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Six Pointed Star “666” is the Mark of Cain and the Beast. It is not theStar of David‘Keep God’s Land’ Movement Launches Anti-Two State Campaign; Hashem “the name” used in Judaism to refer to God; Hashemites in Jordan a member of an Arab princely family claiming descent from Hashim, great-grandfather of Muhammad; the official name for Jordan, ruled by a branch of this dynasty, is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; they use Allah’; pious Jews will use Adonai’ the Phoenician name; Jews use YHWH ‘Yahweh’; Rabbis like Mark Biltz and Jonathan Cahn use Shin ‘Nail’ made with 2 hands it means 3 Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree. El the Canaanite version, and El Shaddai is the Hebrew version Rabbi use. All versions of Satan aka the Antichrist! Ben Asher therefore means “the son of Asher”, began the tradition; Asher Gen 49:20 is Aser Rev 7:6, the missing ‘h’ is ‘God is with me’.  God’s name is Jesus and ended at the crucifixion on Passover; JESUS is His Spiritual Name which began 50days later on Pentecost; Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin.

Vines growing on retaining Wall of Temple Mount spell out God's name (Yehovah) - Israel365 NewsYHWH (Yahweh)=Allah=Satan  Vines growing over the East Gate are forming YHWH. Masoretes: 5th-10th c Jewish Scribes. The Masoretic Text is the Hebrew and Aramaic text of the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) in Rabbinic Judaism. Jesus said ‘Never call any man Rabbi’ Matt 23:8 His final words ‘My God, my God Why hast thou forsake me?’ were spoken is Aramaic. Masorah means “Tradition”; the tradition of “Fixing” texts such as altering JEHOVAH to YHWH. Yohanan ben Zakkai was the first to wrote about Rabbinic Judaism in the Mishnah “tradition”; the Tannaim were rabbinic sages whose views are recorded in the Mishnah from approximately 10–220 CE., finally resulting in 1008AD Masoretic Text eg YHWH. His name is often preceded by the honorific title, “Rabban” in the Second Temple period; he invented Jewish Messianism. Talmudic Aramaic ie Assyrian equivalent for the Hebrew root shanah which also is the root-word of Mishnah; shanah literally means “to repeat [what one was taught]” and is used to mean “to learn”. Nasi (plural Nesi’im) was the highest-ranking member and presided over the Sanhedrin.

YHWH is not the Name of God; Jesus and JESUS are.Yahweh is the god of the Kenites (Scribes named after Cain);  added to God’s Word by the Masoretes “Tradition” of the Sages, Scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees  and Rabbis who later wrote the Talmud and Zohar.

Holy Ghost is changed is New Bible versions to Holy Spirit eg Mat 1:18; 20. Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin because JESUS Is the Holy Ghost; the only way for the remedy of Sin. Holy Ghost is a proper noun, the Name of God and living essence of God “Jesus”; not so with Holy Spirit. In Lk 11:13 Holy Spirit was asked for by a Gnostic? before the Crucifixion, he did this as Jesus left. The Holy Ghost hadn’t even been provided yet, it became available 50 days after Pentecost.

“Have no other Gods before me” is the #1 and most important Commandment in both Old and New Covenants (Ex 20:3; Mat22:37) Charity “Love of God” (1 Cor 13) is the greatest “Virtue” a follower of JESUS can have which leads to Prophesy (Understanding 1 Cor 14). JESUS puts all sorts of snares in our way as a test of faith; YHWH being one of them; eg Ratio of Life (Golden Mean 1.618) is visible everywhere eg Venus (Turan/Easter/Ashtoreth) cycle around the Sun, Trees, Human Bodies, musical notes (Cain’s son Jubal; Pipe and Organ); this does not mean we should worship Creation more than the Creator; only Jesus testified that He was Alpha (Rev 22:13), Omega, I AM, Melchisedek (Gen 14:18; Heb 7),Shiloh, the Word made flesh and the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7; Jn 1:1;14)

The Edomite National God Qos=YHWH; Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison. Poison or Leaven, Masoretes injected a deadly error into the Old Testament. Scribes of the Tribe of Levi before the time of the Inter-testament period have nothing to do with Scribes in this period. “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Mat 23:13 Shutting up the kingdom of heaven was the work of Masoretes (Sadducees) who changed JEHOVAH into YHWH by replacing vowel sounds in Adonai and Elohim to come up with Yahweh, a name of Satan. Adon, Canaanite for “Lord” is Adonis, equivalent with Tammuz. Elohim is plural for the Canaanite El seen in BabEl.
Masoretes followed the tradition begun just before captivity, described in Amos 5:26 in worshipping the Tabernacle of Molech and Chiun, both names of Saturn, symbolized by the Chaldean Six Pointed Star of Molech. This is YHWH/Qos/Zeus not Jesus!

