Turanians were an Iranian Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and northern parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Japan The Flag of Turan (Venus) has a Wolf at its center; a global confederation of Venus (Ashtareth) worshippers. Valentine’s Day Lupercalia is the Day of the Wolf.
Valentine’s Day
Feb 14 Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf” 500,000 people burned to death in Operation Gomorrah (yes, the ruthless psychopaths we call world leaders – like “Sir” Winston Churchill) Dresden February 13-15, 1945, the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which is the real festival behind Valentine’s Day.
In 2023 V Day was coincident with Feb 14 “Lent” Rex, King of Carnival, 2023 is Ludovico F. Feoli “gift of the lord, gift of Yahweh” (YHWH=Satan) Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) Foreign Policy Institute in Washington, D.C Feb 14 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, 40 Weeping for Tammuz (Satan) ‘Purify by Fire’
David Bowie aka Ziggy Stardust and Astronaut David Bowman 2001: A Space Odyssey; portrayed “Death/Re-Birth” Rituals and Transmigration of the Soul (A Lie) Bowie/Bowman refers to the the Crowned White Horseman (Rev 6:2) conquering with a Bow; G#5115 Toxon=Poison; G#5088 Tikto=Simplest Fabric; The Edomite National god Qos means Bow. The Thelema Ritual “Mass of the Phoenix” is done individually as is acceptance of JESUS as Lord and Savior. “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” Jer 7:18 Cakes to the Queen of Heaven (Ashtaroth) are Cakes of Light. David Bowie narrated the video game Omicron: Nomad Soul “Ashtaroth created Omicron as a Soul Prison” Ashtaroth, the plural of Ashtoreth is the Phoenician Astarte aka Venus
The Magician, his breast bare, stands before an altar on which are his Burin, Bell, Thurible, and two of the Cakes of Light. In the Sign of the Enterer he reaches West across the Altar, and cries:
Hail Ra, that goest in thy bark
Into the caverns of the Dark!
He gives the sign of Silence, and takes the Bell, and Fire, in his hands.
East of the Altar see me stand
With light and musick in my hand!
He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell 333 – 55555 – 333 and places the Fire in the Thurible.
I strike the Bell: I light the Flame;
I utter the mysterious Name.
He strikes eleven times upon the Bell.
Now I begin to pray: Thou Child,
Holy Thy name and undefiled!
Thy reign is come; Thy will is done.
Here is the Bread; here is the Blood.
Bring me through midnight to the Sun!
Save me from Evil and from Good!
That Thy one crown of all the Ten
Even now and here be mine. AMEN.
He puts the first Cake on the Fire of the Thurible.
I burn the Incense-cake, proclaim
These adorations of Thy name.
He makes them as in Liber Legis, and strikes again Eleven times upon the Bell. With the Burin he then makes upon his breast the proper sign.
Behold this bleeding breast of mine
Gashed with the sacramental sign!
He puts the second Cake to the wound.
I stanch the Blood; the wafer soaks
It up, and the high priest invokes!
He eats the second Cake.
This Bread I eat. This Oath I swear
As I enflame myself with prayer:
“There is no grace: there is no guilt:
This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!”
He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell, and cries
I entered in with woe; with mirth
I now go forth, and with thanksgiving,
To do my pleasure on the earth
Among the legions of the living.
He goeth forth.
The Thelemic Ritual was originally written by Aleister Crowley in Chap 44 of The Book of Lies; God is views as the Liar in Thelema and has absolutely nothing in common with following JESUS. For those of us in America, Extermination Order 44 may be relevant; directed at Mormons, their version of Blood Atonement calls for spilling the blood of Gentiles in America deemed responsible for the death of the prophets, an Oath of Vengeance sworn to the 4th generation of those at Nauvoo; Mitt Romney is that generation.
Blackstar https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/black-star/ leaves nothing to the imagination; most of the world will worship Saturn. “Something happened on the day he died. His Spirit rose up a meter and stepped aside; Someone else took his place and bravely said I’m a Blackstar” Bowie released Blackstar on Valentine’s Day in 2013; Pope Benedict XVI abruptly resigned Feb 11, 2013; Lightning hit St Peter’s Basilica twice that night; Pope Francis was then elected on 3/13/13 (There are 313 ! in KJV for a reason) on Red Heifer Day. Bowie spells out the plan for 2021 in Valentines’s Day “Valentine sold his soul…He sees it all…he knows it all…its in his icy heart”
April Fool’
8 years to the day after Lightning hit St Peters (Peter was never in Rome nor is there any Papal Apostolic succession from Peter) twice, the February 11, 2021 New Moon combines February Red Tent Rituals (Women bleeding onto Mother Earth) and a 7 planet conjunction in Aquarius of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn plus asteroid Pallas-Athene (Spear Shaker) in Aquarius “Water Bearer”. Unique in all of human history when combined with the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction at 0 deg Aquarius on Dec 21, 2020. Red Tent Rituals are ancient Shamanic Rites of Passage of the Moon Lodge (Sabians and Chaldeans worship the Moon as “Sin”) originating when Cain killed Abel, lied to God about it and the Earth opened to receive his blood (Gen 4:11); menstruating women bleeding into the Earth together is near 6000 years old; the 2021 February Red Tent just happens to be unique in all of human history. Valentines Day is Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf”; Day #44. 44 is the sacred number of Horus in the New Aeon; Donald Trump the 44th person selected US President (2016 was the year Bowie released his Swan Song Blackstar) just as Zedekiah was the 44th person selected King of Israel; Grover Cleveland served 2 non-consecutive terms as did King David which is why the Republican Convention deleted Donald Trump in Cleveland. The Lupercalia Blood Sacrifice of Antonin Scalia follows this article. Droid DNA “An upgrade to yourself” https://www.ispot.tv/ad/7Ag9/htc-droid-dna-testing When? 2/14 of course! Vaccines are the DNA Upgrade!
Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix (Crowley’s Book) symbolizes America as the long planned “Phoenix of the New Age” according to Francis Bacon in his 1620 book “New Atlantis: A work unfinished”. Ayn Rand (Saturnian fake Jew Alyssa Rosenbaum) asks Who is John Galt? Galt means Clay, Brick, Earth and Boar/Pig (Swine=Marrano=false converts). Ayn Rand’s 1943 book The Fountainhead and 1957 book Atlas Shrugged identify John Galt as “All of Us”; Luper=Wolf; Jesus warned of “Wolves in Sheep’s clothes” Valentine (Valens means Powerful or Strong) was also known as Pan or Baal. Pandeimos means “All People”; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes are called Crypto, Marrano (Swine) or Morisco depending on which religion, Judaism, Christianity or Islam they infiltrate.
Heart means Baal “Lord”. The Sacred Heart of St Valentine I, Pet Goat II https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/my-pet-goat-ii/ and I, Pet Goat 3 tell the story of America’s impending Blood Sacrifice https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/i-pet-goat-3/; so lets call John Galt the Goats for now; those who reject JESUS are “Earth Dwellers” (Rev 13:8) The 666 Barcoded Goat in the cage is not the real Scapegoat (Num 16:8-10) Jesus Christ in that video, it is the New Age Christ “Antichrist” on the Barque of Horus sailing towards the Rising Sun “Saturn”.
