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The Wheel of the Year. Cycle of festivals. Wiccan, Pagan calendar. Vector illustration The Wheel of the Year. Cycle of festivals. Wiccan, Pagan calendar. Vector illustration pagan calendar stock illustrations

Apr 20, 2025 ‘Taurus’=Bull-June 21 Midsummer ‘St John’=Oannes, the amphibious giver of wisdom=Satan Yule Dec 21-Passover/Ostara/Easter Apr 20, 2025. Ostara or Eostre who symbolizes fertility, renewal, and the dawn, ‘new beginnings’. Passion of the Christ II debuts on Easter. Apocalypto=new beginnings. 31/2 years ‘Great Tribulation’=Feast of Tabernacles. The Wiccan Wheel of the Year is commonly represented as a circle containing eight spokes or an eight-pointed star. Each point is a major holiday known as a Sabbat.

Witch: practitioner of witchcraft, magic or sorcery. wiccecræft, from wicce + cræft “power, skill”. Witches’ Sabbath is a purported gathering of those believed to practice witchcraft and other rituals eg Waldensians, Bogomils, Cathars, Calvinist Protestants etc Red Tent initiations (menstrual) are initiation into witchcraft ie Spirit Cooking.  Seer “to see” is connected with the verb used of prophetic vision ‘The law and prophets were until John’ Mat 11:13; Lk 16:16; Seers #2374 chozeh: Seer, Visionary aren’t getting ‘prophesy’ from JESUS! 1Cor 14KJV Palo Mayombero “dark side of Santeria”, Haitian Vodoun Lucumi and the Esoteric Order of Mary Magdalene, in Egyptian times were known as The Daughters of Isis; Mandala=’Tower’, BabyEl=Canaanite god ‘YHWH is the wife of El ‘Isis’; Babyilu=Allah Isis Ra El,  the Order of the Divine Mother (mystical practice of rosary magik) and the Ancient Order of the Magi “to heal” (the Earth ie ‘Tikkun Olam’) Trump/Drumph MAGA=Magi

Pharmakeia: sorcery, witchcraft, enchantment; pharmakon, meaning “a drug” or “spell-giving potion.” pharmakeuō, “administer drugs”. pharmakeus; medication; “pharmacy”, magic, sorcery, witchcraft. yidde’oni “wizard” is always used together with ob “consulter with familiar spirits”, and its semantic similarity to doresh el ha-metim “necromancer”, or “one who directs inquiries to the dead” doresh el ha-metim was a person who would sleep in a cemetery after having starved himself, in order to become possessed. COVID ‘Coronavirus’=Crowned Serpent Venom=DIVOC=’possession

  • ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’ Ex 22:19KJV
  • ‘Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantments, nor observe times’ Lev 19:26KJV
  • ‘And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.’ Lev 20:6KJV
  • ‘There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.’ Deut 18:10-12KJV yidde’oni “wizard” is always used together with ob “consulter with familiar spirits” and its semantic similarity to doresh el ha-metim “necromancer”, or “one who directs inquiries to the dead”
  • ‘And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers’ Mic 5:12KJV

What Is The Ecliptic Plane Quizletmidsommar dani wearing a garland from www.vanityfair.comscotland church of the green man apprentice pillar from

