written; WWIII pits Zionism (Christian and Jewish) versus Islam unleashing a bloody turmoil to the point of Monetary, Moral and Spiritual exhaustion to use their words.
INOVIO comes from Innovate ie “Create and present as new”; INOVIO INO-4800 mDNA vaccines introduced directly into the Cell Cytoplasm Intra-dermally fits the bill for the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13:16; 14:14; 20:4) and the reason followers of JESUS must be willing to be killed for our faith as Jesus was. mRNA is fragile; mDNA is not. Skin cells undergo Mitosis (Division) nearly constantly; when cells divide the nucleus becomes porous to the man-made DNA and that is an alteration of the human genome.
First Green Pass (Israel), then Green Certificate (EU), now British Muppet Boris Johnson Green Lights the Green Covid Passport
US Supreme Court hears case on “Warrantless Gun Confiscation” (Caniglia V Strom) Nice timing in Boulder and Atlanta eh? Boulder shooter Ahmad Al-Issa means “Praise Issa”; Issa is the Arabic Yeshua (Saturn) and Esau. Kamala Harris “Assault rifles are weapons of war…there is no reason to have them on the streets of a civil society” Except the 2nd Amendment that is. Kamala is Constitutionally intelligible to be VP or POTUS under the Natural Born Citizen Clause
EVER GIVEN a Japanese Kurushima Pirate ship built by owned by Chinese EVERGREEN Marine Group; a 220K Mega-Ship blocking the SUEZ (Mirror of ZEUS) as Clinton Foundation (Hillary Secret Service Name is EVERGREEN) holds Women’s Empowerment Summit with Kamala from Howard University, HQ of the Boule Society “Noble Caste” Notice Barakai: Kai means “Reverence” Barak “Lightning” aka Satan/Lucifer is the name of the Winged White Horse Abraham and later Muhammad rode to Heaven. The Canal connecting the Med and Red Sea was first built by Pharaoh Senusret “Man of the goddess WORSET aka Mut or Hathor “Powerful carrier of the WAS Scepter” the symbol of Power and Dominion; 30% of Daily Cargo Shipping transits the SUEZ; that’s Power eh? WOSRET like the Hindu god Rama, Edomite god Qos and White Horse of Rev 6 all conquer with a Bow=Poison.
Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?
And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?
For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?
Immediately following the 4 Horsemen, the 7 Trumpets begin. If you are not ready, now is a good time, May Day 2021 + 1260 days=Feast of Atonement 2024
Celebrity X (Celebrity means “Solemn Rite or Ceremony” X=Chi=Messiah) and Carnival (Remove Meat) Cruise Line requiring Covid Vaccine and “Robust Contact Tracing App” for Adults and Negative PCR Tests for Children Kama=Sickle; Kamal=Perfection; Kamala=Lotus Flower; Gopalan=Zoroastrian “Priest” Boule means Aryan/Iranian “Noble Caste”. Kamala is ineligible to be US President under the Natural Born Citizen Clause of the Constitution. Despite this, she will likely soon be US President.
1. The alleged “virus” was never isolated and therefore never identified; viruses are not alive; virus and pathogen both mean poison
2. The test is bogus because it identifies cell matter everyone has -they use high “cycles” (amplification) resulting in mostly false positives on which most of the fake statistics are based (half million my ass – people are dropping like flies from the vax – VAERS i.e., Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System only shows small portion of vax death and adverse effects – yet what it already shows is devastating.
3. Covid Test Swabs are sterilized with Ethylene Oxide a Class 1 Carcinogen which binds to protein building blocks of Hemoglobin inhibiting Red Blood Cells ability to carry Oxygen for the life of the cell; they jam it up your nose with metal nanoparticles (think morgellons) that penetrate the blood-brain-barrier; nano-particles permanently implanted in your system using this unnecessary barbaric method (now they want to do an anal swab too to add in the ‘humiliation’ factor).
