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Bull of Heaven

Aleph “The Bull” forms April 8, 2024 Dan 12: 1260 day Great Tribulation, 1290 day, 1335 day Warnings Passover 1260 days; 22-30 Apr 2024 to Feast of Tabernacles; Creation, 2nd Coming 6000year, 7000years; Tav-Aleph=Golden Bull is the replacement for...


Beresheet Genesis Spacecraft San Francisco “49ers” V Kansas City “Chiefs” Beresheet “Genesis” Spacecraft to the Moon was a Hoax! Spaceil il means “not:”...


Christchurch: The Path to Progress Mormon Missionary Mason Wells showed up at 3 False Flag Events; Paris Shooting, Brussels Airport Security Checkpoint and Boston Marathon Finish Line Bombing. Parkland HS Shooting Hoax “Me Too” spokesman Dave Hogg showed up in...


Actors, Performances, Stage, Twins Pallywwod AKA Hollywood in Palestine=Caphtorim=Cretan “The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies” Titus 1:12 derived from Philistia, the name  means land of the Philistines; the Papal Mitre is the Mitre of...


    Hanukkah is called “Feast of Dedication” and “Festival of Lights”; Lucifer/Satan is the “Light Bringer”. The 8 Branched Candlestick originated at the 2nd Temple when 1 night of olive oil burned for 8 days during the Maccabean...