Astana, Kazakhstan “Capital of the Sublime Threshold” aka Nursultan Nur sultan “radiant sultan”, “the sultan of sunlight” in Arabic. Sublime ‘up to the threshold, surround or lintel of a doorway, a boundary or limit.’ The 7th Congress of Traditional Religions
His Holiness, Pope Francis.
2. Sheikh Dr. Professor Ahmed El Tayeb, Grand Imam of al-Azhar
3. His Eminence, Metropolitan Antony Volokolamskii, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, Moscow Patriarchate
4. Yitzhak Yosef, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel
5. H.E. António Guterres, UN Secretary General (video message)
His Beatitude Theophilos III, the Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and all Palestine, Syria, Arabia, and beyond the Jordan River, Kana of Galilee and Holy Sion
2. H.E. Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-IssaSecretary General of the Muslim World League (video message)
3. H.E. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
4. H.E. Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz Al ash-Sheikh, Official Representative of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King of Saudi Arabia, Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance
5. Mr. Li Guangfu, Chairman of the Chinese Taoist Association
6. David Lau, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel
7. Mr. Kairat Abdrakhmanov, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
8. His Virtue, Prof. Dr. Allahshukur Pashazade, Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims’ Board, Sheikh ul-Islam of Caucasus
9. Mr. Duarte Pacheco, President of Inter-Parliamentary Union
10. Dr. Qibla Ayaz, Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Right Reverend, Dr. Jo Bailey Wells, Bishop of Dorking, the Special Representative of the Anglican Church at the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions
2. Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, Chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation and Russia Muftis Council, Member of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation
3. Rev. Dr. Fidon Mwombeki, General Secretary of the All-Africa Conference of Churches
4. H.E. Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour,President of the Organization for Culture and Islamic Relations under the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
5. Prof. Dr. Jyotindra Mukundrai Dave, Director of the Akshardham Centre for Research in the Field of Social Harmony.
6. Dr. Salim Mohammed A. Almalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
7. Mr. Masanori Fujie, Managing Director of the «Jinja Honcho» Association of Shinto Shrines
8. Prof. Azza Karam, Secretary General of Religions for Peace
9. Elder Ulisses Soares, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
10. Mr. Askar Musinov, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation for Science and Technology.
11. H.E. Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, Assistant Arab League Secretary-General and Head of Social Affairs Sector.
12. Mr. Hirotsugu Terasaki, Vice President of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist Society, Executive Director of the Soka Gakkai International.
13. H.E. Ahmed bin Mohamed Aljarwan, Chairman of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace (GCTP).
14. H.E. Judge Mohammed Abdel Salam, the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Elders.
15. Prof. Dr. David Rutstein, Secretary General of the Baha’i International Community
Where is JESUS?
Kazan is the largest city and capital of Tatarstan, Russia; ‘Rus’ and ‘Kievan Rus’ (Ukraine)=Khazars ‘Serpent People’ 2024 BRICS Sports Games,Tartar ‘Hell on Earth’. The Khanate of the Golden Horde. According to a grid pattern plan, the City was re-built during the reign of Catherine the Great; 201 Jesuits were spared, ‘Event 201’ began ‘COVID’ (Cert Of Vaccination ID) Catherine also decreed that mosques could again be built in Kazan. Jews, Islam and Christianity are the SAME!
