‘ICNJ’ International Court of Natural Justice aka International Criminal Court
ICNJ and ICC uses AI ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Academy of Divine Knowledge and the ITNJ ‘International Tribunal for Natural Justice’ yet has no legal authority over any nation, because JESUS owns everything!
Noahidism –
Robert Kennedy Jr HHS Sec https://silview.media/2024/11/11/massive-astounding-hypocrisy-alert-maha/
Emergency Tribunal Hearing: The Coronavirus Planetary Shutdown https://henrymakow.com/2023/08/prominent-anti-vaxers-have-occult-ties.html
Dr Carrie Madej, owner of Phoenix Medical Group in Atlanta says we need to unify with our creator Yahweh; JESUS is not Yahweh or YHWH. YHWH is Lucifer, a name brought out into public view by the Masoretes in 1008ad https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/masoretes/
Naomi Wolf Yale Grad, Rhodes Scholar, 3rd wave New Age Feminist ‘We’re in a fight for our lives and for democracy’; NOT! Democracy ‘rule by the people‘.Deimos=People + Rule exists when God doesn’t
https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=MH9D8868Y4OY UNIFYD with Satan.
The United Nations front man for the Academy of Divine Knowledge and International Tribunal for Natural Justice is rock drummer Sacha Stone whose Black Nobility handler is Ciro Orsini perhaps the top Black Nobility family in the world today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO2SSBFqxrQ&list=PLEO7sgoEcL_njmXCLvhFSpfbMvc638Hka&index=16 https://totaldisclosure.net/deep-dive/ciro-orsini-i/
The ICC (International Criminal Court) convened a Grand Jury Investigation Feb 2022 with evidence presented by German Banker/Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich https://twitter.com/LakovosJustice/status/1490144869423198209?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1490144869423198209%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newswars.com%2Finternational-criminal-grand-jury-investigation-claims-psychopathic-globalists-used-covid-to-commit-crimes-against-humanity%2F calling for indictments of: WEF, WHO, Young Global Leaders (eg Bill Gates, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, Emanuel Macron, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk) The ICC has no legal authority over any nation;
Facebook New Logo and Name: Infinity and Meta. 8 tuned in it’s side; JESUS is the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man. Meta is a feminine Greek prefix meaning After, Beyond referring to Death, Change or Alteration in Greek Meta means “Death” in Hebrew. “And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.” Rev 6:8 The Alteration meant here is to the human genome creating a Trans-human product having no Rights on Earth nor in Heaven. The ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) uses the same Infinity Logo and is the International Kangaroo Court Jesus warned of in Mat 10. COP 26 “Conference of Parties” Global Climate Change Summit Nov 1 “Day of the Dead”-Nov 12, 2021 immediately followed the G20 Summit on Samhein. The WHO uses the Rod of Aesculapius Logo, the Serpent wrapped pole is also on the $ONE; WHO’s Marxist leader Tedros Ghebreyesus is proposing a legally binding Global Health Threats Financing Board to combat the next “Virus” predicted to be uncontainable. Rest assured a “Vaccine” is ready.
Health and Freedom Conferences are coming to a US city near you. A mix of New Age Religion, Christian Charismatic Revival, Trump style MAGA (Trump is an Oath Sworn Jesuit educated Knight of Malta, Crypto Jew and fake Presbyterian), Calvinist “Once Saved always Saved”, Water Baptism and Zionist Theology (Dispensationalism) in a nutshell, a Latter Rain revival for the Aquarian Age. New Age religion mixed with Mormon (Patrick Byrne, Tim Ballard), Catholic-Jesuit (RFK, Jim Caviezel; playing the Masonic Jesus is not wise) and Baptist Theology is not what Jesus taught. His Church is in your Prayer Closet; His Baptism is with Fire and the Holy Ghost.
Philadelphia was the original US capital, and its name really signifies the Freemasonic term “brotherly love”; Esau’s love for Jacob; Esau intends to kill him and everyone grafted onto Jacob ie all followers of JESUS! The state of Pennsylvania was called “Keystone State” because it was viewed as the keystone that held together the Freemasonic Portal through which Britain accessed its US colonies, although Britain has traditionally ruled the USA via the state of New York, which was renamed “Empire State” in 1784 before the Bank of England became the full owner of the US Corporation in 1871; Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite changed the constitution to Constitution of the United Sates to CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES, placing every citizen subject to to Debt, now $300T . Also, Philadelphia PA just happens to be a crucial node on the Arcadian Ley Line. Netanyahu grew up in Philadelphia PA. In 1963, Jay Parker’s mother told him that the practices of “Illuminati” “mind control”, and of satanic ritual abuse (SRA) within “Illuminati” clans, go back several thousand years, and that she herself belonged to a continual maternal line of witches tracing its origins back over 3000 years to the Amalekites in the ancient land of Canaan. “Joe Biden is from the same satanic town. Biden was raised by an ‘Illuminati’ Satanist family that worshipped ANDRAS, the Marquee of Hell
The pine cone is the pineal gland, the third eye and is thereby a symbol of human enlightenment
WICKED: The Key to Justice tzedek=Justice; Natural Justice
Rosicrucians dedicated the Georgia GuideStones using the same Infinity Logo used by the ITNJ Eliminating all but 500M people living in harmony with nature means 93% of us need to die.
“May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height” Eph 3:18 The Logo of the Academy of Divine Knowledge uses a 3-D Tetrahedron “Triangle Pyramid” and 2-D Triangle of equal length, breadth and height having 3 60 deg angles forming the Chaldean Six Pointed Star (Mark of Cain, Mark of the Beast) inside a Circle. Missing from the comprehension of the Ephesians is “Depth”, the SPIRITUAL connection to God. Jesus hates Esau for selling his “Birthright” to this connection to God and Nicolaitanes who Conquer the Laity by placing themselves between God and Man “Middle Men”; Priests, Pastors, Rabbis, Imams, Gurus, Masters, Professors, Teachers, Media News Personalities https://imgur.com/vUmyzOQ with no understanding of “Depth”. Building the Circle of Heaven on Earth without God creates a Wilderness void of God. This is the goal of Humanitad, the International Tribunal of Natural Justice and the Academy of Divine Knowledge. The Tree of Knowledge has today largely been replaced by Science in practice and new versions of scripture; Science the “Tongue of the Chaldeans” Dan 1:4KJV and “Vain, profane babbling” 1 Tim 6:12 KJV (Note 6 + 12=18=666; the 666 symbol is used by the Academy of Divine Knowledge in the top view of the Pine Cone) was replaced by “Knowledge”. Craft Freemasons attain Sovereignty in a replica of the Temple of Artemis (Arth=Bear=Big Dipper, the symbol of the Latter Rain of Aquarius) in Ephesus; Muslims worship at the Kaaba, a Cube containing the Stone of Jupiter worshipped by the Ephesians and their great goddess Diana (Acts 19:35) another name of Artemis, the goddess of WitchCraft who hunts with a Bow (Strongs #5115 Toxon; #5088 Tikto=Simplest Fabric), the weapon of the Crowned White Horse (Rev 6) is today AI controllable 5G + Dia-magnetic Graphene (mono-atomic Hexagon fabric); the Toxic Fabric of the New Age. Graphene is found in the Atmosphere via Chemtrails, a patented (WO202014844A1) Ice Nucleating Fabric, a man-made, Satanic “Latter Rain” entering the food chain, animals and humans as a Neural Interface affecting Neural-transmitters in the Brain; activated by 5G Backhaul (end user) frequencies, a targetable destroyer of human flesh. Front man Sasha Stone uses the phrase “People and Gaia; Everything else if fictitious” Don’t fall for the BS!
Jubilee: “Own nothing and be happy” Sasha is Alexander “Defender of Men” Stone rejects JESUS, the Immovable Stone; the Stone the Builders Rejected; the WEF calls this Build Back Better. The Academy of Divine Knowledge and ITNJ work with GESARA and NESARA (Global/National Economic Security and Recovery Act) Gesar is Mongolian for “Dictator” equivalent with Caesar; the Global Dictator will be Antichrist. Through Usury, Edomite Bankers (Creditors) have indebted the world’s people (Debtors) using Allodial Title (Appearance of Title/Ownership) to property that is not theirs. Jesus is Shiloh (Gen 49:10 “Owner of the House”) Don’t fall for this BS! The Mark of the Beast + GESARA will provide the ability to buy and sell debt free; Hell for Eternity awaits those who accept it. John Lennon’s Imagine Jubilee is now; No Heaven, No Hell, a Brotherhood of Man may sound find to some, but this is the definition of Beast Kingdom. This Jubilee https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/deagel-2025-population-global-forecast-pdf/269336741 is a reversal of Debt Slave and Master (Creditor); forgiveness of Credit Card, Mortgage, Student Loan, IRS, FED in exchange for the Mark of the Beast. Remember, the Black Horse (Rev 6:6) carries 2 sets of Balances one for those who accept GESARA and one for those of us who do not. It is no coincidence this Jubilee coincides with Sasha Stone predicting 2022-2025 for implementation of GESARA; its also timed with Deagel.com predicting massive population and food decreases https://imgur.com/1MzOv0H, Rockefeller’s Reset the Table https://imgur.com/OlorD68 and the Jubilee of “Limits to Growth” a 1972 published book planning for food shortages and population decreases for the 2022-2025 timeframe; WEF founder Klaus “Darth Vader” Schwab calls this the “4th Industrial Revolution” The Covid Eviction Moratorium ended July 31,2021; 8 million homes in the US will be vacated and bought up by BlackRock Capital and BlackStone Group both hired by the FED to buy Mortgages and foreclosed property at 50% inflated prices; BlackRock itself is a $120T Loan Shark hired by the Government to use printed money to buy up assets; BlackStone Group controls the KL-03 Microchip thanks to the MH-370 Hoax https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/7123/ the IOT (Internet of Things) is controlled by BlackRock folks! The IOB (Internet of Bodies) is controlled by 5G and Graphene. The board game Monopoly has gone global and come to the end folks! The WEF and UN Agenda 2030 plan is coming along nicely https://imgur.com/KE3iA3D Remember, Sasha Stone, the Academy of Divine Knowledge and ITNJ are sponsored by the United Nations. The only way out is not GESARA and the Mark of the Beast folks; its by making a Personal Covenant with the Creator JESUS!
Kali represents the “End of time and the Time of Death”; Kamala Devi Harris and the 25+ Hindus running the WH know this https://imgur.com/GGLy8PA “People who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”-Voltaire Absurdities like Channeling Planetary Intelligences, Gravity, Space-Time Fabric, Solar Magnetic Fields and ET’s “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” Job 26:7 Akasha is the primal lie of the Serpent “Ye shall not die, but be as gods”; don’t buy into that BS, you are going to die and your soul judged by its creator! Indestructibility of the Soul is a Gnostic teaching adopted by the Catholic Church as dogma in 1517; the Soul does not go into the Aether! There is no Universal or World Soul; only individual accountability before the Creator.