4. The vaccine is not a vaccine at all – it is a gene therapy (treatment); they used vaccine definition to rush through the approval. mRNA going into the cell does not stop transmission. If it were discussed as a ‘ treatment’ (gene therapy) it would not pass government scrutiny to be passed onto the public. They are failing to discuss other treatments like hydrochloriquine or Ivermectin that ACTUALLY WORK for respiratory illness.
5. The vaccines (AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J) are NOT approved by the FDA – they were pushed through for “Emergency Use” authorization only – Yet everyone is passing it off a tested and approved- which it is NOT. People taking the vaccinations are lab rats (guinea pigs)
6. The vaccine is EXPERIMENTAL ! why would anyone take an experimental vaccine? Probably because they listen to propaganda new sources – which are legal in America – yes they can spread disinformation due to the NDAA and Smith-Mundt Modernization act of 2012. The news sources you listen to including Public Television, NPR, MSNBC, CNN are owned by 5 large corporation and in sync with each other (many with huge grants from Bill Gates).
7. The vaccine permanently changes you DNA: Programmable mRNA Vaccines + CRISPR Gene Editing=God’s DNA Code altered, patented and owned. CRISPR cuts your DNA and reprograms it. In other words, You Are Changing the Code that God (JESUS) gave you.
8. Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancerous tumors.
9. Why are people putting 72 foreign antigens into their bodies just to allegedly get rid of one foreign antigen ? The dozens of antigens in the poison jab include fetal (human kidney lung) and animal (chimpanzee etc) material, toxic thimerosal, Aluminum/Mercury Adjuvants which suppress Neurotransmitters by reducing the voltage gates in the Nerve Synapses. 72 pieces of shit in your body to stop the cold/flu antigen WTF ?
10. Vaccines have been found to cause a host of chronic, late developing adverse events. Some adverse events like type 1 diabetes may not occur until 3-4 years after a vaccine is administered [1]. In the example of type 1 diabetes the frequency of cases of adverse events may surpass the frequency of cases of severe infectious disease the vaccine was designed to prevent. Given that type 1 diabetes is only one of many immune mediated diseases potentially caused by vaccines, chronic late occurring adverse events are a serious public health issue.
11. (cont’d) Autoimmunity and the opposing condition, metabolic syndrome, are well know adverse events caused by vaccines [14]. COVID-19 infections are associated with the induction of autoantibodies and autoimmune disease [15,16] making it more than plausible a vaccine could do the same. One author has found amino acid sequences coded by the spike protein to be identical to sequences in human proteins including proteins found in the CNS [17]. Autoimmunity can also be induced by epitope spreading when a foreign antigen, like the spike protein, is presented by an antigen presenting cell that also has self molecules attached to its MHC molecules. In other words – it creates AIDS (like the hepatitis vaccine).
12. They admit to hacking Your Brain
13. Brain-hacked slaves can very potentially be remotely controlled via 5G IOT (Internet of Things), Identified via Quantum Dot Micro-needle delivery and Luciferase enzyme; Memories can be erased/altered and the Host Terminated. Transformation Genetics” Genetic alteration of a cell resulting from uptake and incorporation of exogenous genetic material through Cell Membrane (eg INOVIO Cellectra 3psp, micro-needle delivery system) via Cellular Electroporation.
14. If you allow yourself to become Trans-human aka Cyborg – you are a slave and have no Rights to anything including the right to a Saving relationship with God aka New Covenant.
The whole idea stinks (to say the least) and there’s a larger plan. Keep Praying to JESUS who saves you from being slaves.
Part 2
Neil deGrasse Tyson on the virus: “I think we’re in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide”. (I can send you the clip). Pompeo called it a “Live Exercise”. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) stopped counting” flu” cases at all this year. There is a $3,000 federal incentive to medical providers who diagnose “cv” and $13,000 incentive for putting people on respirators (which have killed hundreds – mostly elders) so the figures for many reasons are much higher. Dozens of naturopathic doctors have mysteriously died over last decade or two. But don’t blame your doctors – most of them are in the dark too. The Big Pharma-CDC-WHO revolving door has an iron grip on the medical industry ever since the Rockefellers took it over by starting the AMA. Notice a lot of these organizations use a snake on a pole for their logo. Doctors are given limited information and are supposed to believe a Big Pharma bought out moron Paul Offit. All of Pasteur’s animals that he tested died and “germ theory” itself is false.
