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Pangaea drifted for a good reason • Eve Out of the GardenLaurentia | Fossil Wiki | FandomThe Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape PlansThe Flood destroyed Pangea roughly 4300years ago. Pan=all, entire, whole” and Gaia Mother Earth + land. Laurentia: Rodina means ‘Homeland’, Russian родина, rodina, meaning ‘motherland’; Russia was called ‘Mother Russia’. Germany was called the ‘Fatherland’, the son of Gomer is Ashkenaz ‘Ashkenazi Jews’. America is the ‘New World’, Rodina means ‘birthplace’ of the ‘New World Order’; it’s America’s turn, and America is named after Amurru ‘those of the west’, West=Death in Egypt, the setting Sun; Amurru is symbolized by shepherd’s crook, as does the Hebrew name Amorite. ‘The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.’ Is 24:20KJV Jesus? or Satan? ‘And the nations were angry; and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints and them that fear Thy name, small and great, and shouldest destroy them that destroy the earth.” Rev 11:18KJV Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) Weapons ‘Geo-forming’ will do just that!
         BlackRock is a $12T Ashkenazi Jewish (Canaanite) asset MGT Corp Larry ‘Laurentum; laurel leaves; Laurentia Craton is named after the Laurentian Shield, through the Laurentian Mountains, which received their name from the St. Lawrence River, named after Saint Lawrence of Rome ‘laureled’ in 258ad, meaning he’s FAKE. Ashkenazi Jew Trump 2nd FAKE assassination attempt; both appeared in BlackRock commercials. Laurel=Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus. Fink ‘frivolous or dissolute person’ is WEF and CFR The Pale Horse rider is on the cover of its magazine with ‘Ubiquitous’. Pergamos Rev 2:12-17 ‘Satan’s Seat’, Balaam, Nicolaitans ‘Conquer the Laity’ Santa Claus?—a white stone and a new name. Black Rock + Black Stone Jew, WEF, Skull & Bones, a member of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Order of the Aztec Eagle (Satan), and Knight of the Order of the British Empire; Stephen ‘Crown; Martyr’ Swartzman ‘Black Man’ controls KL-03 RF Ubiquitous hardware chip was is in everything. Black Star=Death; XMass=Christmas Dec 25) X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’. The ‘Mark of the Beast’ goes in your right hand, or in your forehead. The White Mark ID’s servants of God in your forehead Rev 7:3
The Holy Rock Beneath the Dome of the Dome of the Rock', 1902. The rock over which the shrine was built is sacred to both Muslims and Jews. From "The...
5,968 Kazan City Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images ...

The Bünting Clover Leaf Map Other names: The World in a Cloverleaf Die ganze Welt in einem Kleberbla Welches ist der Stadt HannRusalem, Mosqu�e d'Omar, c�t� Nord, Int�rieur de l'enceinte, 1854. Artist Auguste Salzmann.

Temple of all religions’ in Kazan, Russia, the Capital of Tatarstan. The Blue Dome=Zeus 2024 BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) Summit will be held in Kazan, Russia, from October 22nd to 24th, 2024; Feast of Tabernacles is Jesus’ Birthday. “Russian, Polish and Galician Jews descend from the Khazars, a Tatar people from the south of Russia who converted to Rabbinical Judaism en masse at the time of Charlemagne.”  ‘Call no man on earth Rabbi’ Matt 23:8KJV Tatar became Tartar, meaning ‘People from Hell’, Khazaria ‘Serpent People’; Russia=Tatarstan. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the center of the world.  Moriah “the land of Yahweh” (Yahweh=YHWH=El ‘BabEl’ is Canaanite is where Abraham took Isaac up for a burnt offering; the LORD offered a Ram instead. Arabs teach that Abraham was shown the whole earth on a winged horse ‘al Buraq’ “the lightning; morning star”  2600years later ‘al Buraq’ the Islamic prophet Muhammad during his journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and through the heavens and back on a ‘Night Flight’. ‘The law and prophets were until John’ Lk 16:16KJV The LORD changed Abram to Abraham; and Sarai to Sarah; He also changed Ishmael to Ismail and Hagar to Agar; the ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’. ‘Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.’ Gal 4:22-27KJV We have a problem! Ophiuchus ‘Serpent Holder’ and Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (Purple Mountain + Supporter of Earth) is allegedly approaching Earth coincident with Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus’ birthday. ‘T ‘Tyrant’ Coronae ‘Crowned’ Borealis ‘North’ The People’s Reset: UK, “Our Summit for Our Future”, takes place in Bath, UK Sept 25 The Dome of the Rock aka Mosque of Omar is likely Solomon’s Temple; not a Temple or a Mosque, but a shrine. Dome=Womb domus, house, cathedral, seat. shrinescrīn ‘cabinet, chest, reliquary’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch schrijn and German Schrein, from Latin scrinium ‘chest for books’. A shrine is a sign of God’s Presence, a place where men’s covenant with the Eternal One and with one another is constantly renewed;  place of religious devotion; Satan or Jesus? The Holy Sepulchre, also known as the Basilica of the Resurrection, is home to the Edicule shrine encasing the ancient cave. JESUS is the Holy Ghost Jn 1:1;14; 1 John 5:7KJV The Dome of the Rock is the Arab Palace of the King and it’s already made!

