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WORSHIP &WARFARE CONF MAR 22 2025PICTURES from morningstarevents.orgMorningstar (Lucifer, the name is Latin for “morning star” Is 14:12)Ministries ‘Worship and Warfare’ Mar 20-22, 2025. Melchizedek Priesthood, Mormons ‘Pey Heylel’ ‘Wondrous Lucifer’; JESUS the only Melchizedek Priest (Gen 14:18; Ps 110; Heb 5-7) ‘And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever’ Gen 3:22KJV You are Cursed; give your Sins to JESUS! 

Philadelphia ‘City of Brotherly Love’ Eagles= Satan; Esau’s love for Jacob is to kill him Gen 27:41 in 2025, the Jubilee Year (slaves become masters). Passover 2025? + 31/2years ‘Great Tribulation’=2028 Feast of Tabernacles the real Jubilee Year; Jesus’ Birthday. With Jesus out of the way, the war for our Souls is next; the Pineal Gland. The Fasces (bundle of rods tied with Red, Edom=Debt surrounding an axe blade) surrounds the Congressional Speakers Podium, Lincoln’s Throne, Supreme Court, Oval Office Doors, forces one to pledge allegiance to Caesar or die. ‘Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated’ Heb 9:13; Mal 1:3 ‘…there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Lord hath spoken it’ Oba 18 Ides of March, 44bc, Jesus was born 6bc, the Cross, Christians and Skull Caps are not symbols associated with JESUS! Julius Caesar was assassinated by Brutus; Hittite allies known as Drdny, referring to the Dardanoi dardán, ‘farmer’=Cain=Trojans=Zeus=Satan The pileus cap is the phrygian cap, yarmulke, zucchetto, mitre (Philistine=Palestine), pileus cornutus “horned skullcap”, Sogdian cap, cone-shaped pointed hat, kippahshtreimel, spodik, kolpik, kashkets, turbans, witch’s hat, skull caps’ etc Christians were required put on half-meter wooden crosses and Jews to wear wooden calves (Golden Bull) around their necks. The pileus was a Roman symbol of freedom, and was often worn by recently freed slaves. ‘Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered, dishounereth  his head.’ 1 Cor 11:4, Jews, Arabs, Islam, Sufis and Christian Clergy, Monks, Nuns all wear them. a’ JESUS is Alpha; aleph is derived from the West Semitic word for “ox” (Castrated Bull); GLORIA=Glory “brightness, splendor, magnificence, majesty of outward appearance. Lamar in Arabic is a reference to Gold; Kendrick: cyn bold or brave and ric ruler or king. Mamuralia on the Ides of March. This observance, which has aspects of scapegoat or ancient Greek pharmakos (poisoner) ritual, involved beating an old man dressed in animal skins and perhaps driving him from the city. Purim ‘Lots’ 13-14Mar; God is not mentioned in Esther; Lunar Eclipse $175 billion ‘deal’ for Ukraine? ‘MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH’ Rev 17:5 ‘Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but they name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee’ Gen 17:5 The pileus originated with Julius Caesar. Shakespeare (Spear-shaker of Athena daughter of Zeus/Satan) in the Park put on a play with Donald Trump as the assassinated Julius Caesar; Kathy Griffin had a severed head of Trump. ‘a’ aleph ‘bull’-tav ‘mark, sign, omen’=amazon a- ‘without’ + mazos ‘breast’; “man-like or heroic woman, woman of extraordinary stature, strength and courage” Drumph? The Felon in Chief, 5X Bankrupt, 5X Draft deferred Trump was inaugurated without his hand on the Bible! 

Billie on X: "They are so damn tacky! Have they even read a ...A goat covered with $100 Bills ‘In Trump we trust’ is at Mar a Lago; Dollar comes from Joachim’s ‘Raised by Yahweh’ Mint; YHWH=Yahweh=Allah Joaquin is Virgin Mary’s father a Spanish name=Sephardic ‘Jews’, Arabs descended from Joktan (Gen 10:30) Sepharad holds Jerusalem captive (Oba 20; Obadiah is Jesus!) 2 Covenants one from Agar (Hagar, the Egyptian hand maid, ‘h’ means ‘God is with me’, cast out near Mecca; Sarah and Abraham received the ‘h’) at Mt Sinai “sin”, the moon, to shine which answers the to Jerusalem, the other from Heaven (Gal 4:24) For the love of money is the root of all evil’ 1 Tim 6:10KJV

World Governments Summit in Dubai “locust, money’ 11-13 Feb ‘Shaping Future Governments for AI’

The Family

Arab: Chaldean ‘Rba’-Sabean ‘Rba’=Rabbis

”The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up.’ Amos 5:2KJV US now controls Gaza ‘to end something’, an Arab sovereign territory with $Billions in Nat Gas, Israel has no right to give away Gaza is “Riviera of the Middle East” 33deg Luciferian Freemason Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas (Mazen=Marzanaa, the Slavic goddess of seasonal agrarian rites of death and rebirth of nature), PM Benjamin Netanyahu (Tribe of Benjamin ‘Ravins as Wolf and divides the land for gain’ Gen 49:27), Donald Drumpf (a subordinate? accepted a gold pager, and held the chair for Netanyahu?) paving the way for Antichrist! PM Netanyahu is Ranked below IsRaEl Pres Isaac Herzog=’duke’ of the sons of Esau ‘Amalekites’ shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan...And Esau seeing the daughters of Canaan pleased Then went Esau unto Ishmael, and took unto the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael...Gen 28:6-9 Canaanites-Arabs pretending to be ‘Jews’ ‘Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice (viper, serpent), and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpentIs 14:29 (Rev 9, 5th Trumpet 1st and 2nd Woe! is my guess) Greater Israel is generally used to refer to the territory of the State of Israel and the Palestinian territories; ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen…” Amos 5:1 IsRaEl is the Synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews but ARE NOT! Arabs are Semitic, descendants of Shem=Edomites and Islamic. Are you Antisemitic?  Abraham had 2 sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman...For this Agar in mount Sinai is Arabia, answereth to Jerusalem, which is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. Gal 4:22-26 YHWH and Allah or JESUS in heaven.  Scottish Rite Grand Commander Albert Pike wrote letter to Giuseppe Mazzini ‘3 World Wars‘ ‘WWII Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine…Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other…Nations fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. Creation, Flood (1656years later 17 Tishri 2348bc Gen 8:4), and Jesus was born Feast of Tabernacles 6bc, He would have been 33years old in 28ad + 2000years=2028 This upcoming war is about JESUS! Passover2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028 is my best guess.

The Awakening Washington National Harbor Gen 6 ‘Giants’? Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor with FDR “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. KL-03 Ubiquitous RF Control Chip is in everything Aircraft, Trains, Cars, Power Plants, Gas Stations, Hospitals, Banks and soon YOU. Canaanites run the Presidency, Commerce and HHS; ‘Natural Law’ Sovereign Wealth Fund (Saudi Arabia invested $600B) first purchase 2Billion COVID ‘Cert of Vac ID’ in the mirror DIVOC ‘demon box’ (cube of Allah/YHVH worn on the forehead) Vaccines ‘serpent venom’ AI=CONTROLS THE ABILITY TO BUY AND SELL!The true secret of all practical magic’ Trump is MAGA ‘Magician’, a Witch

Heart=Baal Lucy=Lucifer Baal ‘lord’ #1 Commandment in both the Old and New Covenants ‘Love God with all your heart and soul’ Sir ‘knight is service to lord’ Escanor Esca ‘to shine’=Light Bearer’ + Nor ‘North’ (Lucifer) Hopium ‘hope’ + ‘opium’ aka ‘Aunti Em’ ie Electro ‘Sun’ + Magnetic ‘Earth’ Weapons. ‘How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? ‘Earthquakes in diverse places’ are in Matt 24:7, Mk 13:8, Lk 21:11 Hope #1680 “elpis” primarily denotes a confident expectation or trust in God’s promises. ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.’ 2 Pet 3:8KJV ‘And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.’ 1 Cor 13:13KJV Charity=Love of God! not Lucy=Lucifer. Creation, Noah’s Flood, Jesus’ Birth, 2nd coming (2028ad?) on Feast of Tabernacles (Zech 14:18) There is one Hope JESUS

Feb 2 Feast of the Presentation or Purification is one of the oldest feasts of the churchCandlemas, Imbolc ‘In the Belly’Groundhog Day. Kevin Hogg, father of David Hogg did not just work as a former FBI agent. He worked for a Defense Contractor that
specializes in performing Crisis Operation ‘Simulations’ like the one he ran at Marjorie Stoneman-Douglass School on Valentines Day Shooting ‘Presentation’ of ‘Christ’ (Horus ‘KRST’=Heru ‘Heroin’=Opium, Osiris, Apollo etc) is 40days after Christmas is ‘Purification’ after birth of ‘Solis Invicti’ on Grammy Night; 21 Grams supposed weight of the Soul; Horus (Apollyon Rev 9:11) b Dec 25, the god who ushered souls into the afterlife. He attended the weighing scale during the “Weighing of the Heart” (Heart=Baal!) in the Duat the residence of Osiris, Anubis, Thoth, Horus, Hathor, and Maat, who all appear to the dead soul as it makes its way toward judgement. Weight of the Soul=feather of Maat

This is your captain speaking. Mel Gibson's FLIGHT RISK soars into cinemas January 23. #FlightRisk #MarkWahlberg #MelGibsontwo minute warning from en.wikipedia.orgFlight Risk is Mel Gibson’s movie; he paints 1/2 his face blue, just as he did in Braveheart (Heart=Baal); his last word ‘Freedom’. Picts ‘painted/blue tattooed’, it wasn’t the drums of war that toppled the Picts: it was the cross; they brought Magic to Ireland and matrilineal kingship succession; Picts sailed to Scotland from ancient Sycthia (Scythe=Father Time) Kenneth MacAlpin, crowned himself as their ruler and formally united the Picts with the Scots; Drumpf? a Scythian woman magician? mother’s logo is a Bull, Tartan is Yellow=Sun. Jew Mark Wahlberg stars in Flight Risk; Anderson Cooper Flight Risk about the Black Hawk (Horus) hitting American Airlines jet in Wash DC. Rabbi Dov Zakheim ‘Flight Termination Systems’ was tested on 9/11/2001; KL-03 RF Microchip was tested on MH-370 ‘True secret of practical magic’ , MH-17 ‘Admirable Sacrament’ Skull&Bones Jew Stephen ‘martyr’ Schwarzman ‘black + man’) controls BlackStone and Jacob Rothschild ‘Red Shield’ nee Bauer=farmer=Cain (Red Six Pointed Star Tav=666 ‘mark, sign, omen’), controls KL-03, the Ubiquitous ‘everywhere’ controller of Aircraft, Trains, Ships, Fuel, Banks etc controlled by AI. The blue paint? Zeus=Satan. To Be or not to Be. OMEN (sign, auspice, sign, augury, foretoken; mark, sign, aim aka Mark of the Beast; mirror of NEOM monster, evil or wicked person, person without humanity, nonentity, inane person aka Arab Mel says Apocalypto means ‘New Beginning’, he held the Nails in Passion of the Christ and Passion II debuts on Passover/Easter. Jew Wes Clark nee Cohen (Korahites Num 16:32-33; 26:10; Jude 11) Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. 2 minute warning is about up in ‘Championship X, the LA Memorial Coliseum, Super Bowl is now in Caesars “king”  Coliseum.
Teotihuacan Computer Circuit Board 1seaglobexseaboard

Teotihuacan ‘Place where men become gods’; the Pyramid of the Sun and its reflected light the Moon ‘Sin’ looks like a Remote Access Terminal ‘RAT’ lined up with Orion=Anubis/Anus. A Ley Line (‘pastureland’; Dragon Lines, veins of Mother Earth) goes from there and lines up with Atlanta (CDC; Walking Dead)), HWY 77 Liber Oz: Book 77 ‘Book of the Goat’; Trump posted a mirror picture of himself as a Goat; Georgia (Geo=Earth) Guide Stones, the Earth’s Ten Commandments, aka ‘Americas Stonehenge’ 3/22/80 the Serpent descends 91steps of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl on 3/22; 91days/13weeks Jan 29 ‘Year of the Snake’ +91=Apr 30 ‘Walpurgis Night’ aka ‘Witches Night’. Trump is a Witch! On Apr 30 the World Wide Web ‘WWW’ was launched, the 1st 5 Colonies Washington DC (Capitol=Head; Black Hawk/American Eagle crash; Georgetown=Jesuit HQ and Supreme House of the Temple=HQ of Freemasonry), Baltimore (Key Bridge), Philadelphia (Brotherly Love=Esau; Shriners ‘Noble Arab Order of the Mystic Shrine’), NYC (9/11), Boston (Tammuz Party), Stonehenge, Troy (Trojan horse filled with diseased corpses), Sophia ‘wisdom’ Blue Mosque, Bulgaria (Bogomils/Buggery), Baalbek (Baal=Lord + ‘City of the Sun’=Heliopolis), Lebanon (Laban Gen 31:46-49) ‘My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?’ Jesus last words in Aramaic=Syrian, Mt Hermon (Gen 6), Armageddon

deep seek logo from www.fastcompany.comIs 29 Ariel=ari “lion” + el “God” (Canaanite), a name of Jerusalem.  Jan 29=Chinese ‘Year of the Snake’, a ‘light’ descended on the  Mosque of Omar (Arab-Islam teaches Abraham and later Muhammed rode a Winged White Horse ‘al Buraq’ “lightning” on a Night Flight to survey the world; the horse is Lucifer!; Omar is Arabic ‘flourishing, long-lived, wealthy, famous, eloquent, gifted speaker’!  14 yrs ago (Matt 1:17=14 Generations from Abraham to Jesus; Rev 14) on Jan 29 ‘Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the LORD…’ Is 29:15; ChatAI replaced by Deep Seek AI? is Chinese=Sin. It’ NOT the Star of David; It’s the Star of Molech!  Genesis 14:18: Melchizedek, king of Salem (an early name for Jerusalem), blesses Abram; Melchesidek (King of Salem and Priest of the Most High) is JESUS! Notice Rev 7:5KJV Juda is missing the ‘h’ ‘God is with us’; the Yarmulka blocks ‘praying’ to JESUS 1 Cor 11: 4. Dan 6 Darius the Mede=MAGA (Magician) Trump/Drumpf ‘Drummer’ ‘You knew I was a snake when you let me back in’; Darius forced people to worship him for 30 days, Daniel prayer to God and was fed to the Lions, an angel ‘shut the lion’s mouth’ We need to do the same; Jesus is the Lion of Juda!

Messianic-fooled-Zionist-Christians-never-call-any-23-8-reason-Sign-Shin-Nails-forged-Tubal-cain-fasten-wrote-several-books-HHanged Man’s House ‘…for he that is hanged is accursed of God’ Deut 21:23 We’re all hanging from the same Tree! JESUS forgives all manner of Sin, except Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost! A follower of JESUS is not Christian, Jew, Muslim ie Arab

Elon Musk's xAI secures $6bn in fresh capital fundingXAI=Martian ‘Grok’ 

The Big C? Cancer Vaccine you can’t Vaccinate for Cancer; but you can get it for FREE! Debt and Cancer relief in exchange for your Soul!Grok? Robert A. Heinlein, whose 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land placed great importance on the concept of grokking. In the book, to grok is to empathize so deeply with others that you merge or blend with them. Moses in Exodus 2:22, naming a son Gershom ‘exile’ “for he said, I have been a stranger in a strange land. Gershom “foreigner” firstborn son of Moses and Zipporah (Kenite Jethro, Moses’s father-in-law, who was a shepherd and a priest in the land of Midian ‘El shall pasture‘ firstborn son of Levi a son of the priestly family who returned from exile with Ezra.) OPERATION “RESTORING TRUST IN SCIENCE” IS UNDERWAY WITH TRUMP CANCER VACCINE;Science is Chaldean ie Babylonian-Khazarian ‘Serpent People; Vain and profane babbling’ Dan 1:4; 1 Tim 6:20KJV GOT JESUS YET!
  • Clade ‘branch’ X (Tav=mark, sing, omen’) was held May 15, 2018 coincident with ‘Ramadan’ burning; scorching; blazing; glowing. Ramadan is a name for the Almighty, in Arabic Ḍād , for Muslims ‘Allah’
  • St Paul Acute Respiratory System Pandemic ‘SPARS’ Apr 17-20, 2018; the ‘Holy Ghost’ Pandemic ‘All + People’ was simulated 7 years ago! Apr 20, 2025 is Passover/Easter ‘SPARS’ Pandemic 2025-2028 is here! Apostles were created by Jesus ‘Laying Hands’; after Pentecost, JESUS did this again as He did with Paul. Acts 2:45 ‘Selling Possessions’? Baptism of the Holy Ghost requires it! GESARA=Debt forgiveness in exchange for your Soul; access to the Web ‘WWW’ and a Mark of the Beast=X ‘mark, sign, omen’ aka Disease ‘lack of ease’ + X. Kalocivir=Remdesivir=Veklury, is a broad-spectrum antiviral medication developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead ‘Galeed ‘Heap of stones/Testimony’ in Edom; Balm of Gilead=Sin of Israel Jer 8:22 Jew Don Rumsfeld ring a Baal? Sciences.
  • SPARS-CoV 2025-2028 St Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome “to run”“together” + “with the sun” SPARS 2018 When the new A.I.cancer vaccine kicks in”; I think this is why Dr Andrew Moulden was killed Diamagnetic: Red Blood Cells carry Oxygen and are repelled by a magnetic field resulting in Instant Asphyxiation Emergency Use Authorization for Veklury meaning YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! 5G=Coronavirus ‘Crowned Snake Venom’ Jan 25 ‘Year of the Snake’ ‘You knew I was a Snake when you let me back in’-Trump
  • AI Governance Alliance aka Project 47 is the Unforgivable Sin!
  • Trump/Drumpf is President 47 YHShWH=47=Satan. Sh=Sin=Shin=Teeth=Nails that fastened Jesus to the Tree.  Rabbis like Jonathan Cahn forgive Sins in advance of Yom Kippur on ‘Kol Nidre’.
  • Disease X=Vav ‘mark, sign, omen’ WWW is the NWO Web address. The Vulcan Hand Sign ‘Shin’ is used by Talmudic Rabbis to open Synagogues of Satan prior to Yom Kippur on Kol Nidre ‘All Vows’ Congregations are FORGIVEN IN ADVANCE for all Sins and Oath; In the masonic quiz book Who is Tubal-cain? Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites. The Chief Blacksmith Tubal-cain is forging our CHAINS! and Naamah is his sister is the mother of Canaan!
  • Trump Announces Immediate Construction Of Iron Dome After Signing Executive Order
  • COVID 19 began in Wuhan 2019, planned, patented and rehearsed 666 years later in the Chinese Year of the Rat. Wuhan was the 1st 5G City People instantly dropped like flies! The Bubonic Plague traveled from Wuhan to Crimea to Europe 666 years ago with the Rats and Golden Horde. Nosferatu is a Rat whose true love is Ellen Hutter (works in iron foundry in a hut)

Without the Mark of the Beast and the Internet of Everything ‘IOT’ we won’t be able to Buy or Sell!

God? or Satan? Population drops icy 77% in the US; 5G? ‘Federal’ ie Covenant with God; Population increases ‘Confederate’ ie Lebanon, Oman, Yemen, Egypt as Shiva=Apollyon (Rev 9:11) ‘Destroyer’=Orion=Osiris=Horus=Satan, Lucifer, DeviI, serpent, dragon, snake 14:12-17 aka Santa Claus“The world will exist for six thousand years, and in the seventh it shall be destroyed (renewed)” Sanhedrin 97a So how old do you think the world is? ‘“The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.” Is 24:20KJV “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” Mat 24:22KJV “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Pet 3:8KJV

HHS (Robert Kennedy Jr) gives Moderna (Jew ie Canaanite Stephanie Bancel) $590 Million To Produce MRNA Bird Flu (Serpent Venom) Vaccine (of the Cow); Moderna=Modern DNA. The Supreme Court ruled changing God given DNA/mRNA makes you NON-HUMAN! You have NO RIGHTS!

WEF Klaus Schwab Demands General Public Mass-Vaccinated ‘Every 6 Months’ with ‘Long-Acting’ mRNA Injections. LENACAPAVIR ‘Sunlenca’ by Gilead Science for HIV and now Cancer? Science named lenacapavir “2024 Breakthrough of the Year”. Schwab was standing in front of a podium with a BULL and SUN! Albert Bourla, Sephardic Royalty ‘Burla’ Jew ie Canaanite ‘...the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad’ Oba 1:20 ‘For this Agar (Hagar) is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem’ Gal 4:25 Separdics are Arabs and Muslims pretending to be Jews. Pfizer mirror image Rezipf ‘Burner’=Mars ‘god of war’. He was introduced to Egypt, by the Hyksos ‘Foreign Shepard Kings’ from Knossos (Gnosticism) Crete; Minotaur ‘Bull’ and ‘Satan’s Seat’.

