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Valentines Day

Friar who said Ash Wednesday Mass for Roumie, Wahlberg ...
Cross of Tammuz (Tam=Purify + Muz=Fire) Dumu-zi “the son who rises’ The disembodied phallus formed into a cross (JESUS was hung on a Tree Deut 21:23; Acts 5:30; Gal 3:13), which, before it became for Christianity it was a pagan symbol of fertility.”Dumuzid the Shepherd, to the Canaanites as Adon ‘Lord’ Order of the Fly within the Dictionnaire Infernal, he was the demonic inventor of artillery and Hell’s ambassador to Spain. Tammuz is a sun god perhaps best known as the main lover of Ishtar (Inana). Originally known as Dumuzid the Shepherd, he was a fertility god closely was associated with crops and the worship of Ishtar. 40days Weeping for Tammuz=Easter, the reason the Glory of the LORD Eze 8:16

Shrove Tuesday, 40 Days of Lent aka Carnivale Rex, King of Carnival, 2023 is Ludovico F. Feoli “gift of the lord, gift of Yahweh” (YHWH=Satan) Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Foreign Policy Institute in Washington, D.C Lent is Wed, Feb 14, 2024 – Thu, Mar 28, 2024 Feb 14 is Ash Wednesday. 2025 Lent is  Wed, Mar 5, 2025 – Thu, Apr 17, 2025 40 “Weeping for Tammuz” (Satan) Tammuz: Tam=Purify + Muz=Fire aka Holocaust. Jesus was Hung of a Tree!

Passion of the Christ II: The Resurrection Friday April 18 2025 ‘Good Friday’ 1 1/2 days before Easter Sunday; which has nothing to do with Jesus! 40 days of Weeping for Tammuz (Lent). The name of a Phoenician deity, the Adonis (Adon=Lord) of the Greeks. He was originally a Sumerian or Babylonian shepard and sun-god, called Dumuzu, the husband of Ishtar=El symbolized by the cross + on the forehead ‘Pineal Gland’; “sacred marriage/divine union” ceremony=Sodomy; Jesus was hung on a Tree!

Klaus Schwab “Swabi”: The plan for the World Economic Forum’s 4th Reich is a giant Holocaust modeled after the 18M killed by the 3rd Reich. The Club of Rome, WEF motto “The common enemy of humanity is man” HuMan means “God Man”; Hu or Hu Gadarn “The Mighty” is the Celtic/Druid god-man of the Britons; B’Rith means “Birthright Covenant” (Cain, Japheth and his sons Gomer, Ashkenaz for example). Jesus said “Our foes are the men of his own house” Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 and “A time will come when people kill you and think they do God a service”. This is the 4th Industrial Revolution; Man becoming a God Man through techonology, the Fourth Reich is the 4th Beast of Iron (Dan 7:7) aka 4th Horseman “Death” (Rev 6:8) The Great Reset is a return to the Golden Age of Saturn accomplished by killing everyone who rejects their plan; eg Georgia Guide Stones, Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si”. Ever wonder why Europa the Creatan Whore is the symbol of the Club of Rome who created the EU Parliament? or why Seat 666 is vacant? Europa the Whore of Babylon can be seen riding the Bull (Miotaur-Zeus) in front of the EU Parliament.

Notre Dame and the Al Aqsa Mosque were set on fire simultaneously Notre Dame professor Craig Lent is the head of the People of Praise Cult  and  Amy Coney’s mentor/handler at Notre Dame is in charge of the Jesuit based People of Praise Cult Amy Coney Barrett is a Cult Handmaid. Coney Strong’s #8227 “Shaphan” His son was among the 70 ancients of Israel who committed abominations on the altar of the LORD as women wept for Tammuz during Lent (Eze 8); another Shaphan read the Book of Law to King Josiah ( 2 Ki 22:3;8; 2 Chr 34:8-28). Maybe it’s coincidence the Wall St Bull is the Golden Calf of the Sun worshipped in Israel today as Shamash the center candle of the Chabad Lubavitch Hanukkah Menorah or that Site 911 Beit Shemesh has a radiation hardened bunker called Project 911 awaiting the arrival of Mochiach at Rev 9:11; but perhaps not; Jeremiah warned against Beth Shemesh (Jer 44:13) for a reason! Assyrians worshipped the same Golden Calf as Marduk on April Fool’s Day, the Assyrian Akitu Festival. April Fool’s day mocks Jesus being sent on Fool’s Errands from the illegitimate Sanhedrin Priests Annas and Caiaphas conducting an illegitimate secret tribunal condemning Jesus to Herod and Pilate to be hung on a Tree (Deut 12:23) Pilate symbolically washed his hands, finding no guilt in Jesus, much as washing of hands is recommended by the CDC to prevent Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom”. Scourging was far worse treatment than Jesus gave to the Temple Money Changers; today’s International Bankers at the Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank and ECB preparing the $Digital FedCoin. The Crown of Thorns symbolic of today’s Coronavirus, named after Corona “Crown” and Apollo whose son Aesculapius is the symbol of the WHO. Druids “Knowers of Trees” celebrate Jesus being condemned by riding Hobby Horses dressed as Old Testament Prophets into Congregations on April Fool’s Day. On Ash Wednesday Druid Priests inscribed an ashen cross on the foreheads of initiates on Ash Woden’s Day just as Priests of Mithras inscribed an ashen cross on initiates and earlier still, Babylonian priests did to honor Tammuz by an ashen Tau Cross. Crisis Actors had the Cross of Tammuz on their foreheads during the Parkland HS Shooting Hoax in Florida and the day Justice Antonin Scalia had his fake heart attack on Valentines Day; Day #44 at PO
Box 44 Cibolo Creek Ranch, the set of No Country for Old Men and There will be Blood; probably coincidence Donald (King of the World) Trump nominated Scalia’s clerk Amy Coney and is the 44th person selected to be US President just as Zedekiah was the 44th and final King of Israel eh? Perhaps, but don’t bet on it. In Zedekiah’s day, Jeremiah was warning against Easter, people baking cakes for the Queen of Heaven in Wait for it! Jer 44.  Jeremiah was warning Israel about Easter (Jer 7:18; 44:18) for 40 years!

