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Christmas aka XMass, Hanukkah, Saturnalia align Dec 25, 2024; Easter and Passover align April 20, 2025. Nimrods Birthday Dec 25 A full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. Nimrod was a Canaanite great-grandson of Noah, a mighty hunter. HORUS (KRST=CHRIST=X), BUDDHA, KRISHNA, ZOROASTER (Zero-Ashta=Black Star=Saturn), HERCULES, MITHRA, DIONYSUS, TAMMUZ, HERMES, ADONIS are all born at CHRISTMAS aka XMass.


Amenita Muscaria




LORD’ is the Holy Ghost, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin; John 1:1;14,1 John 5:7 in the Authorized Bible spells out JESUS is the Holy Ghost, the only way to end the ‘Curse’ of Sin. Yahweh,YHWH is BabEl=Satan. Kwanza=‘first,beginning or birth’ Dec 26-Jan 1; introduced 1966 ‘Year One Satan’, the same year the Church of Satan was founded. Dec 26 St Stephen Day ‘Crown/Martyr’ Old Nick is a well-known British name of the Devil.

St Lucy’s Day lux= light=Lucifer. Friday 13 December as Saint Lucy’s Day, predates the eight-day error of the Julian calendar to a Gregorian calendar system, hence acquired a new date for the Winter Solstice was kept on 13 December, and not moved to the 21 December. In the Roman Empire, 25 December (in the Julian Calendar) date was celebrated as being the day when the Sun was born, the birthday of Sol Invictus (12 false gods=12 Days of Christmas) Christmas Day Norman ‘North Men’ bastard King William the Conqueror was crowned; the Christmas practice calls for burning a portion of the log each evening until Twelfth Night ’12 drummers drumming’ (January 6)Epiphany’ epi, “on, upon”; and phaino, “to appear, to shine”, the day the Magi ‘Wise Men’ arrived; Trump=MAGA ‘Magician’, the highest level of Church of Satan; Drumpf ‘Drummer’. Saturnalia symbolizes the Black Sun ‘Saturn’ combined with the visible Sun=’Solis Invicti’; Man? or the Woman riding the Beast? Jesus was born at Feast of Tabernacles. Yule Sat, Dec 21, 2024 – Wed, Jan 1, 2025. 12 Days of Yule, a black candle is lit for the parting Holly King a woodsy version of Santa Claus disguised as the Horned god Herne. Holly was sacred to the Druids ‘Knowers of Trees’, he dresses in red, wears a sprig of holly in his tangled hair, and is driving a team of eight stags wearing a Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus=Jesus’ crown of thorns; the fire or lights to symbolize the returning of the rebirth of the Sun Goddess Sol. AFTERLIFE PRESENTS ANYMA ‘THE END OF GENESYS’ Dec 31 at the Sphere in Las Vegas. Anyma ‘the breath of life, Soul of Christ.’ Anyma’s Saint? Francis of Assisi; St Francis establish the Franciscans ‘Free’ ie Seraphic Order. The word angel comes from a Greek word meaning “messenger.” The word seraph (or seraphim in the plural) comes from a Hebrew root that means “serpent.”Pope Francis is named after him. Baphomet “Baptism of Wisdom”=Mahomet= Muhammad; Manicheasm ‘Mani’ “spirits of the dead”; from Iran like the Magi=MAGA ‘Drumpf’ Jan 6 ‘Feast of Epiphany’ ‘reveal’ BabyEl=YHWH=Knights Templar=Khazars ‘Serpent People’; BabIlu ‘Allah’, Sufi Assassins Both ‘Jews’. The 9th Gate=Eastern Gate ‘Rising Sun’

‘Solis Invicti’ Nativity of the Unconquered Sun. Jesuit Pope Francis inaugurates a Nativity scene made in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall under a 14 rayed ‘Black Star’ (read Rev 14 ‘Saturn’), ‘pax hominibus bonae voluntatis’ (peace on earth to the men of good will). Star of Bethlehem=Star Prophesy  Num 24:17 ‘Star of Jacob’ ‘O Lord GOD, forgive, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD.’ Amos 7:2-3;5-6KJV Astronomer David A. Weintraub says, “If Matthew’s wise men actually undertook a journey to search for a newborn king, the bright star didn’t guide them; it only told them when to set out.” The events were quite close to the Sun and would not have been visible to the naked eye; the Black Star/Sun align with the visible Sun and is invisible and rises in the East, it’s in the Monstrance and the Kaaba! in Jerusalem out of Olive wood with Jesus lying on a Keffiyah; alrighty then! Russia and prepares to embrace China as the New World Leader. Predicts Fast Demise for the US; BRICS=Tower of BabEl; Gen 11:3KJV Qin=Sin=China=Sina; Palestinian Black-White Keffiyehs are now largely imported from China. Pope Francis, the Vicar of Jesus don’t know Jesus was hung on an Olive Tree on the Mt of Olives? He thinks Jesus is an Arab? Palestinian=Philistia” and a direct translation of the Hebrew name “Israel” The virgin of Israel has fallen’ Amos 5:2Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice (tsepha’: Viper, serpent, excrement.) and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. Is 14:29 Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles!.
     The Great Tribulation begins on Passover/Easter 2025 and ends on Feast of Tabernacles 2028. Adding the age of the Patriarchs=1656 years Creation to Flood (The ark rested on 7th month, 17th day ‘Ethanim’ “perennial” Gen 8:4KJV); Jesus birth was Feast of Tabernacles 29 Sept=17 ‘Ethanim’ 6bc Jesus was nailed to a Tree at 30 years old on Passover 25ad. Enoch and Elijah (Jews await him to arrive on Passover) 5th Trumpet/1st Woe!=5months; 6th Trumpet/2nd Woe! 13months; the last week (7days) the 2 Witnesses will be killed mid-week, they rise at weeks end, followed by dead and alive in JESUS + 1 day of Wrath, on Jesus birthday, the day of Creation, anniversary of the Flood and Jesus birth. Jesus was crucified on an Olive Tree, between 2 Thieves on the Mt of Olives forming the 7 branch candlestick of gold Ex 26:31-40. Why Dec, the 10th month? Rabb  is an Arab term means ‘lord’; Rabbis use ‘Allah’ or ‘YHWH’ Elagabalus=Heliogabalus ‘Helios + Baal’ was an eccentric, prostitute, sexual promiscuous homosexual who “abandoned himself to the grossest pleasures with ungoverned fury”, an Arab-Syrian version of the Arabic Ilāh al-Jabal, from ilāh “god” and jabal “mountain” al- and ilāh “deity, god” to al-lāh ‘Allah’ meaning “the deity, the God” Baal. The black conical stone he paraded around is the ‘Image’ which fell down from Jupiter (Acts 20:35), is in the eastern ‘Rising Sun’ corner of the Kaaba ‘Enclosure of Allah” and in the Monstrance ‘proof’ of the Catholic Church.  In AD 274, the emperor Aurelian instituted the festival Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ‘birthday of the Invincible Sun’ on 25 December, the date of the winter solstice, the birth of Sol Invictus aka Santa Claus! ‘And he made ten candlesticks of gold according to their form, and set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.’ 2 Chi 4:7 Hanukkah 25 Kislev and Christmas 25 Dec. Kislev ‘darkest’ is both the name for a city near the chaos wastes.  Do you think all this is coincidence?

 Assyrian. Apkallu-figure Fertilizing the Sacred Tree, ca. 883–859 B.C.E. Gypsum stone, 90 1/4 x 79 1/8 in. (229.2 x 201 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Purchased with funds given by Hagop Kevorkian and the Kevorkian Foundation, 55.152. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 55.151_55.152_detail_at_PS11.jpg) Assyrian Apkallu, Oannes, Jinn, Demon “the wise”, “sage” or “expert” Fertilizing the Sacred Tree with Pine Cones; Pineal Gland is our connection to God; Oannes=Satan ‘But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.’ Gen 3:3KJV The one Tree Arabs water.

Pope Francis ‘Free’ and the Luciferian Free-masons will open the ‘Holy Door’ on Dec 24, the birth of the Arab god Sin; Lucifer is the ‘man of Sin. Sin means ‘miss the mark’ The Great Tribulation lasts 31/2 years; Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028, is the real Jubilee Year. 6bc-28ad=33years; King David ruled for 33 years; this the Masons and Jesuit ‘Jubilee’; the birth of Lucifer No Roman Catholic Pope has ever had the ‘Keys’ of St Peter; Peter never had ‘Keys to Heaven’ (Matt 16:18KJV) Peter ‘small stone’ was never in Rome. Paul was the first made an ‘Apostle’ by JESUS through the Holy Ghost. Lightning hit St Peters Basilica TWICE the night Pope Benedict resigned. Francis was elected Pope on 3/13/13; In Twelver Shia Islam, 313 is the number of soldiers or generals that will be in the army of the 12th “Imam of time” al-Mahdi. Constantine’s was the Grand son of Druid King Coel, Constantines Edict of Milan in 313, 313th and last appearance of ‘LORD’ In Leviticus is in its last verse’; Note: ‘Lord’ is derived from YHVH not ‘LORD’ . “pray” occurs 313 times in the KJV #313 anagennao is used by the Apostle Peter. The word means ‘to be born again’ BTW ‘Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak…it is a shame for women to speak in the church’ 1 Cor 14:34-35KJV A female priest at the door?