Eagle: Assyrian Nisroch=Zeus
Astana “Threshold” of Hell on Earth Kazakhstan is the center of the CSTO (Cooperative Security Treaty Organization of Independent Tartary; Tartarus means “Hell on Earth”. Kazakh (Russian Cossack) “To Wander” refers to Cain consigned to Wander; Nomad. The Rising Sun is Lucifer/Satan (Eze 8); control of Wheat is the Black Horse Rider (Rev 6:6) “Famine”. The Red Star is Edomite (Red) Dominion using the Sickle (weapon of the Grim Reaper) and Hammer of Thor; the Tares followers of God (JESUS/Holy Ghost) eg Molupiravir is named after Moljnir the lightning weapon of Thor, now an oral Covid 19 pill. The Kazakh Phoenix lays the Golden Egg of the Sun in the Crown of the Bayterek Tree “World Poplar”
Jan 5, 2021 Kazakhstan Gov’t resigns, Tokayev sacks cabinet and seeks aid from Russian President for life Vladimir Putin, fellow Order of the Eagle recipient. Removing Fuel price caps (LPG, Nat Gas, Diesel, Gasoline) causes prices to soar; in other words, a predictable and pre-meditated event. Nursultan Nazarbayev, president for 29 years grooms Kassyn-Jomert Tokayev, a self described “Enlightened Muslim”; Tokayez previously served as UN Director General in Geneva. Buckle your seat belts folks! Fukushima is an ELE (Extinction Level Event) MOX (Mixed Uranium/Plutonium Oxide) cannot be disposed of; the Ancient Silk Road begins at Fukushima with its Capital in Astana Kazakhstan.
“And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwell there” Gen 11:2 Astana “Peace and Security” Summit June 10-11, 2019 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 1 Thess 5:3 A much smaller world awaits; Pope Francis states in Laudato Si (Earth be Praised) “The triumph of Science is realizing Earth can only support 1 Billion people” The Georgia Guide Stones call for eliminating all but 500M people. One Road; One Belt reconnects the Ancient Silk Road from Japan to Armageddon through Astana.
“Karl Marx Economic Analysis on the Theory of Revolution in The Capital” by Saule Omarova 1980. The goal of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels is to “Kill God with Science” US Comptroller of Currency Saule Omarova wants Oil and Gas companies to go bankrupt to fight Global Climate Change; Nikola Tesla warned Free Energy would be hidden and corrupted by Oil Companies 100 years ago. The plan for the $US was written 400 years ago in New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished, illustrated in the Economist Magazine in 1988 and at the London Olympics in 2012; the Phoenix at the Zion Olympics is seen rising from Coronavirus. America is the Phoenix of the New Age
Samruk or Simurgh (Sin Murgh) means Eagle Bird; the Assyrian Eagle “Nisroch” is a depiction of Saturn/Satan. The Kazakh Phoenix lays the Golden Egg of the Sun in the Crown of the Bayterek Tree “World Poplar”
Astana is Nur Sultan named after Kazakhstan’s Communist dictator Nur Sultan Nazarbayev in 1997; Nur Sultan means “Light King” in Arabic; beginning with Enoch, Cainites love naming cities after themselves. Nurly Zhol “Path to the Future”, the 2014 $Multi-billion modernization of Astana is the Silk Road to Hell. Aug 29 is the “International Day against Nuclear Tests”; on the Gnostic Calendar Aug 29 is the Feast Day of the Beheading of John The Baptist (Hurricane Katrina, named after the Gnostic Cathars may ring a Baal; it was Geo-engineered to hit New Orleans at sunrise Aug 29) Originally known as Astana Khazakstan “Capital of the Sublime or Sacred Threshold”; the Royal Door to Re-Birth aka New World Order. Astana is the center of the “Silk Road” to Hell, an anagram for A Satan. Alpha Satan refers to Saturn as the Primeval Sun or Black Sun; the Capital of the New World Order; the home of the Kazakh Khanate and Crimean Khanate. Crimea is the home to exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings aka Cult of Melchisedek, the successors to Genghis Khan and the “Golden Horde”. Kazakh means “To Wander” and “To Gain” (Vikings, Pirates, Cossaks, Sarmations may ring a Baal) the first Wanderings from the East to Shinar resulted in the founding of Babylon.
The world’s largest Exodus will traverse the Silk Road to Armageddon Fukushima is a Purim sacrifice; buoyant “Bucky Balls” of radiation pollute the Pacific Ocean at the 38th latitude directly across from the 38th parallel in Korea; an exodus across the Silk Road through the Sublime Threshold of Astana to Karakoram (HQ of the Golden Horde which spread Bubonic Plague on Rats from Wuhan 666 years earlier), south to Islamabad, west across Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Idumea (Trans-Jordan aka land of Moab, Ammon and Edom) to Armageddon.