Good Friday (Crucifixion Day), Easter (Resurrection Day)  and Christmas, like Circumcision entered the early Christian Church with the  Gnostic Nicolaitanes (Conquer + Laity); Jesus hates the Elevation of Clergy! The Council of Nicea in 325ad fixed the dates of Easter and Christmas under Constantine the Great whose mother Helena was the daughter of Druid King Coelus, the Merry Ole Soul; Hilarious eh? Devotees of Attis and Cybele celebrated Easter as Hilaria. Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran Mitres, are fashioned after the Mitres of the Philistine god Dagan, the Chaldean Beast rising from the Sea and namesake of the UN Meditation Room; under the Mitre (aka MIthra) and Jewish Fedoras is the Yarmulke, Zuchetto, Kippah or Skull Cap replacing the Temple Veil Jesus removed at the Crucifixion. The removal of God is symbolized by Ritual Circumcision.

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision…Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies…rebuke them sharply” Titus 1:10-12 Cretians are Caphtorim, today’s Chasidic Rabbis who control Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Boris Johnson among others. The Vatican is controlled by Jesuits who control the Temple Mount, Cenacle “Maundy Thursday” ring a Baal? and King David’s Tomb.
       Circumcision is big business and not part of either Old or New Covenant. Bill Gates Project Abraham proposes male genital mutilation “Circumcision” to curb HIV in Africa; it does no such thing; rather Circumcision curbs sexual urges. Tonsuring is a mockery of Abrahamic Circumcision. With Isaac, the procedure Milah removed only the very end, with no loss of sensitivity or glans protection has very little to do with today’s 2 and 3 step Circumcision taught by Rabbis. Step 2 Periah began in the 2nd century destroys entire families as Paul told Titus, resulting in severe mutilation, trauma, parental protection anxiety, disease and death. Step 3 Metzitzeh involves sucking the infants blood by mouth, peculiar to Orthodox Rabbis spreading TB and VD among other infections.
Why should we trust anything a Rabbi, or Priest says when Jesus warned against calling anyone Father, Master or Rabbi? Mat 23:8-10
Circumcision of the Heart is purely SPIRITUAL and indeed, everyone not SPIRITUALLY Baptized with Fire and the Holy Ghost, Circumcised of false Christian doctrine such as Circumcision, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Water Baptism, Trans-substantiated Communion, Priest Confession etc runs the risk of being “Cut Off” from JESUS.
The series Utopia uses a fake pandemic to bring in treatments (synthetic meat) causing 3 generations of Infertility; 5G targets cellphones to cause Infertility; Circumcision removes the same skin type used to protect Eyes, Gums and the Clitoris, causing ED. “The love of money is the root of all evil” 1 foreskin enough genetic material to grow 250,000 SqFt of Skin; each has an estimated value depending on ethnicity of $100,000. Paul would say tell your doctor to go “Castrate Yourself” Gal 5:12  which ironically is exactly what Eunuch Priests of Cybele did. The Series The Barrier highlights a fake Virus used to shut down the world economy and create the need for Austerity and a Vaccine. The Series BioHackers highlights CRISPR Gene Editing; all these filmed before Coronavirus.

Lechten “Spring”, 40 days of Lent before Easter, the Holy Day Edomite King Herod celebrated by attempting to kill Peter (Acts 2:4KJV). Tammuz (Tam=Purify + Muz=Fire) is the Sumerian Devil  lamented 40 days “Weeping for Tammuz” which caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8). Paul warned in 1 Ti 4:1-3 hypocrites telling lies having their consciences seared with a hot iron would teach people to abstain from meat; Tammuz was slain hunting a wild boar; hence Marranos “Swine” are False Priests eg Jesuits who teach the Laity to observe Lent. Tammuz and his mother/lover Ishtar (Roman Aphrodite/Venus is the Arab Uzza “Mighty One”) are identical to Attis and Cybele; the Cap of Cybele is the Yarmulke, worn by Crypto fake Jews and the Zuchetto worn by Marrano (Swine) fake Christians such as Catholic and Orthodox Clergy. Jesus hates Nicolaitane Doctrine (Rev 2:6;15) Nicolaitane means Conquer the Laity through an Elevated Clergy. The Tau Cross placed on the foreheads on Ash Wednesday is not Christian; it came into the Christian Churches through Mithraism. Ash Wednesday, the 40th day before Easter Sunday came into Christian Churches through the Norse false god Woden/Odin “Woden’s Day”. Fat Tuesday means “Fattened Bull”;  Carnivale means “Farewell to meat”. Zeus is the Cretin Bull, seen in the Bull god Molech, whom children were sacrificed in fire at Palmyra (Amurru, the source name of America), or the Egyptian Apis Bull where the same 40 day fast for Osiris (Saturn/Osiris is the father of Zeus/Horus) occurred.
Crucifixion: INRI is a Latin inscription meaning “All Nature will be renewed by fire”; it is used by Pagans on the Cross of Tammuz (Tau Cross) to replace “Jesus King of the Jews”, who was Crucified on the Tree. Pope Francis Laudato Si (Earth is Praised) calls for the extermination of 93% of humanity for the good of the Earth. Barbara Marx Hubbard “We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death, God creates, we decide who lives and who dies; we do this for the good of the Earth” Similarly, Good Friday and Easter (not 3 days apart) replace 13 Nisan “Unlucky Friday 13th”, 14 Nisan “Passover” and 17 Nisan “First Fruits”.