It’s all there in plain sight; the destruction of America as the Scapegoat, the Apple (Lycaon Werewolf Apollo; Apollyon Rev 9:11) split on the Masonic Floor over C=$100 and L=$50 (NYC and Hoover Dam destroyed); Osama bin Laden wearing a CIA patch and the New Aeon of Horus beginning. V means Nail, referring to the Nails that held Jesus Christ to the Tree. Who is Heliofant? Helio=Helios=Sol=Solis Invictus “Unconquered Sun”=Saturn + Hierofant “Sacred” + “Revealing”. Ready for the Sacred Heart to be revealed? If not I suggest a one on one personal relationship with Jesus Christ is in order.
Ash Wednesday and Easter are not Catholic (Universal) much less Christian. Good Friday is 1 1/2 days before Easter 31 Mar, 2024 https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/easter/and has nothing to do with the Crucifixion or Resurrection of Jesus Christ which occurred on Passover Eve (13 Abib) and Feast of First Fruits (17 Abib). Sabian means “Leave ones religion for that of another; Saba also means “Rising Sun”; Sabian Priests “Rab” went by the title “Father” which is why Jesus warned against calling anyone Father, Master or Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10) Priests apply sacrificial ashes to form the Tau; Jesus was Crucified on a Tree not a Cross. The Tau represents worship of the Rising Sun; Saturn and his son Tammuz; in Ezekiel 8 25 men turned their backs to the LORD and worshipped the Rising Sun in the East while women wept on the porch for the slain and resurrected Tammuz; the 70 ancients of Israel are called the Sanhedrin who later sent Jesus Christ on “Fool’s Errands” (Annas to Pilate to Caiaphas to Herod and back) ordered the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Nascent Sanhedrin is now enforcing Noahide Laws requiring decapitation of followers of Jesus and has installed Sikh (Monotheists) Zionist Nikky Haley as Chair of the Council of 70 Nations.
In Egypt the Tau is the Ankh; in Babylon is symbolized Tammuz (Tam=Purify + Muz=Fire) aka Holocaust. Tammuz is equivalent with Marduk, Zeus, Jupiter, Horus, the son of Saturn (Satan), essentially the deification of Bab El (Gate of El) Bab Ilu (Gate of Allah aka Sin), Babyl on (Gate of Osiris).
Easter (Isis, Ishtar, Ashtoreth) is the Whore of Babylon/Babel riding the Beast (Zeus/Tammuz/Marduk) aka Europa, seen at the European Parliament, built as unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 (Mark of the Beast) held vacant, but not for long. The 40 day period after a woman gives birth to a male child, she is unclean (Lev 12); Lent begins on Ash Wednesday
Valentine’s Day on the Ides of February, the month named after Februa, a menstrual blood soaked Goat Skin worn by Gnostic Priests of Valentinus. Lent + 40 Days “Weeping for Tammuz” (Eze 8:14) Tammuz means “Purify by Fire” or “Holocaust”; Tammuz is the son of Saturn aka Horus, Zeus, Marduk, Jupiter. At the end of the 40 day purification following the birth of a male child (Marduk, Horus, Jupiter is born on Christmas), the woman (Ishtar/Easter) shall bring forth a lamb for a burnt-offering; JESUS is the Passover Lamb (Lev 12:6; Lk 2:22).
Rabbis (Crypto Sabian fake Jews) call Hebrew Year 5778 “Year of Moshiach”; the 10th Jubilee planned by the Essenes over 2000 years ago heralds the return of Melchisedek; the Cult of Saturn are called “Melchisedekians”. Time’s Up folks!
Valentine’s Day
The Pagan Blood Sacrifice to Lycaean Werewolf Apollo (Trump’s 66th floor Penthouse is a Shrine to Apollo aka Apollyon/Abaddan, “Destroyer” of Rev 9:11) aka Pan of the Great Golden Wolf was simply replaced in 494AD by Pope Gelasius I as Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day involved nude races, drag queens, sexual depravity etc involving Emperor Trajan. The Etruscan “Lupercalia” relates to the founding of Rome dating to at least 800BC. Before that the Hyksos (ca 1600 BC) were ejected from Egypt, settling on Thera (Santorini), Lupercares (She-wolf brothels) were covered in volcanic ash from the eruption, exactly as Pompeii would later suffer and for the same reasons.
Rome like Athens worshipped the UNKNOWN GOD of the Aerpagus “Mars’ Hill” (Acts 17:22-23) impregnating a Temple Prostitute aka Vestal Virgin with twin boys Remus and Rommulus; pregnant Vestals were a public relations problem, so the boys were cast out to die; rescued by the god Februus aka Lupercus or Faunus (Faun is equivalent with Pan, a 1/2 Goat, 1/2 Man also seen in “Baphomet”) and nursed by a She-wolf. The Cretan Zeus was also suckled by a She-Wolf and has the same origin because the Hyksos were Cretans as were the Roman priests “Luperci”. Cretans described themselves as “Liars, evil beasts and slow bellies” Titus 1:12
The Roman year originally had 10 months, beginning March (Mars=Nergal=Ares “God of War”) and ending in December (10th month); Valentines Day thus became an end of year “Purification” Feast on the last Full Moon of the Year at the Ides of Februalia. Lupercus aka Pan was born on Winter Solstice aka Saturnalia, and reched puberty at the Lupercalia.
Lupercalia began with the sacrifice of a Dog, representing a domesticated Wolf; 2 Luperci (Witch Priests) were covered in blood by a knife dipped in milk (suckling of Zeus and Remus/Romulus) and dressed in Goat Skin Thongs “Februa” made with the skins. The Luperci would chase naked women of child bearing age, by running in both directions around Paletine Hill, striking them with the Februa to transfer Goat virility and potency. Men would then choose their sexual partners by drawing a “Billet” from a jar; if the partnership proved amicable, they could renew their vows a Year and a Day later. These are called Hand Fast Weddings in Witchcraft because Luperci were Witches.
Donald Trump is a modern day Lycaean Apollo “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes”; his Trump Tower Penthouse is a Shrine to Apollo aka Apollyon or Abaddon “The Destroyer”. Lykaia originated in Arcadia; Et in Arcadia ego means “Even in Paradise there is Death”. Arcadia is in Greece on Mt Lykaion; ultra-secret Lykaion blood rituals were designed to create Werewolves, basically the same thing as Bacchanalia and Dionysus Rituals which ended in drug induced, ecstatic or frenzied Cannibalism Lykaion Rituals were transported to Rome as the Kykaios Feasts “Orgies”. The idea of a Man-Wolf “Werewolf” originated with the Dacians of Romania “Wolf Brotherhood” which became the Vikings (6 Kings=Saturn Nobility) and Nomans under Rollo “Wolf”. Norman bankers kept the Doomesday Book, an accounting of lands illegally confiscated; today the Norman bankers are in the City of London Corp which lays claim to most of the Earth’s Assets including Human Bodies (DynCorp Article covers this)
February is named after the god “Februus” a “Februa”, is a blood soaked goat skin thong used by Gnostic Valentinian Priests “Luperci” to make women fertile. In Babylonian Heart means Bal; Baal means Lord; the Phoenician Bel “Confounder” may ring a Bell. Aplu means Apple or Apollo; cut an Apple top to bottom and the Heart emerges, a symbol having nothing to do with the human heart, rather the female reproductive organ; add in the Ovaries and the Goat emerges which is why Pan is symbolized by the Goat.