Origins of Witchcraft: Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Manat – Triple Goddess of Mecca (Arabic) Trump, a woman danced the Arab Sword dance in Arabia; he is a Shriner ‘Noble Arab Order of Mystic Shrine.

santa claus from en.wikipedia.orgSanta Claus is a Goat descended from Adultery and Incest, a Canaanite (Namaah +her son Ham ‘Black’)-Edomite (Red=Debt)-Amalekite-Joktan ‘Arab’-Nabataean ‘Arab’-Yule Goat-St Nicholas ‘Conquer the Laity’ Hanukkah (25 Kislev *kaylo- “omen’ Assyrian for ‘hope, positiveness’)-Christmas ‘sacrifice/consumption of Christ’. Muslims worship Allah and 3 Daughters Uzzah, Manat, Al-Lat ie Sun, Moon, Venus (5 pt Star on top of the Tree) the Tree God said to avoid Allah=Satan
        Arab Jesus? Pope Francis unveils nativity scene with baby Jesus in a manger wearing a keffiyeh. Middle Eastern Arabs, Kurds, and Yazidis wear this Arab headpiece. Iraqi Turkmen wear it and call it Jamadani, while Omanis call it a mussar; Jesus is NOT AN ARAB! and He WAS NOT BORN AT CHRISTMAS! He descended from Peleg not Joktan! 11,000 ISIS fighters have been trained in a U.S. camp in northern Syria; same thing they did in Afghanistan; Obama was a Taliban ‘Student’ trained by the CIA with Osama bin Laden by Sec of Def Bob Gates in ‘Jihad‘ and is a now MujahideenWarrior for Allah’ummah=mother source”. Babel ‘YHWH’ and BabIlu ‘Allah’ are the same; BabylOn ‘Osiris’; ‘KRST’=Horus aka Apollyon/Shiva ‘Destroyer’ both born Dec 25 aka ‘Green Man’. Trump/Drumpf 66th floor penthouse is a shrine to Apollo. Apis Bull ‘Golden Bull’; Apis=Word and Bee. Apis Bull; Osiris-Apis which became Serapis=Qos ‘Bow’=Rainbow, the Wizard of Oz (Oz=77;Dan 7:7) Osiris’ wife Isis, and their son Horus in the form of Harpocrates=God of Secrets. Trump was the 45th President of the United States, and will be the 47th President of the US in January of 2025. So let’s do a little math. 4 + 5 = 9 4 = 7 = 11 Rev 9:11=Apollyon, the Sigil of Saturn and represents the Gate of Apollo/Abaddon which is the space humanity travels through towards the New Order of the Ages, ($ONE ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum) or the Golden Age of Saturn. The Twin Towers are of course Jachin and Boaz of Solomons Temple, which had to come down for them to move beyond the Noahide Rainbow and into the next stage of reality. 9/11 in Roman Numerals is IXXI which is also the Sigil of Saturn. ‘And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden’ Gen 4:16KJV . Nod ‘wandering’, mirror image Don ‘King of the World’; She-Goat Of Going Away=Canaanite Donald Trump 

Emerald City, Wizard of Oz Photo Backdrop Trump’s Idol is made of 316 Stainless Steel  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ Jn 3:16KJV is Gold and has a Magic Wand. The 28th (2+8=10=Dec; 2×8=16 Rev 16=Vials of Wrath; Trump ’47’=4×7=28; 4+7=11 degree of Freemasonry ‘Knight of the Sun’ and password ‘Jahbulon’ Jah=Jehovah + Baal ‘Lord/Owner’ + On ‘Osiris’=Green Man is called the Rainbow Arch degree. Qoz ‘Bow’ is the Edomite National god. 28= Power = Work / Time; W = F X D aka ‘God of Forces’ H153 Chaldean ‘edra’=force. Defying Gravity? gravitas ‘weight, seriousness’ USURY=H5391 nashak: To bite, sting, to lend on interest, to oppress with interest, bite of the serpent ‘ Thou shalt not lend upon usury (usus ‘a use’) to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals (victus ‘food’), usury of any thing that is lent upon usury’ Deut 23:19KJV Converting Gold Bricks into Green money? Moneta, a title or surname of the Roman goddess Juno, near whose temple on the Capitoline Hill money was coined Juno the wife of Jupiter (Zeus), queen of heaven, goddess of light, birth, women, and marriage. Rainbows: Sunlight refracts Light in water at 42 degs with respect to to observer; 4+2=6; 4×2=8; Rev 6:8=Pale (Green) Horse  Newton lied! 68 kg x 9.8 m/s2=666 newtons 42 months=Great Tribulation.  Trump ‘47′ is not Christian; 47th Problem of Euclid ‘Squaring the Circle’ is the Holy Grail.

SOLEX-MAL “I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.” Ps 39:1 Marduk ‘Bull’=Lucifer (Molech)=Maldek “silver-tongued” or ‘the tongue’ (4000+ celebrities, government display the Tongue=Maldek ‘SOLEX-MAL’ (Solar Tongue) In Spanish (Joktan ‘Arabs’; Sephard ‘Jews’) the word Mal means bad, sin, evil, hurt, injury, illness the alleged 5th planet (Earth, Air, Fire , Water and Quintessence (remember the 5th Element? in Witchcraft=MAGA the 5th Level ‘Magician’ in the Church of Satan).  5=6; Shin ‘Nail’. Lucifer-Maldek had a moon ‘Lilith’. Selene, Artemis, and Hecate were all identified with the moon aka ‘Sin’. Arabs believe Lilith cohabitated with the Devil and was even his wife ‘Allah’. The spirits of Lucifer hold dominion Earth in “cities” eg Quetzalcoatl, is represented as a great dragon or serpent. Marduk ‘Bull’=Lucifer (Molech)=Maldek “silver-tongued”, the alleged 5th planet (Earth, Air, Fire , Water and Quintessence (remember the 5th Element?) In Witchcraft=MAGA the 5th Level ‘Magician’ in the Church of Satan. 5=6; Shin ‘Nail’. Nibiru (There is no planet ‘Nibiru’)Babylonian=Marduk ‘Bull’=’pole star’; Akkadian ‘crossing place’ or ‘place of transition’; “Planet X” or “Giant Planet Five”=Nibiru ‘Planet of the Crossing’ ie Jupiter ‘Capitol ‘Womb of Jupiter’=Zeus. X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen

SPARS-CoV 2025-2028 The logo is a Fir Tree=XMass Tree; X=Tav ‘mark, sign omen’ The sign goes in your forehead over the ‘pineal gland’; the address is 22 Chancery Lane, Pinetown (pineal). Chancery: a high court of equity; chancel: cancel “cross out with lines” ie an X, and incarcerate ‘put behind bars’; 22=last chapter in Revelation; Jesus exclaimed “Eli Eli lama sabactani” ie My, God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me? in the beginning of the psalm 22. equity: fairness and justice. The Fool is card #22 in Tarot
        Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ John 3:3KJV JESUS is the Holy Ghost, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only unforgivable sin 1 John 5:7. JESUS is the Holy Ghost, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable sin. ‘Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.’ Matt 12:31KJV Easter and Christmas are the birth of Ashtaroth and BaEl (Baal ‘Lord’ Ba + El ‘YHWH’/Ilu ‘Allah’); Baal-berith=Tree Covenant with Baal ‘Lord’ JESUS is the Holy Ghost, rejection is the Unforgivable Sin. SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 aka Great Tribulation Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028
        ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’ OWN=NWO (mirror image) Oprah=Harpoh=Harpocrates, the Egyptian child-god Horus, who represented the newborn sun, rising each day at dawn aka Solis Invictus. Horus is the god of secrets. RFK Jr is the HHS Secretary, Tribunal for Natural Justice=META ‘After’ Dan 7:6 ‘Dominion’ 7:7 the Iron (Iron is the mid=point of the Periodic Table of Elements=Laodicea (Luke Warm; JESUS gave His 7th this last Warning) Beast is the Pale Horse (Rev 6:8), Death and Hell follow. The Pearl of Great Price is the your Soul. Remember there are 2 Balances. Happy means “luck” or “chance.” Thomas Jefferson changes Life, Liberty and the pursuit of ‘Property’ to ‘Happiness’

‘And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.’ Gen 2:9KJV The Bible says absolutely nothing about the practice of Christmas trees. ‘For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.’ Jer 10:2-3KJV

Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles=888. JESUS ‘Holy Ghost’=8th Covenant between God and Man. Tav=X ‘mark, sign, omen’=666 BabEl ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’

  •  Berith Milah the Jewish rite or ceremony of circumcision performed on the male child on the eighth day after his birth. Jesus was circumcized on the 8th day; God’s Wrath ! will commence on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles, the 6000th year since Creation.
  • Baal-Berith = ”lord of the covenant” #1170 Baal Berith: “Baal of the covenant,” a Shechemite god; KJV: ‘Baalim, and made Baalberith their god’ Judges 8:33; a god of the Philistines; Baal
  • berith: a covenant #1285 KJV: ”Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, Noah walked with God…every thing that is in the earth shall die. But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come’ Gen 6:9;17-18
  • El Berith Hebrew: אל ברית, lit.‘God of the Covenant’; El=Canaanite god
  • baal: owner, lord # 1167


SOLEX-MAL has ‘in theory’ 2 Focii, one inside the Sun, the other ‘Maldek’ “silver-tongued” between Jupiter and Saturn.

Bent Crosspope wearing a saturn hat from www.gettyimages.comPin pagePope Francis png images | PNGEggDavid Bowie ‘Black Star‘=Monstrance: transparent receptacle in which the consecrated Host is exposed for veneration. Jesus was born at Feast of Tabernacles! JESUS is the only ‘Priest King ‘Melchisedek’ (Gen 14:18; Ps 111; Heb 5-8) Whose in the monstrance? The ‘god of the sun’ Maldek SOLEX-MAL and the Black Sun align on Dec 25 and June 25 ‘Feast of St John’ Constantine’s advisor Nicholas ‘Victory of the people’ of Myra set the date of Christmas at Dec 25 in 336ad. St Nicholas of Myra: the Real Santa Claus=Satan. Rosicrucian Martin Luther “army of the people” established the Christmas Tree and Lights. Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran Popes wear the Philistine Mitre of Dagon (Fish), the ‘Pagan Twisted Crucifix’, ‘Saturn Hat’, Black Star and Monstrance. Mithra (Mitre) bDec 25; SATUR=666
     Sumerian god El is Saturn. “The Lord of the Rings” is a reference to Saturn, as well as the symbolism behind wedding rings, the halo that is often depicted over the heads of religious figures in art is also a reference to Saturn’s rings; the cube is Saturn worship; STUR=666=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’; Statue of Liberty is a statue of Isis, and the country of IsRaEl is named after Isis, Ra, and El. Charles Darwin was a member of the Saturn cult, who propagated the Theory of Evolution. ‘Photos’ of Saturn from N.A.S.A show the cube on the north pole of Saturn, known as the hexagon storm. Muslims take a pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca, a building shaped like a black cube, which they run around the outside of in circles, representing the rings of Saturn. Phylacteries are actually small black cubes; Teffilin=Saturn’s Rings eg Jews wear them in IsRaEl and Iran. The cross is a cube that has been unfolded. Saturn V Freemasons took to the Moon in Apollo 11. Christmas is actually the Pagan holiday Saturnalia.