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS' path May 2024polaris dawn spacewalkSpaceX Polaris Dawn mission crew aboard completes first all-civilian spacewalk from the Dragon capsule on 9/11; NO THEY DIDN’T! X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’; ‘Mark of Beast’ aka XMass! There are no Stars; No Space Suit; No life support; No airlock. It’s a HOAX! Polaris is the North Star; Lucifer wants to sit on God’s Throne ‘...I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north’ Is 14:13KJV Star of Jacob? No! ‘The Lord God hath sworn by himself, saith the Lord the God of hosts, I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate his palaces: therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is thereinO Lord GOD, forgive, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD.’ Amos 6:8;7:2-3;5-6KJV The virgin of Israel? ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up.’ Amos 5:2KJV Jacob was called Israel  ‘Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.’ Gen 32:28KJV ‘T ‘Tyrant’ Coronae ‘Crowned’ Borealis ‘North’  a red giant and a white dwarf? Prophecy Rock ‘How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.’ Is 14:12-14KJV Rev 9:11 Lucifer=Satan. ‘And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.’ Rev 9:11KJV “a destroyer”, Apollyon ‘a destroyer, the angel of the abyss, Satan’. ‘For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows’ Matt 24:7-8KJV Sorrows H6093 ‘pain, labour, hardship, sorrow, toil’

“AI and the Future of Us”- Oprah, the ‘King Maker’ was in The Color Purple in 1985; Phoenicians are the Men of Purple; Canaanites who used Murex Trunculus Sea Snail secretions to forge the color Tekhelet Blue, used by the fake Korahite Priests who will blow the Silver Trumpets on Rosh Hashanah Oct 2, 2024. God (JESUS) buried them alive! Num 16:32-33; 26:10 JESUS is the Holy Ghost, rejection is the Unforgivable Sin. Oprah hosted a show with Jews Sam Altman and Bill Gates; both are WEF; ‘artificial’ “made or done by humans rather than occurring in nature” Intelligence (4908 /synetós) is only sound when it follows God’s word, that comes directly from the Holy Ghost.  The genie is out of the bottle’ Oprah=Harpo ‘Harpocrates’, Greek from the Egyptian child-god Horus (Apollo), who represented the newborn sun, rising each day at dawn;Horus the Child”. Polaris Dawn? Horus was the child of Isis and Osiris ”BabylOn’ ‘Gate of Osiris”; Gates? and Apis ‘Bull’ aka Serapis aka Unknown God Agnostos Theos ‘Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars’ hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands’ Acts 17:22-24KJV Serapis=Qoz ‘Rainbow’; in China ‘Qin’. Mars is the ‘God of war’.

Comets ‘Long Haired Stars’ are regarded as omens, both good and bad; ‘Harbingers of Doom’ Halley’s Comet in 1066 was thought to foretell the Norman Conquest of England, eg the ‘Domesday Book’. The British pound sterling, symbolized by £, was the currency that dominated the global economy before the $ U.S. dollar. The symbol for the pound sterling resembles a capital “L” because of the Latin word “libra” ‘scales or balance’. Black Horse carries a PAIR OF BALANCES! BabEL ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’ and Death results OR you can choose JESUS!