St Valentine is Cupid or Eros the Alien leader in Plan 9: From Outer Space. In 1958, Episode 1 of the series Trackdown featured Snake Oil Salesman Walter Trump beating an occult symbol laden Drum (Donald Trump is really Drumpf “Drummer”, an Ashkenazi Marrano fake Jew turned Presbyterian) promising a Texas border town protection from Alien Invasion by building a Wall. Physical Wall? perhaps, but Donald Trump’s uncle John Trump was given Nikola Tesla’s EM (Electro-Magnetic) energy designs which are capable of forming a Wall of Energy. He conceptualized these inventions and handed them to Jesuit Bro Joseph Stalin after WWII.
NASA’s discovery of Planet 9 aka Planet X is no coincidence? Emperor Constantine used the X and IHS (In Hoc Signo Vinces) “By this Sign Conquer” to entice Christians to worship Zeus/Jupiter as the Christ symbolized by the X “Messiah” in Green is Chi. The X is formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac “Crossing” and is not a Christian symbol.
4000 years ago, the Solstice and Christmas (Birth of Horus, Saturn, Mithra, Tammuz, Dionysus, Bacchus, Apollo etc) fell on the equivalent of Jan 6; Orthodox religions still celebrate 3 Kings Day or Feast of Epiphany on Jan 6 for this reason. Note: The Aryan Magi arrived in Bethlehem when Jesus was a “Young Child”, hidden in Egypt; the Nativity Scene is Natalis Solis Invictus (Nativity of the Sun) Nativity of Apollo/Horus/Tammuz/Sol.
3 days after Jan 6 is the Roman “Agonia”; a sacrifice of a Ram to Janus, the God of Doors and Gates is required to open the doors to War; David Bowie Astronaut (Major Tom “Twin”=Astronaut David Bowman in 2001: A Space Odyssey) was the 2016 Agonia Sacrifice in “Black Star” the Chaldean “Saturn”.
Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley said 44 is the sacred number of Horus. “Beast” is mentioned 44 times in Revelation. Horus is the Immortal Soul of Ra released in the occult ritual “Mass of the Phoenix”. French philosopher Rene Allendy said 44 represents “Periodic mutations in nature manifested in the cosmos”.
A Star is Born! Saturn is Chaldean STUR “666” seen in the Chaldean Beehive (Hexagram=Six Pointed Star); Bee is Chaldean for Word. On Jan 21, a Super-Blood-Wolf Moon Eclipse occurred with the Earth’s Shadow in the Beehive Cluster. Jesus, the Morning Star is the Word made Flesh; this Star is Horus made Flesh. Saturn=Sathar or Sethar meaning “To Hide or Conceal”.
After the birth of a male child, the mother (Isis, Cybele, Ishtar etc) would present herself to the pagan priest “Lupercus” (Wolf Priest) for ritual purification; a copy of the biblical requirement to abstain from intercourse 33 days after the 8th day Circumcision in Lev 12:4.
Valentine’s Day is the Roman Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf”, the 44th day of the Roman Year. 44 is the Sacred Number of Horus; Aleister Crowley’s Liber 44: “Mass of the Phoenix”; America is Sir Francis Bacon’s “Phoenix of the New Age”. www.sacred-texts.com/oto/lib44.htm
The Cult of Saturn reveres the Phoenix and its symbolic perch “Benben” as the first dry land the Phoenix Bird landed at on at Creation. In the Gnostic system, Saturn the Black Star or Primordial Sun created visible matter. No coincidence on Dec 13 “St Lucia” (Bride of Light) New Horizons (Horus of the 2 Horizons) reached the Bennu (Benben) Asteroid; 2 weeks later on the Roman New Year OSIRIS REx reached Ultima Thule; SS Knights of the Black Sun was called Thule Society.
Bowie, Bowman and Paul Ryan (SS Codename Bowhunter) all refer to the “Mighty Hunter” called “Cupid” (Desire). Cupid’s Arrow shot at the Heart is Sagittarius shooting at the Black Star (Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way) Nimrod is the Mulatto son of Cush and the Aryan “Ishtar” (Easter, Eostre, Ashtoreth, Astarte etc). Cush is Ethiopia=Aethiop=”To Shine”; Phoenix or Bennu in Egypt means “To Shine” or “Rise Brilliantly”. Nimrod is the Scapegoat for the Tower of Babel; Nimrod was from the West; the builders of Babel came from the East (Gen 11:2KJV) was later replaced in Europe with the “Fair Cupid” or “White Horus”. Nimrod was called Sanctus; Saint Nicholas (Nicolaitane=Nico=Conquer + Laity) aka Santa Claus, the Hittite god of the West and the White Jesus, who is really White Horus brought in by the Red Nosed Stag Rudolph “Noble Wolf”.
Cupid means “Desire” referring to Isis/Cybele/Ishtar’s desire and marriage to her son Horus/Attis/Tammuz; Eros is the son of Isis/Aprodite aka Horus/Attis/Tammuz; in a word Incest which ultimately stemmed from Ham (Black) and his incest with his mother which produced Canaan (Gen 9:21-22).
In Rome during Saturnalia, it is said Nimrod aka Saturn (Saturn=STUR=666=To Conceal) hid, was found, slain and turned into Saint Valentine during Constantine’s Day.
Apollo=Aplu=Apple, cut into an Apple crosswise and the Pentacle (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the 5th Element Quintessence or Aether “To Shine”=Bowie’s “Black Star”) is revealed; cut an Apple top to bottom and the Sacred Heart is revealed.
In celebration, during the month of Februus; Billets with girls names writen on them at random were selected as sexual mates by boys for a Year and a Day (Witchcraft Hand Fast Weddings); boys chasing girls with Ritually Purified Menstrual Blood soaked Goat Skin Thongs called “Februa” from the Sacrificed Goat of Lupercalia, slaughtered in the Sacred Grotto (Cave or Womb of Mother Nature; Mithra Initiations were in these Sacred Grottos) of the She-wolf “Lupercus”, the original Wet Nurse to Zeus, Remus-Romulus, the Gemini Twins Castor-Pollux, Horus-Set etc. 2014 Silver Shield Bullion coins were produced with 2 Wolves eating a Lamb to commemorate the 2014-15 “7th Shemitah” Rosicrucian Ben Franklin said “Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb making dinner plans”
The origination of this Satanic nonsense is the Amalekites “at war with God from Generation to Generation” (Ex 17) aka Hyksos the Foreign Shepherd Kings of Egypt. Originally from Crete where the Zeus-Europa-Minotaur and Labyrinth myth originated, they became the the Priests of On (Osiris-Horus and the Bennu Bird aka Phoenix) and were later forcibly ejected from Heliopolis (City of the Sun) Egypt to Thera (Santorini) where God promptly caused a volcanic eruption preserving the death record of She-Wolf Brothels (Lupercals) and Priapus.
Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix details “Horus of the New Aeon” 44 is the Sacred number of Horus. In Hebrew Gematria 44 means “I am the Life” as does “Blood” and “Phoenix”. Mormon Extermination Order #44 called for Mormons to be relocated or exterminated for treason, treachery and lies.