Wuhan the world’s first 5G Demonstration City is China’s Thoroughfare and origination of the 5G generated Coronavirus “Crowned Snake Venom” Global PsyOp; also the origination of Bubonic Plague, carried to Crimea, the home of exiled Sarmation Priest-Kings by Rats; 2020 is the Chinese Year of the Rat. 2022 the Chinese Year of the Tiger; the last thing a person sees before death is the Eye of the Tiger. Kazakh means “Wander; To Obtain or Gain”; the first Wanderer was Cain, banished East of Eden; the Cainite bloodline crossed the Flood and spread with the “Cursed” bloodline of Canaan into which Abraham’s son Ishmael and Isaac’s son Esau married into; Esau is prophesied to obtain “Dominion” over the Earth (Ref Gen 29:39-41KJV). Sublime means “High, born aloft, lofty, exalted, eminent, distinguished“, precisely the titles Jesus uses to describe Esau in Obadiah; the wandering hordes of Scythians (Scythe is the weapon of Saturn), Kazakhs, Huns, Sarmations, Mongols, Khazars (eg Lesbian Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan or Stalin henchman Lazar Kaganovich) precisely the way scripture describes Ishmael; the latter forming the genealogy of Israel, the location precisely described by Jesus, also in Obadiah. Aryan means “Noble Caste” seen in Iran; Crimean Rus seen in Russia for example. All these Nomads work together toward ONE goal, the New World Order without God in it.
Bayterek Tower symbolizes the World Tree at the Center of the Universe, the so-called Heaven’s Gate. Bayterek means “Original Poplar” named after the Poplar Strakes Jacob separated his Cattle from Laban (Gen 30:37) Bayterik Tower is accessed between the Masonic Pillars aka Asherah Poles (Asherah and El “Saturn” may ring a Baal); Mercy and Severity in the Kaballah Tree or Jachin and Boaz in Masonic Lodges are the Initiation to Grove or High Place Worship of Saturn. The Horsemen of Rev 6 are galloping out of Astana folks! The World Tree gives birth to the Sun, born every 3 yrs from the Golden Egg of the Sun laid by the mythical bird Samruk . World and Religious leaders meet every 3 yrs at the Pyramid shaped Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Astana “Capital of the Sublime Threshold” (Astana=Capital; Astane in Persian means “Sublime Threshold” and say prayers around Bayterek. Nowruz (New Day) is the most important Holy Day (Mar 21/22) in Kazakhstan; the Zoroastrian (Zoroaster means “Undiluted Star” or “Black Star”) Holy Day spread across Turan/Tartary (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia after the fall of the USSR. The Astana Peace Summit is scheduled to be held Mar 2022.
“Earth is in a unique, fixed position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all cost” Edwin Hubble quoting his Jesuit handler Georges LeMaitre. The Sphere within a Sphere represents the New World Order born from the destruction of the Old Order; Talmudic Rabbis use the phrase “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth); in this Satanic philosophy, Man is a scourge upon the Earth to be eliminated “The triumph of science is realizing Earth can only support 1 Billion people” “Jesus ended his life in failure” Pope Francis I. There are many Spheres within Spheres but these 2 are found at the Vatican and United Nations Plaza. Hopis predicted Red (Edom=Red) Kachina would remove his mask before the uninitiated in the plaza when White Brother arrives; that’s UN Plaza.
This intact Golden Sphere is born by Bayterek Tower aka World Poplar. Everyone on earth will eventually need to choose Jacob or Laban’s path; Jacob came to be called Israel “One who wrestles with God”
Astana, Kazakhstan is the Capital of the New World Order

The New World Order is completed Blue=Zeus 666Thz when the US $ ends. Specifically it is the New Secular Order. To complete the New World Order, the Old Order created by God must be destroyed, an “Order out of Chaos” is an Order without God. unfortunately for America and specifically the United States, the Eye of Providence is the Pyramidion “Capstone” (Egytpian Benben or Perch of the Phoenix) which ushers in the Golden Age aka New Aeon of Horus. The Pledge of Allegiance “One Nation Under God…” must end to begin a “Secular Order”; Lucifer promises “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” ie Liberty and Freedom from God in the New Secular Order. Annuit Coeptis “God approves of our undertaking”; God does approve of this; he gives everone the choice to be Yoked under God’s rules or choose Lucifer and “Do what thou wilt”.