Sept 11 BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Global Payment System; Isolating $ U.S. Dollar

Two Silver TrumpetsRabbi (God)  Oct 3-24 Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)-Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur-(Feast of Atonement)-Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) Jesus said ‘Never call any man Rabbi’ Matt 23:8 Rabbis forgive Sins and Oaths from Yom Kippur to the next; Sept 25-Oct 11  Comets Tails always point away from the Sun (Solar Wind); in this case the Sun and the Womb of Virgo align. The birth of Jesus to a virgin in Bethlehem is symbolically connected to Virgo. Trumpets are blown at ‘Feast of Ingathering’ And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.’ Num 10:9KJV Feast of Trumpets Oct 3, 2024 and the 1st day and the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles Oct 17, 2024 and Oct 24, 2024. The sons of Aaron must blow the Trumpets; ‘…the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he commanded them not. And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them, and they died before the LORD.’ Lev 10:1-2KJV The Aaronic Priesthood end, JESUS is the only Melchisedek Priest! Rev 14:8; Ps 111; Heb 5-9 Angel Moroni “angel of light” more in Egyptian means “at the place of fire.” Angel of the Lord? Lucifer is Satan!

Libra Constellation: Facts, location, stars and exoplanets ...Babylonians associated Libra with a balance There are a PAIR OF BALANCES! Rev 6:6KJV Aleph ‘Bull’-Tav ‘Truth, mark, sign, omen’ Sept 25-Dec 25, 2023=91 days. Red Kachina will remove his mask before the uninitiated at the Plaza. Hopi kacina ‘supernatural’;  life-bringer or spirit. Red=Esau=Debt White Brother “Pahana”; Hopi Shaman call this Maasaw “Great Spirit” or Tawa, symbolized by the Tau or Sacred Tree; the Tree of Knowledge. Barbarian: ‘Foreigner’; generically,anyone “lacking culture” an “uncivilized” person ‘bárbaros’ is specifically used for all non-Greeks (non-Hellenists);Athens began in 600-625ad by Draco=Satan ‘Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious…’ Acts 17:22KJV  Zoroaster ‘Undiluted Star’ ‘Thus spoke Zarathustra’? born c. 628 in Iran just after Draco. Buddha birthdate 599 BCE.The date? “The first inhabitants of Italy were the Aborigines, whose king, Saturnus, is said to have been a man of such extraordinary justice” The Argive festival of Hybristica similar to Saturnalia, involved a similar reversal of roles in which women would dress as men and men would dress as women’ Dec 25 Ruins of the Temple of Saturn (eight columns on right=8th Covenant between God and man) in Rome, traditionally said to have been constructed in 497 BC THEY ARE ALL SATAN! Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, the “Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun”.The Sun “Solis Invictus” and the ‘Black Star’ align in Capricorn (Goat) on Dec 25. X is the symbol for the letter ‘chi’ Christ Mass.  Dec 24 is the birth of the Arab Moon god “Sin”.

2024 the Chinese Year of the Dragon; a dragon advertising ‘Game of Thrones’ on Feast of John the Baptist  “all must choose”; Choose what? JESUS or the Bull! The Dragon was hung on the  New York Stock Exchange (Red=Debt ‘dragon’), the Manhattan Bridge, Penn Station, Citi Field, Rockefeller Center, the Brooklyn Bridge, Grand Central Station, and in Washington Square Park.  Rev 3:14-22 Laodicea ‘People Speak’=Democracy. ‘Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.’ Rev 3:20-21KJV Rabbi (Jesus said ‘Never call any man Rabbi’ Mat 23:8) Jonathan “gift from God” Cahn Ashkenazi ‘Jewish’ Cohen ‘Priest” of the Sun. Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with the ‘Sign of Shin’=’Nail’. (Deut 21:23) Blue=Tekhelet, Canaanite-Phoenician Priesthood color of Zeus, Daylight. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s new book ‘The Dragon’s Prophecy’; ‘The law and prophets were until John” Lk 16:16 that’s John the Baptist; Prophesy including John the Evangelist was written BEFORE creation! Prophesy means understanding GOD’s plan for us! r/HouseOfTheDragon - Real Team Black banners placed on the New York Stock Exchange building


