Writing on the Wall
Rosh Chodesh Nisan for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on
The Great American Eclipses: Aug 21, 2017, Oct 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024 form an X over Carbondale Ill aka “Little Egypt” and Eagle Pass (The Eagle=Satan) The 2017 Eclipse path passed over 7 towns named Bethlehem The 2024 Eclipse on April 8, 2024 coincides with 1 Nisan “God’s New Year” entering the US over Uvalde TX, site of the May 26 alleged mass shooting at Robb Elementary School and passes over Buffalo the site of the May 14 alleged mass shooting. Constantine the Great claimed to have seen an X in the sky and used the alleged vision to rally Christians to battle at Milvan Bridge. The X or Cross is the Unknown symbol in algebra; the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus ? (Acts 17:23) X=Chi “Messiah”, the Labarum “Christogram” or Chi-Rho “Royal Christ” carried by followers of Constantine into battle. Constantine, the son of the Druid Princess Helena, daughter of Druid King Coelus “Old King Coel” Mormons believe Adam Ondi-ahman is in Jackson County MS, the land where Adam and Eve lived after being kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Timing: April 8, 2024 is God;s New Year 1 Abib. Lucifer/Satan is cast to earth in Rev 9:11, the first of 3 Woes ! 541 days (5th Trumpet; 1st Woe ! =5months=150 days; 6th Trumpet=1 hour, 1 month, 1 year, 1 day=391 days; Total=541 Days) before Jesus returns. April 8, 2024 + 541 days=Oct 1, 2025 “Yom Kippur” (Feast of Atonement) Daniel’s 70th Week is the last 7 days; Satan kills the 2 Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah) mid-week; Jesus returns on Feast of Tabernacles per Zech 14:16-18 (Oct 6-13, 2025), the real Gog and Magog War.
Empire State Building, US Capital, Washington Monument ALL Struck By Lightning Dec 31, 2024 just before Midnight
Singularity Ray Kurzweil “Age of Spiritual Machines” predicts by 2020-2025 we will have millions of nanobots in our bodies; Singularity is Nearer is scheduled for release 2023. Limits to Growth a Rockefeller sponsored Club of Rome book published in 1971 predicts a massive world population 2022-2025. Kali Yuga the Global Age of Sin and Decay) reaches its zenith in 2025 according to many Hindus; Kamala Devi is named after the avatar of Kali. Deagel.com predicts a global population decrease by 2025. The Theosophical Society book Externalization of the Hierarchy published in 1957 predicts the physical manifestation of the Age of Aquarius in 2025 (Saturn is the Grim Reaper) 2025 is the Year of the Green Wood Snake. ‘You always knew I was a snake when you let me back in’ Donald Trump. Gamaleya Inst funded by the Russian Direct Investment Fund in Moscow to produce and ship 3 Billion doses of Omicron adapted Sputnik V Vaccine by Feb 20,
The Great Tribulation lasts 3 1/2 years (1260 days) Daniel 8 warns of the last 2300 days=1260+1040; Tax means Burden IRS Fm #1040 records the Burden) ending on Feast of Tabernacles at the 6000th year of Creation (2 Pet 3:8) with the return of Jesus Christ. Therefore the beginning of the Great Tribulation would likely occur on or about Passover.
Rabbis saw the Writing on the Wall just before Tisha b’ Av 2021 Vines growing from the Eastern retaining wall ‘Rising Sun’, the Ninth Gate of the Temple Mount spelled the letters of the Tetragammaton YHWH. The ineffable name of Yahweh YHWH, G-D or HaShem is used by Rabbis (Chaldean “Rba”) awaiting the False Messiah aka Satan. YHWH was added to scripture by the Masoretes (5th-10th c ad); Yahweh, Yeshua is Saturn bDec 25; Jesus entered the East Gate and was rejected as Messiah; He warned another would come in his own name and be accepted (Jn 5:43) Rabbis see the coming of their Messiah in signs:1. Euphrates drying up; Turkish Dams are ensuring that happens. 2. Passover Sacrifice re-enactment; Jesus was the original Passover Lamb sacrificed for the world’s Sins 3. Temple Mount Fire; Rabbis termed this Amalek’s final warning before Messiah arrives; Rabbis are Amalekites. 4. Amazon HQ designed as a Tower of Babel unveiled in Arlington VA across from the Capitol Mall. 5. Turkey (Togarmah) called on the world to evict Israel from Jerusalem in preparation for Gog and Magog War. The real Gog and Magog War is over 1000 years away at the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ; Rabbi deny it however. 6. UN installs Aztec Jaguar-Eagle Idol at UN Plaza; Hopi believe Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the uninitiated.