Akmolinsk, Akmoly, the name before mean “White Grave”. Astana means “Capital”, a word originating in Persian meaning “Sublime Threshold” aka “Golden Door” Knights of the Sublime Order of Zoroaster know this. The United States Banking System with $Quadrillion in Derivatives and US Military (Guardians of the New World Order) will soon come to an end; likely during the 2017 Jerusalem Jubilee Year (50 Yrs after the 1967 6-Day war captured Jerusalem. The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation has a Blue Capstone as the Capitol, built to replicate the US Capitol has a Blue Dome (Womb of Zeus) because Tekhelet Blue is the color of Satan’s False Priesthood made by exposing Murex Sea Snail excretions to UV Light; the method used by God for the Levite Priests is long gone as are any Legitimate Priests of God, at least in Flesh. America as Heaven’s Gate can also be seen in the HBO Series WestWorld; the Gate to Consciousness being the Center of the Maze.
Bayterek means “World Poplar”, similar to other World Trees such as the Norse Yggdrasil, Persian Yalda Tree, Buddhist Bodhi Tree, Assyrian Tree of Life and Islamic Tree of Life
Poplar is peculiar to Jacob and Laban separating their livestock in Gen 30:37 Poplar is also the Sacred Tree of the Elysium Field “Field of the Blessed” ie those who die in battle; seen at Champs Elysee in Paris
The Masonic Twin Pillars of Jachin and Boaz frame the World Poplar,
Capital Building and Pyramid Palace of Peace and Reconciliation.
World leaders of Government and Traditional Religions surround the Sun; above at the apex is “God’s Hand”, allegedly the handprint of Kazakstan’s Communist Dictator President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Standing next to a Globe surrounded by signatures of the leaders of 17 Religions; not one of the 17 Religions acknowledges Jesus is Lord. Surrounding the building are images of White Doves
A decidedly different picture than outside the Vatican Apartment as Pope Francis I released White Peace Doves on International Day of Peace which were attacked by a Crow and Seagull; the Crow significant as the Bird released by Noah which never returned; the Dove significant as the bird that returned with an Olive Branch; the Dove would later symbolize Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Shatyr Khan “King’s Tent” is the world’s largest tent. The Phoenix rises from the Pyramid Palace of Peace and Reconciliation across an Unbalanced Scale of Judgment toward Bayterek Tower “World Tree”.
In Iranian myth the Phoenix is Simurgh or Samruk, the Bird that laid the Golden Egg atop the World Tree. Every 500 years, the mythical Phoenix self immolates and rises from it’s own ashes; America is the Phoenix of the New World Order. This is why the Silk Road aka One Belt One Road doesn’t traverse the Americas. 500 years after the Roman Catholic Church declared the Gnostic doctrine “Indestructibility of the Soul” to be Dogma. America role is to Balance the World Scales In 1620 Sir Francis Bacon, the real founder of the US wrote New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished declaring the the New World (Americas) is the New Atlantis, the New World Order rising as a Phoenix.
Turkmenistan is equally strange; $Billions in White Marble buildings, all White Cars, $Billion Mosque, months named after the Dictator in Chief and 8 pt Stars of Isis everywhere. Isis means Throne of Antichrist.
Closing ceremony of the VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. DID ANYONE NOTICE IT IS THE 7th (V11) . IS THIS AN ATTEMPT TO MIMIC THE seventh purified word of GOD, Psalm 12:6 aka the KJV Bible? For from Astana , Chrislam is officially now the One World Religion. Satan mimics and counterfeits everything JESUS has created. Here may be a whopper of an example of his severe deception.! NOW TO PIT CHRISLAM vs ZIONISM and you get THE LUCIFERIAN INITIATION that antichrist requires….