Trump Issues Executive Order Restoring Federal Death Penalty “only capital punishment can bring justice”;  Federal: “covenant” between God and man. Ps 83 Confederate: Edom, Ishmaelite, Moab, Hagarenes (Arabs), Gebel (Phoenician), Ammon, Amalek, Philistines, Assur (Assyrians=Syria), Midianites (Kenites=Cainites), Witches. Red, White, Green Flags

The Space Barons: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and the Quest to Colonize the CosmosThe billionaire space race showcases ...Blue origin rocket hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy
Blue Origin's rocket New Shepard blasts off, near Van Horn, Texas

Blue Origin is a JOKE! Unity, New Horizons (Horus of the 2 Horizons), New Shepard, (‘sheep’ and ‘herder. Hyksos ‘Foreign Shepard Kings’=Canaanites), Blue Horizon (Zeus)=Sodomy=Anus ‘One to rule to unite them all’; Anus=Anubis, was Osiris=On bDec 25=‘BablyOn’ whose son Horus (Apollyon Rev 9:11) b Dec 25, the god who ushered souls into the afterlife. He attended the weighing scale during the “Weighing of the Heart” (Heart=Baal!). Soul versus the feather of Maat, Egyptian goddess (of the Moon=Sin), daughter of the Sun, the personification of truth, order, and righteousness, symbolized by a feather, like the feather on Blue Origen. Capital “head” punishment in Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations is a legal punishment. Executions in the country are carried out by decapitation (beheading); JESUS gives White Robes to everyone executed (Rev 6:11). ‘And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.’ Rev 20:4 In Kabbalah (enclosure of Allah), on the tree of life, Mars is associated with Gevurah, which is often translated as ‘Severity, Strength, Judgment’ Mars is the UNKNOWN GOD. The Roman God of War. “You should look for life on Mars, and you should keep looking for life on Mars.’ Chabad Rebbe Menachem Schneerson The Hidden White Olympic Ring=Joktan=Sephardic (Jews of the Spanish Rite; Gen 10:13-32)=Arab=Muslim eg Oman, Wales, Iran, Lebanon (Laban=Phoenicia=Aram ‘To make White’) Jesus last words ‘My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?’  PRAY TO JESUS for forgiveness Sins, we are all hanging from the Tree of Knowledge!
Baron=”freeman, man”  Christian ‘Messiah’ Davenport ‘chieftain’ + dubh ‘black’ + artach ‘nobleman’.Nobody went to Space, no Moon, no Mars, just Actors like Trump who announced ‘Stargate’ (Human are called Tau’ri “first ones”=Canaanites; Tauri Scythae (Bull + Scythe=Time) by the Ancients ie Assyrians, Babylonians, Sumerians, Akkadians, Egyptians, Hittites, Sea Peoples, Philistines and Hebrews; Gate Builders=BabEl; Operation Warp Speed?) God in a Stargate is simply one worshiped by those beneath, and a being of great enough power to force people to do so; UNKNOWN GOD of Mars’ Hill Acts 17:22-23 ring a Baal?  Stargate is $500B plan for AI aka ‘Mark of the Beast’; a Vaccine for Cancer? No, you can’t vaccinate against Cancer; You vaccinate against God/JESUS Gene, the Pineal Gland, this is the Arabian Phoenix! June 21 – July 22 Feast of St John=Oannes  Jews ie Canaanites Sam Altman (OpenAI), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Masayoshi Son (Soft Bank; Alibaba), Don Trump (Actor; Central Casting; remember Barron Trump Marvelous Underground Journey? The Actor in Chief played the role of the Phoenix!; $600B is being supplied by Saudi Arabia and UAE ‘MGX’; Jews financed by Arabs to commit the Unforgivable Sin.
Terrazzo Celebrates a Shared History - NCTAOlive Branch? or Arrows? The PresidentiaSeal of the United States has two versions, for peace and another for war. During wartime, the head of the Eagle (Satan) is turned to the left ‘Sinister’, toward the Arrows of war. Trump’s Presidential Seal indicates War! A picture? Peace is War! WWIII has been scheduled since the Civil War; 91days/13weeks Jan 29 Year of the Snake’ +91=Apr 30 ‘Walpurgis Night’ aka ‘Witches Night’. On Apr 30 the World Wide Web ‘WWW’ was launched; 3 Nails ‘You knew I was a SNAKE when you let me back in” Trump
33 number associated with freemasonry pictures from www.pinterest.comTIME: SPARS-CoV 2025-2028 St Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome “to run”“together” + “with the sun”/Virus ‘Serpent Venom’ aka Disease X The Respiratory Syndrome is the Holy Ghost! SPARS-CoV C11 (3/11) the date COVID was declared a ‘Pandemic’ mirror image DIVOC ‘Demon Box’. Paul became an Apostle ‘one who is sent forth; a delegate’ Apostles ARE created by JESUS through the ‘Laying of Hands’. Paul was made an Apostle through the Holy Ghost and you can too! Heb 3:1; John 1:14; 1 John 5:7KJV SPAR logo is a SPIRITUAL ‘Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ XMass Tree; X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’ The sign goes in your forehead (Rev 13:16) over the ‘pineal gland’ the address is 22 Chancery Lane (lattice-work partition that divided a section of a church or court, from which also derives chancel, cancel “cross out with lines”, incarcerate “put behind bars”) Pinetown (pineal); Remember Syndrome real real name Buddy Pine is the main antagonist of the 2004 Disney-Pixar animated film, The Incredibles. LEM Billings was JFK’s Sodomite Buddy; LEM=Lunar Excursion Module called the Eagle=Satan, with 2 33deg Masons faking the moon landing; Wernher von Braun ‘The Mars Project’ ‘Elon will lead us to Mars’ the UNKNOWN GOD of war! Acts 17:22-23.  Creation happened of Feast of Tabernacles; 1656 years later the Flood, the Ark rested 17 Tishrei; Jesus was born Sept 29, 6bc Feast of Tabernacles; He would have been 33 on 28ad on Feast of Tabernacles; Gog and Magog is on Feast of Tabernacles Zech 14:18 He returns 2000 years later on Feast of Tabernacles 2028 when Creation will be 6000years old. JESUS is GOD, the only way out.
     ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.’ 2 Pet 3:8KJV JESUS returns at 6000years;  Guessing, Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028


The Ben Shapiro Show (2015)Adrenochrome Trump/Drumph ‘Drummer’ Inauguration on ‘MLK’ Day Molech=MLK ‘Bull’ “to rule”, Melek=’King’; boshet ‘shame’=Baal ‘Lord’, the 33rd deg Mason didn’t even place his hand on the Bible because he serves Lucifer. Trump to release JFK, RFK, MLK assassination papers is the Canaanite, Phoenician and Ammonite god, to whom children were sacrificed by burning. Moloch Trap is a zero-sum game. Everyone competes for X=Tav=’mark, sign, omen’, but in doing so, everyone ends up worse off. Melania ‘Black’ wore a Hamburglar Hat; Ham=Black symbolizing CORPORATE GREED Knavesa dishonest man’, the father of Canaan. BabEl=YHWH or BabIlu Allah=zero sum game; the Black Horse carries 2 Balances, JESUS is the 2nd Balance! Rev 6:5KJV announces Stargate, personalized mRNA gene editing for Cancer; Supreme Court ruled in 2012 Edited DNA/mRNA’ is non Human; YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! Ashtoreth (Easter) is the Soul Prison. You knew I was a snake when you let me back in’. Chinese Year of the Snake begins Jan 29 Rabbi, Imam, and Christian Pastors, Jesuit, Female Bishop, and a Very Reverend, on Rev Martin Luther King Jr.Day ‘MLK’=Molech Reverend is used 1 time in Scripture, it describes JESUS!He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name. Ps 111:9KJV
     Oz=power #5797 Ozem ‘I shall hasten’=77 ‘4th beast of Iron’=Liber Oz: Book 77 ‘Do what thou wilt’The Book of the Goat’The rights of man’ The only rights anyone on Earth has is to have a relationship with JESUS; Goats will Depart!
      Trump is an Actor with a Hollywood Star, 5X Draft Deferred, 5X Draft deferred, convicted felon, a Jew who wears a Yarmulke and admits he is not a Christian, 33deg Luciferian Freemason, Arab Shriner, and MAGA ‘Magician’, 5th level in the Church of Satan.
Trump: Arab Sword dance, Phoenix, Arab ‘Medal of Freedom’ Funeral Attire? You can see why he failed to put his hand on the Bible at the Swearing-In just as Obama did; ‘Yes we can’=Thank You Satan’ in reverse speech!
‘A Double Minded Man is unstable is all his ways’  ‘And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house’ Matt 12:27-29KJV (Mk 3:27; Lk 11:21) Strong Man=Satan=Beelzebub; Demon daiesthai “to divide” or “distribute”; Netanyahu is a 33deg Freemason from the tribe of Benjamin, a wolf seizes the prey and divides the land and people for gain Gen 49:27. JESUS is God; everything is His! ‘A double minded man is unstable in all his ways’ James 1:8KJV. ‘But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Rev 21:8KJV  Sodomy #4670 sodoma represents extreme wickedness and moral corruption aka Satan’s Sex. #733 arsenokoites: homosexual, sodomite; men who engage in sexual relations with other men. from 730 /árrhēn, “a male” and 2845 /koítē, “a mat, bed”, properly, a man in bed with another man; God (Jesus) sent ‘Fire and Brimstone’ (sulphur) on Sodom and Gomorra; Gen 13:13KJV Sodomites use the phrase ‘Key on David’ The Church of Philadelphia (Brotherly Love; ie Esau’s ‘love’ for Jacob) Rev 3:7KJV=Synagogue of Satan=’Jews’; ‘Elohim Spirit’=’Legion’ (Elohim is plural for the Canaanite god=Satan). Pine Tree=Pineal Gland; 10th Chromosome (Dec=10th month) aka ‘God Gene’; ‘I AM’ spirits; Prince Will I Am ‘Invictus Games’, or ‘Dies Solis Invicti’  ring a Baal? Prayer and Fasting is the only biblical solution for ‘deliverance’; remember the movie Deliverance was about Sodomy. The Eagle (Nisroch=Satan); Eagle clutching a Beehive above an Upside Down Star ‘Eagle Gate’ to Mormon Temple The Eagle was standard of the Roman Legion, the ‘one ring to rule them all’ ie the ‘Root Chakra‘; perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious, our most primitive “animal self” ‘Beast’ Gen 13:13 ‘The men of Sodom were wicked sinners before the LORD’ Rev 13 Beasts of the Earth and Sea.  Trump gave Pope Francis a ‘Lotus Flower’ title ‘Rising Above‘; element is earth; ‘earth dwellers’, centre of spiritual intuition and spiritual vision (God is Dead; a Democracy ‘People Rule’); homunculi (artificially generated creatures; AI sound familiar?); a willed congress with extra-terrestrial entities, Aiwaz is the immediate messenger to humanity; Aeon of Horus is the Aeon of Magick. Root Chakra is the anus, Anus is the Greek name for the ancient Jackal-headed god of the dead Anus=Anubis=Osiris bDec 25, Horus bDec 25. Monarch Programing=royalty or “chosen ones” ‘And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Luke 17:26-30, KJV

LAM: The Land of Milk and HoneyLAM The Way or Path is Satan channeled by Luciferian Freemason Aleister ‘666’ Crowley; lama means “highest principle”, and less literally “highest mother” or “highest father” to show close relationship between teacher and student aka Crowley’s ‘Aiwaz’. Historically, the term was used for venerated spiritual masters or heads of monasteries=guru Drake “dragon, sea monster, serpent” equation: search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI)=Set god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion. Set=Foreigners, Aliens ‘belonging to another’ Hyksos “Shepherd kings; rulers of foreign lands” Canaanite Baal ‘Lord’, being worshipped together as “Seth-Baal” Set is god of the desert, foreign lands, thunderstorms, eclipses, and earthquakes. LAMbeat soundly, thrash’ mirror image MAL “bad, wrongful; intentional “evil” done to another’. Christopher ‘bearing Christ‘  Wray ‘denounce a person, to reveal (a secret), to betray’. Wray says China has malware installed everywhere in the US; ‘And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.’ Mat 10:36; Mic 7:6 Aleister Crowley’s demon channeled Book 370 (777) “True secret of all practical magic” MH-17 the ‘Admirable Sacrament’ God is NOT mentioned in the 17th book of Bible ‘Esther’ Why? Purim ‘Cast lots for Marduk’ 17=Holy Spirit, Admirable Sacrament, 17 muscles in the tongue ‘SOLEX-MAL’ (Solar Tongue) “I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.” Ps 39:1 Marduk ‘Bull’=Lucifer (Molech)=Maldek “silver-tongued” or ‘the tongue’ (4000+ celebrities, government display the Tongue=Maldek  In Spanish (Joktan ‘Arabs’; Sephard ‘Jews’) the word Mal means bad, sin, evil, hurt, injury, illness. BlackStone Group run by Jew Stephen ‘crown’ Swartzman ‘black man’ owns Freescale Semiconductors and Jacob Rothschild (Red Shield) controls BlackStone Group. KL-03 US Patent #8650327 is an integral RF (Radio Frequency) remote control chip for the IOT (Internet Of Things) including control of commercial aircraft, trains, automobiles, healthcare, fuel, energy including cooling systems for atomic power plants which not so mysteriously failed in Fukushima leading to a reactor meltdown. Freescale RF also has patents for Battlefield Communication, HF ie over the horizon radar, Electronic Warfare, IFF (Identification Friend or Foe aka Mode S Transponders), Missile Guidance, and Avionics controls for commercial/military/drone aircraft. 33deg Luciferian Freemason Albert Pike “sharp point or spike, pike, pitchfork, trident;  planned WWIII 153 years ago.beasts’, pray’ and ‘darkness’, 153 times in the King James Bible.Sure Source” (in French,De Source Sûre”) = 153. By using the opposite correspondence (A=26, Z=1), we discover that ANTECHRIST (antichrist)= DIVINATION = COMPUTERS =SANG + LARME” (blood + tear), Rebecca=153 the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau; Edom=Red obtains ‘Dominion‘. Gen 27:39-41KJV ‘As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.‘ Rom 9:13KJV; Mal 1:3KJV ‘Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, HE WAS REJECTED: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.’ Heb 12:16-17 Fornicator: #4205 ‘male prostitute’ Profane: to wound (fatally), pierce, to violate (a covenant). ‘…there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it” Oba 18  John 21: 153 fish are caught on the RIGHT side of the ship AFTER the crucifixion; John locked in a cave of Patmos wrote Revelation. I suggest prayer to JESUS is in order!

 Assyrian. Apkallu-figure Fertilizing the Sacred Tree, ca. 883–859 B.C.E. Gypsum stone, 90 1/4 x 79 1/8 in. (229.2 x 201 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Purchased with funds given by Hagop Kevorkian and the Kevorkian Foundation, 55.152. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 55.151_55.152_detail_at_PS11.jpg) the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die…Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. Gen 2:17; 3:1KJV H6175 subtil: cunning, crafty, shrewd H5175 nacash: “to practice divination” or “to observe signs.”. ‘And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.’ Gen 12:9KJV ‘And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads’ Rev 22:1-4 KJV Canaanites associated Asherah with sacred trees.

 Great Tribulation Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028? SPARS-CoV 2025-2028 St Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPAR) Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls the last door opened for the Jubilee Year on Jan 5, 2025; the real Jubilee is 2028. Paul was an Apostle ‘one who is sent forth; a delegate’ Apostles were created by Jesus through the ‘Laying on the Hands’. Pope Francis IS NOT AN APOSTLE! Paul was made an Apostle solely by the Holy Ghost! Heb 3:1; John 1:14; 1 John 5:7KJV The basilica of St Paul is built over a NECROPOLIS; dead human beings not JESUS! This is why the population drops by 77% in 2025.

Resnick Jewish ‘ritual slaughterer’; resa ‘heather’ (Earth) ‘And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb (JESUS) slain from the foundation of the world’; Rev 13:8KJV; Serpent through Canaanites! resnik ‘type of barley’ Rev 6:6) owns CA Water. POM? ‘British’ ie Edomite (Esau sold his ‘Birthright’=Edom)  Cut an Apple top to bottom=Heart=Baal, Canaanite Lord; Red=Debt=Edom. : WE STARTED THE FIRE Now do you believe a man’s enemies are is his own house! Jesuit Map of California, c. 1650, by Johannes Vingboons California Fires a sign of Messiah? No, Directed Energy Weapons just like the Santa Rosa “rose” Fire ie Rosicrucians Owning the Weather 2025
     ‘We didn’t start the fire’ by Jew (Canaanite; Amos 5:2) Billy ‘resolute protector’ Joel Jah=Antichrist + El=Canaanite creator god ‘Satan’...has 119 incidents Symbol of the high treason and the rejection of God‘ Fahrenheit 911′ about George Bush Jr; Fahrenheit 119 is Trump by Michael Moore. Trump in front of the US Capitol. Rev 9:11 Apollyon ‘Destroyer’ describes Satan falling to Earth; Trumps 66floor Penthouse is a shrine to Apollo aka Horus. Auntie EM Ring a Baal? Electro=Sun + Magnetic=Earth Weapons ‘Your next President will inherit a scorched earth’ Putin and Trump are WEF. Scorched= ‘be shriveled’ Why? World Debt $600T=US Debt! Jah=Antichrist, a physical Covenant; JAH=Jesus Christ, a SPIRITUAL Covenant. Brimstone falling from the sky; Magnesium +Sulphur=Brimstone. Fire and Brimstone; a sign God’s wrath ie Sodom and Gomorrah. When Jesus returns, nobody survives! There are 8 days in Feast of Tabernacles; the 8th day is the day of Wrath! You had better hope your’e behind him! Rev 19:7
     The New Catholic, Jewish, New American and Tree of Life bible versions have ADDED scriptures ‘Sun of righteousness/justice?’Calves from the stall’ The Golden Calf ring a Baal? GET AND TRUST THE KJV!
     SPAR logo is a SPIRITUAL Christmas Tree=XMass Tree; X=Tav ‘mark, sign omen’ The sign goes in your forehead over the ‘pineal gland’; the address is 22 Chancery Lane, Pinetown (pineal). The Pine Tree is a Hanukkah/Christmas Tree, used on the Flag of Lebanon (Laban) The Assyrian Laban chose the Chaldean ‘Heap of Witness’ Jegar-sahadutha, Jacob chose the Hebrew version Galeed; a Mizpah ‘Watchtower’ was appointed to be a ‘beacon/lookout’ between the 2; Jacob was renamed Israel and called to place ‘Penuel’ (the face of God); this Tree was Satan’s Tree. Laban=Make White; Science is Chaldean language; Vain and Profane babblings. 1 Tim 6:20KJV; Dan 1:4 St Paul’s Cathedral is in London “to sink; subdue” The Court of Natural Justice ‘Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.’ Rom 1:25KJV
     Noahidism – The One World Religion? ICD-9 Code E978 –Legal execution ‘All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as: asphyxiation by gas, beheading or decapitation. ‘And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. ‘ Rev 6:11KJV When? My guess is Passover Apr 12-20, 2025 Purim ‘Cast Lots’  Mar 13, 2025 ‘And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.’ Dan 12:11KJV God is not mentioned in Esther; Haman was Amalekite, Mordechai, Esther and todays Netanyahu are Benjamites who claim to be from Judah ‘Jews’; Rev 7:5 ‘Juda’ is missing the ‘h’ (God is with me) ‘Benjamin shall ravin (seize upon prey) as a wolf…’ Gen 49:27 Jerusalem was part of Benjamin’s territory  ‘ God is Sovereign, he wrote the beginning and the end; JESUS is the Holy Ghost; pray to Him. There is a reason Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost it is the only Unforgivable Sin John 1:1;14; 1 John 5:7KJV Heart=Baal! Back to the Future Yahweh/YHWH and Allah= Satan!
      Tu b’ Shevat “New Year of Trees” Feb 13, 2025 teaches Jews to ‘care for the natural world’ JESUS was hung on Tree! Deut 21:23, Acts 5:30;10:39;13:29;2 Pet 2:24;John 19:31 ‘Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree’ Gal 3:13  Watering and Fertilizing the Sacred Tree with Pine Cones; Pineal Gland is our connection to God. Jesus took on the ‘Curse’ for EVERYONE! JESUS is the ‘Holy Ghost’, Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the ONLY Unforgivable Sin. The only way to FORGIVE Sins is the Holy Ghost!  ‘Sacred Groves’ ring a Baal?
     Gen 3:22 ‘woman’ mirror image 3:22 ‘man’; ‘the man has become one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand,and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: Rev 3:22=7 Laodicea the last of 7 warnings ‘the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God’
    Year of the Snake January 29th, 2025You knew I was going to be a snake when you let me back in’ Trump Escape from LA: Snake Pisskon the Rebel leader?
      1/7/ 2025 At Least 95 Dead After 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Near Mt Everest aka Chumolongmo ‘Earth Mother’ Why? 1656years after creation, Noah’s ark rested there on 17 Tishrei ‘beginning’ Namaah, a Cainite sister of Tubal-cain (Gen 4:22) and Noah’s wife committed incest with her son Ham ‘Black’ and brought the serpent’s ‘Curse’ across the Flood. The only way out of the Curse is to ask JESUS to take on your Sins! JESUS ‘Alpha’, 17 Tishrei is the day of Creation (in Akkadian), Noah’s Flood (Gen 8:4), Jesus Birthday, 2nd coming and 1000years later Gog and Magog, New Heaven, New Earth, New Temple (Gen 20-22)

      Book cover of a rural road, old building, cloudy sky, and forest.Flag Of National Socialist Turan (Turkic state) : r/vexillologyFeb 14 ‘Valentines Day’ aka ‘Day of the Wolf ”Wolfman’ ring a Baal? Passover Apr 12-20, 2025 is 1260 days from the 2nd coming. PurimCast Lots for Marduk”  Mar 13,2025 ‘And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away,and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.Dan 12:11KJV God is not mentioned in Esther; Haman was Amalekite; Mordechai, Esther and todays 33deg Luciferian Freemason Netanyahu are Benjamites who claim to be from Judah ‘Jews’; Rev 7:5 ‘Juda’ is missing the ‘h’ (God is with me)Benjamin shall ravin (seize upon prey) as a wolf... Gen 49:27 500,000 people burned to death Valentines Day in 80 years ago in Dresden Germany. Star Card in Tarot has 8 branches ‘The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Ps 90:10KJV years ago in Operation Gomorrah, Dresden February 13-15, 1945 Trump is Jewish; he says he is not Christian; the 1st Christians were from Antioch Syria. Acts 20:28-30 Paul said when he departed grievous wolves would enter in, Agabus ‘Hillbilly’ was one such. JD Vance ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ ‘memorial’Andrew Moulden said ‘Rouleaux Bloodflow’ (lack of magnetic repelling force) resulted from Vaccines-he died. Kerry Mullis invented the PCR Test-he was killed because the ‘test’generates false positive results; he worked for Anthony Fauci ‘Sickle’, his mother was Abys ‘Bottomless Pit’eating a human with a Balance. 77% Population Drop. Trump is not Christian; one problem Yahuah ‘God is my salvation’ is not JESUS, he wears a Yarmulke. Yahuah is used by Messianic Jews, This name with the letters Yod Hey Uau Hey are the same letters people get YHWH=Satan.. Aramaic name Yeshua, a derivation of the earlier Hebrew Yehoshua, or Joshua.