April Fool’s Day

April Fools

Druid (Knowers of Trees) Priests called “Old Fools” mocked Jesus by riding Hobby Horses into Congregations dressed as Old Testament prophets; on Judgment Day, they will wish they hadn’t. Pulling Pranks on one another originated with Jesus being sent on “Fool’s Errands”; mock Jesus and Judgment will not be pleasant.
Easter has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC and Crucified on Passover Eve 27 AD. Jesus was 1 1/2 years old in Egypt when Nabattean Arab-Edomite King Herod ordered the Slaughter of Innocents during Easter 4 BC; he died and the temple bearing his name was destroyed precisely as Jesus said it would be leaving behind Cryptos (False Converts) like the Edomite King Herod behind at the Wailing Wall wearing Yarmulkes. Herod is the real April Fool. Want to get right with God? Stop celebrating the conception (Easter) and birth (Christmas) of Lucifer!
Jesus was Crucified on Passover Eve (13 Nisan), laid in the sepulchre at Even to complete the Feast of Unleavened Bread (14 Nisan) and rose the 3rd Day on Feast of First FruitsI (17 Nisan) It doesn’t take a math genius to see there are not 3 days from Good Friday at Even to Easter First Light. Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter (Acts 12:4 KJV), why on Earth are you? The Easter Rabbit is the Assyrian Idol of Anammellech (2 KI 17:30)
Jesus was sent on “Fool’s Errands” from fake Illigitimate retired High Priest Annas to Pontius Pilate to Annas’ son-in law Caiaphas, to Herod, and back to Pilate before the Crucifixion. In 2015, Passover and Easter aligned with a Lunar Eclipse over the Western World. West is the land of the Dead in Egyptian religion featured in the Carbon Fund Logo and Obama’s Masonically designed Setting Sun Logo; the 8th Tetrad in history. Why 8? 8 people were saved in the Ark and faith in JESUS is the 8th and final Covenant between Man and God.
The Holy Grail was found at San Isidro (Isidore of Seville) Basilica in Leon, Spain. The cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper to represent the Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s Merovingian “Christ Kids” is indeed an “Isidro” meaning “Gift of Isis”. BS! Isis means Throne; specifically the Throne of Pergamum “Satan’s Seat”. St Isidore was famous for compiling “Etymologiae” a summa of Universal Knowledge which is why he is the Patron Saint of the Internet; with St Al of Gore of course. The Gate of Isis framed the entrance to the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria (Mormon Church began in Palmyra NY); in April an exact replica of the Arch of Isis at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria was installed in Times Square NY and Trafalgar Sq London. Why? America is named after Amurru aka Palmyra.
CERN is a Cryptogram for Cernunnos “Horned One”; Gravity, Gravity Waves, Dark Matter, Worm Holes and Parallel Universes are Satanic Bull Shit. To go with this monumental BS is the Holy Grail of Science “Gravity Waves” “Discovered” during “Hilaria”, the 8 day festival beginning March 25 and ending April Fool’s Day 2015. Why not much news coverage? The world went on the largest Easter Egg Hunt aka Fool’s Errand in history searching for MH370 (cryptogram for Elohim aka Saturn). Gravity Waves, not God created Matter immediately after the Big Bang and Gravity is the “Force” that gives Mass to Matter; also BS. Using minute fluctuations in “Gravity”, NASA announced the Cassini space probe had found proof of an inhabitable ocean under 20 miles of ice on Saturn’s moon “Elceladus”; Saturn’s mythical yet Giant Trumpeter of Arms. Hilarious isn’t it? Cassini was Court Astrologer to King Louis XVI called the “Sun King” The Cult of Saturn has called its Anonymous Legion of followers to arms and Christians are busy with Lent, Hot Cross Buns and Easter Rabbit Egg Hunts. Feel like a Fool yet?
Hilaria The celebration of the resurrection of Attis (Green man) occurs as the Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Easter is Ishtar, Astarte or Ashtaroth, the Wife of Saturn also known as Cybele the consort of Attis,. Satan goes by these names, having originated in Galatia (Turkey) and carried to the Kingdom of Pergamum in Arcadia, Greece. This Edomite Kingdom was founded by Attalus II of Philadelphia, which Jesus warned was the “Synagogue of Satan” and “Those who say they are Jews but are not”. Funny isn’t it? The City of Brotherly Love is full of Edomites in Robes teaching Christians about Santa Claus and Easter Bunnies! Wonder why the plague killing 99% of humanity in the movie 12 Monkeys originated in Philadelphia?
Jesus 7 Church Warnings in Revelation 2-3, the last one “Laodicea” means “Luke Warm” and Jesus spues every “Luke Warm” Christian out of His mouth!. Satanists have some Gaul eh? Sardonic Laughter is a term for the facial contortions made in the throws of death, by sacrifices given in fire to Saturn/Molech. Funny? Hilarious? Jesus doesn’t think so.
March 29 is the Feast of Saturn (St Satur is St Dionysius, and St Bacchus aka “Green Man”) where Saturn is rendered STUR in Chaldee; Gematically giving the Mark of the Beast 666. It is no coincidence in Prophecy Summit 2014 at Disneyworld is Saturn’s Day March 29, coincident with the release of the Holy Wood abomination Noah and the “Huli Festival” Prophecy Summit Liars are convincing people the Nephilim are real, the Rapture of the Church and Return of Jesus Christ is imminent. No, folks, the return of Saturn is imminent.
The Six Pointed Star of Saturn, Milcom, Chiun, Chemosh is used on Hindu Monuments, Synagogues, the Mormon Tabernacle (of Molech), Muslim Mosques, Shinto Shrines, and Buddhist Temples as a rejection of God. The Yarmulke, worn by a variety of religions, notably at Herod’s Wailing Wall is in fact merely the Cap of Cybele, a symbol of rejection of Jesus Christ and the tearing of the Temple Veil.
The Cult of Saturn refers to Jesus as the “April Fool”, the “0” Fool Card in Tarot, “Huli Fool”, “April Fish”, “Gowk”, “Dunce” sent on Fool’s Errands from the Palace of Caiaphas to the Praetoreum of Pontius Pilate, to the House of Annas, to the Palace of Herod and back to Pilate before the Crucifixion. Anuit Coeptus, on the $US 1 Dollar Bill is a cryptogram for Annas and Caiaphas, the killers of God in Flesh; Hilarious isn’t it?
Hindoos have been making “Huli Fools” for over 3000 years to mark the defeat of evil by throwing colored powder in honor of the female demon “Holika” and the 8th Avatar of Vishnu is “Krishna”, meaning “Black or Night”; it’s called the “Feast of Colours” because Black is the result of mixing the colors of the Rainbow. LGBT Movement uses the Rainbow as do Masons after Ritually rejecting Jesus Christ at the Rainbow Arch Degree.
Druid Priests were called “Old Fools”, giving sermons mocking the Divinity of Jesus dressed as Old Testament Prophets and riding Hobby Horses into the Congregation. French “Poisson d’ Avil” mocked the Passion Week by sending Fools on ridiculous errands to mock Jesus being sent from Chief Priest Annas to Chief Priest Caiaphas, to the Roman Pontius Pilate, to the Edomite Herod and back to Pilate before being made the “Fool” and Crucified. Pretty funny eh? Scotland called it “Hunting the Cuckoo” (European Crow), a mockery of the Crow (Raven) Noah sent from the Ark. The Edomite “Purim” (God is not mentioned in the book of Esther; God did not ordain Purim, and Purim is not Jewish in any sense) and the Zoroastrian (0=Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star, Venus or Woman) “Nowruz”, and “Huli” are similar to April Fool’s Day; Obama’s practical joke was sending Depleted Uranium munitions to “Protect Civilians” in Libya while on vacation. In 2014 April Fool’s errands were sending dozens of ships and planes on a “Wild Goose Chase” searching for parts of Malaysia #370.; all in good fun folks! Hilaria (Hillary) celebrated the Zoroastrian version of “Poisson d’ Avril” in France and Hindoos in Krishna Temples the world over tossed colored water and powdered chalk at each other; the “Black One” is “Krishna” aka “Dark Knight”; Science calls this “Dark Matter” or “Black Hole”, the ultimate form of “Gravity” aka “God Particles”. Just Hilarious isn’t it!