Capricorn Symbol Images – Browse 51,175 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe StockCapricorn Symbol Images – Browse 51,175 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock

‘And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the leftThen shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:’ Matt 25:31-41KJV

The bird-footed night shedah (goddess/she-devil) The sheyd אַשְמְדּאָי (Ašmodai) in bird-like form, with typical rooster feet Asmodeus aēšma “wrath”, and daēva “demon” is the king of the shedim =Easter “demon of lust“. Shedim=Jinn for Arabs. Child sacrifice to the sheyd מֹלֶךְ (Mōleḵ), showing the typical depiction of the Ammonite (Ammon and Moab incest with Lot; Egyptians saw Ammon their supreme God; they represented him with blue skin, in a fairly human form. ) deity ‘Moloch’ in medieval and modern sources (illustration by Charles Foster for Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us, 1897): Child sacrifice to the sheyd מֹלֶךְ (Mōleḵ), showing the typical depiction of the Ammonite deity ‘Moloch’ aka Milcom, Chiun, Kievan, Kayyun, Chemosh, Tammuz, El, Sikkuth (Succoth-benoth=Booths of Daughters 1 Ki 17:30), Saturn. shedim have souls (of Demons) like those of humans, but lack the bodies to contain them. JESUS is the ‘Holy Ghost’ 1 Jn 5:7KJV, rejection of 8th Covenant between God and Man is Unforgivable Sin; the Wedding of the Lamb Rev 19:7KJV. Holy Spirit is the Divine Union/Sacred Marriage to Satan aka Santa. Shedim had their origins among the builders of the Tower of Babel, these being divided by their motivations into three groups, of which the third and worst comprised those who sought actively to wage war against God and were punished for their sacrilegious hubris by transformation into the shedim. The Zohar describes them as offspring of the demons Azazel ‘Goat that Departs’ and Naamah. Tubal-cain ‘Divine Blacksmith’ is Naamah ‘Earth Mother’, brother and Noah’s wife whose incest with Ham ‘Black’=Canaan. Shedim as ‘Devils’ appear in Deuteronomy 32:17 and Psalm 106:37 suggesting sacrifices to these beings, including human sacrifices like the firstborn.

A Yule goat on a Christmas tree. ‘Old Christmas’, riding a yule goat. Yule is the Wild Hunt; JESUS separated Goats from Sheep.
Christmas card God Jul 

The Sun “Solis Invictus” and the ‘Black Star’ align in Capricorn (Goat) on Dec 25. X is the symbol for the letter ‘chi’ Christ Mass. X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’, aka ‘Mark of the Beast’ Dec 24 is the birth of the Arab Moon god “Sin”. HORUS (KRST), BUDDHA, KRISHNA, ZOROASTER (Zero-Ashta=Black Star=Saturn), HERCULES, MITHRA, DIONYSUS, TAMMUZ, HERMES, ADONIS are all born at CHRISTMAS aka XMass. is Sanat Kumara aka Santa aka Satan! Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles.

the grim reaper by revzilloTime: 25 Kislev (Dec 25) Saturnalia=Hannukah=Christmas. Canaanites don’t send presents at Feast of Tabernacles, but they do at Saturnalia!  ‘io Saturnalia’ was the characteristic shout or salutation of the festival.
 It was a special event that provided liberation to slaves, gambling across the city, and crowned the “King of Saturnalia”, In announcing triumph or celebrating Bacchus (Dionysus), but also to punctuate a joke. phota meant both ‘man’ and ‘lights’, candles were a substitute offering to Saturn for the light of life; citizens wore effigies or masks on Saturnalia (Eyes Wide Shut?). astrological sign Capricorn (Goat; Wicked Witch of the west is a Goat; Yule Goat) the houseof Saturn, the planet named for the god. The pilleus (Phrygian Cap/Cap of Mithra) the conical felt cap that was the usual mark of a freedman. Mithras show him being born from a rock, slaughtering a white bull, (Zeus and sharing a banquet with the god Sol ‘Unconquered Sun”. Indo-Iranian word mitrás “contract, agreement, covenant” (Tree Covenant ‘Baal Berith’) Cautes (Spring Equinox=Life) The Torch bearers holds his torch raised up, and Cautopates (Fall Equinox=Death) holds his torch pointed downward; the Opposite of Jesus Crucified on Passover, and Born on Feast of Tabernacles; shepherds’ crooks replaced the torches. Saturn: God of Wealth, Agriculture, Renewal and Time. Saturnalia was one part real life The Purge.
During Saturnalia, Romans would decorate their homes with evergreen boughs as a symbol of everlasting life. The Egyptians, Druids, and Vikings also decorated their homes with evergreens to honor their gods. However, it is the Germans (Martin Luther) who are credited with the first Christmas tree
Kronia was an Athenian festival held in honor of Kronos (Cronus) aka Time. Slaves and the free, rich and poor, all dined together and played games; a restoration of the ancient Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn.
‘In the beginning God created the heaven the earth’ Genesis  ‘beginning’  1:1KJV ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last’ Revelation “disclosure” 22:13. Feast of Tabernacles: (17Oct=17Tishrei/Ethanim) the day Noah’s Ark stopped on dry land on Mt Ararat ‘Chumologmo’ (‘Earth Mother’; Mt Everest) “All the men of Israel came together to King Solomon at the time of the festival in the month of Ethanim, the seventh month” (1 Kings 8:2). XMass/Christmas and Hanukkah align in 2024 Santa=Satan!
       Jesus is Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End: Creation, Flood (17 Tishrei ‘Beginning’ or Ethanim ‘flow continuously’ Gen 8:4), Jesus’ birthday (To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child’=Fiscal Year begins October 1) 2nd coming/Armageddon, Gog and Magog (1000years later; Feast of Tabernacles is mandatory Zech 14:16;18; Eze 38; Rev 21:7-8). The tenth and most horrific plague came, the killing for the first born child by the angel of death. To protect their first-born children, the Israelites marked their doors with lamb’s blood so the angel of death would pass over them. Thus the name Passover, which is “pesach” in Hebrew. Pascha in Aramaic ‘My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?” Jesus’ last words before giving up the ghost. pas’-khah in Chaldee=’Easter’ Herod Greek Hērōdēs apparently derived from hērōs ‘hero’ was the name of the king of Judea who at the time of the birth of Christ ordered first-born male children in Bethlehem should be slaughtered Matthew 16-18; Herod Antipater was an Edomite, a descendant of Esau who was the brother of Jacob, the ancestor of the Israelites. Herod celebrated Easter and an Angel of the Lord killed him Acts 12:4; 21-24JKV. Assyrians celebrate the Akitu ‘sowing the barley’ Festival on Aprii 1. Jegar-sahadutha=Laban=Lebanon=Phoenician=Aztec ‘To make white’ (sinless); Galeed=Jacob ‘Heap of  Witness’. You can sacrifice to Molech ‘Bull’, or let JESUS take your Sins! ‘And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.’ Mat 24:22 Feast of Tabernacles has been changed to Succoth-benoth ‘Booths of daughters’ 1 Ki 17:30. Sikkuth=planet Saturn; SATUR=666=Tav=X ‘mark, sign, omen’. Dawn ‘First Light’ on Easter + 9mos (Gestation)=Saturnalia/Hannukah/Christmas/XMass. ‘And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings,and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. Rev 11:19KJV The 7th Trumpet/3rd Woe! is the 2nd Coming. Santa=Satan

CERN 70th anniversary Sept 29, 1954. Jesus was born Sept 29, 6bc The Eve of Feast of Tabernacles is 16 Tishrei; 2000years ago, Jesus was Crucified on Passover, 28ad? CERN ‘666’ is Cernunnos karnon  “horn” or “antler”, a god depicted with antlers, seated cross-legged, and is associated with stags, horned serpents, dogs and bulls. Tungus Shaman tunguz literally, ‘wild pig, boar’; Hu=god (Eckankar religion ‘Eck’= Heck=Hell)=’The god of light’=Lucifer ‘Light Bearer’; For Sufis and Druids, Hu (Hu + Man=God Man) is used with Allah. Hu Gadarn introduced ploughing (Cain=Farmer) Esus is portrayed cutting branches from trees with his axe. CHRISTMAS/XMass and EASTER ‘For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest…with the axe; ‘…the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven’ Jer 7:18-20; 10:2-5 Esus with Mars; the UNKNOWN GOD of Mars’ Hill Acts 17:22-24 Remember the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur de Montmartre  The 33rd Olympic Opening Ceremony was dedicated to desecrating the ‘Last Supper’ Human victims were sacrificed to Esus by being tied to a tree and flogged to death (Jesus was flogged and hung of a tree) Esus appears with Tarvos Trigaranus  ‘bull with three cranes’, Jupiter, Vulcan; the Gaulish (Gal 4:22-26) god Esus appears in the Pillar of the Boatmen from among the Parisii Celt ‘Warrior” the source of Paris ‘House of Isis’. Hu the Welsh horned god is Cernunnos=CERN. SANTA: St Nicolaus ‘Conquer the Laity’=Santa Claus=Saint Nick=Sinterklaas. Constantine the son Helena, grandson of Druid King Coelus ‘spacesky, heaven, air, climate, weather presided over the Edict of Milan in 313, which allowed for the public practice of Christianity in the Roman Empire; there are 313! in the KJV, the last ! is the 3rd Woe!=God’s Wrath. Santa=Satan is the Ubiquitous (everywhere at once) lives at the North Pole, a Red/White Shaman (Goat) collecting Amenita Muscaria mushrooms using 8 Reindeer behind Rudolf ‘Noble Wolf’ on Dec 24 (birth of Sin). Qin=China=Sina=Sinai=Shinto=shen “spirits” or “gods”; Divination, Comets, eclipses, and droughts were considered omens of things to come; Tav=X=sign, mark, omen=XMass Leave the World Behind-Barack ‘Lightning’ Obama=Zoroastrian (Undiluted Star) ‘He is with us’. ‘What a coincidence!

TO THE UNKNOWN GOD’ Acts 17:23 The GOD YHWH, Yahweh, G-D and Allah and every other false G-d has an ineffable ‘Name’ because the ‘Black Star’ is a mathematical point inside to Sun ‘Natalis Solis Invicti’ that defines ‘Gravity’; which doesn’t exist; ‘…the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved’ Ps 93:1; 96:10; 104:5. The Black Sun aligns with the Visible Sun on Dec 25, in Capricorn ‘Goat’. ‘And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left….Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels’ Matt 25:33;41KJV

The oldest and most sacred ritual in honor of cannibalism (Can=Priest + Baal ‘Lord’)- the consumption of a victims flesh and blood, to consume their spirit and essence is the ritual of the Sacred Eucharist of Osiris; BabylOn; Christmas=Krishnianity ‘Black”. Omaphagia ‘the eating of raw flesh’. The term is of importance in the context of the cult worship of Dionysus ‘Green Man’; Gopala-Krishna the protector of cattle All are born Dec 25

Battle for the Soul of the Nation | Joe Biden For President ...O’Collins=cuilieann meaning Holly; Holly ‘Wicklow Men’=Wicker Men. Cuilliaéan spiritual gold work still preserved are the “Wizard” or Vizier hats detailed extremely accurate lunar settings and astronomical information, Druid (Dru=Tree) Priest Class; Jesus was hung a Tree. Hyksos ‘Foreign Shepherd Kings’ of Egypt came from Crete where ‘Satan’s Seat’ was at Knossos the root of Gnosticism. Menes ‘Bull’ and their descendants the Khazars ‘Serpent People’, Venetians, Ashkenazi (Nazis), Society of Gesu ‘Jesuits’, Zionists=Gold Kings. “G” of Freemasonry. Temple of Juno was called Juno Moneta and is the origin of the word “Money”. Jesuits consider the highest collateral against the flesh as surety and performance of promissory notes was the human soul. Gaelic coileain meaning “young warrior” or “hound”=Blood Hounds; Bar means “stake or rod of iron used to fasten a door or gate”=Bab=Gate + Ilu ‘Allah’ and BabEl ‘YHWH’. It also means “ruling with a rod of iron” Dan 7:7. So now, the Jesuits controlled the British Sacred Penitentiary into which were placed the most valuable asset of all, souls cursed into Bars of Gold. mandatory requirement of Bar gold to be 999.9 percent pure is derived from 666.6=Tav ‘sign, mark, omen’ + XMass. Gold Bars, the origin of the name of the Bar Associations, the “reapers of souls”.