Wizard of Oz: Liber Oz; Book 77 has one axiom common to Thelema (Will) and Witchcraft “Do what thou wilt” ie no restraint from God. Injected Paramagnetic Graphene spreads throughout the body (New Covenant Temples) and becomes Graphene Oxide in magnetic fields,
The Academy of Divine Knowledge is 6000 year old New Age Gnostic Philosophy whose members believe Knowledge is kept by Ascended Masters outside the boundaries of Space and Time in the Aether. Nothing about JESUS because they reject Jesus. Dr Joseph Mercola book Truth about Covid 19 forward by RFK Jr pulling his material from the internet; partner is Erin Elizabeth Finn “Health Nut News, Yoga promoter; MAGA supporter). ADK is connected to the UN and ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice), Sir John Walsh (Fraud ITNJ Chief Justice; disbarred for malpractice and never knighted by QEII http://www.facultyoffice.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Walsh-suspension.pdf) and headlined by Rock Drummer turned Guru Sacha Stone hired by the UN, founder of Lazarus Initiative, New Earth Project, and Akasha New Earth Haven in Bali. Stone claims the Ark of the Covenant is under military armed guard; Jesus says its in Heaven; don’t fall for the Old recycled New Age BS. 7000+ Initiated members and Instructors including Kabbalist ex-wife of Donald Trump Marla Maples (Kabbalah Practitioner); Dr Steven Greer (UFOlogist ie Bullshit artist) Dr Carrie Madej,(https://www.brighteon.com/0c34d8b2-9fec-4804-8288-baef43cd3b64 Owner of Phoenix Medical Group; The Phoenix (Lucifer) rising from the Covid Hospital at the 2012 Olympics may ring a Baal; Osteopath, claims mRNA alters DNA; it does not) Naomi Wolf Yale Grad, Rhodes Scholar, New Age Feminist ‘We’re in a fight for our lives and for democracy’; NOT! Democracy exists when God doesn’t Dr Judy Mikovits (Banned Plandemic Documentary); Del Bigtree (producer of The Doctors), Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Robert Kennedy Jr https://blacknobilityvaticancosanostra.blogspot.com/2019/08/kennedy-crime-syndicate.html, Dr David Martin (last 6 Stew Peters Show Regulars; https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/293740168_1853861648142869_832387085869760056_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=49d041&_nc_ohc=pOFSSx46xlEAX_LukKX&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AfAN5V5xca_NqNt9-U–vDRY6zd4ASGJfbopJv4ZPYc2YA&oe=64F57079), Christiane Northrup (Goddesses Never Age; Great Awakening), Dr Andrew Wakefield (British Anti-vaxxer “Vaxxed: from cover-up to catastrophe” produced by Del Bigtree; Vaxxed 2 produced by RFK Jr), David Icke (Planetary Intelligences, British promoted Reptilian Brain/Race; Saturn-Moon Matrix; Holographic Universe nonsense), G Edward Griffin (9/11 misinformation, teaches Noah’s Ark is at 6500ft on the Durupinar Site on the Iran-Turkish, KJV scripture says the journey to Babylon was from the east; Oops!) , Dr Rashid Buttar (fake faith healer) Dr Kelly Brojan (Witch: “Own Yourself”; promotes First Moon Ceremony for daughters; Lotus Flower Logo) Dr Delores Cahill, Margot Anand (World renowned Tantra expert), Charlene Bollinger, (Truth about Cancer; Yoga, Meditation promoter); Riza Islam (Chrislam promoter; Allah is the Chaldean god Sin folks!), Sayer Ji (Yoga, Meditation) Kevin Jenkins (Urban Global Health Alliance; Cain built the 1st Urban Centers) are all instructors of the Academy of Divine Knowledge promoting Natural Justice for Mother Earth “Gaia”, Oneness, Transcendental and Shamanic Meditation, Tantra, Kundalini https://imgur.com/JwC36yA Remote Viewing, Channeling, Astrology, Sovereignty from God, Self Governance (Democracy=People Rule not God Rule) and Reincarnation. Absurdities like Shamanic Shape Shifting, Reptilians, Aliens, Annunaki, Nephilim, Light/Frequency Healing, Pyramid Code and Pyramid Star nonsense. “People and Gaia; Everything else is Fictitious”-Sasha Stone; Sasha will be rather surprised when he meets Jesus and hears “Depart from me” like the rest of his Nihilist devotees. According to New Agers like these, Earth is vastly overpopulated and the herd needs to be culled by 93%; how? Create a Global Vax versus Anti-Vax “King of the Hill” game; the same game Jesuits planned in 1871 by unleashing Nihilists like these; a “Global Social Cataclysm” of “Social, Moral, Economic and Physical exhaustion” leading to acceptance of the “True Doctrine of Lucifer” https://ia601900.us.archive.org/16/items/albert-pike-letter-to-mazzini/Albert%20Pike%20Letter%20to%20Mazzini.pdf Luciferianism is Freedom from God and is promoted by the UN Planetary Initiative “No person shall enter the new age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation” Nihilism is the belief that “Nothing has real existence”; David Icke teaches this Hologram nonsense. Unfortunately men like Pope Francis also believe the absurdity that earth can only support 1 Billion people, Aliens are real and Global Warming is Earth’s way of culling the herd. The Academy of Divine Knowledge makes no mention of God because it it has nothing to with God; these New Age promoters think man can become a God; Jesus refers to them as “Earth Dwellers”(Rev 13:8) Rabbis use the phrase Tikkun Olam “Heal the Earth” by removing God’s connection to Man via the Holy Ghost; the result will be a Global Wilderness void of God where the only rule is “Do what thou wilt”
Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis Academy of Divine Knowledge and ITNJ are the Antithesis to the Covid 19 Therapy. There is no “Virus”, no DNA sequence of SARS Cov-2 is in existence and certainly not on Jan 11, 2020 when Pfizer BioNTech made the witch’s brew in 3 hours. There is no Covid 19 “Vaccine”; none meet the legal definition of a Vaccine (Preventing or Transferring the pathogen); there is not “Viral Shedding” because there is no “Virus”; the entire purpose is to inhibit the precepts of the New Covenant “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor”; Graphene in the injections becomes a 5G activated Neural Interface inhibiting Neuro-transmitters ie Pituitary, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Pineal; pretty hard to feel JESUS through the Holy Ghost when there’s a man-made interface blocking it. Pretty hard to “Love our Neighbor” is you think he/she is Viral Shedding a communicable disease like Delta Variant eh?
“Good Vibrations?” 11 Dimensional Vibrational String Theory may ring a Baal; its pure BS as idiotic as Light Waves. The Luminiferous Aether was necessary to even consider the possibility of “Light Waves” so Einstein simply made up another lie “Special Relativity” to justify it. The Academy of Divine Knowledge is founded on a Scientific Lie called Akash. Space as a Medium “Aether” or “Akash” is necessary to propagate the Light Wave Lie; again Einstein lied to justify the theory the Universe works on Frequencies, Vibrations and Waves. Space however is made of “Nothing” (Job 26:7; Ps 93:1); a Wave is a “Displacement of Matter”. Time is linear, measured on Earth by the Sun, Moon and Stars with respect to the Earth as God designed; the idea of the “Illuminated” transcending Time and Space ie Akasha is pure BS seen in the Hollywood movie Interstellar The weapon of the Crowned White Horse (Rev 6:2) is a Bow; Strongs #5088 Tikto means “Simplest Fabric”; the simplest fabric is made of BS called “Space-Time Fabric”; can’t get a Simpler Fabric than Non-Dimensional Strings forming the Universe eh? The foundational Lie of the Serpent is today represented as Black Matter the original Aether taught by Egyptian Priests is today’s Divine Knowledge Akash. The Orobouros Serpent Eating its own tail may ring a Baal. Think Aliens are real? No living thing can survive the Radiation Belts surrounding Earth. These New Agers are simply returning to the original lie of the Serpent.