Medicare Admission Code #44 is used to approve or deny inpatient room and bed eligibility.
Liber 44 is the “Mass of the Phoenix” America was planned to be the Phoenix, self immolating and rising from the ashes to form the New Atlantis (New World Order) written in 1620 by Francis Bacon in “New Atlantis”
44 the Sacred Number of Horus in the New Aeon is 44 the Gematria of Blood in Hebrew (Dam) Extermination Order 44 the Mormon Endowment from Nauvoo given by 33 degree Mason Witch Brigham Young to avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith upon the United States to the 4th Generation; Mitt Romney the 4th generation from Mormon Apostle Parley Pratt is the Mormon White Horse; the biblical White Horse carries a Bow (Cupid, Sagittarius, Bowhunter, Bowman, Bowie making sense here?) Mitt has been told repeatedly he is “The one, mighty and strong, clothed in light to usher in the Christ”. Should Obama “Nimrod” (SS Codename “Renegade”) be declared ineligible to have run for President or an investigation of the Military votes tossed in the Persian Gulf or Absentee Ballots that were never counted by the election, the Mormon White Horse Prophecy may come true. Mitt has been told over and over he will fill this prophecy.
“When the constitution is hanging by a thread as thin as spider’s silk and blood runs down the streets from Ogden to Salt Lake City as water down a storm drain, elders of the Mormon Church will step in to save it” Mormons are oath sworn to the 4th generation (Senator Mitt Romney and Russian Amb Jon Huntsman) to avenge the death of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith on the United States; Blood=44=Dam. Mitt is an Iran-Contra Drug money launderer http://www.politico.com/story/2015/01/mitt-romney-considers-2016-presidential-campaign-114132 Feel the love yet? Neither did Hector McClean who chased down and killed Mormon Polygamist Parley Pratt who stole his wife Eleanor or his son Miles Park Romney, jailed in St Johns AZ for fraud and set to be lynched by the town sheriff.
44 Hectares make up the Vatican City (Divine or Divining Serpent); Chronos (Time or Chaos) as 44 assistants. Saturn is Chronos and rules the Age of Aquarius; at the annual start of Aquarius, Chabad Lubavitch Noahide Law supporting Jesuit Pope Francis will meet Sharia Law Judge Iranian President Hasan Rouhani to discuss the penalty for worship of JESUS; Decapitation. Chronos eats his own sons to prevent them from usurping his rule.
“I am the Life”=44 AEIE HIE written in Hebrew=44; “Phoenix” HVL =44; 10,000 is used 44 times in the Bible. Congress approved $10,000/Day for each of 444 days alleged hostages were in Iranian (Aryan) captivity or $4.4M each; Tribulations is used 44 Times in the Bible; note there is no 7 Yr Tribulation, only a 3 1/2 Yr 1260 Day Great Tribulation.
Sacred Heart in Babylonian is Bal; the Semitic “Baal” (Lord) seen in Obelisks “Baal’s Shaft”; in Egypt Baal’s Shaft represents the Phallus of “Osiris” aka “Saturn”; hence Satyrs are Fauns seen in the 6 Pt Star of Saturn aka Chaldean STUR (Star) symbolized as 666. The Feast of the Sacred Heart is 19 days after Pentecost; you can see the Sacred Heart of the New Age Christ in I, Pet Goat II Jesuit Priests Ignatius Loyola and Louis Gonzaga brought pagan Babylonian worship of the Sacred Heart into Catholic liturgy 500 years ago.
Now, you still want to set the tree and lights up for Christmas and send those Heart shaped Billets with your kids or tell them the truth and head for your Prayer Closet to apologize to the Creator of the Universe before it’s too late? Or you can pray to the Chaldean Saturn “Black Star” and hope for the best.
St Valentine is Cupid or Eros, the Gnostic god of Love. Valentine’s Day “Lupercalia” (Day of the Wolf “Lupercus”) is Feb 14 “Ides of Februa”. Julius Caesar borrowed a day for July; Augustus Caesar a day for August from Rome’s 11th month February “Month of Purification”. Feb 15 was the Roman “Parentilia” referring to illegitimate offspring conceived during Februa/February after St Brigit’s Day on Feb 1. Witches refer to this day as Imbolg “In the Belly”. Super Bowl 53 in Mercedes Stadium Atlanta featured the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) Patriots V Los Angeles Rams (Lamb) over Imbolg.
Feb 13th Eve became sacred to the Sabine and Etruscan goddess Lucina aka Lucetia “Goddess of Celestial Light” who became the Roman “Juno”, sister and consort of Jupiter (Zeus) equivalent to Artemis (5G Artemis Global Broadband may ring a Baal) or Diana “Goddess of the Hunt” and “Goddess of witchcraft”. Juno brought the Bride (Celtic St Brigid) across the threshold to the husband, unknotted the girdle, perfumed the doorposts, opened the womb to the “Seed of Light” and presided over labor, delivery and lactation. Gnostic Priests bloodied a knife sacrificing He-goats and Dogs; naked save for Goat Skin Thongs “Februas” they slapped women in fertility rituals with blood and milk soaked Goat Fur in the College of Luperci or “Lupercal”, considered the Cave of Remus and Romulus (Cretan Zeus myth is identical). Sex partners were chosen by “Billets”; heart shaped love notes for the “Sacrament of Copulation”, representing the Divine Union of Sophia “Wisdom” and the Redeemer “Lucifer”; 3rd Century Valentinian Gnostics called Lupercalia “Angels in the Nuptial Chamber”; suppressed in 494 AD, the day then became the Celtic St Brigid’s Day. Valentine’s Day originated before the founding of Rome; brought in by Umbrian (Sabine) women to Tuscany (Etruscany=Ombrike=Umbria); Rape of the Sabines refers to their abduction and subsequent assimilation into Roman society.
Witches and Augurs Witch means “Wise One” Augur means “To take Omens”; Magic peaks mid month. The 13th was designed so that 13, the number of rebellion as described in Gen 13:13 “Sodom and Gomorrah” and Gen 13 “Beast” (Beast means animal instinct).
The Catholic Church under Druid Princess Helena and Constantine the Great invented St Valentine much like they invented St Patrick or Santa Claus. Valentine was borrowed from the 3rd century Gnostic Valentinians whose Priests were called “Angels of the Nupital Chamber”. The ritual was a Sacrament of Copulation commemorating the Sacred Marriage of the Goddess of wisdom Sophia (Haggia Sophia Cathedral and DaVinci Code “Holy Grail”) to the Redeemer. The Artificial Intelligence Robot Sophia (Gnostic Wisdom) is the first citizen of NEOM, the first build from the ground up AI City in Saudi Arabia, built over the bulldozed Mt Sinai and Wilderness of Sin. Nice eh?
Valentine’s Day’s Heart Symbol is not a heart at all, but the Vagina and the shape of an apple (Aplu=Zeus) split top to bottom. The 5pt the shape of Venus’ 8 year cycle with the Sun as viewed from Earth is similarly derived by cutting an apple crosswise. The Apple itself has nothing to do with the Serpent or Garden of Eden; rather it refers to the Garden of Hesperides and the Golden Apple guarded by the Ladon Dragon cleverly hidden in the name Osama bin Laden “Lion of Ladon”.