April 1 “Fool’s Day” and Jan 1 “Feast of Circumcision” are 3 months apart as are Tabernacles (actual birth of Jesus Christ) and Christmas, (birth of Sol Invictus). The Roman Saturnalia aka Christmas begins on St Lucia Day “Bride of Light” lasting a week; the Pope (Father here refers to God the FATHER as well as the Roman Pontiff) was mocked as “Lord of Misrule”. When Jesuits took over Rome in the mid 1500’s New Year became Jan 1 named after the 2 faced god of beginnings “Janus”; the original Feast of Sub-Deacons became “Guild of Fools”, the original “All Fool’s Day”; pretty hilarious eh? George Bush Sr “Magog” hilariously allowed 150,000 Iraqi conscripts to accept a Truce on Purim in 1991 before burning them with fuel-air bombs and burying them along the Highway of Death; his son George “Gog” Bush hilariously launched the Shock and Awe (Shekinah) campaign using Depleted Uranium Core Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Baghdad by accusing his business partner Saddam Hussein of involvement with Al Qaeda; if that’s not funny enough, 20 years after the first and 8 years after the 2nd, Obama hilariously sent Depleted Uranium bombs and missiles to “Protect Libyan Civilians”. J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the book attributed to Krishna “Bhagavad Gita” after witnessing the Trinity Atomic explosion of the bomb named “Gadget”; “I have become Death, the destroyer of world’s”. It was a Plutonium Bomb first used on people at Nagasaki called “Fat Man” and later used in Reactor #3 at Fukushima in Sendei Japan. Malaysian #370 is just another Huli Fool prank, albeit one that has garnered the attention of 4 plane loads of CDC Epidemiologists, sent to Diego Garcia. Come on people, sending God on Fool’s Errands before killing Him is just good fun! NOT!!