Akash is the 5th Element “Quintessence”, “Aether”, “Open Sky” (Zeus is the Sky God), “Space”, the Ethereal fluid of the Cosmos from which the 4 elements of Witchcraft: Earth, Air, Fire, Water descend in Gnosticism and Theosophy. Akash, like most all Science is made of 100% Bullshit. The Michelson-Morley Experiment of 1887 proved the Luminiferous Aether does not exist and the Earth is not moving; yet Science has simply renamed the Aether “Dark Matter” and the New Age “Akash”. Gravity is likewise a “Force” made of Bullshit; the Sun centered “Heliocentric Theory” requires the Force of Gravity to pull the Earth into “Orbit” and the Solar System into “Orbit” around the Galactic Center “Black Hole”; this nonsense forms the ancient Babylonian Serpent Helix (Spiral) seen in the equally ridiculous shape of the DNA Helix, made up by atheist Francis Crick on one his many LSD trips. Leeloo the 5th Element weapon may ring a Baal; Kamala “Lotus Flower” in chaos form is Kali https://imgur.com/ZXt8LtJ the goddess of destruction worshipped in Tantrism (Ref Margot Anand and the Academy of Divine Knowledge) the 5th Element/Aether of the Cosmos (Truth is stranger than fiction folks!) If you think Kamala dressed in purple as the Whore of Babylon https://imgur.com/ZqYz8qA on Inauguration Day by accident, you’d be mistaken, it was preplanned https://imgur.com/v51Z2Nc; the election was no accident either https://imgur.com/Z5Kzbb9. Make no mistake Kamala is coming for our Souls https://imgur.com/GMREuL2 Jesuit educated Donald Trump gave Jesuit Pope Francis a Lotus Flower called “Rising Above” https://imgur.com/EM5Iar9 Kamala means “Lotus Flower” in Hindu religion which represents Pavarti in her beauty form but in chaos form she is Kali the goddess of Chaos, Time and Destruction. Kali’s Tongue sweeps the battlefield of blood; her garland is made of human heads. When Kali goes in her rage, her consort Shiva(Destroyer aka Apollo/Apollyon Rev 9:11; Trump knows his role https://imgur.com/3U0Aju9 https://imgur.com/tvsplp7 is the only one to calm her by laying at her feet. The greek goddess Artemis “Butcher” aka Diana is equivalent to Kali in Hindu; the goddess of the hunt uses a Bow https://imgur.com/YtXCnUn the weapon of the Crowned White Horse; Strongs #5115 is Toxon=Poison; the root of Toxon is Tikto “Simplest Fabric” (Strongs #5088); folks, you can’t make stuff like this up, Kamala as Kali and Shakti represents the Space-Time Fabric of the Universe “Tikto”; Tantra means Weave, or Warp; still think Operation Warp Speed was chosen by chance? It’s literally the Hindu Antahkerana “Rainbow Bridge of the Soul” https://imgur.com/GFToaAW Warping Space and Time? Nice try; the Crowned White Horse conquers with Tikto “Simplest Fabric” people! a made up absurdity. Artemis Networks uses a targeted cellphone logo; Artemis Gateway Lunar Program and Temple of Artemis replicated as the Supreme House of the Temple in Washington DC for 33 deg Freemasonic Initiations has a basement room dedicated to the Apollo (Twin sister of Artemis) Lunar Program. Trump’s 66 floor Penthouse is a shrine to Apollo who was also featured prominently at the Sochi (Flame) Olympics Ceremony; in this aspect Kali is the tongue of Agni (Igne=Ignite) the Hindu god of Fire seen in the Rosicrucian INRI (Nature is renewed by fire) portrayed above the Crucifixion Cross. Kamala Harris as Kali represents the fullness of Time, the bringer of life or death and preserver of nature; the primordial chaos or blackness from which creation originated; thus cognate with Saturn, the Grim Reaper, whose weapon is the Sickle aka Kama or Fauci. As the most powerful form of Shakti in Tantra she represents the Om, the Serpent Force in Kundalini rising to the Crown Chakra https://imgur.com/JwC36yA Kundalini means “Coiled Snake”, the same one used in Medicine and the WHO Logo depicts the Serpent Force rising to the Crown Chakra; the same Kether “Crown” in Kabbalah and Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom”; Graphene is a para-magnetic nano-material in vaccines which travels up the spine and lodges in the brain which can be activated by 5G, affecting Neuro-transmitters in the Pituitary, Thalamus and Pineal. Kali as Creatrix is the bringer of life and death, the name of the Pale Horse rider in Rev 6:8 68kgx9.8m/s2=666Newtons, thus she is the God Particle“Discovered” at CERN which uses a 666 Logo, with her aspect Shiva dancing the Nataraja “Dance of Destruction” in front. As Creatrix, the God Particle gives Mass to Matter on the Micro level and Order to the Universe on the Macro level commonly referred to as Gravity; scripture refers to her as the God of Forces (Dan 11:38) How’s that tongue look now? Science (Tongue of the Chaldeans; Vain, profane babbling Dan 1:4KJV; 1 Ti 6:12KJV) calls this “Dark Matter”; Scripture however says Space is “Nothing”; Ill go with that. Michelson and Morley performed an experiment on the Speed of Light in Aether proving Aether does not exist; Einstein called this an “Embarrassment”; like Gravity Theory, Relativity Theory is also a Lie just like Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom” The US is controlled by Hindus, Chaldean fake Jews and Jesuits; you may as well get to know where these Black Nobility came from since Jesuit Anthony Fauci’s mother is Abys means “Hades” https://blacknobilityvaticancosanostra.blogspot.com/2019/08/society-of-hades.html Just about every False Theory in Science and Religion was invented by Jesuits https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/jesuits/ https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/jesuits-2/
Akashic Records in Theosophy is a compendium of Divine Knowledge; Spiritual Force in Kundalini “Serpent Force”, in Science “Gravity” is the Essence of Matter and Order in the Universe; Scripture refers to as the “God of Forces” (Dan 11:38). Akash is called “Firmament”, one of 1000+ names of Shiva “Destroyer”, seen in the motto of 33 deg Sovereign Freemasonry “Order out of Chaos” and Hindu goddess of CERN which uses the 666 Logo and claimed to have discovered the “God Particle”. Theosophist Rudolph Steiner called Akash the A-Field, a region outside Space and Time; the Crowned White Horse conquers with a Bow=Venom=Tikto (Strongs #5088)=Simplest Fabric; Graphene or Space-Time? either way A-Field is where Steiner claimed all information is saved on a Micro and Macro level; a Hard Drive made of Nothing more like. Steiner predicted a “Vaccine against the Spirit and Soul” would be developed. Graphene Oxide distributes quickly throughout the body and is Dia-magnetic, controllable magnetism via 5G; just make sure you get all the required “Boosters” to keep the Graphene concentration high enough. Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking called A-Field M Theory or the Theory of Everything; God calls it the TOES of Clay and Iron on the Abomination of Desolation. Clay and Iron do not mix! Why Graphite-Clay is Graphene Dia-magnetic (Repelling) Iron is Ferro-magnetic (Attracting) M Theory? https://imgur.com/MCThtOc is Jesuit sock puppet Stephen Hawking’s “Theory Of Everything” or TOES; the Clay-Iron Toes people! This World is the Kingdom of the Serpent folks! Coronavirus is the Crowned Serpent and his Venom is Lies.
Jesus said “Call no man on Earth Rabbi” Mat 23:8 The source of the Lies promoted by Sasha Stone and company is a demon named Rabbi AA, likely the same demon Aiwass which dictated AA (Astrum Argentum) to Aleister Crowley in Thelema (Will) or Helena Blatvastky’s and Annie Besant’s Guiding Spirit Dwaj Khul in Theosophy. According to this compendium of BS Rabbi AA first incarnated Adam and Eve’s 3rd son Seth and later Amram, the father of Moses and Aaron; according to Rabbi AA Mt Sinai is not in Arabia as Gal 4 states; rather it is Mt Karkom in Israel; Scripture says Moses never made it to the Promised Land and you won’t either if you follow these New Age Liars https://yl9wj1huk5pejen62zybt2w8-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/The-Pyramid-Code-English.pdf The term Rabbi originated with Chaldean-Saturnian Priests in Ur “Rba” and later with Sabean Priests “Rba” in Haran (Gobleke Tepe “City of the Moon”); Rabbis are descended from the Alternative Korahite Priests (Num 26:10) not Moses or Aaron. In of In case its not obvious, nobody can love this world and Love God; the #1 Commandment in both Old and New Covenants is “Love God” not Gaia. Akasha in Indo-Aryan and Dravidian means “To Be”; Shakespeare aka Jesuit Toby Mathew also used this phrase. To Be or not To Be? is the real question https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/scutum-fidel/ and all paths on Earth lead to Zeus; the only path to Heaven is through JESUS, not Theravada Buddhism (School of Planetary Elders/Ascended Masters), Kabbalah, Vedantic Yoga (Brahminism; just ask Kamala Harris -Gopalan means Brahmin Priest) or Ceremonial Magic, promised by these New Agers; they are no different than Zechariah Sitchin. The Ark of the Old Covenant Sasha Stone claims is under armed guard was taken to Heaven when its Testator was Crucified; it no longer available; the New Covenant is Love God and Love our Neighbor; and no it does not have anything to do with the “Love or Heart Frequency” promoted by Dr Carrie Madej. Tired of Akashic Bullshit? JESUS is the only true Healer, not these New Age shills.
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL OF NATURAL JUSTICE, ITNJ, follows the Luciferian “RULE OF LAW”.. The Luciferian” Law Of Reversal”; Sasha Stone founded the New Earth Project The World’s most integrated movement pushing sustainable “sovereign” and self determining communities; the definition of “Sovereignty” is No Higher Rank; ie Man equal to God; “Democracy” (Rule by People rather than God). In June 2015 the ITNJ launched under a multicultural facade, at Westminster Central Hall in London on the 800th Anniversary of the signing Magna Carta. The City of London Corp stands behind a 2 headed dragon, sheriff’s booth (tax collector) and Knights Templar (Sodomite/Pederastic International Bankers), the same bankers Jesus whipped and turned the tables on) and Temple Church and Magna Carta. Westminster Hall broardcast this event 15 June 2015,”This new planetary Court is committed to the dispensation of natural justice and adheres to the Rule Of Law”
Skull& Bones Satanist aka Society 322 George HW “Gog” Bush aka Nazi George Scherff Jr spoke of the same Rule Of Law and the New World Order to the UN.
The ITNJ “World Court” is described in the 5th-6th New Age Commandments in the Georgia Guidestones, dedicated on 3/22/80 by RC Christian; ObamaCare forced commerce with the Federal Government voted in 3/22/10 at 3:22UTC; Society 322 is Cain’s Brotherhood of Death the same anonymous (Geneticist Robert C Cook financed by Ted Turner) Gnostic Rosicrucian Brotherhood that wrote the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (Johannes Valentinus Andrae) in 1616. Rosicrucians even put Coronavirus and the Golden Calf on top of their 311 stepped Monument in London after the Great Fire in 1666; you may recall Trump fiddled like Nero https://imgur.com/Fuvr76k
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (Pope Francis Laudato Si 2013 “The triumph of Science is realizing Earth can only support 1 Billion people”; Laudato Si means “Earth be Praised”. 1992 Rio Earth Summit calls for similar population reduction)
- Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity (Experimental Covid 19 injections cause Infertility; 5G Project Artemis uses the female reproductive system as its logo https://imgur.com/PgZZV31).
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion—faith—tradition—and all things with tempered reason. (No room for Reason and the Holy Ghost)
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. (Shariah and Noahide Laws require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost)
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. (ITNJ)
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties. (Injected Graphene based Hydrogel Bio-sensors in Covid 19 shots)
- Prize truth—beauty—love—seeking harmony with the infinite. (ITNJ logo is Infinity; the same logo used to dedicate the Georgia Guidestones)
- Be not a cancer on the Earth—Leave room for nature—Leave room for nature. (UN Agenda 21/2030 Re-Wilding; ie no single family homes)
Sasha Stone bases his Fraudulent ITNJ Court on the Satanic principles of High Priest, former US Army Psychologist, co-founder of the Church of Satan and founder of the Temple of Set Gen Michael Aquino and Anton LaVey; the same Aquino precepts of Natural Law used in the Temple Of Set and Church of Satan are used in the ITNJ. The big players seem to be United Nations sponsored Sasha Stone-Founder
Chief Justice John Walsh A fraud stripped of any claim of being a “Lawyer” and has NEVER been knighted by the Queen
The ITNJ Court Logo has the Pine Cone (Pineal Gland and Babylonian Holy Water Sprinkler used in Grove Rituals; Obiden administration ran by Pine Island Capital is no coincidence) and Infinity symbol. The Jesuit management is undeniable.
“The ITNJ belongs to the people and is not controlled by any nation or state, corporation or special interests” In other words God has not influence on its members. “The ITNJ now stands as sentinel and protectorate for all and we invite you to stand with ITNJ.