YHWH (Yahweh/Yehsua) has no reference in the Authorized Bible because YHWH has nothing to do with God. Yahweh is not in the KJV nor in the original Inspired Texts  YHWH is equivalent with the Edomite national god Qos meaning Bow (Strongs #5115 Toxon=Poison) and Tikto (Strongs #5088 Simplest Fabric);  Qos is Molech “Lord” to whom human sacrifices were offered. YHWH is HaShem, the Rabbinical Messiah Jesus warned would come in Jn 5:43 and be accepted; YHWH was introduced into Scripture by the Masoretes (“Jewish” Scribes) and the Masoretic Texts dating from 1008AD YHWH is El, the Canaanite god seen in BabEl

       Masoretes are successors to the Essenes and Sadducees, Scribes long corrupted in Babylonian captivity were warned by Jesus “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Mat 23:13 Shutting up the kingdom of heaven was the work of Masoretes who changed JEHOVAH into YHWH by adding vowel sounds in Adonai and Elohim to come up with Yahweh, a name of Satan. Phillip Schaff headed the bible Revision Committee 1881-5; the entry for Jehovah “Jehovah is an erroneous form of the divine name of the covenant God of Israel”  Not quite, JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV) is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3) and JAH (Ps 68:4KJV) The only Covenant Name in the Old Covenant is the same as the New Covenant. Masoretes followed the tradition begun just before captivity, described in Amos 5:26 in worshipping the Tabernacle of Molech and Chiun, both names of Saturn, symbolized by the Chaldean Six Pointed Star of Molech.
   Masorete means “Tradition”; texts written in 160ad by Rabbi Yose ben Halafta, a 4th generation Tannaim “Jewish” sage contained elements of the Essenes; 11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll for example, predicts the return of Melchisedek (Righteous Priest of the Most High; King of Salem) after the 10th Jubilee (presumably 1517-2017). Rabbinical tradition claims Halafta even met Elijah; a “Jewish Fable” corrupting truth. Melchisedek met Abram (Gen 14:18-19) who later changed his name to Abraham; the added “h” meaning “God is with me”; Ps 110 describes Melchisedek as giving the authority to King David and Heb 7 makes clear Jesus is Melchisedek forever.
  Rabbis teach Shem is Melchisedek and await the return of HaShem aka G-d or YHWH; Rabbi is derived from Chaldean and Sabean Priests “Rba”; Priests of Saturn in the global Cult of Melchisedek.
      Texts of scripture, both Old and New Covenant were delivered to Holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost; “Fixing” texts is tantamount to Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only Unforgivable Sin. Jesus assured “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled” Mat 5:18; this includes all of the New Covenant including Revelation which was delivered long after the Crucifixion via the Holy Ghost. “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Pet 1:21
   Masorah means To Bind, Fetter; the Masoretes bind people in Covenant to YHWH necessarily forcing people to reject JESUS as JEHOVAH the Covenant Name of the Old Covenant and New Covenant delivered via the Holy Ghost, the sole source of the New Covenant. Masoretes like the Bible Revision Committee 1881-5 represent the Unforgivable Sin. Adonai (Lord=Baal) and Elohim represent the Canaanite god El; YHVH represents Jove “Jupiter” the Roman rendering of Zeus not Jesus.
“And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant” Eze 20:37 In verse 38 God purges those who rebel and transgress against Him; that being those not in the Wedding of the Lamb Rev 19:37.
    Turanians (Turan=Venus) are by far the largest confederation most people have never heard of; worship of Tengri “Heavenly Father” and Earth Mother (Umay/Ana) pervade every man-made religion; Assyrians call Earth Mother Anammelech (2 Ki 17:31), likely Naamah/Nanna (Pleasant/pleasing to YHWH) Scutum Fidel (Shield of Faith) forces rejection of JESUS and Covenant with Zeus, Dyeus Pater (Zeus, Jupiter, Horus, Tammuz) Worship of Tammuz caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple; New Covenant Temples are made of Flesh and Masoretes are creating the same conditions today using the Six Pointed Star and YHWH. Ps 83 lists the confederation “For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee. The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot.” Edomites sold their birthright to a relationship with JESUS, like Ishmaelite, they married Hittite women violating the Covenant Melchisedek (Jesus) made with Abraham. Moabites were born of incest, disbelief and rebellion as was Ammon; Edom, Ammon and Moab will escape the hand of the false Messiah during the Great Tribulation (Dan 11:41) Hagarenes were born of Abraham and Hagar; they formed an alternative priesthood of Korahites (Quyraish tribe of Mecca; Messianic Shia Muslims awaiting the return of al Mahdi.  Amalek is the grandson of Esau, the confederacy is at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16) Philistines can be seen in Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran clergy wearing the Mitre of Dagan, the Philistine god. Tyre represents the Phoenicians, Canaanites in Lebanon. Assur represents the Assyrians who took Israel captive and replaced them with Babylonians, Medeans, Canaanites (2 Ki 17:31)

Masoretic Texts use the Six Pointed Chaldean Star of Molech, Remphan, Sikkuth, Chiun, Saturn aka YHWH the likely Mark of the Beast The  Authorized Bible was compiled from Textus Receptus, the texts deemed “Inspired” of God shortly after Revelation was delivered in 96ad, not the Masoretic Texts produced by Mystic Rabbis in 160ad used to produce new bible versions.