alleged-Satan-face-smoke-on-9-11-always-creeped-me-out‘A man’s enemies are the men of his own house’ Mic 7:6; Matt 10:36 9/11 was an inside job; Rev 9:11 Apollyon ‘Destroyer’ aka Horus Jew Bill Cohen Priest of Cain; Korahites (Num 16:32;26:10) Sec of Defense. “Others are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves” UA #93 Thelemites and Witches greet each other with “93”, short for “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law”; “93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”. 93 the number of the demon Aiwass Liber 175: Astarte ver Liber Berylli is called the “Book of Uniting”, the ritual uniting of a person with a demon. Ahriman is the Persian god of Darkness.  93 is also the gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry. AA Flt #11 Aleister Crowley refers to the number 11 as the number of Ceremonial Black Magick. AA Flt #77 Liber 77 aka Liber Oz or Book of the Goat AA77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian while an E-4B B747 callsign Venus 77 orbited overhead; GHW Bush was 77 yrs old, his Aircraft Carrier is CVN #77

Jesuit Pope Francis ‘Free’ visits Indonesia the largest Muslim nation: Signing the ‘end of days Esau-Ishmael alliance against Israel’; there are no ‘End of Days’! IsRaEl is the same as Joktan  ‘Arabs’; Peleg ‘Land surrounded by water’; JESUS is the ‘Living Water’. Rabbis are Sabean ‘Rba’ and Chaldean ‘Rba’; Rabbi Weitzman ‘wheat grower’ “At the very outset of history, Ishmael and Esau forged a bond through marriage. And so it shall be at the End of Days. The alliance between them will bring history to its culmination in the redemption.” That’s why JESUS said ‘Never call any man Rabbi’ Matt 23:8

Hurricane Francine ‘Free’ to hit New Orleans and Louisiana Oil&Gas Infrastructure from Sabine Pass eastward to Morgan City; Roman warriors seized the Sabine women and abducted them, one for each, to serve as their wives; Sacred Marriage?  Romulus promised them “…they would live in honorable wedlock, and share all their property and rights, and would be the mothers of freemen.” Morgan “sea chief, morning, tomorrow; on 9/11?

No photo description available.Philadelphia’s National Constitution Center is the site of the HOAX  debate; City of Brotherly love is Esau’s love for Jacob. It’s the Jubilee Year, he intends to kill him Gen 27:41KJV; Juda is missing the ‘h’ (God is with me) Rev 7:5KJV; Holy Ghost . Kamal ‘Perfection’ Gopalan=Sacred Cow’Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’ is a B’Rrit-ish Citizen, Covenant by Birth; Cain, Canaan, Ismail, Edom, Amalekites. Kamala ‘Lotus’; Trump gave Jesuit Pope Francis a Lotus. Assyrians for Trump? Assyrians worship the Molech Bull; Chaldean-Assyrian  ‘My God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me? Matt 27:46; Ps 22 Jesus spoke His last words in Aramaic. Coronavirus ‘Crowned Serpent Venom’, or COVID=DIVOC ‘Adhere’ (possessing spirit, a demon). Trumps mother Mary McLeod having a Bull and ‘Hold Fast’ on the family crest; No mention of his uncle John Trump using EM (Tesla Weapons) to turn the world into Tartaria ‘Hell on Earth’ Trump said ‘Nuclear Weapons’? There are no NUCS! Only Jewish Hungarian Martians! and they are not from Mars, there the ‘UNKNOWN GOD’ Acts 17:22-24KJV Mars is the god of War! Trump said Climate Change is a Hoax; he’s right!

Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:7) or AI (Artificial Intelligence), Sacred Marriage/Divine Union? Divine Union is a term used to describe the coming together of the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies, symbolize by the Shatkona ‘Hexagram’. Sacred Marriage is sexual intercourse, the crucible of transformation, thought to have been common in the Ancient Near East as a form of Sacred Marriage or hieros gamos between the kings of a Sumerian city-state playing the role of Dumuzi/Tammuz/Adon (Eze 8:14) and the High Priestesses of Inanna/Ishtar (Namaah’s incest with Ham=Canaan), the Sumerian goddess of love, fertility and warfare. Sodomy is Sacred Sex ‘Satan’s Sex’ Kamala is a man; Q-D-S ‘Holy, Blessed’, a title of Canaanite god ‘El’=Satan. Sacred Prostitute of Qetesh; A Changeling.
     The glory of the LORD and the of the God of Israel departed the east gate (Rising Sun) of the LORD’S house; ‘Mark’ was set upon the foreheads the men who sigh and cry. Eze 9:4KJV Jesus entered the east gate departed by the same path on Passover. Aleph ‘bull’-‘Tav’ (mark, sign, omen) is the ‘Mark of the Beast‘. The Apis bull was worshiped as the incarnation of the god Osiris, identified with the Greek god Dionysus and the Babylonian Tammuz ‘…Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.’ Rev 7:3KJV Tammuz=Horus=Apollo Artemis ‘Butcher’, and her brother Apollo, the son of Zeus, is highlighted in Trumps 66th floor Penthouse.
      ‘Change is coming to America’-Obama/Biden ‘The Battle for the Soul of the Nation’-Biden/Harris Marriage of the Lamb or Sacred Marriage/Divine Union? Wedding to Satan OR to JESUS? Donald Trump says he is a Christian, but said he’s never sought forgiveness for his sins. Kamala says she is a Christian, she was introduced to both Hinduism and Christianity as a child and has since become part of a Jewish family. #G5546 Christianos: Christian, a follower of Christ. Old English Crīst, from Latin Christus, from Greek Khristos, noun use of an adjective meaning ‘anointed’, from khriein ‘anoint’, translating Hebrew māšīaḥ ‘Messiah’. Hebrew word Mashiach means ‘Anointed One’. Horus was “KRST”. Changeling changier “to alter; exchange; to switch”; -ing, suffix indicating “person or thing of a specific kind or origin”; horing “adulterer, fornicator”;  change of heart? Heart=Baal ring a Baal?
      The mirror image of COVID=DIVOC is a term derived from the Hebrew word ‘dybbuk’, In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (Yiddish:דיבוק‎, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq meaning ‘adhere’ or ‘cling’) is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. The reason for the movie Betelgeuse. JESUS returns to ‘destroy them which destroy the earth’ Rev 11:18KJV ‘Wrath’ is the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles; the 7th Trumpet Rev 10;16.
  • Alien ‘One belongs to another’. Aliens do not come anther planet. They are Satanists=Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrian, Medeans (Iran), Joktan (Sabeans; Sephardic ‘Jews of the Spanish Rite’; ‘Jews’ are Canaanites; Arabs ‘Rba’=Islam; Chaldean ‘Rba’=’Rabbis’), Ismailis (‘Absent of Sarah’), Edomites, Amalekites.
  •  Frog Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness; Black Star=Satan ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.” Rev 16:13KJV
  •  Ape qoph: an ape; away from God; “a fool” 1890’s British slang, to have a monkey up the chimney meant “to have a mortgage on one’s house” Evolution, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Planet of the Apes, King Kong etc
  • Giant ‘Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti etc’ originate on Earth by Canaanites; only Noah was perfect in his generations. Gen 6:9KJV; his wife was not; incest with he son Ham=Canaan ‘Cursed’. ‘That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.’ Gen 6:2-4KJV.

1656years after Creation 17 Tishri Akkadian tašrītu “beginning”, mountain tops became visible; Noah stayed is the Ark until 17 Nisan nisag, meaning “first fruits.” The date the stone was rolled back and was empty; the resurrection of JESUS is 3 days after the Crucifixion. Easter has nothing to do with it!

The Pineal Gland ‘3rd Eye’ is our connection to the ‘Holy Ghost’=JESUS 1 John 5:7KJV Aluminum, Glyphosate, Fluoride, WiFi suppresses the connection and Ubiquitous in our environment. BabyEl ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’ doesn’t make any difference.  Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin.

The UN Security Council Chamber depicts the Phoenix Rising in the center under a wedding ceremony to the serpent; Sacred Marriage/Divine Union is not the ‘Marriage of the Lamb’ Rev 19:7KJV 33year old is 44th place? LIBER XLIV (44)
THE MASS OF THE PHOENIX This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT! Abrahadabra” is used in Thelemic rituals and invocations, the “Word of the New Aeon” to signify the accomplishment of the Great Work. It serves as a powerful word of invocation, drawing upon the energies of the Aeon of Horus and aligning the practitioner with their True Will.