The ITNJ is illegal and has no jurisdiction; just as the Great Sandedrin found Jesus guilty of Blasphemy, worship of JESUS will also generate a guilty verdict. The Sanhedrin met illegally in the middle of the night on the eve of his crucifixion; Pharisees illegally sitting in Moses’ Seat
ITNJ ( Hearings)
8th April 2020
Judicial Commission Of Inquiry into Weaponization of the BIOSPHERE.
ITNJ Inquiry and Commission into Human Trafficking and Ritual Satanic Abuse (RSA); the ITNJ are supoposedly hearing these matters when they are funded by the same entities who they are pretending to expose. This is how it goes.
Satanism is the basis of the NWO and ” NATURAL LAW”
” Wherever justice has been denied the ITNJ will serve as a final arbiter of Natural Law”
READ THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN FRIENDS. Natural law is Satan’s Law We are fast ,fast approaching this court which I guess will have its courts in every state and nation operating under the Universal Approval. The Great Sanhedrin Rebranded is what we are looking at right NOW.
Our testimony for JESUS Christ will most probably be “heard” in one of these courts. And they will be everywhere!!!!!!!
SASHA STONE says” The ITNJ has the right to claim UNIVERSAL LAW”
Symbology of the ITNJ
The Black Sun
The ITNJ is the legal branch of the umbrella organisation Humanitad. When you place the Humanitad logo next to the Jesuit logo you see a strong resemblance in design. Especially with the H in the centre of the sun. Does the H refer to Humanitad, Horus in the Isis Horus Set interpretation, the Holy See with is controlled by Jesuits or He “God is with me”? The sun in the Jesuit logo is the Black Sun, the emblem of the Order of the Black Sun. The sun in both the Humanitad logo, as well as the ITNJ emblem shows a strong resemblance with this symbol.
Laurel wreath
The laurel wreath was and still is used by the Roman empire; eg the Club of Rome commissioned Limits to Growth in 1972, the year Rockefeller stooge Joe Biden was installed in the Senate, the book uses the World3 model to predict/plan a steep decline in population, commensurate with a steep decline in food; the Rockefeller and WEF (World Economic Forum) is call Reset the Table https://imgur.com/OlorD68 and Freemasonry. Caesars wore the Laurel Crown of Bacchus; Greek Dionysus or the Arab version al Khidr a symbol Green Man the Pale “Green” Horse “Death” may ring a Baal.
Pine cone
The pine cone is the pineal gland, the third eye and is thereby a symbol of human enlightenment envisioned by the Academy of Divine Knowledge. The pine cone is also a pagan fertility symbol, associated with the god Baal and the cult of the goddess Cybele.
The pine cone in the ITNJ logo has a long stem, something that pine cones do not have. It therefore can also symbolise the artichoke. The leafs of the artichoke refer to the crown chakra. An artichoke is also called a “Fleur Magique” (magic flower) and represents hope and a prosperous future. The Vulcan Hand Sign “Live Long and Prosper” for example is the Sign of Shin used by Rabbis to open Synagogues of Satan; Jesus warns His followers will be delivered to councils and scourged in Synagogues (Mat 10:16-22)
The artichoke is the fruit of Black Nobility; it comes from the Mediterranean and goes back to 500 BC. when the fruit found its way to Naples and Florence via Sicily. In the 18th century, the artichoke was a culinary privilege reserved for the exclusive members of the aristocracy. Therefore you can also say that the artichoke refers to the (Italian) aristocracy. The artichoke is also a symbol of the Italian Mafia. Black Nobility refers to Venetian Traders/Bankers as well as Vatican Revolutionaries of 1870 who wrote the plan for 3 World Wars in a letter from Jesuit Giuseppe Mazzini to Confederate Freemason Albert Pike The
Infinity Sign refers to the 8th and final Covenant between God and Man being broken by Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost; Shariah and Noahide Laws require rejection of JESUS as Idol worship whose remedy is decapitation. Elimination of the Holy Ghost will create a world void of God aka “Wilderness” or Beast Kingdom.
ITNJ Chief Justice John Walsh
Project Artichoke was a CIA program with a questionable form of interrogation. It was the precursor of Project MK Ultra, a form of brainwashing that used hypnosis, morphine addiction and deprivation, drugging with LSD and other drugs and sleep deprivation. Many victims of sexual and satanic ritual abuse by church and state have also been subjected to MK Ultra techniques. The use of a pine cone symbol that can be interpreted as an artichoke as well, is therefore a questionable choice for that reason alone.
The peacock symbolizes Pride; Melek Taus is the Peacock Angel of the Yezidis. The peacock is a very prominent symbol on many publications of the ITNJ Commission. Not just on the website, but also the brochures are full of peacocks and peacock feathers. Particularly, but not exclusively, the white peacock.
The peacock is a symbol of the spiritual awakening of the kundalini aka Serpent Force. Although the kundalini itself is often depicted as a curled snake, the peacock can thereby act as a spiritual protector. Particularly the white peacock symbolises higher consciousness and spiritual development. So far so good.
The web page of the ITNJ Commission
The peacock is a symbol of nobility and kingship for centuries. For that reason it was common that kings bought one or two peacocks for their estate. We also see peacocks in the interiors of royal palaces and as a motif on royal gowns. The peacock is also the symbol of the Vatican and therefore we see it in Vatican City as well. In Persia and Babylonia the peacock was seen as the protector of the kingship and was often engraved into the thrones of monarchs.
Is the controversial resemblance in symbolism of the peacock feather with a heart within a heart — that reminds us of the paedophile symbol of Girl Lover as identified by the FBI — something that the ITNJ has overlooked? Because specifically this graphic symbol is used in a chapter about paedophilia, it is at best an unfortunate choice. Why a peacock feather in this chapter in the first place? The text does not need a symbol nor ornament, unless this symbol is deliberately added. Any symbol that can trigger undesired associations should be avoided at all cost, when dealing with delicate topics like paedophilia.
Where the entire peacock is the symbol of a 100 eyes and the all-seeing knowledge, one peacock feather symbolises the all-seeing eye of Horus. organisations that are part of the Five Eyes.
Five Eyes is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Or in other words: the collaboration between the CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6 and other intelligence organisations. Remarkably enough, a number of representatives from these organizations appear on the ITNJ-commission.
Secret Vatican archive
The pine cone is a prominent symbol in Vatican City one of 3 Sovereign Cities on Earth: Vatican falsely lays claim to the Souls of every person; City of London Corp falsely lays claim to all physical assets “Mammon” including human bodies. Washington DC is the military arm of this New World Order. There is a big statue of a pine cone on the square “Cortile della Pigna” (courtyard of the pine cone). This square is in fact the armoured roof of “Archivio Segreto Vaticano”, the secret Vatican archive, where all secret gnostic and historical documents and art treasures are stored. The secrets that they want to guard, to prevent the truth from coming to light.
This Vatican archive also contains the papal bull (charter) “Unam Sanctam”. This papal bull, written by Boniface XIII, declares that the whole of humanity is owned by church and state. The system that not only enslaved humanity, but also abused it in all kinds of dark rituals. The Vatican is therefore one of the most criminal organizations in the world.
Freemason symbols like the all-seeing eye and compass and square, used in Sacha Stone’s graphics.
The lemniscate
A lemniscate is an infinity sign. The loop of the reincarnation trap, whereby humanity like hamsters keep running in circles in a wheel, yet arrive nowhere. Below the pine cone/artichoke symbol is a lemniscate with two opposite hearts inside. This opposition is a reference to the Freemasons and duality.
Blood contract
The treaty of the ITNJ is signed with the signatures and fingerprints of the founders. Red ink was used for this. This is an unmistakable reference to a blood contract and blood sacrifices. Who in heaven’s name can think of using this symbolism for an organization that claims to represent the interests of victims of satanic ritual abuse and blood sacrifice rituals?
This reference to blood contracts either shows a total lack of insight into the victims that are triggered by this image, or it was deliberately done by an arrogant psychopathic mind. It is shocking.
The symbol of the ITNJ commission is a rosette consisting of infinite loops with opposite hearts. In essence the Rosicrucian Cross which initiated the Protestant Revolution by Rosicrucian Martin Luther. There is a large similarity in design with the lemniscate of the ITNJ logo. The opposite hearts represent duality in an infinite struggle.
A rosette is essentially a rose-shaped decoration. An object or arrangement that looks like a rose, usually made of ribbon. The rose is the emblem of the Black Nobility Orsini family. https://blacknobilityvaticancosanostra.blogspot.com/2019/08/orsini-rosenberg-alchemical-mafia.html Ciro Orsini is closely involved in the creation of the ITNJ and the best friend of Sacha Stone. He is directly related to Pepe Orsini, the grey pope. Orsini is the head of the Alchemical Mafia aka World Health Organization, CDC, NIH, NIAID. The goal is to first suppress the Gene Expression and then alter the Human Genome and remove the God Genes. Coronavirus was set up to just that, a plan that began with “Vaccination” and put in writing by Rudolph Steiner in 1917 to create “A Vaccination against the Soul and Spirit” If you think the Elite are taking their own Alchemical Poison Guess Again https://imgur.com/iTRfcma
The Black Pope Arturo Sosa is the supreme commander of the Jesuits “Militia of Zeus”, the Military arm of the Black Nobility. The White Pope is the official pope, but essentially a puppet; in the case of Pope Francis a Jesuit Initiate himself. The Grey Pope Pepe Orsini is the most powerful man in the world in command of both the White and the Black Pope. The grey pope is seen as the “King of the Holy Roman Papal bloodlines.”
The Orsinis belong to the Italian black nobility and the papal bloodlines. Notably Robert Kennedy is also Black Nobility and part of the ITNJ This is the group behind the P2 Masonic lodge, the head of the Order are the Vatican Bankers; the same group that founded the Mafia is the group that controls the Vatican.
ITNJ Symbolism
“The world does not run on words or laws but symbols” Confucius The controversy about the symbolism used by Humanitad began before the ITNJ was founded and Sasha Stone became its Front Man. In a response to a critical article about Humanitad’s logos that is removed at the request of Sacha Stone, he writes in a rectification: “As for the funders and the logos — you got that bit all wrong. If you read the site you would learn that all of those are sub-organisations initiated by Humanitad. They were dreamed up by me — and I designed all of the logos personally. I did so in order to retrieve some of the symbols from the covert elites — and to effectively do so in plain sight. The NWO we named specifically with that acronym in order to put the New World Order folks on notice in a gentle but meaningful way.” “Finally – I know more about the Jesuit Code, the Illuminati bloodlines, the Luciferian complex, the Babylonian Priesthood, Neo-Canaanite Ritualism and the shenanigans of shadow-governments and institutions than you can shake a stick at. I have written extensively on these subjects and published widely the State of the World Reports and other essays which shed LIGHT on these covert subjects for many years. Or is that part of the Jesuits diabolical plan as well?”