The Ishtar Gate

Akitu Festival
The Assyrian New Year is April 1 aka  April Fools Day, the day Druids (Knowers of Trees) ride into congregations on hobby horses dressed as Old Testament Prophets and re-enact Jesus being sent on Fool’s Errands and finally ordered Crucified by an illegitimate nighttime Sanhedrin meeting. April 1 is the Assyrian New Year Akitu Festival of Marduk the Golden Calf worshipped in Israel as Shamash (Sun) and made into Coronavirus Vaccines (Of the Cow) Jesus was Crucified on Passover Eve Here are dates of Passover in 26-27 AD My best guess is 27AD which would be April 11 aka 411 Got the info? 6 the number of Man, God in Flesh rejected by Man. Why? Herod the Great died Spring ie Passover 4 BC after the slaughter of first born sons 2 and under in Judea; Jesus was 1 1/2 as a Young Child (Mat 2:8;9;13) in Egypt by then and was 33 1/2 at His Passover Crucifixion in 27AD.

Assyrians worship Nisroch (2 Ki 19:37), the Assyrian name of Saturn whose worship is now centered in Israel under the Ensign of the Six Pointed Star. Nisan is Assyrian/Akkadian for “Beginning”. Akitu means “Barley” The Festival of the Black Horse “A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” Rev 6:6 Pretty coincidental Coronavirus is collapsing the world economy and Coronavirus Czar Mike Pence means “Penny” eh?  The Assyrian New Year Kha b’ Nisan celebrated on April Fool’s Day, the day mocks Jesus sent on “Fool’s Errands” from Caiaphas to Pilate to Herod to Annas and back to Pilate to be Crucified and nailed to the Tree by Pharisees whom Jesus said were “Illegally sitting in Moses’ Seat”; today Rabbis celebrate the Crucifixion with the Sign of Shin celebrating the 3 Nails used to fasten God to the Tree. Kha b’ Nisan and the Akitu Festival celebrates the triumphant return of Marduk “Calf of the Sun”, the son of Shamash, the Babylonian Sun Lion replacing Jesus Christ, the real Lion of Judah.
In 2019 6 April was 1 Nisan; the Assyrian Tartan Day and date Mormons claim Jesus was born; NOT! Tartan is the Assyrian Military Commander whose treasonous pact with Ephraim led to captivity, deportation and replacement of Israel that continues to this day. Assyria under the military commander Tartan making a traitorous pact with Ephraim and taking the northern 10 tribes of Israel captive; they were and still are replaced by the Canaanites, Medeans, Babylonians listed in 2 Ki 17:30. Tartan is also celebrated by the Presbyterian Church as “Kirkin O’ Tartan” (Church of Tartan). Tartan is “Phoenician Cloth”, a patterned Scottish Plaid used to identify “Clans”; the Scotti, descendants of Scythians and Egyptians who brought Witchcraft and the Celtic Cross to Ireland and Scotland. Nisan also means “Month of April”; hence the association with April Fool’s Day, the day Jesus is mocked as the April Fool. April comes from the Roman Aprilus “Month of Venus”; Venus is the Arab god/goddess al Uzza “Mighty One”; part of the Sun (Al Lat), Moon (Allah or Menat “Fate”), Venus Trinity.
Assyria takes its name from Shem’s 2nd son Assur who built Nineveh; the Assyrian Flag is the 4 Rivers of Eden, today seen in the Roman Catholic Monstrance, a Solar “Shamash” display of the Consecrated Host (Body of Jesus Christ). Sargon the Great, the first “Legitimate King” allegedly had a mother and sister who were Temple Prostitutes called “Changelings” (Nephilim Lie) in Ur (Babylon) and Harran, the sites where Chaldean paganism flourished. Sargon II and his military commander “Tartan” took Israel captive, replacing them with Babylonians, Cuthites, Medeans and Canaanites (2 Ki 17:30) seen in the Assyrian sun god Shamash in the Hanukkah Menorah and the Six Pointed Star of Saturn the ensign of Israel.
The God of Shem is Jesus whose covenant went physically through Arphaxad, son #3. Assyrians have been at war with followers of God since the Flood. The Akitu Festival in 2019 occurs on Tartan Day and is designed to humble the King, making him well aware he serves at the discretion of Marduk, the Assyrian Creator and Director of the Universe. CERN’s “God Particle” gives “Mass to Matter” (Creator) and Order to the Universe; hence Marduk. Jesus allowed Himself the ultimate degradation once; He won’t next time. Jesus is represented as the “Fool” in Tarot; the Zero Card has no place and yet may appear at the Beginning or Ending of the Deck. Freemasons joining the Jesters mock Jesus by wearing the Jester Hat of Le Mat “The Fool”. Like the Joker, or Crazy 8 the Fool in Tarot can become anything, so it becomes the most powerful card in Tarot. The movie “Now you see me 2” highlights this type of magick.
Traditionally, Akitu began on the New Moon following Spring Equinox; this is also God’s New Year on 1 Abib which is why Abib was changed during Assyrian captivity to Nisan. On the 4th day the Priest strips him of his Scepter and Crown, slaps him to humiliate, drags him by the ears to the Idol/Image of Bel aka Babylonian Sun Lion Shamash, and forces him to pray for forgiveness. Abomination of Desolation may ring a Bel, we will most likely get out chance to do this. Marduk is Jupiter, the X (Messiah) of Christmas; it’s almost comical France’s new president prefers to be called “Jupiter” aka “Marduk”. His American counterpart Donald Trump (Donald=Scottish “King” + Trump “Card that outranks all others”) has a similar affliction; Jesus is also the “Trump of God”.