Chichen Itza - Serpent

September 22-23 UN 2.0 “complex global shocks” as events that “have severely disruptive and adverse consequences for a significant proportion of countries and the global population”; the UN would be granted emergency powers. The United Nations will gather in New York City at the UN headquarters for the historic Summit of the Future focusing on 5 areassustainable development and financing; peace and security; a digital future for all; youth and future generations; and global governanceThe ‘Descent of Kukulcán’ the feathered serpent Chichen Itza translates into the ‘mouth of the well. ‘For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.’ 1 Thess 5:3KJV Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha, this event was likely accompanied by incredible sound effects due to the intentionally designed acoustics of the pyramid; descent of the 91 x4=364 steps of the El Castillo Pyramid is topped by a Rattle Snake Altar. The People’s Reset: UK, “Our Summit for Our Future”, takes place in Bath, UK Sept 25. Kol Nidre Rabbis forgive Oaths and Sins of their congregations in advance of Yom Kippur Sept 25, 2024-Dec 25=91days (13 Weeks; Gen 13; Rev 13) 1656 years Creation-Flood. ‘Japheth the elder’; This makes Namaah ‘Earth Mother’ incest with Ham ‘Black’=Canaan, 9months-18months after the Flood? 21 is the age of accountability; Taurus-Aries? Aries-Pisces 2160years + Pisces-Aquarius? When does Aquarius start? Tsuchinshan-ATLAS: Purple Mountain + ATLAS ‘Bearer of the Heavens’ becomes visible Sep 20; passing Ophiuchus ‘Serpent Holder’ about Oct 20 Libra. Comets are regarded as omens, both good and bad; Pyramid of the Sacred Serpent; Babylonians associated Libra with a balance. There are a PAIR OF BALANCES! Rev 6:6KJV Aleph ‘Bull’-Tav ‘Truth, mark, sign, omen’. Jan 20 2025 Chinese Year of The Snake? Aquarius? Inauguration Day? Kamal ‘Perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’; he has British Citizenship ie B’Rith Covenant ie Cain-Canaan-Ismael (Admiral=Absent of Sarah=Ishmael)-Esau (After he sold his Soul; God renamed his Edom)-Amalekites (Arabic labour, Sabean work, Aramaic gain, possessions)

Passover 2025: A total lunar eclipse will occur on Mar 13, 2025 centered over Europe on the 1st day of Passover. Europa=Cretan Whore of Babylon. There are 313! ‘Woes’ in authorized Bible; Woes or Halelujahs? Hail Jah/Yah=Antichrist; JESUS is JAH/YAH.  The last ! is the fall of Babylon; God’s Wrath. On 3/13/13 ‘Red Heifer Day’, Jesuit Pope Francis was selected, Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica Twice. Jesus rode a donkey through the East Gate ‘Rising Sun’ on Passover 1. Balaam ‘One uses religion for profit’ or ‘prophet? Luke 16:16 ‘The law and prophets were until John’ Jesus turned the tables on the Money Changers into a Temple into a Den of Thieves. The Democratic Logo is a donkey called ‘Tartak’ ‘Prince of Darkness’ 2 KI 17:31 ‘intense darkness, hero of the underworld’  ie the Black Star. Jesus rode a donkey through the East Gate ‘Rising Sun’ on Passover 1. Democracy ‘People Rule’. Shia Muslims expect al Mahdi ‘divine guidance’, who is occulted (hidden), when the are 313 believers, he will become visible and bring divine justice; raj’a return‘. Comets originated during the Flood, Gen 7:11 ‘fountains of the great deep” and will return! Ali ‘sublime, high, exalted” the 1st to convert to Islam“; Ali yah means ‘ascent or rise’, ‘immigrate to Israel’ Islam ‘submit to Allah’ and Jewish ‘YHWH’ ARE THE SAME!