Sasha Stone is simply the front man for a 6000 year old Satanic plan coming to fruition in the ITNJ and Academy of Divine Knowledge Jesus warned His followers would be taken before councils and scourged in Synagogues in Mat 10:16-22 The Pearl of Great Price is our Birthright to have a personal relationship with JESUS; its the only thing worth more than we have. Guard it like your Salvation depends on it, because it does. Coronavirus Vaccine? Just say No.
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

What about Lee Merritt? Is she controlled opposition? Tim Brown of Sons of Liberty Media?
I heard Brian Shilhavy is controlled.
Anyone know?
THE GREY POPE….Pepe Osini https://totaldisclosure.net/deep-dive/ciro-orsini-ii/#comment-9859
THIS IS SASHA STONES DAD. Join the dots.. https://totaldisclosure.net/deep-dive/sacha-stone-i/
https://totaldisclosure.net/deep-dive/sacha-stone-i/ And more. Please view
AND HERE IS SASHA STONES HANDLER . Ciro Osini 1 Yes , an OSINI !! https://totaldisclosure.net/deep-dive/ciro-orsini-i/
(From the Chatroom)
Feb 9, 9:33 AM
Jayne (Guest): Hey folks, haven’t said much in the last 6 weeks but I reiterate my warnings that I posted in the Devine Academy article that the ITNJ is the ******* real deal. I know personally of ALL of my countries Premiers and Prime Minister having been served these ICC criminal charges. Rainer Fullermich is a Freemasonc
Feb 9, 9:42 AM
Jayne (Guest): Freemasonic puppet on steroids with incredible $ backing. A lot of $ are being thrown at this poster boy for justice and please mark my words , these many courts, ICC, ITNJ, UN are all toothless tigers in the Year Of The Tiger funnily enough. They will all merge into the NWO Court . JESUS was illegally tried in the original Great Sanhedrin. We will be tried in the new one PLEASE READY YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES FOR THE HOLY GHOST TO GIVE US WHAT TO SPEAK WHEN THEY DELIVER US UP. We are almost there
Feb 9, 9:47 AM
Jayne (Guest): Matt 10 is a chapter we may wanna learn off by heart . Verses 19,20 the ones that we will sorely need to cling to for dear spiritual life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank JESUS for this promise is one of his gems, a pearl for sure. Of great price , for sure. Love to you all brothers and sisters.
Hey Friends,
I just thought I would check the ITNJ YouTube channel cause I was looking at a 2018 ITNJ “hearing”, I noticed that the founder of the ITNJ , Sasha Stone has just uploaded a vid on 18th September 2021. Since I was oh so curious what his blasphemous mouth was babbling I listened to the whole vid and there was particulary one stand out statement that I was sure you’d all wanna hear as well.
So to be clear, this bullshit illegal court, as the Sanhedrin was,The International Tribunal of Natural Justice, he defines as trying the Satanists, the Luciferians, The Pedos , the Biosphere Destroyers, the Elite CIA driven 13 families that rule the world. Yeah, he says these are those who will be tried in his court, the UN funded ITNJ. Anyway, long rant simplified.
In Sasha Stones vid here , LIVE streamed by the ITNJ YouTube channel on 18th Sep 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1jozYchS0w with Dr Atousa, (A medical Dr and a Aurevedic ,Yoga practising occultist herself) She brings forth some interesting claims but first things first. At the @17.45min mark, SS declares that his court will try these Luciferian’s ( and this he intends for the “Luciferians” you must understand, but all followers of JESUS will know otherwise ,that he is actually talking about we flowers os JESUS ) Please understand this my friends. In plane English he defines this is the fate of the “Luciferians” in his kangaroo court, ITNJ….These are his words…..”The NUREMBURG TYPE TRIALS which will come soon enough, IN MY VIEW AROUND 2025, is probably about the year WE WILL START TO SEE REMEDY. I think we have two more years of satanic theatre in the Gestalt. BUT ONCE WE GET TO DRY LAND, and a couple of years is a very short span of time, we will be erecting gallows, metaphorically speaking, and hanging people by their necks until dead, metaphorically speaking, WE WILL BE CHOPPING HEADS OFF AT THE NECK,, WITH A GUILLOTINE, metaphoriaclly speaking”………Please my friends. Go listen yourself to this failed musician, now New Age Guru and founder of what amounts to the courts that JESUS followers will definitely be tried in very soon as Matt 10:16-22 KJV warns us and promises JESUS will speak on our behalf when they do take us. He prewarns the “Luciferians the Satanists” here.
‘AROUND 2025”= Externalization of the Hierarchy predicts 2025 as the year of mass depopulation as does Deagal.com
“WE WILL START TO SEE REMEDY”= 7 billion dead= The Georgia Guide Stones number left on earth, 500,000,000.
“BUT ONCE WE GET TO DRY LAND”= Like after this Noah type flood? Like Caanan? Sargon, antichrist ?
“WE WILL BE CHOPPING HEADS OFF AT THE NECK, WITH A GUILLOTINE, METAPHORICALLY SPEAKING”= No metaphors here my beloved brothers and sisters. He means what Revelation 20:4 KJV warns of.
And I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saws the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
The ITNJ is not prosecuting ANY real criminals. But they will be beheading the true followers of JESUS and calling US the “Luciferians” Sasha Stone says so only weeks ago. Are we not, not even surprised at this point?
The other point is the Dr Atousa’s “claims” were that her Vaccinated patients were hearing constant or frequent “voices” or what she called , Auditory Hallucinations (@45.49 min approx),and none of these patients had had any disosiative disorders or Schizophrenia or Bi polar histories. We all know the Voice to Scull Science has been vigouroulsly studied by MI5 and the US Military and the likes of Joseph Mengel trialed these perverse experimental genomic manipulations 70 years ago. But this is a reality and Dr Barry Trower here discloses the dangers of Radio Frequency Voice to scull capabilities of RF, not mentioning what we now know that Diamagnetic, Patented Graphene oxide and present in these “Vaccines” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxrBLO1rAMM .
“These “ Vaccines” as we know are crossing the blood Brain Barrier and creating increased activity in the primary auditory cortex and sometimes the prefrontal cortex is shown to have increased activity. As seen and documented in Schizophrenia. PuBMed shows people who have had the Influenza “Vaccine” to have heightened activity in this part of the brain after “vaccination” “for the last ten years, says Dr Atousa
The weirdest claim Sasha Stone makes is ( @48.32min mark) the VAX Programme is a “SOUL HACKING TECHNOLOGY”, pretty telling from one who is the epitome of a lying hound. He is telling us believers what we already know because JESUS showed us ay? So all in all. Check his vid on the ITNJ Youtube Channel and verify yourself you will be beheaded by the ITNJ (metaphorically speaking) being called a “Luciferian” . Crazy days just got crazier. Matt 10:16-22 KJV is what I’m clinging to at this point my friends. I pray that you all too have these scriptures written on your hearts in these latter days.
This is tough for me . I’m not sure what transpired but my mom departed last tuesday. From her natural body into the spirit. Still, trust the Most high according to Jeremiah 17v7 & John 12v12-1. My mom had so called covid related symptoms claimed by this hospital . She was heavy sedated given 10-20 drug related over the counter drugs +for 2months.After she tried nasal oxygen then CPAP none of it work. My mom mentioned to her sista in a text no ventilator. I tried do what I can checking medication. I was handcuff, dealing with these revolving door of doctors & nurses. To me it seem she was battling these over the counter drugs than the covid or 5g radiation. They allowed fluid & inflammation to worsen in her they didn’t do anything to neutralize the inflamation only giving her steroid for her lungs called Solumerdol
. It’s been truly tough mom, dad & aunt pass on due to neligence of this hospital. Recommend zinc it need assistance to work quercetin. The body doesnt asborb zinc well by itself.They told me they couldn’t make solvent of it. Her condition got worst when she was given Metropolis drug. They hid info they never admitted they wrong. They tried to claim she wasn’t improving,after 2 days prior had the central line taking out her neck. I was told this was a signed of progression. Overall, my mom was medically prosecuted. It pissed me off.
I’m so sorry Travis! I truly believe hospitals have as you say, become not places of healing but harm. What matters is I know you affected her with your faith; my Mom died similarly of Dementia and a fall; one of the last questions she asked before slipping off, was “How do I pray?” The question was of utmost importance and immediacy; I felt completely unworthy to even answer that as all of us have different Sins to deal with, but I just said “Just open the door Mom, Jesus is waiting for you, He just needs to know you want Him in your life” She was always the selfless care giver to those around her, having lived alone 30 years and in total commitment to my Dad who died in 1975 of a heart attack in my arms at 17 after having everything taken by a Con man including his health. That guy told him “I do this sort of thing all over the world, sorry it had to be you”
Travis it seems to me, just living quietly as an example of faith we are dropping seeds we may not even be aware of at the time; Love God (JESUS) and Love our Neighbor is not really that difficult; nor is Honor thy mother and father which you did.
Hospitals and Doctors get paid big money to diagnose “Covid” ($13K); the drug protocols like Remdesivir and/or 5G routers operating at 60GHz create “Covid” symptoms; Ventilators ($39K/patient + daily fees) rupture the Alveoli in the lungs. Masks and keeping loved ones out sends Blood Pressure and anxiety through the roof; Metropolis administered to bring BP down seems to cause long term inflammation, blocking the blood-air exchange in the lungs. It’s overwhelming for sure, but your Mom like you are not of this world; you will be greeted in a far better world to come.
Sorry to be so long winded, but my son James split his skull at 13 from Atlas Bone to Eye Socket 1in wide; he was given zero chance to make it 4 hrs; I walked him under his own power out 6 weeks later. Jesus saved him when I refused to have anything to do with Mormons giving him a blessing; a very difficult thing to do when your son is essentially dead on a Vent with cranial pressure off the charts. Not only did he walk out, his brain lining healed which doctors say is impossible. Faith in JESUS is everything and the only real healer.
Dear Travis, A heart breaking story. I am truely sorry for you and yur family. Prayers for you all friend. These latter days trials of us as followers of JESUS is now going down to the wire. Hang in there friend. JESUS loves you and wants you in heaven.
Hey All, this I posted on the 30th July on this sites July DB. I thank you Mr Ratcliffe for using it even in my own words, almost verbatim. If anyone wishes to refresh themselves on these horribly real and satanic points, I have a very alarming update to make to this Sasha Stone’s baby, The International Tribunal Of Natural Justice .I will post it separately in its own comment in your Nov DB if this is possible Mr Ratcliffe. I appreciate your helping when my comments go off into cyberspacedout and you are able to fish for them and retrieve and post on my behalf. Thank you sincerely.