A marble Jesus Christ on a wooden cross with the letters 'INRI' above its head at the Church of Our Lady in Bruges Stock PhotoINRI ‘Iesus Nazarenus, rex Iudaeorum’ (Jesus the Nazarene king of the Jews?) INRI alchemical meaning: Latin Igne Natura Renovatur Integra “by fire, nature renews itself”. Jesus was crucified on a TREE! California Fires a sign of Messiah? The New Catholic, Jewish, New American and Tree of Life bible versions have ADDED scriptures ‘Sun of righteousness/justice?Calves from the stall’ The Golden Calf ring a Baal! GET AND TRUST THE KJV! Palisades palus ‘stake’ Fire; Reporter Dayna ‘Judge Bacchus (Dionysus) is the pagan god of wine, fertility, and wild parties; In Latin “Kardashian both born Dec 25 and conceived Mar 25 State Farm gave homeowners 4 mo warning! DEW Fire? ‘And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above’ Gen 27:39-41KJV 77 yr old James Woods (Liber Oz: Book 77; ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the law” Dan 7:7) Los Angeles’ fire chief Kristin Crowley Yeah we get it! LA ‘BURNING AT THE STAKE’! Palisades palus ‘stake’ fire; Paradise ‘royal (enclosed) Park’ fire; ‘pen, fold for keeping game animals’; Camp ‘contest, battle, fight, war’ fire; Eaton ‘river and enclosure’; Hurst fire ‘wood, grove’, Lahaina “merciless sun.”Everything burned except the Trees! waking up yet? Reporter Dayna ‘Judge Bacchus (Dionysus) is the pagan god of wine, fertility, and wild parties. Rosicrucian HQ is in San Jose and Temple in San Diego put IRNI on the Cross 

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   Antichrist:  ‘Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you’ 1 John 3:13KJV. Grok is the basis of a social credit system & human AI integration; Grok is the ‘Mark of the Beast’; Grok is “water, to relate, life, to live“; ‘I see’, ‘I understand’; ‘hate’ ‘Jacob I Loved, but Esau Have I Hated’ God hates Esau! Mal 1; Rom 9:13KJV which is why Esau=Edom ‘Red/Adam’; mirror image Korg. After his defeat at the hands of Thor when the Stone Men tried to invade Earth, Korg was imprisoned by the Red King (Red=Edomite Debt) on the alien planet of Sakaar; Korg is a gay character, he was forced into slavery by an obedience disk and made to fight for his life in the gladiatorial arenas. Tony Stark Ironman’ ‘unyielding, severe, strong’ (Dan 7:7) afterward before heading back to New Asgard (abode of the Norse gods) under Valkyrie’s (Champs d’ Elysee ‘Field of the Blessed/Dammed’) new rule. Korg was nearly killed when Zeus (homosexual pedophile struck him with his Thunderbolt, he later met Dwayne ‘Black’ aka ‘The Rock‘ (Stone Men? Gen 11:3) with whom he had a son Black Adam’ We are living a cartoon! Sakaar is a trash planet created by the Grandmaster; ibn Sayyid Qutb=al Qaeda ‘Foreign Toilet’ according to Arabs. JESUS however is no Joke! 

     Jan 6 ‘Epiphany’, Magi, ‘Jubilee Year’, Capitol Crisis Actors? Apple=malus bad or evil. As a noun it seems to mean an apple; cut an Apple top to bottom=Heart=Baal. Christmas is Dies Natalis Solis Invicti not Jesus birth; Feast of Tabernacles is. Jan 6 ‘Epiphany’ “Divine appearance, appearing, manifestation, glorious display, glory”, “to shine upon. Orthodox Christmas Evefestival of light’=January 6. Mary Magdalene=Tower in Arabic=Tower of BabEl. The 42month ‘Great Tribulation’ begins on Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028 Why? Jesus ‘Alpha’; 1656years Creation-Flood; the Ark rested on 17Tishrei “beginning” Gen 8:4; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6bc, Crucified Passover 25ad. ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.’The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Pet 3:8-9KJV 6000years in 2028? This is the real ‘Jubilee Year’; the 120th Jubilee. May 15, 1948 ‘Israel Independence’=80 years from 2028 Daniel was 80 years at the ‘Writing on the Wall’ (Dan 5:24-29KJV) ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up.’ Amos 5:2KJV IsRaEl is not the same!
     Jan 5  Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls the last door will be opened for the Jubilee Year-the Jubilee year begins on the 10th day of the seventh month=Feast of Atonement’ aka ‘Yom Kippur’ Oops! Lev 25:10 Rabbis forgive Sins and Oaths of Jews in ADVANCE on Kol Nidre Drummers’ Drumpf ‘Drummer’;Epiphany also known as “Theophany” in Eastern Christian tradition, is a Christian feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi (MAGA) and the baptism of Jesus. The Baptism of Jesus was on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles!
janus god from www.britannica.comThe Empire State Building in New York City, The US Capitol (Womb of Zeus) and Washington Monument (555ft tall), in Washington, DC (Columbia the Roman goddess of Freedom) were all hit by Lightning before Midnight Dec 31, 2024 as Arab Shamsud Din Jabbar ‘powerful’; ‘giant’; a name of Allah, a 42year (42month Great Tribulation; 4+2=6=Shin ‘Nail’; 4X2=8; JESUS is the 8th and last Covenant) In a Ford ‘(Henry Ford allegedly brought out the ‘Protocols of the learned elders of Zion’) ‘Lightning’ (Electric Truck) ‘Rammed’ (Dan 8:20-27) the crowd, having come from Eagle (Eagle=Satan; Aleph=Bull; the last leg of the Solar Eclipse on Apr 8 forming an X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’) Pass TX.
    Elon Musk changed his/her name to Kelkius ‘Kek’ (Frog Rev 16:13; androgynous god of darkness) Maximus (Gladiator) coinciding with the New Orleans False Flag on Dec 31, the night Sirius reaches its maximum height; on Times (Chronos) SQ 42nd a 42yr (42months ‘Great Tribulation) Shamsud Din Jabber drove a ‘Lightning’ after the Empire St Bldg was hit by Lightning. 15=6=Shin ‘Nail’ in New Orleans with an Isis Flag  on Jan 1, 2025 Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. A False Flag. Jew (Canaanite) Merrick Garland ‘Eternal Life, Rebirth, Wine & Revelry; Elohim City aka BabEl ring a Baal! He labeled it ‘Terrorism’
      Acid Fog, Smart Dust connected to AI via IP addresses, but don’t worry about that, a Tesla Cybertruck (Driverless) catches fire and explodes outside Trump’s Las Vegas hotel and both vehicles were rented from Turo; short for King Arthur “bear, Thor, eagle and strong man.” Arab Intifāḍa  ‘uprising’ in NY for Las Vegas and New Orleans; that was fast!. 1,000 US al Qaeda fighters inside the US for next Homeland attack; no surprise! Nazi Germany=Fatherland, Soviet Russia=Motherland, America=Homeland Al-Qaeda  ‘solid foundation’ was created by Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid ‘descended from Muhammad, a Koreish (Num 16:24-33; 26:10-11; Jude 11) bedouin. Qutb ‘world pillar’ in 1966) Both men trained at Ft Liberty NC an Arab from Isis and Ukraine!  Ft Liberty (name change approved by Lloyd Austin, a Qadesh ‘Holy’ Archon ‘ruler’ is home to Psychology Operations ‘PSYOP’ ie ‘Goat Lab’ ‘The men who stare at Goats’ may ring a Baal! Goats=Satan; Sheep=JESUS (Rev 19:7KJV)The wedding of the Lamb’ ring a Baal?  Carolina means ‘free man’That’s Liberty from God!  2 Jan 2025 Channukah ‘Festival of Lights’=’Feast of Dedication’ The Temple in Jerusalem was rededicated; ‘…the Temple of God was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in his Temple the ark of his testament: and there was lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.’ Rev 11:19KJV Jesus was hung on an Olive Tree between 2 thieves Passover 25ad; Shamash ‘Sun’ Aramaic, servant, minister (‘Eli, Eli lama sabachthani?’ Matt 27:46KJV in Aramaic) from Egyptian šmsw, servant, from šms, to follow, serve. The Babylonian (BabEl) sun god, worshiped as the author of justice and compassion. Passover Apr 20, 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028=42month ‘Great Tribulation’ Got JESUS in your life? 

Did anyone notice Neuralink logo look ...Elon Musk Sold Out | TikTokPOPE FRANCIS IN YARMULKE PICTURES from

‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.’  Jew Elon Musk The Yarmulke blocks JESUS from delivering the ‘Holy Ghost’ ‘Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered dishonounreth his head’ 1 Cor 11:4KJV. COVID=DIVOC ‘Demon Box’ xAI (X ‘mark, sign, omen’), human IP addresses and Grok; an AI company with the mission of advancing scientific discovery and gaining a deeper understanding of our universe. Grok is the basis of a social credit system & human AI integration. Grok originated from Robert A. Heinlein’s 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land, in which the story’s main character, a Martian, uses the term “grok” to convey a profound and intuitive understanding of something; Alien ‘stranger, foreigner; ‘belonging to another’. Ps 119:19 ‘I am a stranger in the earth’ Heb 11:13 ‘…they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth’ Demon #19 SALLOS falling angel who follow Lucifer the jinn ‘to hide’ or ‘to adapt’ demon; Sal=saddle, sale, payment. NAZI Werner Von Braun’s 1953 book “Mars Project,” referenced a person named Elon that would bring humans to Mars?’; Mars=Nergal=Ares ‘The God of War’; the ‘UNKOWN GOD’ of Mars’ Hill ‘Areopagus’ Acts 17:22-24KJV

       ‘Amadeus=Neuralink a theophoric “bearing or carrying a god” given name derived from the Latin words ama “to love” – and deus “god”=Zeus=Satan=El/Allah. Remember the IP addresses Jewish Gottlieb; Theophilus; Pietism= personal transformation through spiritual rebirth and renewal ie Lutheran ‘army of the people’ spirituality. Jared Birchall CEO of Neuralink is Mormon Quite the ‘Hive Mind’ eh? Angel Moroni was the son of Mormon was a witness of the Savior. He testified, “I have seen Jesus, and he hath talked with me face to face” Ether 12:39 ‘No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.’ John 1:18KJV Oops! .

 Pharmacist=Dispenser of poison. Ivermectin is teratogenic in rats ‘run; young of the coney; conie-catcher, a name given to deceivers’ and rabbits (fertility; hare=Ostara=Easter) able to disturb the growth and development of an embryo or fetus’; Depopulation Poison; Castrated Eunuchs? Attis and Cybele ring a Baal? 5G is the enabling technology for the IOB (Internet Of bodies), total control made possible by Self-assembling Nano-Graphene Neural Circuits have to have IP addresses providing for monitoring and control over the “Internet of Bodies” HHS Sec RFK Jr planning for the next Plandemic 2.0, ‘Bird Flu’ ‘to breed’ + ‘Influence of the Stars’ Jew Peter Hotez is a Freemason; pigs, cows, birds What’s next? Soylent Green? 33deg Freemason Charleton Heston thought so ‘Stars’  such as Deborah Birx CEO of Armata Romanian for Undead Army and Robert Redfield CDC Dir ‘Operation Warp Speed’ is Sandy Hook Coroner H Wayne Carver; Sandy Hook is the East Coast HQ of the Church of Satan  Remember Dark Knight Rises? or Children of Men?

wicked pictures from Wicked debuted Nov 22 JFK Assassination Day It was an ‘Inside Job’! ‘And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household’ Matt 10:36; Mic 7:6KJV Nosferatu debuts XMass, I smell a Rat! “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” Cicero

Wicked is derived from Wicca=wizard; witch The state of being wicked; a mental disregard for justice, righteousness, truth, honor, virtue; evil in thought and life; depravity; sinfulness; criminality. ‘Thou not suffer a witch to live’ Ex 22:18KJV The Triple Crown/Tiara represents Papal authority over Body, Soul, Spirit. The keys of heaven or keys of Saint Peter are seen as a symbol of papal authority and are seen on papal coats of arms, and those of the Holy See and Vatican City State; NOT! The Divinity of Jesus is the Rock and Key! Infernal Dictionary is a book on demonology, describing demons organized in hierarchies It was incorporated into The Lesser Key of Solomon. 33Deg Luciferian Mason Lyman ‘to plow’=Canaanite Frank ‘Free’ Baum ‘Tree’ name Elphaba, aHermaphrodite and Wicked witch of the west, born of incest; “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!’ Is 14:12KJV Elphaba=El=Canaanite god + Free + Ba ‘Soul” the Mirror Image of BaEl ‘Lord of the Tree Covenant’ Taught by a Goat at Shiz University ‘shit; excrement’; Rabbis use Shiznit, Yiddish for ‘shit’ eg ‘Jesus is in Hell  boiling in His own excrement’ -Talmud.  eg NATO missile shield Aegis Ashore ‘shield of Zeus, ‘goatskin’. she/he is ‘Green’=’Green Man’ aka ‘Pale (green/ash) Horse’

Democratic presidential hopeful Jimmy Carter, wearing a ...Jesuit, Luciferian Freemason, Tri-Lateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, wears a Yarmulke, (Replacement Temple Veil) Jimmy ‘JC’ Carter was married 77 years on 7/7 Jesuit 100 Year plan to turn the Church cver to Satan. April 1920-Operation Warp Speed=100years; April 20 ‘Easter’ and ‘Passover’; Jimmy Carter died at 100. Abe Lincoln and JFK were 100 years apart. Oz=77 ‘Liber Oz: Book 77’ Augustine was a Phoenician, ’77 is the last limit of the sin since this number is the product of 11, number of the sin, by 7, number of the perfection.’ 77 generations Adam to the Christ (Lk 3:23-38; YHWH=Satan). Cain is avenged 7 times but Lamek 77 times.(Gn 4,24) Iridium ‘Ir’ atomic number 77, is a white metal which the name is a derivative of the Greek word “iris” meaning” rainbow”. It is under the sign of the rainbow that God concludes his Alliance between him and the humanity. (Qoz ‘Bow’ is the Edomite National god). Zarathustra (Zoroaster ‘Black Star’; he was born Dec 25) eg ‘Thus spoke Zarathustra’ by  died at the age of 77 an 1883 book by Friedrich Nietzsche, desire was to ‘Kill God and keep him dead with science’. biblical, pray, fish, France ‘Free’, Spirit + Flesh = 77; The number 50 is used 77 times in the Bible; ‘Jubilee’=50; 2028 is the Jubilee, therefore 2025 is the start of the Great Tribulation. Defying Gravity– Jew (Canaanite) Stephen ‘Martyr’ Schwartz ‘Black’. GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST! It’s the ‘God of forces’ Dan 11:36-39KJV Wicked=Mickey Michael=Who is like God?

nosferatu-filmadNosferatu; Albin Grau’s Prana-Film was Grau’s production company. “Prana” coming from Hinduism and the Western esoteric tradition of religion and it refers to the life force or vital energy, the ‘life’ ‘And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.’ Gen 2:7KJV Grau was occultist, Pansophical Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, alchemy, freemasonry, ritual magick, rosicrucianism, astrology, templarism, ‘the hidden knowledge of the East’, theosophical society, fraternitas saturni (SATUR=666). Orloc resembles a human, yet at the same time looks demonic, with pointy ears, and a rat (1918 Spanish Flu was delivered by Vaccine) looking head, created by Belial ‘wicked or worthless’ a demon “By the Seed of Belial spung Nosferatu. Belial=yokeless (Beli ol), may have no rising (Belial) or never to rise (Beli ya’al); Jesuits are Traitors  ‘…will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury…rip up the stomachs and wombs of the women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their inexecrable race…will secretly use the poisonous cup (Vaccines?), the strangulating cords, the steels of the poinard, or the  leaden bullets, superior of the Holy Father of  the Society of Jesus. 

Jesuit, Luciferian Freemason Trump gave a ‘Rising Above’ idol to Jesuit/Freemason Pope Francis. AI is not compatible with JESUS Belial “wickedness,” “worthlessness” Ivermectin is teratogenic in rats; Teratogenic: Able to disturb the growth and development of an embryo or fetus. HHS Sec RFK Jr is the new Star=Rats (mirror image) “traitor, informant”

SPANISH FLU, ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED! was not SPANISH nor INFLUENZA It was caused by Rockefeller Inst Vaccines. Spanish=Sephardic; Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is a Sephardic Jew ie a Canaanite; all HHS Corporations are run by Jews. Virus=Serpent Venom Pfizer (mirror image) Rezifp ‘the Burner’ or ‘the Ravager’ the god of the plague and the underworld.

musk wearing a yarmulke from x.comThe Technocratic Age (experts in science or technology who have a lot of power in government or business) ietechnocratic government.’In science we trust’ Science ‘To Know’ is Chaldean language and Vain profane babblings Dan 1:4; 1 Tim 6:20KJV HHS Sec Robert Kennedy Jr ‘International Court of Natural Justice’ ring a Baal? the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south. And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord‘s.’ Obama 20-21KJV Sepharad=”separated”, a region of Assyria, Joktan=Arabs ‘Tower of Babel’! Zarephath=place of refinement; smelter; smelting place; place of purification with fire; place of purity; place of trial. Jesus last words from the Tree ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’  JESUS’ last words in Assyrian. Sefarad is the story of ‘Jews of the Spanish Rite‘ ie Conversos, Marranos, Cryptos ‘Synagogue of Satan’ ‘They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them together: they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land.’ Ps 74:8KJV 
     King CharlesFree Man’ (B’Rith=’Covenant of Birth’=Cain-Canaan-Ishmael-Edom achieves ‘Dominion’ Gen 27:39-41KJV Christmas (12+ gods born Dec 25 all but JESUS) with Pope FrancisFree’ Signs WEF Treaty (no authority over any nation) removing national sovereignty (One Nation Under God) Authorizing ‘One World Government COVID=DIVOC ‘demon box’ City of London Corporation, Pentagon and Vatican are ‘Sovereign’, not part of any Nation, yet they control all Resources, Military and Religion.
      Mars=Devon Island ‘Divine’ poet, perfect, servant, dark-haired ones, ‘Descendant of the dark one’; The UNKNOWN GOD of Mars Hill Acts 17:22 ‘Occupy Mars’:‘seize’, ‘have sexual relations with’ Mars= Nergal associated with war, death, and disease=Resheph=Pfizer; Ashtart=Ishtar=Easter=Samas=Shamash the name of the Amorite (America=’Land of the Amorites’; Druid ‘Amorica’) solar deity, and center candle of the Hanukkah Menorah. Elon Musk’s grandfather was head of ‘Technocracy Inc’ in Canada=‘Dominion’
     AETHERThe water surrounding everything’ Peleg ‘Land surrounded by water’ ‘And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven.’ Gen 1:6-8KJV Joktan ‘Arabs’ =Rabbis; BabEl ‘YHWH’ and BabIlu ‘Allah’ are controlled by Satan. Only 1 way to Heaven=JESUS! 
    Pope Francis opened Ports Santa at St Peter’s Basilica on Christmas/Hanukkah as CERN ‘found magic’=‘art of a magus’: Iranian magi were regarded as magicians; Trump MAGA hat ring a Baal? He’s a magus!  The object is to create a ‘Black Hole’; the is no ‘Gravity’ or ‘Black Hole’; ‘God of forces’ ring a Baal? 137ev? The numerical value of Kabbalah ‘Cube of Allah’ 137 is about Vessel and Light; ‘007’ ‘License to kill’; COVID ‘crowned serpent venom’=DIVOC a Dybbuk Box.
operation warp speed logo ana antequerana from Warp Swedish värpa “to lay eggs”; “to turn, wind, bend” Speed spōwan ‘prosper, succeed’ 2.0Palanitir All-Seeing-Eye; Andruil=sword of Aragorn Shield AI ‘divide, separate’; L3Harris ‘uncountable’ + ” joy,” and ‘to shine’, and Panasonic Energy “Pan” (all)+Sonic” with best-in-class software to manufacture the critical products that underwrite our freedom and prosperity’, all from ‘Lord of the Rings’; the ‘One Ring to rule the all’. Sauron=abominable”and “abhorrent” On Dec 15th Biden pardoned him! 3 Vav’s=Nails=666 Yod=Hand; the Right Hand; ANTAHKARANA 4-D Cube ‘Tesseract’  Eph 3:18KJV ‘breath, length, depth, height’, ‘Rainbow Bridge’ To bridge the gap that exists between me as a Person and me as a Soul and “me”, Pure Spirit ‘The Monad‘ ‘unity’ and ‘alone’ Selling your Soul! ie Committing the Unforgivable Sin! Qos=bow, the Edomite god of the world=10=X Tav ‘Mark, sign, omen’; 5 Stars=5th level MAGA in the Church of Satan; 13 Stars=Rebellion Gen 13/Rev 13;; Trump/Drumpf ‘Drummer’, the 12th day of XMass=Jan 6 ‘Day of Epiphany’. The Spiritual Path to describe the process of the gradual Unification of Person, Soul and SpiritBecoming ONE; the All-Father=Zeus (Jupiter) Scutum=Shield Fidel=Faithful 
Fuad Shubaki shattered the Oslo Myth; Yitzhak Rabin, Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Bill Clinton: All 33deg Luciferian Freemasons; Arafat and Shabuki wore the same Arab scarf ‘Keffeyah’ the Jesus Idol was on. Oslo “meadow at the foot of a hill” or “meadow consecrated to the Gods” Hanukkah ‘consecrated; dedicated, devoted as sacred’, ‘Feast of Dedication’ and ‘Festival of Lights’; Lucifer/Satan is the “Light Bringer”. The 8 Branched Candlestick originated at the 2nd Temple when 1 night of olive oil burned for 8 days during the Maccabean Period; the 9th Branch is Shamash “Sun”.25 Kislev=25Dec 2025 ‘Festival of Lights’

Remembering PRESTAGS - Back to the 1970s or Back to Jansenism?Fuad Shubaki  from www.jns.orgJesuit/Luciferian Freemason Pope Francis carries the Bent/Twisted Crucifix. Nostradamus “Last Pope will flee Rome in December when there are 2 Suns in the sky to usher in Judgment Day”. Sun and Black Sun aligns on Christmas/Hanukkah Dec25. Jesus was born ‘Feast of Tabernacles’ Old Nick a well-known British name of the Devil.