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General C.Q. Brown, are attending a meeting at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, 50 Nations sending LONG RANGE missiles to Ukraine; Lloyd Austin is a Boule Archon; Kamal ‘Perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’ is a Boule Sodomite Priest of Qetesh ‘Holy’; Ukraine is the new capital of exiled Sarmatian Royal-Priests; Sargon III will be Antichrist; wealthy Sephardic ‘Jews’ settled there; Sephardics are Arabs descends from Joktan. Gen 10:30

Kek: Egyptian Frog God Who Inspired A Modern Meme

 Reptilian Race? ‘What’s Next’ Netflix Sept 18, 2024 ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ Rev 16:13KJV  Alien ‘Belonging to another”=Satan, ‘Earth Dweller’, Rabbis are Arabs!; BabEl ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’. Guanajuato=swamp, oven, place of frogs. Sephardic ‘Jews of the Spanish Rite’; ‘Jews’ are Canaanites; Spanish called Mexico “New Spain”; Mexica=people of the navel of the moon (Arabs call the Moon ‘Sin’ whose brith is Dec 24th; Joseph Smith was known as Muhammad in America; Quyaish=Korah=Core Num 16:32;26:10; Jude 11) and Mexica=“Land of the War God”  they are Sephardics. America H5614 Sepharad ‘Of foreign derivation; separated’; Sardis ‘I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead’ Rev 3:1-6 Heqet is an Egyptian goddess of fertility, identified with Hathor ‘Mansion of Horus’, represented in the form of a frog;  breathed life into the new body of Horus (aka Apollo Rev 9:11; Apollyon=Destroyer) Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness (Black Star?); Kek=Heqet as a male entity, has a head of a frog; while his feminine form had a serpent’s head. At birth, associated with the resurrection of Osiris (BabylOn=’Osiris’) her title ‘I am the resurrection’ in the Christian era along with cross and lamb symbolism. Sounds like Jesus? But its Satan!


BRICS - WikipediaBRICS ‘Operation Sandman’

BRICS Confirms 159 Participants Will Adopt New Global Payment System; Isolating U.S. Dollar

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, United Arab Emirates and now Turkey. ‘One Road; One Belt’ 100 countries simultaneously sell off trillions of dollars worth of US government debt to devalue the dollar and break America’s economic dominance. DUNE the movie is about Jesuits Sam Esmail (‘absent of Sarah’=Agar) is an Arab who also directed Obama’s movie ‘Leave the world behind‘  ‘Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime they had for mortar…let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven…” Gen 11:3-4KJV #3835 Laban=Brick; to make white; Aztec ‘To make white’. Laban chose the Chaldean  ‘Jegar-sahathadutha’ ‘heap of witness’; Jacob chose the Hebrew ‘Galeed‘; a Mizpah ‘Watchtower‘ are between them. The toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay…iron is not mixed with clay Dan 2:43 ‘Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. Matt 7:24-27 The $US is going to collapse; the US Debt is an ‘Experiment’; $303T World Debt’ US Debt $101T + $218T Unfunded Liabilities (Bill Clinton SS trust fund from Cash to IOU’s) + $218T Credit Derivatives. Pretty easy to see why Edwin Deagle predicts a 68% reduction in population 2025. The US has trillions of BBL’s of oil (ANWR, Gulf of Mexico) but BRICS is cutting supply. ‘The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender’ Prov 22:7 JESUS forgives our debts. ‘At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the Lord’s release.‘ Deut 15:1-2KJV That’s the ‘Jubilee’; IT BEGINS AT CHRISTMAS 2024! Jesuit Pope Francis’ ‘Bull of Induction’. Papal bulls are announcing Jubilee Years ie the Bull ‘Ineffabilis Deus’ ‘Ineffable God’? or Zeus? Hint: God’s Name is JESUS! Zeus=Satan has been published ahead of the Jubilee year, which will begins on Christmas Eve 2024 until early 2026 and is themed ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Pilgrim=Foreign/Aliens! The sabbath year, shmita “release” begins Sept 20, 2028 The date ‘Rosh Hashanah’,  Libra ‘ pair of scales’; the Serpent ‘Quetzalcoatl’ ‘Feathered Plumed Serpent’ descends 91 steps; Sept 25 ‘Yom Kippur’-Dec 25, 2024 ‘Christmas/X-Mass’ is 91 days. Aleph ‘Bull’-X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’; Jesus is Alpha and Omega! Great Tribulation is 31/2 years, 42months; Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028? Chinese Year of the Monkey? Gaius=Zeus ‘Law Giver’. JESUS OWNS everything!  Obama and Biden were Selected; the Nat Debt was $10T

Forests Fires Are Being Used As A Military Weapon Against The Citizenry INRI ‘By Fire all Nature is Renewed’ Rosicrucians replaced ‘THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS’ Mat 27:37KJV Ever heard ‘pastors’ say ‘Burn it Down’?