Jayne on July 30, 2021 at 2:36 am
WARNING …SASHA STONE..FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL OF NATURAL JUSTICE, ITNJ, follows the Luciferian “RULE OF LAW”.. The Luciferian” Law Of Reversal”, as George Orwell quoted. Sasha Stone founded the New Earth Project and New Earth Nation/ The World’s most integrated movement pushing sustainable “sovereign” and self determining communities. In June 2015 the ITNJ launched under a multicultural facade, at Westminster Central Hall in London on the 800th Anniversary of the signing Magna Carta. Westminster Hall broardcast this event 15 June 2015,”This new planetary Court is committed to the dispensation of natural justice and adheres to the Rule Of Law.
George Bush Sn spoke of the Rule Of Law and the NWO to Congress and the UN also I think.
SASHA STONE bases his Fraudulent Court on the Satanic principles of high Priest , former US Army Psychologist Ops MICHAEL AQUINO and Anton LaVey . and his followed Aquino’s precepts of Natural Law as proposed by the Temple Of Set ( ancient Egyptian mythos of another name for Satan.)
Here’s the “Players”
Chief Justice Walsh( Has been stripped of any claim of being a “Lawyer” and has NEVER been knighted by the Queen)
Dr NANCY ASH. ITNJ Trustee- New Earth University Dr
The ITNJ Court Logo has the Pine Cone and Infinity symbol. The Jesuit management is undeniable. The 8 stars included are also seen in the Vatican’s Sun Wheel . 8 pointed star= ishtar
“The ITNJ belongs to the people and is not controlled by any nation or state, corporation or “special interests” . The ITNJ now stands as sentinel and protectorate for all and we invite you to stand with ITNJ. ”
The ITNJ symbol is also very close the Leviathan Cross.
How does the ITNJ have authority to claim Universal Jurisdiction ?
It Doesn’t , Its illegal. Just as was the Great Sandedrin trial of our Saviour JESUS in the middle of the night, the eve of his crucifixion, and the days before all our sins were forgiven on the tree by his shed ,Holy blood
ITNJ ( Hearings)
8th April 2020
Judicial Commission Of Inquiry into Weaponization of the BIOSPHERE.
( Not sure of the following hearing date)
ITNJ Inquiry and Commission into Human Trafficking and Ritual Satanic Abuse (RSA)…Look folks..the ITNJ are supoposedly hearing these matters when they are funded by the same entities who they are pretending to expose. This is how it goes.
Satanism is the basis of the NWO and ” NATURAL LAW”
” Wherever justice has been denied the ITNJ will serve as a final arbiter of Natural Law”
READ THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN FRIENDS. Natural law is Satan’s Law friends. We are fast ,fast approaching this court which I guess will have its courts in every state and nation operating under the Universal Approval. The Great Sanhedrin Rebranded is what we are looking at right NOW.
Our testimony for JESUS Christ will most probably be “heard” in one of these courts. And they will be everywhere!!!!!!!
SASHA STONE says” The ITNJ has the right to claim UNIVERSAL LAW” His words, not mine.
Please research
Alice Bailey, trained by The Theosophical Society Founder, Madam Blavatsky, planned the work “Of The Hierarchy” Go research all these connections friends
I have not included any of my links cause I just wanted to get this out asap and am trying to just stay alive where I live, so go roll up ya sleeves and prove my assertions true or false. BTW , they are all true.
1 I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,
2 That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
Romans 9:1-2 KJV
Hang in there till the end friends.
Jayne on July 31, 2021 at 9:52 am
Hey C…..Yes indeed. This ilegal ITNJ “Court” must be and surely IS th court rumoured in RC Christians Georgia Guidestones of 22/3/80. “Commandment” No 6 ( Number 6, number of man !) mans justice, NOT GODS 6 “let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court” So sorry C my friend but htis “court” is now in its 6th year after founding in 2015 and we will all soon be “tried” in this very court very soon Matt 10:16-22 KJV 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
17 But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
18 And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.
19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Jayne on July 30, 2021 at 12:57 am
WARNING ALL.!! SASHA STONES is basing his freudulant International Tribunal For Natural Justiceand is peddling the Satanic RULE OF LAW aka NATURAL LAW on the satanic principles of former US Army Psychologist Ops MICHAEL AQUINO.(George Orwell also was quoting the LAW OF REVERSAL)It is a toothless court with no power and is the cheif council Robert Steel is as discreted fake.It will however probably become the court in which all maters will be heard. Including JESUS followers testimony of him, in fact , this will be the sole purpose of this court. Matt 10.
Sasha Stone founded the New Earth Project . New Earth Nation, the worlds most intergrated movement pushing sustainable “sovereign” and self determining communities in June 2015 the ITNJ was launched, to coincide with the 800th Anniversay of the Magna Carta at Westminster Central Hall,London. This new Planetary “Court” is committed to the dispenastion of natural justice and adhers to the Luciferain “Rule Of Law” . “800 years afer the Magna Carta the people of the world demand JUSTICE”. 800 years after signing the Magna Carta.. Westminster Hall broardcast this event 15 June 2015.
The logo of the fake ITNJ court has the pinecone and the infinity symbols. So the Jesuits immediately ID themselves as the management of this international corrupted court. INNJ has eight stars also(Ishtar) 8 Stars also in the Vatican Sun Wheel.It is also close the Liviathan Cross.
The following are the Players
Sasha Stone FOUNDER
Cheif Justice Walsh( has been stripped of any claim of being a “Lawyer”, was NEVER knighted by the Queen.)
Bel Bigtree
G. Edward Griffin
Sean Stone
Chief Council Robert David Steel
“The ITNJ belongs to the People and is not controlled by any nation, state,corporation, or “special interests’. The ITNJ now stands as sentinel and protectorate for all and we invite you to stand with ITNJ. ”
How does the ITNJ have authority to claim Interantional Jurisdiction?
It doesnt , it’s illegal. As was JESUS midnight trail…..
ITNJ Trustee is Dr Nancy Ash a New Earth University Dr
ITNJ (8the April 2020)
Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Weaponisation of the BIOSPHERE
The ITNJ is exposing those who are funding them, secretly.!
ITNJ Inquiry Commission into Human Traficking and RSA ( Ritual Satanic Abuse) All BS folks. all Bullshit on bullshit. These people ARE the abusers.
SATANISM is the basis for the NWO and ” Natural Law”
‘Wherever justice has derived the ITNJ will serve as a final Arbiter of Natural Law.”
New Earth University
We all know folks that BOTH Noahide and Sharia Law require ddecapitation for idolatry dont we???
SASHA STONE states ” the ITNJ has the right to claim ‘UNIVERSAL LAW’ So are we all linking this shit into the “court ” where JESUS followers WILL BE BEHEADED ????
BTW. Sasha Stone is Simon Adams. His Father was a Rockefeller member.!!
Alice Bailey Founder of the Lucis Trust planned a work” Of The Hierarchy”. Google her plan. She was trained by Madam Blavatsky.
I have left no links. Please reseaerch all this yourself….I just had to get this out today. I have the links but time poor and just trying to stay alive here.!!!!!
JESUS loves you my friends
Thanks for your research. I analyzed several videos of Carrie Madej and she was throwing the satanic triangle with her hands. I haven’t watched any other of the doctors to see if they also did this but Madej was enough.
What about Mercola? Is he controlled opposition?
Anyone not pointing out COVID is a War on our Souls is in my opinion Controlled Opposition. Jesus said look at the company a person keeps; the publicity Mercola is garnering is making him rich ($100M) and in my limited opinion of him, brings a person no closer to JESUS. Anyone peddling his wares on Jesuit Alex Jones’ (aka deceased comedian Bill Hicks) show should be suspect; just like Jane Ruby on Stew Peters’ show. These are in my opinion Showmen; how can anyone receive the free give of the Holy Ghost and sell it back for profit? Mercola is classic Marrano; raised Catholic-Evangelical Christian now New Age Spiritist like the rest of the Academy of Divine Knowledge; I mean really UN sponsored rock drummer turned guru Sasha Stone? RFK Jr; David Martin; David Icke are all shills.
Mercola says SARS CoV-2 was created in a Wuhan Lab; BS! Covid 19 is diagnosed by high cycle PCR amplification whose test kits were sent out by the World Bank (WITS) in 2017 to nearly every nation; it was patented in 2015; the “Virus” doesn’t exist, it was drawn from Germ Theory books dating from the mid 1600’s created by Jesuit Athanasius Kircher to invent the micro-organism called “Virus” (Serpent Venom) and promoted by plagiarist/liar Louis Pasteur, Prussian Robert Koch and Chaldean snake oil salesman John D Rockefeller to justify Rockefeller Inst created “Vaccines” which caused the 1918 Spanish Flu which was neither “Virus” nor Spanish
Covid 19 is caused by 5G Terra-hertz radiation activating Diamagnetic Graphene and Ferromagnetic Blood Iron. Wuhan was the world’s 1st 5G demonstration city and source of the Bubonic Plague created by Well Poisoning not a “Virus”
The “Vaccines” do not meet any legal definition of a “Vaccine” nor does the “Pathogen” meet any of the 4 Koch Postulates which is why no Health Dept in the world has a genetic isolate of SARS CoV-2
Mercola is with America’s Frontline Doctors and most of the doctors associated with the Academy of Divine Knowledge; in my opinion JESUS is the only physician we need; I turned to JESUS when doctors milked me dry doing CT’s and MRI’s after my son cracked his skull an inch wide atlas bone to eye socket; they said his chances of survival were zero for a month; I walked him out 2 weeks later.
Thanks for your analysis of Mercola. I’m rather paranoid now: I don’t know who in the alternative field is true and who is controlled opposition. I knew RFK Jr. came from a satanic bloodline but I thought maybe he had changed since his father was killed; but I don’t think so. I now doubt RFK and JFK were even murdered; it could have all been a giant psyop.
RFK Jr. wrote the foreword in Mercola’s book. Note how the doctors acting like our saviors are charging $33 a month for access to their information. Odd number wouldn’t you say?
I learned to watch the hands: satanists will often throw satanic hand signs and I saw Madej do this. Why any believer could still believe in Trump is beyond me. They either lack discernment or are willfully blind.
Do you have a list of who you believe are shills or disinformation agents? The only ones I trust are Chuck Baldwin and Bradlee Dean. Bradlee has Madej and Ron Paul on his site; both are owned.
Controlled opposition is everywhere. Some may not even know. Usually from my experience the best give 90 percent truth 10 percent lies. I any say weather the two you mentioned are trust worthy.. but if they are popular among the mainstream.. I aLways take a closer look.
No longer believe in Chuck Baldwin. Someone warned me about him throwing satanic hand signs.
Got any views of Lee Merritt?
