City of London Corporation, Pentagon and Vatican are ‘Sovereign’, not part of any Nation, yet they control all Resources, Military and Religion. Jill come out dressed like a Panda; Panda Eyes=Adrenochrome https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/dyncorp/
transhuman and alien ‘belonging to another’ royalty to harvest the resulting organisms to produce a youth serum for the elites=Adrenochrome. After the death of the matriarch of the House of Abrasax Abrax Aslo Therbeeo as names of horses of the sun. The 7 planets of sun are run by Balem Abrasax Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Saturn. Caine Wise, Stinger is half human and half honeybee
Adrenochrome A young American Veteran gets involved with a gang of Venice Beach psychos who are killing people to extract a psychedelic compound from their victim’s adrenal glands. Here are few more
But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. Gen 9:4 3rd Covenant with God
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord. Lev 18:21
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, they whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness, how great is that darkness! Mat 6:22-23
Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh. Deut 12:23
Sacrificing children in sacrifice to Molech is nothing new and neither is calling God by the name Yahweh, YHWH, G-D, Baal or Molech. The Covenant Name of God is JEHOVAH (Ex 6:3), JESUS (Mat 1:25KJV). Chronus, the false god who eats his own children; these are the people who emulate him.
The Ring to Rule them All Silvianus means “Of the Woods/Forest”; Groves were “Evil is done in sight of the LORD”; the Rabbit symbolizes the Assyrian goddess Anammelech (2 Ki 17:30) aka Ashtoreth, Easter (Acts 12:4KJV), Venus or Turan. The chemical composition of Adrenochrome resembles a Rabbit. The initiation requirement of most esoteric secret societies (eg Freemasonry) is Ritual Sodomy aka “Eye of Horus”. “But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly” Gen 13:13 “There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel” Deut 23:17 JESUS is the only path in the New Covenant to becoming a son or daughter of Israel; Jacob lost that right 2700 years ago (Amos 5:2; 7:2-3;5-6KJV)Sodom CeDom “To Burn” refers to the Canaanite City on the Dead Sea as well as a SPIRITUAL state (Rom 1:27; Lev 18:22; 1 Cor 6:9; Jude 7) The inscription on the Ring is an image of Venus as a Rabbit aka Arab Uzza “Mighty One”; Turan, the god of the Mongol Golden Horde and Anammelech, the goddess of the Assyrians (2 Ki 17:31). The same Ring can be seen in Rockefeller Plaza with Prometheus. The Elite are addicted to Adrenochrome aka White Rabbit, obtained from drinking adrenalized blood, from traumatized, ritually sacrificed children. The Ring is associated with the Tuatha de Danaan; Fisher King of Phoenicia; the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus (Acts 17:23) and King Arthur “Branch of the Terrible Ones” Is 25:5 and Druid “Once and future king”. Arthur is also the Star Arcturas guiding the Big Dipper around Polaris forming the Swastika, the oldest post Flood symbol on earth. So what were people on Earth doing to cause God to Flood the Earth and kill all but 8 people? The myth associated with the Ring is a Curse remedied via Initiation. Cain’s Curse crossed the Flood via Incest between Ham and his Cainite mother (likely Namaah); everyone carries this Curse which can only remedied through JESUS via the Holy Ghost (1 Jn 5:7KJV). Ritual Sodomy is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.
Chateau Amerois may ring a Baal https://ia801803.us.archive.org/14/items/dutroux-x-dossiers-accused-overview-isgp-2007/dutroux-x-dossiers-accused-overview-isgp-2007.pdf
CERN searches for ALICE Matter May 2022; a Rabbit Hole? https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=O7G4AMUS2MS9 Spirit Cooking, Pizza, Ice Cream, Pandas, Eye of Horus/3rd Eye = codewords Lil Nas X and Tony Hawk sell shoes and skateboard with human blood; Meghan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly don’t even hide their blood drinking rituals. Amalekite means “Kinsmen who drink or lap blood”; Amalekites are at war with God from Generation to Generation (ex 17:16), frightening children to increase Adrenaline production, harvesting the blood and selling the organs is the work of Amalekites and their Kin. Hollywood movies like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Repo Men or Dr Sleep put Adrenochrome Harvesting in plain sight.
Neo was told to follow the White Rabbit in the Matrix A saying about Adrenochrome aka White Rabbit is “the darker the eye the better the high.”
Blackmail: The tie that binds.
The Chemical composition of Adrenochrome apparently resembles a Rabbit; the Rabbit symbolizes Anammelech (2 Ki 17:31) the Sepharvite goddess to who children were sacrificed, aka Easter or Ashtoreth. David Bowie in the Omicron: Nomad Soul video game says “Ashtaroth created Omicron as a Soul Prison” Thinking of selling your Soul? Just follow the Rabbit like Neo did in The Matrix or Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Merck even makes an anti-viral, allegely mutagenic, Red Pill called Monupirivir named after Thor’s Hammer. Physicists even get into the action with Alice Matter aka Mirror Matter or Black Matter; just follow the Rabbit down the Worm Hole to Wonderland
Utopia is a Dystopian future created by Christie Bio-labs Simpro a synthetic food similar to The Matrix, Soylent Green or the “Today & Tomorrow” book series published in London in the 1920’2-30’s, called the “Future of Food”. Occultist Henry Kissinger “Control food, you control people” Christie is called Mr Rabbit, also seen in The Matrix; the White Rabbit is Adrenochrome, harvested from human blood, usually frightened children, seen in the Orobourus Serpent eating its own tail with Christie and the Rabbit. Christie Bio-labs uses the Six Pointed Star of Saturn logo; Saturn is Chronos, the god eats his own children.
Adrenochrome Lab? The logo on the Adrenochrome vial is Sigma-Aldrich, a subsidiary of Merck, the Opium pusher for the Nazis is the Vaccine pusher for Smallpox and Covid 19
A high, supposedly so good, it’s said to “take you away” for what is equivalent of a year’s vacation – to a level of which it entirely removes preoccupation form the daily mundane, or fame. Begone Dull Care is a 4000 year old Sumerian ritual known today as Bohemian Grove
Why share photos of themselves sporting black eye? Demonstrating they are part of the club?
You won’t documentation’ of Adrenochrome and Sodomy , try this Howard ( particularly 57.38 mins )
You’ve got one of the best, if not the best, collection of stars with black eyes I’ve seen to date.
ADRENOCHROME: The Leaked Documents