Memorial Day
In 1815 Jew Gotle Snapper the Canaanite wife of Jew Mayer Bauer ‘Farmer’ changed his name to Rothschild ‘If my sons didn’t want war, there would be none’
The most enduring memorial in the Bible is one that by definition cannot endure. It’s a memorial made of the loaf and the cup, the memorial given by the hand of Jesus himself, the meal of which he said “This do in remembrance of me.” The first Biblical reference to memorial stones comes in Genesis 28: 10-22, when Jacob set a pillar in Beth-el to commemorate a powerful vision of God that he experienced while sleeping there.
- A small bone in the human spinal column, believed in Muslim and Jewish traditions to be the indestructible bone from which the body will be rebuilt at the time of resurrection.
- The almond tree
Laban called by its Chaldean name “Jegar-sahadutha” and Jacob called it by it’s Hebrew name “Galeed” meaning “Heap of Witness” Gen 31:47; Jacob was called Israel after that
“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” Heb 9:27 Every one of these people have faced judgment, and none of the graveyard symbols have anything to do with JESUS Isn’t it time to start worshipping the God of the Living rather than the God of the Dead?
Jesus reprimanded the Sadducees concerning their teachings on the resurrection saying God spoke to Moses “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.” Mk 12:26-27 Jesus met a man saying he would follow Him wherever He went after he buried his father; Jesus said unto him, “Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God” Luke 9:59-60
The Korean War ended in Armistice July 27, 1953; this day coincided with the Grand Climax of the 4000+ yr old Sumerian Ritual “Begone dull care”, today called Bohemian Grove If you think offering sacrifices to Molech will gain you entry to Heaven, guess again!
Decoration Day started after the Civil War; the name was changed to Memorial Day in 1967. 1966 was the founding of the Church of Satan and the term al Qaeda coined by Stanford Islamic studios visiting professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyig=Descendant of Muhammad; Qutb=World Pillar); he was later executed.
“If my sons didn’t want wars there would be none” Gotle Schnaper Rothschild
“Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as cannon fodder in our wars” 33 degree Mason Henry Kissinger Afganistan-Iraq War monger Gen David Petraus calls Henry his “Lifelong mentor and friend”.
Nixon said “If the Luftwaffe had won the air war, the person you could thank most would be George Romney” George was an ALCOA lobbyist and executive supplying the Luftwaffe with aluminum and father of Iran-Contra money launderer Mitt Romney. Mormo is the God of the Dead aka King of the Ghouls, the God of Graveyards. Prescott Bush had the family assets siezed under the “Trading with the Enemy” Act by Congress for financing the NAZI Empire through Union Bank. George Bush Jr used US soldiers to turn Afghanistan into a giant Irradiated Opium Field supplying 96% of the world’s heroin; his father is called “Poppy” for this reason. Reagan (really Bush Sr) supplied arms to Iraq and Iran for an 8 Yr genocidal war with profits purchasing Cocaine for the US. Opium was transported with the aid of Jesuit Rockefeller puppet Sen Joe Biden into the US at Dover AFB inside US Flag drapped coffins of deceased servicemen. DuPont supplied expolsives to both sides of WWI. “He wouldn’t have done it” 3 degree Shriner/Mason Harry Truman referring to FDR’s reluctance to Fire Bomb Tokyo and drop Atomic Weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.WEF mentor, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, 33 deg Luciferian Freemason, Crypto Jew Henry Kissinger (Heinz “Ruler of the Home”) mentors Klaus Schwab who in turn is advised by Yuri Noah Harari and Sadhguru. Memorial Day aka Decoration Day is the day Satanists give thanks for “Sacrifices” of pre-planned Wars: Civil War, Spanish-American War, WWI, Philippines War, WWII, Vietnam War ( Burma Triangle Opium Pipeline), Gulf Wars (Afghanistan “Golden Crescent” Opium). Veteran originates in Veteranus “Beast of Burden”. “Without the shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:27; the more the better! Jesus sacrificed His blood for the remission of Sins of everyone on Earth; Satan convinces his followers of the need to shed the blood of everyone on Earth which is why Jesus warned “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved”
General John A. Logan ordered the first celebration of the holiday in 1868:
The 30th day of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form or ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit . . . . . .
Let us, then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor; let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation’s gratitude, — the soldier’s and sailor’s widow and orphan.
The Medal of Honor is an Upside down 5pt Star representing Baphomet, Goat of Mendes, horns of the Witch’s Sabbat goat, a symbol of the Devil.
65 symbols used to decorate graves
Latin (Christian) Cross †
USVA emblem 01Judaism (Star of David)
USVA emblem 03Presbyterian Cross *
USVA emblem 04Russian Orthodox Cross* †
USVA emblem 05Lutheran Cross
USVA emblem 06Episcopal Cross
USVA emblem 07Unitarian (Flaming Chalice)
USVA emblem 08United Methodist *
USVA emblem 09Aaronic Order Church
USVA emblem 10Mormon (Angel Moroni)
USVA emblem 11Native American Church of North America *
USVA emblem 12Serbian Orthodox
USVA emblem 13Greek Cross
USVA emblem 14Bahai (9 Pointed Star)
USVA emblem 15Muslim (Crescent and Star)
USVA emblem 17Konko-Kyo Faith
USVA emblem 19Community of Christ
USVA emblem 20Sufism Reoriented
USVA emblem 21Tenrikyo Church
USVA emblem 22Seicho-no-Ie
USVA emblem 23Church of World Messianity
USVA emblem 24United Church of Religious Science
USVA emblem 25Christian Reformed Church
USVA emblem 26United Moravian Church
USVA emblem 27Eckankar
USVA emblem 28Christian Church
USVA emblem 29Christian & Missionary Alliance
USVA emblem 30United Church of Christ
USVA emblem 31Humanist Emblem of Spirit *
USVA emblem 32Presbyterian Church (USA)
USVA emblem 33Izumo Taishakyo Mission of Hawaii
USVA emblem 34Soka Gakkai International (USA)
USVA emblem 35Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
USVA emblem 38New Apostolic
USVA emblem 39Seventh Day Adventist Church
USVA emblem 40Celtic Cross
USVA emblem 41Armenian Cross †
USVA emblem 42Messianic Jewish
USVA emblem 44Kohen Hands Judaism
USVA emblem 45Catholic Celtic Cross †
USVA emblem 46The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Cross and Crown)
USVA emblem 47Medicine Wheel
USVA emblem 48Luther Rose †
USVA emblem 51Four Directions
USVA emblem 53Church of Nazarene
USVA emblem 54Hammer of Thor *
USVA emblem 55
[10]Unification Church
USVA emblem 56Sandhill Crane
USVA emblem 57
[11]Church of God
USVA emblem 58Pomegranate
USVA emblem 59Sacred Heart
USVA emblem 62African Ancestral Traditionalist (Nyame Ye Ohene)
USVA emblem 63Maltese Cross
USVA emblem 64Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
USVA emblem 66Polish National Catholic Church
USVA emblem 67Guardian Angel
USVA emblem 68Heart
USVA emblem 69African Methodist Episcopal (AME)
USVA emblem 71Evangelical Lutheran Church
USVA emblem 72Universalist Cross
USVA emblem 73Ichthys
USVA emblem 75Nichiren Shoshu Temple
USVA emblem 76Dove of Peace
USVA emblem 77Druze (Druzism Five-pointed star)
USVA emblem 98
Atheist emblem on the headstone of Richard P. Mason
Islamic crescent and star on the headstone of Ayman Abdelrahman Taha at Arlington National Cemetery
The Wiccan Pentacle on the headstone for Abraham M Kooiman
Community of Christ emblem on the headstone of Cecilia Marie Donelson
United Church of Religious Science emblem on the headstone of Melvin D. Kutzer
Bahai Star on headstone of Eddie Chen
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