The birth of Jesus to a virgin in Bethlehem ‘House of Bread’ is symbolically connected to Virgo; Sept 29, 6bc is Virgo. ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen’ Amos 5:2KJV JESUS or Satan? Shatkona ‘The center of the divine lotus is the core’, the Six Pointed Star, the Tabernacle of Molech ‘Bull’ Amos 5:26KJV Gopala means “cowherd”—go means “cow,” and pala means “protector.”Black Virgin? ‘And his mother’s name was Naamah an Ammonitess… For they also built them high places, and images, and groves, on every high hill, and under every green tree. And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.’ 1 Ki 14:21;23-24KJV  Namaah, Noah’s wife, commited incest with her son Ham ‘Black’=Canaan, bringing the Curse across the Flood; she was daughter of Lamech, a Canaanite in Genesis 4:22 and of Solomon’s Ammonite (Ammonites originated by incest with Lot) wife and the mother of Rehoboam in 1 Kings 14:21, called ‘Queen Mother’=Easter; 9months later Saturn ‘STUR’=666 is born, the ‘Invincible Sun’
Male cult prostitutes of Yahweh/YHWH/El, ‘Qadesh’ ‘Holy’ are Sodomites aka Satans Sex. The Mother Goddess Cybele (Isis, Asherah, Ashtaroth) is impregnated at first light on Mar 25, the gives birth 9mo later at Dec 25. Kamala ‘Lotus’ Gopalan ‘Sacred Cow’=Kamal ‘Perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’, an Elohim; Hijra of India are castrated male devotees.
       Christmas is the birth of every false god; Christmas Trees are sacrifices to the Mother Goddess eg ‘Cybele’ for Natalis Solis Invictus  ‘Nativity of the Unconquered Sun’ Baal Berith the Baal of the Tree Covenant’ and El Berith ‘God of the Covenant’ “Baal-berith and El-berith of Judges 9:4,46 El is Satan. Báʿal (בַּעַל) and baʿl still serve as the words for ‘husband’ in modern Hebrew and Arabic respectively. The feminine form is baʿalah meaning ‘mistress’ in the sense of a female owner or lady of the house. Sacred Marriage/Divine Union or Marriage of the Lamb?

‘Nosferitu’`”the offensive one” or “the insufferable one” is Satan; the movie is due out Dec 25, 2024.


Horus=Apollo ‘Apollyon’ Rev 9:11 Polaris is ‘Lucifer’

Christmas-Hanukkah from Haifa to Ashdod

Capitol Christmas Tree - Wikipedia
Winter Solstice Is Celebrated At Stonehenge
The Rising Sun in the East Dec 21
A Yule goat on a Christmas tree.
Yule: Thu, Dec 21, 2023 – Mon, Jan 1, 2024; ‘Old Christmas’, riding a yule goat. Yule is the Wild Hunt, the god Odin, and the heathen Anglo-Saxon Mōdraniht (“Mothers’ Night”)
Christmas card God Jul 
Christmas song written by “Jews” aka Canaanites: “White Christmas” was composed by Irving Berlin who was born Israel Baline in Russia. “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” “A Holly, Jolly Christmas,” and “Silver and Gold” were  all written by Johnny Marks who grew up in an affluent Jewish family in Mt. Vernon, New York. He  formed the St. Nicholas Music company in 1949, where he wrote some of the most popular Christmas carols of the modern era. “Santa Baby” was written by two Jewish composers, Joan Javits and Phil Springer. Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home) was written in 1963, by the Jewish songwriting team of Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, and Phil Spector. “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” was written by Jewish lyricist Robert Wells. “Let it Snow” Raised in the Jewish immigrant lower east side of Manhattan, Samuel Cohen partnered with Jewish composer Jule Styne. “Walkin’ In a Winter Wonderland” was written by Jewish composer and conductor Felix Bernard “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” Written by Jewish duo George Wyle (born Bernard Weissman) and Eddie Pola (born Sidney Edward Pollacsek) in 1963, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Music by Jew Walter Kent (born Walter Maurice Kaufman), and words by Buck Ram (born Jewish and named Samuel Ram). “Silver Bells” was written Jewish duo, Ray Evans and Jay Livingston
[Picture: 28. Seal of Berith.]


Baal Berith (Hebrew: בעל ברית, lit.Baʿal of the Covenant’) and El Berith (Hebrew: אל ברית, lit.‘God of the Covenant’) “Baal-berith and El-berith of Judges 9:4,46 is YHWH”, as “ba’al was an epithet of YHWH worshiped in Shechem, in ancient Canaan. The Masoretes changed LORD to YHWH is El, the Canaanite god seen in BabEl El is Phoenician deity “the Most High” of Byblos (Bible) on the coast of present-day Lebanon (Laban ‘Make White’) Jacob made a Covenant with the LORD and called it Galeed; Laban, the Syrian called his Jegar-sahadutha in Chaldean Báʿal (בַּעַל) and baʿl still serve as the words for ‘husband’ in modern Hebrew and Arabic respectively. 

  • Baal-Berith = ”lord of the covenant” 1170 a god of the Philistines
  • Baal-Gad = “lord of fortune“ 1171 a city noted for Baal-worship, located at the most northern or northwestern point to which Joshua’s victories extended
  • Baal-Hamon = “lord (possessor) of abundance“ 1174 Baal-mammon, site of Solomon’s vineyard
  • Baal-Hermon or Baal-Chermon = “lord of destruction“ 1179 a city near or on Mount Hermon, named as a seat of Baal worship
  • Baal-Hazor = “lord of the village“ 1178 a town on the border between Ephraim and Benjamin
  • Baal-Meon = “lord of the habitation” 1186 a town in Reuben, mentioned in connection with Nebo, and in the time of Ezekiel, Moabite
  • Baal-Peor = “lord of the gap” 1187 the deity worshipped at Peor with probable licentious rites
  • Baal-Shalisha = “thrice-great lord“ 1190 a place in Ephraim near Gilgal
  • Baal-Tamar = “lord of the palms“ 1193 a place near Gibeah in Benjamin
  • Baal-Zebub = “lord of the flies” 1176 a Philistine god
  • Baal-Chatsor = “possessor of a court” 1178 a city between Ephraim and Benjamin
  • Baale-Bamoth = “lord of the high places” 1181 heights
  • Baal-Peratsim = “possesor of the breaches” 1188 a place in Palestine
  • Baal-Yehuda = “Baal of Judah” 1184 the center of Baal worship in Judah
Baal definition in Hebrew:
  • Baal – to marry, rule over, as husband, high, married, master, ruled 1166
  • Baal – owner, lord, bridegroom, relative by marriage 1167
  • Baal was the storm god. Elijah shut up the rain to prove that GOD is in charge of the rain not Baal. 1 Kings 8:35, 1 King 17:1.
  • Baal was known as a fertility god. Abraham and Sarah. Gen 11:31-32

Other than the Hebrew names of Baal, there are a number of names in other languages and cultures:

The Baal Principality has been called god of a thousand faces. Some of his other names are:
Apollo, Zeus, Marduk, Ahura-Mazda, Osiris, Tammuz, Dagon, Prometheus, Jupiter, Nimrod, Mithra, Ra, Lucetius, Dyaus, Dionysus, Hermes, Adonis, Pan, Hades, Eros, Uranus, Gaea, Assur, Merodach, Ninus, Shamas, Zeus-Belus, Bacchus, Shiva, etc.
Baal or El Berith ‘God of the Covenant’; Qoz (Qin in China)  is the Edomite god of the Rainbow; notice Molech the Bull, the Sun and Child sitting on the Rainbow depicted as an Angel; Kamal ‘Perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’ (Gopalan=Holy Cow)
Golden Lampstand

Aleph=ONE=Marduk literally means “bull calf of the sun,;Aleph forms over the US on April 8, 2024 symbolizing “bull calf of the sun”. Akitu is the Festival of triumphant return of Marduk aka Santa “Satan” Ho Ho Ho! Marduk is a barley god “…three measures of barley for a penny” Rev 6:6 Separating Wheat from the Tares is JESUS job! marru, translates as ‘bull-calf,’ although he was commonly referred to simply as Bel (Lord). Marduk was the patron god of the city of Babylon, where his temple tower, the ziggurat Etemenanki “Temple (that is) the foundation of the heavens and the earth” served as the model for the famous “Tower of Babel.” In the first millennium, he was often referred to as Bel, the Akkadian word for “Lord. Marduk “bull calf of the sun” is Sargon the Great “Legitimate King”. Ham “Black” =+ “Namaah  “loveliness”=Canaan “Black Nobility”; “merchant, trader”. “And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth” Gen 10:15 Sidon=Phoenicians “hunting”; Heth= Hittites “Terror“; Beth-El “House of El”=Luz “almond tree”; Jeroboam set up 2 Bull Calf Idols at Beth-El (Canaanite god) and Dan “Judge” (Close to the Phoenicians). Almond, shaked, is also translated “to watch”; the 7 branch candlestick (Jesus between 2 thieves) was replaced by the 8 armed menorah around Shamash “Sun” “Three bowls made like unto almonds” Ex 25:33 Aleph=ONE=Marduk literally means “bull calf of the sun,Aleph forms over the US on April 8, 2024 symbolizing “bull calf of the sun”. “And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers” Ex 26:34KJV. Father,Son, Holy Ghost, Word; JESUS “Father”, Jesus “Son”, Holy Ghost, Word. “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”  1 John 5:7KJV “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14KJV “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” Jn 1:17KJV The 4th bowl=JESUS! If you don’t have JESUS, the Holy Ghost, get it now!