Signs of the Times Christ Angle formed over the Great Pyramids; Great American Eclipse passed over 7 cities named Salem. Rev 12:1 Virgin clothed with the Sun, the moon at her feed under a crown of 12 stars symbolically gave birth to Jupiter Sept 23, 2017 Sukkot 2017 Blue Mist rose from the Temple Mount on the last day of Sukkot; Rabbis turn the day Jesus was Circumcised into the Great Day of Sikkuth (Saturn) Why blue? Blue is the color of Zeus, the son of Saturn. Nov 1 “All Saints Day” A Viper crawled out of the Western Wall to attacked a Pigeon; doves and pigeons are the only acceptable sacrificial birds in the Old Testament. 2018 Sign of the Times Tisha b’ Av 2018 (Exodus, 1st and 2nd Temple destructions, Bar Kochba Revolt, WWI&II, Gulf Wars 1&II, Libyan War) A Stone fell from the Western Wall just after Tisha b’Av July 24, 2018 2019 Sign of the Times 15 April “US Tax Day” Notre Dame Cathedral Fire coincident with a fire at the Al Marwani Prayer Room on the Temple Mount. Covid 19 announced on St Stephens Day 2019
Rev 9:
The Script
In 1921 Rabbi Yisrael Perlov “Before the arrival of Moshiach, 2 Roosters will fight (America and Russia), a 3rd Rooster will strike both (China); Gog and Magog will be a disaster for Israel for a short time until Divine Justice avenges the blood of Israel. Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium over 1000 years from now (Rev 20:7-8); the Rooster Idol symbolizes Nergal, Ares, Mars, the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus (Acts 17:23) and betrayal of Jesus. https://imgur.com/DtoSuv1 Zelensky and British PM Boris Johnson were gifted 2 ceramic Roosters April 2022
Tzaddiq Baal Shem Tov (d 1760) claimed Mosiach would be revealed after Hebrew Year #5778 which began Sept 20, 2017 “Rosh Hashanah” coincident with the “Christ Angle” forming over the Great Pyramid. The founder of Hassidism (Pious Ones) was called the “Light of Israel”; God says differently “The virgin of Israel has fallen, she shall no more rise, there is none to raise her up” Amos 5:2KJV This Tzaddiq=Righteous Baal was raised up by Satan to bring the “Leaven” of the Sabbatteans (Crypto Satanist Shabatai Zvi) into the Christian Churches and Synagogues of Satan; his progeny don the Cap of Cybele (Yarmulke) in open rejection of Jesus Christ tearing the Temple Veil and have spiritual intercourse with Shekinah (Feminine presence of God) at Herod’s Wailing Wall today, in preparation for the 3rd Temple of Antichrist aka “Moshiach”.
Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel predicted Mosiach arrives after the 10th Jubilee The Satanic plan written in the Rabbi declared Jubilee Year of 1217 “Ottomans will rule Jerusalem 8 Jubilees”; Ottomans controlled Jerusalem from 1517 until Gen John Allenby entered Jersusalem on Hanukkah 1917 to assume control. “Jerusalem will become a no-man’s land in the 9th Jubilee”; this happened according to plan in 1917 until the 6th Tetrad signaled the 1967 6-Day War to take control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. “Jerusalem will be controlled by Israel in the 10th Jubilee”.