Bill Gates owns many patents including 060606 and has been working on them for decades. Gates father (like him) a Eugenist – his father headed Planned Parenthood (founded by Margaret Sanger had evil things to say about black people). If you have time I can send you video on how these monsters sent polio vaccines to Africa and the horrendous result. Many countries ordered the “test’ in 2018 before the media-created panic, There are MIT articles, Rockefeller think tank papers, World Economic Plans (their website is filled with layers and layers of schemes they worked on since their founding in 1971. Klaus Schwab the Nazi who runs WEF wants the world to run on Artificial Intelligence (and much worse). Ted Turner and many elites including the pope have stated the world population is way too high – so people must “go” (in other words) to protect “mother earth”.
I know it is hard to believe that so many evil people have coordinated, but history shows it is true. And now time is short for Satan so he’s going on full throttle. The brainwashing effort using media tricks NLP and vaccinations and chemtrails (aka toxic aerosols) GMO etc show the magnitude of the plot. Johnson and Johnson with the fourth “emergency use only” vax was ordered to pay $100 million for putting asbestos in baby powder. How ’bout that? Again, your doctors probably have no investigated a lot of this (although they should at least know about ’emergency authorization only’ and “experimental’) but plenty of other doctors and experts including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (who has several publications – his motives being examined) know more truth. You really need to do the research – I can provide whatever links you may need. The algorithms on search engines (google = government) and twitter and FB are all edited to take out good information so you have to “dig”. The fact checker sites are all fake especially ‘snopes’ who’s founder Mikkelson cheated on his wife and used $98,000 of their funds on hookers; he is often accused of lying and fraud. You have to dig to get reputable sources from people who are not in the elite or bought out by them. Lying snopes like killing Johnson and Johnson still prevail – why is that? However, Jesus will set all this straight, and he already won. You have to have a rock solid faith to get through this most evil era, and you may have to stand tall. There are no aliens but they may try to pass this off as superior intelligence; they have a few tricks left to roll out. If you are called upon to deny Jesus with Noahide or Sharia law (both Satanic) DON’T Do it – eternity is at stake. Nohaide laws which are in USA and all 50 states say that believing in Jesus is idolatry punishable by death. Read the four gospels. Mat 10:19; Mk 13:11; Lk 12:11-12:
• “But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.”
• “But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost”
• “And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say: For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say”
You have been lied to – but the truth has been set forth. The Truth Will Set You Free.
Part 3 – (includes part of the ‘big plan’ fourth industrial revolution artificial intelligence tempting people with enhancements and debt relief etc.) … for those who survive
Reports of Deaths After COVID Vaccines Up by 259 in 1 Week, CDC Data Show
IBM and Moderna Team Up for the Great Reset and Digital Health Passes (AKA HELL PASSES)
• IBM supplied Nazis the personal information of human sacrifices in the Holocaust; now IBM and Modern (MRNA) will track the genetic modifications in the human genome aka DNA of the Beast Empire and issue a Covid (Certification of Vaccination ID) allowing the ability to travel, buy, sell and return to the “New Normal” ie no masks or social distancing. AI (NY program Excelsior means Lofty; Beyond) will make the determination, equivalent to the masks worn by executioners. Private businesses are “Deputized” as COVID Sheriffs (King’s Tax Collectors) seen in the Dragon and Sheriff’s Booth guarding the City of London Corp. Access to the Courts and Magna Carta (Rights of Man) are conditional on accepting the Mark of the Beast which could include GESARA Global Economic Security and Recovery Act: Global Debt Forgiveness in exchange for the Mark of the Beast if you deny JESUS IS LORD (Global dept relief looks good on the surface now that they are forcing everyone into poverty by design)
• IBM’s Covid Digital Health Pass will be part of IBM’s Blockchain World Wire providing access to International travel and payment; it was after all IBM that created the Nazi tracking system and Nazi eugenicist Bill Gates from Hell and ID 2020 Patent #WO/2020/060606 Cloud connected Cryptocurrency/Vaccination ID. COVID means “God’s Door” an acronym for “Certificate of Vaccination ID”. It’s the door of Horus – Instead choose the MANSIONS with JESUS in John 14.