The heart symbol made with the hands is a open signal the age old ritual “Divine Union” or “Sacred Marriage” aka Ritual Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. A similar sign to the “Hidden Hand” in Masonry attained at the 13th “Royal Arch” Degree or 28th Knight of the Sun degree by the men of Jahbulon (Jag-Baal-Osiris). Eve was said to have taken a bite of the apple even though no mention is ever made the Tree of Knowledge was a fruit tree; it simply refers to Gnosticm. Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf” was ministered by naked Priests; myth has it Lupercus mistook sleeping women for the priests of Lupercal and to prevent the mistake again they were required to revere him naked except for a Goat Skin Thong; the Goat Skin “Februa” they wore was in celebration of Esau.
Esau sold his soul yet obtains Dominion over the Earth by deception. Rebekah and his brother Jacob used blood stained goat fur to fool Isaac into reversing his blessings for the twin brothers; Isaac was fooled, but the blessings came from God who was not. The Scapegoat Jesus Christ in Lev 16:8 was then replaced by Satan in the guise of the Goat Idol Azazel (new bibles universally change Scapegoat to Azazel); the Goat Idol also was used to represent the Akkadian and Amorite Sun-god “Shamash” which wound up as the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah.
Noahide Laws and Shariah Laws will be enforced worldwide they stem from the Amorite King Hammurabi whose Scapegoat was Azazel/Shamash, the Assyrian god who dictated the Code of Hammurabi, originated as the Code of Naram Sin (Sin is Allah) and Lipit Ishtar (Easter) became the Magna Carta and Bill of Rights. Arab Sharia Law and 7 Noahide Laws require shedding of Blood for followers of Jesus Christ. Are you ready?
Antonin Scalia: Blood Sacrifice on Lupercalia
Antonin Scalia was an Opus Dei initiate whose seat on the Supreme Court was filled by Neil Gorsuch, an admirer of Henry Kissinger “The illegal we do immediately; the Unconstitutional just takes longer” who started the Fascism Forever Club at his Jesuit Prep School
A heart attack, pillow over his head, no autopsy, closed casket funeral presided over by his son and burial at an “Undisclosed Location” after hunting fowl where “No Country for Old Men” and There will be Blood on the 44th day of the Year Valentine’s Day. 44 is the Gematria of Blood; Gnostic Priests “Lupercal” soaked in Goat’s Blood pairing sexual mates for the coming year ring a Baal?
Opus Dei “God’s Work” Jesuits “Society of Jesus”? Hardly, Society of Gesu “Earth Pig”. Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus. Scalia, Roberts, Alito and Thomas are all Opus Dei Jesuits, sold out and sworn to serve Lucifer.
The US Supreme Court has 5 fake Jews and 4 Jesuit trained Justices at a time when the Supreme Court will rule on TPP, TTIP, TISA, NAFTA (Now USMCA) Abortion, Gay Marriage, Illegal Immigration Amnesty, Gun Rights, Climate Change and Church and State Separation. Donald Trump likely nominate 3 Justices.
2 Texas Justices of the Peace tell the Sheriff to call for an autopsy, the 3rd does not, recently elected with the same mantra Obama used “Yes We Can” (Means “Thank You Satan”). The family declines an Autopsy and performs the Mass. The FBI refused to compel an autopsy or investigate the death of a Supreme Court Justice, amid a Secret Society gathering, where “No Country for Old Men” (Best Picture) and “There will be blood” (Best Actor) were filmed the same year Obama was elected; the Gematria of Blood (Dam) is 44, 44th day of the year “Valentine’s Day” PO Box 444 coincidental? Scalia was found by Ranch owner John Poindexter who had just recently met with and been given an award by Obama and who flew Scalia to the Ranch. Scalia had a pillow on his face, an un-named US Marshall not even supposed to have been there and whose duty is to serve Federal Judges said he died of a “Heart Attack” and later changed his mind to “Natural Causes”.
“No Country for Old Men” is a line from “Sailing to Byzantium” (Byzantine refers to the “Complex, Devious, Royal Court of Constantinople”) by William Butler Yeats, an initiated member of the Theosophical Society aka Brotherhood of Death, Freemasonry and Order of Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian; the movie, filmed at Cibolo Creek Ranch is a Nihilistic look at changing values and morals in old age. “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” The Rule of Law followed by Scalia was the Constitution. On the Feast Day of Lucifer Aug 15, 1871 Freemason Albert Pike and Jesuit/Freemason Giuseppe Mazzini outlined the plan for 3 World Wars to usher in the rule of Lucifer; in the latter stage of the plan Nihilism becomes the rule of law; “Do what thou wilt” ringing a Baal?
“There will be blood” was based on the Upton Sinclair (another Occult, Parapsychology, Telepathy buff) novel “Oil”. Old French “Oil” became “Oui”; the “Language of Yes” seen in “Yes We Can” is also called the Language of Oc (Langued’oc) or Sight (Occular) of the type Occultists use to activate the Pineal Gland or 3rd Eye through Esoteric knowledge. It is also called “Green Language” which is why the Order of St Hubertus wears Green and uses the slogan “Honor God by honoring His creatures”. This type of Occult Language also the “Language of Birds”. Augury means Divination using entrails of Birds. God explains it like this “Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever Amen” Rom 1:25 Catching on now? How about lead character, Oil Man, con artist, Daniel Plainview? or his fake son HW? (Bush may ring a Baal).
Jesus is the Narrow Path to Salvation; Paul wrote that Charity (1 Cor 13; Charity is changed to Love in new versions) is the greatest virtue; it means “Esteem of God”. Nature worship comes after God worship folks!
Antonin Scalia was a Marrano fake Catholic, a Chabad Lubavitch Zionist, trained by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz; Jesuit educated at Georgetown; an Oath sworn Opus Dei initiate; an Oath sworn Knight of Malta. A “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothes”, in this case a Black Robe to match the Black Robed Jesuit General, pretending to be Catholic just like his Irish-Catholic raised Episcopal Priest, returned to Catholic, “Crypto” wife Maureen.
The International Order of St Hubertus hosted Scalia at Cibolo Creek Ranch; the Society began in the US at the Bohemian Club in San Francisco in “Year One Satan” 1966, at the same location and time the term “Al Qaeda” was coined by Stanford Univ visiting professor of Islamic studies Ibn Sayyid Qutb and the Church of Satan was founded by Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) and NSA General, Temple of Set leader Michael Aquino.
Jesuits: We corrupt in order to rule-Ignatius Loyola
St Hubertus (Hubertus=Bright Mind) has a Bull Shit story comparable to that of St Denis (Denis=Dionysus; Jesuit Oaths were first taken at the Cathedral of St Denis in Paris) who preached sermons with his severed head or St Francis Xavier who calmed a storm with his crucifix, saving everyone and having a crab return it to him on a beach.
Hubertus is important to the Scalia story, Hubertus is revered by both the Catholic and Anglican Church. Hubertus became devoted entirely to hunting after his wife died in childbirth on what else but “Good Friday”; he then stumbles upon a Stag with a large golden cross between its antlers; thereafter Hubertus became the Patron Saint of Mathematics, Opticians, Metal Workers, Hunters and Fishermen; The Order of Bohemia (Bohemian Grove Molech worshippers) and Order of Bavaria (Bavarian Illuminati and Jesuit Adam Weishaupt).