11Q13 Prince Melchisedek Scroll “After 10 Jubilees, the Trumpet blast will herald the coming Melchisedek”. Jesus is Melchisedek! This will be the Alternative Messiah “Antichrist” and completion of the Tower of Bab El ‘YHWH’; BabylON ‘Osiris”; Bab Ilu ‘Allah’ aka Lucifer “Man of Sin” 10 Jubilees=500 years from what? Black Cloistered Rosicrucian Monk nailed 95 Thesis against the Catholic Church to the Church of Wittenburg on Halloween 1517. Black Pope Leo X in 1513 bankrupted the Vatican Bank and signed the 5th Lateran Council of 1517 proclaiming the Gnostic/Saturnian doctrine of “Indestructibility of the Soul” as Universal Church Doctrine; critical because Black Nobility (Saturnian Nobility) Jesuits (Militia of Zeus, the son of Saturn) wrote this Lie, the first recognized by the Catholic Church and last before the Reformation of Black Cloistered ie Saturnian Monk Martin Luther on All Hallows Eve 1517. Pope Francis healed the Protestant-Catholic Schism Oct 31, 2017; the “Deadly Wound of the Beast in Rev 13:3. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the Spirits of Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan. Hatshepsut, the Cross Dressing Female Pharaoh of the Exodus built the 2 largest Obelisks in the world, one broke in pieces, the other stands in front of the Archbasilica of the “Christ”, a combination of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist called St John Lateran or St John the Divine (NYC Cathedral of St John the Divine echoes the UN Bldg theme). Black Nobility (Saturnian/Khazar/Sarmation/Sepharvite) Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel with a crack separating Man from God for a reason.
Hasidic Rabbi Yehudah Halevi Ashlag predicted 66 years ago 5778/2018 will be the “Year of Moshiach, 2018 corresponds to the Rabbinical Year 5778; 5778K is the temperature of the Sun, called “Shamash”, the Akkadian Sun Lion and “Son; Heir” of the Hanukkah Menorah and original Golden Calf of the Sun. The Messiah Jesus warned would come in his own name and be accepted. kabbalahsecrets.com/ Rav Ashlag is called the “Author of the Ladder”, using Kabbalistic numerology he predicted Geula “Final Redemption” would arrive in 5778. 5778 ends on 9/11/2018 “Rosh Hashanah”; Project 911 on Site 911 “Beit Shemesh” (Shamash is the Sumerian Sun Lion) is a radiation hardened bunker awaiting the arrival of Satan, cast to Earth at Rev 9:11.
The day before the 9th of Av in 2023, foxes were seen at the temple wall in Jerusalem. It had long been believed that the appearance of foxes at the temple would be a sign of the coming restoration of the Third Temple. F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6 Jesus HAS NO TEMPLE! “And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.” Rev 21:22
Gog and Magog false Prophecies
Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman aka Vilna Gaon “
Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet of the Sleeping Land (Tobolsk) channeled a demon who predicted “Russia will die and be re-born to become the hope of the world” Gamaleya Inst in Moscow expects to ship 3 Billion doses of Omicron adapted Vaccines by Feb 20, 2022. The Sochi Olympic Logo was a Bear Cub (Ursa Major “Great Bear” or Big Dipper symbolizes the Age of Aquarius); the Re-birth of the Russian Bear; 2nd Beast of Dan 7:5 Tobolsk (Tobol River) has nothing to do with Tubal and Meshech (sons of Japheth) in Eze 38:2; the battle of Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7) not now! Baphomet means “Union of Logos and Sophia”; the Tobolsk Kremlin and Sophia-Assumption Cathedral in Tobolsk were made for the “Prestige” the 3rd and final act of the “Great Work” of Lucifer. Cayce is part of the fake Gog and Magog Liars club; the real Gog and Magog is at the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ (Eze 38:2; Rev 20:7-8)
Bahai Prophecy Bab and Baha’u’llah “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times”
Maimonides “10th Red Heifer will be accompanied by the King Messiah” Maimonides ca 1217AD Rabbis claim the 10th Red Heifer was born in Israel and is now 3 years old
Gog and Magog Prophecy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gog_and_Magog Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint, Book of Jubilees, Sybyline Oracles, Aggadah (Jewish-Aramaic-Babylonian fables used in the Talmud, Midrash, Oral Torah), Samaritan Torah, Quran, British mythology, Sufi mysticism etc all align, predicting Gog and Magog preceding the arrival of Messiah aka Arab/Islamic al Mahdi. Rabbis claim Messiah ben Joseph will defeat the forces of Gog and Magog preparing for the arrival of Messiah ben David. https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/joseph-versus-judah/ The Quran predicts “People of Allah will come to Isa”; before Gog and Magog; Isa is the Arab version of the Druid god Esus. Sufis call Gog and Magog Yajuj and Majuj. British mythology describes Gogmagog as a Giant first manifesting as the Vikings, Normans and finally the City of London Corp and Guildhall. Ahmadiyya (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1905) Cult teaches The US-Russia conflict is Gog and Magog.