LORD’ is the Holy Ghost, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable Sin; John 1:1;14,1 John 5:7 in the Authorized Bible spells out JESUS is the Holy Ghost, the only way to end the ‘Curse’ of Sin. Yahweh,YHWH is BabEl=Satan. Kwanza=‘first,beginning or birth’ Dec 26-Jan 1; introduced 1966 ‘Year One Satan’, the same year the Church of Satan was founded. Dec 26 St Stephen Day ‘Crown/Martyr’

St Lucy’s Day lux= light=Lucifer. Friday 13 December as Saint Lucy’s Day, predates the eight-day error of the Julian calendar to a Gregorian calendar system, hence acquired a new date for the Winter Solstice was kept on 13 December, and not moved to the 21 December. In the Roman Empire, 25 December (in the Julian Calendar) date was celebrated as being the day when the Sun was born, the birthday of Sol Invictus (12 false gods=12 Days of Christmas) Christmas Day Norman ‘North Men’ bastard King William the Conqueror was crowned; the Christmas practice calls for burning a portion of the log each evening until Twelfth Night ’12 drummers drumming’ (January 6)Epiphany’ epi, “on, upon”; and phaino, “to appear, to shine”, the day the Magi ‘Wise Men’ arrived; Trump=MAGA ‘Magician’, the highest level of Church of Satan; Drumpf ‘Drummer’. Saturnalia symbolizes the Black Sun ‘Saturn’ combined with the visible Sun=’Solis Invicti’; Man? or the Woman riding the Beast? Jesus was born at Feast of Tabernacles. Yule Sat, Dec 21, 2024 – Wed, Jan 1, 2025. 12 Days of Yule, a black candle is lit for the parting Holly King a woodsy version of Santa Claus disguised as the Horned god Herne. Holly was sacred to the Druids ‘Knowers of Trees’, he dresses in red, wears a sprig of holly in his tangled hair, and is driving a team of eight stags wearing a Crown of Bacchus/Dionysus=Jesus’ crown of thorns; the fire or lights to symbolize the returning of the rebirth of the Sun Goddess Sol. AFTERLIFE PRESENTS ANYMA ‘THE END OF GENESYS’ Dec 31 at the Sphere in Las Vegas. Anyma ‘the breath of life, Soul of Christ.’ Anyma’s Saint? Francis of Assisi; St Francis establish the Franciscans ‘Free’ ie Seraphic Order. The word angel comes from a Greek word meaning “messenger.” The word seraph (or seraphim in the plural) comes from a Hebrew root that means “serpent.”Pope Francis took his name after him. Baphomet “Baptism of Wisdom”=Mahomet= Muhammad; Manicheasm ‘Mani’ “spirits of the dead”; from Iran like the Magi=MAGA ‘Drumpf’ Jan 6 ‘Feast of Epiphany’ ‘reveal’ BabyEl=YHWH=Knights Templar=Khazars ‘Serpent People’; BabIlu ‘Allah’, Sufi Assassins Both ‘Jews’. The 9th Gate=Eastern Gate ‘Rising Sun’ of the Temple in Jerusalem. Are you ready?

Apr 20, 2025 ‘Taurus’-June 21 Midsummer ‘May Queen’ is chosen ‘Feast of St John’=Oannes, the amphibious giver of wisdom Yule Dec 21-Passover/Ostara/Easter Apr 20, 2025 Ostara or Eostre who symbolizes fertility, renewal, and the dawn, ‘new beginnings’. Passion of the Christ II debuts on Easter. Apocalypto=new beginnings. 31/2 years ‘Great Tribulation’=Feast of Tabernacles.

August 15, 1871 Jesuits wrote the plan for 3 World Wars to usher in Lucifer. 2024=153 years WWIII brought to you by the Jesuits/Freemasons=MAFIA

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm. The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. 153=9 years have passed since the letter was written by Jesuit/Masons Giuseppe Mazzini (MAFIA=Mazzini Authorizes Theft Fire and Poison) to Confederate (Ps 83) Albert Pike; 9th Circle of Dante’s Hell is Blasphemy of God. Jesus Christ expired at the 9th hour. The magic square of Saturn (SATUR=666) has 9 squares adding to 15=6

  • 153 is number of fish caught on the RIGHT side of the ship Jn 21:6-14KJV; JESUS separates the sheep on His RIGHT from goats on his LEFT sending the Cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels Matt 25:32-46KJV
  • “Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi (numerical value: 17) to En Eglaim (numerical value: 153) there will be places for spreading nets”. Eze 47:10KJV
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – (Catholic) The prayer of the Rosary of the Virgin Mary is composed of 17 Pater and 153 Ave Maria.
  • The word beasts appears 153 times in the King James Bible.
  • pray is used 153 times in the OT and the word darkness, 153 times in the Bible. Also the name of Peter would occur 153 times in the NT.
  • 3.14=PI gives 153: P(80) + I(73) = 153.
  • 153 days correspond to the duration of the Flood
  • “Sure Source” (in French, “De Source Sûre”) = 153. By using the opposite correspondence (A=26, Z=1), we discover that ANTECHRIST (antichrist) DIVINATION COMPUTERS “SANG + LARME” (blood + tear) = 153.
        ‘Solis Invicti’ Nativity of the Unconquered Sun. Jesuit Pope Francis inaugurates a Nativity scene made in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall built like a serpent’s head under a 14 rayed ‘Transparent Star’ Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, a silver star with 14 undulating rays marks the location traditionally claimed to be that of Jesus’ birth; read Rev 14), ‘pax hominibus bonae voluntatis’ (peace on earth to the men of good will). Star of Bethlehem=Star Prophesy  Num 24:17 ‘Star of Jacob’‘O Lord GOD, forgive, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD.’ Amos 7:2-3;5-6KJV Astronomer David A. Weintraub says, “If Matthew’s wise men actually undertook a journey to search for a newborn king, the bright star didn’t guide them; it only told them when to set out.” The events were quite close to the Sun and would not have been visible to the naked eye; the Black Star/Sun align with the visible Sun and is invisible and rises in the East, it’s in the Monstrance and the Kaaba! in Jerusalem out of Olive wood with Jesus lying on a Keffiyah; alrighty then! Russia and prepares to embrace China as the New World Leader. Predicts Fast Demise for the US; BRICS=Tower of BabEl; Gen 11:3KJV Qin=Sin=China=Sina; Palestinian Black-White Keffiyehs are now largely imported from China. Pope Francis, the Vicar of Jesus don’t know Jesus was hung on an Olive Tree on the Mt of Olives? He thinks Jesus is an Arab? Palestinian=Philistia” and a direct translation of the Hebrew name “Israel” The virgin of Israel has fallen’ Amos 5:2Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent’s root shall come forth a cockatrice (tsepha’: Viper, serpent, excrement.) and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. Is 14:29 Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles!
        ‘And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.‘ Lk 22:10KJV 1656years Creation-Flood (the  Noah’s Ark  settled on 17 Ethanim ‘ever flowing streams” or Tishrei ‘beginning’ in Assyrian, occurs in September–October ‘Feast of Tabernacles’) + 2160years Aries-Pisces + 2160years Pisces-Aquarius=5976years + ?Taurus=Bull. Namaah + Ham=Canaan=Sargon the Great; 21 the year of accountability, the last 31/2 years are the Great Tribulation. ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.’ 2 Pet 3:8KJV Do the math!

The Mark Of The Beast 666 - purplepx sign from www.catholiccompany.comkamala inauguration pictures from www.reuters.comMar 17 St Patrick’s Day Patricius “father”, “nobleman” Purple Rain ring a Baal? It’s the Whore of Babylon Rev 17. Q is the 17th letter Tyrian purple was reserved for use by royalty, priests and nobles. Chi-Rho Royal Christ? More valuable than Gold? The Color Purple is about Slavery? in 2025? ‘And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head’ Mk 15:17 Ineffable “Love Symbol” was a mash-up of the gender symbols for man and woman. Phoenicians were called Men of Purple’ Taylor Swift in a Serpent dress ‘God created man in his own image...male and female’ Gen 1:27 Swift grew up on Pine Ridge Farm, an 11-acre Christmas tree farm. “Solis Invictus” Sun and the ‘Black Star’ align in Capricorn (Goat) on Dec 25. X is the symbol for the letter ‘chi’ Christ Mass. X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’, aka ‘Mark of the Beast’ Dec 24 is the birth of the Arab Moon god “Sin”. HORUS (KRST), BUDDHA, KRISHNA, ZOROASTER (Zero-Ashta=Black Star=Saturn), ATTIS, HERCULES, MITHRA, DIONYSUS, TAMMUZ, HERMES, ADONIS are all born at CHRISTMAS aka XMass. Sanat Kumara rules over Shambhala, Persian Sham-i-Bala “elevated candle“, the Hanukkah Menorah has an elevated candle too! Shamash ‘Sun’; a line of Kings known as Kulika or Kalki Kings; Kalika a Woman from a ‘Good Family’ is derived from Kal, which means “time” ‘Kali Yuga’. Remember Kal El? Superman; he was created by Jews ie Canaanites and is the Beast of  Iron Dan 7:7 Sanat=Santa=Satan is the white horse; in the cult of the god Baal. The Christ candle is white because the Messiah or Prophecy candle representing the Jewish prophets (Lk 16:16 ‘The law and prophets were until John) who predicted the coming of Jesus. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles. Eras Tourbegins a new period in the history of a person or thing‘ “Folklore. His favorite color Purple’. The Tree is on America’s and Syria’s (Aram) Flag. Adonis River in Lebanon (Laban ‘To make white’) now known as the Abraham River ran red with blood. ‘My God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me?‘ Jesus last words hanging on the Tree.

Jonathan Kleck on X: " ...The Vatican is a snake - Jonathan Kleck : r/BibleconspiracyPaolo VI Audience Hall in Vatican City -

       Pope ‘Father’ Francis ‘Free’ will open 5 doors for the ‘Jubilee Year’ 2025. Each of Rome’s five Papal Basilicas: St Peter’s Basilica (Dec 24 the birth of Sin) has a new ACEA ‘denoting animals belonging to a class or order’ Lighting System; should be great with a 77% reduction in population Hanukkah begins Dec 25 ‘consecration’ make or declare sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose, the symbolic door at the Roman Prison Rebibbia for the feast of St. Stephen ‘Crown/Martyr’ also Day of the Wren (Wren was the highest flying bird hid in the wings the Eagle=Satan; Rosicrucian/Jesuit/Luciferian Freemason Sir (Knight is service to the Queen ‘Easter/Ashtoreth’) Christopher Wren lit the Fire of London, built the Monument with Coronavirus (Crowned serpent venom) on top, and built St Paul’s Cathedral (Dec 26)Arch-Basilica of St John Lateran sede vacante ‘vacant seat’; for Beast of the Earth; (Dec 29), the Basilica of St Mary Major (Jan 1) and the Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls (Jan 5) Phoenix Rising put up in St Paul Minn The Holy Doors will be sealed with bricks once again on Jan 6, 2025 ‘Feast of the Epiphany’ marks the end of the Christmas period and commemorates the presentation of the infant Jesus to the Magi, or three wise men, and the Capitol was attacked NOT! by supporters of Don Trump. There is a few problems The JUBILEE YEAR IS 2028, Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles and He was a ‘Young Child’ and in Egypt when the Magi arrived, and MAGA Don ‘King of the World’ is the real Magi!

         The Great Tribulation begins on Passover/Easter 2025 and ends on Feast of Tabernacles 2028; the real Jubilee Year

  • Adding the age of the Patriarchs=1656 years Creation to Flood (The ark rested on 7th month, 17th day ‘Ethanim’ “perennial” Gen 8:4KJV)
  • Jesus birth was Feast of Tabernacles 29 Sept=17 ‘Ethanim’ 6bc
  • Jesus was nailed to a Tree at 331/2 years old on Passover 25ad + 31/2 years=Feast of Tabernacles 28ad
  • JESUS returns Feast of Tabernacles 2028 to Armageddon when creation is 6000 years old
  • ‘Gog and Magog’ Rev 20:7-8; Eze 38; Zech 14 on ‘Feast of Tabernacles’ when creation is 7000 years old.

 Enoch and Elijah (Jews await him to arrive on Passover) 5th Trumpet/1st Woe!=5months; 6th Trumpet/2nd Woe! 13months; the last week (7days) the 2 Witnesses will be killed mid-week, they rise at weeks end, followed by dead and alive in JESUS + 1 day of Wrath, on Jesus birthday, the day of Creation, anniversary of the Flood and Jesus birth. Jesus was crucified on an Olive Tree, between 2 Thieves on the Mt of Olives forming the 7 branch candlestick of gold Ex 26:31-40. Why Dec, the 10th month? Rabb  is an Arab term means ‘lord’; Imams use BabIlu=‘Allah’,  Rabbis use BabEl=‘YHWH’; Elohim=Elagabalus=Heliogabalus=’Helios + Baal’, an eccentric, prostitute, sexual promiscuous homosexual who “abandoned himself to the grossest pleasures with ungoverned fury”, an Arab-Syrian version of the Arabic Ilāh al-Jabal, from ilāh “god” and jabal “mountain” al- and ilāh “deity, god” to al-lāh ‘Allah’ meaning “the deity, the God” Baal. Imam ‘leader’ Siraj ‘lamp sun’ Wahhaj Arabic “leader, one who precedes”=Allah The black conical stone he paraded around is the ‘Image’ which fell down from Jupiter (Acts 20:35), is in the eastern ‘Rising Sun’ corner of the Kaaba ‘Enclosure of Allah” and in the Monstrance ‘proof’ of the Catholic Church.  In AD 274, the emperor Aurelian instituted the festival Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ‘birthday of the Invincible Sun’ on 25 December, the date of the winter solstice, the birth of Sol Invictus aka Santa Claus! ‘And he made ten candlesticks of gold according to their form, and set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.’ 2 Chi 4:7 Hanukkah 25 Kislev and Christmas 25 Dec. Kislev ‘darkest’ is both the name for a city near the chaos wastes.  Do you think all this is coincidence?

      Jesuit/Freemason Pope Francis and the Luciferian Free-masons will open the ‘Holy Door’ with Silver Hammer ‘power, wealth, authority and healing’ the ‘Key’ (Keys of St Peter; Everyone has those keys), next to a ‘dead Sheep’ (Scapegoats have Red painted legs and are trained to exit Left while Sheep head for the shears Ps 44:22; Rom 8:36) and the ‘Light’ (Lucifer means ‘Light bringer’) St Peter’s Basilicaat the Vatican named after Vatika the Etruscan goddess of the underworld; her name water; Baptism by Water; JESUS Baptizes with the Holy Ghost Vatika was also a bitter, not well-tasting grape used by a peasant to produce cheap wine. The grape and a weed with the same name grew on the slope. When people ate it, they experienced hallucinations, and the word passed on into Latin as a synonym for “prophetic vision.”; Red/White Amenita Muscaria gathered by Shaman=Santa=Satan. The Latin word ‘vaticinor’ means “foretell, prophesy” from ‘vatis’  “poet, teacher, oracle.” Hittites=Etruscans came from Lydia=Turkey “noble one”, “from Lydia/Persia” . ‘the serpent was more subtil…” Gen 3 #5175 serpent=nachash, meaning “to practice divination” or “to observe signs. “#6175 subtil=arum derived from Aramaic ‘shrewd, crafty, prudent, cunning’ ‘My God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me?’ Jesus last words from the Tree were is Aramaic.     
       Christmas Eve is the birth of the Arab god SinLucifer is the ‘man of Sin.JESUS has nothing to do with Christmas! The Great Tribulation lasts 31/2 years; Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028, is the real Jubilee Year. 6bc-28ad=33years; King David ruled for 33 years; this the Masons and Jesuit ‘Jubilee’; the birth of Lucifer
       All 7 Church Warnings were directed at Turkey TUR is an Elvish Root signifying “power, control, mastery, victory”, to “dominate, master, conquer” or to be “strong, mighty, in power”. Polish, Belorussian, and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): from the nickname Tur meaning ‘aurochs’, ultimately cognate with Latin taurus ‘bull’; door= gate (Molech) ‘you’ (singular) is no Holy Ghost; Sikh and Hindu communities in India and Pakistan Tur=”high” or “elevated”; red gram or tur=“pulse” is a thick soup, potage, or broth= Esau sold his Birthright for a bowl of Red Beans;  God hates Esau! Rom 9:13; Mal 1:3 Ṭūr Sīnāi=Mount Sinai; Tur=”turning”, Jesus ‘Turned the Tables’ on the Money Changers at the Temple; Tur=bovine=cattle; Caucasian wild goat; Tur=tower ‘Tower of BabEl ‘YHWH’; turk= “a beautiful youth,” “a barbarian,” “a robber”; Turkery (1580s), Turkism (1590s) for “Islam.” To turn Turk was originally “convert to Islam,” then generally, “undergo a complete change for the worse” (c. 1600) BabIlu=Allah; Turk=”person of Irish descent”; Turk’s Heads and Saracen’s Heads (Saracen=absent of Sarah; Arab Commander) Taverns in Britain; ‘Johnny Reb’ In the Mediterranean, it was a typical name for an Englishman by c. 1800. In the Crimean War it became the typical name among the English for “a Turk” ie ‘Johnny Turk’, later it was extended to Arabs; by World War II the Arabs were using Johnny as the typical name for “a British man ie John the Baptist, Oannes the amphibious teacher of man is Catholic Clergy wear Fish Capes; “Jah is gracious” (Jah is Antichrist, JAH is JESUS); Tur is a Stage Door=Actor
  • No Roman Catholic Pope has ever had the ‘Keys’ of St Peter.
  • St. Peter’s Basilica was built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. Prophecy ended Lk 16:16KJV; JESUS gives ‘prophesy’ (Understanding the word) 1 Cor 13KJV
  • No Pope was ever an Apostle; Peter was never in Rome
  • The Bible does not say Peter was crucified Upside Down, nor on a Cross
  • Peter never had ‘Keys to Heaven’ (Matt 16:18KJV); everyone has the Keys to Heaven through JESUS the Holy Ghost.
  • Peter ‘small stone’ was never in Rome. Paul was the first made an ‘Apostle’ by JESUS through the Holy Ghost. Don’t fall for ‘cunningly devised fables’ 2 Peter 1:16 JESUS Baptizes with the Holy Ghost, which is why it is the only Unforgivable Sin!

St Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome aka Disease X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’ SATUR=666 Christmas Tree=Saturnalia Tree The ceiling of St Peters Basilica ‘Teaching Seat’ shows Adam reaching out his hand to God, exactly the same as Wicked. Pine Cones deliver a false Holy Ghost called the Holy Spirit; ‘Natural Justice’ represent the Christmas/Hanukkah Tree, the Tree God told Adam and Eve to avoid. https://www. Lightning hit St Peters Basilica TWICE the night Pope Benedict resigned. Francis was elected Pope on 3/13/13; In Twelver Shia Islam, 313 is the number of soldiers or generals that will be in the army of the 12th “Imam of time” al-Mahdi. Constantine’s was the Grand son of Druid King Coel, Constantines Edict of Milan in 313, 313th and last appearance of ‘LORD’ In Leviticus is in its last verse’; Note: ‘Lord’ is derived from YHWH not ‘LORD’ . “pray” occurs 313 times in the KJV #313 anagennao is used by the Apostle Peter. The word means ‘to be born again’ BTW ‘Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak…it is a shame for women to speak in the church’ 1 Cor 14:34-35KJV A female priest at the door? Bab=Gate + El=YHWH, Ilu=Allah, On=Osiris/Horus Sacred ‘holy’ Portals “gate; place where a drug enters or leaves the system”? Bee careful!