Why Hubertus? Hubertus means Son of Heber the Kennite and the family of the father-in-law of Moses; Heber’s wife Jael took a nail and hammered it through the Temples of Sisera the Canaanite army commander defeated by who else but Barack;(Ref Judges 4-5) likewise Judge Scalia and the Order of Hubertus may have just hammered the same Nail into the Supreme Court. I’m sure by now you have heard all the TV talking heads blaming Barack Obama for Scalia’s murder; I seriously doubt that; Donald Trump is the real 44th US President. it’s all just part of the occult communication. Just like “Good Friday”; it likewise is a Lie; Jesus was Crucified on Passover (14 Abib), laid in the Sepulchre before Feast of Unleavened Bread (15 Abib) and rose 3 days later on Feast of First Fruits (17 Abib). Tired of Jewish Fables and Jesuit Bull Shit? Me too.
Scalia’s flag draped casket lies in repose at the Supreme Court until the funeral mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception celebrated by his son Fr Paul Scalia. Basilicas house “Teaching Seats”; Immaculate Conception refers to Jesus’ mother Mary being absolved of Sin and becoming Sinless, by her yet unborn Son. Relax, you won’t find anything of the sort in Scripture; it’s just more Jesuit Bull Shit straight from the Arch-Basilica of St John Lateran and the 3 Unclean Spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet.
Family Guy and The Simpsons 9 years before Scalia’s faked Heart Attack on Lupercalia, in 2007 Family Guy “Meet the Quagmires” predicted Scalia’s death (leaving the US in a Legal Quagmire). Simpsons also predicted Donald Trump’s Presidency in 2000 “Bart to the Future” and “Trumptastic Voyage”. Merely, predictive programming as Scalia was immediately pronounced dead of “Natural Causes” by a US Marshall untrained to make the call, whose only function is to guard Federal Judges, not their bodies. The tail is wagging the dog here; Scalia did not die of natural causes; likely he did not die at all and merely recused himself with the help of a dozen US Marshalls serving the Crown Bar and the FBI.
US Marshalls serve Federal Courts, their Judges serve the Crown Bar in the City of London Corp which hold the Assets of the US CORPORATION. Assets= Liability + Equity. Every US Citizen is no hopeless Debt to the Bankers in the City of London.
By the Numbers
Scalia died at Cibolo Creek PO Box #44, on Day #44 on Lupercalia (Day of the Wolf), Valentines Day leaving the Supreme Court with a 4-4 split. 44 is the Sacred Number of Horus (Tammuz) in the New Aeon. Aleister Crowley’s book “Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix” refers to America as the “New Atlantis” rising as a Phoenix from self destruction, written in 1620 by Sir Francis Bacon in “New Atlantis”. The Phoenix is called “Lord of the Jubilees”; 2016 is a Satanic Jubilee. The mythical Phoenix dies and regenerates every 500 years; 11Q13 “Prince Melchisedek Scroll” predicts the arrival of Prince Melchesidek after 10 Jubilees (500 years); this being from the 5th Lateran (Hidden Frogs) Council signed by Black Nobility Pope Leo X. 44 is the Gematria of the Hebrew word (Dam) for Blood; In 1971 C Alan Martin predicted the US would end with the 44th President; Donald Trump is the 44th man elected US President. Mormon Extermination Order #44 requires/required Mormons to avenge the death of the prophets Joseph and Hyrum Smith upon the United States until the last drop of gentile blood is spilled; Federal Agents at the Oregon standoff at 44N119E allegedly gunned down Mormon LaVoy Finicum in cold blood; Finicum published “Only by blood and suffering. Reclaiming lost Freedom” July 4, 2015, the same year Silver Shield Bullion coins were issued “2015 Year of the Sheep” featuring 2 Wolves feasting on a Lamb. “Beast” is mentioned 44 times in Revelation; the Beast is rising and Hell awaits for everyone outside a personal Covenant with JESUS.
“Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King” Jesus in Mat 5:34. James placed the Sin of Oath Swearing “Above all else” James 5:12.
Scalia is/was an Oath Swearer par excellence. Scalia served/serves the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas unto death; oath sworn on his knees with a Black Crucifix pressed to his heart and a Ritual Black Dagger held against his neck, sworn to serve the Jesuit General. http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/jesuit_extreme_oath_of_induction.htm The HQ of the Jesuit Order, SMOM and Opus Dei is the Mother of all Churches in the World, the Cathedra (Teaching Seat) of the Arch-basilica of St John Lateran. Lateran means “Hidden Frogs”, the 3 unclean spirits of the Dragon, Antichrist and False Prophet (Ref Rev 12:9; 16:13). Scalia simply filled his mission and recused himself with help from the US Marshalls. Marshall means “High Officer of the Royal Court”. Didn’t teach us in school the Supreme Court is the US Royal Court with a Fasces symbol over the Door did they? or that the US CONSTITUTION offers no rights to Citizens, only CORPORATIONS chartered by the British Crown Bar. Marshall means “Horse tender/servant or to arrange for fighting”; that’s coming soon.
Scalia was/is a Jesuit, Knight of Malta http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/kmlst1.htm aka Sovereign Military Order of Malta; Knight of St John of Jerusalem, Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes or Knight Hospitaller, Opus Dei Initiate, self proclaimed “Jewish Justice” Supreme Court Justice. SMOM swear oaths to serve the Black Pope unto death, just ask Joe Biden, Paul Ryan, or Obama speech writer Jon Favreau.
3 Judges can’t find the time to drive to Cibolo Creek Ranch? Sounds a bit like having every single armed Andrews AFB F-16 at an offshore military exercise on 9/11/2001.
Yes We Can “Thank You Satan”
Antonin Scalia allegedly dies Quail hunting at a private ranch, the day after Scalia received Pagan Lent Ashes; so what did Scalia give up for Lent? 1st Justice of the Peace called, Juanita Bishop is 200 miles away in Ft Stockton on “Official Business”; she calls for an Autopsy. 2nd Justice David Beebe is also too far away and also calls for an Autopsy. 3rd Justice of the Peace is Cinderella (name means Ashes or Ends at Midnight; the likely time of Scalia’s death) Guevara, elected in 2014 using the same slogan Obama used “Si se Puede” “Yes We Can” In Reverse Speech this means “Thank You Satan”. You may recall Obama gave the Yes We Can speech 3 times; 1st on a stage in Denver built to replicate Satan’s Seat (Throne of Pergamon), the next 2 times next to the actual Satan’s Seat in Berlin.
Scalia did not travel with US Marshals and he refused a US Marshall Security Detail, yet US Marshals were first on the scene at Cibolo Creek.
Guevara is told by Presidio County (No Country for Old Men filmed there) Sheriff Danny Dominquez and an unnamed US Marshal there was “No Foul Play”; without seeing the body, she orders “No Autopsy” after being told by an unnamed and medically untrained US Marshall that Scalia died of a “Hearth Attack”; how did he know that? Subsequently, “Heart Attack” was changed to “Natural Causes” Scalia was lying in bed in unwrinkled bed clothes with a pillow on his face. Alpine Funeral Home is called and refused; the body flown with an escort of a dozen US Marshalls and FBI Agents (How and why did FBI and US Marshalls converge on the scene so fast?) whose duty is to protect Federal Judges, not their escort their bodies, to the “Sunset Funeral Home” in El Paso for an alleged, prompt embalming. Sunset means West, the “Land of the Dead” or “Setting Sun” which can be seen on Obama’s Prince Hall Mason designed Logo and the UN Carbon Fund Logo.