• INOVIO CELLECTRA DARPA, CEPI, GAVI, WHO, US Army funded INOVIO CELLECTRA Individually RFID tagged disposable tips with Quantum Dot Luciferase Intra-dermal Vaccine Delivery of mDNA (man-made DNA) and Cellular Electroporation Intra-cellular Vaccine Delivery and the Wedding to Satan will be complete. When? INOVIO expects FDA approval in April 2021; not coincidentally Easter and Passover align on 4/4; Aleister 666 Crowley’s book Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix
• Coronavirus “Classified” a “Global Pandemic” Everyone refusing the endless Jab regimin will be labeled a “Domestic Terrorist”, according to California Senator Dr. Richard Pan Anointed by Big Pharma Media to Start “Domestic Terrorist” Campaign Against Those Who Refuse the Experimental COVID Vaccine “ Medical Tyranny (both parties are in on it)
• Matthew 16:25 “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
If this was you last comment/post Mr Howard. Thank you, It is a pure and complete synopsis of this day. Where we are at as a lost world without JESUS. Make an article of this very direct dealing with the facts for a sinner who needs to see clearly the evil being perpetrated and for a believer to continue until the end. Matt 16:25 Amen brother.
Again Howard, Thank you for your blunt, to the point scenario of the times we are living in. I, too believe you’re right on the mark with this being the mark of the beast, and the beast system being created right in front of our own eyes. Many will not accept that this is the mark because it’s not given to us in the hand, or head, but what they don’t understand is that this could also be a symbol of ‘choice” to take a known substance that will change our DNA, and render us a beast by hand, or head accepting of it. Like you said, it’s an abomination to our Lord on every level. As I come here every day for your wisdom, I find that I also feel very content knowing what’s happening, and how to keep focused on the prize, and not the tribulations. Much respect, and blessings to you..
Tina Thank You so much for this; you have no idea how much I appreciate your kind words Bill Gates’ Gulfstream 650 N887WM is owned by Mente (Mind) LLC in Seattle. WM may be the initials of his parents William Sr and Mary or King William aka “King Billy” the Sodomite, 1st cousin King of Ireland, Scotland and England, and husband of Mary which formed the House of Orange Nassau. Wolff and Mueller use the WM Logo; contractors for the Throne of Pergamon aka Satan’s Seat in the Berlin Museum. Theraputae of Pergamon are guardians of Satan’s Seat and use the same logo as the WHO the Rod of Aesculapius “God of Plagues” The WM logo also represents Cassiopeia, the daughter of Coronus (Coronavirus?) is the celestial W or M depicted seated in a Torture Chair.
887 precedes 888 the number of “Christ” in Greek (IHCOUC). Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”. Cas Phi and Cas 9 are Adenovirus Vectors, dubbed the Trojan Horse of CRISPR Gene editing; Cas means “Cassiopeia”, the mother of Andromeda “Be mindful of Man”; Andromeda Strain may ring a Baal.
Johnson & Johnson use a Chimp Adenovirus Ad26 Vectors to create an immune system response to SARS COV-2; Rise of the Planet of the Apes may ring a Baal; Simian Flu rendered humans mute and animalistic; same as Masked and Vaxxed human Beasts with no knowledge of God, Spirit or Soul.