The Catholic Church will be destroyed. “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” Note: Pike, Mazzini, Pope Francis, Trump, Abbas, Netanyahu, Ayathollah Khomeini etc are Luciferian Freemasons.

African History - EYE OF HORUS/PINEAL GLAND Also known as... | FacebookEye of Providence, All-Seeing Eye, Eye of Horus ‘KRST’=Pineal Gland ‘3rd Eye’=Eye of Ra. Is=Isis + Ra ‘Sun’+ El (Allah=YHWH) IsRaEl ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen’ Amos 5:2KJV God Gene VMAT2, located on chromosome 10; Dec=10 month. Zeus ‘god or deity’ Athanasius Kircher ‘immortal + minister’ and Edward Jenner ‘cunning, ingenuity, stratagem, device’ invented the first Vaccine ‘Of the cow’=cowpox Donald ‘King of the World’ Trump ‘Father of the Vaccine’? his mother McCleod=’Bull’; Molech=Bull. Virus=Serpent Venom COVID ‘Cert of Vax ID’; mirror image DIVOC; dybbuk, dāḇaq ‘adhere’ or ‘cling’ is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. Corona=Crowned + Virus=Serpent Venom aka SARS=over, finished, moon (Sin), Sara (‘h’=God is with me); ś-r-r “to rule,” the Akkadian word šarrum ‘King’= sár ‘prince’. Sarah is the feminine form of Hebrew word sár, meaning princess; Saracen ‘Arab Commander’ means ‘Absent of Sarah), saar (wound); Sargon=Canaan; Sargon III=Antichrist. Disease X=XMass=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’ WHO Launches ‘Disease X’ Operation; a highly contagious disease. The goal is to eliminate the Holy Ghost, the only Unforgivable Sin!

BBC Trump coat of arms

V28 Aa5

sigil of saturn pictures from www.redbubble.comApis=Bee=Bull  New bible version replace Jesus with Azazel; JESUS is the Scapegoat; Azazel azaz=to remove or to separate; GOAT, combined with el=Canaanite god ‘YHWH’ Azazel was deeply and fanatically loyal to Lucifer, his father/creator, and views him as his god. ‘ez=she-goat, azal= to go away; Entire Removal, Strength Of God, She-Goat Of Going Away; Moon-god, Allah, is the chief deity. Al-Uzza was the goddess of Qurayshites (Koresh/Core=Korahite Priests) “O people of Uzzā, people of Hubal!”=Human Baal! Al-Uzza the Goddess of fertility, springtime and prosperity is Easter. Origins of Witchcraft: Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Manat – Triple Goddess of Mecca (Arabic) Trump, a woman danced the Arab Sword dance in Arabia; he is a Shriner ‘Noble Arab Order of Mystic Shrine.

santa claus from en.wikipedia.orgSanta Claus is a Goat descended from Adultery and Incest, a Canaanite (Namaah +her son Ham ‘Black’)-Edomite (Red=Debt)-Amalekite-Joktan ‘Arab’-Nabataean ‘Arab’-Yule Goat-St Nicholas ‘Conquer the Laity’ Hanukkah (25 Kislev *kaylo- “omen’ Assyrian for ‘hope, positiveness’)-Christmas ‘sacrifice/consumption of Christ’. Muslims worship Allah and 3 Daughters Uzzah, Manat, Al-Lat ie Sun, Moon, Venus (5 pt Star on top of the Tree) the Tree God said to avoid Allah=Satan
        Arab Jesus? Pope Francis unveils nativity scene with baby Jesus in a manger wearing a keffiyeh. Middle Eastern Arabs, Kurds, and Yazidis wear this Arab headpiece. Iraqi Turkmen wear it and call it Jamadani, while Omanis call it a mussar; Jesus is NOT AN ARAB! and He WAS NOT BORN AT CHRISTMAS! He descended from Peleg not Joktan! 11,000 ISIS fighters have been trained in a U.S. camp in northern Syria; same thing they did in Afghanistan; Obama was a Taliban ‘Student’ trained by the CIA with Osama bin Laden by Sec of Def Bob Gates in ‘Jihad‘ and is a now MujahideenWarrior for Allah’ummah=mother source”. Babel ‘YHWH’ and BabIlu ‘Allah’ are the same; BabylOn ‘Osiris’; ‘KRST’=Horus aka Apollyon/Shiva ‘Destroyer’ both born Dec 25 aka ‘Green Man’. Trump/Drumpf 66th floor penthouse is a shrine to Apollo. Apis Bull ‘Golden Bull’; Apis=Word and Bee. Apis Bull; Osiris-Apis which became Serapis=Qos ‘Bow’=Rainbow, the Wizard of Oz (Oz=77;Dan 7:7) Osiris’ wife Isis, and their son Horus in the form of Harpocrates=God of Secrets. Trump was the 45th President of the United States, and will be the 47th President of the US in January of 2025. So let’s do a little math. 4 + 5 = 9 4 = 7 = 11 Rev 9:11=Apollyon, the Sigil of Saturn and represents the Gate of Apollo/Abaddon which is the space humanity travels through towards the New Order of the Ages, ($ONE ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum) or the Golden Age of Saturn. The Twin Towers are of course Jachin and Boaz of Solomons Temple, which had to come down for them to move beyond the Noahide Rainbow and into the next stage of reality. 9/11 in Roman Numerals is IXXI which is also the Sigil of Saturn. ‘And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden’ Gen 4:16KJV . Nod ‘wandering’, mirror image Don ‘King of the World’; She-Goat Of Going Away=Canaanite Donald Trump 


Notre Dame

The “Royal Grant” to Abraham Hagar?  Ishmael or Isaac? Esau or Jacob? Abraham settled in Hebron=Chevron (caper for goat) and bought the Cave of the Patriarchs as burial place for his wife Sarah.  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, along with their wives Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah, were buried in the cave. The city is also recognized in the Bible as the place where David was anointed king of Israel.

Advent: ‘Important Arrival’ Trump? Nero and Trump fiddling while Syria burned? Nero is associated with being a tyranny, extravagance, cruelty, and madness.Assyrians worshipped Molech=Amurru the origin of America Jeu-Tromp is a Fiddle

The Cornerstone is JESUS ‘I AM’; now Trump The ‘Lion’s Paw’ handshake of Royal Arch Mason degree upon reaching this degree the aspirant may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar. In York Rite system of Masonic degrees the last found within the Rite that deals specifically with the Hiramic Legend. and the Advent of the Pax Americana-Every other leader showed deference to Donald Trump at Notre Dame ‘Our Lady’ this week, hoping he is the man that will change the world”. Shortly before the birth of Our Lord, the Roman republic was rocked by civil wars, assassinations, and much insecurity. Its greatest champion, Julius Caesar, lay dead, Pax Romana followed. Shakespeare (Shakespeare is myth; Spear Shaker=Pallas-Athene 2 Women!) The head of the spear took on the shape of a triangle , a spade, Cryptic Masonry uses the Brick Trowel=spade, sword and triangle,  heart Barbara Butch was the Queen at the Paris Olympics and used the heart symbol  a diamond  or lozenge ◊; depict heraldry for a femaleTrump Person of the Year’; last Time she won the award 7yrs ago in 2016, now ‘I’ is uncovered. Shakespeare in the Park enacted Trump as Julius Caesar stabbed in 2017; 7 years later? Wes Clark/Cohen said ‘We will take out 7 nations in 5 years (Notre Dame fire was started 5 years ago) starting with Syria and ending with Iran’ Julius Caesar called Cleopatra ‘My great Queen’ The preaching of John the Baptist “prepared the way of the Lord”; Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles! Trump  is a drag queen. Patriotism ‘Fellow Countryman’ ‘of ones father’; Cleopatra ‘Glory of her father’, a drag queen, just like Hatshepsut. The Trump family crest: Gold Hand, Red Lozenge, Spear was STOLEN!

IsRaEl is 16 miles from DamascusBehold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Is 17:1KJV Enterprise NCC (Naval “seaman, sailor”; ‘Admiral’=Absent of Sarah’=Admiralty Law) Curtiss “polite, courteous, or well-bred” Craft ‘to exercise a craft; to build” 1701 The Man Trap” (originally The Cage; a bit too obvious!); Star Trek (Trump also stole the ‘Space Force’=’Star Fleet Command’ in 1966 (Church of Satan founded in 1966 ‘Year One Satan’; MAGA is the 5th level) After landing on planet M-113; Symbol of the Christ immolated on the cross;DIEU + JESUS” and “LIEU DU CRANE”=place of the cranium, SLIHE refund a debt=113; GESARA? the Enterprise is stalked by a creature which can assume the shape and form of anyone it chooses, and which kills by removing the entire salt content of its victims’ bodies.

SPARS-CoV 2025-2028 St Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPARS) Paul became an Apostle! ‘one who is sent forth; a delegate’ Apostles were created by Jesus through the ‘Laying on the Hands’. Peter was never in Rome, Pope Francis IS NOT AN APOSTLE! Paul was made an Apostle through the Holy Ghost Heb 3:1; John 1:14; 1 John 5:7KJV SPAR logo is a SPIRITUAL Fir Tree=XMass Tree; X=Tav ‘mark, sign omen’ The sign goes in your forehead over the ‘pineal gland’; the address is 22 Chancery Lane, Pinetown (pineal). The Pine Tree is  a Christmas Tree, used in America and Lebanon (Laban) The Assyrian Laban chose the Chaldean ‘Heap of Witness’ Jegar-sahadutha, Jacob chose the Hebrew version Galeed; a Mizpah ‘Watchtower’ was appointed to be a ‘beacon/lookout’ between the 2; Jacob was renamed Israel and called to place ‘Penuel’  (the face of God); this Tree was Satan’s Tree. St Paul’s Cathedral is in London “to sink; subdue”  Donald Trump? The Court of Natural Justice ‘Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.’ Rom 1:25KJV

St Denis Medical is set in Merrick “dark,Moor, or “dark-skinned. St Denis=Dionysus; the star of the ‘Last Supper’ of the Paris Olympics Jesuits ‘Knights of the Black Sun’ ‘Schwarze Sun’=SS. Jesuits ‘Society of Gesu’ (Earth Pig’ not Jesus!) took their first Oaths in the Crypt of the St Denis church, Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre ‘Mars’ Hill’ Acts 17:22-26 on Aug 15, 1534, The Catholic World celebrates of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary annually on the 15th of August The bronze doors of the St Denis Basilica-Cathedral depict the Passion of Christ and the Resurrection IHS=’In Hoc Signo Vince’=Isis Horus Set; Horus bDec 25 ‘XMass’ The Cross though the H, 3 Nails and Black Sun?  Rejection of Holy Ghost is Unforgivable!

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) aka ‘Free Syrian Army’ aka al-Qaeda ‘Solid Base/Foundation’, ISIL, IS aka ISIS former branch in Syria. Osama bin Laden was a CIA Agent Tim Osman aka Santa Claus. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his replacement Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (Qurash=Korahites=Core Num 16:32; 26:10; Jude 11) are IsRaEli=ISIS and CIA assets. 25 December each year, Santa Claus has an army of millions of obedient followers, doing his bidding, while he controls it all from his secret lair at the North Pole. ‘We’re going to take out seven countries in five years starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.’ Wes Clark (Cohen) ‘Syria is a mess but is not our friend, and the United States should have nothing to do with it. This is not our fight. Let it play out. Do not get involved!’ Trump wrote on Saturday.  ‘end of a dark era and the beginning of a new one;new Syria’ where ‘everyone lives in peace and justice prevails’; My God, my God Why hast thou forsake me? Jesus’ last words were in Aramaic ie Assyrian; Aram ‘to be high; quiet; fortress; Royal Highness; Allah” ‘Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap’. Is 17:1KJV Syrian ‘Rebels’ advance with Turkey (Togarmah)Tur=’Black’ approval, without bloodshed on Damascus The Beginning Of Salvation’; “The Place of a New Beginning” Mel Gibson said ‘Apocalypto’ means ‘A new beginning’; he LIED! Apocalypse means “the end of the world”, which is why its NOT IN SCRIPTURE! Gibson starred in ‘Passion of the Christ‘, he used his Left ‘Sinister’ hand to hold the crucifixion Nails YHShWH=47=Trump ’47’; Sh=Shin ‘Nail’ Passion of the Christ II debuts Apr 18, 2025. BabIlu ‘Allah’ or BabEL ‘YHWH’ will land you in Hell! JESUS is the Holy Ghost; rejection is the Unforgivable Sin!

Alina Saad Habba is Trumps Counselor, a Chaldean Arab ‘Catholic’; they are called Dynasty X of Babylon; Remember Trump’s Arab Sword Dance? Gen 22:22 ‘Chesed’=Chassidic ‘Jews’, Chabad=Chockma-Binah-Daat the 1st 3 levels in Kaballah ‘Enclosure of Allah’ (The Monstrance is a Solar Cross around a Black Stone and the Black Stone is the East corner of the Kaaba ring a Baal?) They are the Medes ‘Persian Magi’=MAGA Inc. Habba is the head of Chaldean Magi=MAGA Inc (a Corporation of Magic); 5th Level of the Church of Satan. The 3 Wise Men aka Three Kings’ Day is celebrated on January 6th ‘Epiphany Day’ the 12th day of Christmas is the ‘Drummer’; Trump was Drumph ‘drummer’; he intends to ‘pardon’ the ‘actors’. The Magi arrived when Jesus was a ‘Young Child’  (Matt 2:7-13) 11/2 years old at Passover; he was in Egypt during Herod’s ‘Slaughter of Innocents’. 

Harmeet K Dhillon a Sikh to Attorney General civil rights position; the only ‘Rights’ we have is a relationship with God; the Unforgivable Sin is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost=JESUS 1 Jn 5:7KJV. Sikh’s faith and meditation in the name of the one creator ”Ik Onkar’ there is one God’; Ik=1 Onkar=om”=Shiva=Apollyon ‘Destroyer’Notre Dame de Paris, France

Pope Francis png images | PNGEgg The Sun and Black Star align Dec 25. The Monstrance and Kaaba are the same! The Black Stone is set into the Eastern ‘Rising Sun’ corner of the Kaaba ‘Enclosure of Allah’. The Government of France has fallen; Notre Dame will re-open Dec 8 on ‘Feast of the Immaculate Conception’. Al Aqsa Mosque, Temple Mount and Notre Dame were set on fire on the anniversary of the day when Jesus entered the East Gate aka US Tax Day April 15. Jesus rode ‘Baalams’ Ass, ‘Turned the Tables’  and Whipped the Pharisees for selling things that were Free! East Gate, Golden Gate=Rising Sun; almost has ‘YHWH’ written on it. The next person to walk through the Gate will be Antichrist! Notre Dame reopening 83 years since ‘Pearl Labor’ Dec 7, 2024  Ps 83 ‘Confederates’ (‘to unite by a league’): Edom, Ishmaelite, Moab, Hagarenes, Hagarenes (Arabs), Gebel (mountain), Amalek (Ex 17:16), Philistines (Palestine; Dagon), Assur (Assyrians), Midianites (Kenites), Witches (MAGA Trump). Emmanuel Macron met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Donald Trump and 50 other world leaders. Notre-Dame Cathedral re-opening ceremony on a Black-White Masonic Floor. “lumière” (light=Lucifer), “treize” (thirteen; Gen 13:13), “Arche de Dieu” (Ark of God; Rev 12:19), “Sainte-Face” (the Holy Face), “Dieu est” (God is) and “Je suis” (I am), “the bread” written in Hebrew gives 83: “the Son of God” “ha-ben YHWH”= 83 YHWH=Satan. PNAC ‘Project for a new American Century’ written by Skull&Bones Robert Kagan (Kohen/Cohen ‘priest-kings’) Cheney, Wolfowitz et all called for an event like a ‘New Pearl Harbor’, which was 9/11/2001, an ‘Inside Job’ named for Rev 9/11 ‘Apollyon’ ‘Destroyer’. December 8 ‘Feast of Immaculate Conception‘. Advent Sun, Dec 1, 2024 – Tue, Dec 24, 2024

Pin pageDavid Bowie ‘Black Star‘=Monstrance: transparent receptacle in which the consecrated Host is exposed for veneration. The same Black Stone is in the corner of the Kaaba. Acts 19:35KJV Jesus was born at Feast of Tabernacles! JESUS is the only ‘Priest King ‘Melchisedek’ (Gen 14:18; Ps 111; Heb 5-8) Whose in the monstrance? The ‘god of the sun’ Maldek’ SOLEX-MAL and the Black Sun The 2nd “Faith Candle’ is called the “Bethlehem Candle’; Bēt laḥm in Arabic “house of meat”; “House of Lahmu“, associated with water; Enki/Ea “Lord of the Earth” and later on of his son Marduk ‘Golden Bull/Cow’=Trump.

Emerald City, Wizard of Oz Photo Backdrop Imperial Bower ‘dwelling, inner room’; Joker is the Highest Trump card. Trump’s Idol is made of 316 Stainless Steel  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ Jn 3:16KJV is Gold and has a Magic Wand. Donald ‘King of the World’ Trump ‘triumph’, ‘trumpet’: 2 impeachments, 5X draft deferments, 5X bankrupt, fake Masonic assassination attempt, Jew, Christian who has never apologized to God, Jesuit, Freemason, Shriner (danced the Arab Sword Dance), MAGA (the highest level of the Church of Satan) is The Chosen One  Paul was the ‘Chosen vessel’ Acts 9:15 ‘And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.’ Rev 8:2-3KJV Pete Hegseth ‘High Seat’ Sec of Defense has a Jerusalem Cross tattoo and Deus Vult “celestial, shining’ + ‘God wills it’ the motto of the first crusade Scutum Fidel= Jew Stephen Feinberg fein ‘fine’ + Berg ‘mountain, hill’ is the CEO of Cerberus (Guard dog of Hell) Capital Management which previously owned the private military contractor DynCorpPower’ says a 77% reduction in population; that’s a lot of Adrenochrome

Knight of the Sun The 28th (2+8=10=Dec; 2×8=16 Rev 16=Vials of Wrath; Trump ’47’=4×7=28; 4+7=11 degree of Freemasonry ‘Knight of the Sun’ and password ‘Jahbulon’ Jah=Jehovah + Baal ‘Lord/Owner’ + On ‘Osiris’=Green Man is called the Rainbow Arch degree. It is the transformation from an operative guild to a speculative moral fraternity. Speculate “theoretical, purely scientific, in theory only; very risky and unproven ideas or chances, specula “watchtower”. Jacob chose the Hebrew ‘Galeed’, Laban (Lebanon; Aramaic) chose the Chaldean ‘Jegar-sahadutha’ ‘Heap of stones’ and a ‘Watchtower’ (Mizpah) between them. Science ‘Chaldean Vain, Profane babbling’ Dan 1:4; 1 Tim 6:20KJV ‘My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?’ Jesus last words on the Tree, between 2 thieves, the thief on His right trusted Him like a lamb, the one on His left mocked Him as a goat “The Greatest of All Time”

Qoz ‘Bow’ is the Edomite National god. 28= Power = Work / Time; W = F X D aka ‘God of Forces’ H153 Chaldean ‘edra’=force. Defying Gravity? gravitas ‘weight, seriousness’ USURY=H5391 nashak: To bite, sting, to lend on interest, to oppress with interest, bite of the serpent ‘ Thou shalt not lend upon usury (usus ‘a use’) to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals (victus ‘food’), usury of any thing that is lent upon usury’ Deut 23:19KJV Converting Gold Bricks into Green money? Moneta, a title or surname of the Roman goddess Juno, near whose temple on the Capitoline Hill money was coined Juno the wife of Jupiter (Zeus), queen of heaven, goddess of light, birth, women, and marriage. Rainbows: Sunlight refracts Light in water at 42 degs with respect to to observer; 4+2=6; 4×2=8; Rev 6:8=Pale (Green) Horse  Newton lied! 68 kg x 9.8 m/s2=666 newtons 42 months=Great Tribulation.  Trump ‘47′ is not Christian; 47th Problem of Euclid ‘Squaring the Circle’ is the Holy Grail.