Talmud “Messiah will come the year after the Sabbatical Cycle is completed” Pope Francis says 2025 is a Jubilee Year Talmud 97a,b Sabbatical or Chrono-messianism is “Chiliasm”, the restoration of the Kingship and Redemption of Israel. The Tabernacle of David fell in Amos 9:11 The Talmud says Jesus is writing in His own boiling excrement in Hell; this Messiah is not Jesus.
Messiah Countdown Clock Rabbi Vilna Gaon aka Elijah of Gaon (Elijah will be one of the 2 Witnesses during the 1260 day Great Tribulation; the other Seth’s Enoch) made a Messiah Countdown Clock some 200 years ago stating Hebrew Year 6000 will be 2239AD and Messiah would arrive before then. News flash, Earth is approaching 6000 years of age. 1656 years Creation to Flood + 2160 Years Aries to Pisces + 2160 Years Pisces to Aquarius (Aquarius is the Age of Saturn) The equinox Sunrise moved from Taurus to Aries soon after the Flood; Sargon the Great was declared “Legitimate King”, in all likelihood at 20 years of age, God’s age of adulthood and accountability. By my count, we have roughly 3 1/2 Years until Creation is 6000 Years old; Read 2 Pet 3:8 before then.
Vilna Gaon, a Jewish Sage, prophesied that the Hurva synagogue in Jerusalem would be destroyed twice, and the third time it was rebuilt would be a sign that the Third Jewish Temple was to be rebuilt. The Hurva synagogue was rebuilt and dedicated in March of 2010.
Prophecy of St Malachy (Malachy=Molech=Saturn) declared Rome will burn and Peter the Roman, Pope #112 from Celestine II will lead the flock through Tribulation. The night Pope Benedict resigned, Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice. Pope Benedict #111 resigned on cue Feb 28, 2013; after releasing 2 White Doves on “Peace Day” they were attacked by Crows. Francis had the same thing happen on the same day in 2014 by a Crow and Seagull. There was no person St Malachy; Malachy is Baal-Moloch, Chiun, Remphan, Milcom, Saturn. The prophecy was written by Amalekites at war with God from generation to generation (Ex 17:16)
Cathar Prophecy “In 700 years the Laurel will grow green again” The last Cathar Parfait (Perfecti) was executed Fall 1321. On 1/13/1313, the King of France and Pope Roman Pope illegally confiscated Templar wealth and made a new Concordat with the Knights of Malta called “Licet Pridem” Catharsis means “Discharge of pent up emotion”. The “Council of Vienne” ended March 20, 1313 and Jacques de Molay, the last Cathar Military Banker was executed in Paris 3/18/1314. 700 years later the 8th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses began. The Laurel is the Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus/al-Khidr=Saturn/Satan “Green Man”. French President Francois Hollande is honorary Canon of the “Mother and Mistress Church of Rome and the earth” Basilica of St John Lateran is the Teaching Seat of the Dragon, Antichrist, False Prophet
Golden Chain al-Mahdi prophecy al-Mahdi arrives after the great war in the 40th generation; the 40th Sayyid of Muhammad” Sheikh Nazim abdul al-Haqqani, the 40th in the “Golden Chain” of Sayyids died May 7, 2014. al-Khidr is “Green Man” aka Bacchus/Dionysus/Hermes/St George/Osiris/Saturn.