Why didn’t you address the Q movement with all this.
Do you think Bradlee Dean and Tim Brown are controlled opposition? It’s really really hard to determine. Also what about Brian Shilhavy of Medical Kidnap news?
Not sure about individuals, but the general theme is to Unify people around Yahweh YHWH the Kennite and Masorete word for Saturn, replacing JESUS as LORD
Can you possibly read their website Sons of Liberty Media and tell me what you think? They seem sound but when someone commented about why they had Carrie Madej and Christiane Northrup from the Academy of Divine Knowledge they got mean and said the commenter was straining at a gnat. I wouldn’t call showcasing those following Satan a gnat.
I’d really appreciate it if you could give your opinion? Maybe they lack discernment but we were forewarned that Satan would appear as an angel of light.
Hey Reader, I don’t even see where this site is a Ministry or involved with JESUS; Bradley Dean is like Sacha Stone, a Rock Musician whose band is Junkyard Prophet (The law and prophets were until John Lk 16:16) The SOL moniker for Sons of Liberty is pretty much a dead giveaway for me; SOL and Sol Invictus is Satan, the Destroyer Apollo/Apollyon Rev 9:11
Chuck Baldwin was caught throwing satanic hand signs. Someone should warn those who are in his ‘church.’ He threw a curse at them caught right on camera. Don’t know about Bradlee Dean and Tim Brown. They seem sincere but have Madej on their site.
All you need is a Baptism of the Holy Ghost and the Authorized Bible
Hey All,
Here is Proof the Chief Justice of the ITNJ, “Sir” John Walsh is no Knight and has been thrown out of the Bar for 10 years for Malpractice, Misconduct, and is completely self appointed to the head of ITNJ Law “Court”. It doesn’t get much more deceptive than this folks. Everything about him seems to be Australian, not sure If he was born there, but his early schooling and Uni was in Australia. He has the Australian accent so I presume he’s Australian born (can’t verify) I’ts a good place to find an “Ex.Con” ay? Australia/Tasmania were founded as British “Penal Colonies” BTW and remain of this “stock”
Lastly this is ITNJ Youtube Channel with their last 5 years of “hearings”, one by one. The so called staging of’ hearings’. One that stands out for me is the Australian Fiona Barnett who busted out the info in 2012 in an Australian Royal Commission the INternational Bombshell of Ritualised Satanic Abuse within Institutions by Elite Pedo rings. I know of this persons history and it is a complete load of fabricated BS. This person is a huge player on the world stage and was great friends with the recent celebrity “death?suicide” of Issac Kappy. Who supposedly died at the hand of Tom Hanks.??? I wish I did not know all this alarming crap, but I do. Ezekiel 8 is for us all. We all must dig friends. Her “Testimony” was “Heard” in the ITNJ in 2018.
Many , many recent Australian Royal Commissions have been of the most hideous, fabrications resulting in changing “laws” to bring us to where we are today as Australia greeted the World on the 9 July 2021 in declaring.”THIS IS THE FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER.” The land of OZ, it sure is. A land of PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS under the cover of remoteness.
THE ITNJ YOUTUBE CHANNEL…( Check all the “hearings” for yourself friends)
5G non-ionizing radiation does cause Covid 19 symptoms; Wuhan was the first 5G Demonstration City; I suspect the ITNJ is set up as controlled opposition. There is no Covid 19 “Virus”; nobody has a synthesized genetic sequence proving its existence. The Vaccine is not a “Vaccine” and was created by a Turkish company in Germany BioNTech in 3 hours on Jan 11, 2020; they teamed with Pfizer after the largest fried settlement in Pharma history $2.4B. Why on earth would Pfizer CEO sell 65% of his stock the same day the Pfizer/BioNTech injection was selected by the CDC and FDA?
The ITNJ and Academy of Divine Knowledge are all frauds; heck Dr Carrie Madej came out of the gate telling us mRNA Vaccines change our DNA; they do not.
So what do you see as the purpose of the ‘vaccine’? To poison, to build antennas within us to replicate Jose Delgado’s work? Depopulation?
If so – we are the ones refusing the vaccine – aren’t we the ones the elite want dead the most?
Do you think the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast? Note that the government is now saying they need to protect “those who have been MARKED.”
Maybe a little bit of everything… depopulation, mind control. The elite do hate us born again a lot. Our time will come. I think the mark reference may refer to everyone who has gotten the vaccine literally is marked in a database maybe ? It can’t be the mark of the beast yet…
I’m not that strong on Revelation yet. Why don’t you think it can be the Mark of the Beast yet?
Also – what are your thoughts about John Bush and Derek Broze? What about Sheriff Mack?
I’d just like to know how others see them.
Is there anything others are doing about 5G?
Thanks. I’m wary of everyone now. Deception is great.
I was somewhat afraid of him being a musician like Stone. I saw a picture of Tim Brown & Bradlee Dean’s families together and one of the kids was throwing a demonic hand sign. I thought it was just a fluke. Now I wonder if there’s more.
I still am unsure as he accurately quotes the bible and what he says all fits.
The best liar will tell as much truth as possible. I agree I too am wary of pretty much everyone and everything. Save the KJV.
Glad you’re feeling it too. It gets overwhelming not knowing who to trust for truth.
What about Henry Makow? Anyone have any thoughts?
Henry Markow is a Jew Basher . Jesus railed on the hypocrites and liars.. The Pharisees…they were fake Jews. Just like most Jews now are fake. The Synagogue of Satan is what should be called out coz they’re the leaven. Trust only JESUS Reader and his Word to us, the KJV Bible. Test everything else!!
Hey All,
Here is Proof the Chief Justice of the ITNJ, “Sir” John Walsh is no Knight and has been thrown out of the Bar for 10 years for Malpractice, Misconduct, and is completely self appointed to the head of ITNJ Law “Court”. It doesn’t get much more deceptive than this folks. Everything about him seems to be Australian, not sure If he was born there, but his early schooling and Uni was in Australia. He has the Australian accent so I presume he’s Australian born (can’t verify) I’ts a good place to find an “Ex.Con” ay? Australia/Tasmania were founded as British “Penal Colonies” BTW and remain of this “stock”
Lastly this is ITNJ Youtube Channel with their last 5 years of “hearings”, one by one. The so called staging of’ hearings’. One that stands out for me is the Australian Fiona Barnett who busted out the info in 2012 in an Australian Royal Commission the INternational Bombshell of Ritualised Satanic Abuse within Institutions by Elite Pedo rings. I know of this persons history and it is a complete load of fabricated BS. This person is a huge player on the world stage and was great friends with the recent celebrity “death?suicide” of Issac Kappy. Who supposedly died at the hand of Tom Hanks.??? I wish I did not know all this alarming crap, but I do. Ezekiel 8 is for us all. We all must dig friends. Her “Testimony” was “Heard” in the ITNJ in 2018.
Many , many recent Australian Royal Commissions have been of the most hideous, fabrications resulting in changing “laws” to bring us to where we are today as Australia greeted the World on the 9 July 2021 in declaring.”THIS IS THE FIRST FULL DAY OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER.” The land of OZ, it sure is. A land of PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS under the cover of remoteness.
THE ITNJ YOUTUBE CHANNEL…( Check all the “hearings” for yourself friends)
Greater Reset seems just like Academy of Divine Knowledge; feel good New Age teachings.
Revelation is not taught in many “Churches” because it was written by John in a Patmos Is cave 66 years after the Crucifixion solely dictated by the Holy Ghost. I know of no “Churches”, Pastors/Priests/Imams or New Age Gurus/Teachers that comprehend the power of the Holy Ghost
Revelation is a Warning concerning the final 3 1/2 years leading to the 2nd Coming, Millennium and Eternity. The 7 Church Warnings are as SPIRITUALLY pertinent today as they were Physically then. Its Prophecy ie pre-written history by the Creator of the Universe written before Creation and Revealed to John in 96ad. https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/revelation/
This is informative stuff (sorry used wiki on this: Sasha is a unisex name which originated in Eastern and Southern European countries as the shortened version of Alexander and Alexandra.It is also used as a surname, although very rarely.Alternative spellings include: Саша (Sasha – Russian, Ukrainian, Serbo-Croatian), Сашо (Sasho – Bulgarian), Саше (Sashe – Macedonian), Saša (Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Latvian … and then we have “stone” . I have his bio and his daddy and family in the ‘system’ You caught Gaia ties which go hand in hand with Nesara and the weird Vibrational Revolution weirdness (Madej). David Icke and Robert David (chipmunk cheeks) Steele and his weird alien intervew and the bizarre connection to Cynthia Mckinney and bus tours- 2 hit wonder industry plant traitor kissing up to trunews and drumpf . So convoluted . Nice job people and thanks Howard for coordinating and letting us comment.
and what’s up with the low cut blousy chest exposed look Sasha and Russell Brand (fake) have – part of the program. I really think HR hit it on the head when he tied in the “Divine Feminine” meshing of the sexes – handoff (like Matt mentioned via gerald ford interview decades back) from Bi-dumb to Kamala Kali (note: Talmud and midrash, the Divine is sometimes portrayed as a nursing er or as the (female) twin of Israel. In the Zohar, there are multiple feminine God-images, such as Binah (understanding), also known as Immah Ilaah (the higher mother), who is called the womb and palace of creation, the fountain of understanding, the well of souls – NOT. they use the kazarain rothschild stuff = why? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTswD_JAZK4 bla bla
Preflood Paganism is my guess, Lorie. And I really suspect they’re all possessed/mind controlled/remote controlled or whatever anyone wants to call it.
Luke 23:34
May we love Jesus always be able to take refuge in him and feel the peace that passes understanding
There was a couple of mushroom clouds in I pet goat ii, Middle East and a crowded area with the ac popping out of the cloud like a genie/djinn. Do they consider him a possessing spirit too? Kamala isn’t the first to be possessed by Kali, Vivekananda worshipped her, claimed to see her and claimed she wouldn’t let him rest and was the source of energy for his work.
They called their orphic eggs Shiva Lingams and poured water or milk on them, which is an electrical conductor, as an offering to initiate contact.
Vivekanandas guru Ramakrishna died of throat cancer at 50, he couldn’t keep silent when possessed. Vivekananda died at 39. A harsh mistress. I’d rather have Jesus as my guide and protector.
Back to the present day, Biden has offered $100 bait to be distributed throughout the states as a vaccination incentive. Iowa said no, but Minnesota immediately started playing along. How well will that go after Tucker Carlson spoke out about the lies surrounding the vaccine (and called the CDC the Center for Confusion and Doubt)
So far the warnings have been placed on every Western vax:
Astra Zeneca – blood clots
Pfizer/Moderna – heart inflammation
J&J – Gulliame Barr neurological syndrome
Yet still this ridiculous charade continues.