SOLEX-MAL’ (Solar Tongue) “I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.” Ps 39:1 Marduk ‘Bull’=Lucifer (Molech)=Maldek “silver-tongued” or ‘the tongue’ (4000+ celebrities, government display the Tongue=Maldek  In Spanish (Joktan ‘Arabs’; Sephard ‘Jews’) the word Mal means bad, sin, evil, hurt, injury, illness the alleged 5th planet (Earth, Air, Fire , Water and Quintessence (remember the 5th Element? in Witchcraft=MAGA the 5th Level ‘Magician’ in the Church of Satan).  5=6; Shin ‘Nail’. Lucifer-Maldek had a moon ‘Lilith’. Selene, Artemis, and Hecate were all identified with the moon aka ‘Sin’. Arabs believe Lilith cohabitated with the Devil and was even his wife ‘Allah’. The spirits of Lucifer hold dominion Earth in “cities” eg Quetzalcoatl, is represented as a great dragon or serpent. Marduk ‘Bull’=Lucifer (Molech)=Maldek “silver-tongued”, the alleged 5th planet (Earth, Air, Fire , Water and Quintessence (remember the 5th Element?) In Witchcraft=MAGA the 5th Level ‘Magician’ in the Church of Satan. 5=6; Shin ‘Nail’. Nibiru (There is no planet ‘Nibiru’) Babylonian=Marduk ‘Bull’=’pole star’; Akkadian ‘crossing place’ or ‘place of transition’; “Planet X” or “Giant Planet Five”=Nibiru ‘Planet of the Crossing’ ie Jupiter ‘Capitol ‘Womb of Jupiter’=Zeus. X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen

 Event 201 began the COVID Hoax on 3/11/2020. Andrei Yushchinsky was murdered in Ukraine, Russia on Purim 13 Mar 1911.Purim 13 Mar 2025 On Friday, March 13, 2020, President Trump declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency. The Monument in London was built with 311 steps to the Coronavirus ‘Crowned Serpent Venom’ COVID ‘Certificate Of Vaccination ID’ by Rosicrucian, Freemason Sir Christoper Wren.Nobody has ever seen a Virus! Jesuits were suppressed by Pope Clement XIV on day #201 in 1773; Catherine the Great saved and financed 201 Jesuits; 201st the day of the year Jesuit-Freemason Actors Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin faked the Moon Landing. Saturn V? the Eagle? The Eagle=Satan! South Park 201:Revolution Muslim”;Strongs #201mar “Eloquent Speaker” Assyrians deported the northers 10 tribes of Israel; Luz ‘Light’ aka Beth-El was where Jeroboam set up one of 2 Golden Calves; the other was Dan ‘Judge’. Dan is not ‘Saved’ in Rev 7. Assyrians worship Molech/Marduk with human sacrifices!My God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me? Jesus’ last words were in Aramaic (Syrian)

        pike-three-world-wars.jpegIsRaEli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza “No captives will be freed.” Gaza Health Ministry Accuses IsRaEl of Weapons that “Vaporize” Human Bodies; OR they are lying, NO PROOF! Trump, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ayathollah Khomeini are all 33deg Luciferian Freemasons. Trump is a Jesuit, ‘Christian’ who admits he has never apologized to JESUS, and was mentored by Norman Vincent Peale, a 33deg Freemason and Noble Arab Order of the Mystic Shrine ‘Shriners’. Albert “noble” + *berhtaz “bright, famous” Pike ‘sharp point, iron tip of a staff or spear’ was the head of Freemasonry, a Jesuit and Confederate (Ps 83) South Korea Declares MARTIAL LAW;   

‘South Korea declares Martial Law’ Korean ‘Core’ Jude 11 War ended in a US Armistice ‘Temporary cessation of hostilities’ the put the 3 generations of ‘Sun’ Dynasty in charge. The largest worlds largest Exodus is about to begin: Korean DMZ, China’s One Belt-One Road, Karakoram Hwy, Islamabad Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Armageddon, ending of Feast of Tabernacles 2028? 2 Witnesses Enoch and Elijah will prophesy 1260 days and be killed by Satan; people will be giving presents on to another (sounds like Christmas/Hannukak/XMass?) before rising; the Day of Wrath follows.


Agenda 47 AI cities/governance ‘Freedom Cities’ Trump Arab Sword Dance, Funeral attire and Yarmulke at the Western Wall with Rabbis should make more sense now. Y H Sh W H = 47. YH Shin=Nail WH=3 Nails Rabbis open Synagogues of Satan with! Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (Germanized form of the Jewish surname Cohen; Priest of Cain ie Korahite Num 26:10;32; Jude 11 ‘Core’)

         Jesus is Alpha and Omega. ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is Unforgivable’ ‘In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine’ Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) The alternative Aleph ‘Bull’-Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’; SATUR=666 The 13th Zodiac sign November 30- December 18, Ophiuchus (Aesculapius) the Serpent Bearer. Saturnalia was held on 17 December 13 is the meaning of the Snake, the dragon, Satan and the murderer Cain? Hebrew word BEV ‘chaos’=13. The moon covers thirteen degrees per day and there are thirteen lunations in the year. 13 is the number of skies for the Aztecs, and the hair of the Ancient of Days had thirteen buckles and his beard thirteen wicks. Epiphany takes place the thirteenth day after the nativity of the Lord. The number 13 is called theophanicus for this reason.
east wall has yhwh ‘Yahweh’; Easter ‘Rising Sun’ Herod the Edomite King celebrated Easter! Easter aligns with Passover 2025 Masoretic Texts dating from 1008AD Q “Eye of the Needle” the East Gate or Golden Gate of the Temple YHWH or Allah on the Wall The Temple of God is in heaven Rev 11:19KJV Q The 17th Letter the ‘Whore of Babylon’ Rev 17. qop 𐡒, Hebrew qūp̄ ק , Phoenician qōp 𐤒 ‘Eye of the Needle’, Φ (phi) Golden Ratio=1.618 to 1 ‘007’. “Quelle,” the German word for ‘source’; recognition by and relationship with the divine being. The Order of Quetzalcoatl. Q sign which was developed in about 1000 bc in Byblos and other Phoenician and Canaanite centers eg Q Gospel; QUESTION? Q was used in place of K=ok ‘666’=Nro Qsr “Nerō Kaisar”=Caesar. Elphaba’s mother had an affair with a man, later revealed to be the Wizard of Oz, who gave her the green elixir when Elphaba was conceived. Dan 7:7 L Frank Baum=El ‘Canaanite’ + Frank ‘Free’ + Ba=’Soul’
          Exactly 1656 years Creation to Flood, the Ark rested on 17 Ethanim  “perennial, enduring, ever-flowing streams”; Creation and the Flood were on Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6bc, and was Crucified 33 1/2 years later of Passover 28ad. The last 31/2 years (42months) is the ‘Great Tribulation’ ending with the 2nd Coming on Feast of Tabernacles, the only 8 day Feast. Jesus ministry was 3 1/2 years. Jesus Circumcision and Day of Wrath were on the 8th Day. Tabernacle  #4907 mishkan,  abode of God, to dwell; the tabernacle was considered to be the earthly dwelling place of God. ‘That Wicked’ be revealed…the ‘mystery of iniquity’ taken out of the way; Wicked rasha’ morally wrong; concretely, an (actively) bad person + condemned, guilty, ungodly, wicked (man), that did wrong. is revealed; God sends a Strong Delusion to believe a lie (2 Thess  2:6-7;11)
     ‘But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 2 Pet 3:8-10

key to emerald city pictures from www.pinterest.comЗлая: Сказка о ведьме Запада

       The Triple Crown/Tiara represents Papal authority over Body, Soul, Spirit. The keys of heaven or keys of Saint Peter are seen as a symbol of papal authority and are seen on papal coats of arms, and those of the Holy See and Vatican City State; NOT! The Divinity of Jesus is the Rock and Key! Infernal Dictionary is a book on demonology, describing demons organized in hierarchies It was incorporated into The Lesser Key of Solomon. 33Deg Luciferian Mason Lyman ‘to plow’=Canaanite Frank ‘Free’ Baum ‘Tree’ name Elphaba, a Hermaphrodite and Wicked witch of the west, born of incest; “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!’ Is 14:12KJV Elphaba=El=Canaanite god + Free + Ba ‘Soul” the Mirror Image of BaEl ‘Lord of the Tree Covenant’ Taught by a Goat at Shiz University ‘shit; excrement’; Rabbis use Shiznit, Yiddish for ‘shit’ eg ‘Jesus is in Hell  boiling in His own excrement’ -Talmud.  eg NATO missile shield Aegis Ashore ‘shield of Zeus, ‘goatskin’. she/he is ‘Green’=’Green Man’ aka ‘Pale (green/ash) Horse. Wicked=Mickey Defying Gravity– Jew (Canaanite) Stephen ‘Martyr’ Schwartz ‘Black’. GRAVITY DOES NOT EXIST! It’s the ‘God of Forces’ Dan 11:36-39KJV 
    Meet the controversial self-described 'love activist' who played Jesus in Paris Olympics opening ceremony's 'woke Last Supper parody' as she shares behind-the-scenes details | Daily Mail OnlineThe Paris Olympics 'Last Supper,' the French Revolution and punching down on a Catholic minority | America MagazineLast Supper? Dionysus?
Cannibalism? ‘But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.’ Gen 9:4; Deut 12:23KJV Gay, Jew Barbara ‘strange/foreign’ Butch ‘butcher’; Artemis/Diana also means ‘Butcher’; ‘Heart=Baal ‘Love God’ ‘Love our neighbor’ H8426 todah ‘Thanksgiving’,  G2169 eucharistia=Thanksgiving; eating the Body and drinking the Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, we become united to the person of Christ; Antichrist? or Jesus Christ? ‘I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever. John 6:51-58KJV
       Lev 16:21KJV  Scapegoat’ is changed in new bibles to Azazel’ azaz meaning to remove or to separate, combined with el=Canaanite god. Azāzīl was the personal name of Satan. Azrael is the name given to the Angel of Death; in the Quran Malak al-Maut, in the Zohar Azriel. Ahura Mazdā ‘God of Light’=Lucifer (yazata) in Zoroastrianism (Back Star). The Peshitta is the standard version of the Bible for churches in the Syriac  (Aramaic) ‘My God, my God, Why hast thou forsaken me?’ Matt 27:46; Ps 22 Jesus said His last words and the last words is the Bible in Aramaic! Aštart feminine form of Aṯtar is identified with the planet Venus, the morning and evening star. (Jerusalem) Aṯtar is a prominent character in the Baal Cycle. He was associated with the god Zeus.
      Oz=77 ‘Liber Oz: Book 77’ Augustine was a Phoenician, ’77 is the last limit of the sin since this number is the product of 11, number of the sin, by 7, number of the perfection.’ 77 generations Adam to the Christ (Lk 3:23-38; YHWH). Cain is avenged 7 times but Lamek 77 times.(Gn 4,24) Iridium ‘Ir’ atomic number 77, is a white metal which the name is a derivative of the Greek word “iris” meaning” rainbow”. It is under the sign of the rainbow that God concludes his Alliance between him and the humanity. (Qoz ‘Bow’ is the Edomite National god). Zarathustra (Zoraster ‘Black Star’; he was born Dec 25) eg ‘Thus spoke Zarathustra’ by  died at the age of 77 an 1883 book by Friedrich Nietzsche, desire was to ‘Kill God and keep him dead with science’. biblical, pray, fish, France ‘Free’, Spirit + Flesh = 77; The number 50 is used 77 times in the Bible; ‘Jubilee’=50; 2028 is the Jubilee, therefore 2025 is the start of the Great Tribulation .
the grim reaper by revzilloThe Sun “Solis Invictus” and the ‘Black Star’ align in Capricorn (Goat) on Dec 25. The winter solstice feast in honor of Mithra, the “Unconquered Sun”. SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028, the Great Tribulation Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028 X is the symbol for the letter ‘chi’ Christ Mass. X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’, aka ‘Mark of the Beast’ Dec 24 is the birth of the Arab Moon god “Sin”. HORUS (KRST), BUDDHA, KRISHNA, ZOROASTER (Zero-Ashta=Black Star=Saturn), HERCULES, MITHRA, DIONYSUS, TAMMUZ, HERMES, ADONIS are all born at CHRISTMAS aka XMass. Grim Reaper? reap “to cut grain with a hook or sickle, cut and gather a harvest”; H2235 Pulse ‘Gene Slip’=G2215 Tare zizánion a tare (darnel); (figuratively) a pseudo-believer (false Christian); a fruitless person living without faith from God and therefore is “all show and no go!” That’s what Christmas is! Sanat Kumara is Satan who is presented as being not only Lord of Shamballa, Lord of the World, Al Khdir (green man) and Ancient of Days in Judeo-Christian religion. 13 is the number for Aztecs, and the hair of the Ancient of Days had thirteen buckles and his beard thirteen wicks. Dan 7:13-14;22;25 ‘And he shall speak great words AGAINST THE MOST HIGH...until a time and times and dividing of time’ aka Great Tribulation! Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles.

Acharya S (Sanning) d Dec 25 2015 leaving a 13year old son? Sann true, real, genuine Jay Bhattacharya to NIH Brahmin name from Sanskrit bhaṭṭāčārya from bhaṭṭa ‘learned one’ Acharia S aka D. M. Murdock “sea warrior” the Christ myth theory, a fringe theory asserting that Jesus never existed as a historical person, but was rather a mingling of various pre-Christian myths, solar deities and dying-and-rising deities. Sanskrit ācāra “Practice and Discipline” Sanskrit ārya “Virtuous and Reverend” Sanskrit ācārya “Practitioner and Teacher”. 10 false gods were born on Dec 25! all except Jesus! Mithra ‘Mitre’, ‘flame and fish’. Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox: Russian Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Antiochian Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Chaldean Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox etc  Jesus was conceived at Hanukkah, born on Feast of Tabernacles

  • Mithra was born on December 25th.
  • He was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
  • He had 12 companions or disciples.
  • He performed miracles.
  • He was buried in a tomb.
  • After three days he rose again.
  • His resurrection was celebrated every year.
  • Mithra was called “the Good Shepherd.”
  • He was considered “the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah.”
  • He was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.
  • His sacred day was Sunday, “the Lord’s Day,” hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.
  • Mithra had his principal festival on what was later to become Easter, at which time he was resurrected.
  • His religion had a Eucharist or “Lord’s Supper”
      Time: 25 Kislev (Dec 25) Saturnalia=Hannukah=Christmas. Canaanites don’t send presents at Feast of Tabernacles, but they do at Saturnalia!  ‘io Saturnalia’ was the characteristic shout or salutation of the festival. It was a special event that provided liberation to slaves, gambling across the city, and crowned the “King of Saturnalia”, In announcing triumph or celebrating Bacchus (Dionysus), but also to punctuate a joke. phota meant both ‘man’ and ‘lights’, candles were a substitute offering to Saturn for the light of life; citizens wore effigies or masks on Saturnalia (Eyes Wide Shut?). astrological sign Capricorn (Goat; Wicked Witch of the west is a Goat; Yule Goat) the house of Saturn, the planet named for the god. The pilleus (Phrygian Cap/Cap of Mithra) the conical felt cap that was the usual mark of a freedman. Mithras show him being born from a rock, slaughtering a white bull, (Zeus) and sharing a banquet with the god Sol ‘Unconquered Sun”. Indo-Iranian word mitrás “contract, agreement, covenant” (Tree Covenant ‘Baal Berith’) Cautes (Spring Equinox=Life) The Torch bearers holds his torch raised up, and Cautopates (Fall Equinox=Death) holds his torch pointed downward; the Opposite of Jesus Crucified on Passover 25ad, Born on Feast of Tabernacles 6bc and will return on Feast of Tabernacles when Creation is 6000 Years old; shepherds’ crooks replaced the torches. Saturn: God of Wealth, Agriculture, Renewal and Time. Saturnalia was one part real life The PurgeDuring Saturnalia, Romans would decorate their homes with evergreen boughs as a symbol of everlasting life. The Egyptians, Druids, and Vikings also decorated their homes with evergreens to honor their gods. However, it is the Germans (Martin Luther) who are credited with the first Christmas tree. Kronia was an Athenian festival held in honor of Kronos (Cronus) aka Time. Slaves and the free, rich and poor, all dined together and played games; a restoration of the ancient Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn.
   Robert Kennedy Jr  to HHS Academy of Divine Knowledge and Intl Court of Natural Justice. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya NIH Dir. Brahmin name from Sanskrit bhaṭṭāčārya from bhaṭṭa ‘learned one; Acharia S d Dec 25, 2015 aka D. M. Murdock “sea warrior”, the Christ myth theory, a fringe theory asserting that Jesus never existed as a historical person, but was rather a mingling of various pre-Christian myths, solar deities and dying-and-rising deities. Sanskrit ācāra “Practice and Discipline” Sanskrit ārya “Virtuous and Reverend” Sanskrit ācārya “Practitioner and Teacher”. 12 false gods were born on Dec 25! all except Jesus! They are all Satan oops! Sanat Kumara ‘World Teacher’ aka Santa! is Sanat Kumara aka Santa aka Satan!
Shamanism | Definition, History, Examples, Beliefs, Practices ...Happy Thanksgiving! NOT! Providence: providere ‘foresee, attend to’; #8426 todah: Thanksgiving, praise, confession; derived from yadah “to give thanks” or “to praise.”; G2169 eucharistia: Thanksgiving, gratitude; #3034 yadah To give thanks, to praise, to confess; to throw, at, away, to revere, worship, to bemoan. Lev 16:21 ‘Scapegoat’=Jesus is changed in new bibles to ‘Azazel’ azaz meaning to remove or to separate, combined with el=Satan Thanks Latin tongēre ‘to know’ tôwdâh means ‘confession, praise, and offering.’ Giving ‘to yield to pressure’ is a religious observance to the Ancient and Universal pagan god ‘Grandfather Fire’ for Indian victories, the ‘Sacred Fire’, ‘Lord of the Flame’ ‘Tatewari’, the 1st Shaman. The term shamanism comes from the Manchu-Tungus word šaman. The noun is formed from the verb ša- ‘to know’; thus, a shaman is literally “one who knows.” The shamans recorded in historical ethnographies have included women, men, and transsexuals. Turannos=Sovereign, King, Lord; Pashto turan (thuran) “swordsman” (Esau lives by the sword Gen 27:39-41). Turan is derived from Tur/Tor “Black, Dark” Ham’s (Black) incest with his mother Naamah, a Cainite, brought the “Curse” across the Flood to Canaan, Ishmael, Esau and Amalekites, Esau’s grandson; “Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” Ex 17:16. A FOX F=6; O= 15=6; X=24=6 “666” tail is the badge of a Fool!
       Turkey “convert to Islam. Turkey means Domesticated Aztec Guinea Fowl Natives gathered for the annual “Festival”; victims were awakened, shot, clubbed, burned alive in the Longhouse.Children were sold into English slavery via Bermuda and Liverpool; survivors dispersed from their land. Wampanoag Chief Metacomet, whose father signed the first Peace Treaty with British Colonists took the English name “King Phillip” the French King who arrested the Knights Templar aka International Bankers. King Metacomet was shot, tortured and his body quartered with his head impaled on a spike and put on public display at the entrance to Plymouth for 24 years.  Turkey was not at the 1st Thanksgiving. Rosicrucian, Hellfire Society Satanist, child sacrificer Ben Franklin’s choice for America’s Mascot.
Pine Tree FlagFlag of LebanonSt Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome aka Disease X. Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPARS) SPAR  logo is a SPIRITUAL Fir Tree=XMass Tree; X=Tav ‘mark, sign omen’ The sign goes in your forehead over the ‘pineal gland’; the address is 22 Chancery Lane, Pinetown (pineal). The Pine Tree  a Christmas Tree was used in America and Lebanon (Laban) The Assyrian Laban chose the Chaldean ‘Heap of Witness’ Jegar-sahadutha, Jacob chose the Hebrew version Galeed; a Mizpah ‘Watchtower’ was appointed to be a ‘beacon/lookout’ between the 2; Jacob was renamed Israel and called to place ‘Penuel’  (the face of God); this Tree was Satan’s Tree. Chancery: a high court of equity; chancel: cancel “cross out with lines” ie an X, and incarcerate ‘put behind bars’; 22=last chapter in Revelation; Jesus exclaimed in Aramaic=Phoenician “Eli Eli lama sabactani” ie My, God, my God Why hast thou forsaken me? in the beginning of the psalm 22. The Fool is card #22 in Tarot’ ‘Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen (heath=earth), and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.’ Jer 10:2-4KJV The Twin Pines become a Lone Pine, the date Coronavirus was declared a ‘Pandemic’ WAS SIMULATED AHEAD AHEAD OF TIME! Jesus presented Himself at the East Gate over Passover, and was crucified on a Tree; today it’s called the Golden Gate, the only eastern gate of the Temple Mount. equity means fairness and justice. Ephraim ‘fruitful’ and Dan ‘judge’; Ephraim=IsRaEl; Dan uses the Serpent as its symbol (Gen 49:17), this is why they are not listed as ‘Saved’ in Rev 7; Juda is missing the ‘h’, meaning you have to PRAY TO JESUS to have your Sins forgiven! He created all of it; 100% equity!
     ‘Nobody escapes the law’-Trump ‘The law and prophets were until John’ Lk 16:16 That why Trump has never apologized to God’ 7 Noahide Laws; Shariah Laws=Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the Unforgivable Sin! Day ONE is Jan 20, 2025
        Forecast Population Drop in 2025 US 68%, UK 77%  and IsRaEl 60%
        Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles 6bc, and was crucified Passover 28ad; He began His ministry at 25ad. He will return when creation is 6000years on Feast of Tabernacles 28ad. Passover/Easter Apr 20, 2025-Jan 20 ‘Inauguration Day’ and ‘Aquarius Day’ is 9months apart (Gestation). Martin Luther is credited for bringing the Lit Christmas Tree into homes; this year Nosferatu comes on Dec 25.
        Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ John 3:3KJV JESUS is the Holy Ghost, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only unforgivable sin 1 John 5:7. JESUS is the Holy Ghost, blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is the only Unforgivable sin. ‘Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.’ Matt 12:31KJV Easter and Christmas are the birth of Ashtaroth and BaEl (Baal ‘Lord’ Ba + El ‘YHWH’/Ilu ‘Allah’); Baal-berith=Tree Covenant with Baal ‘Lord’ JESUS is the Holy Ghost, rejection is the Unforgivable Sin. SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 aka Great Tribulation Passover 2025-Feast of Tabernacles 2028
NESARA & GESARA (XIII) Alianza by Tomas Morilla Massieu Hardcover Book - Picture 1 of 1space corps and star trek from The blond leader is Sanat Kumara aka Santa aka Satan!
Q=Qoph in Phoenician 𐤒‎=Eye of the Needle. Every line in Psalm 119:145-152 starts with this letter. The letter Qoph stands for the word holy, which means. “set apart for a sacred purpose”. “God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy Qadash Aleph ‘Bull’ to Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’ (the mirror image of Ellen DeGeneres as Nemo the fish)
       Trump ‘47′ is not Christian 47th Problem of Euclid; Squaring the Circle is the Holy Grail47th Problem of Euclid Forty seven is considered as being the number of the Law. Y H Sh W H = 47 Sh=Shin=Nail;accursed”=47 Psalm 119 is a song about the law. ‘The law and the prophets were until John’ Lk 16:16 119 is the symbol of the high treason and the rejection of God aka 9th Circle of Hell. Chapter 13 of Revelation describes Antichrist the Beast of the Earth. 13th psalm, it is written: “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God”. Aliens ‘Belonging to another’ 13th Adar=Purim ‘cast lots’ for Marduk=Bull. Sodomy ‘Satan’s Sex’ is ‘The one ring to rule them all’ ‘The men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly’ Gen 13:13KJV
          ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’ OWN=NWO (mirror image) NO EQUITY  Oprah=Harpoh=Harpocrates, the Egyptian child-god Horus, who represented the newborn sun, rising each day at dawn aka Solis Invictus. Horus is the god of secrets. RFK Jr is the HHS Secretary, Tribunal for Natural Justice=META ‘After’ Dan 7:6 ‘Dominion’ 7:7 the Iron (Iron is the mid=point of the 22 Periodic Table of Elements=Laodicea (Luke Warm; JESUS gave His 7th this last Warning) Beast is the Pale Horse (Rev 6:8), Death and Hell follow. The Pearl of Great Price is your Soul. Remember there are 2 Balances. Happy means “luck” or “chance.” Thomas Jefferson changes Life, Liberty and the pursuit of ‘Property’ to ‘Happiness’
       ‘Atlanteans’ descend from Homo Sapiens (homō “human being” + sapiēns “wise, sensible, judicious” and Homo Magi (also called Homo Magus) is a sub-race of humans with the inherent ability to wield magic ie a witch. Magus is the 5th and highest level in the Church of Satan. Atlanteans evolved after the cataclysmic event known as the Deluge; a subspecies of meta-humans (meta=after); various species who refer to themselves as ‘witches’. ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’ Ex 22:18KJV #3784 kashaph: To practice sorcery, to use witchcraft; #5331 pharmakeia: the use of drugs, potions, or spells; often translated as “sorcery” or “witchcraft”; Wicca *weyk“ choose” or “separate”. 33Deg Freemason, Jew, Kissinger final warning: ‘Prepare now for superhuman people to control Earth’.
      “Saint Germain World Trust” administers GESARA/NESARA ie Debt relief=Equity St. Germain was an Alsatian Jew (Canaanite), Simon Wolff? a Spanish Jesuit involved with most every significant. When performing magical rituals in his castle in Transylvania, Saint Germain wears “a suit of golden chain-mail which once belonged to a Roman Emperor; over it is thrown a magnificent cloak of Tyrian purple, with on its clasp a seven-pointed star in diamond and amethyst, and sometimes he wears a glorious robe of violet.”; I AM Movement, Jacobite rebellion, United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States. Theosophy, the next Astrological Age, the Age of Aquarius, will be governed by the Seventh (Violet) Ray (the Ray of Ceremonial Order), Saint Germain is sometimes called “The Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius”. Ascended Master Saint Germain became the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, replacing the former Astrological age Hierarchy, the Ascended Master Jesus, who had been for almost 2,000 years the “Hierarch of the Age of Pisces”; the Great Divine Director, is regarded as Saint Germain’s teacher in the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters. Alice A. Bailey stated that “sometime after AD 2025”, Jesus, the Master Rakóczi (Saint Germain), Kuthumi, and others in the Spiritual Hierarchy would “externalise”, “manager of the executive council of the Christ” charged with preparing the way for the Second Coming of Christ. Antichrist is coming! St Germain=Satan. Rapture and Aliens are coming, likely in 2025.
      Russia (Rus=VI Kings) Preparing RS-26 Missile Launch Against Kiev (Kievan Rus); RS-26 Rubezh=frontier or boundary. NATO as SS-X-31, freedom and eagle are used 31 times in the Bible; X=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’. Tricky aren’t they!
warp speed logo from en.wikipedia.orgVaccine for the future Bird Flu Pandemic, COVID 21? U.S. FDA approved and granted emergency use authorization for updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (2024-2025 formula) to include a monovalent (single) component that corresponds to the Omicron variant KP.2 strain of SARS-CoV-2 David Bowie ‘Ashtaroth created Omicron as a Soul Prison same as Phoenician goddess Astarte, Babylonian Ishtar, Egyptian Isis and the Sumerian Inanna=Namaah. Sar=Prince; Sargon the Great=Canaan born of Naamah his mother and Ham ‘Black’; the Black Star.
      Dan 8: 2300 days=1040 days +1260 days My guess is 1040=IRS #1040 Apr 15 Titanic sinking ‘relating to the sun’ Day the US will be scuttled; GESARA will put $300T pay off World Debt=Freedom for those who don’t realize JESUS forgives Debt! Satan=Zeus ‘Bull’ does not! Scutum Fidel on Passover, the Last Supper, the day Jesus was betrayed by Judas.
      A mountain in Turkey “Urartu”, the Assyrian equivalent of the Biblical “Ararat” is the site of Noah’s ark, NOT!...journeyed FROM THE EAST...Gen 11:2KJV. Chumolongma “Goddess Mother of Mountains”=Naamah is Mt Everest.