There is no DNA sequence of SARS COV-2 available; what ever Coronavirus is, it was patented in advance. Johnson and its Belgian subsidiary Janssen mean “Son of John” aka Oannes the Chaldean Beast Rising from the Sea. Chateau Amerois in Belgium is the Castle of Kings where the blood of sacrificed children is used to write the progress of the New World Order.
Heb 6:4-6 clearly states there is no return from Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; This can be done by accepting Shariah Law or Noahide Law, both have the same Chaldean source in Israel and Iran.
John Calvin (Cohen) and Rosicrucian artin Luther was/is so dangerous “Sin and Sin boldly, nothing can separate us from God” is pure Lie. The Holy Ghost, once one has it is the Pearl of Great Price purchased by the blood of the Creator in Flesh Jesus Christ. “Once Saved Always Saved” is an eternally deadly lie
I don’t trust Dr David Martin, Judy Muscovitz, certainly not RFK Jr nor Geert Vanden Bossch, Del Bigtree or Old Man in the Chair Dr Vernon Coleman. People getting Vaxxed will not “Shed the Virus”; CV is not a Virus, nor is Influenza which CV is. The CV Vaccine is not a Vaccine, it is a Biomedical Hack of our Genome and has VMAT 1 Sequences from Chromosome 8; the Neurotransmitter in every human cell. Our Immune systems literally are primed to attack itself, specifically the God Genes. This has been in play since the days of Rudolph Steiner in 1917
Someone please debate this; I say the Crowned Serpent Venom (Poison) is the Strong Delusion, 4 Horsemen, and Abomination of Desolation. Further, when our DNA is permanently altered to that of a Beast (Lower Animal) it will qualify as the Mark of the Beast. INOVIO CELLECTRA mDNA injected into the Cell during Mitosis where it gets to the Nucleus will permanently alter forever our Genome to that of a Beast. In addition I say the Mark of Cain God put on him, will be the MOB, the Six Pointed Chaldean Star of Molech.
I agree with everything here except the part of our DNA being altered qualifing as the MOB. I feel like the MOB has to be in the hand or forehead… And untill I see something in the hand or forehead it cannot be the Mark.
The “vaccines” I believe will/ are playing a big roll in people accepting the Mark. We can change our DNA in our human bodies but I don’t believe we can alter our souls in anyway. That being said the Mark of the Beast will change our DNA I’m sure… But it has to be accompanied by something in our hand or in our forehead and have 666 somewhere associated with it.
So these current mRNA gene therapys although they alter the genes or even DNA they arnt the Mark.
I agree Matt mRNA is a Software DNA hack designed to suppress VMAT Genes; VMAT 2 is the God Gene; Coronavirus Vaccines are the Strong Delusion, suppressing knowledge of Soul and Spirit aka FunVax (Fun means Cheat, Hoax or Trick)
mDNA Vaccines such as INOVIO (Innovate means Create and present as New; Change, Alter) are administered via CELLECTRA 3 PSP intra-dermally (In the Skin) where cells undergo near constant Mitosis (Division). Cellular Electroporation opens the Cell walls via electric impulse getting the modified, man-made altered DNA package into the Cytoplasm; during cell division the nucleus becomes permeable where the Genome can be altered and spread throughout the body. Jesus warned “No flesh should be saved” Mat 24:22 unless “Those Days” were shortened. The Abomination of Desolation (Mat 24:15) is the Six Pointed Star of Molech aka Chaldean STUR, symbolizing the number of a man 666.
Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” is Toxon (Strongs #5115 Bow) delivered by Needle; the 4 Horsemen, Strong Delusion, Mark of the Beast and Abomination of Desolation.
So is it not true that the Greek word Cheir means not only hand, but arm, and finger? Luke 15:22 = Finger, Matthew 22:13 Wrist, and Matthew 12:49 is Arm? In essence, the Hand can’t do anything without the arm, so wouldn’t it make sense that they are all one, in the same?
I posted an huge reply to your plea for debate. It didn’t post
It may have been to long.. it may fit on the forms page tho?