Quiz: Who is Zoroaster? Zero=Desert, Desolate, Naught; Zoro=Fox; Jesus called Herod Antipas “That Fox” for attempting to kill Him early; in English F=6 + O=15=6 + X=24=6. Aster=Ishtar/Anammellech, consort of Adrammellech “Marduk”. What is the King Star? Jupiter/Marduk. Make our Planet Great Again refers to making Marduk “King”. Christians are “Tricked” into celebrating Good Friday and Easter Sunday; even Assyrians get the timing right; the 4th Day would be equivalent with Wednesday (Woden’s or Odin’s Day, another fake God Nordics worship); Wednesday evening to Sunday morning and the 3 days (Passover 14 Nisan-First Fruits 17 Nisan) Jesus was in the Sepulchre is evident. The thing Assyrians miss is Marduk is not God.
The first 2 Temples were built on the Jebusite “Threshing Floor” where Chaff/Pulses (Pulse Nightclub shooting Hoax may ring a Bel) are removed from the Barley. The 3rd Temple will be as well with Marduk sitting on Satan’s Seat. ISIS destroyed the Temple of Bel at Amurru, Syria; the United States and Britain re-created and installed the Gates of ISIS in London and New York City where children were sacrificed in fires to Molech/Marduk. Marduk worship began with the Amorite King Hammurabi (cover of this website); America is Amorica the “Land of Amorites”. The Code of Hammurabi became the basis of the Magna Carta in London; pretty coincidental eh? Or Not!
April is derived from Aprilis “Month of Venus/Lucifer”. On April 1 “April Fool’s Day” Assyrians celebrate the captivity of Israel (Northern 10 Tribes) as Christians unkowingly celebrate the “April Fool” Jesus Christ; funny? or Blasphemous comtempt of God? Druids “Knowers of Trees” called “Old Fools” ride into Congregations on Hobby Horses dressed like Old Testament Prophets to celebrate Jesus being sent on “Fool’s Errands” from Sanhedrin Priests Annas to Pontius Pilate to Caiaphas, to Herod and back to Pilate. Hillarious isn’t it? Akitu “Barley” is similar to Feast of First Fruits. Jesus was Crucified on Passover Eve, laid in the Sepulchre on Feast of Unleavened Bread and rose on the 3rd Day on Feast of First Fruits, before the Pharisees who Crucified Him were offering the Wave Offering (Barley Offering). The rock sealing the Sepulchre was rolled back as were the Roman soldiers placed to guard it; only the Robe and separate Head Scarf remained; no folks, thes are not the Shroud of Turin.
Akitu celebrates the victory of the Babylonian god of creation Marduk aka Roman Jupiter, Akkadian Ea, or Egyptian Osiris over his evil twin Tiamat, Set. Think Lucifer and Jesus are twins? Guess again. Persian “Nowruz” (New Light) is a similar 12 day celebration of Light versus Dark celebrated on Spring Equinox, seen in the Zoroastrian final battle of Ahura Mazda (Children of Light/Zeus/Marduk) and Ahriman (Darkness, Tiamat/Set). America represents Ahriman according to Iranian Ayathollahs; ironically set up at the Green Revolution by the US.
In Hindu religion, Huli celebrates the Dark Lord Krishna. The colors of chalk (Limestone Chalk is made of pre-flood seashell) mix to form the body of Krishna whose name means “Black”. Lucifer means “Light Bearer” and is represented by these Rainbow colors. The Rainbow itself symbolizes the 42 month Great Tribulation in that the Refraction Angle is roughly 42 degrees.
The Idol of Marduk/Jupiter/Zeus was brought to Babylon through the Ishtar Gate, the god is said to have been present in the Idol (Abomination of Desolation may ring a Baal) having ritual intercourse with human women (Roman Vestal Virgins) on top of the Ziggurat of Babylon (Neo-Babylonian Tower of Babylon) to produce a semi-Divine Race (Nephilim of Gen 6 or “Holy Grail”). Sargon of Akkad ruled just after the Flood; his mother a “Changeling” (recall the movie Changeling with Angelina Jolie?) Temple Prostitute in Babylon. When Abram departed Ur of the Chaldees and the Tower of Babel (Gate of Marduk/Saturn/Osiris) 400 years later, Sargon’s daughter (offspring) were Temple Prostitutes in Harran (Gobleki Tepe); Priests of the Torriod (Magnetic Field) called “Konn-Torr” in Ur simply moved to Harran becoming Sabians of Harran or Planetary/Star Priests. In Egypt, the same thing happened when the Hyksos and Shemsu Hor “Priests of Horus” aka “Priests of On” (On=Jupiter/Osiris/Marduk) arrived. When Egypt caught on to their Bullshit (Apis Bull being God), they expelled them to Thera (Santorini) where God buried them in volcanic ash, freezing the archaelogical record; same thing happened when Mt Vesuvius erupted on Pompeii for the same reasons with the same result.
On Sept 23, 2017 Jupiter/Marduk is born from Virgo aka Ishtar the Temple Prostitute, on Akitu, the Red Dragon (Dark Matter Bridge according to Astro-physicists or Niburu/Marduk according to others) appeared between her legs. On the Sept 23rd Birthdate, Comet 67p will conjunct with the Moon at her feet. NASA allegedly has the spacecraft “Rosetta” on Comet 67p; the movie Armageddon may ring a Baal. Comet “Borisov” impregnated Virgo on Nov 17, 2016 the Coptic New Year; after a 9 month gestation, Jupiter exits the womb with Virgo crowned by Leo, Mars, Venus and Mercury, clothed by the Sun.
Jupiter/Marduk is the Planet of the Crossing “Niburu” or Planet X. Jesus was rejected, celebrated as the nailed to a tree Time to choose Marduk and celebrate Jesus as the April Fool or repent and establish a 1 on 1 with Alpha and Omega, I AM, Melchisedek (King of Jerusalem; Priest of the Most High, Shiloh (He whose it is), JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JAH (Ps 68:4), JESUS (Mat 1:25) Omega will be here at the end; Marduk will be in Hell.