Mormon “White Horse” aka “Blood in the Streets Prophecy” states “Elders of the church will step up to save the Constitution when it hangs by a thread as thin as spiders silk; daughter rises against mother, son against father, neighbor against neighbor and blood runs down the street from Ogden to Salt Lake as water down a storm drain” Mormons are the Cult of Saturn in America In the mid 1800’s many people called Joseph Smith “Muhammad of America”
Yezidi “Al-Quds” Prophecy “When Blue Star Al-Qud appears in the Heavens, the 5th Age will commence the days of purification; War and Distress as Melek-Taus (Peacock Angel=Molech) returns as a Rainbow (Qos=Rainbow; Edomite national god) around the Sun or a Peacock” al Quds is Jerusalem, the city Jesus calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:7-8KJV. His final 2 Witnesses are killed in Jerusalem.
Hopi “Great Purification” Prophecy “The 5th age will begin with the arrival of Blue Star and Red Kachina; Disease, Great Dying, Earthquakes and the World rocking to and fro” Prophecy Rock in AZ puts the Hopi plan in stone. “After Blue Star arrives, Red Kachina, the Purifier will remove his mask in the plaza before the Uninitiated and White Brother Pahana is revealed”. White Brother is Lucifer; You will want to be “Uninitiated”; Stay on the Porch! Ref Eze 37:16; Rev 11:1-2
Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day”. Arabs celebrate the birth of the the Moon God “Sin” on Dec 24.The Black Sun and the Visible align annually on Dec 25. People will send gifts one to another when God’s 2 Witnesses are killed in Jerusalem the City Jesus calls “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:7KJV ; that would likely be Hanukkah/Christmas/Saturnalia, the day the world celebrates the birth of the False Messiah, the day gifts are sent one to another (Rev 11:10) The 2 Suns are the Visible Sun and Black Sun aka Sol Invictus the day in Egypt called the “Going forth of Wadjet” Wadj=Green One “Osiris”, the Pale Green Horse “Death” Rev 6:8; 68kg X 9.81m/s2=666 Newtons, the frequency of Blue Light is 666Thz. The Pale Green Horse “Death” Rev 6:8; 68kg X 9.81m/s2=666 Newtons, the frequency of Blue Light is 666Thz. The Eagles: Hotel California “You check anytime you like, but you can never leave”
C Alan Martin published a vision in 1971 predicting the last US President would be the 44th President and #12 from Harry Truman. Trump #45-47 is the 44th ‘person’ selected US President for the same reason Zedekiah was the 44th and final King of Israel; non-consequetive terms by Grover Cleveland and King David. Mormons will step in when the Constitution is hanging by a thread.
Condor and Eagle Prophecy “500 years after Columbus discovered America, and nearly wiped out the Condor people (Heart, Intuition, Mystical), a merging with the Eagle people (Brain, Rational , Material) will herald the New Age” Jesus says “…where the carcase is, Eagles will gather”; the Eagle (Assyrian Nishroch 2 Kings 19:37) Seen any Eagles on US Government or Currency lately? Pope Francis I is a Jesuit, “Operation Condor” operative. The Rio Earth Summit convened 500 Years after Columbus arrived in America calling for the elimination of all but 1 Billion people from Earth. The Eagles: Hotel California “You check anytime you like, but you can never leave”
Mother Shipton aka Ursula Southhill, a medium/witch burned at the stake in 1641 predicted “Wars, airplanes, TV, earthquakes, fires and 1/2 the world dying just before the return of the Golden Age” The Golden Age is the Age of Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, a return ot the pre-flood world of corruption, sodomy, pedophilia, child sacrifice etc http://www.pyramidtlc.org/mother.htm/ The last Prophecy is a real hoot!