And once again with feeling I call that Hebrews 6:4-6 KJV in answer to your call for debate Mr Howard is as clear as our once blue skies were (until they disappeared under the now permanent chemtrailed skies). It is IMPOSSIBLE to renew our salvation if we have fallen away, Paul states we can not repent. It’s over at that point. Now we see that there are but a few ways to blaspheme the Holy Ghost. (1) By official, satanic ritualised rejection of the Holy Ghost. (2) By the taking of The Mark Of The Beast (3). (This is unscriptural but is what has happened to most of the world’s people, Dying in their sins, thus being out of covenant with JESUS at their death. Not Blasphemy in the real sense but a ticket into hell nevertheless.).
So I believe the Vaccine (that isn’t a vaccine), especially the INOVIO INO-4800 with dMAb tm(trade mark) via the CELLECTRA (R) 3PBS, proprietary smart device for intradermal delivery. Dr Kim funded by MERKE says INOVIO is leading CV VAX worldwide. ” When the new outbreak occurred. We applied our very innovative 21 century DNA medicine to COVID 19″ google..March 12 2020.. INOVIO Gets $5 million From Gates Foundation for a Device To Deliver It’s Coronavirus Vaccine. Which brings me to the matter of Dr David Martin. I do not trust this man at all . He however is reporting 100% truth that the Vaccine is not a vaccine but a Medical Device, because that is exactly what it is. I believe this device qualifies for the Mark Of The Beast. We are directed by Paul in 2 COR 2;11 KJV Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Mr Howard
I have posted PART 1 only of an multiple part reply to your call for debate. WordPress is blocking my finishing the posting. WTF What the heck is this? A talking Fauci Head promoting the J & J Vaccine with Aborted Fetal Cells saying He’d get the Vaccine? FAuci couldn’t even remember which arm had the pain. WEF “Great Reset” and UN Agenda 2030 Timeline Neil DeGrasse Tyson described Coronavirus as a “Global Science Experiment” Human Experimentation using an FDA EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) of an mRNA and mDNA Experimental Therapy never used on human beings is against International Law (Nuremberg Code) and cannot legally be used under the Constitution to “Force Vaccinate” or require Vaccination as a condition of Employment.
Sanhedrin call of 70 Nations to Israel is now Eliyahu’s call of 70 Nations Eliyahu means “My God is Yahweh” aka Saturn. Jesus offered Himself as Yah or Jah and was rejected; Elijah is one of the 2 Witnesses with Enoch; Saturnian “Jews” set a place for him at Passover Seder (April 4, 2021). The New Covenant is SPIRITUAL though JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4KJV), JESUS (Mat 1:25) Elijah will return at the start of the 1260 day Great Tribulation; perhaps on Passover 2021; 3 1/2 years later on Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus would return on His real Birthday when Creation is 6000 years old (2 Pet 3:8) Feast of Tabernacles is the only Feast to be celebrated in the Millennium (Zech 14:18)
Conditions of the call are to accept 7 Noahide Laws and Court; worship of JESUS is punishable by death as Idolatry.
Mat 10:19 is coming up fast. Chinese control is everywhere; Mao tse Tung was educated at Yale Divinity School; his “Great Leap Forward” starved 65M to death. The Silk Road aka One Belt One Road and Maritime Silk Road rule world trade; at the central point is Jerusalem. WalMart is essentially Chinese; the US largest pork producer Smith-Field Pork is Chinese. Chinese control most all US Shipping Ports and Commercial Airports.