Rosslyn Chapel Green Man with round face. Leaves growing from mouth.
Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland is adorned, inside and out, with around 100 Green Men. In the DaVici Code, Sophia ‘Wisdom’ is last in the Holy Grail line. There has always been a goddess in Christianity, she has been hidden for long enough. Veneration of the Divine Mother continued in pockets of ‘Christian’ groups who weren’t completely wiped out by agents of Rome. Gnostics, Essenes, Cathars, Celtic Christians, Templars, Rosicrucians and other mystics kept that underground stream from trickling out and kept the flame of the goddess burning into the twenty-first century. Trump/Drumph MAGA=Magician who show was The Apprentice ‘learn’ he ‘Fired’ nearly everyone; the Apprentice Pillar at Rosslyn ring a Baal? Rosslyn means “rose,” “cape,” “the waterfall over the edge” and “gentle horse; it is a DNA Coil; COVID Vaccines ‘Of the Cow’ change your DNA. Dec=10th month; XMass ring a Baal? X=10, Chromosome 10 is the ‘God Gene’. Trump’s Tartan (Assyrian Military Commander) is Yellow=Sun; Mary MacLeod=Bull ‘Jews and only jews can physically, embody demons’. COVID=Dybbuk=Divoc ‘box of demons’ the mirror of Covid (Cert of Vaccination ID) “to stick fast, adhere’. Succoth=Saturn STUR=666 ‘Mark of the Beast
 Holly King at ‘Yule’ Winter Solstice  or the Oak King at Summer Solstice. Oak King, has a crown of oak leaves and acorns and dressed all in green aka BabylOn ‘Osiris’=Green Man aka Pale Green Horse bDec 25 Rev 6:8KJV; Herne and Cernunnos (CERN)=Odin ‘Allfather’=Santa. “Herne was first used in Modern Pagan Ritual back in 1957, and was referred to as a sun-god listed alongside Lugh King Arthur ‘Branch’ of the low ones? Camelot? Midsummer is a movie set in Sweden on the Solstice, the May Queen ‘Dani’=Judge and her boyfriend Christian are selected, he impregnates a young witch, and is put in Bear Skin and burned. Bears in Swedish culture (Jesus=Christ ‘Messiah’) evil and dishonesty (the promise of eternal life) throughout the film is punished by him literally taking on the skin of a bear; the fearsome beast being sent to Hell. Dani has a garland around her head representing the Zodiac, one above her head representing the Ecliptic at Midsummer. On Yule (Geol=Earth) and Midsummer, the Earth, Sun and Black Sun (Saturn) align; Dani carries the Torch for the same reason the Statue of Liberty, Lady Freedom (standing 19.5ft tall atop the Capitol Dome ‘Womb of Jupiter/Zeus’), Marianne (France=Free) etc Nike ‘Victory’ is the ‘Golden Voyager’
  • Santa Claus
  • Flies around in December for Christmas to bring gifts to good children.
  • Has eight reindeer pulling his sleigh.
  • Is the most visually iconic figure of Christmas, symbolizing giving, joy, and peace.
  • Before Coca-Cola popularized the jolly, jiggly Santa we all know today, Santa was depicted thin as often as chubby, and usually donned brown, blue, or red robes.
  • Has elves who make toys for children.
  • Sometimes referred to as Father Christmas.
  • Odin the Allfather
  • Flew around in December for Yuletide to head off the Wild Hunt. He knew who had been bad and good and hunted down or abducted those who deserved it.
  • Had an eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, that pulled his sleigh.
  • Was the most iconic figure of Yuletide, a holiday that celebrated hospitality, feasting, and gift-giving.
  • Is often depicted wearing either blue or brown robes.
  • Elves and dwarves (Christmas elves seem to be an amalgamation of the two) originate from Norse Mythology and are known as amazing creators.
  • Was referred to as Yule Father.

Litha=Lilith first wife of Adam (Bible mentions nothing about Lilith) and a primordial she-demon. Midsummer=Apollo: Greek God of the Light Uriel is identified variously as a seraph, cherub, regent of the sun, flame of God, angel of the divine presence, presider over Tartarus (hell), archangel of salvation, and, in later scriptures, identified with Phanuel (from the tribe of Asher and his name means “Face of God” Gen 49:20KJV;  Aser Rev 7:6 is missing the ‘h’ “God is with me’  (El is Canaanite) therefore now it means “God has turned”; “a hot fiery female who first cohabited with man”=Inanna/Isis/Ashtoreth=Easter. Originally, Yahweh was spoken of as having a wife, Asherah; NOT! Yahweh=YHWH and El=Satan; Elohim=Apprentice; Asherah’s epithet “of the sea”=Beast of the Sea; BabEl YHWH=BabIlu Allah. JESUS is the Holy Ghost and He has no wife! Ashtoreth, Asherah, Astarte, Isis, Ishtar, Easter, Easter, Allat/Elat, Atargatis, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Juno are all manifestations of the same goddess who was worshipped in different regions. Jews worship the Aramaic Shekinah and they are both female words and imply a feminine divine presence. Ashtoreth was the supreme female deity of the Phoenicians=Canaanites associated with Baal ‘Lord’, their supreme god=Satan. ‘Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else’ Deut 4:39KJV