Truth is stranger than fiction
The official Program 14th-15th Sep 2022 in ASTANA aka SATAN where Chrislam was certified ratified and sanctified by the Pope and the Worlds Satanic False Religions .
Great city
UA #93 Thelemites and Witches greet each other with “93”, short for “Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law”; “93/93” short for “As Above, So Below”. 93 the number of the demon Aiwass “The Force be with you” another familiar greeting among witches seen in Star Wars. Aleister (Great Beast) Crowley’s Thelema (Will) + Agape (Love)=93. Crowley means “Wood of the Crows”; Black Star or Black Sun is the Crow’s Head, “Saturn”. UA #93 disappeared into a field at Shankesville PA on 9/11/2001 (Flt #93 in reality landed at Cleveland Int’l) 93 is also the gematria of the “Lost Word” in Masonry known only to Temple Architect Hiram Abiff. Barbara (Pierce=Jesuit Gunpowder Plot “Percy”; we saw that name in the “Green Mile” with Percy torturing and killing Jesus as well) Bush is Aleister Crowley’s ritual daughter “Babalon”; GHW Bush is AshkeNAZI “Scherff” aka “Wizard of Oz” or “Poppy” for his Heroin production on the path to Emerald City (Emerald Tablet). The aircraft operating as UA #93 continued flying in United Airlines livery for over a year following 9/11/2001.
A few more that could be about the antichrist and ww3
Century 2-29
L’Oriental sortira de son siege, Passer les monts Apennins, voir la Gaule: Transpercera du ciel les eaux & neiges, Et un chascun frappera de sa gaule. The Oriental will leave his seat, To cross the Apennines mounts, to see Gaule: Will pierce from the sky the waters & snows, And one of each will he strike from his rod.
Is the Oriental Gesar Khan or an antagonistic Muslim prince?
Century 9-7
Qui ouurira le monument trouu,
Et ne viendra le serrer promptement,
Mal luy viendra, & ne pourra prouu
Si mieux doit estre Roy Breton ou Normand. He who will open the tomb found,
And will come to close it promptly,
Evil will come to him, and one will be unable to prove,
If it would be better to be a Breton or Norman King.
Something or someone unearthed which shouldn’t have been. The El-ites play with this technology as if it’s a game and act like war is just a prank since they never pay the price. They love playing tricks:
Which was a tradition of Saturnalia
Which originates from Baal worship
In ancient Rome, he was identified with Saturn, and the cultural exchange between Rome and Carthage as a result of the Second Punic War may have influenced the development of the festival of Saturnalia
Brought to the Roman Empire by Hannibal
Century 2-30
Un qui les dieux d’Annibal infernaulx, Fera renaistre effrayeur des humains: Oncq’plus d’horreur, ne plus dire iournaulx, Qu’advint viendra par Babel aux Romains. One who the infernal gods of Hannibal, Will cause to be reborn, terror to mankind: Never more horror nor more to tell in the news, What happened will happen by Babel to the Romans.
They seem unafraid to destroy our civilization as the giants did previously through this inhuman technology. If the giants weren’t deceived then where are they? Other than as rotting skeletons in the Smithsonian.
Century 9-1
Dans la maison du traducteur de Bourc,
Seront les lettres trouuees sur la table,
Borgne, roux, blanc, chanu tiendra de cours,
Qui changera au nouueau Connestable. In the house of the translator of Bourg,
The letters will be found on the table,
One-eyed, red-haired, white, hoary-headed will hold the course,
Which will change for the new Constabl
Century 9-2
Du haut du mont Auentin voix ouye,
Vuydez vuydez de tous les deux costez:
Du sang des rouges sera l’ire assomye,
D’Arimin Prato, Columna debotez. From the top of the Aventine hill a voice heard,
Be gone, be gone all of you on both sides:
The anger will be appeased by the blood of the red ones,
From Rimini and Prato, the Colonna expelled.
Nostradamus is possibly hinting at a lot of tech which supposedly didn’t exist in his time. And the clown headlines these days seem to be mocking and threatening everyone not in the club. If the British Royal Family does suddenly disappear in a puff of nuclear smoke I still wouldn’t trust Helpful Harry aka “Spike Wells”. Just as the rumors continue that the Romanovs were never found and proven dead, Hitler used a double and went into hiding, Elvis isn’t really dead and Epstein didn’t kill himself, I’m sure the jokers in the BRF will continue the tradition if they can.