Akitu=April Fool’s Day
Druid (Knowers of Trees) Priests called “Old Fools” mocked Jesus by riding Hobby Horses into Congregations dressed as Old Testament prophets; on Judgment Day, they will wish they hadn’t. Pulling Pranks on one another originated with Jesus being sent on “Fool’s Errands”; mock Jesus? “God shall not be mocked” Whatever a person sows he will reap.
Easter has nothing to do with the Resurrection of Jesus; the Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter by killing James and attempting to kill Paul (Acts 12:1-5KJV) Easter is Ishtar, Marduk was brought through “Ishtar’s Gate”. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC and Crucified on Passover Eve 27 AD. Jesus was 1 1/2 years old in Egypt when Nabattean Arab-Edomite King Herod ordered the Slaughter of Innocents during Easter 4 BC; he died and the temple bearing his name was destroyed precisely as Jesus said it would be leaving behind Cryptos (False Converts) like at the Wailing Wall wearing Yarmulkes “Cap of Cybele/Ishtar”. Want to get right with God? Stop celebrating the conception (Easter) and birth (Christmas) of Lucifer!
Jesus was Crucified on Passover Eve (13 Nisan), laid in the sepulchre at Even before Passover (14 Nisan) His body became the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15 Nisan) and rose the 3rd Day on Feast of First FruitsI (17 Nisan) It doesn’t take a math genius to see there are not 3 days from Good Friday at Even to Easter First Light. Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter (Acts 12:4 KJV), why on Earth are you? The Easter Rabbit is the Assyrian Idol of Anammellech (2 KI 17:30) her consort Adrammellech (Marduk/Merodach) is in the Chariot above.
Jesus was sent on “Fool’s Errands” from fake illigitimate retired High Priest Annas to Pontius Pilate to Annas’ son-in law Caiaphas, to Herod, and back to Pilate before the Crucifixion. In 2015, Passover and Easter aligned with a Lunar Eclipse over the Western World. West is the land of the Dead in Egyptian religion featured in the Carbon Fund Logo and Obama’s Masonically designed Setting Sun Logo; the 8th Tetrad in history. Why 8? 8 people were saved in the Ark and faith in JESUS is the 8th and final Covenant between Man and God.
The Holy Grail was found at San Isidro (Isidore of Seville) Basilica in Leon, Spain. The cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper to represent the Bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s Merovingian “Christ Kids” is indeed an “Isidro” meaning “Gift of Isis”. BS! Isis means Throne; specifically the Throne of Pergamum “Satan’s Seat”. St Isidore was famous for compiling “Etymologiae” a summa of Universal Knowledge which is why he is the Patron Saint of the Internet; with St Al of Gore of course. The Gate of Isis framed the entrance to the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria (Mormon Church began in Palmyra NY); in April an exact replica of the Arch of Isis at the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria was installed in Times Square NY and Trafalgar Sq London. Why? America is named after Amurru aka Palmyra.
CERN is a Cryptogram for Cernunnos “Horned One”; Gravity, Gravity Waves, Dark Matter, Worm Holes and Parallel Universes are Satanic Bull Shit. To go with this monumental BS is the Holy Grail of Science “Gravity Waves” “Discovered” during “Hilaria”, the 8 day festival beginning March 25 and ending April Fool’s Day 2015. Why not much news coverage? The world went on the largest Easter Egg Hunt aka Fool’s Errand in history searching for MH370 (cryptogram for Elohim aka Saturn). Gravity Waves, not God created Matter immediately after the Big Bang and Gravity is the “Force” that gives Mass to Matter; also BS. Using minute fluctuations in “Gravity”, NASA announced the Cassini space probe had found proof of an inhabitable ocean under 20 miles of ice on Saturn’s moon “Elceladus”; Saturn’s mythical yet Giant Trumpeter of Arms. Hilarious isn’t it? Cassini was Court Astrologer to King Louis XVI called the “Sun King” The Cult of Saturn has called its Anonymous Legion of followers to arms and Christians are busy with Lent, Hot Cross Buns and Easter Rabbit Egg Hunts. Feel like a Fool yet?
Hilaria, the celebration of the resurrection of Attis (Green man) occurs as the Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Easter is Ishtar, Astarte or Ashtaroth, the Wife of Saturn also known as Cybele the consort of Attis,. Satan goes by these names, having originated in Galatia (Turkey) and carried to the Kingdom of Pergamum in Arcadia, Greece. This Edomite Kingdom was founded by Attalus II of Philadelphia, which Jesus warned was the “Synagogue of Satan” and “Those who say they are Jews but are not”. Funny isn’t it? The City of Brotherly Love is full of Edomites in Robes teaching Christians about Santa Claus and Easter Bunnies! Wonder why the plague killing 99% of humanity in the movie 12 Monkeys originated in Philadelphia?
Jesus 7 Church Warnings in Revelation 2-3, the last one “Laodicea” means “Luke Warm” and Jesus spues every “Luke Warm” Christian out of His mouth!. Satanists have some Gaul eh? Sardonic Laughter is a term for the facial contortions made in the throws of death, by sacrifices given in fire to Saturn/Molech. Funny? Hilarious? Jesus doesn’t think so.