Opus Dei “Work of Zeus” Zeus is Satan.
Scalia was/is an Opus Dei Initiate; formed in 1928, Opus Dei turned 88 in 2016 the Satanic Jubilee following the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses marking the recapture of the Temple Mount during the 6-Day War and founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. 88 represents the Swastika (Broken Sun Wheel); the Infinitely Small combined with the Infinitely Large seen in CERN’s vain attempt to produce the Graviton “God Particle” (Gives Mass to Matter) and Gravity Strings/Dark Matter (Gives Order to the Universe). 88 is the number associated with Mercury’s Orbit; Mercury being Toth-Hermes and the phrase used by Talmudic Rabbis “Tikkun Olam” (Repair the Earth) according to the axiom in the Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes “As Above; So Below”. 88 is the number of the Cosmic Christ; “God One” in simple Gematria=88. Opus Dei was created for the 2016 Jubilee.
No foul play? Cibolo Ranch owner and an officer in Order of St Hubertus John Poindexter said he discovered Scalia’s cold body in bed with unwrinkled bed clothes and a pillow over his head.
Supreme Court challenges to TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership), TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), TISA (Trade in Services Agreement is the Big Nail) were as certain as Scalia’s position on these Foreign Corporate agreements being in violation of the Constitution.
Scalia was set to vote on cases involving the Un-Constitutionality of ObamaCare, Climate Change and UN Agenda 21, Illegal Immigration Amnesty, Gun Rights, Affirmative Action, Separation of Church and State and Labor Unions.
Scalia had just voted against Gay Marriage and Climate Change Agreements. Scalia’s position on Roe V Wade was also set in stone. So did the sworn servant of both the Black Pope (Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas) and White Pope (Opus Dei) find an easy way to simply recuse himself?
Jesus wrote the Law and shed His blood to fulfill it; the Talmud says He is now boiling in His own excrement in Hell forever. Folks, there will be a lot of Rabbis in Hell, if you don’t want to join them get right with JESUS, the author of the New Covenant.
Justice Scalia was trained in Talmudic Jurisprudence (aka Noahide Law) by Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi and member of the recently reformed Nascent Sanhedrin, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Chabad is an acroym for Chokmah, Binah, Daat; 3 levels in Kaballah. Noahide Law requires decapitation of worshippers of JESUS as “Idol Worshippers”. Scalia said “Talmudic training gives one a head start in US Jurisprudence” The part where Jesus the son of a whore writhing forever in Hell in His own boiling excrement is particularly insightful eh Antonin? http://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/2007/11/conservative-catholic-supreme-court.html In the Talmud “Balaam” (Glutton, Foreigner or Worthless Person) is a reference to Jesus; Jesus is the Word of God made Flesh which also uses “Balaam” as “Glutton, Foreigner or Worthless Person” referring to Balaam the priest of Balak in Num 22 teaching Israelites to eat things sacrificed to idols; Rev 2:14 as the “Stumbling Block” aka living under the Law; Priests “call no man your father upon the earth” Mat 23:9 and Rabbis “But be not ye called Rabbi” Mat 23:8. The New Covenant has only 1 Priest; His name is JESUS.
Opus Dei “God’s Work” or “Satan’s Work”?
http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2016/01/breaking-news-pope-francis-to.html Tikkun Olam means “Repair the Earth”, by removing unbelievers. The UN United Religions Initiative “URI” serves the same function as the Chaldean “UR” in Abraham’s Day where the Tower of Babel (Gate of El/Allah/On) was built. Jesuits are modern day Chaldeans. One world under the religion of Lucifer whose only commandments are “Do what thou wilt”. UN Planetary Initiative states “No person shall enter the New Age unless he or she accepts a Luciferian Initiation. Antonin Scalia was a Jesuit trained member of Opus Dei “God’s Work”? Not quite Dei=Zeus; this is the lay arm of the Jesuits; Society of Jesus? Not quite “Militia of Zeus”.
Catholics-Protestants-Muslims under one Tent
Jesuit Pope Francis formally healed the schism between Orthodox and Roman Catholicism meeting Patriarch Kirill in Cuba at the start of Lent 2016.
Pope Francis held Mass with the Sunni Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb Feb 5, 2019
Francis healed the schism between Anglican and Roman Catholicism on Halloween 2016.
Justice Raphael “Ted” Cruz? That’d be a stretch eh? Or would it? A Yarmulke wearing Sephardic fake Conservative financed by Goldman Sachs whose father worked for the CIA as part of the Anti-Castro campaign and JFK assassination? Trump may nominate 3 Supreme Court Justices
Scalia claimed to be a Constitutionalist, who just wrote the 5-4 dissenting opinion on the UN Global Climate Change Agenda pushed by Pope Francis I and the UN, and has taken a firm stand opposing Sodomite Marriage. His votes on these issues had already been settled. There was no way for Scalia to uphold UN Agreements such as the UN Small Arms Treaty, ObamaCare or sanction another UN-Natural born Citizen president like Rubio or Cruz, both tools of Chabad Lubavitch. Scalia just had to go, but was it through death? of a sworn Jesuit, Opus Dei Initiate? Donald Trump is an Oath sworn Jesuit Knight of Malta descended from Ashkenazi fake Jew Fred and Mary MacLeod, guardians of the Knights Templar.
Scalia’s wife Maureen McCarthy, an Anglican Minister raised Catholic yet McCarthy later converted to the Anglican Church. Rowan Williams is an Arch-Druid and his successor Justin Welby was an BP Oil Executive; the Anglican Church and its American Episcopal counterpart (referred to as “Catholic Light”) allows Gay and Women clergy, both far outside biblical mandates, and is in Communion with most every religion on Earth. McCarthy became an Episcopal Priest and recently turned back to Catholicism.
Scalia is/was Crypto Cryptos and Marranos will become anything required of them, entering the religion of others like they change underwear.; eg Templars, Jesuits, Sufis. The Oath of Induction of the Jesuits is in the Congressional record, calling for Jesuits to serve the Black Pope to death, becoming Catholic by pretending to serve the White Pope or becoming Protestant while swearing to “tear open mother’s wombs and swinging their babies heads against the rocks”. Reverend McCarthy apparently can’t understand 1 Cor 14:34 “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith in the law” (In other words, there are no God ordained women priests in either the old or new covenants) or Mat 23:9 “Call no man your Father upon the earth” declines an Autopsy 1 day after Jesuit Pope Francis healed the schism between the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. No Fowl Play other than the Cinderella moment for the US Constitution.