The basis of world wealth is Opium, and China has been the central player for thousands of years. Ji Jingping is married to the WHO Goodwill Ambassador Peng Liyuan. WHO was led during the 2003 Bird/Swine Flu nonsense by Margaret Chan who is still in an active advisory role and after by Lee Jong-hook. Rupert Murdoch (Marduk is the Golden Calf) controls vast amounts of Media (Medes “Magi” are descendants of Abrahams brother Nahor (Gen 22:21) whose son Buz is the brother of Chesed (Chasidic fake Jews) and New Bible publication through Zondervan (Queen James and Gender Neutral bibles are real garbage on paper) he is married to Wendy Deng (convenience of course). Mitch McConnell got a draft deferment from Vietnam for Optic Neuritis which magically got better after 5 months in the Guard and entered his initiation phase, he is married to Elaine Chao heiress of Chinese shipping. Klaus Schwab’s son Oliver is married to the Chinese head of the WEF. Klaus stated “Humans are separated from Chimps the same way Cyborgs are from Humans, those who remain human will become a subspecies; Chimps of the future”
Wuhan was the first 5G demonstration city with thousands of 5G transformers beaming out 60GHz WiGig; people literally dropped like flies; the Golden Horde is alive and well; Wuhan was the site 666 years ago where Bubonic Plague was carried on Rats to Crimea, home of exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings. 2020 was the Chinese Year of the Rat.
China is Sina=Sin. Cathay the ancient name of China is the same root as Cathar “Pure Ones”; the US was founded by the Order of Perfectibilists, the same Cathari. Cath means Heth “Sons of Heth are Hittites who met Israel across the Red Sea and are doing so now; Santa Claus is a Hittite Shaman. The Dragon and 666 are the symbols of China; the Dragon is the Serpent, Devil, Satan (Rev 12:9); Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”; the White Horse (Rev 6) conquers with a Bow (Strongs’s #5115=Toxon=Poison)
Time to get right with JESUS folks!
Richard-Rachel Levine Transgender Ass HHS Sec nominee advocates Gov’t funded abortions, genital mutilation, hormone blockers and sex changes for minors.
Hasbro changes Mr Potato Head to Gender Neutral Potato Head.
Elon Musk’s Stainless Steel BFR’s, astronauts suits made for the Hollywood movie Enders Game and propelling MarsCoin with nothing but Bullshit. NASA Perseverance Rover and Mars Helicopter more Mars nonsense; the atmosphere on Mars is CO2 equivalent to 23 Miles or about .3% of Earth; Helicopters and Parachutes simply don’t work at that atmospheric density
Mars Missions are filmed at Devon Island a large uninhabited island in Canada.
Event 201 Oct 18, 2019 rehearsed Coronavirus in Wuhan, the world’s first 5G demonstration city. Event organizer Ashkenazi fake Jew David Kessler (Skull & Bones GHW Bush Jr, Clinton FDA Chief; Obama Surgeon General (1000 MASH style mobile tent hospitals staffed by 1000 Oath Sworn doctors to serve Hindu Warp Speed co-chair Vivek Murthy) becomes new “Warp Speed Czar”.
GSK Pharma R&D Chief Moncef Slaoui to Medicxi Vulture Capitol, funding 10 Start ups forming Contessa (Italian Nobility) Medicxi is named after Italian Black Nobility de Medici Bankers; Giovanni de Medici aka Pope Leo X 5th Lateran Council in 1517 declared “Indestructibility of the Soul” Catholic Dogma; a Lie. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs” the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13) Satan is aka Devil, dragon, serpent; Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom”
Can this get any more obvious?
Israel Green Pass allows Vaxxed to return to normal. New Law allows Gov’t to publish names, addresses and phone numbers of un-Vaxxed.
Britain considering a Health Passport QR Code to enter Pubs, Theaters, Airlines
Red Horse removes Peace; Jesus warned son will turn against father, daughter against mother Mat 10:35 Our enemies truly are in our own house Mat 10:36 Australian Health Minister “We’re engaged in the largest clinical vaccination trial ever”
Clinical trials are research studies performed in people that are aimed at evaluating a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention. They are the primary way that researchers find out if a new treatment, like a new drug or diet or medical device is safe and effective in people.
Nothing new Zionist Sec of War Mike Pompeo called Covid a “Live Global Exercise” Atheist Neil de Grasse Tyson called Covid “A Global Science Experiment” The bible calls Science “Tongue of the Chaldeans” Dan 1:4KJV “Vain, profane babblings” 1 Ti 6:20KJV