Close-up of a menorah with a Star of David Poster Print (8 x 10)
7 Branched Candlestick (6 Branches around JESUS)  was replaced by the 9 Branched Candlestick (8 Branches around Shamash “Sun” and the Six Pointed Star “666” of Molech and Chiun (Saturn; Amos 5:26). Santa=Marduk “Bull Calf of the Sun”. 8 Reindeer? Baal is the Cretan Minotaur (1/2 man, 1/2 bull) Marduk=Baal=Bel “Lord”; symbolized by Bull Calf, with Santa, a Hittite god, a Solar Bull Calf. Moloch= A calf or an ox; a man with the head of a bull with arms outstretched, its body a furnace to roast infants; Moloch was actually the same god as Baal. Nisroch: a plank of wood, specifically from Noah’s Ark, which Sennacherib, the son of Sargon II the king of Assyria, worshipped as an idol The numerical value of the letter Het is eight; Santa is a Hittite god! Adramelech, Majestic King of the sun, a counterpart to Anammelech, the goddess of the moon 2 Ki 17:31 Flag=Laban

Pine Tree Flag

America’s First Flag

Engraving depicting the Assyrian winged god Nesroch in a mirror image either side of a symbolic tree. Dated 19th century.
Tree of Knowledge watered with Pine Cones; 3rd Eye ‘Pineal Gland’, the Mark of the Beast ‘666’ is put IN your Forehead
Why is the Moon Rabbit on the Moon - Mooncake Festival Dec 24 is the birth of the Arab Moon god “Sin”. The Rabbit is is the moon! Šanta was a god worshiped from the eighteenth century BC by Luwians and Hittites. Šanta is represented as AMAR.UTU an epithet Marduk. Santa is Marduk solar “calf of the sun“! God’s New Year 1 Nisan Akkadian (Nisanu) in the Babylonian and Hebrew calendars is the month of the barley ripening and first month of spring; Marduk, the Assyrian god is also an agriculture god; amazing coincidence, Not! Apr 8, 2024 the Solar Eclipse will complete an Aleph the solar “calf of the Sun”.  2 Nisan “Red Heifer” will likely prepared for the 3rd Temple; the Red Heifer has no blemish, and never worn a Yoke, and is 3 Yrs old; pretty good bet eh? Santa wears a Red Suit, is pulled by 8 Reindeer, Rudolph (noble wolf) has Red nose; Edom=Red. The date of the Akitu Festival 4 Nisan.
Ra the Sun god rises on Dec 25 Šanta was a god worshiped from the eighteenth century BC by Luwians and Hittites. Šanta is represented as AMAR.UTU an epithet Marduk. Santa is Marduk!


“Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen (Heath=Earth), and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven (Sun in northern hemisphere, reaches the lowest, and rises 3 days later on Dec 25) ; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest (Jesus was hung a Tree), the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good”. Jer 10:2-5KJV

“Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord‘s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.” Eze 8:14 Ezekiel expresses his “dismay” at yet a greater abomination: “women . . . weeping for Tammuz.” This is another pagan practice, a very sexual one involving ritual prostitution. The glory of the God of Israel departed by the same route Jesus (Lord) took when He was Crucified; He is the LORD!

Trees are set up Jer 10:2-5 to honor False Gods, and record kept by Baal-berith worshiped in Shechem in Canaan. Yahweh, YHWH, El as “ba’al was an epithet of YHWH. Jewish tradition states that so addicted were the Jews to his cult that they would carry an image of El in their pockets, producing it, kissing it from time to time, and making a Covenant “berit”


 Mar 25 “Hilaria” 9 Months prior to Christmas, ASHTAROTH (Easter, Ishtar, Astarte) is born. David Bowie (Bow=Qos the Edomite national god) in Omikron  “Ashtaroth made Omicron as a Soul prison”. Jesus was Conceived at Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication”, born at Feast of Tabernacles and Circumcised on the 8th Day of Tabernacles. Ashtaroth, boshet, “shame” is considered to be Great Duke of Hell. King Solomon, married to Phoenician wives and followed Astarte the goddess of the Sidonians” (1 Kings 11:5) the Queen of Heaven to whom the Canaanites burned offerings and poured libations (Jer 7:18; 44:18)

Columbia the son of Saturn stands atop the Capitol Rotunda at 19.5ft (Metonic Cycle) tall wearing a Liberty Crown, East (Rising Sun) her Back to her Nation, personifying America. Colonial America was known as “Columbia”. The Capital Dome represents the Womb of Zeus. She/he represents Manifest Destiny; the divinely ordained right of Columbia to expand its borders to the Pacific Ocean and beyond.

What Does That Mean? – U.S. Capitol Historical Society The Fasces (Bundle of Rods, bound by Red Edomite Cord, surrounding an Executioners Axe) is on either side of the Congressional Rostrum, the Lincoln Memorial, the doors of the Supreme Court and the Oval Office. The Fasces symbolizes Caesar “Czar” or “Tsar” “person with dictatorial powers”

Lady Justice Gold Images – Browse 2,887 Stock Photos ...Lady Justice is blindfolded holding a  Balance; there are A “Pair of Balances”  And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand” Rev 6:5

Amurru (god) - Wikipedia
Amuru was a divine representation of the Amorites in areas west of Mesopotamia; descendants of Canaan, the son of Ham (Gen. 10:16) is “Cursed”. Amurru is a shepherd and the son of Anu sky-god, the god of heaven; Zeus, is synonymous with Satan. Amaru is a huge double-headed serpent that dwells underground; “snake”. The land of Amaru is called Aram Gen 10:16 aka Syria or Assyria.

Scutum Fidel

Ever wonder why there are no Holidays called: Saturnalia, Hanukkah, Christmas? “Advent, from the Latin adventus, means the “coming” or “arrival” of the Christ Child and is marked by the four Sundays preceding Christmas or XMass.  Noahide Law (“Jewish” and “Christian”) and Shariah Law (Muslim) require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only Unforgivable Sin. BabylON, BabyEl, BabIlu are all the same “Green Man” the Pale Horse and “Allah” Arabic al-Ilāh, “the God.” The name’s origin can be traced to the earliest Semitic writings in which the word for god was il, El, or eloah; Elohim, the plural of אֱלוֹהַּ‎ Ĕlōah, is a Hebrew word meaning “gods”. Eloh “God” is cognate with Allah “God”  or El “God”=Molech=Saturn worshipped yearly at Christmas and in the end at the Age of Aquarius. Saturn is Sol Invictus. Ho, Ho, Ho!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023, Saturn is going to transit into its native zodiac sign, Aquarius. Saturn will remain in Aquarius till March 29, 2025 Saturnalia Dec 17-23, 2023; The birth of the Arab moon god “Sin” Dec 24 The only Holy Days that will remain is Easter and Christmas. 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah will be killed mid-week “70th Week” Dan 9:23-25; the Solar Solstice Dec 20? and Rise again Dec 23;the Day of Wrath would be Dec 24 The birth of the Arab moon god “Sin” Saturnas Capricornus is the Goat and reason for the Trilothon at Stonehenge; Jesus separates Goats from the Sheep

Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. Jer 10:2-5

Purim 6-7 Mar; Sun exits Aquarius Mar 7 (1290 Days)Passover April 5-13 (1260 Days) to Feast of Tabernacles (Oct 6-13, 2025);1335 Days? Feast of Tabernacles is going to be Jesus’ return date Zech 14:16-18; the last 8 days is the final week; 2 Witnesses killed mid-week; 8th day the day of Wrath


Baal-Berith “Lord of the Tree Covenant”: Keeper of infernal pacts with Satan (Santa), aka YHWH, Addonai, El, Saturn; Chief secretary of Hell; Demon of Blasphemy; Instigator of Arguments, often depicted wearing a Red Suit, riding a Red Horse. Berit means Covenant and Circumcision. Jer 10 warns against cutting and setting up Trees aka Groves used to worship Baal; Jer 7 warns against baking cakes for the Queen of Heaven aka Ashtaroth (Easter), yet Christians overwhelmingly fall into this trap. The Frog in this depiction of Baal-Berith represents the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13)

OSIRIS ‘Green One’ is born Dec 25; Bab=Gate + On=BabylOn

An Ethiopian-Sudanese God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 3,000 YEARS before Jesus.
A Nepal God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 563 YEARS before Jesus.
An Indian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 900 YEARS before Jesus.
An Iranian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 1,000 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 800 YEARS before Jesus.
A Persian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin- 600 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 500 YEARS before Jesus.
A Babylonian God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 400 YEARS before Jesus.
A Greek God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.
A Phoenician God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 200 YEARS before Jesus.

A Roman God, born 25th December, by a Virgin around 30 AD. Not Quiet!

“On the 24th of the tenth month,” that is December, according to our reckoning, the Arabians celebrated the BIRTHDAY OF THE LORD–that is the Moon.”- Stanley’s Sabian Philosophy.

Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles 29 Sep 6BC,Circumcised on the 8th Day of Tabernacles (The only 8 Day Feast; Lk 1-2)  Crucified between 2 Thieves on 1 Tree (Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 2 Pet 2:24; John 19:31) 331/2 years later at Passover (Mat 27:62, Luke 23:54, Mark 15:42, John 19:42). “Day of the Wren”, “St Stephen’s Day”  and a “Bank Holiday” occur Dec 26. COVID 19 began with the Solar Corona on Dec 26, 2019 Stephen was the first person Stoned; Christopher Wren designed 311 steps to the top of the Coronavirus Monument It was “Classified” a Global Pandemic on 3/11 “Purim”. The Wren was clever, he hid in the Eagle Wings and was able to get higher. 

Himyarite 9 Branch Menorah Abraham was instructed to leave Ur of the Chaldees; “Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD”. Aramaic-speaking people indigenous to Iraq; “Babylon “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? “My God, my God, why hast thou fosaken me? (Chaldean Priests reject the Holy Ghost) Satan responded by “…smoting Job with sore boils from the sole of his feet to his crown” Job 1:22-2:10 “In all this did not Job sin with his lips” Himyarites are the ancient Sabaean (Saba=Sunrise) kingdom of southwestern Arabia; “On the 24th of the tenth month,” that is December, according to our reckoning, the Arabians celebrated the BIRTHDAY OF THE LORD–that is the Moon.”– Stanley’s Sabian Philosophy The 8 branched Hanukkah Menorah, (Hebrew word Chanukah means “dedication,”) a Chaldean Six Pointed Star is added to the 9th Shamash (Sun Lion). Shamash, (Akkadian), Sumerian Utu, in Mesopotamian religion, the god of the sun, who, with the moon god, Sin (Sumerian: Nanna), and Ishtar (Sumerian: Inanna), the goddess of Venus, was part of an astral triad of divinities. Shamash was the son of Sin.

Santa Claus Old Nick: A well-known British name of the Devil. Nicholas is one of the most common devil’s names in German, a name that remains today when Satan is referred as Old Nick. In these plays, the devil’s common entry line, known as the “devil’s bluster,” was “Ho! Ho! Hoh!” Santa Claus originated from a character identified as the devil or Satan. Santa Claus is also derived from the Dutch Sinter Klaas, which also was a form of Saint Nicholas. Santa Claus another anagram for “Satan” and “Lucas”Lucas & Lucis are new-age “code words”for Lucifer. The name of the Antichrist in the Left Behind series? Nicolae “Nick” Carpathia, of course. In fact, one of the books in titled, Nicolae, The Rise of the Antichrist. Revelation, Tribulation, & Judgment, the Antichrist just so happens to be played by none other than the actor “Nick” Mancuso. American Slang defines the slang word nick: to rob or steal. Satan (Thor as well) is symbolized by the lightning bolt (Luke 10:18). Thor was “nicknamed” “Klaus of the cinders” or “Sinter Klaus” (a.k.a Santa Claus), born on Dec 25. This wreath of holly represented the crown of thorns that Jesus wore when He was crucified and the red berries are symbolic of the blood He shed.


Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles (29 Sept, 6 bc) and Circumcised on the 8th Day of Tabernacles.  “Zecharias, of the course of Abia (8th 8 day Temple Service in June)…as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived (Nativity of St John is June 24th), and hid herself five months…in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God (Hanukkah/Festival of Lights December 24th, 6 months after Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist)…Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary…the Lord is with thee (Jesus is LORD)…thou shalt conceive in thy womb and …shalt call his name JESUS…thy cousin Elisabeth …also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren…when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost.
A decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed (Fiscal Year is September-October)…when Cyrenius was governor of Syria…Joseph also went…out of the city of Nazareth…into the city of David…Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered (Feast of Tabernacles 15 Tishrei; 29 Sept, 6bc). And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn; (Tabernacles was the Feast of Ingathering, everyone attended. In addition Caesar Augustus chose the dated for all to retain to the place of their birth for the “Census”)…there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night (Shepherds bring their flocks out of the mountains by October)….and when eight days (8 Days of Tabernacles) were accomplished for the circumcising of the child (Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant Law by being Circumcised on the 8th Day)… his name was called JESUS Luke 1, Mat 1:25 JESUS=JAH (Ps 68:4KJV)=JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3KJV)
To sum all this up, John the Baptist was conceived on Nativity of St John on 24 June and born 9 months later on Passover; Jesus was conceived when John was 6 months in the womb during Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) and born 9 months later on Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei); He was a “Young Child” of 1 1/2 when the Wise Men arrived in the Spring of 4 bc, the exact time Herod died for ordering the “Slaughter of Innocents”.

Hanukkah comes from the 8 Day Miracle, 8 Nights of Light from 1 Day of Oil; its called Festival of Lights; Sages say: “All numbered ‘seven ‘are mundane while ‘eight’ is unique to G-d. G-D, Yahweh, YHVH, Adonai=Satan

Flag of Lebanon

Gilead is named after Galeed “Heap of Witness” Jacob chose God Gen 31:45-48 Laban chose the Chaldean version Jeger-sahadutha. Lebanon (Phoenicia) is named after Laban. The Pine Tree Flag is the Flag of Lebanon and was the US first Flag, first used as the Flag of New England; America is the Phoenix of the New Age. Baal-Berith is Lord of the Tree Covenant and Chief Secretary of Hell for Infernal Pacts made with Satan The Flag has the inscription “An appeal to Heaven” or “An appeal to God”; this God however is Satan aka G-D, YHWH, the God of Rabbis. Chaldean Priests went by the title “Rba”, the source of Rabbi.

Etrog (Citroen):  Apple split in 2 5 pt star Earth, Air, Fire, Water, aether, the 4 terrestrial elements + Quintessence; Ancient Greek: Αἰθήρ (Brightness). The fifth element refers to what was known as the aether, a special unknown substance that permeated the celestial sphere and was purer than any of the four terrestrial elements. Split the other way the Heart (Heart=Baal) forms; replaces the Apple Tree was not in the garden. One midrash suggests that the etrog, not the apple, was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Tabernacles is changed to Sukkot=Satan and 7 days (no Holy Ghost).


Christmas the Hittite-Khazar-Masorete “Tradition” of YHWH. Saturn (YHWH), Osiris (On or El seen in BabylOn and BabEl), Horus (KRST), Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster (Undiluted Star=Black Sun), Hercules, Mithras, Dionysus, Tammuz (Tam=Purify + Muz=Fire), Hermes, Adonis (Adonnai=Lord) and Sol were born Dec 25, the Nativity of Sol Invictus; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles Sept 29, 6 bc. “Learn not the way of the Heathen…” Jer 10 The reason for the season is Baal the son of El/Saturn. Baal-berith “Lord of the Covenant” is symbolized by the Evergreen/Palm Tree set up at Hanukkah and Christmas. Baal-Berith “Lord of the Tree Covenant”: Keeper of infernal pacts with Satan (Santa), aka YHWH, Addonai, El, Saturn; Chief secretary of Hell; Demon of Blasphemy; Instigator of Arguments, often depicted wearing a Red Suit, riding a Red Horse. Berit means Covenant and Circumcision; Cretans are “They of the Circumcision” Titus 1:10; today we call them Reverend. Jer 10 warns against cutting and setting up Trees aka Groves used to worship Baal; Jer 7 warns against baking cakes for the Queen of Heaven aka Ashtaroth (Easter), yet Christians overwhelmingly fall into this trap. The Frog in this depiction of Baal-Berith represents the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13); the #1 Commandment in the Old Covenant “Have no other Gods before me”; the #1 Commandment in the New Covenant “Love God with all your heart and soul” Christmas is a celebration of most every false god.

Star of the Magi

The Conjunction of Earth, Sun and Black Sun occurs Dec 25. Dec 25 is no more possible than Jan 6 “3 Kings Day” being the date the Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem. Perhaps significant is the 666 days between Purim 3/11/20 3 Kings Day 2022 the day Coronavirus was “Classified” a Pandemic by the WHO and 3 Kings Day Jan 6, 2022 “Feast of Epiphany”. Either way, the reason for the season is Saturn. Egyptians aligned the Pyramids with Orion’s Belt Orion “Heaven’s Light”, a representation of Osiris “Saturn”; they align with Sirius (Al Qalb; Mormon Kolob, the Blazing Star of Freemasonry) the Star of Isis “Throne” and also with the Rising Sun.

Saturn’s apparent orbit is described by 2 Mathematical Foci; one lies inside the boundary of the Visible Sun and the other called the Black Sun outside Earth’s apparent orbit located in the constellation Capricorn the Saturnian Goat. On Dec 25 the Visible Sun appears to Rise from Earth’s perspective at 3 deg Capricorn, and with it the Black Sun or Invisible Sun; hence Saturn was called the Rising Sun. Worship of the Rising Sun caused the Glory of the LORD (Holy Ghost) to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8) and Jesus to take the same route. Mat 2:1-12 tells the story: Wise Men from the East followed a Star in the East that went before them until they arrived at Bethlehem. The Star they followed is Saturn’s Foci rising in the East with the Sun and rising again in the East as the Black Sun as the visible sun sets in the west.  The Christ Child the Magi were searching for was the son of Saturn known by a dozen names. The Magi arrived in the spring of 4 bc; Jesus was by then a “Young Child” (Mat 2:8) in Egypt (Mat 2:13)

Notice the 2 light sources: Christus is Latin for “Annointed One” from Arab Masha; Hebrew Masiah “Annoint”. Mormo is “King of the Ghouls; God of the Graveyard and God of the living Dead”. Mormons regard God the Father as Elohim, plural for El the Canaanite creator El “Great One” with Yahweh, the revealed Sacred Name. Rabbi is derived from al Rab “Great One” the title of Chaldean and Sabean (Saba means Rising Sun) Priests “Rba”; this is why Jesus warned to never call anyone Rabbi (Mat 23:8). Masoretes (Scribes; Masorete means “Tradition”) introduced YHWH, the Rabbinical Tetragammaton, the ineffable name written as G-D. Saturn’s apparent elliptical orbit has 2 Foci, one inside the Sun, one outside between the apparent orbits of Jupiter and Saturn called the Black Sun or Black Star; this is the light source illuminating the Christus. On Dec 24 Earth, Sun and Black Sun align; worship of the Rising Sun caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon’s Temple (Eze 8); rejection of Jesus as Messiah 640 years later caused the Glory of the LORD to depart by the exact same path. Worship of Christmas will soon cause the exact same removal of the Holy Ghost from New Covenant “Human” Temples. In the fall of 1321 the last Cathar Perfecti was executed predicting “In 700 years the laurel will grow green again” the Laurel Crown represents the Anointing of Bacchus/Dionysus/Osiris, all names of Saturn/El/Yahweh/YHWH.

The Sun “Solis Invictus” and the ‘Black Star’ Saturn aligns is Capricorn (Goat) on Dec 25;

Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; Satan is born on Christmas, symbolized in the sky (Above) as the constellation Orion. X-Mass refers to Orion (Osiris/Saturn) forming an X in the Sky and his son Marduk/Zeus/Jupiter/Horus aka Planet X forming an X across the ecliptic.  Orion is Akkadian for “Heaven’s Light” and on Earth (Below) by the Pyramids of Egypt.  The annual “Going forth of Wadjet” (Wadjet means “Green One”) is Dec 25, a symbol of Leo (Regulus “King/Law Giver” and the Sickle “Saturn”) and the Sphinx which stared at his reflection when the Axis of the Earth pointed in the opposite direction. Christmas obviously has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
“That which is above shall become that which is below” shortened to “As Above, So Below” is the opening line of the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes; according to the Zohar (Book of Light, Splendour), the Green Sapphire “Schethiya” is the precious stone of Lucifer’s Crown upon which the Emerald Tablet was written. When Satan is cast to Earth at the 5th Trumpet 1st Woe ! at Rev 9:11 all Hell will break loose.

The Creation Week was on Feast of Tabernacles. Armageddon will be on Feast of Tabernacles when Creation is 6000 Years old. The 8th day will be God’s Wrath. Gog and Magog will be on Feast of Tabernacles when Creation is 7000 Years. Jesus requires celebration of His birth on Feast of Tabernacles during the Millennium (Zech 14:16; 18). Satan will be imprisoned in the Bottomless Pit during the Millennium (Rev 20:7). Satan will be free to deceive everyone on Earth to celebrate his birth at Saturnalia under names such as Mithra, Attis, Horus, Tammuz, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Beddou, Dionysus, Bacchus, Liber, Quetzalcoatl etc

Christmas celebrates the Death of Jesus as Christ (Messiah)  “Christ + Mass”, replacing God with the death/re-birth of Saturn/Satan the “Black Star” or “Primeval Sun”. The Magi arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was 1 1/2 and already in Egypt with Mary and Joseph; the Christmas Magi are the 3 Kings in the Belt of Orion aka Osiris/Saturn; Mintaka “Belt”, Al Nilam “Sapphire” and Al Nitak “Girdle” Orion (Osiris/Saturn), the brightest of all of the constellations, is associated with Taurus “Bull” (Zeus “White Bull”); Orion foretells the Second Coming of Christ, but which Christ?
Orion (Saturn/Osiris) means “Coming Forth as Light”; Lucifer is the “Light Bringer”. Orion is the picture of a warrior preparing to crush the serpent just as Ursa Major “Great Bear” pictures a Water Pourer in Baptism and Taurus “Bull”; but Bee (Chaldean for Word) careful in the interpretation. Orion Star names Saiph “Bruised” in one foot and Rigel “Foot that Crushes” in the foot raised above the serpent leave no doubt that the triumph of Christ is shown.