Messianic-fooled-Zionist-Christians-never-call-any-23-8-reason-Sign-Shin-Nails-forged-Tubal-cain-fasten-wrote-several-books-HTree Covenant Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic pastor who founded the Hope of the World Ministries, compared GOP candidate and former President Donald Trump to “Jehu, the warrior king.” Cahn displays to Sign of Shin aka the Sign of the Nails used to Nail Jesus to the TreeA total lunar eclipse will occur on Mar 13, 2025 centered over Europe. Europa the ‘Whore of Babylon’ rides the Bull in front of the EU Parliament, built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 vacant. Mar 13-14 Purim ‘Cast Lots’, for Marduk ‘Bull’? or God? The word ‘God’ DOES NOT APPEAR IN ESTHER or the SONG OF SOLOMON! Baal-bereth ‘Tree Covenant’; a Christmas Tree. Want to be in Covenant with JESUS? Get rid of Easter and Christmas!

Christmas and Easter Bael (Ba ‘personality’ + El ‘Canaanite god’/Ilu ‘Allah’) and Astaroth; Baal= ‘Lord, Owner’ ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ Rev 16:13 Baal is a king ruled by Oriens ‘Rising Sun’; Roman ‘Saturn’; STUR=666

Chuck Schumer Moves to Silence Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech With ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act’ by adding it to the so-called “must pass” 2025 National Defense Authorization Act; Jew Schumer ‘good-for-nothing, vagabond’ says God made him a guardian of IsRaEl; Trump to universities: Stamp out antisemitism or lose accreditation. Chatbot Gemini; AI or JESUS=19 ‘And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.’ Rev 19:19

Elon Musk=Jewish; Elon’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman was a known Technocrat & idealist with Messianic views about social credit. Social credit is a reward scheme & a form of basic income, which is Jewish. Sumerian god by the name of El (Elon?) is Saturn. “The Lord of the Rings” is a reference to Saturn, as well as the symbolism behind wedding rings, the halo that is often depicted over the heads of religious figures in art is also a reference to Saturn’s rings; the cube is Saturn worship; STUR=666=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’; Statue of Liberty is a statue of Isis, and the country of IsRaEl is named after Isis, Ra, and El. Charles Darwin was a member of the Saturn cult, who propagated the Theory of Evolution. ‘Photos’ of Saturn from N.A.S.A show the cube on the north pole of Saturn, known as the hexagon storm. Muslims take a pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca, a building shaped like a black cube, which they run around the outside of in circles, representing the rings of Saturn. Phylacteries are actually small black cubes; Teffilin=Saturn’s Rings eg Jews wear them in IsRaEl and Iran. The cross is a cube that has been unfolded. Saturn V Freemasons took to the Moon in Apollo 11. Christmas is the Pagan holiday Saturnalia. St Patrick=Ptah Rek=Tikkun Olam ‘Repair the Earth’ by ending the Holy Ghost aka Strong Delusion (2 Thess 2:11) Elon said ‘Our new God will come from Memphis’=Noph=abode of the good one; presentability and honeycomb=Queen Bee?

Secret Covenant is a confederation foeder- ‘league, covenant’ + Con=’against God’ of member covens, ConfederateGrand Council  Ps 83 ‘Confederacy’ IsRaEl, Edom, Ishmaelite, Moab, Hagarenes (Arabs), Gebel ‘hill or mountain’, Phoenicians (Laban), Philistines, Kenites (Cain, smith=Tubal-cain)=qayin “lance”, Midianites (confederation or “league” of tribes), Witches. Jews=Canaanites control everything BlackRock $10T and Blackstone (KL-03) Black Stone (Arabic: ٱلْحَجَرُ ٱلْأَسْوَد, romanizedal-Ḥajar al-Aswad) is a rock set into the eastern ‘Sunrise’ corner of the Kaaba, brought down to Earth by an angel from heaven. JESUS? or Satan?

        Prophecy Rock The man in the Red Hat? Trump? Hopi= “people who live in the correct way”=Shaman=Earth Dwellers;they serve the creature more than the Creator; time to get right with JESUS! The Hopi are believed to be descended from the Anasazi, who were related to the Mexican Aztecs ‘To make White’ ie Sinless ie Jared Kushner ‘Furrier’ (Gen 27:10-42KJV; Jacob used Fur to impersonate Esau; Rom 1:25; 9:13) is the Order of Aztec Eagle; the Aztec Eagle is the Sun; Snake dance is a Hopi ceremony.
trump 2024 admin.jpeg
African History - EYE OF HORUS/PINEAL GLAND Also known as... | FacebookEye of Horus=Pineal Gland ‘3rd Eye’=Eye of Ra. Is=Isis +Ra ‘Sun’+ El (Allah=Yahweh) ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen’ Amos 5:2KJV The God Gene VMAT2, located on chromosome 10; Dec=10month.
  • Alina Saad Habba  Counselor to the President is a Chaldean Arab ‘Catholic’; they are called Dynasty X of Babylon; Trump’s Arab Sword Dance. Gen 22:22 ‘Chesed’=Chassidic ‘Jews’ Chabad Chockma-Binah-Daat the 1st 3 levels in Kaballah ‘Enclosure of Allah’; They are the Medes ‘Magi’=MAGA Inc. They arrived when Jesus was ‘Young Child’ 11/2 years old at Passover; he was in Egypt during Herod’s ‘Slaughter of Innocents’
  • Harmeet K Dhillon a Sikh to attorney general civil rights position; the only ‘Rights’ we have is a relationship with God; the Unforgivable Sin is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost=JESUS 1 Jn 5:7KJV. Sikh’s faith and meditation in the name of the one creator ‘Ik Onkar there is one God’; Ik=1 Onkar=om”=Shiva=Apollyon ‘Destroyer’
  • Susie Wiles/Summerall Chief of Staff: “the name of the Norman was Sir Gualter de Somerville. English and Scottish Somervilles. a Pharmacy lobbyist for GAVI and Pfizer; pharmakeia ‘practice of the druggist; “witchcraft” or “sorcery”;Drug induced sorcery’;Trump is a Black Magick Sorcerer Wiles: defraud, trick, craft, witch/wizard. Num 25:18 ‘For they vex you with their wiles, wherewith they have beguiled you’ Ephesians 6:11 ‘Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ #3180 Wiles ‘Schemes, wiles, craftiness’ cunning arts, deceit,  craft, trickery
  • Robert Kennedy Jr  to HHS Academy of Divine Knowledge and Intl Court of Natural Justice. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya NIH Dir Brahmin name from Sanskrit bhaṭṭāčārya from bhaṭṭa ‘learned one; Acharia S aka D. M. Murdock “sea warrior”, the Christ myth theory, a fringe theory asserting that Jesus never existed as a historical person, but was rather a mingling of various pre-Christian myths, solar deities and dying-and-rising deities. Sanskrit ācāra “Practice and Discipline” Sanskrit ārya “Virtuous and Reverend” Sanskrit ācārya “Practitioner and Teacher”. 12 false gods were born on Dec 25! all except Jesus! They are all Satan oops! Sanat Kumara ‘World Teacher’ aka Santa!
  • Marco Rubio to Secretary of State; e ‘Gay Foam Party’s?’
  • Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are set to co-chair the “Department of Government Efficiency,” or DOGE Latin dux, meaning either “spiritual leader” or “military commander”. Alien alienus ‘belonging to another’=Satan
  • Michael Waltz National Security Adviser.; Pro IsRaEl Endorsed
  • Elise Stefanik UN Ambassador Recipient Of Miriam Adelson’s‘ Defender Of Israel’ Award
  • Lee Zelden EPA, co-chairman of the House Republican Israel Caucus
  • Tom Holman Border Czar
  • Tulsi Gabbard Dir of National Intelligence;  WEF
  • Kristie Noem Homeland Security; Weaponized Federal Law enforcement against Posse Comitatus
  • Pete Hegseth ‘High Seat’ Sec of Defense; he backed President Trump’s decision to kill Iranian Quds Force (Jerusalem Force) Qasem Soleimani; it was a FAKE! He wears the Carnelian Red Ring of Muhammed. He has called for the building of a third Jewish temple on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He has a Tattoo of the Jerusalem Cross over his heart=Baal, the papal Order of the Holy Sepulchre. “American Crusade, Our Fight to Stay Free” (2020). Hegseth has a cross (Jesus was crucified on Tree) and sword (Esau uses the sword Gen 27:39-41KJV) tattooed on his arm, representing a New Testament verse. Matt 10:34 reads, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Hebrew word “Yeshua” under the sword; the tattoo was done in Bethlehem. Yeshua means “salvation” or “deliverance.”, equivalent with Joshua not Jesus! Deus Vult “celestial, shining’ + ‘God wills it’ the motto of the first crusade Scutum Fidel Hegseth views himself as a Christian “Crusader” sent to the “Holy Lands” to wage aggressive war against the “Islamists.” Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other… the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
  • #2 Pentagon: Jew Stephen Feinberg fein ‘fine’ + Berg ‘mountain, hill’ is the CEO of Cerberus (Guard dog of Hell) Capital Management which previously owned the private military contractor DynCorpPower’
  • John Ratcliffe CIA; Section 702 of FISA,  warrantless surveillance of Americans
  •  Mike Huckabee Ambassador to IsRaEl; his belief that God granted historic Palestine to the modern state of Israel, is a strong advocate for Israel’s expansion in the occupied West Bank, which he refers to as Judea and Samaria.; Juda is missing the ‘h’ (God is with me) BethEl was known as Luz
  • Pam Bondi Attorney ‘towards’ and “torner” ‘to turn’, literally meaning someone who is turned to, or appointed, to represent another’s interests. General ‘class, race, kind’ + military commander Marjory Stoneman Douglas was the inspiration for Rachel Carson’s book “Silent Spring”, the mother of all False Flags in terms of Death Count; 50-60B died needlessly thanks to Jew Henry Kissinger. The story is about DDT causing Eagle Eggs to die; as a result of banning the perfectly safe and effective DDT, Mosquito born diseases like Malaria kill 10’s of millions/yr unnecessarily; coincidentally the High School mascot is the Eagle, also the symbol of Esau (Ref Obadiah)=Satan Feb 14 Valentines Day is Lupercalia “Day of the Wolf” 500,000 people burned to death in Operation Gomorrah (yes, the ruthless psychopaths we call world leaders – like “Sir” Winston Churchill) Dresden Germany February 13-15,1945. Heart shaped billets=Baal. The Pagan Blood Sacrifice to Lycaean Werewolf Apollo; Trump’s 66th floor Penthouse (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Quintessence, the 5th element=5th Level MAGA is a shrine to Apollo aka Horus. Prince’s The Black Album was released November 22, 1994; JFK assassination day. Pam Bondi was a registered foreign lobbyist on behalf of Qatar. She received $115,000 a month for her undoubtedly exceptional lobbying services.
  • Scott Bessent ‘moneyer’ Treasury Secretary; Yale Wolf’s Head society, gay billionaire
    hedge fund manager, who worked for Jew George Soros for 14 years. Jew George Soros aka Schwartz ‘Black’ Gyorgy ‘Earth’
  • Muslim Dr. Mehmet ‘Muhammad’ Oz To Lead Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services; Oz=77 ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the law’. Dr Mehmet Oz TV career was boosted by Oprah=Harpo=Horus participates in ‘Spirit Cooking’ with Marina Abramovic, Hillary Clinton, and Climate liar John Podesta
  • Jeanette Neshewat Surgeon General Georgetown Jesuit, Arab Edomite from Jordan
  • called the Vax ‘A Gift from God’ her sister wrote CHARM (Children Are Magical) is married to the land singer of Creed: crēdō,I believe, Apostle’s Creed has been handed down over centuries for followers of Christ; since the 1st century, there are no Apostles of Jesus; ‘Laying of Hands’ ended when John died in 98ad. Julia Nesheiwat, a former U.S. Army captain, and adviser to Trump, Biden and Obama.
  • Kelly Loeffler Jewish Ashkenazic ‘spooner’ 6’3″ billionaire  Sec of Agriculture
  • Linda McMahon Sec of Education, Titan Sports, WWE CEO
  • Lori Chavez DeReemer Sec of Labor
  • Karoline Leavitt ‘wolf cub’ Press Sec 23 year old St Anselm “protection,” “helmet,”  “divine protection,
  • Rand Paul  Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee”It’s the Plague Tour! We’ve got hail, we’ve got darkness — all we need now are the frogs!”  You’ve got them in Wicked!
  • Kash Patel “village chief” Hindu FBI Director wrote the children’s book The Plot Against the King and Battle for Our Democracy; People Rule; The US is not a Democracy!
  • Jew David Sacks ‘sack cloth’ White House AI and Crypto Czar; he is Craft Ventures
  • Gay Jew Jacob Helberg hell ‘light, bright’ + berg ‘mountain, hill’.to be the State Department’s top economic policy and trade official
  • Sriram Krishnan to AI advisor. Krishan ‘the radiance of Lord Rama’ krṣṇa ‘black dark’ (see Krishna b Dec 25) Rama possesses the power of flight, and in battle he wields a sword and the bow of Vayu, which shoots flaming arrows The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia’ Dan 8:20-23 ‘a king of fierce countenance understanding dark sentences shall stand up’; Media=Magi Jan 6 ‘Feast of Epiphany’
Lucis Trust | LinkedIn2025 is a Jubilee for Jews (YHWH and Allah are the same) and Christians (Antichrist); Jesus returns on the 120th Jubilee after the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation on Feast of Tabernacles. Alice Bailey, the mother of New Age thought and founder of Lucis Trust (originally called Lucifer’s Trust), predicted a major spiritual awakening and political shift in 2025; the “golden age of Aquarius” DO NOT CELEBRATE EASTER or CHRISTMAS! ‘No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.’ Matt 6:24KJV Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles. Why is the false God a Bull? Taurus=Bull; Sargon (Sar=Prince) the Great=Canaan; Aleph ‘Bull’=Tav ‘mark, sign, omen’=El=‘Bull’=Taurus=Apr 20=Easter/Passover/Weed Day.
        US 68%, UK 77%  and IsRaEl 60% population drop in 2025.
          Jew=Canaanite U.S.Congressman Jamie Raskin: Declare Trump Disqualified” Then Need Body Guards for “CIVIL WAR CONDITIONS” Raskin=Rachel’s father was Laban’To make white’ Assyrian made Jegar-shadutha the Chaldean ‘Heap of Witness’ birth of ‘Christ’ on December 25th and ends with the coming of the Three Wise Men on January 6th, also known as the Epiphany, Three Kings Day, a Theophany theos ‘god’ + phainein ‘to show’. Jesus was a ‘Young Child’ Matt 2:8KJV 1 1/2 years old when the ‘Wise Men’ arrived from Iran=Aryan at Easter; Herod (an Edomite) ordered the ‘Slaughter of Innocents’; Rachel wept for her children. Trump=Drumpf ‘Drummer’;the 12th Day of Christmas is Drummers=Jan 6, 2021 ‘Day of Insurrection’=rise up. Jesuit Trump gave Jesuit Pope Francis a ‘Lotus Flower’ called ‘Rising Above’ in funeral attire, donned a Yarmulke at the Wailing Wall, danced the Ardah (preparation for war) Sword dance and held an Illuminated Orb between the Egyptian and Arabian dictators. Kamala=Lotus
IsRaEl launches attack on Al-Qusayr, Syria=Qadesh; Kamal/a is a Priest of Qadesh=Holy; Kamal ‘Perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’. Palmyra is now called Tadmor, part of the land of Amurru ‘Serpent’ and namesake of America where children are sacrificed to Molech ‘Bull’. Satan put Apollo (Apollyon ‘Destroyer’)  as idol in Antioch (Christians) and others with him, In Edessa he set Nebo and Bel together with many others, He led astray Harran=Göbekli Tepe by Sin and Baalshamin=Baal.
      Elon Musk  ‘Novus Order Seclorum ‘New Secular Order’ aka a world without God!