Bahai Prophecy Bab and Baha’u’llah “Russia will rule the earth at the end of times” Same source as Edgar Cayce’s lies. Russia is not Gog (Rev Eze 38:1; 20:7) America is not “Babylon” (Rev 18) The Roman Catholic Church is not MYSTERY, BABYLON…(Rev 17).
Signs of the Times
Comet 21/Borisov makes closest approach to the Sun on Dec 8, 2019 and to Earth on Dec 28; 2019 in time for Saturnalia/Hanukkah/Christmas! On Dec 26, 2019 an Annular Solar Eclipse will begin at Sunrise over Idumea (Moab, Ammon, Edom) at Sunrise progressing across Madras, India, home of the Theosophical Society which initiated Adolph Hitler and Joseph Hitler and across Malaysia, the Edomite Kingdom of Sabah and Sulu https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=dec+26+annular+solar+eclipse&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_011&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_011&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eclipsewise.com%2Fsolar%2FSEping%2F2001-2100%2FSE2019-12-26A.gif#id=13&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Feclipsophile.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F04%2F2019ASE-track-topo-med.jpg&action=click
God’s 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah will be killed mid-week and be taken to Heaven 3 days later in Jerusalem as people are sending gifts from one to another; Hanukkah? Rev 11:1-12 Gnostics don’t believe anything God wrote and certainly not Revelation, which Jesus delivered via the Holy Ghost 66 years after His Crucifixion. During this Eclipse, Saturn and Jupiter symbolically serve as the 2 Witnesses, a Chaldean-Sabian Wedding in the Heavens initiated by the Divine Union of the Sun and Moon on St Stephen’s Day (Stephen the first Christian Martyr means Crown and Martyr). https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/christmas-hanukkah-2019-covenant-with-many/
Sept 23, 2017 Jupiter born of Virgo The first comet Borisov (named after Crimean amateur astronomer Gennadiy Borisov) symbolically impregnated Virgo in Nov (Egyptian month of Aythyr=Hathor “Mansion of Horus”) 2016, giving birth to Jupiter 9 months later on Sept 23, 2017.
Oumuamua (Scout/Messenger in Hawaiian) an alleged interstellar asteroid passed by Earth coincident with the Sept 23, 2017 event; Hawaii means “Water and Breath of Life”.
Comet 67p was conjunct with the Moon as Jupiter exited the womb of Virgo; on 9/11/2014 the Rosetta Mission allegedly landed on Comet 67p; Rosetta is the name of the Hashemite (Descendants of the Korahite Priests in Lev 16:8-10; Num 16:32-33; 26:10) al Rashid Dynasty. Rabbis await their Moshiach HaShem.
Aug 21, 2017 On the Cusp of Leo and Virgo the Great American Eclipse https://web.archive.org/web/20180630144007/http://www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Great_American_Eclipse passed over 7 towns named Salem. Shalim the Canaanite god of the West is the source name of Jerusalem, the Great City Jesus refers to as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” Rev 11:8KJV
Sept 20, 2017 Christ Angle https://web.archive.org/web/20180710161043/http://www.theresnothingnew.org/index/Sept_20,_2017_quot;Christ_Anglequot; Orion “Heaven’s Light” at meridian over the Pyramids in Egypt built to reflect Orion on Earth, on Rosh Hashanah (Chaldean Rabbi “Head of the Year” aka “Primordial Hanukkah”) with Regulus (Alpha Leo “Law Giver”) 26.3 deg above the horizon and Al Nitak “Wounded One” (Antichrist is the “Wounded One”; reflected as the Great Pyramid) The angle 26.3 deg of the Ascending and Descending passages of the Great Pyramid connects Bethlehem and Mt Sinai by the same angle. Osiris was called KRST in Egypt; the Going forth of the Wadjet on Dec 25 was the celebration of Osiris (Saturn). The odds of this happening by chance is Nil.