Vacant 9th Seat
Neil Gorsuch President of the Fascism Forever Club at Yale, quoting Henry Kissinger “The illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional just takes longer”; his mother gutted the EPA. Gorsuch was an Anthony Kennedy law clerk just like another Trump appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Jesuit, LGBT Lawyer John Roberts failed to Swear in 32 degree Prince Hall Mason Obama according to the Constitution; the repeat Oath failed to use a Bible, which is not a requirement, just that Obama is the first not to do so. Obama uses a fake Social Security Number from CT, fails to E-Verify, lives with Cross-dresser Michael Robinson (research his lovers Mohammad Chandoo, Kal Penn, Reggie Love) with Muslim Brotherhood (read Sharia Law enforcers) and Hindo advisers (Valerie Jarrett, Arif Alikhan, Mohammad Elibiary, Imam Rashad Hussain, Iman Mohammed Magid, Eboo Patel). Obama accepted the nomination in Denver on a stage made to replicate “Satan’s Seat” aka “Throne of Pergamon” from Rev 3:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oa9JGOFy2uc It is no coincidence Pope Francis was elected on 3/13/13 “Red Heifer Day” nor that there are 313 ! in the Authorized Bible, nor that when there are 313 sincere Shias “al-Mahdi” will return, nor that Islam split at the Battle of Badr on 3/13/313.
Scalia’s removal is America’s Cinderella Moment. America is the Red Heifer to be sacrificed on the altar of the New Temple; Ted Cruz just like Trump stated he can be trusted to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem for this reason. Cinderella (Texas Judge named Cinderella orders no autopsy?) means “Ashes”; in 1620 “New Atlantis” was published by Sir Francis Bacon declaring America the “New Atlantis” created when the Phoenix Immolates itself by Fire and rises anew. America (Amar=Canaanite god of the setting sun; Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Ameru=Serpent; Michael/Michelle is related to Ethiopian serpent priests of Ameru) was designed and built for this single purpose. You may recall on Election Night Michael/Michelle wore a Black Widow Dress https://ericreports.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/iu31qpk7bv.jpg This was not a fashion statement.
Jesus refers to Jerusalem as “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” in Rev 11:8KJV. Obama nominated 2 Lesbian Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor (member of Belizian Grove, the women’s counterpart to Bohemian Grove) and Elena Kagan (Obama’s mentor at Columbia, Harvard and Solicitor General; Kagan means “Khazar Royalty”) No Fowl Play at John Poindexter’s Quail hunting ranch? The 3rd Beast in Dan 7:6 is a Leopard with 4 wings of a Fowl; Black Panthers refer back to this Panther/Leopard, again referring to Ham (Black) and incest with his Cainite mother (Gen 9:22-23) A bit coincidental the 7th Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses ended on 9/23 eh?
Justice Raphael “Ted” Cruz?
Justice Scalia stated Ted Cruz is not eligible to be US President. Guess that opposition is gone eh? Ted was born in Calgary; his father Raphael was born in Cuba; his mother Eleanor Darragh Wilson has no verified Birth Certificate from Wilmington Delaware. There is no Consular Report of Birth abroad in Canada. Ted was born Dec 22, 1970, his Canadian Birth Certificate issued Dec 31, 1970 (Why the 8 day delay?) Canada had no Dual Citizenship Laws in place when Ted was born. Ted was never Naturalized a US Citizen and has renounced Canadian Citizenship (if he had that). He is definitely not a Natural Born US citizen (Art 1 Sec 2 Clause 5 Def: Person born in the US to 2 parents who were both US Citizens at the time of Birth); he is likely not even a US Citizen at all.
Ted was Bush Jr Solicitor General, appointed to the position by Bush Jr Attorney General now Governor Gregg Abbott, whom many claim is a fake Paraplegic. A Canadian citizen arguing cases for a State that never signed incorporation papers to become a US State, under a Flag that flies even with the US Flag. Ted knows quite well Texas was and still is set to become the HQ of the Confederacy (Federal “Foederis” means Covenant with God; Confederate the opposite); Lone Star making sense yet? Ask David Bowie about the Lone “Dark Star” on his Bible.
On Oct 2013 “New Beginnings” Mega Church Pastor Larry Huch blew the Shofar, on stage with a Cross superimposed over the Star of Molech and a Hanukkah Menorah backdrop, told his Yarmulke wearing Texas congregation with newly minted Texas Senator Raphael “Ted” Cruz and Cuban preacher/father Raphael Cruz in attendance, God spoke to him saying “We aren’t waiting 3 1/2 years, God has laid His hand on Ted and he has been anointed for the end times transfer of wealth…he was the real deal as law clerk and is the real deal as senator…he will be the real deal as VP or Supreme Court Justice”. Ted has stated “I can be trusted to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; Jesus calls Jerusalem “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8) Better check with Edomite King Abdullah II of Jordan Ted.
Raphael means “God Heals”; the non-canonical (considered part of the Canon by Roman Catholic and Orthodox) Book of Tobit declares Raphael, the Archangel of Healing. What a coincidence Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill just healed the 1000 year old East-West schism today in where else but Cuba. Ted=Theodore=Theo=God; Cruz is Portuguese (read Sephardic or Crypto) for Cross. Constantine adopted the Pagan Cross (Jesus was Crucified on a Tree) symbol and the slogan “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (By this sign Conquer). I suspect some Fowl Play on the Texas Quail Hunting trip http://www.alternet.org/speakeasy/brucewilson/ted-cruzs-father-suggested-his-son-anointed-bring-about-end-time-transfer
America is not and has never been a Christian Nation; it only carried the façade.
“We Corrupt in order to control” Jesuit Giuseppe Mazzini
“Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?” Adam Weishaupt
Jesuits are not followers of JESUS, they are Satanists trained to become “Stumbling Blocks” for Israel (One who wrestles with God) as they are today for followers of JESUS; 5th Column, Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes corrupting the Word of God. Example, Balak the Moabite king and Balaam in Num 22 brought the Jezebel Spirit to Israel precisely as Jesus warned in Rev 2:20. The Star of David? Not quite; Moabite Star of “Chemosh” more like. The Jesuit teaching legacy is Corrupt” Pre-Trib “Rapture” was created by Fr’s Francisco Ribera, Roberto Bellarmino and Manuel Lacunza with later help from Kansas con man Cyrus Scofield, promoter of “Study” Bibles. Big Bang Theory was originated by Fr Georges Lemaitre with help from the corrupt Edwin Hubble who believed nothing concerning the Expanding Universe. Evolution Theory by Charles Darwin and Fr Pierre Tielhard du Chardin with help from the corrupt Louis Leakey. Vaccinations by Quack Dr/ Fr Edward Jenner. God Particle/Gravity Theory the brainchild of Fr Roger Boscovich. Holocaust “Final Solution” and Mein Kampf by Fr Bernhard Staempfle. Pederasty/Pedophilia promoted by NAMBLA initiate Fr Paul Shanley “Sex before 8 or its too late”. Protocols of Zion and Federal Reserve the work of Jesuit General Wlodimor Ledochowski.
Other corruptions include: The 3rd Temple aka “Ezekiel’s Temple” is made by God and comes down from Heaven after the Millennium and “Gog and Magog”. There is no Temple during the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on Earth. This event is over 1000 years away. Daniel’s “70 Weeks” (Dan 9:24-27) is 490 days, not the BS your Study Bible describes. These 490 days are the final 490 days of the 1260 day “Great Tribulation” occurring during the 5th Trumpet “Woe”.
Fowl Play? As sure as the Eagle is the symbol of Esau and the Assyrian god Nisroch (Saturn) getting set to gather around America’s carcase Mat 24:28
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