I also worry that if this serpent is an ancient AI that only has one mission which is collecting data then the rise and fall of civilizations is orchestrated and there is nothing new under the sun. It’s just a matter of when this cycle will end and their “Great Reset” begins. However I don’t think they’re going to get such a great deal even if the technology of “resurrection” via cloning exists. There seem to be plenty of warnings.
Do these quatrains predict the antichrist?
Century 2-30
Un qui les dieux d’Annibal infernaulx, Fera renaistre effrayeur des humains: Oncq’plus d’horreur, ne plus dire iournaulx, Qu’advint viendra par Babel aux Romains. One who the infernal gods of Hannibal, Will cause to be reborn, terror to mankind: Never more horror nor more to tell in the news, What happened will happen by Babel to the Romans.
Century 10-10
Tasche de murdre, enormes adulteres, Grand ennemy de tout le genre humain: Que sera pire qu’ayeulx, oncles, ne peres, En fer, feu, eau, sanguin & inhumain. Stained with murder, enormous adulteries, Great enemy of all the humankind: That will be worse than grand fathers, uncles, nor fathers, In steel, fire, water, bloody & inhuman.
Century 10-66
Le chef de Londres par regne l’Americh, L’isle d’Escosse tempiera par gellee: Roy Reb auront un si faux antechrist, Que les mettra trestous dans la meslee. The chief of London by the realm of America, The island of Scotland stormed by frost: King Reb will have such a false antichrist, That will place them all together in the conflict.
Century 2-45
Trop le ciel pleure l’Androgyn procree, Pres de ce ciel sang humain respandu: Par mort trop tarde grand peuple recree, Tard & tost vient le secours attendu. Too much the heavens weep the procreated Androgyne, Near that sky human blood shed: By death too late great people (race) recreated, Late & soon comes the awaited help.
Century 2-62
Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra, De gens & bestes une horrible defaite: Puis tout a coup la vengeance on verra, Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete. Mabus so, soon then will die, will come, Of people & beasts a horrible defeat: Then suddenly the vengeance one will see, Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger, when the comet will run.
Century 5-25
Le prince Arabe Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon, Regne d’Eglise par mer succombera: Devers la Perse bien pres d’un million, Bisance, Egypte, ver. serp. invadera The Arab prince Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo, Rule of the Church will succumb by sea: Toward Persia very near a million, Byzantium, Egypt, true serpent will invade.
MBS was born 31AUG85, sun mars venus in leo in sidereal nativity.
“Roy Reb” as ridiculous as it sounds, could it be Harry if a nuke destroyed England and the senior royal family? Why hasn’t Henry Charles Albert David been stripped of his titles yet as he should have been?
Also I’d like to correct my previous comment, I meant to type rising spring sun visible in Aquarius/Leo and somehow a lost a large amount.
Also the preflood gods being hermaphrodites signifies their positive and negative positions in the heavens. The sun and moon were the only couple and of course depicted as always fighting.
Astana and the antichrist
King Arthur and the antichrist
Gesar Khan the Asian King Arthur
The end of the age aka end times, the Sun risible in the constellations Aquarius/Leo depending on hemisphere. Aquarius the water bearer is actually the zodiac sign of the slave carrying water. Leo the lion the beast which devours. The ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, preflood god associated with death, symbolized by a sickle. Astana Kazakhstan is currently being “protected” by soldiers from a country with that sickle on the flag. All over the world Christians are being thrown to the lions in various ways. This is no golden age. That “myth” was just another lie. Unless the gold is the golden light of the fire this world is destined for. And no wonder.
I believe the Bayterek Tower is a giant Tesla Tower like the one Tesla built in CO Springs, those two big Masonic pillars are giant transformers that will play the Trumpets in the last days. The noise will come from the lighting that will cover the earth with the Tesla system. This will be free energy for all those that have taken the mark is the beast.