March 29 is the Feast of Saturn (St Satur is St Dionysius, and St Bacchus aka “Green Man”) where Saturn is rendered STUR in Chaldee; Gematically giving the Mark of the Beast 666. It is no coincidence in Prophecy Summit 2014 at Disneyworld is Saturn’s Day March 29, coincident with the release of the Holy Wood abomination Noah (Flood preparations date was Sept 22) and the “Huli Festival” Prophecy Summit Liars are convincing people the Nephilim are real, the Rapture of the Church and Return of Jesus Christ is Sept 23, 2017. No, folks, the return of Marduk is imminent.
The Six Pointed Star of Saturn, Milcom, Chiun, Chemosh is used on Hindu Monuments, Synagogues, the Mormon Tabernacle (of Molech), Muslim Mosques, Shinto Shrines, and Buddhist Temples as a rejection of God. The Yarmulke, worn by a variety of religions, notably at Herod’s Wailing Wall is in fact merely the Cap of Cybele, a symbol of rejection of Jesus Christ and the tearing of the Temple Veil.
The Cult of Saturn refers to Jesus as the “April Fool”, the “0” Fool Card in Tarot, “Huli Fool”, “April Fish”, “Gowk”, “Dunce” sent on Fool’s Errands from the Palace of Caiaphas to the Praetoreum of Pontius Pilate, to the House of Annas, to the Palace of Herod and back to Pilate before the Crucifixion. Anuit Coeptus, on the $US 1 Dollar Bill is a cryptogram for Annas and Caiaphas, the killers of God in Flesh; Hilarious isn’t it?
Hindoos have been making “Huli Fools” for over 3000 years to mark the defeat of evil by throwing colored powder in honor of the female demon “Holika” and the 8th Avatar of Vishnu is “Krishna”, meaning “Black or Night”; it’s called the “Feast of Colours” because Black is the result of mixing the colors of the Rainbow. LGBT Movement uses the Rainbow as do Masons after Ritually rejecting Jesus Christ at the Rainbow Arch Degree.
Druid Priests were called “Old Fools”, giving sermons mocking the Divinity of Jesus dressed as Old Testament Prophets and riding Hobby Horses into the Congregation. French “Poisson d’ Avil” mocked the Passion Week by sending Fools on ridiculous errands to mock Jesus being sent from Chief Priest Annas to Chief Priest Caiaphas, to the Roman Pontius Pilate, to the Edomite Herod and back to Pilate before being made the “Fool” and Crucified. Pretty funny eh? Scotland called it “Hunting the Cuckoo” (European Crow), a mockery of the Crow (Raven) Noah sent from the Ark. The Edomite “Purim” (God is not mentioned in the book of Esther; God did not ordain Purim, and Purim is not Jewish in any sense) and the Zoroastrian (0=Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star, Venus or Woman) “Nowruz”, and “Huli” are similar to April Fool’s Day; Obama’s practical joke was sending Depleted Uranium munitions to “Protect Civilians” in Libya while on vacation. In 2014 April Fool’s errands were sending dozens of ships and planes on a “Wild Goose Chase” searching for parts of Malaysia #370.; all in good fun folks! Hilaria (Hillary) celebrated the Zoroastrian version of “Poisson d’ Avril” in France and Hindoos in Krishna Temples the world over tossed colored water and powdered chalk at each other; the “Black One” is “Krishna” aka “Dark Knight”; Science calls this “Dark Matter” or “Black Hole”, the ultimate form of “Gravity” aka “God Particles”. Just Hilarious isn’t it!
April 1 and Jan 1 “Feast of Circumcision” are 3 months apart as are Tabernacles (actual birth of Jesus Christ) and Christmas, (birth of Sol Invictus). The Roman Saturnalia aka Christmas begins on St Lucia Day “Bride of Light” lasting a week; the Pope (Father here refers to God the FATHER as well as the Roman Pontiff) was mocked as “Lord of Misrule”. When Jesuits took over Rome in the mid 1500’s New Year became Jan 1 named after the 2 faced god of beginnings “Janus”; the original Feast of Sub-Deacons became “Guild of Fools”, the original “All Fool’s Day”; pretty hilarious eh? George Bush Sr “Magog” hilariously allowed 150,000 Iraqi conscripts to accept a Truce on Purim in 1991 before burning them with fuel-air bombs and burying them along the Highway of Death; his son George “Gog” Bush hilariously launched the Shock and Awe (Shekinah) campaign using Depleted Uranium Core Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Baghdad by accusing his business partner Saddam Hussein of involvement with Al Qaeda; if that’s not funny enough, 20 years after the first and 8 years after the 2nd, Obama hilariously sent Depleted Uranium bombs and missiles to “Protect Libyan Civilians”. J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the book attributed to Krishna “Bhagavad Gita” after witnessing the Trinity Atomic explosion of the bomb named “Gadget”; “I have become Death, the destroyer of world’s”. It was a Plutonium Bomb first used on people at Nagasaki called “Fat Man” and later used in Reactor #3 at Fukushima in Sendei Japan. Malaysian #370 is just another Huli Fool prank, albeit one that has garnered the attention of 4 plane loads of CDC Epidemiologists, sent to Diego Garcia; MH370 is an anagram for ELOHM; Elohim are offspring of Saturn/El=Jupiter/Marduk.