Baal-bereth “Lord the the Tree Covenant” Ba’al was either equated with Satan or considered his main lieutenant. 9 months between Easter and Christmas; this is Ashtaroth “Easter”



The # 1 Commandment in both Old and New Covenant “THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME” Ex 20:3; Matt 22:37   Baal-Berith “Lord of the Tree Covenant”: Keeper of infernal pacts with Satan (Santa), aka YHWH, Addonai, El, Allah, Saturn; Chief secretary of Hell; Demon of Blasphemy; Instigator of Arguments, often depicted wearing a Red Suit, riding a Red Horse. Berit means Covenant and Circumcision. Jer 10 warns against cutting and setting up Trees aka Groves used to worship Baal; Jer 7 warns against baking cakes for the Queen of Heaven aka Ashtaroth (Easter), yet Christians overwhelmingly fall into this trap. The Frog in this depiction of Baal-Berith represents the spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet (Rev 16:13)




Orion: X=Greek Chi=Christ aka Planet X (Planet of the Crossing aka Jupiter/Marduk/Zeus aka The Ferryman) The upper stars Betelgeuss “The Coming of the Branch” (Arth=Branch=King Arthur guide of the Big Dipper and Age of Aquarius, the age ruled by Saturn) and Bellatrix “Swiftly Destroying”; Jesus certainly does this, but so does Antichrist the 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:. In the center of the “X” is the “Belt of Orion” consisting of three stars Alnitak “The Wounded One” in the side of Orion, reminding us of Christ’s wound in the side, but equally the wounded Antichrist in Rev 13:3. Al Nilam “Sapphire” one of the stones in Lucifer’s covering Eze 28:13; Green Sapphire “Lapis Exilis” or Schethiya is listed in the Zohar as the stone of Lucifer’s Crown in his fall from grace, which was used to fashion the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes. Mitaka “Belt”.
The 3 Belt Stars in China (symbolized by the Red Dragon) represent the “Weighing Beam”; recall the Black Horse precedes the Pale Horse whose name is Death and Hell follows; the Pale Horse is “Antichrist”.  The 3 belt stars are repesented on Earth by the Pyramids of Egypt real Magi of the Nativity Natalis Solis Invicti (Nativity of the Unconquered Sun) Solis Invicti is the Primeval Sun “Saturn” represented by the Six Pointed Star of Saturn/El/Osiris/Allah/Chiun/Molech/Sikkuth/Chemosh. Orion is home to the Stellar Cloud M-42, pictured as a Sword hanging from the Belt. M=13th letter; the 42 month Great Tribulation begins at Rev 13.
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; Satan dies and is re-born annually like the Snake that represents him.

“Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree…” Is 57:5 “For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are as upright as the palm tree…” Jer 10:3-5 Presents? Idols. Ornaments? Sacrifices Lights? Lucifer. Palmyra, Syria “City of Palms” was where children were sacrificed to Molech suring Saturnalia.
 God ordained 7 Holy Feasts Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles, the latter representing the birth of Jesus Christ lasted 8 days because He is the 8th Covenant between God and Man.