The olympics close 8/8, will NK Kim send a rocket over to join the grand finale? He sure has been quiet lately.
Howard, I wonder if Baal Gates will continue through with his ID that not only monitors the entire human host but also forces the body to mine cryptocurrency as a beast of burden?
It seems obvious we’re being toyed with, especially considering one of the key elements was called luciferase.
Lucifer, Lucis Trust, the “angel” of light that could be a hologram or projection, falling from heaven, now is Satan when he is on earth?
I suspect the abyss/bottomless pit is space. Since earth is finite and has a circumference and space fits the description more accurately.
I reread revelation 20 with that in mind.
Our species seems to be in for a very long battle and are woefully unprepared. Most don’t seem to realize it’s already begun and are still hoping for a return to normal, MAGA, etc, which is just part of the Great Deception/Strong Delusion. I’m sitting on a huge fault line praying to escape all these things.
So am I praying that. I became so unnerved that I wished I weren’t here. Now I see why Scripture warned about “men’s hearts failing them.” It’s all too much.
The elite are trying to start a race war on top of it. Please go out of your way to reach out and be kind to other races to show them it’s all a lie.
The elite have their militarized police force out abusing and killing the public every day. When will Americans fight back??? Our country is going down fast into tyranny.
When Americans fights back it will probably be more of a civil war. These elites are master class at dividing and creating chaos. But as you know there is nothing stopping this. It’s already happened and has been recorded in the Bible.
“Who can make war with the Beast?” This is SPIRITUAL WAR; only JESUS wins SPIRITUAL WARS. The hallmark of Amalekites (People from every nation) at War with God until the end is they don’t fear God; they VEX; we’ve all argued with these type of people; its a bit like hitting your head on a wall. Coronavirus began on Stephen’s Day (Dec 26, 2019) “Crown/Martyr” Libertines want Freedom from God and were debating Stephen to no avail so they stoned him.
There is likely no arguing that will prevail.
We all know there is no “Virus” (No Isolates are available but that doesn’t matter) There is no “Flu Virus” either but that doesn’t matter
The “Pathogen” meets none of Koch’s Postulates (Isolated, Grown, Produces Illness in another; Re-Isolated) but again, that doesn’t matter to Amalekites.
The “Vaccine” does not qualify on any level as a “Vaccine” (Prevent acquiring and transmission of a disease) but that doesn’t matter
Masks state on the box “Does not protect against any Viruses” but that doesn’t matter
We all know PCR Tests are manipulated and health care providers are paid to diagnose COVID when COD was a myriad of other conditions, but that doesn’t matter
A follower of JESUS knows Satan and his Amalekite Minions are a Beast we can’t fight and thank God we are not expected to. Had all the Amalekites been exterminated as God commanded in Joshua’s day or Abraham’s sons Ishmael and Isaac not married Canaanite women or Israel had accepted Jesus as Lord and King, things would have been different.
The fight now is SPIRITUAL, and all we are asked to do is not Lie, don’t Bow to Baal and ask JESUS to forgive our multitude of Sins
So what is so hard about the first that you list. To not Lie ? Why do you think people risk their Eternity and cover a Lie Mr Ratcliffe ??
I don’t like the verse that says Satan fought against the elect and overcame them.
I never believe that we are to just sit things out – look at the Black Robe Regiment – they knew they had a duty to act. Too many ‘Christians’ are passively sitting on their duffs waiting for God to save them or magically rapture them out. I don’t see it that way.
Yes it’s a spiritual war and we fight spiritually but we should also get involved. If you hadn’t put this site up some of us may still be following those doctors of the ITNJ.
That’s a good point – it’s a spiritual war.
I don’t agree about the virus because we got really sick a few months ago with one.
Is the Luciferic Initiation the Black Eye Club? Where did spoiled drug addict Elon Musk get Neuralink, really? How mind controlled are these “elites” el-ites? Obviously John
8:34 is the answer and it seems they are trying to enslave us all.
Kali is featured in I Pet Goat ii, which also predicts “markets plunge war”. The question is how soon, and what will be the sequence? If there is a total shutdown from an EMP will that trigger the earthquake in Revelation 11:13?
I’d say they are pretty mind controlled. Or rather given over to a reprobate mind. Also it’s safe to assume a lot of elite channel spirits(demons).
The sequence of events it always in the back of my head too. Order out of Chaos is there thing.. so whenever it is and how ever it goes down we know from the Bible and from how the satanic elite operate it’s gonna be chaotic.. I’d say emp or some from of disruption to technology is on the books.
Can you elaborate? I know they’re chemtrailing us like crazy to load us up with heavy metals. For termination using 5G? I’d like to know what others think.
Black Eye Club https://imgur.com/xyU9ljx as I understand it is the visible indication of Adrenochrome Addiction, an entrance requirement at the highest levels is to hunt called “The Most Dangerous Game”, rape, torture, kill and consume an innocent child; they get this from Rev 19:18. DynCorp “Energy” places a monetary value on every body part; remember Jesus said “The love of money is the root of all evil”; “Everything has a price” to these people.
They want our Souls; the Pearl of Great Price is our connection to JESUS (God) which Esau sold for a bowl of beans. The Elite get rewarded for “Capturing Human Souls”; the Aztecs taught this as does the Boule Society “ULTIMATE GAME” into which Kamala Devi Harris was initiated at Howard U and was subsequently mentored as an adult by Willie Brown. Again they get this from the Bible, Sargon the Great was declared “Legitimate King of the World” after the flood; his name was Canaan, carrying the Cursed bloodline of Cain from his father Ham and Mother’s incest; Rabbis teach Noah’s wife was Naamah who came to be called the Queen of Heaven Nanna, Ishtar etc; Madonna even played her at the 2013 Super Bowl.
May be hard to fathom but I think Kamala “Lotus” believes she is Devi, the Chaos incarnation of Kali as you said she is in the I Pet Goat 2 Video.
Sargon II made a pact with Israel through his military commander Tartan and Ephraim; remember Trump’s Tartan? it means Canaanite Cloth; I was even duped by the Presbyterian Church long ago; no more!
I don’t know the timeline any better than anyone else, but Crowned White Horse used the Bow=Poison; Unvaxxed versus Vaxxed is the Red Horse removing Peace; Black is “Great Reset” and in Food “Reset the Table”; total control of Food from Seed to Table. Pale (Green) Horse “Death” is Antichrist; worshipped in exchange for Behavior monitored by Bio-metric Hydrogels and Graphene and his Mark in our skin; Guessing Intra-dermal mDNA injections Electroporated into Eukaryotic Skin Cell Walls which divide, opening the Nucleus to the modified, patented foreign DNA.
Its just my best guess, Id love to be proven wrong so lets combine our Discernment and figure it out.
Found this today
Quote: ^” First and foremost, 2022 is not only a scheduled Shemitah year, it is the year of the Super Shemitah. The indisputable 7-year pattern of Shemitah years has been long established as explained here: The Actual Timing of the GREAT RESET Laid Bare.
Secondarily, Pluto has been crashing through Capricorn since 2008, a transit that will culminate in 2022/2023 just as this same game-changing transit occurred from 1762 through 1778 during the extremely tumultuous American Revolutionary Period when it climaxed in 1776”
I think at this point we’re just being mocked with the CV. It may also be their rumored revelation of the method &/or showing off the system they have prepared.
Regarding the BEC, i was thinking of the parasite implant theory but you reminded me of the other explanation. Either way it leads to madness and death. So few people love the truth and Jesus.
I’m thankful you’ve created this place for us to gather and try to help each other figure it out. Thank you, Howard.
Pretty telling that this Pluto culmination 2022-3 and the Bidentale Sacred Ground where Lightning hits; Barack=Lightning the 44th President predicted in 1971 by C Alan Martin as the last President; the year before Biden was selected Senator and the Club of Rome Book Limits to Growth were published predicting a major population and food drop; A Shemitah is a Jubilee; the 50th year. Great time for the Sacrifice of a Bidens by these Bidentals “Priests of Pluto” Plutonium was created and shipped as the Trinity Detonation went off; J Robert Oppenheimer (33 deg Freemason, Russian Spy) quoted Shiva in the Bagavad Gita “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds” Obama (Bari Malik Shabazz Jr) delivered Plutonium Oxide Fuel to Fukushima and bowed to Emperor Akahito 6 months ahead of the of the intentional Rockefeller designed Reactor was allowed to melt down, destroying the world with poison.
Too bad for them Jesus is going to ruin their eternity
There was a couple of mushroom clouds in I pet goat ii, Middle East and a crowded area with the ac popping out of the cloud like a genie/djinn. Do they consider him a possessing spirit too? Kamala isn’t the first to be possessed by Kali, Vivekananda worshipped her, claimed to see her and claimed she wouldn’t let him rest and was the source of energy for his work.
They called their orphic eggs Shiva Lingams and poured water or milk on them, which is an electrical conductor, as an offering to initiate contact.
Vivekanandas guru Ramakrishna died of throat cancer at 50, he couldn’t keep silent when possessed. Vivekananda died at 39. A harsh mistress. I’d rather have Jesus as my guide and protector.
Back to the present day, Biden has offered $100 bait to be distributed throughout the states as a vaccination incentive. Iowa said no, but Minnesota immediately started playing along. How well will that go after Tucker Carlson spoke out about the lies surrounding the vaccine (and called the CDC the Center for Confusion and Doubt)
So far the warnings have been placed on every Western vax:
Astra Zeneca – blood clots
Pfizer/Moderna – heart inflammation
J&J – Gulliame Barr neurological syndrome
Yet still this ridiculous charade continues.
The olympics close 8/8, will NK Kim send a rocket over to join the grand finale? He sure has been quiet lately.
Well, none of us in my opinion are necessary for God’s will to be done; He just wakes up some of us at our appointed time. New Age religion is very seductive; who doesn’t want to be Raptured? or make a $Billion selling BS like Tim LaHaye; or be enlightened like Buddha or Zoroaster or lead a religion like Luther or Calvin? or the New Age rock drumming guru Sasha Stone.
The best False Teachers tell as much truth as possible; some like Carrie Madej seem so sweet, well educated and innocent, but haven’t the slightest clue about God.
The ITNJ is Natural Justice; the belief were are poison and a cancer for Mother Earth and she will punish us for breathing. The Science behind the global Warning nonsense if 100% opposite of truth; CO2 and Methane are plant food and necessary to create Green Houses like the pre-Flood world. The fact is Mother Earth will convulse in Child Birth because men playing God will use natural EM (Sun-Earth) energy to change the climate, produce Earthquakes and eventually cause the Earth to reel to and fro as a drunkard Is 24:20