AT&T created Lucent (Lucifer’s Intel) uses the Red Dragon eating its tail “Ouroborus” as its logo and HQ at 666 5th Av. AT&T released the documentary “The Sign” https://web.archive.org/web/20180630144058/http://www.theresnothingnew.org/index/The_Sign on Sept 14, 2017; the trailer pictured an Annular Solar Eclipse; Great American Solar Eclipse? No, that was a Total Solar Eclipse; Dec 26, 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse? That’s my guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=Pm1KC_FZDeo&feature=emb_logo with a host of false teachers/prophets and Planet X and Planet 9 “Niburu” pseudo-Scientists. Sites like Unsealed World News https://www.unsealed.org and Rev 12 Blogspot https://rev12daily.blogspot.com interpreted as the Rapture of the Christian Church, a Jesuit invented Lie; what will this Borisov portend?
The speed/trajectory of the 21/Borisov Comet is claimed to have originated outside the Solar System; the 2nd such Visitor since Oumuamua “Scout/Messenger” was discovered, roughly coincident with the Sept 23, 2017 Comet Borisov and symbolic birth of Jupiter from Virgo.
23 years ago AT&T formed Bell Labs and Lucent Tech; Rev 23 is written to Revelation right after Jesus’ warnings against adding or subtracting from scripture; Dragon and Blasphemy occur 23 times in Scripture. Bel/Belus is the Phoenician form of the Canaanite Baal, the son of El (Saturn) and Asherah (Grove); Plan 9 (Planet 9 is Nibiru, pure undiluted Bullshit!) developed Inferno (Hell) operating language using Styx (River in Hell) protocol and the Dis (Pluto, god of underworld wealth and riches ie Diamonds, Gold, Silver, all of which Antichrist will control in the Great Tribulation Ref Dan 11:38) virtual machine language. It may be hard to believe so many people worship Satan, but remember, Jesus represents the Narrow Gate to Salvation; 666 represents the Wide Gate.
2018 had more strange Signs of the Times Tisha b’ Av 2018 (Exodus, 1st and 2nd Temple destructions, Bar Kochba Revolt, WWI&II, Gulf Wars 1&II, Libyan War) A Stone fell from the Western Wall just after Tisha b’Av July 24, 2018
Sukkot 2017 Blue Mist rose from the Temple Mount on the last day of Sukkot; Rabbis turn the day Jesus was Circumcised into the Great Day of Sikkuth (Saturn) Why blue? Blue is the color of Zeus, the son of Saturn.
Nov 1 “All Saints Day” A Viper crawled out of the Western Wall to attacked a Pigeon; doves and pigeons are the only acceptable sacrificial birds in the Old Testament.
On July 13, 2021 vines growing from the East retaining wall of the Temple Mount spelled the letters of the Tetragammaton YHWH. The ineffable name of Yahweh YHWH, G-D or HaShem is used by Rabbis awaiting the False Messiah YHWH was added to scripture by the Masoretes (5th-10th c ad); Yahweh, Yeshua is Saturn; Jesus entered the East Gate and was rejected as Messiah; He warned another would come in his own name and be accepted (Jn 5:43) Rabbis see the coming of their Messiah in signs:1. Euphrates drying up; Turkish Dams are ensuring that happens. 2. Passover Sacrifice re-enactment; Jesus was the original Passover Lamb sacrificed for the world’s Sins 3. Temple Mount Fire; Rabbis termed this Amalek’s final warning before Messiah arrives; Rabbis are Amalekites. 4. Amazon HQ designed as a Tower of Babel unveiled in Arlington VA across from the Capitol Mall. 5. Turkey (Togarmah) called on the world to evict Israel from Jerusalem in preparation for Gog and Magog War. The real Gog and Magog War is over 1000 years away at the end of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ; Rabbi deny it however. 6. UN installs Aztec Jaguar-Eagle Idol at UN Plaza; Hopi believe Red Kachina will remove his mask in the plaza before the uninitiated. Guess who the Passover Lambs will be? “For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for slaughter” Ps 44:22; Rom 8:36
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