    Nazar means “Sanctify one’s self in service to God”; Nazarene means “From Nazareth”; Nazarites such as Samson or John the Baptist have nothing to do with being a Nazarene like Jesus Christ. Bethlehem Mayor Victor Batarseh began Christmas festivities today by lighting the Christmas Tree and commemorating the Wise Men witnessing the star over the birth of the Prince of Peace on Dec 25th; that too has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; rather it is “Sol Invictus”.
“Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with an axe. They deck it with silver and with gold…” Jer 10:2-4 Perhaps it is written in the 10th chapter because December means “Tenth” as does “Tithe”; what Tithe? Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and consumption of a suitable host.
Jeremiah warned against Saturnalia aka Sol Invictus celebrations at the fall of Jerusalem; hence, after the Crucifixion, Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8. During the Inter-testament period, Hanukkah rose from the 2nd Temple period when God was silent (Silent Night? Oh yeah; Holy Night? Absolutely not); Macabbees cleansed the altar where a pig had been slain and re-dedicated it on 25 Kislev, but God was not there, having departed to heaven as described in Eze 8 by the same route He would take in flesh. The date was chosen because it was 2160 years after Sargon the Great had been declared “Legitimate King” in Babylon as Taurus gave way to Aries; now Aries was giving way to Pisces; soon Phoenician/Nabataean “Fish” (Labrys) symbols would be accepted by Gnostics such as Nazarenes, Ebionites, Essenes (Dead Sea Scrolls), Theraputae (Nag Hamadi texts by Philo and Origen) and slowly infused into Judaism and Christianity with the Hexagram, Cross (Tau), and Tree, all pagan symbols.
What separates a Gnostic from a Born Again Christian is the Divinity of Jesus Christ; Gnostics desire Freedom (Hellenes) and Liberty (Libertines) from God. Nazarene texts like the “Gospel of Q” (Q=Quelle “Source”) and “Gospel of the Hebrews” declare Jesus to be a Wise Sage, Ascended or Evolved Master or Avatar, not God in Flesh. Jesus is however “Alpha”;  “Melchisedek”, author of the Abrahamic Covenant, authority of King David and the flesh who sprang from Judah to author the New Covenant (ref Gen 14:8; Ps 110; Heb 7). He instructed Moses to construct a 7 branched candlestick because He would be Crucified between 2 thieves and nailed to the Tree. The 8 branched Menorah like Hanukkah and Christmas (Purim as well) are Gnostic additions to God’s plan, Consecrated with His physical blood and that of His followers. The New Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant; Time to separate from these heathen ways and become Holy, the Ekklesia Church Jesus established.
                                                                             Festival of Lights
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; Sol is born on Festival of Lights. Santa is a Hittite God. The Santa Claus story began in Mesopotamia shortly after the Flood; the Vernal Equinox sunrise transitioned from Taurus to Aries (Supreme Ram, Lamb, Spring) as Sargon the Great (2382BC-2327BC) was pronounced “Legitimate King” of Akkad. A myth was attached to Sargon; born to a fallen priestess of Azupia (location of Babylon; the name signifies game tables, cards, chess, or dice) who broke her vow of chastity to remain a virgin (precuror to Vestal Virgins); the child Sargon (Legitimate King) is found in a basket (Bari means Boat, Barge or Basket; Malcolm X took the name Mallik El Shabazz where Malik=Moloch; El=Phoenician creator; Shah=Persian/Aryan King; Azz=Royal Eagle=Oz; Eagle the symbol of Esau; Malcolm=Milcom the Ammonite god and X the symbol of the Egyptian Osiris) made of dirt and pitch floating down the Euphrates River by a shepherd named Aggi “Water Bearer”. Exodus 1 describes Pharoah ordering 1st born sons cast into the Nile; this to preclude Moses, also found floating in the Nile, saving Israel from the Hyksos (Amalekite=Edomite) rulers. Rome has similar myths concerning Remus and Romulus floating in the Tiber River. Herod would later order the “Slaughter of Innocents”, but Jesus had been taken to Egypt by night for protection. Zeus (White Bull), Isis, Horus, Krishna, Mithras and similar myths follow this tradition of Vernal Equinox “Conception” at First Light on Dies Solis “Sunday” and birth 9 months later at the Solar Solstice. Jesus was conceived during Feast of Dedication “Hanukkah” (Elisabeth’s 6 month of pregnancy with John the Baptist) and born 9 months later at Feast of Tabernacles; Chritmas is Dies Natalis Solis Invictus “Birth of the invincinble sun”.
Emperor Constantine rallied Christians to Osiris (Solar) worship claiming to see an “X” in the sky with the motto “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign conquer); X repreents the rising and setting points of the Solstice Sun  In 321 AD, he proclaimed Sunday “Dies Solis” a day of Christian worship. His mother Helena (Hellene means Free Stone/Foundation) changed “Tree” to “Cross” by allegedly finding pieces of 3 Crosses and 3 Nails 300 years after the Crucifixion. Jesus was however Nailed to the Tree between 2 thieves forming the 7 branched candlestick He ordered Moses to construct some 1500 years earlier; the 7th “Old Covenant” was over. Constantine’s representative, St Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (Gnostic Nicolaitane; Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD brought the name “Nick” (To Conquer) by elevating a clergy above the laity as an intermediary between Man (Flesh) and God (Spirit) through Jesus Christ (God in Flesh). Priests, Imams and Rabbis fill these Satanic roles today.
The Nicholas Cult moved into Bari (Basket) Italy in 1097, replacing Pasqua Epiphania (Grandmother) with Old Nick; the filling of stockings hanging on the hearth came from Amenita Muscaria (Amen “So be it” the Egyptian creator god became Amun Ra=Supreme Sun) gathered by Nordic Shaman descending the smoke hole to dry the “Flesh of Adonis” on the hearth. Old Nick’s long hair (Comets=Long Hairs; Merovingian Monarchs were called “Long Haired Monarchs”), a reversal of 1 Cor 11:14 (Jesus was neither White, nor did He have long hair), and a likely influence of the Lombards “Long Beards”, a matriarchal pagan culture united by Charlemagne with Angles, Saxons and Merovingians. These WASP’s soon formed the Protestant Churches under the Rosicrucian (Order of Rose and Cross) Martin Luther and John Calvin nee Cohen, a name derived from false Samaritan Priests “Kohanim”.
In 1809, Washington Irving (Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote the “Knickerbocker Story” using the name “Santa Claus”, adding reindeer and the white beard of “Old Nikar” (Ismaelis worshipped a figure called the “Old Man of the Mountain”; same guy).
In 1822, Union Theological Seminary’s, Dr Clement Moore wrote “Twas the night before Christmas…” giving 8 reindeer led by the red (Edomite) nose and a sleigh to the story; recall the Abrahamic covenant was not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan; Ishmael and Esau disobeyed; 8 is the number associated with eternity and the 8th Covenant between God and Man through Jesus Christ “Melchisedek” (Priest of the Most High). The sleigh is none other than the solar chariot of Adonis, Attis, Horus or Mithras.
From 1862-1886 (Sovereign Freemason Albert Pike wrote WWIII would pit Islam against Zionism around this time as well) Santa Claus cartoon images gave him his home at the North Pole and legion of Elves. Qutb means Axis; Sayyid means descendant of Quyrash Bedouins, the fake “Rebel Priests” during Moses and Aaron’s day led by Korah; Sayyid Qutb originated the term Al Qaeda “Solid Foundation” ie the World Axis or Pole under the constellation “Draco” the Celestial Dragon.
In 1931, the red suit of the Nordic Shaman, red cheeks (flushed cheeks come from hallucinogenic Amenita Muscaria mushrooms) and his fat jolly figure was added by Coca Cola and Swedish (Dec 13 is St Lucia Day “Bride of Light” in Sweden) artist Haddon Sundblom. Finally, in 1933, the year Hitler made the Reich Concordat with the Catholic Church, 33Mason, WWII architect, FDR assigned Thanksgiving to the last Thor’s Day in November for making Christmas a month long commercial holiday.
Sargon the Great was followed by Sargon II when Assyrians captured and replaced the 10 tribes of Israel. Sargon III will (my best guess) be proclaimed “Legitimate King” Christmas of 2012; this rider of the Pale Horse will bring presents of spiritual Death and Hell; the hallucinogenic Amenita Muscaria mushrooms “Strong Delusion” will fulfill Satan’s desire to be as God, sitting on His throne in the north, his reindeer rotating the stars of heaven around the World Tree. Merry Christmas? Not on my watch.
As a side note; on Dec 21, 2011, the CERN Large Hadron Collider using the ATLAS (Primordial Titan who supports the heavens ie the World Pillar/Tree; Atlantis “Isle of Atlas”) detector claimed to have discovered its first elementary particle with a quality called “Beauty”, referred to as “Chi” (Christ) represented by the Greek letter “X”; together with its Anti-quark form the “Strong Force” in the nucleus of the Atom. It’s designation 63p coincidentally matches the years since Israel’s “Declaration of Independence” in 1948. Why a “p”? Chi-Rho is the symbol of the Crowned Osiris.
    X, Greek Chi=Messiah “Zeus/Jupiter” the son of Saturn. Jupiter “Planet X” makes an X across the Ecliptic; hence X-Mass, a symbol used by Constantine the Great to destroy Christianity. Christmas, he Sacrifice and Resurrection of the Old Sun “Saturn”, goes by various names such as the Egyptian Horus; Babylonian Tammuz aka Dumuzi or Dumuzi Apsu; Assyrian Shamash “Sun”, the center Candle on Hanukkah Menorah,  Persian Mithras, Phrygian Attis, Greek Adonis or Hercules, Hindu/Gond Krishna, Phoenician Melqart. MLK means Lord; Moloch, Melek, Melek Taus and Marduk all mean “Son of the Sun” ie the Black Sun “Saturn”.
     Santa is the Hittite (mixed blood Canaanites/Ishmaelites/Edomites)  “God of the West”. Once a ½ goat, ½ human figure in Bohemia called “Sinterklass” or “Krampus”; he was originally introduced to the Christian Church by the Gnostic Nicolaitanes (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity); this is why most “Christian” Churches have some form of Santa, Tree, Lights, Presents and Advent celebration; they are Anti-Christian. Sinterklass was then tied to the figure of St Nicholas of Myra, perhaps an influential priest for Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century. Galatians of Turkey came to be called “Boii”; Boihaemum “Home of the Boii” became Bohemia (France-Germany), Boii in Italy became Umbrians, Sabines, Etruscans, Boii in Spain were Celtiberians (Celts on Iberia) and in Brittany (Amorica) they were Druids (Bards, Ovates also). Galli were similarly eunuch priests of Attis in Galatia (Turkey); France=Gaul. Celt means “Warrior”; Bohemiam refers to persons who do not live under laws or moral customs of the land they occupy eg Gypsies or Bohemians eg Bohemian Grove in Santa Rosa “Red Saint”. God’s throne is in Heaven in the north; Satan’s throne was north of Jerusalem in Pergamos and now resides in the Berlin Museum as the “Throne of Zeus”. Santa is married, wears Red, has hordes of demon helpers, knows everyone’s thoughts, is everywhere in the world at the same time on the Solstice, is guided by a flying reindeer with a Red “Edomite” nose and he has a white beard just like the Norse god Odin or the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl. Nordic Shaman collected Hallucinogenic Red and White “Amanita Muscaria” mushrooms, using Reindeer who became intoxicated eating them, from under Evergreen Trees; they stuffed them into sacks, they descended through Smoke Holes in Village Yurts, and dried them on the Hearth; villagers consumed them as the Flesh of Adonis. Christmas and Santa have nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus.
        Christmas is Yule “Geole”; the last day of Saturnalia is called “Yule Tide”. “Brumalia” (Brum means shortest day) began on Nov 24th and lasted 30 days in honor of Bacchus aka Dionysus; Roman soldiers chose a “Mock King” for these 30 days before slitting his throat on the altar of the Temple of Saturn in Rome “Saturni”. Yule Logs are femurs of sacrifice victims, often burned in wicker effigies “Wicker Men” or sacrificed on altars at ritual sites such as Stonehenge. Their ashes and screams read to foretell the future by Druid Priests; their bones made into Celtic “Runes”. The Christmas Tree is a modern soft pedaled “Grove Ritual”. First born “Birthright” or “First Fruits” children were often the required sacrifice. The Cross of Tammuz and Egyptian “Ankh” (Cross with handle) replaced the “Tree”. 6 places where “Tree” is used in the KJV, new versions make the change to “Cross”. It’s “Tree” because Deut 21:23 specifies “Tree” not “Cross”. This “Trojan Horse” allowed an Idol to be called “Christian Cross” and the Dedication of the Temple of Saturn to become Christmas. Tammuz “Unconquered Son” became “Thor” in Bohemia; Thor’s Oaks were merely modern Oaks of Bashan (Eze 27:6) for Grove Rituals. The oaks were believed to be incarnations of Og, the giant king of the Canaanite kingdom “Bashan”. Yule essentially fertilizes the earth “Geole” with the blood of the host giving new life to the “Sol Invictus” the “Alternative or Anti-Christ”.
        Prior to the Gregorian calendar reforms, St Lucia Day “Christingle” was the solstice celebration on Dec 13th. Lucia “Queen of Light” was selected, dressed in white and red sash and attended by young boys wearing red beards. This refers back to Jacob and Laban’s Red and White Stripes “Strakes” used to breed stronger cattle (ref Gen 30:32-43). Esau chose Laban’s way to be made white; the red beards representing Esau being born Red. Some Swedes observe this today as “Little Yule”. The Red Sash, Red Beard was like the Red Rose was said to have been washed by the blood of Adonis, contained in Holly Berries and Mistletoe grown on oaks. On “Little Yule” an orange pierced by a candle represents the Light of Lucifer liberated by the Sun.
         On 25 Kislev 164 BC, Judas Maccabeas “Hammer of God” cleansed and re-dedicated the 2nd Temple in response to Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificing a pig on the altar. No random date, this being the 2160 years after the equinox sunrise precessed from from Taurus to Aries at the birth of Sargon I “Legitimate King”, now to Pisces. 2160 years later the birth of Sargon III with an possible revealing on the 2012 Christmas week.  How does one cleanse (atone) Sins against God? The same incident will be repeated when Antichrist sets up the Abomination and the result will be the same. Man cannot cleanse the Temple of the LORD; once defiled, it will be destroyed. 25 Kislev is celebrated by Talmudic Rabbis (actually Gnostics in Priest Robes) as the day 41 years after creation when Cain killed Abel and the “Chanukah Miracle” (also a lie). 1 day of oil burned 8 days beginning on 25 Kislev gave rise to Chanukah and the 9 Branched Menorah; 8 candles for 8 days surrounding the center candle “Shamash”. Had Jews recognized the 7 branched candlestick (The Law) was being Crucified (Jesus in the midst of 2 Thieves is 6 uplifted arms surrounding the Saviour) and heeded Jesus’ warning that the Pharisees were anything but Jewish, the Age of Grace would have been unnecessary. Had the world wondered why the center candle was called “Shamash”, the Assyrian sun god and Goat Idol “Ashima” of the Amorites and “men of Hamath” (Canaanites descended of incest in 2 Kings 17:30), things would be quite different. Today, if Jews would read the Words of Amos 5:26 rather than the Talmud, they would know why “Shamash” usually has a Six Pointed Star on it; it’s the Star of Moloch and Chiun (Saturn). The Chanukah Menorah is in fact the Tabernacle of Satan (Santa), serving the same purpose as the “Grove” (Christ-Mass Tree) does for undiscerning Christians. If we looked at this time of year from God’s perspective, we would toss the Tree (Grove) and Mistletoe (Branch of Adonis), toss the Menorah (8 Contracts or Saved surrounding Shamash), toss the Santa (Nordic Shaman) story, and stop lighting our homes as if the date were Feast of Tabernacles (aka Festival of Lights), the real birthday of God in flesh. The Christmas ham is a present from the Aramaean (Syrian) Antiochus; it may be wise to toss that too. Swine Flu means “Occult Pig Infestation” Christmas is much like Swine Flu in that regard.  
Ham slept with his mother while Noah was drunk (Nakedness is explained in Lev 20); Canaan is born “Cursed” from this Sin, as are his Phoenician (Sidon), Hittite (Heth), Amorite (Amraphel aka Hammurabi), Hamathite and “Giant” offspring who brought this Sin to Ishmaelites, Edomites and via Solomon’s 1000 Phoenician wives/concubines to Israel. The sin here being defilement of Noah’s marriage as well as physical incest; earthly “Marriage” is symbolic of the “Marriage of the Lamb” via the Holy Ghost. For this reason, Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the Unforgivable Sin.
Zacharias completed the 8th 8 day “Abia” Temple service (Luke 1) in Tammuz (June-July); John the Baptist was conceived and born on Passover 14 Nisan. Mary conceived during “Feast of Dedication/Lights” aka Hannukah 25 Kislev (Dec), 6 months after Elizabeth; Mary became the New Covenant Temple and Jesus the New Covenant “Tabernacle”, born at Feast of Tabernacles “Sukkoth” 15 Tishrei (Sept-Oct). Sukkoth was replaced by Babylonian “Sukkoth-Benoth” meaning Booth of daughters or Brothel. Aaron’s “Scapegoat” was replaced by “Azazel” (a name of Satan) in new bible versions (Lev 16), Azazel is the Goat Idol “Ashima” (2 Kings 17:30) of the Hamathites. Ashima means “Fate” or “Lot”; Ashima is cognate with Manat, a daughter of Allah (Allah is the Assyrian moon god “Sin”) and chief goddess of Mecca meaning “Adultery”. Manat is the wife of Hubal a Red Agate Idol and chief god of Quraysh bedouins, the false Levitical Priesthood of Muhammad. Hubal: “Hu” the Celtic god and “Baal” the Phoenician “Lord” is the Hittite Red Saint “Santa”. Ashima, Manat, Greco-Roman “Nemesis”, Knights Templar “Baphomet” and Uncle Sam are all Satanic “Scapegoats”.