Messianic-fooled-Zionist-Christians-never-call-any-23-8-reason-Sign-Shin-Nails-forged-Tubal-cain-fasten-wrote-several-books-HRabbi Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic pastor who founded the Hope of the World Ministries, compared GOP candidate and former President Donald Trump to “Jehu, the warrior king.” Cahn displays to Sign of Shin aka the Sign of the Nails used to fasten Jesus to the Tree; Trump wears a Yarmulke and admits he has never apologized to God. A total lunar eclipse will occur on Mar 13, 2025 centered over Europe (Europa the ‘Whore of Babylon’ rides the Bull in front of the EU Parliament, built as an Unfinished Tower of Babel with Seat #666 vacant) Mar 13-14 Purim ‘Cast Lots’, for Marduk ‘Bull’? or God? The word ‘God’ DOES NOT APPEAR IN ESTHER or the SONG OF SOLOMON! Baal-bereth ‘Tree Covenant’; a Christmas Tree. Want to be in Covenant with JESUS? Get rid of Easter and the Christmas!

  • “Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle” Dan 11:20 . Alastair “to defend” +man” the next High Sheriff (Tax Collector) Lord Mayor of the City of London Corp and Phoenix Group CEO is on Sabbatical; Sabbath=Satan.
  • ‘The people who vote count for nothing; people who count votes, count for everything’ Mass murdering, Jew, Jesuit, 33deg Freemason. Joe Stalin ‘Steel’ aka Dzhugasvili ‘son of’ a shepherd or herder if derived from Iron; Ossetian дзуг (dzug) meaning “flock, herd of sheep or cattle.”
  • Who counts the votes? Dominion; Canada=Dominion; 4th Beast of Iron Dan 7:7; DominusThe Lord, the God of Abraham and the Hebrew Tanakh; Christianity=God the Father=Deus=Zeus
  • Kamal ‘perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’  says she is part a Divine Plan; the end of the Holy Ghost, the Strong Delusion 2 Thess 2:11 The mystery of iniquity…that Wicked one will damn who believed not the truth. JESUS is the Holy Ghost!
  • Egyptian flag raised over the vessel along with the IsRaEl one as it transits the Suez Canal; Suez is the mirror image of Zeus

An illustration of Mehet-Weret based on a painting from the tomb of Irynefer at Deir el-Medina (TT290)BaelBelethBael ‘Lord Ba=ba was similar to the word ‘ram’ and was associated with strength and power’ + El=YHWH; a Cat ‘Beleth’ and a Frog, the 3 unclean spirits of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet Rev 13.

Note: The 1260day Great Tribulation has not begun; my guess is Passover/Easter 2025; Enoch and Elijah will be the 2 Witnesses; the Satanic version will be Antichrist and False Prophet. ‘And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. Apollyon=Satan Rev 9:1-12KJV

                               Canons of Sovereign Law

This site is Satanic Law; the bottom line is Arabs and Rabbis are Manichaeans. Bab=’Gate’ + El=YHWH (Noahide Law) or Ilu=Allah (Shariah Law) represent Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost=JESUS is the only way to Salvation Rab=Rabbi Jew is the Cult of Lucifer. Sephardics=Samaritans. Jesuits=Hasidic Jews. Hermeneutics=Interpretation (1611 Authorized Bible means exactly what it says) New World Order, all worship Satan. ‘master’=slave owner (Jesus said never call anyone master) Sufism is the “science of divine wisdom”. Aryans means in Persian “Father Priest-King”; ‘Melchisidekians’; Jesus is Melchisidek! Menesheh Law=Persian/Manichean Law=Aryan (Iran) Law; Talmud is the central text of the Aryan Civilization of UrAn (Iran); sovereign territorial law, sovereign law, noble law, land law, property law and society law of BabaRab Baba “father, grandfather, wise old man, sir”; Knight; Saracen Law=Arab Law=Muslim Law ‘Allah’=Moon god. “Qu’Ran”=Koran. Muhammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahab founder of the House of Saud and religious leader of breakaway Sabbatean Cult known as Wahabism, and Qutbism. The leader of Judaism is Lucifer, personified as the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Menesheh word derived from the Persian words Manes=Satan ‘lawsof righteous and correct behaviour of mind and spirit”. Shah “ruler, king”. Hence, the literal meaning of Menesheh is “laws of the King” or simply “sacred law”. “Hormazd” the supreme being of Zoroastrianism Ahura Mazdā=god of light=Lucifer. Mithraism   (worship of the Sun, Moon and Stars) is the religion of Manes; Yeshivas are the learning centers. “Ur” comes from ancient Akkadian and means “city, people or land” and “An” “the sacred age; the sacred”; Abram left Ur of the Chaldees for Haran Turkey aka Göbekli Tepe (Beehive=Artemis/Diana ie Mormons) “Hu-Man”=God Man. The cycle of death and re-birth in seeking to improve and reach spiritual perfection of soul ‘Ba-Man’ or Brahman (Kamal ‘perfection’); Hu-Man (human) possess an animal soul. Aryan (Chosen People) of UrAn (Iran) could not be held a slave longer than seven years before all their debts must be forgiven. (JESUS=120th Jubilee; Satanic Jubilee is at the start of the Great Tribulation. The Aryans are the rulers of the world over all other people because they made a sacred covenant ‘BaRit’ (B’Nai B’Rith=Jews=Canaanites) with the King of Darkness.  ‘Ray’ (Rhazes; the 13th Kanton was Ray then known as Reuben headed by a Rab who now adopted the title of the “father and founder”) was home to the Medes (Medean Magi came to Jerusalem at Christmas; Trump’s MAGA=Highest Level in the Church of Satan) and the land nearby was granted in perpetuity to the Jesuits and the Radhanites (merchants). Pope=Vicarius Christi began St. Peter; Peter was never in Rome. “vulgate” literally in Latin from vulgo means “to prostitute, to water down, to belittle, to damage”. Chair of St. Peter, the Letter of St. Peter, the Donation of Constantine; all fraudulent. Conclave installs the Pope through Sacrament of Coronation. Benedict XVI was not approved by any valid Elector Palatine or Sacrament of Coronation; Jesuit Francis is under the Jesuit General. gnosis meaning “wisdom, worthy or enlightened” is consistent with the Sacré Loi (Sacred Law) of Cuilliaéan (Druids) Holly Kings. Satan (Satur=666) was renamed Sabaoth (Sabbath), or “Lord of Hosts. Devout were required to now wear a knitted woollen skull cap called a “kapi” from the ancient Persian word for “monkey” (Chinese=Sina ‘Sin’ Year of the Monkey is 2028)

Female? Holy Cow? Antichrist? The archbishop of Toulouse has consecrated the city to the Sacred Heart; of Jesus? Hardly, the Sacred Heart is to Baal. Basilica of Sacré Coeur de Montmartre means  ‘Sacred Heart of Mars’ Hill’ was the only place lit. “La porte des Ténèbres” “The Gate of Darkness. ”And the sons of Ham ‘black’; Cush, and Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan’ Gen 9:6KJV Cush=Nubia Ethiopia, Sudan; Mizraim=Egypt; Phut=Libya; Canaan ‘reddish purple, crimson, ‘Land of Israel’, ‘Holy Land’ ‘Promised Land’. Rulers of Egypt: Merneith, Neferusobek, Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Tawosret, and Cleopatra. Merneith ‘Beloved of Neith’ her name means ‘Great Flood’, a shepherd of his people, of Libyan origin, lordess, bearing her war goddess symbols, the crossed arrows and shield on her head, the ankh, and the was-sceptre and the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. was-scepter symbolized power or dominion, and were associated with ancient Egyptian deities Set and Anubis as well as with the pharaoh. Anubis ‘god of death and judgement’, Bastet  (Cat goddess) the consort, or lover, of Anubis. Frog ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.’ Rev 16:13 Bael is a king ruled by Oriens ‘Rising Sun’. Beleth=Easter; He rides a pale horse., birth-mother of the sun-god Ra and child birth. Hathsepsut=Maat-ka-reMaat ‘goddess of truth’; Skull&Bones Supreme Court Chief Justice ‘Mott’ Morrison Waite (Mott=Maat) changed the Constitution to a CORPORATE document; Citizens are in Debt; Foreigners are not. A 100mi Constitutional Free Zone surrounds the US and Passports are subject to satisfying Debt; ka=soul is payment of the Debt.; YHWH and acceptance of 7 Noahide Laws; or Allah and acceptance of Shariah Law, Death (Name) will result in Hell (Rev 6:8KJV)  re the life force of the sun god=Zeus/Jupiter=Lucifer ‘Light Bearer’.

     Trump’s mother is Scottish Mary McLeod; Clan McLeod is symbolized by the Bull; there is no difference in candidates.  Kamal/a is a cross-dressing Sodomite ‘Satan’s Sex’ like Hatsephsut, Cleopatra ‘Glory of my father’ Kamal ‘perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from heaven’, a priest of Qetesh ‘Holy’=Male Prostitute. Hyksos ‘Foreign Shepherd Kings’ came from Crete (Cretans are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies’ prophets for profits Titus 1:12 Satans Seat, the initiation center. Hyksos came to Crete from Sodom after God rained Fire and Brimstone they were kicked out of Egypt, and went to Thera was destroyed by a Volcanic eruption and Tsunami destroyed Zeus and Europa and the Minotaur ‘Man Bull’.
ERIC Electronic Registration Information Center=ei, meaning “ever”or “alone, and ríkr, meaning “rule, Eric stands as the “sole ruler” or, better yet, the “eternal ruler. Erikhthónios, which carries the robust meaning “earth-shaker.” Matt 24:8; Mk 13:8, Lk 21:11 all say Earthquakes Is 24:19-20 ‘earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard’ 25:5 ‘branch of the terrible ones’=Antichrist. Chinese=Sina=Sin; Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey. It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on.

The Cult of Baal has been around for 6000 years; BaEl is conceived at First Light on Easter ‘Rising Sun’ and born after 9 months on Christmas JESUS is the only way out through the Holy Ghost, the Unforgivable Sin is Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Kamala Harris Intends to Put a Mezuzah on Entrance to White House, like the Mezuzah on the radiation hardened bunker Site 9/11 at Beit Shemesh ‘Sun Disc’ ,God of Justice’Scribe written Mezuzah’s ‘Hear,O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord’ Deut 6:4KJV changed to Hear, O Israel:Our God YHWH—YHWH [is] one! YHWH=El=Satan Shamash is the center candle on the Hanukkah “to dedicate” Menorah “to give light, shine” which begins Dec 25 X-Mass Jesus was nailed to a tree between 2 thieves.

Goyim “people other than us”; ‘Nations’, Hebrew term meaning “peoples” (singular goy), equivalent to “gentiles”, then designating non-Jews. In a general way, it was applied in Rabbinic literature to the peoples among whom the Jews lived. Jews=Canaanites Kol Nidre Rabbis forgive Vows and Oaths in advance from Yom Kippur to the next. Rabbis: Chaldean ‘Rba’ or Sabaean ‘Rba’. Jesus is writhing in Hell is His own excrement

Vote Time Magazine Cover

A woman in a mask, the US Flag in chains; Tubal-cain ‘Blacksmith’ brother of Noah’s wife Namaah whose incest with her son Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’ from the serpent, remotely controlled Dominion Voting Terminal producing a Vote for the Black Star above Satan in a pair of hands dressed in red=Debt.

the graphic of the election results at the bottom of a broadcast of an F1 race.
flag in gold braid from www.americanflags.comABC shows Harris beating Trump in Pennsylvania on HALLOWEEN! Mistake? Church of Philadelphia ‘Brotherly Love’,  the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ are those who say they are Jews but lie; they are Canaanites! Jesuit Pope Francis ‘Free’ ‘And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubile unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family’ Lev 25:8-10 ‘And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother JacobAnd these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.’ Gen 27:40-42KJV Hallow “holy,” “holiness,” “consecrate,” “sanctify,” “dedicate,” “purify”

Dominion Bank $3B money laundering; Dominion Voting Systems Corporation controls the Elections (for Kamala?). Toronto:where there are trees in water’ in reference to a weir for catching fish. T.O. is a short form of Toronto, Ontario, and is often shortened further to T-dot.Canada was called Dominion ‘There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada.’  In 1953, a Canadian law, the Royal Style and Titles Act formally conferred upon Elizabeth II the title of Queen of Canada.Charles III or any British monarch after him, “owns” around 90% of Canadian land.90% of the land is considered “Crown land” which the land belongs to whoever holds the British crown. Brith-ish ‘Covenant of Birth’=Cain, Canaan, Ishmael (Arab), Esau ‘Edom=Red’ The US FLAG IS IN CHAINS! CONTROLLED REMOTELY!The Gold Braid means America is under ‘Admiralty Law’ Admiral ‘Saracen commander’ absent of Sarah’=Godless=Arab Kamala was made a British Citizen! Brith-ish ‘Covenant of Birth’=Cain, Canaan, Ishmael, Esau ‘Edom=Red’ Saracen means “east, sunrise”and šrkt “tribe, confederation”. Ps 83 Confederates: Edom, Ishmaelite, Moab, Hagarenes, Phoenicians, Ammon, Amalek, Philistines, Assur, Midianites. Semitic root  srq “to steal, rob, thief”, more specifically from the noun sāriq (Arabic: سارق), pl. sāriqīn (سارقين), which means “thief, marauder”.

  • NATIONWIDE ISSUE with Dominion Voter Access Terminals preventing voters from making certain selections. This “programming issue” CANNOT be fixed. Kentucky voting machines are REFUSING to let voters select Donald Trump’s name, automatically selecting Kamal/a ‘Lotus/Perfection’ Aroush ‘Angel from Heaven’ instead.
  • A Russian court has ruled that Google owes Russian media stations around $20 decillion (32 Zeros) in fines for blocking their content, and the fines could get bigger. 2 +33 Zeros Jesus or Satan? Jesus was Crucified on Passover, He was 331/2 born of Feast of Tabernacles. Edgar Cayce, Rabbi Vilna Gaon, Maimonides all agree; Google the number of atoms in the Universe is now Meta ‘After’; US is in Debt as much as the World Debt, our Sacrifice would get the World out of Debt; GESARA is the plan. The Vatican has said 2025 is a Jubilee Year, it’s Satan! Jesus was 331/2 when He died on Passover. Lucifer is about to come down as Lightning.
  • US-Ukraine To Fund Drone-Bombing Of Western Russia The First $800M Already on the way. War Soon; Russia ‘Rus’ Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’; Rus are they ancestors of VIKings and Norman Bankers ‘Domesday Book‘ familiar? Zelensky and Putin are Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi controlled.
  • Worst Flooding Ever Recorded In Spain a year of water in 6hrs; shocking floods in Valencia swept away houses, cars and bridges on Halloween
  • Satanic Temple Opens 2nd ‘Religious’ Abortion Clinic as Part of ‘Destruction Ritual’ The first words women are instructed to chant in the Satanic Abortion Ritual are, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” The last words, after aborting the child, are, “By my body, my blood. By my will, it is done.”.; sounds like the Jesuit Initiation Oath, right Joe? ‘I will tear open a women’s womb and dash their babies heads on the rocks...
Jesuit Joe and Jill dressed as a Panda; Panda Eyes=Adrenochrome

Gold headdress belonging to Queen Puabi of Ur.Lyra is an eagle carrying a lyre “Falling Eagle”; Satan is the Eagle; he arrives on earth at Rev 9:11 ‘How art thou fallen, O Lucifer, son of the morning!…’ Is 14:12 Lucifer, Satan, dragon, serpent, devil are names of Satan. The Golden Lyre of Ur, from the Royal Cemetery at Ur. Royal Cemetery ‘Ur of the Chaldees’; Sargon the Great aka Canaan was the product of incest between Namaah and her son Ham; he carrie the ‘curse’ first acquired by Satan Gen 3:14; the Lyre and Bull originated here. Admiral ‘Saracen commander’ means ‘absent of Sarah’  ie Hagar; ‘h’ means ‘God is with me”=Agar Gal 4:24 Blue Lapis Lazuli, also known as the Stone of Wisdom=Lucifer= “the bull of lapis lazuli”; God’s Blue was used by Levites; until they were corrupted and replaced by Korahites Num 16:24-33; 26:9-11,name%2C%20Throne%20(Iset%20).

PAIR OF BALANCES Rev 6:5KJV BabEl ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’ OR JESUS, He warned this would happen! Rev  6: 9-11 
National Cat Day is on October 29; Bastet is the cat; remember the cat in The Mummy? The cat and frog are with Baal; Rev 16:13
Jubilee mascot
Vatican’s ‘Divine Serpent’  2025 Jubilee Year mascot ‘Luce’; it begins when Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve 2024 (Arab birth of Sin), the real Jubilee is the 120th Jubilee is Feast of Tabernacles 2028? Luce ‘Light’ wears a Cross of Tammuz ‘Purify by Fire’, has scallop shell eyes; the scallop is the symbol for the Apostle James who was beheaded at Easter, Acts 12:2-4, Lucy (remember the movie Lucy evolved from monkeys using Adrenochrome) carries the Bident. Sun-Electro-Earth-Magnetic ‘EM’; boots are muddy; Jesuit, Freemason Trump gave Jesuit Pope Francis ‘Free’, a Lotus Flower ‘Rising Above’ because Lotus’ Rise out of the mud. Kamal/a ‘Lotus Flower’/’Perfection’ Aroush ‘angel from heaven’.
Biden: bidentis, meaning “having two teeth (or prongs)”; bident is a weapon associated with Hades (Pluto), the ruler of the underworld. Bidents are wielded by Jupiter (Congressional Domes are Womb’s of Jupiter; the Fasces (Fascism) on the Speaker’s Podium, White House Doors, Supreme Court an on Abe Lincoln Throne; in relation to Roman bidental ritual, the consecration of a place struck by lightning by means of a sacrificial sheep, called a bidens because it was of an age to have two teeth. In the hands of Jupiter (also known as Jove, Etruscan Tinia), the trident or bident thus represents a forked lightning bolt aka Zeus; Capitol means wombs of Zeus/Jupiter
United States Secret Service does not protect the US President; they exist to protect the $Dollar. TREASURY SEAL falls off Jew ie Canaanite Yellen’s podium. The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security. 12 Days of Christmas Dec 25-Jan 5 13 courses of stones on the $US Top is the All Seeing Eye of Horus=’One on High’ Jesus, like Horus was born of a virgin, had twelve disciples, walked on water delivered a ‘sermon on the mount’, performed miracles, was executed beside two thieves, rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Horus was an Egyptian god who was connected with the sky, justice royalty, and protection; his wife was the goddess Hathor ‘Holy Cow’

Arab=to mix; Qahtan=Joktan “bridegroom”  Ya’rub ‘Mighty One’ (Arabic:يعرب, also spelled Yarob,Ya’rob, Yarrob,Yarab or Yaarub) is the grandson of Abir being the son of Qahtan and the ancestor of the Himyarite and Sabaean kings of Yemen. Ya’rub invented the name Algol=’Satan’s Head’ or ‘Demon’s Head’ is directly above above U.S. Presidential inaugurations signifying DECAPITATION!  Zafar ‘Victory’ is the capital, Qahtan (Joktan), and the ancestor of the Himyarite (Ḥimyar the son of Saba) and Sabaean (Saba means a dead body of a person; a corpse; ‘morning’=rising Sun; eastern wind.) kings of Yemen. Ya’rub invented the name Algol. Sheikh Khaled Al Qahtani was born and lived all his childhood in Saudi Arabia. He is also a legendary reciter of the Holy Quran, god’s book of Allah; the god of Islam Wedding of the Lamb comes AFTER  the Divine Union. Admiral (Saracen Commander; šrq “east” and šrkt “tribe, confederation” ie Ps 83) Vivek Murthy has 1000 OATH SWORN DOCTORS in mobile tent hospitals ready with Guillotines to break their Hippocratic oath ie Sabaean ‘Rising Sun’

Kali Yuga the Global Age of Sin and Decay, reaches its zenith in 2025 Kamala Devi is named after the avatar of Kali ‘she who is the ruler of time, she who is black’. predicts a 77% population drop in the population of Europe and US in 2025. Theosophical Society book Externalization of the Hierarchy published in 1957 predicts the physical manifestation of the Age of Aquarius on Inauguration Day 2025. Decapitation.


Location of ‘Noah’s Ark’ is revealed in Turkey; NOT! Scientists (‘to know’; Vain and profane babbling; Chaldean language; #1108 γνῶσις ‘gnósis’ knowing, H3045 yâdaʻ to know by experience; to know a person carnally) decipher world’s oldest map on 3,000-year-old Babylonian tablet in Turkey (Jewish ‘Tur’=taurus ‘bull’; ‘power, control, mastery, victory’, to “dominate, master, conquer’; Mount Sinai; Turtur is Latin for “turtle dove” a symbol of faithfulness and true love; Twelve Days of Christmas, a pair of Turtle Doves are gifted on the second day, pointing to their strong bond; wild goat). The 16,800 ft tall mountain Ararat ‘Mountain’ is WEST of Shinar; the word הר (har) hill, mountain. And the Hebrew verb ירד (yarad) to go down, descend, march down, is 29,000 ft tall; Chumolongmo ‘Earth Mother’ is EAST of Shinar. H8152 šinʿār = “country of two rivers”, the ancient name for the territory later known as Babylonia or Chaldea. Noah’s wife Namaah had incest with Ham=Canaan ‘Cursed’ and re-started Sodomy after the Flood at the Tower of Babel; ‘they came FROM THE EAST’ to Shinar and had brick for stone. Why would they use ‘bricks’? Lebanon=Phoenicia; H3835 laban: brick; Chaldean ‘Jegar-sadutha’ (Heap of Stones); make brick, be made, make whiter, purify. Gulliani is for Israel, he worked for Reagan for 8 years as did GHW Bush who installed 33deg Mason Ayathollah is for Israel he worked for Reagan for 8 years as did GHW Bush who installed 33deg Mason Ayathollah Khoemeni in Iran ‘No matter who people vote for, they always vote for us’ Canaanite Jesuit, 33deG Mason Joe Stalin